![[Sugar Plum Fairy]](/imgs/faeries/landscape/fantasia_fairies-dance_of_the_sugar_plum_fairy-8at8zfh_o3e.jpg)
Really? it's July already?
i must confess to some frustration...
i have so much creative energy
which is not being productively manifested
simply for the lack of resources.
celeste releases her attachments...
Faery blessings -- celeste
Really? it's July already?
i must confess to some frustration...
i have so much creative energy
which is not being productively manifested
simply for the lack of resources.
celeste releases her attachments...
Faery blessings -- celeste
Contemplating our new moon cycle, and what to focus upon manifesting, i continue to follow spiritual flow, and that continues to guide me to a prioritization of higher density energies, creating more freedom in alternate time-lines.
Meanwhile, a long-term friend suggests i focus on 3D. The last i knew, after all the 2012 ascension hoopla, (which included a bunch of false ascension time-lines), what actually manifested by 2012-12-21 was the merge of 4D with 3D, so that (physical) "reality" became "astralized", i.e. less rigidly un-changeable, and that opened up many possibilities for those who had not "bought into" the immutability of 3D, or the stuckness of having to live so much in collective consensus, as we all then had easier options to manifest our own unique reality, and to opt for alternate time-lines. It was approximately 9 months later that i gave birth to a new me, as i opened to channel my oversoul group, the crystal faeries. Our realities in the higher densities have changed a lot in the past half year while i have been offline, so i'll have to (re-)write of our manifestation and work.
That leaves us with yet another false ascension time-line,
leading to the 5D holographic simulator merge of human and machine,
the final take-over by the Artificial Intelligence,
given control by the
given control by the "intelligence agencies",
given control by the military,
given control by the government,
given control by the people,
under mind-control of the AI.
I'll just end by saying that
giving up your eternal soul
to live in mental illusion
in "The Singularity"
is not a price i'm willing to pay.
I'll continue to develop my
siddhis, thank you!
Faery blessings -- celeste
The singularity of mental / mind between machine and human has been found wanting... of soul, love, higher consciousness, and so much more.
Faery blessings -- celeste
"Happy 4th of July!"
...is the popular salute du jour. Well,
i generally prefer neutral through joy
of emotional frequency range,
so I'm already flowing in my own
happiness, which leaves us to ponder
whether there is any present time truth
in the traditional collective
memes of
with which United Statesians
insist upon infecting each other.
Me? i'm Kaua'i-an :-)
Sure! i'm happy to celebrate
independence from the USA! --
We survived the night's fireworks unharmed other than the inhaling of lots of toxic smoke :-)
The day begins gently with a mostly clear sky and a wreath of fluffy white clouds laying low around the horizon.
Faery blessings -- celeste
...a very early start before dawn today... (04:45)
...another mostly cloudless day... like yesterday!
...unusual for north shore Kaua'i.
i am making progress rebuilding my laptop,
starting with a fresh install of
DebIan.10 a couple Wednesdays ago,
and agregating from backups of my data.
Yay, i still have all my
BASH scripts!
Of course, they're getting updated to accomodate hardware configuration change...
specifically i've lost the host for my website and e-mail,
and have yet to check on my domain and CloudFlare proxying.
Phew! ...glad i made backups...
i made a mistake on the commandline as root :-(
Fortunately i had internal backups on my laptop
and was able to restore what i deleted before
anything really bad happend...
On a really rare note, i ventured beyond receiving only gifting to buying a meal at a local restaurant... with the local currency so precious to come by.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Sun day, a day of 26 = 8
Before noon we'd found
Loreena McKennitt-Skellig
to serve as background,
while we aggregated some "random" pieces
into an article addressing
how we create our own personal reality
by our own personal choices
which determine what we beleive,
and therefore what we create as our "reality",
including our own versions of "spirituality",
which is far more liberating and honestly truthful,
than most of the
Ea-Rth-ly re-ligio-ns,
which are split between the reality preached to
the sheeple,
and the reality known by the initiates /
Faery blessings -- celeste
Today is a Moon day, 27 = 9 = Hermit / Key / The way through = Love.
We have begun transcribing from our off-line hand-written paper-journal
to fill-in what's been happening from
March through
May, and
the period during which we were not only off-line,
but were also off the power grid and could not use our trusty laptop,
and were under severe attack by the
mind-control technology weilded by the
Artificial Intelligence
"The Beast".
If you have no clue what that is, be very very glad it hasn't bothered you...
or, be very very worried that you are so controlled
that you are unaware that you are not truly in
free-will, or
that you are unaware that you are either
lacking a soul, or
completely disconnected from your soul and
living from ego-mind, or
that you are no threat whatsoever to
planetary operations of slavery and loosh harvesting.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Mars day - agressive yang
28 = 10 Wheel of Fortune / Beneficient Father / IoPater / Jupiter
10 = 01
Magician / Yang Spiritual Adept
The wise young yang defers to
the guidance and wisdom of the elders.
The alternative would be "a crime against wisdom".
Beyond the ignorance of childhood,
once having become adept and free,
beyond the questions of "can i?"
becomes the question of "is it for the good of all, harm none?"
Fear usually resists change. Fear is the opposite of love. In the safety of love we can embrace change, especially expansion of consciousness, once we replace {cognitive,emotional} dissonance with peace. As long as the unknown future is seen through the eyes of fear, it becomes an enemy to be avoided, thereby leaving one stuck in the old history which is known.
By embracing the miraculous flow of spirit in the now with complete faith and trust for positive outcome, we are free.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Arghh... after more than 2 and a half years homeless,
the zipper of my sleeping-bag has now failed sufficiently
that no matter how delicately i nurse the zipping process,
the zipper fails to close, rendering my bag fairly useless.
Only a week before, one of the zippers on my backpack failed.
Meanwhile, i wish for my wings...
Faery blessings -- celeste
Yummm... freshly washed hair :-) Now that i lost my folding comb/brush combo out the broken zipper of my backpack... i'm not sure how well that's gonna turn out...
Faery blessings -- celeste
We are revisiting compression today.
Today we are blessed with online access for a while! Yay! Update software! Oops... filled the disk! Clean cached packages. Continue installing...
Faery blessings -- celeste
As we approach another full moon, it is time to review our goals for manifestation. We remain focussed upon higher density creation, and rather aghast (Alas!) at the collective of humanity, as has been shared with me via friends who track "news". Perhaps it is our disconnect from all the major sources of mind-control programming, and of mass-media-meme-machine sheepherding the sheeple's shared unconsciousness. I continue to conclude that ultimately what produces this "reality", is the collective avoidance of "responsibility", and the collective attachment to "the blame game", which just expresses "righteous superiority" over "the bad guys".
As we approach Mercury Rx (Retrograde) during this lunation cycle, it would be a crime against wisdom to ignore the necessity of completing our magickal workings before the orb of Mercury Rx beginning 2019-07-22, just over a week away, leaving a week to review the past, and forgive and release it all, before the completion of the lunation.
That means we'll be a week into the next lunation before Mercury stations direct again.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Good morning...
as well as i can create it
within [mankind] reality on
In further statistically improbable developments,
i've now had the zipper on my jacket fail...
making 3 failed zippers,
(others on sleeping bag and back pack),
all within the couple weeks since new moon.
But wait, it gets even stranger...
Today the headphone connector on my folding headset failed
so that the left channel is silent. :-(
Clearly, i have manifesting work to do today before full moon!
Faery blessings -- celeste
With our nearly full moon last night, with shifting energies impinging from the world, (according to those who share "news"), i can only again state clearly that, most people are either reacting in a programmed manner, or responding in a more conscious manner, but still, for the most part, it is so rare to find anyone creating their reality. It is incompatible with any "victimhood" to claim full responsibility as creator of your own reality. Even as some negative effects have arrived during the past weeks, i must still own it all as my creation... and ask, "what is it inside me vibrating with this?" Let it go, forgive and release, be neutral, and transcend it.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Last night's full moon was beautiful, playing peek-a-boo through the wind-blown clouds. Even more enjoyable, my dear friend Shannon blew-in on a jet-plane from her two week vacation all ebulient from her time at music-fests at Teluride, Colorado...
Faery blessings -- celeste
Last night's full moon felt to me gracefully gentle, even though energetics of recent time have been shaking things up for many people. Perhaps it is simply that i am flowing in such neutrality and acceptance that even strong external energies do not pull me out of my calm center... not that i don't express transient emotional response to some challenges. The relative quiet i've been experiencing this lunar cycle, finally without active synthetic telepathic voices from "The Beast", leaves me flowing in my own energetics.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Freya's Day (Venus), and 29 = 11 Teacher = 2 High Priestess,
another damp morning of overcast, rain, and high humidity,
i.e. an abundance of water element balancing
the fire element of hot summer sun.
...and as i write that,
the sun rises above the horus-zone (horizon)
and a blowing rain begins,
yielding temporarily a full rainbow :-)
i am reminded that in Olelo Hawai'i the word for abundance is
"waiwai", (an abundance of fresh water (wai)), so necessary
to grow the traditional kalo (taro) in a lo'i (wet field),
e.g. Hanalei valley.
"...thought, which is the highest level of operation, next to being One with the Divine Feminine (not fragmented), is what beings in the Spiritual Universe use to operate." --
Faery blessings -- celeste
We are great-full for every-day miracles.
Today, that's a shared journey to
co-creation in positive synergy.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Audio Stream)
celeste:crystalfaery spins tunes for you;
"DJ'ing" with
Before juggling tunes into streams,
recording and editing tunes is the baliwick of
Before recording my
flute, it's time for instrument tuning with
For simple :-) playing, my favorite is the command-line version of
Faery blessings -- celeste
We continue invoking the energetics of roses :-)
May our communications, especially under Mercury Rx,
be clear and neutral :-)
Given the appropriateness of
reviewing and completing the incomplete during Mercury Rx,
we are intending to complete transcribing
from my paper journal to blog entries
from the time i was off-line and off-power.
We are blessed by a dear friend to continue on living a bit longer... as we stand in reality-creation mode, for the most good for the whole, and the least bad for the fewest.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Today has been a strange day... beginning smoothly, but winding down into tamassic state. But then... it is a day out of time.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Let's see, what in my life, is incomplete,
awaiting my attention to bring to fruition?
...other than, my entire life?
...oh, now i remember...
...why am i still on this planet?
...oh, now i remember...
i am on this world, but not of this world.
Hmmm... a trip to the library made it possible to catch up on worldly news... Definitely not of this world!
Faery blessings -- celeste
OMG. Do i really try to explain all the work i'm doing?
No. Wisdom of the High Priestess:
Know when to remain silent.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Sun Day; 29 = 11 Teacher = 2 High Priestess
As i sit, internally referencing for truth,
i am calmly peaceful and relaxing in the certainty
that i am in my truth as i must be.
On planet Fae i would be in perfection,
yet here on Gaia we share a very limited collective reality.
The planetary dominators will not tolerate the empowerment of the sheeple,
and i cannot even pretend to be a sheeple... i'm of
the Blinky Blinky Girls!
Faery blessings -- celeste
Good morning dear intrepid reader.
Who are you? Why do you read here?
What are you seeking? do you offer?
Well, i share my experience,
because i can clearly see that so much of our world
lives a lie,
which may barely provide for survival,
while our true purpose is to thrive!
May you find your own unique thriving!
Faery blessings -- celeste
Mercury Day; 23 = 5 Heirophant
...don't mind me... :-)
i'm just loving the roses :-)
and the gift of friendship.
Faery blessings -- celeste
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