'Tis said that words and signs have power
O'er sprites in planetary hour;
But scarce i praise their venturous part
Who tamper with such dangerous art.
Lay of the Last Minstrel.
Tonight at 23:04 it's New Moon, and in a rare circumstance,
even the dysfunctional Gregorian calendar is closing its
fake "month" an hour later!
Today therefore is completion of the ending lunar cycle,
and yet, we're not in any way "done" with the past,
as just earlier yesterday we added at 3:03 Mercury stationing
as it turned Retrograde to join Uranus, Neptune and Pluto,
and at 21:10 we added Ceres stationing as it turned Retrograde
joining Chiron and Pallas, so that nearly half our luminaries
are triggering us to review, forgive, and release past, so
today deepened the digging into our subconscious and shadow side,
where we are shining the candle of our consciousness,
looking for what yet we're still harboring which is
obsolete, inappropriate, wounded, to be healed and cleared,
or what is yet unclaimed to be brought
proudly to the light, what aspects of us have we not claimed
and are not living which we need to activate and shine
in order to be fully complete and wholly functional?
All of this is to be addressed under adverse circumstances,
as the top 3 most powerful aspects are obstacles:
1: Saturn (Sag) Squ [Pis] Neptune - app 0:39' - power: 71.44
Energy representing part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary
is in conflict with energies of
intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature.
Adaptation is required by both sides.
2: Pluto [Cap] Opp (Can) Vesta - app 0:45' - power: 33.40
Energy representing destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world
opposes and creates tension with energies of
capacity to direct creative energy into personal or devotional goals.
Balance is needed.
3: Mars (Sag) Squ [Pis] Neptune - sep 2:55' - power: 26.22
Energy representing will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies
is in conflict with energies of
intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature.
Adaptation is required by both sides.
And just to keep it all locked-up in conflict,
we have Grand Crosses and T-Squares to boot!:
Grand Cross with Sun: 8Vir25 to Mar: 13Sag36 to Nep: 10Pis41 to Asc: 10Gem13 T-Square from Sun: 8Vir25 to Mar: 13Sag36 and Asc: 10Gem13 Grand Cross with Sun: 8Vir25 to Sat: 10Sag02 to Nep: 10Pis41 to Asc: 10Gem13 T-Square from Sun: 8Vir25 to Sat: 10Sag02 and Asc: 10Gem13 Cradle from Sun: 8Vir25 to Jun: 9Sco34 to Plu: 15Cap05 to Nep: 10Pis41 Cradle from Moo: 27Leo04 to For: 21Gem33 to Ura: 24Ari05 to Pal: 25Aqu09 Cradle from Moo: 27Leo04 to For: 21Gem33 to Ura: 24Ari05 to Mid: 26Aqu53 Stellium with Mer: 29Vir02 and Ven: 1Lib37 and Jup: 28Vir05 T-Square from Mar: 13Sag36 to Sun: 8Vir25 and Nep: 10Pis41 T-Square from Sat: 10Sag02 to Sun: 8Vir25 and Nep: 10Pis41 T-Square from Nep: 10Pis41 to Mar: 13Sag36 and Asc: 10Gem13 T-Square from Nep: 10Pis41 to Sat: 10Sag02 and Asc: 10Gem13 Grand Trine with Nep: 10Pis41 and Jun: 9Sco34 and Ves: 14Can19 Cradle from Plu: 15Cap05 to Jun: 9Sco34 to Sun: 8Vir25 to Ves: 14Can19 Cradle from Cer: 5Tau23 to Nep: 10Pis41 to Plu: 15Cap05 to Jun: 9Sco34 T-Square from For: 21Gem33 to Jup: 28Vir05 and Chi: 23Pis36 T-Square from Asc: 10Gem13 to Sun: 8Vir25 and Nep: 10Pis41
So, pay extra attention to self-forgiveness
under this onslaught of present conflicts providing difficult triggers of
any past garbage we have yet to clear out from our murky depths!
Perhaps merely glimpsing what lurks down there under faint candle light
is challenging enough, much less full-on facing all our crap,
yet clear it we must, the sooner the better, as
ongoing galactic triggers, (beyond all these little solar system energies),
insist "wakey wakey to powerful starlight, it's time to ascend!"
So, with all that as our backround information, what specifically
does today bring us to process? Yay! Mostly positives!:
(Wed) 8/31/2016 5:22 Moon (Leo) --> Virgo
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
will be
analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and it works toward perfection.
(Wed) 8/31/2016 15:32 Moon (Vir) Tri [Tau] Ceres
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is in harmony with energies of
tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals.
(Wed) 8/31/2016 23:03 Sun (Vir) Con (Vir) Moon (New Moon)
Energy representing spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness
is connected and fused together with energies of
emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies.
They will affect each other prominently.
(Wed) 8/31/2016 23:58 Moon (Vir) Sex (Sco) Juno
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with energies of
tendency to give away individual power for the benefit of a relationship.