
[a]scension blog

14th July 2019

As we approach another full moon, it is time to review our goals for manifestation. We remain focussed upon higher density creation, and rather aghast (Alas!) at the collective of humanity, as has been shared with me via friends who track "news". Perhaps it is our disconnect from all the major sources of mind-control programming, and of mass-media-meme-machine sheepherding the sheeple's shared unconsciousness. I continue to conclude that ultimately what produces this "reality", is the collective avoidance of "responsibility", and the collective attachment to "the blame game", which just expresses "righteous superiority" over "the bad guys".

As we approach Mercury Rx (Retrograde) during this lunation cycle, it would be a crime against wisdom to ignore the necessity of completing our magickal workings before the orb of Mercury Rx beginning 2019-07-22, just over a week away, leaving a week to review the past, and forgive and release it all, before the completion of the lunation.

That means we'll be a week into the next lunation before Mercury stations direct again.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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