
[a]scension blog

2nd July 2019
[Angel Dust from Angel on Crescent Moon]

Contemplating our new moon cycle, and what to focus upon manifesting, i continue to follow spiritual flow, and that continues to guide me to a prioritization of higher density energies, creating more freedom in alternate time-lines.

Meanwhile, a long-term friend suggests i focus on 3D. The last i knew, after all the 2012 ascension hoopla, (which included a bunch of false ascension time-lines), what actually manifested by 2012-12-21 was the merge of 4D with 3D, so that (physical) "reality" became "astralized", i.e. less rigidly un-changeable, and that opened up many possibilities for those who had not "bought into" the immutability of 3D, or the stuckness of having to live so much in collective consensus, as we all then had easier options to manifest our own unique reality, and to opt for alternate time-lines. It was approximately 9 months later that i gave birth to a new me, as i opened to channel my oversoul group, the crystal faeries. Our realities in the higher densities have changed a lot in the past half year while i have been offline, so i'll have to (re-)write of our manifestation and work.

That leaves us with yet another false ascension time-line, leading to the 5D holographic simulator merge of human and machine, the final take-over by the Artificial Intelligence, given control by the demons, given control by the "intelligence agencies", given control by the military, given control by the government, given control by the people, under mind-control of the AI. I'll just end by saying that giving up your eternal soul to live in mental illusion in "The Singularity" is not a price i'm willing to pay.
I'll continue to develop my siddhis, thank you!

Faery blessings -- celeste

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