Today's lunar eclipse is a gateway for a quantum leap. Our ability to quantum leap is based in our ability to direct our emotional tone, to choose for ourselves what emotions are real for us, to imagine emotionally. Conscious presence in neutrality without interpretation, meaning, story, or explanation frees one from being at the effect of circumstances, allows one to create emotional tone rather than react emotionally. With habitual practice, we feel our essence, and circumstances become irrelevant. Because our emotional state is our strongest indicator of appropriateness, and because we're always receiving the triggering of external circumstances which are delayed reflections of energies we were previously resonating, being in creator mode prioritizes present choice of appropriateness in choosing emotional tone to intentionally adopt as an act of creation, of our future, rather than reacting to our own history as the determinant of present emotional tone, i.e. we create thriving success by intentional adoption of positive emotional tone.