
[a]scension blog

3rd August 2016
[dark faery dark blue]

Today's image implies both floating upon water, (emotion), and holding time in our hands, which implies that it is our actions which choose our relationship with time, rather than the more common [mankind] approach of letting time dictate action. We fae are known for being timeless, for living in a higher realm, that of time-space, rather than the more common [mankind] realm of space-time. By being "airy-fairy", (taking things lightly), and keeping consciousness in the now, we transcend time, and therefore do not age as do those who have become attached to things which are not of the now. Primary in this is emotional joy or emotional detachment, (floating-on rather than drowning-in emotions). This contrasts with being driven by fear, (of future), or expectations, (usually based in resentment or judgment of past).

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