2016-08-12.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000


"People are always trying to recruit others to make their reality 'real' and more powerful." -- Inelia Benz

"Another common denominator of IS-BEs is that admiration of one's own "illusions" by others is very desirable. If the desired admiration is not forthcoming, the IS-BE will keep creating the "illusion" in an attempt to get admiration. One could say that the entire Physical Universe is made of un-admired illusions." -- Airl

Ones "need" for external validation or admiration is a direct consequence of not living ones authenticity. -- celeste

"You can't find authenticity until you experience what is not authentic.
In order to find who you really are [...] you have to experience what it is to live a life where you are lying to yourself about who you are.
Now this requires identity crisis.
An identity crisis can be caused by either coming down and feeling void of identity, or coming down and feeling as if you are stuck in the wrong identity. [...]
Gender is [...] the form of identity second to choosing to come in as ' [mankind]' [ which can be strange enough for a faery :-) ].
Identity crisis causes [...] going through a period of identity development.
Spiritually they intended before birth to come down into contrast that would cause them to ask some of the very biggest questions relative to authenticity:
1st: The need to understand one's self image.
2nd: The need for self reflection and self discovery.
3rd: The need for self expression.
[...] You can only ever be happy if you do what is in your heart.
[...] You can only ever be happy if you are living a life that is authentic to who you really are.
Our external bodies do not always reflect who we really are.
We did not come here to allow ourselves to be defined by anyone else.
Free will is an absolute of your existence.
[Whatever you previously chose] you can unchoose if you like.
You want to make sure that whatever choice you make in life is coming from a positive emotional space [...].
You want to make sure you're doing it because [...you're...] going in the direction of happiness, not running away from something.
[...] we do not have to be defined by anything other than who we feel we are in our hearts. That is a lesson we all need, desperately. Most people live lies. We suffer because we live lies and do not let the real us out of the closet.
Teach [...] by the clarity of your example what it means to be authentic to our selves." -- Teal Swan

Perception of "beauty" is based both in cosmic principles, (such as symmetry of form, or loving compassion), and in relative standards relevant to a given "construct" or "illusion", and varies per density, and across time as our consciousness evolves, particularly as we evolve our authentic identity. As we ascend out of the old realms of conflict and contrast, into unity consciousness, and co-create New-Gaia, authenticity is the only thing which can flourish, and therefore many are struggling to clear their subconscious programming contrary to their essence, or, (as we are addressing in today's contemplation), their attachment to, or need for, validation or admiration, (for illusions which are not authentic to essence). Obviously, therefore, it is essential to develop a solid sense of "self worth" which is internally based in ones own authentic essence. Once one has fully anchored that inner beauty and learned to express it as love, the authentic self is compelled to congruity of expression, and therefore to find expression thereof in all densities of manifestation. To the extent we utilized contrast to discover authentic essence, we may have completely outgrown any appropriateness of old realities, and therefore it is essential to be free to transform or transcend form. Some will simply re-incarnate, whereas some will master ascension beyond form and the ability to manifest at will.

An evening gathering brought wonderful connections with other locals, and provided several opportunities to be empowering of possibilities... supportive of potentials, validating of both existing manifestations and desired potential future realities... ultimately guiding to claiming authorship of reality.

A call from a customer brings energies of questioning alternate realities, "what if..." alternate choices had been taken, and, of course, the shared awareness was that, indeed, in parallel-reality time-lines, they were different, and the multidimensional being may call upon those awarenesses, invoking the energetics into this reality time-line. As we ascend into our multidimensionality, all these parallel realities become more "real" for us, and correspondingly this "reality" becomes less importantly "real", and we become more liberated to be free to transcend all limitations, especially those of space-time, and even our "physical bodies" themselves are learning to transcend old limitations.