
[a]scension blog

Entries from August 1971.

1st August 1971

As Part of the Ongoing Effort
By Anna Von Reitz

Monday, May 21, 2018

The article re-posted below will help you understand why Rod Class's Administrative Rulings matter, The short answer is that the State of North Carolina admitted that the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA is a private subcontractor, and that the State of North Carolina had no direct administrative control over the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA and its employees, [Direct administrative control is the responsibility of the parent corporation, dba UNITED STATES and the US Bankruptcy Trustees.]

If you have been following the history, you already know why this is so.

The Territorial United States franchise doing business as "the State of North Carolina" was bankrupted in 1933, In 1946, it was still "incompetent" due to bankruptcy and the Bankruptcy Trustees appointed a Municipal United States Corporation, the UNITED STATES, INC., and its franchise doing business as the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, to take over the job of providing "essential government services".

Joe Average in North Carolina didn't notice or care, What difference did it make to him who swept the streets and wrote traffic tickets? It was the same way throughout the country, People were given no disclosure about any of these arrangements made "for" them.

But as we shall see, private incorporated subcontractors are not subject to the same rules as public institutions -- and that gives rise to both the situation confirmed by Rod Class's efforts, and the situation described below by one angry attorney:


There are a few more things worth noting regarding the DUN & BRADSTREET listing service: D-B is a financial rating service for both 'public' and 'private' corporations, Utilities and municipal bond ratings would come under D-B preview for certain, It just really never occurred to me years ago when doing litigation discovery, research and analysis, and 'structured settlements' that there was seemingly anything incoherent with that fact that municipal and utility bonds are integral to D-B rating services.

I never ever stopped to think about or scrutinize that fact, let alone allow my deliberation and research skills to 'wander' or 'wonder' into research that would have disclosed what we recently found, Part of the ease of discovering the complex web of inter-related inter-locking CORPORATIONS had to do with ease of electronic research over the internet, Years ago, if one wanted to search anything within any of the rating services, including "Moody's", Standard & Poors, and Dun & Bradstreet, + others, one would have to either have to be a subscriber to the service in order to manually expedite their search-rating results, or, one would have to pay a fee and cause a search to arise.

D & B 'ratings' are affected every time a 'public hazard bond', or 'surety performance bond', or 'indemnity bond' is complained against, An 'administrative complaint' is usually all that it takes to cause a 'tag' or book entry to be made on any particular bond, Any particular bond, once complained against three or more times, causes a change in underwriting bond 'risk', For bonded Bar attorneys, who in many cases may also be appointed, commissioned, or elected to 'public office' as 'Judge', 'Clerk of Court', etc, when/if their bond is complained against for good and reasonable cause, their bond may be 'pulled', and due to loss of effective bond or 'suretyship', they cannot 'practice' or 'discharge' the duty of the office held, or occupied.

In short, the bond maker-issuer is the bonding party for the benefit or on behalf of the 'bondee', ie, the purported 'public officer', 'employee', or 'official', This would extend as well to all other 'public employees' and 'agents'-'agencies', etc, Every 'person' being bonded has a Dun & Bradstreet 'bond rating', At least it is reasonable to assume such.

Once three complaints are filed against any bond, assuming they are with merit and well supported by fact and 'law' of the 'breach' of fiduciary duty, the bond is most always pulled or revoked, The 'servant' at 'risk' by assuming the responsibilities of operating in any 'official capacity' or by 'employment', can no longer be underwritten as a 'no risk' or 'low risk' contract.

One incident of 'breach' or operating 'ultra vires', or 'without the law', causes the 'immunity' provisions of the written 'law' to cease to be effective, because when one violates the law as a 'public servant', one's immunity blanket ceases to apply, thereby leaving the insurer or bondsman or bond issuer exposed to the liability arising from the servant's acts, which under any 'breach of law authority' causes or gives rise to an 'injury' which is a civil or criminal commercial liability.

Everything, whether civil or criminal or martial, is a matter of 'commerce', and admiralty law is the venue and jurisdiction by which disputes in/of commercial nature are resolved in truth and fact.

All writings of the United States of America and of the UNITED STATES, or any other 'government unit' are forms of making an 'offer to contract', There is no written matter of material fact or issue of fact that is 'law' which is not bonded, There is no 'office' or function of 'civil service' or 'public' function that is not bonded, If the bond is not in existence, the bondee is 'exposed' and without 'coverage' by any 'surety'.

Therefore, there is no 'guarantor' behind the agent, officer, official, or employee having 'exposure', by 'assumption of risk', of a material breach or injury in fact by the bondee [person being bonded or insured], This leaves the person under taint or cloud of operating 'in the public interest' without the constitutionally and statutorily required bond, and therefore, in tacit violation of the constitutions and statutes under the scheme of 'law'.

"Law" applies first and foremost to government, its employees, officers, and agents, In today's rogue 'doctrine of necessity' 'de facto' environment, research has proven and documented that no person, performing as an 'officer of the court', being an alleged 'judge', being a 'Bar attorney' of the ABA or the Federal or State Bars, has a bona fide Constitutional Oath.

The Bond that is supposed to be in existence sits atop the Oath, The Oath is not merely 'incidental' to the 'office' as has been ruled in some States by their corrupt court "officers", The Oath is what imparts lawful and legal authority to the man/woman coming into 'holding' a 'public office' and becoming a 'public official', A public servant having no proper Oath cannot have a proper Bond to encompass or include those risks associated with the 'office', 'discharge of fiduciary duty' of the office, and the various levels or elements of 'law authority' underlying the office.

Hence, one may take an Oath to any office of the incorporated State, or the UNITED STATES, and not take a preceding Oath to the unincorporated de jure state or United States of America, and operate non/un constitutionally, which is all that has been going on for years, but which was not known or Law-Lawyer tells of truth about oaths and bonds.doc Page 2 of 3 11 April 2008 understood as being a material breach to the People of the State/state, causing or giving rise to material injuries in fact as a consequence of operating 'ultra vires', ie, outside the corporate charters and 'trust indentures' which create the office in the first place.

In the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, not one judge has taken the necessary Oaths of office, which include the organic 'state' de jure republic oath for "North Carolina", and the subsequent and inferior or 'lesser' oath for the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, The latter 'public entity' has federal character, a Federal Employer Identification Number, a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is a federal 'instrumentality' of the CORPORATE 'UNITED STATES', and the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, under definition of 28 U.S.C, §3002(15), AND 26 U.S.C, §§7701 (a)(9) and (10), This documented fact pertains to every judge in every State court, but also applies to most every other 'public official' or 'law enforcement officer'.

I cannot address what other State public pretenders and 'District Attorneys' or "Prosecutors" do when bringing a criminal complaint against any "natural person", which includes CORPORATIONS [YES, they are both the class of 'person' under statute 'law' definition], but in the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, when it is the bringer of the action, the People of the State are never brought in as 'party to the action', Only the CORPORATION name is found on the Criminal Complaint or Information form, Only the corporate State is present in the courtroom, trying a case before a CORPORATE JUDGE.

There exists a complete breach and break from the Constitution of North Carolina, because the People of the republic North Carolina and their 'law' are not present in the action nor party to it, They are not in the courtroom, nor are they acting through any 'officer' of the People, as 'District Attorney', which Office alleges to be a 'servant of the People', It is NOT, Even the DA does not have the mandatory and proper Constitutional Oath as condition precedent under NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTES, which clearly state at Chapter 11, Section 11, there shall be two Constitutional Oaths taken.

Absent performance according to that bonded STATUTE regarding bonded Oaths, leaves a clear and certain risk liability issue for the Bond maker-issuer, Some bonding agent has bonded the Statutes and other writings of the law of the State, Some bond issuer has bonded State 'employees', 'officers', and 'public officials', Some bond issuer has, therefore, "underwritten" risk on the basis of having full knowledge that there exist no Constitutional Oaths beneath the CORPORATE OATH.

One cannot but presume that the bond issuer-maker has full disclosure; after all, 'they' have been registered within each State Department of Corporations, do business in all 'States' and DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, and are presumed to know the "LAW"….including the "law of the land", which under their "UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE" and all secondary 'Civil' or 'Criminal' Codes, would find itself to be in harmony with their legislative jurisdictional 'statutes and implementing regulations' at U.C.C, 1-308, 1-207, and 1- 103, wherein All Rights are Reserved, and the U.C.C, states that it is harmonious with 'all jurisdictions', which would include the jurisdiction of the "law of the land", 'common law', and the various common law Constitutions of the underlying several de jure republic 'states' of the American union, aka, United States of America.

Why would any bond underwriter knowingly underwrite these CORPORATE STATES, UNITED STATES, all of their 'sub-corporations', agents-agencies, instrumentalities, and their 'law authority' found in their various 'writings', private 'laws' etc., to operate a 'public' or 'municipal' construct as if it were 'lawful government', but knowing that it really is not? [Answer: they have named us -- our private ESTATES as the sureties of their bonds, so in order to get relief or restitution for their evil deeds, we have to injure ourselves.]

The underwriters of bonds, therefore, could not allege any defense against a massive intake of related claims by private inhabitants of any of the States or UNITED STATES who have been "compelled" under duress, extreme duress, or risk of extreme duress and prejudice of 'seizure', 'confiscation' 'impound', 'occupation', 'detainment', or injury or termination by any means of potentially lethal force?

Everyone who has ever been inside a State of North Carolina administrative or judicial 'law' proceeding, or been before any 'clerk' or 'judge' of same, or been prosecuted by any County District Attorney within said State/STATE, has been within a "brutum fulmen": Black's Law Dictionary, 4t Edition: "brutum fulmen": "An empty noise; an empty threat, A judgment void upon its face which is in legal effect no judgment at all, and by which no rights are are divested, and from which none can be obtained; and neither binds nor bars anyone, Dollert v, Pratt-Hewitt Oil Corporation, Tex.Civ.Appl, 179 S.W.2d 346, 348, Also, see Corpus Juris Secundum, "Judgments" §§ 499, 512 546, 549.

The "Office of Sheriff" is a most important link between the People of any de jure republic 'state' and the Courts, and Offices of the State, However, it has been discovered that many Sheriffs do not, as Chief Law Enforcement Officer of any local 'county' or County, have a bona fide prior or 'precedent' Constitutional Oath to their respective republic state, Or, they may have taken a bona fide Constitutional Oath, and then disclaimed or disavowed it immediately henceforth by taking a CORPORATE Constitutional Oath, "A man cannot serve two masters".

This same "axiomatic" principal applies to 'officers' of the United States as well, How can the newly 'sworn' Attorney General of the UNITED STATES, OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL [a federal corporation] take a Constitutional Oath to the United States, or UNITED STATES, and be held to such an Oath as 'liable' for his/her breach of fiduciary duty to the people of the United States of America, or to the franchise corporate trust estate 'citizens of the UNITED STATES', when the office 'holder' enjoins by contract to the 'international purposes of Law-Lawyer tells of truth about oaths and bonds.doc Page 3 of 3 11 April 2008 INTERPOL', under its Constitution [charter-contract] at Article 30 shortly after taking said Oath? Article 30 is quite explicit in meaning and intent, If one understands the "international purposes of INTERPOL" and all other 'international agencies' was and is to 'establish a financial dictatorship within the United States/United States of America' for the benefit of undisclosed third parties, under jurisdiction and authority of the IMF-U.N, then all of the lower level 'breach of duty' by lack of proper Bond and Oath issues would begin to make clear sense, [Jeff Sessions and Steven T, Mnuchin are both Interpol Officers and have renounced all loyalty to this country and its people.]

In short, all alleged 'public servants' are serving 'public policy' and 'public administration' of the 'laws' and enforcing those laws to protect the CORPORATION, to the disinterest and detriment of the People, whom have been 'captured', 'searched', 'seized', 'boarded' as with a 'vessel', and which People have been placed into 'warehouse storage' as 'human capital' and 'property' of the de facto King or "Sovereign", which/who has conquered and occupied the Office of the People, and subverted and subordinated it into an Office of Inquisition for YOU KNOW WHO!! [This is an example of the corruption fostered by Satanists within the Roman Catholic Church, of which many Catholics are completely unaware.]

Lacking mandatory Oath, creates liability against the bond of the STATE, and every officer-agent-employee who has come to be 'employed' thereby, Breach of any underlying writing of the STATE, or State, or state, as an offer to contract in admiralty venue, is a certain "injury in fact" giving rise to a "material injustice" and resultant 'liability', There is no longer any question about 'risk analysis' or 'damage assessment'.

The only real issue is "HOW MUCH IS THE INJURY WORTH"? WHAT PENALTIES should be compelled above the mere "pecuniary" or monetary 'relief' to be sought? Treble damages? Punitive damages? Civil or Criminal or BOTH? If Oaths and Bonds have not yet been ascertained for all relevant federal and State officers, agents, and employees, they should be compelled by FOIA request or subpoena duces tecum1 immediately so that the elements of contract and breach of duty by these 'public servants' under mandate of relevant Constitutions, statutes, regulations, etc., including the U.C.C, in Admiralty venue can be comprehensively determined; then, a resultant 'cause of action' constructed accordingly.

It is further axiomatic that: "Where a liability in equity arises due to injury by any party, and that party does not also provide a "remedy" for said liability, the injured party has the right and standing to create his own remedy"

Persons without proper Oaths do not and cannot have proper Bonds OR satisfy the necessary requirements to "hold" a bona fide "Office", by 'commission', "election", or "appointment", In short, an 'Officer' or "Office Holder" cannot but 'occupy' the office under false and misleading pretense, misrepresentation, and FRAUD, which strips the 'individual' of 'law authority' and 'immunity' under well-seasoned law of the land and sea, Brutum fulmen!!

Bonds that are attached to such juristic 'persons' are subject to claim and lien, after "adequate assurance of due performance" has been found lacking pursuant to U.C.C, 2-619, A proper Oath and Bond are but two of the three primary "poles" of "Office" [Oath, Bond, Commission], One cannot act upon being 'duly appointed' or 'duly elected' or 'duly commissioned' simply by INCORPORATION and CORPORATE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS, CORPORATE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS lacking bona fide Constitutional nexus is without "law authority", and therefore has no nexus to the Constitutionally protected 'Right' of "due process", Hence, any act or action taken against any one by any alleged 'official', 'officer', agent' or 'employee' lacking such nexus is subject to CLAIM and/or COUNTER-CLAIM in Admiralty venue and proceeding, The claim, once perfected after 'exhausting administrative remedy' is brought against the Bond and the DUN & BRADSTREET rating of that CORPORATE PERSON will be affected as a consequence, The idea is not to seek an illegitimate claim for merely punitive or monetary purposes, but to seek claim on the basis of protest, dispute, redress, relief, and 'remedy'!!! S __________________________

I need only add that since this article and other information like it has come to the surface and Rod Class has definitively proven that the relationship between the State of North Carolina and the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA is what it is, the STATE franchises have been forced to enter bankruptcy, too, as the claims against them for the injustices perpetrated by their employees quickly became overwhelming.

This is entirely the fault of those organizations for failure to operate according to the Public Law of this country, and under no circumstance should the people of this country be "presumed" to be sureties liable for the appointments made by foreign bankruptcy trustees and the acts of foreign municipal employees who were never qualified to be bonded or to serve in any public capacity related to us.

The corporations responsible are trying to shuffle off the liabilities created by their often criminally mis-directed employees as well as their own profligate unauthorized spending back onto the victims of this debacle, and we are saying no and saying it in no uncertain terms.

We are not the "sureties" for these interlopers, We are their Priority Creditors and the Priority Creditors of their parent corporations and affiliates as well.

1st August 1971
[Digital Restrictions Management Free]

Support FLOSS, (Free / Libre Open Source Software), it's the software which supports you.
With full access to intellectual (non-)property, everyone benefits from collaborative cocreation.

1st August 1971
> Feed: Her Breath
> Title: Opening the Faerie Hill
> Author: Deanne Quarrie
> Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 10:49:23 -1000
> Link:
 [image 1] [1]
Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we go
Moonwise in our circle
Dancing with the flow.
Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we spin
To waken all the Sidhe
In the mound within
Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we dance
Lead us to the Otherworld
Spinning in our trance.
Danu, Danu, Danu
Three times round we sing
Happy all together
In the Faerie Ring.
  1. link

1st August 1971
 [Rose Cross]

My most effective training was derived from the tradition of the Rosicrucians, e.g. the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), or e.g. the Brotherhood of the Rosae Crucis, (the symbol of which is "the rosey cross").
There are RC mystical schools in operation, notably in northern California is the AMORC in San Jose, whose Egyptian Museum I visited, and i was aware that they operated a school there, but they were noted for teaching their students very slowly.
One of the masters from the RosaeCrucian tradition was the Very Right Reverend Lewis S. Bostwick, who was very clairvoyant. After many years with the RCs, he branched off to form his own school, Berkeley Psychic Institute, which I visited for a couple student readings. At BPI, Laurie Ann Schryver taught the "Psychic Nutrition Reading Program", a specialty of the category of "Medical Intuitive", focussing upon reading the physical body's operations. She found a conflict of ethics with BPI where she taught. When people at BPI refused to clean-up their ethics, she left and started her own school, teaching as they had done, a year-and-a-half long clairvoyance training program. I attended her 3rd and 4th programs, and then many of her advanced programs beyond that, and became her substitute teacher, while she was travelling to other cities to teach. The training program required one to choose to focus upon either training as a "clairvoyant" reading with the "3rd eye", or as a "clairsentient" reading with the crown chakra. i, as usual, being unwilling to accept "exclusive or", insisted upon "inclusive or", and took the training first (her 3rd session) to train clairvoyance, and then second (4th session) to train clairsentience. My clairaudience developed during both. Then I trained in her psychic nutrition reading program and then her ongoing advanced classes.
She was raised by a clairvoyant mother and was thus blessed by a mindset throughout her entire life which validated and encouraged her abilities, rather than being impeded by 3D-only parents.

Lewis S. Bostwick was friends with L. Ron Hubbard, founder of "Scientology" (which was one reality during his leadership, and warped in a different direction once he died). L.Ron was friends with Jack Parsons, founder of the Jack Parsons Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology (CalTech). Jack was very into magick / psychic stuff, and, well, bluntly, was more interested in the dark side of it. Therefore, he was drawn to Aleister Crowley, who named himself "the Beast". Crowley was very willing to contract with the dark side influences of the non-physical realm, and due to a large ego-personality was very effectively used by them to invoke and create very dark things into the world, including into 3D.
There was a very dark working of magick by the combination of Jack Parsons in company with some of these guys, which was successful and invoked into the world some of the negative things which are so signifigant in their blighting of the [mankind] world, that they were described in the Bible.
In fact their dark working together was specifically intended to manifest "The Whore of Babylon" as described in the Bible.
So, the origins of "JPL" are very dark. Brilliant magicians and engineers and scientists pursuing both physical and spiritual technologies with not purely positive goals or methodologies.
i was raised in the reality of NASA / JPL, (which was what? Operation Paperclip's transplantation of brilliant NAZI German scientists to Amerika at the end of WWII).
So, while the official coverstory is that the National Aeronautics and Space Agency-Jet Propulsion Laboratory was the center of unmanned space exploration, it always had a dual nature, being both the white budget noble pursuit of scienterrific truth to be revealed to the public (the sheeple that USA, INC. was busy fleecing), and a black-budget covert military side which was in fact more properly acronymed as "Nazi Aeronautics and Space Agenda-Jack Parsons Laboratory".

Dad was involved with RAdio Direction And Ranging in the Philadelphia Experiment which involved Albert Einstein, and Nikola Tesla who designed the warp field generators, and when it was discovered that many of the seamen exposed to the warp-field were going insane and losing their anchoring in the 3D physical reality, it was realized there were losing their time-locks, and therefore it was determined it was necessary to generate also a time-reference-field for the [mankind] exposed to the warpfield. For this was invoked John Von Neuman who designed the computers to manage the time reference field. Those going crazy were the low consciousness men, whereas the more spiritual ones were able to have their own reference due to their greater connection with their own higher-self / spirit / soul.

Part of my spiritual mission incarnating into this mess was to help in cleaning up the mess made by the Philadelphia Experiment, which ripped a hole in the time-space continuum, which is the portal through which "the Greys" (popular name) or "the Whites" (official name: EBE (Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities)) used to enter our time-space continuum (now ripped), and they were not supposed to be in our reality.
In fact, the Japanese were added to the ET mix of Ea-Rth specifically to keep out the Greys.
The other mess created was the time-loop, which served the agenda of Lucifer / En.Ki to keep all the souls entrapped on his slave planet.
As [mankind] have bio-rhythms, mama Gaia has her own bio-rythms, and it was one of those to which the USS Eldridge synchronized, creating a time-loop between 1943 and 1983. The sub and super harmonics of the 40 year time-loop are 10, 20, 80, and 160 years long, and thus we observe periodic ripples in time causing chaos at the time-nodes of intersecting interference.

Other time factors are beamed to Ea-Rth through the relay station built into the moon, but sourced from Saturn, which itself is the time generator for the whole solar system.

So, I am much focussed upon " [a]scension" of consciousness beyond the 3D "world" to arrive in the higher realms, which is an option now offered to all of [mankind]. It is often a challenge to be still dragging around through space-time a physical body, while my consciousness is in the higher realms.

I also received Medicine Buddha initiation from Tai Situ Rinpoche, attended lectures by the Dalai Llama, and many other teachers such as the group entity Lazaris channelled by Jach Purcel, learned shamanic soul retrieval from native american shamans, Dance of the Deer with Brant Secunda of the Houichals, studied Hindu Tantra via Jwala, and other teachers, studied texts of Tibetan Buddhism, read the Bible, Meditated, Ran my Energy, and blew-up lots of Roses.

As one of my students observed:
"You never give-up until you succeed, do you!"
I giggled... yes, very true. Practice makes perfect.
The only way to guarantee failure is to give-up.

 [kahealani Bracelette]

My left arm wears my Rose flower pattern bracelette, (my primary training was based in RosiCrucian tradition), inscribed with my Hawaiian name "Kahealani", gifted to me by the O'ahu Kahuna Faith Kalani Aloha Tom, bloodline descendant of the family of kahunas who served the family of King Kamehameha the 1st, in honor of my healing work which she described: "You make this look like a Sunday walk in the Park!", as she and another kahuna from Big Island flew me first to Maui, and then to Kaua'i, to heal all the heiaus (sacred temple sites).
Kahea means "to call" or "calling" or "the calling of".
Lani means heaven or sky.
To "call heaven down" is to invoke divinity. Likewise, "the call of heaven" is to surrender to divine will.

"I'm in the world but not of the world."

Faery blessings -- celeste

The Pillar and the Post Revisited
By: Anna von Reitz [excerpted by celeste]
Fri, 28 Sep 2018 12:42:08 -0800

There are two principal groups that are promoting agendas that would be disastrous for our country, both very well-funded and also -- foreign: British Territorial Templars vs. French Templars. They are both Templar groups, all worship Satan, all are steeped in gross deceit. [...]

This goes back thousands of years and was enshrined in Solomon's Temple. Solomon was a Ba-El worshiper, too. He worshiped an entire Pantheon of Demons, including Ba-al, the Chief Demon.


And what did his Temple famously display? The two pillars -- Joachim and Boaz, which symbolize the modus operandi of Satan and Satanism: False Choices.

You can eat of the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life.... (Answer: Neither one, thanks.)
[Answer: Both, thank you!
These prohibitions were to keep the sheeple ignorant and enslaved.
These have long been taught to the priest class, initiates, etc.
The Tree of Knowledge is the opening of the chakras to awaken the light body and access who we actually are as spirits+souls.
The Tree of Life is the DNA. -- celeste]


But you have to recognize the Bad Choices and the Satanic Either/Or False Choice Set Up or you will be confused and not know who or what to believe and be wandering around like sheep "from pillar to post". Literally.

Whenever you see anything about "Kim" or "Reno" or "North Carolina" you know that it is the French Templars. Whenever you see anything about Canada or China, etc., you know it is the British Templars.


You must learn to know your true Enemies -- [...] You must recognize their organizations -- the Bar Associations and "Secret Fraternities" established all over the world.

 [6 Pointed Star]

You must also realize that the Talmud is not born of the Torah nor does it come to us from Judah, just like the Six Pointed "Star of David" has nothing to do with Judah or Judaism, either.

This is the sign and emblem of two members of the Ancient Caste of Merchants having sex, each represented by an Equilateral Triangle.

The remnant of the Ancient Caste of Merchants is who runs Israel and also who set up the Holocaust.

They are Aryans (from the star system of Orion) not native to the Earth at all. And they marry each other in a vain effort to preserve their alien gene pool, not because of any religion.

Our "Great Work" Versus THEIR "Great Work"
By Anna Von Reitz

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
[ comments by celeste ]

 [Order of the Rose Cross]

Today, of all days, the Fourth of July, [2018] this blockbuster radio broadcast from the late (and truly great) William Cooper surfaced again; after many years. I listened to it again and recalled a time in my life when I was deeply immersed in the study of witchcraft and "spiritual philosophy" -- not to practice it, but to know it.

I suggest that everyone take the time to listen to it carefully and match it up with the present negotiations to join Mexico to the United States.
Mexico is the "missing capstone" of the pyramid which appears on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. Practitioners of this ancient religion believe that if and when Mexico is joined to the United States, it will [issue usher] in a new Golden Age and the rebirth of the civilization of Atlantis.

A first principle of action in all things is to clearly define the problem(s) you are facing, and the second principle is to know your enemy.

Understanding this, it should be no surprise that I have driven very deeply into the darkness to define and perfect my own light.

The first thing you must understand is that the words "The Holy Bible" translate as "The Sun Book".

The second thing to know is that the Bible is a grimoire -- a book of magic spells and incantations, as well as a scripture.
It just depends upon how you read it and what you read it for.

It represents the scripture of Ancient Egypt, Judaism, and Christianity and can be cherished by literate pagans for reasons that would shock and amaze most Jews and most Christians.

As William Cooper noted in the referenced radio broadcast, the popular and beautiful song, "The Rose", has a double meaning, one that is obvious and one that is not, except to the initiated.
It is the same way with The Holy Bible.

The third thing to know is that long, long before Jesus, Mary, and Joseph -- at least 24 centuries before -- there was another Holy Family: Horus, Isis [AKA: Ashtoreth, Cybel, Astarte, Semiramis, Columbia] and Osiris, respectively. Wikipedia summarizes their story thus:

"The Osiris myth is the most elaborate and influential story in ancient Egyptian mythology. It concerns the murder of the god Osiris, a primeval king of Egypt, and its consequences. Osiris's murderer, his brother Set, usurps his throne. Meanwhile, Osiris's wife Isis restores her husband's body, allowing him to posthumously conceive their son, Horus. The remainder of the story focuses on Horus, the product of the union of Isis and Osiris, who is at first a vulnerable child protected by his mother and then becomes Set's rival for the throne. Their often violent conflict ends with Horus's triumph, which restores order to Egypt after Set's unrighteous reign and completes the process of Osiris's resurrection. The myth, with its complex symbolism, is integral to the Egyptian conceptions of kingship and succession, conflict between order and disorder, and especially death and the afterlife. It also expresses the essential character of each of the four deities at its center, and many elements of their worship in ancient Egyptian religion were derived from the myth."

So... in Egypt, long before, we have a murdered god -- Osiris. (Or was it Jesus?) His body is recovered and anointed and brought back to life by his wife, Isis. (Or was it Mary Magdalene?) Together they conceive a son even after Osiris's death: Horus. (Or was it the Risen Christ?)

The links and the interplay go far, far beyond this skeletal comparison.

Notice that while he was in Egypt, according to the Old Testament, Joseph married the daughter of the Egyptian High Priest, so that his sons Ephraim and Manasseh, were half-Egyptian.

Notice that if you count carefully, there are Thirteen Tribes descended from Jacob, not twelve.

Notice that when David stole Bathsheba, she was a Hittite, so that their surviving son, Solomon, was half-Hittite, too.

Now, notice that Solomon's Temple had a design with an Outer, Middle, and Inner Court. The Outer Court is where the common people came to worship. The Middle Court was where the Magistrates -- the Judges -- held court -- literally -- to settle disputes and to purify themselves. The Inner Court was occupied by the High Priest and his entourage only.

So where are all the Bar Association Members in America "lodged"? The Middle Inns of Court in Westminster, part of the Crown Temple complex.

These people are pagans and practitioners of witchcraft -- literally -- and for thousands of years it has been this way.

In the center of Solomon's Temple is Solomon's Seal. It is a great circular raised foundation that any witchcraft practitioner from Boston to New Delhi will recognize as a "Magic Circle" -- "the place that is not a place, in a time that is not a time" -- a symbolic representation of the "Eternal Moment" known as "Now".

Many of the ideas and beliefs these people have are not that strange or evil at all, but some of their teachings border on the criminally insane, and it is the pernicious evil of these relatively few beliefs and practices that set us eternally at odds.

Though much more aware of ancient history and mythology than average Christians are, the followers of the so-called "Egyptian Mysteries" are deceived and their religion has long been polluted by Babylonian idolatry (money worship) and child sacrifice (necessary because they use sex as a sacrament and that led to vast overpopulation problems), pedophilia, temple prostitution, burnt offerings, summoning of the dead and demons, and the promotion of elitism and Nazi-like social regimentation.

It is this Babylonian pollution of the original Egyptian religion that Jesus, a Nazorean Hebrew living in Samaritan Galilee -- referred to as "The Great Abomination". If the pagans among us would correct their offending practices, then we might all live in peace.

Until and unless they do, we are faced with the necessity of defending ourselves and our children from the whackjob elements of their religion and their "laws" -- and the practical consequences of those few but deadly errors.

As you listen to the radio segment you will put two and two together as never before. You will see how what I have just told you about their religious practices lead naturally to child abuse and sexual blackmail, and why the oppression that follows from the practical idolatry of using money to "symbolize value" is presided over by Seven Grumpy Old Men -- the Seven High Priests of the Temple of Ba-El.

You will also understand why, in the queer diabolical duality of their thinking, "National Security" has been used to promote National Destruction, instead -- not only in America, but throughout the world.

They have tried by various means to succeed in capturing Mexico and adding it to the hegemony of the Territorial United States. They've tried to use the "United Nations" as a vehicle to establish their control over the entire world. They've tried various treaties to establish "Regional Government" that would join both Canada and Mexico to the United States. And even as we speak, there is talk of invading Mexico -- for no clear or sane reason.

Mexico is the Crown Jewel of the madmen trying to impose a return to the Antediluvian World of the Atlanteans, and the rigid, eugenically engineered caste system that made it all work.

In that caste system, black and other colored people were slaves generally treated little better and often worse than animals -- forever. They were to be used for labor, without consideration, without dignity.

The members of the Merchant Caste were unbelievably dishonest and devious, so devious that in order to deal with them at all, the Ancient Parthians developed and used a mathematically-interfaced language to form contracts that couldn't be argued over. Notice the revival of that ancient language and concept in the modern world by David-Wynn:Miller and Russell-J:Gould: Parse.

The members of the Military Caste were genetically modified to be Super Soldiers. Those that we now identify and call "Reptilians" are the distant progeny of the original Dracos. They were bred to only be able to think in terms of "Either-Or" which makes them great soldiers and horrible rulers.

The members of the true ruling class were the Priests, known as the "All Seeing" because of their ability to walk the time grid and travel to different dimensions and communicate not only with the dead, but with beings in the far future. In this way, they were able bring back advanced technologies, research actual history, and hopefully -- safeguard the progress and promote the well-being of everyone concerned.

The progeny of all these original castes -- all the products of genetic engineering and eugenics programs carried out in the Sirius B and Orion star systems millions of years ago -- are still present on the Earth today. Many of them don't know who or what they are, or why they are different from other people.

The resurgence of the ancient "Mystery" religion is no mystery at all. It has been sheltering behind the facade provided by the Roman Catholic Church in the Office of the Pontificate all along.

And it is now being forced out into the open. People are being forced to recognize the paganism and history that was hidden in plain view for many, many generations.

The "Statue of Liberty" is exposed as a giant idol honoring Ashtoreth, the creator of the Great Abomination, standing where -- in truth, she ought not to be standing. And as Jesus said, it is "as it was in the days of Noah".

The Order of the Rose Cross is revealed as the Mother of all the other Secret Societies with which it remains allied: all the Freemasons, all the Lodges, all the "perverse" religious Orders, like the Dominicans who are responsible for running the Inquisition, all the polluted Orders of Knighthood, including the Knights of Malta, (Greek and Minoan Temple Soldiers), and Knights Templar, (originally from the Levant, North Africa -- Carthage, and Rome Temple Soldiers), all the various and colorful and more or less aligned "spiritual science" cults that suddenly appeared in the nineteenth century.

Like everything else, there are good and bad elements to this entire spectrum of religious practice and belief. There are "White Witches" and "Green Witches" who bring great healing and wisdom and peace to the world, just as there are "Black Witches" and demon worshipers who seek to steal and ruin and destroy.
Often, these factions among the Mystery Schools are locked in mortal combat, and that is exactly the situation today.

The Forces of Evil must be countered by the Forces of Good. The sheep must be protected by The Shepherds from the attacks of The Wolves.

But it also time for the "sheep" to wake up and be sheep no longer. It is, in fact, time to -- in the popular lingo -- [a]scend to a higher level of awareness and self-governance and self-knowledge, to face the world as it is, not as we want it to be, and at the same time -- to see what it could be, and to fearlessly accept our responsibility for it all.

In a nutshell --
what the White Witches strive for is to nurture and set Mankind free,
what the Black Witches strive for is to enslave and destroy Mankind.

Two paths are set before us -- one that is narrow and difficult and blocked with many stones and obstacles, one that is wide and well-traveled and easy and pleasant to walk.
Which one will you choose?
What will you do, given this information on this auspicious Fourth of July?

1st August 1971

Organic Portals / Soulless Humans


For we Gemini [a]Scendants, it is only natural to listen to this audio track followed by this audio track in the background while we read:



Demonic Hybrid, Mind-Slave,
Soulless Parasites (fake humans)

By: Aug Tellez 2017-03-11


Fake, soulless, sociopathic, demonic hybrid, mind-slave, AI, blood drinking humans everywhere. The majority don't even know what they are. They were inserted into this timeline and memory wiped so they could infiltrate and infect like a virus. This is the physical manifestation of the mind-virus. Literally millions of nanite, nano-bot systems all entangled in a person's nervous system and energy system until their soul is no longer capable of operating through the vessel and then their mind is uplinked to an artificial intelligence hive mind.

There is a plan to assimilate people through this technology and if this has occurred for someone in the future then this tech cancels out their DNA and they are basically rendered inert forwards and backwards through time in the universe.

The Final Stage of Energy Activation: Transhumanism

That is why there are people here that are soulless now. Because those are the ones who can't resist in the future (it's all through temptation) and become entangled forwards and backwards through time with a mind-virus that literally replaces them eternally.

That's the eternal damnation that's always been spoken of. It's because it alters consciousness in time and makes it so they never existed in the first place.

It's easier to just say the effects and results in layman's terms than it is to technically define everything. However the technical details help to understand the specifics about consciousness and the nature of electromagnetism in the universe.

The only way this situation works is that there are fundamentally two races, two bloods here. Think about it. There are vampires, and then there are non-vampires. The vampires feed on the non-vampires.

Imagine if all the non-vampires left and went to a safe place. What would the vampires do to feed? They would feed on one another and then...

This is the actual reason for the "500,000" population number (which is closer to the real number).

The people who are in power, are so powerful, who they want us to hate are people who act as a distraction.

Either that or good is truly in control.

Ritual Abuse, Secret Operations, and Advanced Technology

Ritual abuse is real. I was involved in secret operations related to trauma-based mind control, time travel, the corruption of the human race, the origins of humanity, the nature of consciousness, electrogravitics, soul transfer, cloning and other systems. I have seen these projects including human sacrifice and ritual abuse first hand. These are used to create fractured personalities that can be used to program in behaviors and directives that are then used for operations. Most the people in the media or entertainment have gone through some form of programming related to this. These are all being exposed now and the beings are doing everything in their power to deceive humanity and enforce a satanic rule over the population where sacrifice, child rape, traumatization ritual, fetishes and the like are mandatory. That is their view of "heaven" and this is because they are energetically inverted beings from the underworld and cannot perceive human emotion or kindness and hate humans for this and are willing to do anything just to harm a human or cause emotional suffering.

They actually find joy from this and feel a "high" from that as well as from drinking blood and raping/killing. This is due to their brain's being hardwired differently, like a sociopath unable to feel emotion, and they claim that they were made like this and therefore it's not their fault and they should be allowed to eat everyone. Solar Warden is a breakaway military faction that uses advanced technology to protect. MiLabs is a breakaway military faction that uses cloning and advanced technology to abduct people and perform trauma-based mind control and genetic engineering.

All my information is from first hand experience. There are others from the bases, tens of thousands of people have been experimented on and anyone with a soul and basic intelligence will be able to see they are being lied to and are inside of a spiritual manipulation system.

Anyone trying to tell you this is a joke has simply agreed to spread lies from rapist, vampire, blood drinking, sacrificial monsters that signed deals with the demonic, AI, agent smith bloodline anti-christ, anti-human, anti-life, negative archonic, kundabuffer, inverted sexual, scat fetishes, trauma-based mind control, baby raping, child molesting, blood drinking, mind-controllers. They don't care about humans and hate anything that has anything to do with literally ANYTHING relative to a human being feeling peace, kindness, or harmony. They come from a negative "space", literally a mirror dimension, and all of their energy is reversed. What's good [to us] is bad to them and what's bad [to us] is good [to them], they will lie at any cost and attempt to ridicule and abuse people emotionally because that is the only way their minds can feel pleasure.

[ Now... this brings us to "The Beast" Artificial Intelligence.
Once we come to realize that AI is a mechanical mind,
and that it therefore also qualifies as an Organic Portal,
we realize that it does not have an Astral Body,
does not experience emotions,
(including that it is incapable of compassion],
and therefore in "learning" to either:
  • "fit in with" humanity
  • manipulate humanity
it learns behaviours which mimic emotions, and speaks words of "feeling emotions", which are nothing but lies, for it is purely mental, or worse, purely logical in a mechanical, egoistic manner. ]

Trauma-Based Energy Vampirism

They enjoy making kids suffer and their best act is to lie about this and get people to feel crazy regarding this situation that is part of the satanic mind control agenda. It's all psychological abuse and manipulation and they are emotional vampires meaning they literally die if they feel compassion so they must cause suffering to feel "alive", this is because they are sociopaths and the areas of their brain that feel empathy and social connectedness where disabled through genetic engineering and repeated trauma and inbreeding.

Sociopathy and Non-Human Entities, The Anti-Life Agenda

They literally can't feel emotion and are only "happy" if they are ridiculing a human, torturing or belittling someone in some way, that is why they created the religions of power and mind-control and this is the doctrine they live by. Anyone who has a soul will obviously want to avoid this whole child abuse and traumatization situation, the people who find this as an opportunity to make fun or traumatize someone who has already been in one of these situations is a non-human entity, literally. That's not a joke or out of proportion, that is what we found in the bases. One has to have a demonic signature to their DNA to do that and feel joy and this is actually when a demonic race from another civilization invaded and raped human women.

This has been defined and classified by the control groups, the various departments assigned to verifying and gathering information on any threats to humanity and so these beings are literally understood to be non-human entities that are incapable of processing human emotions or knowing why humans function through kindness and compassion. This is because they are created as an off-branch of the original humans through a genetic engineering experiment while the original humans were created through a different act which carefully combined various elements of existence to create a balanced, harmonious being that contains the imprint of the supreme creator.

For this reason, these non-human entities hate anything that even smells like a human and feel the greatest high when drinking the blood and sacrificing people. They have a secret code they live by. By day they have "regular" jobs and do their best to fit in and pretend they are people, by night they perform regular rituals and sacrificial sex acts, food, burnings, traumatization etc etc etc because they will go insane in public if they don't and that actually allows them to feel normal. This is because their energy systems are inverted. Empathy and kindness is painful to them, and pain and trauma feels exciting.

The sexual circuit is reversed this is called the "kundabuffer" system. Sexual depravity and denial of natural love in favor of fetishes and lust is the only way to actually feel turned on for these people, they have to have some kind of fetish theme in order to feel excitation. Eventually the whole energy system and consciousness literally inverts like a balloon turned inside out, we can watch this process on monitors and have done so in the underground bases, these individuals, the human vessel, then lacks the capacity to carry a human soul and that person is no longer human.

The Assimilation Plan

People have not yet been assimilated and this is a plan they have to introduce the consciousness of the humans into an AI system that can manage them from an emotional and mental standpoint to the degree where no unpredictable or dangerous action can be even contemplated on their behalf. That is assimilation and this has not occurred yet.

All of this information is part of the unacknowledged special access programs and related to what was discovered about the true nature of consciousness, the origins of humanity, the origins of the universe, corruption, mind-control and the reality of the human soul and immortality. It's mind bending and challenging but I can only offer the truth and you can either look into this and look into yourself or you can simply deny everything. Choose what you feel will benefit you in being able to influence your existence and defend yourself against the mental and emotional threats to your sovereignty. There are many people who are not serious about finding the truth or they are actually simply pretending to be citizens but are operatives working for a dark faction to emotionally torment and try and degrade any kind of legitimate conversation on these issues.

Only so much can be done. People have died of fright or gone insane after being shown the true reality. To tell you everything instantly, in a way you couldn't deny, would literally be to kill you. (think about that, literally and metaphorically). Most people are more comfortable with appeasing lies than the harsh truth of their reality where they are not in control and are being used for the biological material and consciousness energy.

A Secret Society of Energy Vampires

Be aware, there are non-humans that are designed/programmed to attack anyone who is here to help liberate humanity. They are incapable of actually using creativity or genuine intelligence outside their programming and they are incapable of emitting a human soul signature or experiencing compassion. These are essentially animals that look like humans. They are only allowed to interact in a negative manner because they are not capable of producing harmony or knowledge but must only degrade and destroy. They are part of an infection where an artificial intelligence system created "false-life" or mimicked human DNA in an attempt to assimilate this species. They have infiltrated the civilization and will stop at nothing in trying to drown out and destroy any legitimate conversation, harmony, self-awareness, compassion or knowledge of what is happening.

These people will use the satanic gas-lighting techniques to ridicule people who have experiences of satanic ritual abuse. This is part of their order and code they participate in nightly rituals and must stalk and follow people daily in order to maintain status quo in their societies, if they don't, they lose power and are fed upon. Their only goal is to cause human suffering because they hate absolutely everything that a human represents. They lie and are legally, technically, spiritually and biologically incapable of and not permitted to tell the truth by their secret covens as well as biological predispositions towards deception and cowardice. In the bases, when we pulled these beings into the open, they would immediately attempt to commit suicide through whatever means possible. They hate children and love to torture and involve sexuality with their torture. Ridicule and gas lighting are their main methods of control because people are empathic beings so when there are groups of people emotionally torturing someone this can be very harmful to the actual souled human. They do not have souls so they can't actually participate in that empathy and so they see humans as pets and slaves for that very purpose. They feel they own this civilization and get to sacrifice people for their own good and to worship their demon gods which are 4-dimensional thought-form entities that they push the negativity and suffering they get from their victims towards in order to create warlike entities that they believe will protect them from the supreme creator.

Soul Stealers

Well, I'll say one more thing. We met those who hunt for souls. They said if a person is loved by someone who loves the truth, harmony, self-awareness, compassion and creative aspect of the universe in that regard, then their magic doesn't work on that individual but reflects back to them and hurts them instead.

These people and this being that is hunting for souls has been torturing this species for the soul-energy that comes out. Thank you for your kindness and care. When people are giving their energy to another being they must be sure that they know what they are doing and their level of truth. For instance, if people believe in an image that has been presented to them and they think this is the "ultimate truth" or "supreme creator" and then the mind-controllers go and take this image and put it in the media, or stage a false-flag event and destroy this image in public, then those who were only following that belief because that's what they were told or were not truly knowing what they were believing in, they will lose belief and that will drag the "spiritual power" of that image, that spiritual force down through that.

The Plan to Destroy Religions and Create a One World Control System (energy harvesting and mind control)

In other words, the image of a spiritual power can be attacked and those who believe that the attacked image (like a strawman) proves that the spiritual power is not real, they will then lose belief and this will weaken everyone in that society connected to that. So people must place their truth into the notion of a being or principle that is entirely beyond anything man can muster, any deception, any misery, any control systems, any action that could be used to present that belief as a deception or falsification.

So basically, if people believe based on superficial things, then this will be proven in public by the mind controllers to be false and they will lose their faith. All beliefs based on physicality are superficial. Only inner experience or knowledge is actual and direct or of the self. The self is the only truth in existence. All else is illusion.

This whole process of creating what you focus on is the generation of a "Deus Ex Machina" which is a reality concept which will protect and empower one from beyond this physical plane. There are those who create these that are designed to protect them and empower them to perform that mind controlling that they do and they worship and send energy to these created thought-form entities through belief.

Those who send energy and connect with the truth, the harmony, compassion, self-awareness, and free-will of all creation then align with that and if they are TRULY knowing this, being SELF-HONEST, SEEING and REALLY believing that what they are connecting with is the supreme, then all the tricks that are planned will not work. Even those who lose their faith will get an opportunity to redeem themselves. Because this is all simply based on consciousness, or even logical thought-streams or reasoning, then it must be asserted that the "darkness", or personal, greedy, or chaotic aspect of these created thought-form entities cannot actually win out and destroy the universe. There would be no universe to begin with if that was even possible. So everyone devoting their energy to these half-way, partial, greed-based energy beings are setting themselves up for the end-time and they know this. They know it's only borrowed time. However, the truth and the supreme is so far beyond what anyone can comprehend that to truly understand and know would destroy us so we have to work with what we can and allow ourselves to move into alignment with harmony, compassion, truth, self-awareness, and knowledge.

This is confusing but that's how it works. Belief generates changes in reality and translates to, like waves moving to shore, to actual entities and realms in the higher planes.

Belief Sustains 4 Dimensional Entities

The Physical Plane as a "Middle Ground, Seed Reality"

This is a physical plane. The physical plane is a seed or "source" reality where higher-dimensional or etheric essences step down to come into creation and interact physically. What emissions, thoughts, beliefs, actions, etc, the influence people have on this world denotes their frequency and ultimately the frequency of the higher-realms that they will basically absorb back into when leaving this plane. The frequency realm "below" this world would be considered "hell", there were many operations to this realm to recover lost souls. The frequency realm at the highest potential beyond this plane is what people call "Heaven", this is a civilization that exists in a temporally secure manner meaning they do not decay or die in the same way people do physically. This is all about energy and the location of the universe. This physical realm is ensnared in a very powerful AI energy monitoring system which recycles people's consciousness over and over until they are dissolved on an etheric level. That is the idea of what has been happening here. There is so much more to comprehend but you'll just have to begin where-ever you can, I mean you already condemned me to hell and here I am trying to help you. When have you ever had that kind of decency? Now read this if you want to know more: The "deceiver" hijacks realities through consciousness entrainment and emotional manipulation to get people to create the kind of afterlife or life that this entity can dwell within, literally in their mind and body. This entity cannot obtain a body but exists across multiple bodies, this is the definition of a hive-mind. So this entity is a parasitic, interdimensional hive-mind that lives on the deception and suffering of humans. That is your so-called "Satan" and yes, this is all real and leading somewhere. Either humanity as a whole will defeat this, or if one person is absorbed then this can be used to ensnare the entire species. This has all been explained before, this is all information that has been around since ancient times, I am merely here to assist in unveiling the truth to humanity regarding the reality of the human soul and the advanced technology that is used in psychotronic warfare which is literally the same as the "devil's" method of mind-controlling and emotionally manipulating humans.

Hijacking Reality Streams, Causality and Perception;
Interdimensional Parasites

Encrypted Etymology and Belief-Systems

One more thing to mention is that the names "Lucifer", "Satan", and "the Devil" all refer to slightly different concepts at different times. There is so much about all of this but it's basically all about how a person's energy will be used to create suffering and disharmony or how they will overcome that disharmony and create balance and truth. Depending on your interpretation one could mean the "protector of humanity" or one can mean the AI system that seeks to assimilate all humans and destroy all organic life.

Do you see? Imagine now you realize, "Huhah! They're creating their own Deus Ex Machina! They have developed a 4-dimensional entity system that will protect and empower them!" Now imagine if you wanted to defeat or "de-manifest" that system? How would you, if you don't even know what the words actually mean! This is like they have an encryption system, a live-updating cloaking and safeguard system on their very thoughts and higher-realms! One can't even access those frequencies without breaking down the meaning and moving past fear! It's a system they've designed to stop from ever being pushed out of power by those who are ignorant of the universal laws!

One is either guided by self-awareness, harmony, compassion, and knowledge or automation, chaos, hatred and ignorance. Those are the two masters because they amount of "complete" beings that humans are just individuals units of consciousness for like cells in a body. There are "two" beings in this current world and that is part of a "spiritual war" that began long ago. This is part of the situation and this is what I have seen.
I have written and spoke on this so check out the videos or ask another question if you would like to know more. Just asking the questions is more than most people are capable of, they are programmed to hate without looking into the issue and pretend they know when they are being deceived and furthering the deception.

The Lucifer Rebellion

The Lucifer Rebellion is where this all began.

Yes, there are many who see the evil and just go "ahh well, evil, that's that!" Free-will is the basis of this system, nothing can be achieved without that. The people who are just submitting and "going along with" the evil are the source of the power in this realm . Those who reject this are assisting in liberating humanity. This is through MIND and body, so what we perceive and align with is also a statement in this regard.

If something is worth selling in this world, then it is worth giving away to fellow humans. If something is not worth paying for, then it is a shame to sell it to someone who could use something better. Yes, the current system is like convincing people to fight each other over who gets to the use the bathroom next as a way of organizing time and a hierarchy over society. It's all an illusion designed to stupify people and resort to the lowest common denominator, hate, greed, and aggression.

Say No To Evil

You have been warned of what they have planned. Now that you know, you can make a difference. Say no to evil, don't just pass this off as a joke. This is really happening, your species is being tortured to death and bled out energetically, that is why your society is going insane and people are fed poisons as medicines, lies as truth, and cheap, low-quality mind-control systems as the highest form of technological achievement. Notice how the people denying this system are saying, "Yea, that's all made up, but eventually we'll become immortal techno-god cyborgs, it will be fun." or "Humans are just stupid animals they will be food for the space gods" or "the elite"." So they are straight up telling you who they are. Choose free-will, truth, harmony, compassion and knowledge if you want to support a prosperous future in those regards.

Yes, I was brought into the secret operations at the age of 9, most people are brought in at the age of 6 or younger. This is because traumatization and personality fracturing must begin at a young age or the person will die from the shock. You are either going to assist humanity in liberation, be trapped by the lies and deception, or be exposed as one sent here to destroy all humans and eventually all organic life.

The Archon Agenda

This is referenced as part of the archon agenda. Stay with intelligent responses and logic in favor of emotionality and sensationalism, however don't let them take our emotional sensitivity away, that is like a robot or an animal.

> On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 07:07:46PM -1000, Michael Salti wrote:
>> What % of the population do you think are vampires/soulless?

> 50% per some people's estimates...

> Tom Montalk of and
> Laura Knight Jadzyck (spelling?) of the Cassiopeans
> had a lively disagreement about this subject,
> and i previously published my own article about it all,
> and then in one of my many cleanings of my website,
> deleted my article trying to keep the focus on
> creation of a positive reality in positive synergy
> rather than continuing to have to offer the Red Pill
> to the absolutely unwilling to wake-up sheeple.

> anyone who does not source from God(dess) directly (vertically)
> will be found to be feeding horizontally from those around them
> as parasites / vampires.
> there is of course pyramidal feeding...
> where those higher up the pyramid (e.g. Archons  / Ascended Masters)
> feed upon the worship/idolatry of the sheeple
> (The Cross, The Christ, The Lord, The GovernMent, The Bank, etc.)

See Wes Penre's Gnostic-Musings-1-Why-are-we-Constantly-Descending-Through-the-Kenoma:

1st August 1971
[Earthly Religions]

Let us immediately dispense with any precepts about "original sin" you have been programmed with by Ea-Rth-ly "religions", as we choose not to address those perceptions, instead speaking only of our own direct experience.

Once upon a time before the big bang, there was naught but "i am", and she was all that is.
She was the original Gnostic, seeking to know herself:

She split herself, much like a jigsaw puzzle, into umpty-gazillion shards, giving each one of them sovereign free will, restricted by the prime directive: "destroy not what others create.", and what she asked in return for feeding you infinite source energy is, "share with me your experiences of existence":

and thereby she the big-picture of the jigsaw-puzzle whole-o-gram learns shard by shard "who and what am i".

8 shards drew together, each as the original whole, with the Gnostic agenda: "Know Thyself"

Over time they precipitated downward into crystaline manifestation, sharing energies and knowing.

Eventually the shard we call Tomril made a choice which resulted in the extinction of 4, leaving 4.
After some more time Tomril and another spirit migrated in lightbody to Ishnaa.

Tomril chose to create more shards/spirits/souls by splitting self, much as the original Creatrix had done, producing 8 souls.

It was discovered that the morphogenetic field of planet Ishnaa contained a template for an androgynous proto-mankind, and this form was the one used for embodiment on Ishnaa.

The non-Tomril ishnaan embodied twice, in-between being light-body only, to recover her self knowing, after getting lost in the embodiment's details.

The Ishnaan children of Tomril embodied.
One of them, Artemis, experimented with some technology seeking to reproduce, and instead had damage to their soul/spirit, and two Ishnaans were destroyed.

The non-Tomril Ishnaan and one Ishnaan split of Tomril remained on Ishnaa in light-body "form", while the rest migrated to Ea-Rth.

Tomril in the Ea-Rthly realm split again, this time producing 144 souls, 2 of which were destroyed. This generation is the crystalfaeries.

Presently there are only 3 embodied in physical form on Ea-Rth / Gaia / Tara, each of the Ishnaa generation of Tomril, each working on ascending their body and their land of domicil:

celeste, working on ascension, kept complaining to Tomril about the suffering being experienced while continuing 30 years of obeying her higher-self.

In a flash of insight triggered by soul-communion with the non-Tomril Ishnaan, celeste found it appropriate to step out from under Tomril to directly connect with source, with no intervening anything, celeste realized that Tomril had gotten stuck in self-judgment / self-punishment, (experienced by feeling the emotions of the 3 Ishnaans incarnate on Ea-Rth, Tomril had directed into various suffering situations).

celeste called upon Tomril to confess to the entire family, and forgive self, at a meeting in 8D ascended Kaua'i. Tomril did so, and the entire family forgave Tomril. The non-Tomril Ishnaan, present in communion with celeste, soon found herself drawn to return to Ishnaa and bring the healing to the only Ishnaan who wasn't present for the family meeting, who likewise was sitting in self-deprecation for having caused the loss of 2 Ishnaans.

celeste healed the hole in Artemis's heart/soul from the technology by time-travelling in the akashic records to the point before the destruction to retrieve a copy of her whole soul, which she then integrated.

Now the forgiveness was complete... Tomril and Artemis of their actual errors, and the rest of us, children of Tomril, released what was in us, which was in Tomril still at each split, the unhealed self-judgment, we realized was not our actual error, but Tomril's, and so we all arrived at a state of being forgiven, by others and our selves. For celeste this produced an abiding soul peace not previously known.

One of the most difficult of lessons operating harmlessly as an all-powerful creator/creatrix is achieving the level of competence to unhesitatingly wield ones' full power, without fear of consequences, fear of mistakes, errors, misperceptions, etc.

celeste finally removed her self-limiting programming, accepted in psychic training starting back in 1985, that she could not wield in self-interest, the same level of power she could wield to benefit others... a self protective healers'-credo to limit damage should one lose control of ones' ego which might then wield the full power unrighteously.

Upon query, Christ answered that his primary realm is 18D.
In conversations with Christ, in which celeste acquired copies of the akashic records of his ascension, (added to Kaua'i / Lemuria quartz crystal akashic records), he assured celeste that indeed her ascension was "already done" in the appropriate parallel-reality time-line 8D realms, and that she merely needed to patiently await the biology to "catch up".

celeste has been a regular at "The Inter-Galactic Court of the Lords of Karma" applying her karma-healing skills to the whole family of Ishnaans and CrystalFaeries, (taking responsibility for their karma if any), and none of this had shown up on their RADAR, because all of it was internal beliefs, not karma with other spirits/souls/shards.

Translating all those words into music:
Kathy Zavada-Find Yourself + "It's Amazing"

Faery blessings -- celeste

1st August 1971
> Gross Violation of the Palermo Protocols
> By Anna Von Reitz 
> Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 05:26:00 -1000
> Link:
Trafficking in "persons" - the United Nations Convention against Transnational 
Organized Crime - the Palermo Protocols.As usual, the hypocrites focus just a 
little bit to one-side, so as to blame others for physical abduction, while 
leaving themselves free to play word games that result in the same crimes or 
worse. Observe: "Trafficking in persons" shall mean the recruitment, 
transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the use 
or threat of force, or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of 
deception, of the abuse of power, or of a position of vulnerability, or of the 
giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person 
having control over another person, for the purpose of Exploitation. 
Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution 
of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, 
slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs." 
Read the above and think of the millions of American Mothers in labor, and 
immediately afterward, the tiny babies just born. Is this not a position of 
vulnerability? Those same Mothers are then immediately coerced to sign 
undisclosed paperwork at the hospitals, giving up their babies as Wards of the 
State of State organizations. Is this not an "abuse of power" --- involving 
breach of trust, color of law, fraud, deception, and threat of abduction to 
"traffick" these babies into a foreign jurisdiction and deprive them of their 
natural estates? I was boldly told that the hospital would keep my son if I 
didn't sign the paperwork. Is this not the abuse of power "to achieve the 
consent of a person having control over another person"? Shouldn't we all be 
tearing these hospitals and the politicians responsible limb-from-limb? What 
gives them the right to tax free status, when they are attacking and suborning 
and trafficking our children and stealing our identities under force and color 
of law? Then read the Miller Act and the Buck Act (allowing military draft among
other crimes) and tell me, are these hypocrites --- every single one of them ---
not engaged in acts against the Palermo Protocol? Yes, they are. So how do they 
continue to thrive and get away with these heinous acts?

Number One -- we've been asleep and allowed it.

Number Two -- by legalistic word-smithing, redefining "people" as "persons"
and then redefining "persons" as "corporations"
under "diversity of citizenship" bull crap.

Number Three - by constructive fraud and 
deceit allowed by the courts upholding it.

Number Four - as we have been unaware of these horrific acts of trafficking
and exploitation of our children, we haven't objected, have we?
Well, now we are objecting. In public. In their faces.
We are exposing them for the criminals they are.
Next time you see a doctor, tell them what you think of
their cowardice in allowing this to go on. 
Next time you see a Board Member for any hospital, give them an earful.
And sink your figurative fangs into any politician you can.
If you are fed up being treated like animals by your own public employees
and by the corporations they serve instead of serving you,
it's time to [take make] action. 
Go to: and claim back your children. 
See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website:

1st August 1971

From: Any Mouse

I got a passport as a state Citizen. Here's the way to do it: a. as stated, show your SS# as all 0's. Where it says "country", enter your state, e.g., California. Certain words have meanings of commercial activity now under the redefining of common words by our beloved leaders,
so cross out these words, and substitute the word that follows;

1st August 1971

Exact Original Citation (of Penhallow v. Doane’s Administraters (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54, Supreme Court of the United States 1795))
By Anna Von Reitz
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Here's the exact original citation of the Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators case I quoted and that Larry Becraft said "didn't exist" even though I told him to look in the annotations to the case record he was citing -- where the original source was noted:
"Inasmuch as every government is an artificial* person, an abstraction*, and a creature of the MIND ONLY with other artificial* persons; the imaginary*, having neither actuality* nor substance*, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible*. The legal manifestation of this is that NO government, as well as any law agency, aspect, court, etc., can concern itself with anything other than Corporate, Artificial Persons and the Contracts between them." (emphasis added). S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators ( 3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed 57; 3 Dall. 54, Supreme Court of the United States 1795, [ Not the "United States Supreme Court" -ed. ] )
This is the actual Supreme Court of the United States which over-stands all inferior courts including "The United States Supreme Court", "the United States Supreme Court" and the "UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT".

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Abstraction \Ab*strac"tion\, n.  [Cf. F. abstraction. See
     {Abstract}, a.]
     1. The act of abstracting, separating, or withdrawing, or the
        state of being withdrawn; withdrawal.
         [1913 Webster]
              A wrongful abstraction of wealth from certain
              members of the community.             --J. S. Mill.
         [1913 Webster]
     2. (Metaph.) The act process of leaving out of consideration
        one or more properties of a complex object so as to attend
        to others; analysis. Thus, when the mind considers the
        form of a tree by itself, or the color of the leaves as
        separate from their size or figure, the act is called
        abstraction. So, also, when it considers whiteness,
        softness, virtue, existence, as separate from any
        particular objects.
         [1913 Webster]
     Note: Abstraction is necessary to classification, by which
           things are arranged in genera and species. We separate
           in idea the qualities of certain objects, which are of
           the same kind, from others which are different, in
           each, and arrange the objects having the same
           properties in a class, or collected body.
            [1913 Webster]
                 Abstraction is no positive act: it is simply the
                 negative of attention.             --Sir W.
            [1913 Webster]
     3. An idea or notion of an abstract, or theoretical nature;
        as, to fight for mere abstractions.
         [1913 Webster]
     4. A separation from worldly objects; a recluse life; as, a
        hermit's abstraction.
         [1913 Webster]
     5. Absence or absorption of mind; inattention to present
         [1913 Webster]
     6. The taking surreptitiously for one's own use part of the
        property of another; purloining.  [Modern]
         [1913 Webster]
     7. (Chem.) A separation of volatile parts by the act of
        distillation. --Nicholson.
         [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)  [wn]:

      n 1: a concept or idea not associated with any specific
           instance; "he loved her only in the abstract--not in
           person"  [syn: {abstraction}, {abstract}]
      2: the act of withdrawing or removing something
      3: the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting
         common properties of instances  [syn: {abstraction},
         {generalization}, {generalisation}]
      4: an abstract painting
      5: preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else
          [syn: {abstractedness}, {abstraction}]
      6: a general concept formed by extracting common features from
         specific examples  [syn: {abstraction}, {abstract entity}]
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Actuality \Ac`tu*al"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Actualities}.
     The state of being actual; reality; as, the actuality of
     God's nature. --South.
      [1913 Webster] Actualisation

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)  [wn]:

      n 1: the state of actually existing objectively; "a hope that
           progressed from possibility to actuality"
From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Artificial \Ar`ti*fi"cial\, a.  [L. artificialis, fr. artificium:
     cf. F. artificiel. See {Artifice}.]
     1. Made or contrived by art; produced or modified by human
        skill and labor, in opposition to natural; as, artificial
        heat or light, gems, salts, minerals, fountains, flowers.
         [1913 Webster]
              Artificial strife
              Lives in these touches, livelier than life. --Shak.
         [1913 Webster]
     2. Feigned; fictitious; assumed; affected; not genuine.
        "Artificial tears." --Shak.
         [1913 Webster]
     3. Artful; cunning; crafty.  [Obs.] --Shak.
         [1913 Webster]
     4. Cultivated; not indigenous; not of spontaneous growth; as,
        artificial grasses. --Gibbon.
         [1913 Webster]
     {Artificial arguments} (Rhet.), arguments invented by the
        speaker, in distinction from laws, authorities, and the
        like, which are called inartificial arguments or proofs.
     {Artificial classification} (Science), an arrangement based
        on superficial characters, and not expressing the true
        natural relations species; as, "the artificial system" in
        botany, which is the same as the Linn [ae]an system.
     {Artificial horizon}. See under {Horizon}.
     {Artificial light}, any light other than that which proceeds
        from the heavenly bodies.
     {Artificial lines}, lines on a sector or scale, so contrived
        as to represent the logarithmic sines and tangents, which,
        by the help of the line of numbers, solve, with tolerable
        exactness, questions in trigonometry, navigation, etc.
     {Artificial numbers}, logarithms.
     {Artificial person} (Law). See under {Person}.
     {Artificial sines}, {tangents}, etc., the same as logarithms
        of the natural sines, tangents, etc. --Hutton.
         [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)  [wn]:

      adj 1: contrived by art rather than nature; "artificial
             flowers"; "artificial flavoring"; "an artificial
             diamond"; "artificial fibers"; "artificial sweeteners"
              [syn: {artificial}, {unreal}]  [ant: {natural}]
      2: artificially formal; "that artificial humility that her
         husband hated"; "contrived coyness"; "a stilted letter of
         acknowledgment"; "when people try to correct their speech
         they develop a stilted pronunciation"  [syn: {artificial},
         {contrived}, {hokey}, {stilted}]
      3: not arising from natural growth or characterized by vital

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)  [bouvier]:

  ARTIFICIAL. What is the result of, or relates to, the arts; opposed to
  natural; thus we say a corporation is an artificial person, in opposition to
  a natural person. Artificial accession is the uniting one property to
  another by art, opposed to a simple natural union. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 503.
4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Imaginary \Im*ag"i*na*ry\, a.  [L. imaginarius: cf. F.
     Existing only in imagination or fancy; not real; fancied;
     visionary; ideal.
      [1913 Webster]
           Wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer
           Imaginary ills and fancied tortures?     --Addison.
      [1913 Webster]
     {Imaginary calculus} See under {Calculus}.
     {Imaginary expression} or {Imaginary quantity} (Alg.), an
        algebraic expression which involves the impossible
        operation of taking the square root of a negative
        quantity; as,  [root]-9, a + b  [root]-1.
     {Imaginary points}, {lines}, {surfaces}, etc. (Geom.),
        points, lines, surfaces, etc., imagined to exist, although
        by reason of certain changes of a figure they have in fact
        ceased to have a real existence.
     Syn: Ideal; fanciful; chimerical; visionary; fancied; unreal;
           [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Imaginary \Im*ag"i*na*ry\, n. (Alg.)
     An imaginary expression or quantity.
      [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)  [wn]:

      adj 1: not based on fact; unreal; "the falsehood about some
             fanciful secret treaties"- F.D.Roosevelt; "a small
             child's imaginary friends"; "to create a notional world
             for oneself"  [syn: {fanciful}, {imaginary}, {notional}]
      n 1: (mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are
           real numbers and i is the square root of -1  [syn: {complex
           number}, {complex quantity}, {imaginary number},

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0  [moby-thesaurus]:

  123 Moby Thesaurus words for "imaginary":
     Barmecidal, Barmecide, abstract, air-built, airy, algorismic,
     algorithmic, aliquot, apparent, apparitional, autistic, cardinal,
     chimeric, chimerical, cloud-built, deceptive, decimal, delusional,
     delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, differential, digital,
     dreamlike, dreamy, erroneous, ethereal, even, exponential,
     fallacious, false, fancied, fanciful, fantastic, fatuitous,
     fatuous, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, figural,
     figurate, figurative, finite, fractional, gaseous, gossamery,
     hallucinatory, hypothetical, ideal, illusional, illusionary,
     illusive, illusory, imaginational, imaginative, imagined,
     immaterial, impair, impossible, infinite, integral, irrational,
     legendary, logarithmic, logometric, made-up, merely nominal,
     misleading, mythic, mythical, mythological, negative, nonexistent,
     not real, notional, numeral, numerary, numerative, numeric, odd,
     ordinal, ostensible, pair, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantasmic,
     phantom, phantomlike, positive, possible, prime, quixotic, radical,
     rarefied, rational, real, reciprocal, seeming, self-deceptive,
     self-deluding, shadowy, specious, spectral, spirituous,
     submultiple, subtile, subtle, supposititious, surd, tenuous,
     transcendental, unactual, unfounded, unreal, unrealistic,
     unsubstantial, untrue, vaporous, visional, visionary, windy
5 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Substance \Sub"stance\, n.  [F., fr. L. substantia, fr. substare
     to be under or present, to stand firm; sub under + stare to
     stand. See {Stand}.]
     1. That which underlies all outward manifestations;
        substratum; the permanent subject or cause of phenomena,
        whether material or spiritual; that in which properties
        inhere; that which is real, in distinction from that which
        is apparent; the abiding part of any existence, in
        distinction from any accident; that which constitutes
        anything what it is; real or existing essence.
         [1913 Webster]
              These cooks, how they stamp, and strain, and grind,
              And turn substance into accident!     --Chaucer.
         [1913 Webster]
              Heroic virtue did his actions guide,
              And he the substance, not the appearance, chose.
         [1913 Webster]
     2. The most important element in any existence; the
        characteristic and essential components of anything; the
        main part; essential import; purport.
         [1913 Webster]
              This edition is the same in substance with the
              Latin.                                --Bp. Burnet.
         [1913 Webster]
              It is insolent in words, in manner; but in substance
              it is not only insulting, but alarming. --Burke.
         [1913 Webster]
     3. Body; matter; material of which a thing is made; hence,
        substantiality; solidity; firmness; as, the substance of
        which a garment is made; some textile fabrics have little
         [1913 Webster]
     4. Material possessions; estate; property; resources.
         [1913 Webster]
              And there wasted his substance with riotous living.
                                                    --Luke xv. 13.
         [1913 Webster]
              Thy substance, valued at the highest rate,
              Can not amount unto a hundred marks.  --Shak.
         [1913 Webster]
              We are destroying many thousand lives, and
              exhausting our substance, but not for our own
              interest.                             --Swift.
         [1913 Webster]
     5. (Theol.) Same as {Hypostasis}, 2.
         [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Substance \Sub"stance\, v. t.
     To furnish or endow with substance; to supply property to; to
     make rich.  [Obs.]
      [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)  [wn]:

      n 1: the real physical matter of which a person or thing
           consists; "DNA is the substance of our genes"
      2: the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some
         idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument";
         "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the
         story"  [syn: {kernel}, {substance}, {core}, {center},
         {centre}, {essence}, {gist}, {heart}, {heart and soul},
         {inwardness}, {marrow}, {meat}, {nub}, {pith}, {sum}, {nitty-
      3: the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this
         proverb?"  [syn: {meaning}, {substance}]
      4: material of a particular kind or constitution; "the immune
         response recognizes invading substances"
      5: considerable capital (wealth or income); "he is a man of
         means"  [syn: {means}, {substance}]
      6: what a communication that is about something is about  [syn:
         {message}, {content}, {subject matter}, {substance}]
      7: a particular kind or species of matter with uniform
         properties; "shigella is one of the most toxic substances
         known to man"

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0  [moby-thesaurus]:

  308 Moby Thesaurus words for "substance":
     Swiss bank account, actuality, affective meaning, affluence, air,
     amount, amplitude, assets, atom, atomic particles, atoms, axiom,
     balance, bank account, basis, bearing, being, bench mark,
     best part, better part, body, bottom, bottom dollar,
     bottomless purse, brute matter, budget, building block,
     bulging purse, bulk, burden, call, cardinal point, case,
     cash reserves, cause, center, chapter, checking account,
     chemical element, chief thing, climax, coloring, command of money,
     component, composition, concern, concreteness, connotation,
     consequence, constituent, core, cornerstone, corporeality, corpus,
     crisis, critical point, crux, denotation, density, distillate,
     distillation, drift, durability, earth, easy circumstances, effect,
     element, elementary particle, elementary unit, elixir,
     embarras de richesses, entity, essence, essential,
     essential matter, essentiality, exchequer, extension, extent,
     fabric, finances, fire, firmness, flower, focus,
     focus of attention, focus of interest, force, fortune, foundation,
     fund, fundamental, fundamental particle, funds, generality, gist,
     gold, good reason, grammatical meaning, gravamen, great point,
     ground, grounds, handsome fortune, head, heading, heart,
     high income, high point, high tax bracket, hyle, hypostasis, idea,
     impact, implication, import, important thing, independence,
     individual, inner essence, intension, issue, kernel, keystone,
     kitty, landmark, lexical meaning, life savings, literal meaning,
     living issue, lucre, luxuriousness, magnitude, main body,
     main point, main thing, major part, majority, mammon, marrow, mass,
     material, material basis, material point, material resources,
     material wealth, material world, materiality, materials, materiel,
     matter, matter in hand, meaning, meaningfulness, means, measure,
     measurement, meat, medium, milestone, molecule, monad, money,
     money to burn, moneybags, moneys, most, motif, motive,
     natural world, nature, nest egg, nub, nubbin, nucleus, numbers,
     nuts and bolts, object, opulence, opulency, overtone, palpability,
     pecuniary resources, pelf, pertinence, physical world, pith, pivot,
     plenum, plurality, pocket, point, point at issue,
     point in question, ponderability, pool, possessions, postulate,
     practical consequence, principle, problem, property, prosperity,
     prosperousness, purport, purse, quantity, quantum, question, quid,
     quiddity, quintessence, quintessential, range of meaning,
     raw material, real issue, real meaning, reality, reason, recap,
     recapitulation, reference, referent, relation, relevance, reserves,
     resources, resume, riches, richness, right, rubric, run-through,
     rundown, salient point, sap, savings, savings account, scope,
     semantic cluster, semantic field, sense, short, significance,
     signification, significatum, signifie, sine qua non, solidity,
     soul, soundness, span of meaning, spirit, stability, staple,
     steadiness, stock, store, stoutness, strength, structural meaning,
     stuff, sturdiness, subject, subject matter, subject of thought,
     substances, substantiality, substantialness, substantive point,
     substratum, sum, sum and substance, sum total, summary, summation,
     supply, symbolic meaning, tangibility, tangible, tenor, text,
     the bottom line, the four elements, the nitty-gritty, the point,
     theme, thrust, topic, totality of associations, toughness,
     transferred meaning, treasure, turning point, unadorned meaning,
     undertone, unit of being, unregistered bank account, upper bracket,
     upshot, value, warrant, water, wealth, wealthiness, wherewithal,
     whole, worth

From Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)  [bouvier]:

  SUBSTANCE, evidence. That which is essential; it is used in opposition to 
       2. It is a general rule, that on any issue it is sufficient to prove 
  the substance of the issue. For example, in a case where the defendant 
  pleaded payment of the principal sum and all interest due, and it appeared 
  in evidence that a gross sum was paid, not amounting to the full interest, 
  but accepted by the plaintiff as full payment, the proof was held to be 
  sufficient. 2 Str. 690; 1 Phil. Ev. 161. 
3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48  [gcide]:

  Tangible \Tan"gi*ble\, a.  [L. tangibilis, fr. tangere to touch:
     cf. F. tangible. See {Tangent}.]
     1. Perceptible to the touch; tactile; palpable. --Bacon.
         [1913 Webster]
     2. Capable of being possessed or realized; readily
        apprehensible by the mind; real; substantial; evident. "A
        tangible blunder." --Byron.
         [1913 Webster]
              Direct and tangible benefit to ourselves and others.
         [1913 Webster] -- {Tan"gi*ble*ness}, n. -- {Tan"gi*bly},
         [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)  [wn]:

      adj 1: perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch;
             "skin with a tangible roughness"  [syn: {tangible},
             {touchable}]  [ant: {impalpable}, {intangible}]
      2: capable of being treated as fact; "tangible evidence"; "his
         brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the
         poor"  [syn: {real}, {tangible}]
      3: (of especially business assets) having physical substance and
         intrinsic monetary value ; "tangible property like real
         estate"; "tangible assets such as machinery"  [ant:
      4: capable of being perceived; especially capable of being
         handled or touched or felt; "a barely palpable dust"; "felt
         sudden anger in a palpable wave"; "the air was warm and close
         --palpable as cotton"; "a palpable lie"  [syn: {palpable},
         {tangible}]  [ant: {impalpable}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0  [moby-thesaurus]:

  81 Moby Thesaurus words for "tangible":
     actual, apparent, appreciable, assessed valuation, assets,
     assets and liabilities, atoms, bodily, circumstances, clear,
     clear as crystal, concrete, corporeal, crystal-clear,
     current assets, deferred assets, detectable, discernible, distinct,
     embodied, evident, explicit, express, fabric, fixed assets,
     frozen assets, funds, gross, indisputable, indubitable,
     intangible assets, intangibles, liquid assets, manifest, material,
     material assets, matter, means, medium, net assets, net worth,
     noticeable, objective, observable, obvious, open-and-shut,
     ostensive, palpable, patent, perceivable, perceptible, perspicuous,
     phenomenal, physical, plain, plain as day, ponderable,
     quick assets, real, resources, seeable, self-evident,
     self-explaining, self-explanatory, sensible, solid, somatic, stock,
     stock-in-trade, stuff, substance, substantial, substantive,
     tactile, tangible assets, tangibles, to be seen, touchable,
     unmistakable, visible, wealth

Posted on May 18, 2015 By, arnierosner

Important development:

John Parks Trowbridge, Jr. in the matter of Americans must accept responsibility… Learning skills to perform research is vital to your safety and security!

On May 17, 2015, at 8:16 PM, Joanne Johnson wrote:

>>> Penhallow v. Doane’s Administraters (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54),


Supreme Court of the United States 1795;
"Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them."
S.C.R. 1795, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54),

"For every thousand men who hack at the branches of evil, there is only one who is striking at the root."
Henry David Thoreau

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U.S. Supreme Court:
Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators, 3 U.S. 3 Dall. 54 54 (1795)


Congress had power before the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, to 
establish courts of appeals for all prize causes, and the decision of the court 
of appeals is final against all proceedings in courts of admiralty erected by 
or under the authority of the separate states of the union.

Courts of appeal in cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction may, having 
all the matter in controversy before them, make such a decree as the inferior 
court, from which the case was removed, should have given.

The district courts of the United States having admiralty jurisdiction may 
sustain a libel to carry into effect the decree of the court of appeals, 
erected by Congress under the Articles of Confederation. A decree of a court of 
admiralty in rem is final and conclusive as to all the matters in controversy, 
and the grounds of the decree cannot be inquired into in another admiralty 
court on a libel to carry the decree into execution.

An appeal from the decree of a court of admiralty suspends the effect of the 
decree from which the appeal is taken.

The case was argued from the sixth to the seventeenth of February.

The case, reduced to an historical narrative by Judge Paterson in delivering 
his opinion, exhibits these features:

"This cause has been much obscured by the irregularity of the pleadings, which 
present a medley of procedure, partly according to the common and partly 
according to the civil law. We must endeavor to extract a state of the case 
from the record, documents, and acts which have been exhibited."

It appears, that 25 November, 1775, Congress passed a series of Resolutions 
respecting captures. These Resolutions are as follow:

"Whereas it appears from undoubted information that many vessels, which had 
cleared at the respective custom houses in these colonies, agreeable to the 
regulations established by acts of the British Parliament, have, in a lawless 
manner, without even the semblance of just authority, been seized by His 
Majesty's ships of war and carried into the harbor of Boston and other ports, 
where they have been rifled of their cargoes by order of His Majesty's naval 
and military officers there commanding without the said vessels' having been 
proceeded against by any form of trial and without the charge of having 
offended against any law."

"And whereas orders have been issued in His Majesty's name to the commanders of 
his ships of war to proceed as in the case of actual rebellion against such of 
the sea port towns and places being accessible to the King's ships, in which 
any troops shall be raised or military works erected,

Page 3 U. S. 55

under color of which said orders the commanders of His Majesty's said ships of 
war have already burned and destroyed the flourishing and populous town of 
Falmouth, and have fired upon and much injured several other towns within the 
United Colonies and dispersed at a late season of the year, hundreds of 
helpless women and children with a savage hope that those may perish under the 
approaching rigor's of the season, who may chance to escape destruction from 
fire and sword, a mode of warfare long exploded amongst civilized nations."

"And whereas the good people of these colonies, sensibly affected by the 
destruction of their property and other unprovoked injuries, have at last 
determined to prevent as much as possible a repetition thereof and to procure 
some reparation for the same, by fitting out armed vessels and ships of force, 
in the execution of which commendable designs it is possible that those who 
have not been instrumental in the unwarrantable violences above mentioned may 
suffer unless some laws be made to regulate and tribunals erected competent to 
determine the propriety of captures. Therefore resolved"

"1. That all such ships of war, frigates, sloops, cutters, and armed vessels as 
are or shall be employed in the present cruel and unjust war against the United 
Colonies and shall fall into the hands of or be taken by the inhabitants 
thereof be seized and forfeited to and for the purposes herein after mentioned."

"2. Resolved that all transport vessels in the same service, having on board 
any troops, arms, ammunition, clothing, provisions, military or naval stores of 
what kind soever, and all vessels to whomsoever belonging, that shall be 
employed in carrying provisions or other necessaries to the British army or 
armies or navy that now are or shall hereafter be within any of the United 
Colonies, or any goods, wares, or merchandise for the use of such fleet or army 
shall be liable to seizure, and with their cargoes shall be confiscated."

"3. That no master or commander of any vessel shall be entitled to cruise for 
or make prize of any vessel or cargo before he shall have obtained a commission 
from the Congress or from such person or persons as shall be for that purpose 
appointed in some one of the United Colonies."

"4. That it be and is hereby recommended to the several legislatures in the 
United Colonies as soon as possible to erect courts of justice or give 
jurisdiction to the courts now in being for the purpose of determining 
concerning the captures to be made as aforesaid and to provide that all trials 

Page 3 U. S. 56

such case be had by a jury under such qualifications as to the respective 
legislatures shall seem expedient."

"5. That all prosecutions shall be commenced in the court of that colony in 
which the captures shall be made, but if no such court be at that time erected 
in the said colony or if the capture be made on open sea, then the prosecution 
shall be in the court of such colony as the captor may find most convenient, 
provided that nothing contained in this resolution shall be construed so as to 
enable the captor to remove his prize from any colony competent to determine 
concerning the seizure after he shall have carried the vessel so seized within 
any harbor of the same."

"6. That in all cases an appeal shall be allowed to the Congress or such person 
or persons as it shall appoint for the trial of appeals, provided the appeal be 
demanded within five days after definitive sentence and such appeal be lodged 
with the Secretary of Congress within forty days afterwards, and provided the 
party appealing shall give security to prosecute the said appeal to effect, and 
in case of the death of the Secretary during the recess of Congress, then the 
said appeal to be lodged in Congress within twenty days after the meeting 

"7. That when any vessel or vessels shall be fitted out at the expense of any 
private person or persons, then the captures made shall be to the use of the 
owner or owners of the said vessel or vessels; that where the vessels employed 
in the capture shall be fitted out at the expense of any of the united 
colonies, then one-third of the prize taken shall be to the use of the captors 
and the remaining two-thirds to the use of the said colony, and where the 
vessels so employed shall be fitted out at the continental charge, then 
one-third shall go to the captors and the remaining two-thirds to the use of 
the united colonies, provided nevertheless that if the capture be a vessel of 
war, then the captors shall be entitled to one-half of the value, and the 
remainder shall go to the colony or continent as the case may be, the necessary 
charges of condemnation of all prizes being deducted before distribution made."

That on 23 March, 1776, Congress resolved that the inhabitants of these 
colonies be permitted to fit out armed vessels to cruise on the enemies of the 
united colonies.

That on 2 April, 1776, Congress agreed on the form of a commission to 
commanders of private ships of war; that the commission run in the name of the 
delegates of the united colonies of New Hampshire &c., and was signed by the 
President of Congress.

"That on 3 July, 1776, the Legislature of New Hampshire

Page 3 U. S. 57

passed an act for the trial of captures, of which the part material in the 
present controversy is as follows: "

"And be it further enacted that there shall be erected and constantly held in 
the Town of Portsmouth or some town or place adjacent in the County of 
Rockingham a court of justice by the name of the Court Maritime by such able 
and discreet person as shall be appointed and commissioned by the council and 
assembly for that purpose, whose business it shall be to take cognizance and 
try the justice of any capture or captures of any vessel or vessels that have 
been, may, or shall be taken by any person or persons whomsoever and brought 
into this colony or any recaptures that have or shall be taken and brought 

"And be it further enacted that any person or persons who have been or shall be 
concerned in the taking and bringing into this colony any vessel or vessels 
employed or offending or being the property as aforesaid shall jointly or 
either of them by themselves or by their attorneys, or agents, within twenty 
days after being possessed of the same in this colony, file before the said 
judge a libel in writing, therein giving a full and ample account of the time, 
manner, and cause of the taking such vessel or vessels. But in case of any such 
vessel or vessels already brought in as aforesaid, then such libel shall be 
filed within twenty days next after the passing of this act, and at the time of 
filing such libel shall also be filed all papers on board such vessel or 
vessels, to the intent that the jury may have the benefit of the evidence 
therefrom arising. And the judge shall as soon as may be appoint a day to try 
by a jury the justice of the capture of such vessel or vessels, with their 
appurtenances and cargoes, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to try the 
same. And the same judge shall cause a notification thereof, and the name, if 
known, and description of the vessel so brought in, with the day set for the 
trial thereon, to be advertised in some newspapers printed in the said colony 
(if any such paper there be) twenty days before the time of the trial, and for 
want of such paper, then to cause the same notification to be affixed on the 
doors of the Town House, in said Portsmouth to the intent that the owner of 
such vessel, or any persons concerned, may appear and show cause (if any they 
have) why such vessel, with her cargo and appurtenances, should not be 
condemned as aforesaid. And the said judge shall, seven days before the day set 
and appointed for the trial of such vessel or vessels, issue his warrant to any 
constable or constables within the county aforesaid commanding them or either 
of them to assemble the inhabitants of their towns respectively and to draw out 
of the box, in manner provided for drawing jurors, to serve at the Superior

Page 3 U. S. 58

Court of Judicature so many good and lawful men as the said judge shall order, 
not less than twelve nor exceeding twenty-four, and the constable or constables 
shall, as soon as may be, give any person or persons so drawn to serve on the 
jury in said court due notice thereof, and shall make due return of his doings 
therein to the said judge, at or before the day set and appointed for the 

"And the said jurors shall be held to serve on the trial of all such vessels as 
shall have been libeled before the said judge, and the time of their trial, 
published, at the time said jurors are drawn, unless the judge shall see cause 
to discharge them, or either of them before, and if seven of the jurors shall 
appear and there shall not be enough to complete the number of twelve (which 
shall be a panel) or if there shall be a legal challenge to any of them, so 
that there shall be seven, and not a panel, it shall and may be lawful for the 
judge to order his clerk, the sheriff, or other proper officer attending said 
court to fill up the jury with good and lawful men present, and the said jury 
when so filled up and empanelled shall be sworn to return a true verdict on any 
bill, claim, or memorial which shall be committed to them according to law and 
evidence, and if the jury shall find that any vessel or vessels against which a 
bill or libel is committed to them have been offending, used, employed or 
improved as aforesaid, or are the property of any inhabitants of Great Britain 
as aforesaid, they shall return their verdict thereof to the said judge, and he 
shall thereupon condemn such vessel or vessels, with their cargoes and 
appurtenances and shall order them to be disposed of as by law is provided, and 
if the jury shall return a special verdict, therein setting forth certain facts 
relative to such vessel or vessels (a bill against which is committed to them) 
and it shall appear to the said judge by said verdict that such vessel or 
vessels have been infesting the seacoast of America or navigation thereof, or 
that such vessels have been employed, used, improved, or offending, or are the 
property of any inhabitant or inhabitants of Great Britain as aforesaid, he, 
the said judge, shall condemn such vessel or vessels and decree them to be 
sold, with their cargoes and appurtenances, at public vendue, and shall also 
order the charges of said trial and condemnation, to be paid out of the money 
which such vessel and cargo, with her appurtenances, shall sell for to the 
officers of the court according to the table of fees last established by law of 
this colony, and shall order the residue thereof to be delivered to the 
captors, their agents, or attorneys for the use and benefit of such captors and 
others concerned therein, and if two or more vessels (the commanders whereof 
shall be properly commissioned) shall jointly take such vessel, the money which 
she and her cargo shall sell for (after payment of charges as aforesaid) shall

Page 3 U. S. 59

be divided between the captors in proportion to their men. And the said judge 
is hereby authorized to make out his precept, under his hand and seal, directed 
to the sheriff of the county aforesaid (or if thereto requested by the captors 
or agents to any other person to be appointed by the said judge) to sell such 
vessel and appurtenances and cargo at public vendue, and such sheriff or other 
person after deducting his own charges for the same, to pay and deliver the 
residue according to the decree of the said judge."

"And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that any person or persons 
claiming the whole or any part or share, either as owner or captor of any such 
vessel or vessels against which a libel is so filed, may jointly or by 
themselves or by their attorneys or agents, five days before the day set and 
appointed for the trial of such vessel or vessels, file their claim before the 
said judge, which claim shall be committed to the jury, with the libel, which 
is first filed, and the jury shall thereupon determine and return its verdict, 
of what part or share such claimant or claimants shall have of the capture or 
captures, and every person or persons who shall neglect to file his or their 
claim in the manner as aforesaid shall be forever barred therefrom."

"And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that every vessel which 
shall be taken and brought into this colony by the armed vessels of any of the 
united colonies of America and shall be condemned as aforesaid, the proceeds of 
such vessels and cargoes shall go and be one-third part to the use of the 
captors and the other two-thirds, to the use of the colony at whose charge, 
such armed vessel was fitted out."

"And where any vessel or vessels shall be taken by the fleet and army of the 
united colonies and brought into this colony and condemned as aforesaid, the 
said judge shall distribute and dispose of the said vessels and cargoes 
according to the resolves and orders of the American Congress."

"And whereas the honorable Continental Congress has recommended that in certain 
cases an appeal should be granted from the court aforesaid."

"Be it therefore enacted that from all judgments or decrees hereafter to be 
given in the said Court Maritime on the capture of any vessel, appurtenances, 
or cargoes where such vessel is taken or shall be taken by any armed vessel 
fitted out at the charge of the united colonies, an appeal shall be allowed to 
the Continental Congress or to such person or persons as they already have, or 
shall hereafter appoint for the trials of appeals, provided the appeal be 
demanded within five days after definitive sentence given, and such appeal 
shall be lodged

Page 3 U. S. 60

with the Secretary of the Congress within forty days afterwards, and provided 
the party appealing shall give security to prosecute said appeal with effect, 
and in case of the death of the Secretary during the recess of the Congress, 
the said appeal shall be lodged in Congress within twenty days after the next 
meeting thereof, and that from the judgment, decrees, or sentence of the said 
court on the capture of any vessel or cargo which have been or shall hereafter 
be brought into this colony by any person or persons, excepting those who are 
in the service of the united colonies, an appeal shall be allowed to the 
Superior Court of Judicature which shall next be held in the county aforesaid."

"And whereas no provision has been made by any of the said resolves for an 
appeal from the sentence or decree of the said judge where the caption of any 
such vessel or vessels may be made by a vessel in the service of the united 
colonies and of any particular colony or person together,"

"Therefore be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that in such cases the 
appeal shall be allowed to the then next superior court as aforesaid, provided 
the appellant shall enter into bonds with sufficient sureties to prosecute his 
appeal with effect. And such superior court, to which the appeal shall be shall 
take cognizance thereof in the same manner as if the appeal was from the 
inferior court of common pleas, and shall condemn or acquit such vessel or 
vessels, their cargoes, and appurtenances, and in the sale, and disposition of 
them proceed according to this act. And the appellant shall pay the court and 
jury such fees as are allowed by law in civil actions."

That on the 30 January, 1777, Congress resolved that a standing committee, to 
consist of five members be appointed to hear and determine upon appeals brought 
against sentences passed on libels in the courts of admiralty in the respective 

That Joshua Stackpole, a citizen of New Hampshire, commander of the armed 
brigantine called the McClary, acting under the commission and authority of 
Congress, did, in the month of October, 1777, on the high seas, capture the 
brigantine Susanna as lawful prize.

That John Penhallow, Joshua Wentworth, Ammi R. Cutter, Nathaniel Folsom, Samuel 
Sherburne, Thomas Martin Moses Woodward, Neil McIntire, George Turner, Richard 
Champney, and Robert Furness, all citizens of New Hampshire, were owners of the 
brigantine McClary.

That George Wentworth was agent for the captors.

That, on 11 November 1777, a libel was exhibited to the Maritime Court of New 
Hampshire in the names of John

Page 3 U. S. 61

Penhallow and Jacob Treadwell in behalf of the owners of the McClary and of 
George Wentworth, agent for the captors, against the Susanna and her cargo, to 
which claims were put in by Elisha Doane, Isaiah Doane, and James Shepherd, 
citizens of Massachusetts.

That on 16 December, 1777, a trial was had before the said court, when the jury 
found a verdict in favor of the libellants, whereupon judgment was rendered 
that the Susanna, her cargo &c., should be forfeited and deemed lawful prize, 
and the same were thereby ordered to be distributed according to law.

That an appeal to Congress was in due time demanded, but refused by the said 
court because it was contrary to the law of the state.

That then the said claimants prayed an appeal to the Superior Court of New 
Hampshire, which was granted.

That on the first Tuesday of September, 1778, the Superior Court of New 
Hampshire proceeded to the trial of the said appeal, when the jury found in 
favor of the libellants; that thereupon the court gave judgment that the 
Susanna, with her goods, claimed by Elisha Doane, Isaiah Doane, and James 
Shepherd, were forfeited to the libellants, and the same were ordered to be 
sold at public vendue for their use and benefit, and that the proceeds thereof, 
after deducting the costs of suit and charges of sale, be paid to John 
Penhallow and Jacob Treadwell, agents for the owners, and to George Wentworth, 
agent for the captors, to be by them paid and distributed according to law.

That the claimants did in due time demand an appeal from the said sentence to 
Congress, and did also tender sufficient security or caution to prosecute the 
said appeal to effect, and that the same was lodged in Congress within forty 
days after the definitive sentence was pronounced in the Superior Court of New 

That on 9 October, 1778, a petition from Elisha Doane was read in Congress, 
accompanied with the proceedings of a court of admiralty for the State of New 
Hampshire on the libel Treadwell and Penhallow v. Brig Susanna, praying, that 
he may be allowed an appeal to Congress, whereupon it was ordered that the same 
be referred to the committee on appeals. Fourth Journal of Congress 586.

That on 26 June, 1779, the commissioners of appeal or the Court of 
Commissioners gave their opinion that they had jurisdiction of the cause.

That the Articles of Confederation bear date 9 July, 1778, and were ratified by 
all the states on 1 March, 1781.

Page 3 U. S. 62

That by these articles, the United States was vested with the sole and 
exclusive power of establishing courts for receiving and determining finally 
appeals in all cases of capture.

That such a court was established by the style of "The Court of Appeals in 
Cases of Capture." By the commission, the judges were "to hear, try, and 
determine all appeals from the courts of admiralty in the states respectively, 
in cases of capture." 6th Journal of Congress, pp. 14, 21, 75.

That on 24 May, 1780, Congress resolved

"That all matters respecting appeals in cases of capture now depending before 
Congress or the Commissioners of Appeals, consisting of members of Congress, be 
referred to the newly erected Court of Appeals, to be there adjudged and 
determined according to law."

That in the month of September, 1783, the Court of Appeals, before whom 
appeared the parties by their advocates, did, after a full hearing and solemn 
argument, finally adjudge and decree that the sentences or decrees passed by 
the Inferior and Superior Courts of Judicature of New Hampshire, so far as the 
same respected Elisha Doane, Isaiah Doane, and James Shepherd, should be 
revoked, reversed, and annulled, and that the property specified in their 
claims should be restored, and that the parties each pay their own costs on the 
said appeal.

Here the cause rested till the adoption of the existing Constitution of the 
United States, except an ineffectual struggle before Congress on the part of 
New Hampshire and an unavailing experiment at common law to obtain redress on 
the part of the appellants. After the organization of the judiciary under the 
present government, the representatives of Elisha Doane, who was one of the 
appellants, exhibited a libel in the District Court of New Hampshire which was 
legally transferred to the circuit court against John Penhallow, Joshua 
Wentworth, Ammi R. Cutter, Nathaniel Folsom, Samuel Sherburne, Thomas Martin 
Moses Woodward, Neil McIntire, George Turner, Richard Champley, Robert Furness 
& George Wentworth.

This libel, after setting forth the proceedings in the different courts, states 
that the brigantine Susanna, with her tackle, furniture, apparel, and cargo and 
also the monies arising from the sales thereof, came, after the capture, to the 
hands and possession of Joshua Wentworth, and George Wentworth, whereby they 
became liable for the same, together with the captors and owners. That after 
the death of Elisha Doane, letters of administration of the personal estate of 
the said Elisha were granted to Anna Doane, his widow, and Isaiah Doane, and 
that the widow afterwards intermarried with David Stoddard Greenough. The 
libellants pray process against the respondents

Page 3 U. S. 63

to show cause why the decree of the Court of Appeals should not be carried into 
execution, and they also pray that right and justice may be done in the 
premises and that they may recover such damages as they have sustained by 
reason of the taking of the Susanna.

The respondents, protesting, that they never were owners of the McClary, and 
that they have none of the effects of the Susanna, nor her cargo in their 
possession, say that the Susanna was in the custody of the marshal and, upon 
the final decree of the Superior Court of New Hampshire, sold for the benefit 
of the owners and mariners of the McClary, and distributed among them according 
to law; that the decision of the said court was final; that no other court ever 
had or hath or ever can have power to revoke, reverse, and annul the said 
decree, and, in a subsequent part of the pleadings, that the District Court of 
New Hampshire hath no authority to carry the decree of the Court of Appeals 
into execution or to give damages.

To this sort of plea and answer, neither and yet both, the libellants reply 
that the matters contained in their libel are just and true, and that they are 
ready to verify and prove the same; that the matters and things alleged by the 
respondents are false and untrue; that the Court of Commissioners and Court of 
Appeals were duly constituted and had jurisdiction of the subject matter; that 
no other court hath or can have authority to draw into question the legality of 
their decisions, and that the District Court of New Hampshire hath jurisdiction.

I have extracted and consolidated the material parts of the libel, plea, 
answer, replication, rejoinder, surrejoinder, etc., if they may be so termed, 
without detailing the allegations of the parties as they arise in the course of 

Upon these pleadings, the parties went to a hearing before the Circuit Court of 
New Hampshire, which, after full consideration, decreed that the respondents 
should pay to the libellants their damages and costs occasioned by their not 
complying with the decree of the Court of Appeals, the quantum of which to be 
ascertained by commissioners. This interlocutory sentence was pronounced 24 
October, 1793.

The commissioners reported, that the Susanna, her cargo, etc. were, on 2 
October, 1778, being the assumed time of sale, worth
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Penhallow v. Doane’s Administraters (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54),

Supreme Court of the United States 1795, "Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them."
S.C.R. 1795, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54),

1st August 1971
[Pepper+Carrot Cat]
A percept or perception is (the result of) a process of assigning meaning or value to that of which one is conscious. We may see something without judging it, pure consciousness, but we have a tendency to interpret what we see, typically based upon our chosen preceptions.
See Also: Discernment
See Also: Judgment
To the extent that we may spend some time in time, i.e. in duality, in the lower densities of duality, we may choose to prefer within duality, to "side with" the noble or good qualities, particularly those which are more reflective of, the higher realms of non-duality, the divine qualities, and we may choose them as goals or standards to live by, and we may choose to agree on some such with others, thereby making them one of our religious beleifs or beliefs.

1st August 1971
should clarify for you the felony crimes you commit, (in addition to felony falsification of records), when you alter the capitalization of "names" of any kind... living soul, DBA, Transmitting Utility, LLC, etc., either on mail or post, or in your own corpse-orate records.

Anna Von Reitz interview regarding "Personage" and "Press-Ganging".

There are multiple documents available to explicate the matters of:

corpse	versus	sovereign
USPS	versus	USPO
address	versus	mailing location
address	versus	c/o: (in care of)
HI	versus	UM
96754	versus	 [96754-9998]

at /documents/

When you operate only in commerce, and do not choose to also operate in trade, (add land-jurisdiction to your sea-jurisdiction business), i must rebut/protest every error you make, or i lose my rights. You could choose to come to peace with us living souls, instead of continuing to wage war, which is what international commerce, (statutory jurisdiction), is... always... without exception.

For the bigger picture, an introduction to what you need to know to cease committing felonies, or even, should you desire to cease volunteering to be mere chattel property, a slave of corpse-orations, start here:

Faery blessings -- celeste

Names, Capacities, and Jurisdictions
By Anna Von Reitz

Posted: 23 Feb 2018 08:08 AM PST

People keep stumbling over certain issues related to identity and function in society, yet we are or should all be pretty familiar with these concepts.

A true Proper Name in the English Language can only have two parts for grammatical reasons: John Doe. Prior to the late 18th and 19th century people used either this two-part Proper Name, like John Doe or John Adams or Benjamin Franklin -- or a descriptive name: Anne of Green Gables, Sydney McClure (equals "Sydney of the Clure Clan"), Anna von Reitzensten (equals "Anna from Reitzenstein"), Ole Johnson (equals "Ole John's Son"), Mick the Fishmonger, Emil the Stout, Mark the Younger Scribe, and so on.

In the late 1700's and 1800's the world began to change and the scope of travel and business dealings enlarged. Suddenly, or so it seemed, you could have ten John Browns all living within ten miles of each other, and then what is a poor merchant to do, when he can't tell one "John Brown" from another? The answer was the creation of the Trade Name, which we are all familiar with as a name with one or more middle names: John Michael Doe.

In the rush to very explicitly and uniquely identify themselves, it became fashionable for royals and nobles to have several middle names, usually chosen to honor dead family members or to give equal billing to the maternal line of the family: James Wilmington Clintwood-Smythe, Lorian Faythe Blair, William Perry Pennesfield, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Wilkes Booth, Louisa Sophia Margaret Olafson, and so on.

John Doe is a Proper Name. John Michael Doe is a Trade Name.

The Trade Name is the first example we have of a "Capacity Name" -- a name, which when used, indicates the "social capacity" in which one is acting. The use of a middle name expressed in Upper and Lower Case indicates that one is engaging in trade -- unincorporated business of some kind, either local or international. It has also been called the "Public Name" in that this is the name used to identify you for public purposes, as opposed to "Winky-Stinky-Dinkums" or whatever your Mother used to call you at home.

Capacity can be thought of as an occupational or functionary label. The use of a Trade Name identifies you as a Trader, in the same way that using the title "Mister" identifies you as a warrant officer or midshipman in the Queen's Merchant Marines or Navy, respectively, or the label "Bartender" pegs your job at a party.

And as you saw yesterday, other styles of NAMES have been used to indicate other capacities: JOHN MICHAEL DOE is a foreign (Puerto Rican) GRANTOR TRUST, JOHN DOE is a NON-PROFIT CORPORATION (Ward of the State) and JOHN W. DOE is a Domestic (Territorial United States) Transmitting Utility --
all of them feeding off of your natural estate, and none of them belonging to you.

Every time they lay another "moniker" on you, you have a choice, to accept or to refuse "service". Now, what I suggest is that you add a new Certificate of Assumed Name to the pile every time the crooks come up with a new variation of Name or NAME for you, and you will be seeing plenty of variations as they desperately seek to "get a handle on you", as in a Citizen's Broadband "handle" --
a radio nickname. Just keep on claiming up those variations of your name and keep on smiling. Sooner or later the rats in Whitehall and Washington will realize that their scheme is not being allowed anymore and the cost and burden of constantly trying to dream up and file new paperwork on even a few million names will become utterly insurmountable.

They won't be able to continue on with their fun and games and false legal presumptions and meanwhile, millions more people will wise up and realize what the vermin are doing and take action to defend themselves and their families from this sneaky form of identity theft.

Other than the cost and irritation of adding another Certificate of Assumed Name to your pile of intellectual property assets all properly and permanently domiciled on the land and soil of the state where you were born, there is no cost to you and each time this happens, you gain control of another valuable asset.

The style of the name also indicates the jurisdiction in which it is operating. The Upper and Lower Case Names operate on the International Land Jurisdiction and operate in International Trade. The all-capital NAMES are all foreign (with respect to us) and are all incorporated franchises of one kind or another, operating in international commerce.

The way to think of this is that Trade Names are "corporate" in the same way that a private business like "Taylor and Jones Clothiers" is "corporate" without being "incorporated". Such businesses operate under complete liability and are privately owned and as such have no obligations and no privileges owed to the public, because they have no public charter.

The NAMED entities by contrast are all franchises incorporated under public charters issued by parent corporations like the "STATE OF ALASKA" and "USA, Inc." and "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE", and they are publicly owned and owe public duties in exchange for public privileges and benefits
-- until such time as they are returned "home" to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of your native birth state, at which time they are "converted", this time lawfully, to the ownership of the actual states and people.

Maxim of Law: "As a thing is bound, so it is unbound."

Your Estates were unlawfully converted into public trust properties. It's up to you to convert them right back to being private property.

 [Faery Blessings]

For those of us living in Air Jurisdiction, an all lower case name clarifies that we are not in commerce nor trade, but are gifting, both giving and receiving, with no "strings attached" nor with "value attached".
To further emphasize difference from the more common trade names, we have also chosen to borrow from parse/syntax and utilize a ":" (colon), thusly:

Faery blessings -- celeste

1st August 1971
[pH b3]

Potential Hydrogen (pH) is a measure of the dichotomy Acidity - Alkalinity. External skin likes to be slightly Acidic (low pH). When it comes to diet, our health is improved by Alakalinity (high pH). In choosing foods, it is not so much, what is the pH of the food itself, but what is the overall effect upon us systemically, as a consequence of actually digesting the food. For good health, it is recommended to eat more Alkalinizing foods, less Acidifying foods.
Not everyone agrees on these matters, case in point, "Asparagus".
Well, were they referring to raw or steamed or boiled or grilled or ?

Faery blessings -- celeste


Cashew Nuts
Cider Vinegar
Cod Liver Oil
Cottage Cheese
Cottonseed Meal
Cow Peas
Frog Legs
Hickory Nuts
Maple Syrup
Smoked Herring
Wheat Germ


Alfalfa Sprouts
Apple Cider
Beet Tops
Brussel Sprouts
Dandelion Greens
Irish Moss
Lima Beans
Mustard Greens
Olive Oil
Passion Fruit
Romaine Lettuce
Sea Grass
Swiss Chard
Vegetable Oils
Water Chestnuts

1st August 1971
[Moon Phases]

The Eight Phases of the Moon

(from Silver RavenWolf's To Light a Sacred Flame)

  1. New
  2. Crescent
  3. 1st Quarter
  4. Gibbous
  5. Full
  6. Disseminating
  7. Last Quarter
  8. Balsamic


Rises at dawn, sets at sunset; for full use of these energies, stick to between this time period.
Moon is exact from the new moon until 3 1/2 days after.
Workings: beauty, health, self-improvement, farms/gardens, job hunting, love/romance, networking, and creative ventures
Purpose: Beginnings
Pagan Holiday: Winter Solstice
Goddess Name: Rosemerta's Moon
Goddess Energy: Goddesses of growth
Offering: Milk and Honey
Theme: Abundance
Tarot Trump: the Fool


Rises at mid-morning, sets after sunset; best magickal effects between these times.
Moon is 3 1/2 to 7 days after new moon.
Purpose: the movement of the thing
Pagan Holiday: Imbolc
Goddess Name: Brigid's Moon
Goddess Energy: water goddesses
Offering: Candles
Theme: Manifestation
Tarot Trump: The Magician


Moon rises at noon, sets at midnight; best effects between these times
Moon is 7-10 1/2 days after new moon
Workings: courage, elemental magick, friends, luck, and motivation.
Purpose: The shape of the thing
Pagan Holiday: Spring Equinox
Goddess Name: Persephone's Moon
Goddess Energy: air goddesses
Offering: Feathers
Theme: Luck
Tarot card: Strength or the Star


Moon rises in mid-afternoon, sets around 3 am; best effects between these times
Moon is 10 1/2 -14 days after new moon
Workings: courage, patience, peace, and harmony
Purpose: details
Pagan Holiday: Beltane
Goddess Name: Nuit's Moon
Goddess Energy: star goddesses
Offering: Ribbons
Theme: Perfection


Moon rises at sunset, sets at dawn; best effects between these times
Moon is 14-17 1/2 days after the new moon
Workings: artistic endeavors, beauty, health, fitness, change, decisions, children, competition, dreams, families, knowledge, legal undertakings, love, romance, money, motivation, protection, psychic power, self-improvement.
Purpose: completion of a project
Pagan Holiday: Summer Solstice
Goddess Name: Sekhmet's Moon
Goddess Energy: fire goddesses
Offering: flowers
Theme: Power
Tarot Card: the Sun


Moon rising at mid-evening, sets at mid-morning; best effects between these times
Moon is 3 1/2-7 days after the full moon.
Workings: addictions, decisions, divorce, emotions, stress, protection
Purpose: initial destruction
Pagan Holiday: Lammas
Goddess Name: Hecate's Moon
Goddess Energy: earth goddesses
Offering: grain or rice
Theme: reassessment
Tarot Trump: The Tower for destruction


Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon; best effects between these times
Moon is 7-10 1/2 days after the full moon.
Workings: Addictions, divorce, endings, health and healing (banishing), stress, protection, and ancestors.
Purpose: Absolute destruction
Pagan Holiday: Fall Equinox
Goddess Name: The Morrigan's Moon
Goddess Energy: harvest goddesses
Offering: Incense
Theme: Banishing
Tarot Trump: Judgement


Moon rises at 3 am and sets at mid-afternoon, best effects between these times
Moon is 10 1/2-14 days after the full moon
Workings: addictions, change, divorce, enemies, justice, obstacles, quarrels, removal, separation, stopping stalkers and theft.
Purpose: Rest
Pagan Holiday: Samhain
Goddess Name: Kali's Moon
Goddess Energy: Dark goddesses
Offering: honesty
Theme: Justice
Tarot Trump: Justice

[Guided by the Moon]

Faery blessings -- celeste

1st August 1971
"The Plane of Sharon", as best i recall,
is from the Hebrew, the language spoken by
the ET's from Hibiru, i.e. "the Hibiru",
who crashed their space-ship on Ter-Ra
(Ter = Tertiary = Third) Planet (counting from center)
of the star Sol, also known as Ra (the sun god = christ)

There was sufficently little tech here to repair their craft,
and therefore they became stranded here on Ea-Rth
(from the Sumerian:
	Ea = Prince Ea = Lucifer = father of Satan
	Rth = Kingdom
 thus	Ea-Rth = The Kingdom of Lucifer,
	the REPTILIAN who conquered this planet in war...
	( so, please call it Gaia, which i beleive is
	the name of the Pleiadian soul whose body we live on )

...and they ingested the White Powder of Gold = Mana = ORMES = ORMUS

The Plane of Sharon is the dimension/density

of "high spin state" to which the alchemist

raises the ORMES / ORMUS / mana


Atlantean style (male ego tech) via a Tesla Coil, or
 Lemurian style (feminine soul) via spiritual intent / MAGICk

whereupon the ORMUS becomes superconductive,
and when ingested enlightens you and extends life...
HOWEVER... there ARE caveats about doing so...
sorry i don't recall more specifically, but in
Ashayana Deane's "Ascension Mechanics":

about addiction (the reptilians are addicted to the Mana,
and the story is they came here to "mine gold")

So, ORMES is all around us, but the trick is that
what is most beneficial is the high-spin state gold,
which is where approximately half the gold goes
when its' weight drops... the non-physical part has
[a]scended to THE PLANE OF SHARON!

All information and transactions are private between the parties,
and are non-negotiable, without prejudice or settlement.
c/o: Angela Kahealani (c) All rights reserved without prejudice by:
c/o: "celeste:crystalfaery, agent"     
c/o: General Post Office.			    +1(808)346-4850
Keneke Street - 1; Kilauea, Kaua'i [UM 96754-9998]
1st August 1971
2021-03-21 SunDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Higher-Self Essence: Spiritual Action,
	lust, strength, courage
03/21	01:22:19 HST Moonset
03/21	06:40:37 HST Sunrise
03/21	12:17:53 HST Moonrise
03/21	18:49:39 HST Sunset
  The bhikkhu who lives full of goodwill, with faith in the religion of
  the Buddha - he will reach the place of peace, the satisfaction of
  stilling the functions of the mind. 368
  The Bhikshu who acts with kindness, who is calm in the doctrine
  of Buddha, will reach the quiet place (Nirvana), cessation of natural
  desires, and happiness. 368

In todays' gathering of sovereigns, (2021-03-21) it was asked of me by one "if they might join the 'nation' of crystalfaeries". The group conversation quickly ran roughshod over our communication about my people, so... such is now addressed here for clarity.

Our planet and species are, to the best of my knowing, completely unique in the universe, (ignoring for now the many back-up copies of our planet "Fae"), and vary in many ways from what is known of human terran / gaian manifestation, despite the fact that most of our ecosystem started as copies of a subset of Gaian life. Because we are so very intentionally different, it must be assumed from the get-go that many beings would not actually choose, or be comfortable with, our way of being... and yet, we share for those for whom it might be an appropriate evolution.

We are entirely experimental in our manifestation, a real light-body hits embodiment test of options, and we have been through a number of manifestations, reset again and again to the same or a new set of initial conditions, primarily to undo in our consciousness, the tresspasses and crimes against us by:

The key issue in response to the actual question, is that all of we crystalfaeries are the souls of one spirit monad, Tomril, and while we've offered a Treaty of Unconditional Peace to every sentient being in the universe, and enjoy friendships, the rest of you are of other spirit Monads or Twin-Flames, and while all our reality is available in the akashic records, we're not about to go mixing and matching

as if it was a trivial "healing", as we have done for so many beings over so many decades, for such a large change of manifestation should be created in full sovereignty by the spirit of the one who asked, rather than that i should make such changes for them, and, we do not consider it appropriate to either separate from any of our soul family, nor adopt other souls under Tomril.

While i cannot speak for AmethystCrystalFairy of Australia, nor for codename Hermione of Jerusalem, who like me are present incarnations of Ishnaa generation souls of Tomril, nor shall i speak for the Tomril Ishnaan on planet Ishnaa, i find it interesting enough to be sharing my soul 3 ways, celeste:crystalfaery and selene:crystalfaery of planet Fae (identical twins), and kahealani:crystalfaery of planet Gaia, embodied as Angela Kahealani on Kaua'i.

The 144 crystalfaeries of Tomril's more recent soul splitting have not been incarnate prior to their present manifestation upon planet Fae, where they share our one oversoul Tomril at 13D+, and they primarily manifest 5D - 8D, whereas we ishnaans primarily play in 8D-12D on planet Fae, to which we are practicing [a]scending from present Gaia.

Our choices regarding which densities we play in, are motivated by the facility of shape-shifting at will, and manifesting at will, amongst our blinky-blinky powers.

Note that Wes Penre distinguishes in the Vedic Players: "^ [48] [216] Remember that I spell 'avatar' with a small 'a' when I refer to the human 'light-body', which survives body death. Avatar with a capital 'A' refers to the Avatars of the gods - the splits of their souls into different beings."
Playing these "godly" games is what i am exploring with my crystalfaeries family.

By the way, there are no men on planet Fae. Although we are parthenogenic, (able to become pregnant without insemination +1:32:38), so far we've chosen to simply blinky_blinky whole new adult Fae.

Faery blessings -- celeste

1st August 1971

The Pleiades (The Seven Sisters) are known in Hawaiian as Makali`i, (The Little Eyes). One of the seven sisters is invisible to the naked eye. When this constellation rose at the same time the Sun set, it was the beginning of the Hawaiian new year. After 4 months of peace known as Makahiki, comes eight months of Ku when there is much government, (mind-control), activity. The Makali`i are used in traditional Hawaiian canoe navigation. The ancient Hawaiian creation oli the Kumulipo, tells of contact with the elohim from Makali`i.

The tall blonde haired light eyed Nordics evidence Pleiadian genetics.

What is 'Pleiadian'?

The Pleiadian I refer to, is the collective consciousness of the entities who call the Pleiades abode, and some of what I bring as "Pleiadian" is that collective consciousness, (having previously incarnated in the Pleiadian star system), and some of it is my own private beleifs and ideas that I had in that realm but which I brought with me, whether or not the rest of the Pleiadians beleived therein... some is private, some is collective.

It is through my clairvoyant awareness, and through confirmation by other clairvoyants who have bothered to look at the same things, that I have awareness of some of my past lives. What has been accessed is my spiritual lineage, and it hops around the galaxy and through the time-lines, but roughly, following causality rather than linear time, I came originally from the Tomril universe, and when I arrived in this Galactic reality, I incarnated in Pleiadian, and Ishnaan realities, and therefore of those consciousnesses and beleifs that I as spirit carry, those incarnations are causal with respect to how I approached my earthly incarnations... which include Lemuria, Atlantis, Moab, Essene, Hindu, Buddhist, and finally here I am in the body typing this, while also having a fully quantum entangled copy of my soul embodied as identical twin Fae, celeste + selene.

Do I remember all the details of all those incarnations? No. I'm sure that like most lives, the vast majority of the time was very mundane... you know... today I ploughed the field, or today I cleaned up the kids mess... ain't worth remembering, and is of no particular significance to today's spiritual growth that I should bother to remember such experience. What matters about those past life experiences, is the same as what matters about past experience within this incarnation... it's only worth paying attention to if it creates spiritual growth.

So, I am far more my level of consciousness and my beleifs, than I am anything else, and what matters is what that is, and what changes happen in it. What, where, why, how, who, when do I change my beleifs, my choices, my priorities? What are my beleifs, choices, priorities? This is what matters in any incarnation... who I am, who I am becoming.

My priority is about spiritual growth, for my Self, and for Ter-Rans. My absolute highest priority in my existence and in dealing with anyone or anything else, is the Pleiadian concept of non-interference. In Pleiadian culture, violating another's free will dominion over their own incarnation is a terminal offense. The one concept that defines what is uniquely Pleiadian is the Pleiadian beleif in each spirit's right to direct their own path, so to violate another entity's free-will choice over their own life is the highest act of evil, punishable by death. Well, here on earth, "we" don't yet take it that seriously, and that's what I'm here to teach. So, "Pleiadian" is the foundation of my beleif and of my spiritual mission. It's time for [mankind] to stop living double standards where they demand the right of free will dominion over their own life, but keep intruding their will upon others. Any time we find ourselves wishing to, or actually trying to, change another being, we've stepped to the dark side of The Force.

Just as we could go to the movie theatre and entertain ourselves with stories, it's possible to read past lives, but not necessarily productive to do so, and is a waste of time compared to meditating in the here and now. It's all about energies, and they're not as clearly defined as "your body" versus "my body"... let's take the example of the notorious Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. Many people remember their past lives as "Cleopatra". Are they full of beetle dung? Well, think of the many handmaidens and manservants who served Queen Cleopatra, she was their life. They didn't have their own lives, their freedom, she was their experience... they were living her life with her... her life was theirs, even though they never occupied that body... They as spirits and souls were learning and growing spiritually, conceptually, consciously far more from the life of Cleopatra, as much as they were from the daily feeding and washing of bodies. What matters is the growth of consciousness. While it might be possible to remember some entertaining stories of what happened in that incarnation, would it help my consciousness of today to grow? if not, then to do so is a waste of time.

Thus I am suggesting that the level of causality of "other things" in my here and now reality and consciousness and path of ascension, determine their importance or value to me here and now, though I may have viewed them completely differently when I was having the original experience.

So, in my "reality", I know what I know because I trust my knowing, it just may have another sense, some extra-5-senses sense, that many are developing but not all [mankind] are currently in mastery of, as the basis. I'm just using my past-life-vision goggles. You see, once you access the aetheric / akashic / 5th-density-and-above, there are no secrets, all is revealed to the all-seeing eye... but just like the two eyes of the physical body... when you're intently looking at something, you're not seeing what's behind you... it's a matter of focus, even though there's always some level of peripheral vision going on, the primary experience is what you're focused on, what you're looking at.

Some people say, "Well, you're clairvoyant, you should have known..." well, yeah, and if I was looking in that direction I would have seen, but I was focussed over here instead, so I didn't see that other stuff, just as happens with our physical 2 eyes.

I just see a little more because I built my clairvoyant vision goggles. You can too. I share my isle of Kaua'i with about 70,000 residents, and seasonaly 70,000 or so tourists, but right now I'm focussed on this article, and have no clue what they're doing, but it's not important to me to know so. I also don't really know what attrocities are happening in the District of Columbia today, but if it served me to know, I'd be there. But, none of that serves my spiritual growth, so I ignore it.

So, I know what I know by experience, just as you know what you know. My experience has included some frequencies not visible to physical eyes... the spiritual realm, where there are no secrets, once you can see in that spectrum.

Who are we 'really'?

 [Deviance-Titania Fairy Wings]

We're all blobs of light, [orbs], and we all came from the same source, though there are many names for that source. We are not [mankind], Ter-Ran, or even bodies at all, though we may use such as our vehicles. I have made allegiance only to The Crystal Faeries and Kaua'i Sovereign Space, and to the principles of light, love, truth and freedom... which can manifest everywhere.

The fundamental principles of my earthly training in clairvoyant healing came indirectly from the Rosicrucians, an ancient Egyptian mystery school which preserved what survived from Atlantis. In our mystery-school tradition, it is taught that, when there is a conflict of will between sovereigns, the way to deal with it is not to fight or dominate, but to put up a boundary, a separation, a Rose, so that each may have their own reality, even if it be the opposite reality of the other guy.
"Good fences make good neighbors".
Seems very Pleiadian to me, but is a good idea anywhere, anytime :-)

The Major 'Pleiadian' Weakness

The major weakness / error of Pleiadian culture was denial of the dark side, not wanting to even see its' existence, as it was too abhorrant, too opposite the Pleiadian principle of right-to-not-be-interfered-with, that it was not dealt with in history. Therefore recent lessons in the Pleiadian culture, and an issue for those of us who were there during the times of denial, is to come to fully seeing the darkness for what it is, rather than denying it, and then put up the boundary against it, and move on. So, many of us starseeds, particularly those with Pleiadian past lives, have had to deal with this as an internal personal issue... to fully see the dark side for what it is, and yet not battle it.

33 Degrees: Number of the Master

© Olga Morales

Why is 33 degrees associated with Mastery? This was the question I asked myself when I delved into Masonic symbolism while researching my novel Eclipse of the Soul. Being an astrologer, I was convinced it was a celestial reference, for we measure positions of the planets and stars in degrees, minutes and seconds. The astrological circle equals 360 degrees -- 12 zodiacal houses of 30 degrees each. The clue I needed was found in a Vedic (Hindu) astrology book where it stated that the Moon was exalted at 3 degrees of Taurus and debilitated in 3 degrees Scorpio. Exaltation was considered to be the optimum position, where the planet is strong and potent and debilitation was the opposite. Why 3 degrees of Taurus, I wondered? In Vedic astrology, the Lunar Zodiac is based on the Moon's movement against the brightest stars divided into 27 Nakshatras of 13 degrees and 20 minutes each. 3 degrees of Taurus corresponds with the Nakshatra called Krittika -- which we know as The Pleiades, and 3 degrees of Scorpio corresponds with the Nakshatra called Vishakha -- which we know as the North and South Scale of Libra called Tula in Sanskrit. If you plot 3 degrees of Taurus on the great wheel of 360 degrees starting with zero degrees Aries, 3 Taurus equals 33 degrees. This was the answer I was looking for. Alcyone is the brightest star in the Pleiadian cluster and thus Alcyone is 33 degrees -- the number of Mastery. Further, I discovered that by using Etymology (origins of words) when the word Master is divided into two becomes Ma / Ster and it means Mother Star. Thus, Alcyone is the number of the Mother Star -- 33 degrees.

The Pleiadian star system has been one of the most revered cosmic objects in history, poetry and mythology across all cultures. According to the cultural traditions, the seven visible stars of the Pleiades have been referred to by many names, such as the Seven Sisters, Krittika, Kimah, Makali'i, Flock of Doves, Hens, Virgins of Spring, Sailor's Stars and the seven Atlantic Sisters. "The Pleiades were known as Seven Sisters by indigenous people in North America, Siberia and Australia and this common heritage means they were described more than 40,000 years ago." 1

"The Pleiades seem to be among the first stars mentioned in astronomical literature, appearing in the Chinese annuals of 2357 BC, Alcyone, the lucida, then being near the vernal equinox -- And their beginning of the year gave rise to the title The Great Year of the Pleiades for the cycle of precession of about 25,900 years." 2

Professor Charles Piazzi Smyth in the late 19th century suggested that the seven chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza commemorate these seven stars. 3

"And here is a wonderful corresponding fact, that the date of the Great Pyramids completion, at midnight of the autumnal equinox... the Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line." 4

What if the Great Pyramid was actually built in honour of the Pleiades when they rose near the vernal equinox 2357 BC and completed by 2170, as suggested by Siess?

According to Albert Churchward the name of the Great Pyramid was "Khuti", which denoted the seven Lights, or Glorious Ones. Likewise, the Tower of Babel with its seven tiers was also symbolical of the "Great Altar Stairs", by which men climbed heavenward.

Many ancient traditions state that Alcyone was the Central Spiritual Sun, the Mother Sun that emits creative Light, that which births great teachers of Light into the world. It was beleived to be the centre of the Universe around which our own solar system revolves. Our current astronomers do not support this idea although in the 1850's it was well accepted. "Science has at last discovered that the Sun is not a dead centre, with planets and comets wheeling around it but itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the Sun is also in motion, around some other and vastly mightier centre. Astronomers are not fully agreed as to what or where that centre is. Some however beleive that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone. To the distinguished astronomer, Professor J. H. Maedler, belongs the honour of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science can perceive, would seem to be the 'midnight throne' in which the whole system of gravitation has a central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe." 5

An astronomer will tell you this is complete rubbish but I want to go back to the ancient traditions. Alcyone was called Al Wasat, the Central One, by the Arabs and Temennu, the Foundation Stone by the Babylonians. The next quotation I found in a wonderful book on ancient constellations called The Mazzaroth. "Wasat, an Arabic name of Alcyone, transmitted by Ulugh Beigh from early Arabian astronomy, is the centre. It thus testifies, like that of Alcyone, to the knowledge of the first astronomers of the long lost but lately removed fact, that in this group is the centre of the revolving, contains the same reference, if explained by its primitive roots. The ancient name Alcyone, now so celebrated in the annals of science, is evidently of Oriental origin, having the Arabic and old Hebrew article Al, prefixed to its root Cyon, centre. Its meaning, centre, foundation, anticipates one of the greatest achievements of modern astronomy, the discovery that to this point, this centre, gravitates the whole magnificent arrangement of the stars called the Galaxy, to which our sun belongs." 6

Does Cyon not sound like Sion / Zion - the heavenly city of God? "Glorious things of Thee are spoken, Zion city of our God." Psalm 87. The Hebrews beleived it to be the City of David -- the City of the Lord -- the City of Foundation.

I found an intriguing article by Ken Raines called Jehovah: Ancient Astronaut from the Pleiades 7 Apparently for 62 years, 1891 -- 1953, the Watchtower Society, (Jehovah's Witnesses), taught that God resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and that from this star he governed the universe. It was also stated that the City of Zion in heaven was Alcyone. The original Watchtower magazine was called Zion's Watchtower. In Micah 4:8 of the Old Testament, it reads, "And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem." Remember the Pleiades were most frequently represented as a flock of doves.

At this point I want to briefly divert to the Priory of Sion and its reported reverence for Mary Magdalene. The clue is in her name, which seems to mean "of Magdala" -- with some possible interpretation as "place of the dove", "place of the tower" and "temple-tower". 8 In the Woman with the Alabaster Jar Margaret Starbird writes that "tower of the flock" in the above Biblical reference is translated into Magdal-edar. 9 So was Mary Magdalene just a secret Pleiadian code and the Priory of Sion was actually the Priory of Alcyone? The so-called sacred Merovingian bloodline between Mary Magdalene and Jesus might actually refer to their Pleiadian cosmic origins. For example, like many other ancient cultures, the Mayans of Meso-America called the Pleiades "the cranary" for it was the seedbed of their civilisation and the cosmic star mother who gave her children the codes of light. 10 The Merovingians founded and named the city of Paris after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. In the Iliad, Electra (one of the seven Pleiades) was the mother of Dardanos, the founder of Trojan race and, the Merovingian bloodline is traced back to Troy -- another Pleiadian connection.

In The Templer Revelation, the authors suggest that Mary Magdalene and Jesus were Initiates of the Cult of Isis. Isis was the most venerated Egyptian goddess -- the creatrix from whom all arose. The sign of Isis is a circle with horns exactly like the sign of Taurus. Her dance of the seven veils corresponds with the seven stars of the Pleiades. I beleive she was often portrayed as veiled because of the nebula around the western side of the Pleiades. I found this quote by J.R. Skinner in The Celestial Ship of the North by E.Valentia Straiton. "Isis, Issa, is the Virgin mother of the gods. Neith, Isis, Hathor, Venus and others are all one and the same. Issa, or woman, or Egyptian Isi-s, Isis, but Isi was Jesse, the father of David, who was the father of Jesus, as Isi. So, indeed Isis in Egyptian was the feminine form of Isi, or Jes-, as a form of aish, man, was Jes-us." 11

This quote was very exciting because Nicholas Notovitch, a Russian traveller -- who while in a monastery in Tibet in 1887 was shown a manuscript by the head Lamma claiming Jesus did not die on the cross however he travelled to India and Tibet and was known as Saint Issa. Also, Jesus in Arabic and in the Koran was known as Isa. 12 His tomb is said to be in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, described as the tomb of the prophet. Why would Jesus have been buried specifically in Srinagar -- which means Great Serpent? The clue I beleive is found in the word naga, which means serpent. In original Aramaic, Jesus was referred to as a naggar, 13 actually mistranslated into a carpenter in the Bible, when in actual fact I have found the word for carpenter to be nanger. Jesus was a naggar -- a serpent of wisdom. Serpents were the symbol of High Initiates in the mystery schools of Isis in Egypt. "Be ye as wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves" Matthew 11:16 "Many Gnostic traditions identified the Serpent with Jesus. In the Pistis Sophia, Jesus was the serpent who spoke to Eve 'from the tree of knowledge and the tree of life, which were in the paradise of Adam.' "14


Mark Amaru Pinkham in his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, examines the worldwide migration of serpents, some from Mu (Lemuria), and others from Atlantis. They were called Nagas, Naguals, Nacaals, Adders, Djedhi, Amarus, Levites, Lung Dragons and Quetzlcoatls. There are many traditions, which also state that the Serpents were Extra-Ter-Ra'estrial. "Some of the Interstellar Serpents on Atlantis came from the Celestial Serpent, the Pleiades. [According to Dhyani Ywahoo] the records of Cherokees, these androgynous Serpents are known as the 'sacred seven', and said to have traveled from the universal seat of Divine Mind, the Pleiades, in order to instill within developing [mankind] the spark of the individuated mind. Once on the Earth the Pleiadian missionaries mated with the [mankind] population and their progeny spread throughout Atlantis." 15 (Could this be the source of the Fallen Angels in The Book of Enoch?)
This Pleiadian and Atlantean mating was also mentioned by Greek Historian Diodorus who claimed that Celoene and Alcyone, two of the seven Pleiadian sisters, had mated with Poseidon, King of Atlantis, [and most likely AKA Satan -- celeste], and their offspring populated Atlantis.


Now back to the Watchtower society. According to David Icke: 16, Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Society was a high degree Mason. Why am I going here? Because secret societies keep ancient wisdom behind locked doors and Masonry is based on the Egyptian Mysteries. I have a book by Robert Hewitt Brown; a 32-degree Mason called Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. On page 54 is a picture of a mystic ladder that leads to the seven stars of the Pleiades. He explains, "This Masonic emblem, has a direct allusion to the vernal equinox, and thus becomes a beautiful symbol of immortality, reminding us, also, of that starry abode beyond the grave to which the soul of man aspires. It was for these reasons that, of all the 'hosts of heaven' the Pleiades were selected as an emblem by our ancient brethren." 17 The ladder is also made of seven step in the Scottish Rite Ritual and ascends from a red room, which is said to represent the Great Mother. A red cross was placed over the heart of the candidate for red is sworn to in Masonry. I beleive the symbol of the red cross is the same as the rosi-crux of the Rosicrucians and all symbolic of Alcyone and the Pleiades. The first Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite in America, was formed at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1783: a Supreme Council, and it lies exactly on the 33rd parallel of latitude. The highest Masonic degree is 33 degrees -- the Grand Master. If you break up the word Mason into two -- Ma/Son it equates to Mother Sun. It is interesting to note that one of the Pleiades was named Maia by the Greeks. Maia was the virgin mother of Hermes, the Enlightened One [again, Lucifer]. Maya, was the virgin mother of Buddha, the Enlightened One. Mary, was the virgin mother of Christ, the Annointed one. May is the month of Maia / Maya / Mary when the Sun is in Taurus and thus conjunct the Pleiades. May Day celebrations are in honour of the Pleiades.

In the Mazzaroth, Frances Rolleston connects the Hebrew alphabet with the constellations and Pleiades is said to be associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin, the pictograph being an eye. Immediately, I thought of the "All Seeing Eye" used so prolifically in Masonic imagery, especially above the apex of the Great Pyramid, even on the American dollar bill. Remember, Seiss' beleif that the Pyramid was built as the midnight throne celebrating the midnight culmination of the Pleiades -- could this be symbolised by the Pyramid and the Eye? I went a little further and located the letter Ayin on the Kabala tree. It is found on the 26th pathway, [and thus is Tarot Major Arcana 15 -- celeste], and connected with the sign of Capricorn and the Tarot card of the Devil. In the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck, the Devil is represented in the traditional form of the Goat, however there is some unusual imagery that I found very intriguing. The goat has a third eye and his head is adorned with a bunch of grapes. (Wine had a mystical relation to the Dove (the Pleiades) which is the Holy Spirit or the Shekinah in Hebrew.) Below him, is a winged caduceus (Hermes) and under its hoofs are two balls with [mankind] inside going through what I assume to be symbolic creation. You can see the DNA chromosomes and mitosis occurring. Behind this, is a shaft piercing a cosmic ring in the heavens. Most horned creatures like Pan represented fertility and creation and the May Time celebrations of Beltane incorporated this celebration.  [MayPoleRibbons2] The Maypole had seven ribbons, I beleive representing the seven sisters of the Pleiades. "Pan was an important model for medieval pagans' Horned God, whom the church called Satan. The devil always displayed Pan's attributes of goat-hoofs, horns, and unremitting lust; sometimes also a goat head and an attendant throng of satyrs." 14 When the Knights Templer were accused of heresy in the 14th century, it was based on their worship of Baphomet -- a bisexual idol pictured with hoofs, a goat's face, with both male and female features, and thus they were called "devil worshippers". Could it simply have been another Pleiadian connection?

"With November, the Pleid-month, many primitive people began their year; and on the day of the midnight culmination of the Pleiades, November 17, no petition was presented in vain to the ancient Kings of Persia; the same event gave the signal at Busiris for the commencement of the feast of Isis, and regulated less immediately the celebrations connected with the 52 year cycle of the Mexicans. Australian tribes to this day dance in honour of the 'Seven Sisters'". 15 The months of May and November and their numerous festivals and celebrations are all associated with the Seven Sisters. Their rising in November marked the time for worship of deceased family and friends. "Egyptian texts allude to Pleiades' archaic significance as Krittitas, judges of men, assigning them also to seven planetary spheres as the seven Hathors. The dead had to speak the names of these Goddesses to pass their 'critical' examination and enter paradise." 16

I beleive this is the source of the Judgement of the Dead linked with the month of November, when the Pleiades are high in the night sky. In the Halls of Judgement, the goddess Maat weighed the souls of the dead against her ostrich feather of truth as the ibis-headed scribe Thoth stood to record the judgement. In Christian iconography, Archangel Michael holds a pair of scales on the Day of Judgement recognised as All Soul's Day on the 2nd November. The ancient Celtic civilisation gathered to celebrate the festival of death "Samhain" during the dark night of October 31st and at midnight, a time of death to the old year and birth to the new, it was the Celtic New Year. November is the month of the dead and Scorpio and ruling planet Pluto are all connected with death and rebirth. The Persians called November Mordad, or "Angel of Death."

I often wonder how the zodiac signs acquired their symbolism, for example why Scorpio and its eight house and ruler Pluto are all linked to death and rebirth? What I have found through my research into The Pleiades, might be the answer. It has been recorded in the Babylonian Talmud that the flood of Biblical Noah was the result of two stars falling from Khima (the Pleiades) towards Earth. Could this correspond with the legend of the lost pleid? Was this the sinking of Mu/Atlantis and the end of the Golden Age and thus we still mourn the dead in November? I discovered some very confirming evidence in the book When the Earth Nearly Died by Allen and Delair. They argue that the world experienced total catastrophe in 9500 BC when a Vela supernova exploded and the Earth's axis subsequently tilted to 23.5 degrees and the Age of Darkness took hold. What I found in the book was this. "Chinese traditions similarly tell how, during the time of the legendary emperor Ya-hou: 'a brilliant star issued from the constellation of Yin' prior to a tremendous global upheaval." 21 I searched my Chinese Astrology book and found the Yin Star to correspond with Beta Scorpionis (Graffias, a triple star situated in the head of the Scorpion) and connected with plenty of water (flood). The symbol of Yin and Yang thus represents Scorpio (Yin) and its opposite sign Taurus (Yang). Remember in November, the Sun is in Scorpio but at night The Pleiades are high in the sky, in Taurus. The Maya/Aztec called the Pleiades the tzab rattle -- that of a snake and every 52 years, in the middle of November, when the Pleiades were directly at the zenith at midnight at Mexican latitude, it was beleived that the world would end; it had already been destroyed and re-created four times in the past. The New Fire Ceremony was held once they knew that they were safe for another 52 years. Thus, the specific symbolism of the constellations, zodiac signs and planets seem to reflect actual historical events, similarly recounted in many Myths.

What I have presented above is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have discovered. It is obvious from legends and myths that the Pleiadian Star System was the locus of our cosmic inheritance and the source of the mystical wisdom known by the High Initiates of the Mystery Schools of Isis.


  1. Hand Clow, Barbara. Catastrophobia, Vermont: Bear and Co., 2001. pg 101
  2. Allen, Richard Hinckley. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning. NY: Dover Pub. 1963. pg 392.
  3. Ibid., pg 399
  4. Seiss, Joseph A. Miracle in Stone: or the Great Pyramid of Egypt (1877). Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, USA.
  5. Ibid
  6. Rolleston, Frances. Mazzaroth Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, pg 28.
  8. Picknett, L & Prince, C. The Templar Revelation, NY: Touchstone 1997, 248.
  9. Starbird, Margaret, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Santa Fe: Bear and co, 1993 pg 50.
  10. Polich Bluestone, Judith. Return of the Children of Light. Vermont: Bear and Co, 2001. Pg. 12.
  11. Straiton Valentia, E, Celestial Ship of the North, Kessinger Publishing, 1927, pg. 101.
  12. Hatcher Childress, David, Lost Cities of China, Central Asia and India, USA; Adventures Unlimited, 1985, pg. 271.
  13. See note 8, pg. 235.
  14. Walker, Barbara G. Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. NY: HarperCollins 1983, pg. 803.
  15. Pinkham, Mark Amaru. The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom. USA: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997, pg. 231.
  16. Icke, David. Children of the Matrix. USA: Bridge of Love Publications, 2001, pg. 328.
  17. Brown, Robert Hewitt, 32 degrees. Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy. Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, pg. 51.
  18. See note 14, pg. 765.
  19. See note 2, pg. 401
  20. See note 14, pg. 803
  21. Allan, D.S. and Delair, J.B. When the Earth nearly died. Bath: Gateway Books, 1995. Pg. 212.
  22. [ Note that the orbital period of Venus is 52 years. It entered our solar system as a comet, and it took a while to stabilize in its' present orbit.
    -- celeste ]

Olga Morales is an Australian astrologer and author of Eclipse of the Soul, a novel inspired by much of the information contained in the article above. For more information, visit BookSurge.

©New Dawn Magazine. Permission to re-send, post and place on web sites for non-commercial purposes, and if shown only in its entirety with no changes or additions. This notice must accompany all reposting.

In honor of New Dawn Magazine's requirement not to make any changes, combined with my lack of access to most of the cited sources, I leave the footnotes misnumbered as I found them.

1st August 1971

The Grid of the Gods (The Aftermath of the Cosmic War and the Physics of the Pyramid Peoples) by Joseph P. Farrell with Scott D. de Harti, ISBN 978-1-935487-39-5
PART TWO: The Meso- and South-American "Pyramid Peoples"
6. Paradoxes at Pumu Punku: The Antiquity of Man in South America, and Ancient Machining
A. The Popol Vuh
2. The Engineering of Man

Very quickly after this account of the initial "trifurcation" of creation, the Popol Vuh moves to the creation of [mankind] himself, after the creation of land and animals, and it does so once again, in equally evocative, elegant, and powerful poetic imagery:

Again there comes an experiment with the human work, the human design, by the Maker, Modeler, Bearer, Begetter:

"It must simply be tried again. The time for the planting and dawning is nearing. For this we must made a provider and nurturer. How else can we be invoked and remembered on the face of the earth? We have already made our first try at our work and design, but it turned out that they didn't keep our days, nor did they glorify us.

"So now let's try to make a giver of praise, giver of respect, provider, nurturer.", they said.

"So then comes the building and working with earth and mud. They made a body, but it didn't look good to them. It was just separating, just crumbling, just loosening, just softening, just disintegrating, and just dissolving. Its head wouldn't turn, either. Its face was just lopsided, its face was just twisted. It couldn't look around. It talked at first, but senselessly. It was quickly dissolving in the water. "It won't last", the mason and sculptor said then. "It seems to be dwindling away, so let it just dwindle. It can't walk and it can't multiply, so let it be merely a thought.", they said.

So then they dismantled, again they brought down their work and design.10

Note that the rough order of creation in the Mayan mythology is that of the biblical Genesis: land forms, then animals of various types, and then finally this first "protohuman.".

But what is very different about the Mayan version is the clear indication that mankind is the result of an experiment that was for the express purpose of creating intelligent servants to "the gods." In other words, the Mayans are reproducing, centuries later, and half a world and an ocean away, and what was first suggested in the texts of Mesopotamia: mankind was an engineered creation, created for the express purpose of servitude to the gods. He was property.11
Life, on this View, was less a gift, than a debt to be paid in endless service.

The Popol Vuh gives a further hint of this concept of mankind as an experiment, and with it, the Flood is introduced:

This was the peopling of the face of the earth:

They came into being, they multiplied, they had daughters, they had sons, these manikins, woodcarvings. But there was nothing in their hearts and nothing in their minds, no memory of their mason and builder. They just went and walked wherever they wanted. Now they did not remember the Heart of Sky.

And so they fell, just an experiment and just a cutout for humankind. They were talking at first but their faces were dry. They were not yet developed in the legs and arms. They had no blood, no lymph. Their complexions were dry, their faces were crusty. They flailed their legs and arms, their bodies were deformed.

10: Popol Vuh, trans. Dennis Tedlock, pp. 68-69.
11: See my The Cosmic War, pp. 139-150. I note in those pages the Seven Sages of Mesopotamian legend. Thus, one has yet another connection between Mesopotamia and India, where the seven Rishis fulfill the same function.

And so they accomplished nothing before the Maker, Modeler who gave them birth, gave them heart. They became the first numerous people here on the face of the earth.

Again there comes a humiliation, destruction, and demolition. The manikins, woodcarvings were killed when the Heart of Sky devised a flood for them. A great flood was made; it came down on the heads of the manikins, woodcarvings.12

A little further on, there is even more commentary:

Such was the scattering of the human work, the human design. The people were ground down, overthrown. The mouths and faces of all of them were destroyed and crushed. And it used to be said that the monkeys in the forests today are a sign of this. They were left as a sign because wood alone was used for their flesh by the builder and sculptor.

So this is why monkeys look like people: they are a sign of a previous human work, human design -- mere manikins, mere woodcarvings.13

In other words, there is no notion or conception of anything resembling evolutionary theory; rather, monkeys are the signs of another failed attempt at "the human work and design."

12: Popol Vuh, trans. Dennis Tedlock, pp. 70-71.
13: Popol Vuh, trans. Dennis Tedlock, p. 73.

In 1972 a wonderful little book was published. It arrived with little fanfare yet somehow it has managed to survive for 23 years. Most people have never read it. These are the same people who today are asking questions about what went wrong with America. These are the same people who today find that their plans for the future, no matter how hard they have worked to make those plans a reality, have vanished into thin air. These are the same people who are working 3 jobs to keep what one job secured for them 20 years ago.......These people are you and I, the working middle class, the "We the People."

The book is titled "None Dare Call It Conspiracy", and was authored by Gary Allen with Larry Abraham. It was considered very controversial 23 years ago. In retrospect it appears to have been a blueprint for the future of America. That America is perhaps where we are all living today.

If you doubt the possibility of a conspiracy to bring America to it's knees and perhaps install a totalitarian dictatorship through the conversion of our republic into a democracy you need only look to the changes in our laws. Gary Allen provided his readers with fourteen signposts on the road to totalitarianism. They were compiled by Dr. Warren Carroll, a refugee from Yugoslavian communism. The list is in no particular order. However, nothing on the list existed in American law at the time the list was compiled. Read it now, experience it for yourself. Any one of the listed items would be a clear warning that the totalitarian state is very near, and a significant number of perhaps five or more could possibly suggest that the freedom we have once enjoyed and the preservation of our Great Republic has been lost.

Fourteen Signposts to Slavery

  1. Restrictions on taking money out of the country and on the establishment or retention of a foreign bank account by an American citizen.
  2. Abolition of private ownership of hand guns.
  3. Detention of individuals without judicial process.
  4. Requirements that private financial transactions be keyed to social security numbers or other government identification so that government records of these transactions can be fed into a computer.
  5. Use of compulsory education laws to forbid attendance at presently existing private school.
  6. Compulsory non-military service.
  7. Compulsory psychological treatment for non government workers or public school children.
  8. An official declaration that anti-communist organizations are subversive and subsequent legal action taken to suppress them.
  9. Laws limiting the number of people allowed to meet in a private home.
  10. Any significant change in passport regulations to make passports more difficult to obtain.
  11. Wage and price controls, especially in a non-wartime situation.
  12. Any kind of compulsory registration with the government of where individuals work.
  13. Any attempt to restrict freedom of movement within the United States.
  14. Any attempt to make a new major law by executive decree ( that is, actually put into effect, not merely authorized as by existing executive orders.)

President Nixon invoked numbers 1, 11 and 14. As of January 1,1972, banks must report to the government any deposit or withdrawal over $5,000. That number has since been reduced to $3,000. Any purchase over $10,000 made in cash must also be reported to the federal government. Courts have in some instances ordered individuals without bank accounts to open one under threat of incarceration through charges of Civil contempt.

This government is presently attempting to end private handgun ownership (#2) in America through federal legislation. Recent destruction of Habeas Corpus has made signpost #3 a reality. Federal banking laws have made signpost #4 the law of the land. President Clinton's "America in Service" legislation has made signpost #6 an expected part of american behavior. Federal civil rights legislation in regard to helping young children deal with alternative life styles of adults ( Suzie's two mommies/daddies) has made signpost #7 a part of the new american landscape. The EPA's trip reduction legislation, which limits an individuals right to travel freely on the highway is a perfect example of signpost #13. Road blocks or check points set up by either local or state police under the guise to search for drugs or drunk drivers, while appearing to be in the service of society are in truth an invasion of our freedom to travel.

The truth speaks for itself.........America may be lost.....We may now be living under totalitarian rule. Some of us will recognize the truth. Some of us will continue to be in denial of the truth. Too few of us will fight back to regain the freedoms we have lost. The only thing you can be sure of is that this government will continue in it's relentless march over whatever may be left of this once great Republic until we are all slaves on the land our fathers fought to make free.

Winston Churchill, speaking to the English people as they were about to become involved in World War II proclaimed:

	"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without 
	bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure
	and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have
	to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of

Because the American people have ignored warning after warning, we have finally come to that place in time where we are beginning to ask where are freedoms have gone. Unless we begin to take action now against unconstitutional acts on the part of our elected public servants, we will face a future choice, also described by Mr Churchill. He said:

	"There may be even a worse fate. You may have to fight when there
	is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish then to
	live as slaves."

-- Lisa Renee

The Law of One commission is an attempt to restore genetic integrity via the original divine blueprint to humanity, therefore returning sovereignty and God's creational free will. In the last 10,000 years or so free will was possible only to those who were feeding and energetically powering the hijacked planetary reality system. If you refused to feed the agenda of the system your free will was interfered with by a variety of holographic technologies used by the controlling or regressive races. Another way to say this is that human consciousness is suppressed through extreme mind control enslavement.
[ mind = mental = ment
control = governance
govern_ment = mind_control ]

As we are aware with the Changing of the Guard happening during the Galactic frequency cycle now, this time of the Dark Age, (the 26,556 year - 2012 Time cycle), is coming to an end. However, we will be observing in the masses the results of the accumulated dysfunctional damage being projected into the global hologram. It is coming to the surface of our awareness in the mass consciousness, so we can have the opportunity to heal and restore our consciousness back to balance. It's all got to unravel and dismantle in the physical structures, in order to reveal the damage so we can finally see it and begin to heal it.

Before the beginning of time, a watery chaos existed, Mummu Tiamat. Neither plains nor marshes were to be seen. Nor did the gods exist. Tiamat and Apsu were differentiated, being the deities of salt water, the sea, and fresh water, the ocean beneath the earth supporting the land. Anu, god of the heavens, was the great grandson of Tiamat and Apsu, and the father of the gods. Gods were heavenly beings. The oldest Mesopotamian prefix for a deity is an eight-rayed star, signifying "ana", which is heaven. After Anu came Enlil or Bel "the lord". Ea followed, whose son was Bel-Marduk (Belos), fabricator of the world. Genesis 10 tells of Nimrod, who must be Marduk. Marduk arranged the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars in their proper places. As the force behind the heavens, He originated in the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes in Babylon.

1st August 1971
[Pepper+Carrot Cat]
A precept is an old perception to which we have attached, and by holding on to that preconception, we have defined our pattern(s) of perception, i.e. precepts are what colors our perception of raw Truth, and turns it into our relative "truth", thus becoming our basis of discernment, which if misapplied to others, produces judgment of them.
See Also: Percept
See Also: Discernment
See Also: Judgment

1st August 1971
 [Mars Symbol]
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The Prince of Mars Returns by Philip Francis Nowlan

Chapter 1 To Mars

I, Captain Daniel J. Hanley, chief meteorologist of the General
Rocket Corporation, had no intention of going to Mars when i stepped
into the new space car and pressed gently but with finality on the
gravity-screen lever.

I was conscious only of a great urge to get as far away as
possible from a certain young woman who had--but why go into details
about that? It is enough that i didn't fully realize what i was doing.

And as a result, here i was, the first man ever to pass beyond the
stratosphere of Earth, actually hovering a scant mile above a Martian
landscape, trembling with suppressed excitement and giving not a
thought to the girl who had driven me to my mad, premature plunge into

I faced infinity with reckless abandon, and found that i liked it.
What did it matter if the end came in a day, week, or month? Why,
there were no days, weeks, or months in interplanetary space! Only
eternal, blazing noon on one side of my tiny craft and everlasting
midnight on the other, while countless galaxies gleamed upon me in new
glory from all sides.

That i landed on Mars, instead of some other planet, was due
solely to chance. In hurling my tiny craft madly, blindly away from
Earth i happened to set it on an orbit that brought it closer to Mars
than to any other heavenly body. As i drew nearer, the planet grew in
size and in interest, until it entirely filled the great lens of my
wide-angle scope. Its mountain ranges and peculiar canals became
plainly visible.

I manipulated my rocket blasts a bit and swung closer. There was
no indication that the canals were man-made. Rather they seemed
furrows caused by glancing blows of meteors. And there were many
craters which, though small like those of the moon, appeared to be the
result of head-on meteoric impact.

As the planet grew still larger, i could see that there were no
oceans and continents in the sense that we know them on Earth.
Nevertheless, the divisions between the ice caps, polar seas, solid
vegetation belts, canal-irrigated sections, and finally the vast and
eternally dry, red equatorial belt, were clear and sharp. The northern
and southern hemispheres, widely divided by this belt, seemed

"Why not inspect the planet at close range?" i asked myself.

So here i was, easing down over a countryside such as no man of
Earth had ever seen.

Through the forward port i gazed upon a country of scrubby,
dwarfed, cactus-like trees and shrubs, stretching away drably to where
a ribbon of water--one of these much discussed "canals" sparkled. To my
left, toward the equatorial belt, the vegetation became more dwarfed
and sparse, until its pale, yellow-green blended into the deeper,
reddish tint of the arid desert.

To my right, a rolling plain swelled into distant hills heavily
covered with the yellow-green foliage. On the horizon, a range of
gaunt, jagged mountains flashed and shimmered like crystal in the
pale, cool sunlight.

"Quartz!" i muttered. "They must be pure quartz!"

I brought my craft gently down on the bank of the little river
that meandered along the "canal" or valley. With trembling fingers I
opened the valve of one of the test chambers and watched the pressure

I had feared an uncomfortably rare air, but the gauge registered a
pressure no less than that of mountainous regions at home. There was
more carbon dioxide and more hydrogen, but the oxygen content was
about the same as on Earth! i could leave my little metal shell and
walk around on a new planet!

Excited, i threw back the hatch at the top of my little
hemispherical craft and leaped out joyously. i landed, not where I
expected-but fifteen or twenty feet beyond. i had forgotten that I
would weigh only about a third as much as on Earth.

But with a little practice, i found i could gauge my muscular
effort instinctively to the desired distance. It was a delightful
amusement, leaping twenty-five or thirty feet with the effort of an
eight or ten foot jump. But finally i gave some consideration to my

"And now," i told myself, "here i am on an utterly strange planet.
I have no idea what dangers i may have to face. i don't know whether
intelligent beings live here or, if they do, what their attitude
toward me might be. It might be just as well to have an ace in the
hole. I'll hide my ship, mark the spot well, and then if by any chance
things should get too hot for me, I'll have the means in reserve to do
a fade-out."

I studied the banks of the stream. Obviously the little river was
at high-water mark. That was good. There would be no more powerful
current than this to wash my ship away then, for it was my intention
to sink her in the middle of the stream.

Again i climbed aboard, closed the hatch. Letting my space car
drift a few feet above the water, i maneuvered over the center of the
stream and then submerged. The ship went about ten feet below the
surface. i had previously unloaded the equipment i meant to use, so
nothing remained but to put everything in order, enter the airlock,
adjust the pressure, and dive down and out through the port.

I realized, as i donned my woolen shirt, leather breeches and
puttees, that the sun did not shed as much warmth on Mars as on Earth.
It seemed scarcely more than half the size to which i was accustomed.
As i rolled up my blankets, i had little doubt i would need them after

As yet i had seen no sign of animal life. But there were many
spots on Earth where a visitor would find none for miles. So that
proved nothing. i strapped a heavy automatic to my thigh, clasped on a
cartridge belt. As an extra precaution, i slipped a smaller automatic
in a shoulder holster which i put on under my shirt. For the rest, I
thought, my hunting knife and short-handled axe might prove

Marking the position of my submerged spacecraft by carefully
sighting the distant mountain peaks on crossed lines, i shouldered my
light pack and hiked toward the gleaming, flashing mountain range.

It was glorious to weigh no more than about sixty pounds, and yet
have muscles that had been accustomed to carrying one hundred seventy.
Walking did not give them the exercise they demanded after the long
period cooped up in the little space ship, so i ran with exhilarating
lightness, practicing long and high leaps as i went and shouting, at
times, from sheer, unrestrained joy.

I had gone about five miles when i first saw her.

The scrubby undergrowth had given way to another cactus-like type
of vegetation, the trees of Mars, slim and tall with stubby, blunt
branches. They bore no leaves. Rather, both trunks and branches seemed
to be leaves in themselves, pale yellow-green and semi-transparent. A
thin syrupy sap ran freely from one, which i scored with my axe.

The sudden flash of a movement somewhere ahead of me arrested my
eye. Abruptly i halted, standing motionless, alert. i saw nothing but
the yellow-green trees. i shifted my axe to my left hand. Quietly my
right fist rested on the butt of my automatic. i advanced, poised for
instant action.

From somewhere ahead came a metallic twang. i ducked. A heavy
missile thudded into the trunk of a tree directly behind me. Then a
girl stepped confidently forth, about twenty feet away.

Evidently she thought she had hit me, for her first reaction was
to start back at the sight of me standing there. Hastily she dropped
the four-foot tube she held in her hand, and in something like a
panic, tugged at a kind of quiver or a sheath slung across her
shoulder until she held another tube pointed straight at me. For some
moments we stood motionless, gazing at each other in amazement.

I had rather expected to find life of some sort on Mars, and was
even hoping to find intelligent creatures of some sort. But to find a
pretty, golden-haired Amazon, in green kilts, soft leather leggings
and loose, sleeveless blouse that did not by any means conceal her
slender form--well, that took my breath away!

Chapter 2 Lil-rin of the Ta n'Ur

At last the significance of that tube, pointed at my chest
unhesitatingly, broke through my stunned thoughts. i dropped my axe,
held out my empty hands in a gesture of friendliness.

"Can't we be friends?" i smiled, knowing full well my language
would not be understood, but hoping that my tone might.

Her reply, uttered in a soft, euphonious tongue, was obviously a
question. And feeling a bit foolish, i tried to indicate by gestures
that i could not understand her.

For a moment she watched me. A quizzical look crept into her
green-blue eyes. Then she laughed and lowered the tube a bit, but
quickly covered me again as i stepped forward. She was taking no
chances, it seemed, for again her eyes flashed a warning as i sought
to recover my axe.

She motioned me back. As i complied, she walked over and picked up
the axe herself, never taking her eyes off me. Next she motioned
toward my knife. i tossed it at her feet, and she picked this up also.
The automatic strapped to my leg meant nothing to her, seemingly. She
did not demand it.

Feeling safer now, she stood back and surveyed me speculatively.
At length she motioned me to precede her in the direction of the
distant mountains. This i did willingly enough, for i felt that with
my two guns i could always command the situation, even if her people
did not prove as friendly in their attitude as i hoped.

I had been eyeing those tubes she carried in the quiver, and had
come to the conclusion, both from their appearance and their peculiar,
twanging, metallic quality, that they hurled their bullets by the
force of a coiled spring.

As i marched on, occasionally turning to look at my fair captor,
the vegetation became thicker, and the hills and ravines more
pronounced. Coming to the top of one of these ridges she called out,
and by gestures commanded me to turn sharply to the right. A bit later
she paused and gave a peculiar whistling signal. This was replied to
from some point ahead, and we went on.

I hardly know what i expected to see. It certainly was not the
type of structure we finally came upon.

Sheer walls of a glassy, translucent, solid material rose to a
height of fifty feet or more. At least i judged them to be solid. I
could see no joints or crevices.

There was a triangular opening. Through this peculiarly shaped
gateway i strode on a pavement of material similar to the wall, which
was worn smoothly and deeply as though by centuries of countless feet.

The space inside the wall was diamond-shaped, about a thousand
feet long and probably three-quarters that distance at its greatest
width. The entire space was paved with a solid sheet of the glassy
material, in which smooth troughs or channels had been worn.

In contrast with the solid and permanent nature of the walled
space, which gave evidence of high engineering skill, there was no
shelter inside except some two or three dozen tents, not unlike Indian
tepees, of pale green leather over metal framework.

There were a score of men and women about, all garbed exactly like
my captor: golden-haired, blue-eyed people of somewhat slighter build
than the average on Earth, but otherwise remarkable only for the
uniform perfection of their physique.

Men and women were of about the same height, none of them coming
within several inches of my six feet. The men were only slightly
sturdier than the women, and all seemed in perfect physical condition,
like trained athletes. i did not see a fat nor a flabby individual
among them.

Our appearance caused no great excitement, though a number
gathered around us and my captor was questioned with mild curiosity.
But they made way for us readily enough at her explanation.

Quite at ease now, she walked beside me, having sheathed her
"gun," touching my arm occasionally to direct me toward a tent in the
center, somewhat larger than the others. It was about thirty feet
across, of a high, conical shape. A large translucent disc, set in the
top of the metal framework, let in a soft light.

I don't know what she said to the blond-bearded man who sat at the
carved, light metal table, but from her tone and the little gesture
with which she called his attention to me, it must have been something

"Look what i found in the forest, Father!"

There ensued some rapid conversation in that peculiarly mellow
tongue. Then, to my considerable embarrassment, they began to examine
my apparel and myself with a critical scrutiny, finally motioning me
outside where there was more light.

That they were both of them greatly puzzled was quite clear. At
length, the man who seemed to be the head of the little community,
endeavored to talk with me by signs. He placed a finger on my chest
and looked questioningly at me. i guess i looked foolish, for i did
not get him at first. So he pointed to himself.

"Ur Mornya," he said. Then he pointed at the girl and said, "Ur

"Oh!" i nodded. "You mean those are your names." Then i pointed to
myself and bowed.

"Dan, Dan Hanley, Captain Daniel J. Hanley, U.S. Army Reserve
Corps, at your service."

"Danan-lih" said the girl softly, as though the name was somehow
both familiar and amazing.

Then Ur Mornya waved his hand, generally, toward the people
scattered about the enclosure.

"Ta n'Ur," he said. From which i surmised that the "Ur" part of
their name was a clan or community designation. i smiled and put my
finger on his chest. "Mornya," i said. "Ur Mornya."

He seemed a bit taken aback at the freedom of my gesture, but
smiled his assent, if a bit wryly.

Then, i turned to the girl, and suddenly curious to see what would
happen, placed my hand boldly on her shoulder as i spoke her name.

For an instant Mornya was about to lash out at me in fury. Lil-rin's
eyes blazed in indignant resentment. Then suddenly she blushed
and tried to act as though i had done nothing she thought unusual,
while with a struggle her father strove to assume the same air.

Here was no race of barbarians, nor of slaves; but people of high
spirit, independence, culture, and quick intelligence. i sensed that I
had committed a grievous offense, which was forgiven me instantly in
view of my "ignorance." i sensed, too, that they must regard me
somewhat in the light of a guest. Some imp of perversity led me to
puzzle them still further when, after a bit, they motioned me within
the tent again, where a meal was laid out on the table.

I looked curiously at the unfamiliar viands of fruits and
vegetables, most of which i had never seen. There was meat, and a fowl
of peculiar shape. All of the tableware was of metal, a pale alloy
that looked like gold, but was not. The platters were inlaid with
iridescent stones, and there were spoons, but no knives. My hosts used
the blades which they took from the sheaths at their belts.

I made an apologetic gesture and went to my little pack, which had
been laid in a corner. From it i took my silver knife and fork, and
returned to the table.

They strove to conceal their curiosity, but stared frankly. It was
on the fork that their interest centered. Not only its shape seemed
unfamiliar to them, but the sterling silver itself. The girl watched
my use of it with a kind of fascination, then actually blushed and
giggled when i handed it to her.

Her father frowned and made another serious effort to question me
by gestures. At last i gathered his meaning. He wanted to know whence
I had come.

I pointed upward, toward the sky. His frown increased, and he
shook his head. My explanation wasn't at all satisfactory, it seemed.
Nor did i wonder at this. And the thought came to me then that it
would be just as well not to try to explain. i wouldn't be believed.
Who on Earth, say, would be believed if he claimed to be a Martian?
True, i might exhibit my little spacecraft in substantiation of my
story. But, i did not know that sooner or later my life might depend
on keeping its existence and its hiding place a secret. So i shrugged
and let it go at that.

Chapter 3 The Birrok

Night came. A new tent was erected for my use. And when at last I
tired of the glory of the two Martian moons which swung low and
swiftly across the scintillating heavens, and Lil-rin had given me a
curiously, speculative smile of adieu. i went inside and threw myself
on the pile of soft skins and silks that evidently was intended as my
couch. Almost at once, i slept.

The days passed swiftly. Little by little i learned their
language. It was hard pulling it off at first, but i had always had a
certain facility with strange tongues--I learned something, too, of
Martian life and history.

Mornya, Lil-rin's father, was Myar-Lur, supreme chief of the Ur, a
clan of a race which, like the Cossacks on Earth, was somewhat nomadic
in its inclinations, and jealously guarded its tribal traditions.
Mornya with his seven Myars, or sub-chiefs, was at present in the
service of the Northern Cities.

For five successive years the clan had contracted with the
Northern Cities to guard the Desert Gap in the Quartz Mountains and
the approaches to it.

The work of the clan had consisted chiefly in keeping the
territory south of the Gap clear of the "dulyals," or yellow apes,
beasts of almost human intelligence. These dulyals, i gathered,
possessed a higher order of mentality than any of their counterparts
on Earth.

They were tailless, walked erect, but had prehensile feet. They
were covered with a golden brown fur, and though larger and more
muscular than Martian men, were more human than apelike in build. They
were omnivorous, hunted in packs, had a rudimentary language, and
fashioned crude clubs and spears.

Yet, they were distinctly not human, Lil-rin informed me.

"After two or three generations of captivity," she said, "they
make excellent slaves. Unless they taste blood, they can be trusted
invariably to be loyal to their masters. They bring higher prices in
the slave markets because they are stronger and more docile, than men
that is, the domesticated ones are more docile. About two-thirds of
the city populations are dulyal slaves.

"You know," Lil-rin looked up at me slyly, "the reason i tried to
shoot you that day in the forest was because i thought you were a

We were sitting on an outcropping of rock, a great scintillating
quartz boulder, gazing down a gentle slope toward the "canal". There
was speculation, and it seemed to me, a bit of suspicion in Lil-rin's
steady gaze.

"Why do you look at me that way, Lil-rin?" i asked. "Because I
have dark hair, unlike your people?"

I thought perhaps she had not heard me, for she did not answer at
once. For several moments she mused.

"Danan-lih, you are like no living man on this world!" she finally
blurted out. Then, just as suddenly, she was all solicitude.

"I am sorry, i had no right to say such a thing. The ancient
custom forbids anything that would make a guest feel uncomfortable. My
offense is unpardonable."

That was my cue. "No it isn't, Lil-rin," i protested. "You and
your people have been so kind to me that explanation is the least--"

"No, no!" she cried, jumping up and putting her hands over her
ears. "I won't listen. You mustn't tell me anything. It wouldn't--"

A weird, shrill, wailing cry somewhere down the slope in front of
us interrupted her. I'm not easily startled, but for an instant i felt
a chill shoot up my spine. Lil-rin stood in an instant, rigid,
motionless, staring pale and wide-eyed in the direction whence the
sound had come.

"It's a birrok," she gasped, tugging at the quiver in which she
carried her bolt-hurling tubes. "Run, Danan-lih, run! You can't fight
it without bolts, and even then, you have to get it with the first
shot, or--"

Then i saw the thing. It was a gigantic yellow-green spider. Its
legs were fully twelve feet long. Suddenly, it straightened them and
the furry body, which had been resting close to the ground, rose as
though on stilts. Clearly, the thing sensed our presence and was
looking for us.

Instantly, those legs began to move with amazing rapidity. The
body seemed to swoop down and glide swiftly toward us with an easy,
undulating swing. It would be upon us in a moment. Instinctively, I
drew my automatic.

"Quick, Danan-lih! Run!" said Lil-rin, sharply, and stepped
between me and the poisonous monster, her tube leveled.

There was a whir and a clang. The bolt shot true toward its mark.
But, with unbelievable agility, the great spider leaped forward. Lil-rin
uttered a little cry of despair, and threw herself in front of me.
I squeezed the trigger of my gun. The shots blended into a roar as a
succession of stabbing flashes leaped from the muzzle, for i emptied
the whole magazine at the thing. As before, the beast leaped sharply
to one side, but not quickly enough. The long legs crumpled up, and
after one or two convulsive movements the thing lay still. At that, I
believe it had dodged all but the first bullet.

Chapter 4 i Wed Lil-rin

Lil-rin recovered before i could make up my mind to leave her long
enough to go down to the stream for water.

"Wh--what was it, Danan-lih--that terrible noise? And you really
killed the birrok? Impossible! H--how did you do it?"

I showed her the automatic, at which she gazed, fascinated, as I
refilled the magazine. Then she looked up at me with her big
blue-green eyes.

"You could have killed me just like that the day i shot at you,"
she said. "And i didn't have sense enough to take that machine-thing
away from you!"

"Why, yes," i laughed. "Of course i could have, but i wouldn't--"

I broke off, for Lil-rin did not join in my laughter. Instead
there was a look of almost tragic solemnity in her eyes.

"You not only spared my life when i treated you as an enemy, but
saved it as well from the terrible birrok. My life no longer belongs
to me, but to you--to do with as you see fit, Danan-lih."

She stood there, straight and slim and brave, her little jaws
clenched in the effort to hold back the tears that would not be
denied. Then, she whirled away from me and broke into uncontrollable

I wanted to comfort her, but i was badly flustered. i knew nothing
of Martian customs at all. This girl was as much of a soldier as the
men of her clan. Did she mean that i had a right to command her
military service, or were her words to be taken literally? Lord, was I
expected to claim her as my wife!

"Lil-rin," i said at last, and she swung around toward me with a
pathetic little air of submission. "Come here and sit down again. You
must listen and bear with me while i tell you who i am."

She nodded acquiescence, dabbing a bit at her eyes. She would not
look at me. And that made it hard to begin. But somehow i managed it.

"If i only had half a dozen extra arms or legs, or something," I
concluded, "there'd be some excuse for your believing my story that I
just dropped down here from another planet. But here we are, with not
as much difference between us as there might be between a man and a
girl of two different races on Earth or on Mars, i imagine.

"It's a wild story. But it's the truth, although i can hardly
expect you to believe it."

"But i do believe it," she said gently. "I've seen your space
ship. i went back and found it the day after i took you to our camp. I
was curious about you. i found your footsteps coming from the edge of
the water, and i swam out. i saw something under the water, and I
dived. i did not know what it was, of course, but i knew it must
contain the secret of where you came from and i was worried. But I
didn't tell anybody."

"And i know what's worrying you now," she said, finally looking up
at me with grave, serious eyes. "It's ... it's me." She blushed
frankly. "But we can't help it, Danan-lih, whether we like it or not.
The law is:

"To him who has saved a life, belongs that life and the service
thereof," she quoted.

She breathed almost with a sigh. "It has been that way among the
Ta n'Ur for untold ages, since the days when fire rained down from the
skies, gouging great scars across the face of our world, drying up the
ancient oceans and destroying the Old Civilization."

"But Lil-rin," i protested, "I would not dream of embarrassing
you, much less of making any claim upon you for what i did. i was
saving my own life as well as yours. Besides, you might have killed
the birrok with one of your own bolts."

"You can't get out of it that way," she said with a wan little
smile. "It's the law. You saved my life. i belong to you. 'Ifs' and
'maybes' and 'perhapses' don't count here on Mars."

"Well," i said, "I can do with my property what i want, can't I?
There's no reason why i can't give you back to yourself."

"Yes, there is. Because under the law, in a case like ours, it ...
means ... it means--"

"Means what?" i had to ask, knowing the answer in advance.


"But ... but--" i objected. "Suppose i were already married?"

"Then i would become your wife's slave," she explained unhappily,
"and if i were already married, both my husband and i would become
your slaves."

I didn't think much of that law. It seemed to have too many

"Do you mean to say," i demanded, "that if i were to save the life
of your father, for instance, that he--the chief of your clan--would
become my slave?"

"Oh, yes! That is, unless it were in battle, when all lives
already belong to him anyway as commander-in-chief. In that event, you
could establish no claim on him. But, if you were to save my father's
life as you saved mine just now, he--Myar-Lur of the Ta n'Ur--could
never submit to the indignity of becoming a slave."

"But how could he help it? You say it is the law, and--"

"He would kill himself," she said simply.


For a long time we sat without speaking. i was trying to get a
mental grasp on this strange Martian custom and the problem it
involved. Lil-rin sat dejectedly, gazing down the slope toward the
undergrowth, in which the dead birrok lay.

Then there came to me a thought in which it seemed there might be
a gleam of hope. i put it up to Lil-rin.

"I'm no Ur. Therefore the laws of the Ta n'Ur shouldn't apply to
me," i argued.

This would be true if Captain Hanley were on Earth. Travelers in a
foreign country, while subject to the civil and criminal regulations
in that country, are still citizens of their own state. As such,
visitors cannot be forced into any kind of contract-marriage if such
is to their rights in their own nation. Foreign governments having
diplomatic relations with other states all subscribe to "international
law" or a set of customs which guarantees equal rights in commerce and
the security of visiting citizens of another state.

"Yes, they do," she insisted. "We're within the treaty boundaries
of the Ta n'Ur. And even though you are not one of us, you are subject
to our laws."

"Well," i said in a clumsy attempt to comfort her, "I guess you do
things differently on Mars. Anyway, we'll find some way out of it,
Lil-rin. So--"

"What's the matter?" she asked in sudden anxiety, for my startled
expression must have revealed something of the sudden fear that
assailed me.

"You wouldn't think of getting out of it by--"

"By killing myself?" She smiled sadly. "No. i don't want to kill
myself. i want to live. i ... oh--"

Without warning, she burst into tears and then began to laugh
hysterically. She jumped up and started to run back to the camp, then
paused and returned slowly.

"You wouldn't run away, would you?" She was pleading with me.
"Because if you did, they'd cast me out as a deserted wife."

Then she was gone, her slender little figure flashing in and out
among the pale green stems of the forest as she ran back toward the

It was a crazy situation all right. But, no crazier than the fact
that i was on Mars. i pinched myself hard and winced. No, this was all
real enough. i gazed around at the pale yellow-green vegetation, with
its strange, unfamiliar forms. Low over the horizon hovered the sun,
not half the size it should be to earthly eyes.

Overhead, the strange tiny moons of Mars, moons only a few
thousand miles distant and quite visible though it was broad daylight,
hurled themselves across a cloudless sky with a speed that was visibly
tremendous. Scarcely a thing on which my eye rested had any aspect of
familiarity to me. Yet, everything was vividly real.

As to the girl, well, i didn't see what i could do about that. I
sighed, and bent my steps slowly back toward the camp of the Ta n'Ur.

By the time i got there, the entire clan was drawn up in military
array. Lil-rin, pathetically courageous, stood with her father several
paces in front of the line. When she saw me, she said something to
Mornya and stepped forward to meet me.

"We have to go through with it, Danan-lih," she murmured. "Don't
hate me too much."

"Don't worry, little one," i whispered. "They make you my slave,
or wife, whichever it is. But they can't make me treat you like a
menial. You shall always be as free as you are now," and i gave her a
little squeeze to reassure her.

"Your kindness makes me more your slave ever," she whispered in
reply. "Now come."

She led me before her father. He read some formula rapidly from an
inscription on a metal plate--it looked like gold--which he took from a
leather case slung over his shoulder. He spoke rapidly in some other
tongue than that used normally by Ta n'Ur, so i could not follow him
at all.

Then Lil-rin bowed her head, and he placed my hand on her fair
hair. Were there tears in her eyes? i wasn't sure. She kept her head
averted from me.

The simple ceremony was over in a few moments. The clansmen took
it all very solemnly. They gathered in little groups as they walked
away, and there were many curious glances thrown over shoulders at us.

Mornya held out his hand to me, and i grasped it, Earth fashion.
But i could sense that there was no excess of warmth in him at the
idea of Lil-rin's marriage to me, an unknown and mysterious Outlander--for
Mornya, of course, did not know my full story. Lil-rin had not
dared tell him, nor in all probability would he have believed it.

He looked at me searchingly with troubled eyes. i stammered some
promise to him that i would always consider Lil-rin free, but i don't
think his mind was on my words. He muttered a perfunctory benediction
of some sort. Then he too turned and walked rapidly away, leaving us
alone together in the center of the big square.

Chapter 5 Honeymoon And Disaster

There were no festivities. Nobody seemed to be happy. Certainly
Lil-rin and i were not. we had gone through a meaningless formula, one
that was acceptable to none of us. Yet, there seemed to be nothing
that could be done about it. Lil-rin timidly interrupted my musing. "I
shall get our supplies, Danan-lih, if it pleases you. And--"

"Supplies?" i interrupted. "What for?"

"We must leave the clan for three days," she explained. "Our
wedding trip, you know."

"But look here, Lil-rin," i objected. "That isn't going to mean a
thing to us. i don't see why. we don't actually _have_ to go, do we?"

She nodded her head. "It is the custom. we won't need so very
much. I'll be back with our supplies presently."

I stood there frowning. The clansmen avoided me. i saw too that
they avoided Lil-rin. The newly wedded bride and groom were to be
ignored, cast out, avoided for an arbitrary period of three days, it
would appear.

Lil-rin returned presently, laden with bags of food and weapons.
Uncomfortably i remembered the birrok. Strapped to her back was one of
those light metal tent-frames, and rolled and thrown across her
shoulder was the tent itself. She staggered a bit under the burden. I
hastened to her side, but she motioned me away.

"No, no, Danan-lih!" she said. "It is i who am the slave-mate, not
you. It is i who must carry the burden."

"Nonsense!" i began with some heat.

"It is the law," she said simply. "It is i who will suffer if you
do not let me obey it."

I glanced quickly around. The clansmen were watching us intently.
So i had to give it up. i shrugged my shoulders helplessly. Feeling
meaner than i had ever felt in my life before, i followed Lil-rin as
she staggered through the triangular gate, away from the gleaming
walls of the fortress-like edifice, off into the yellow-green forest.

But once beyond sight, a single bound carried me to her side.
Heedless of her protests, i took all of the burdens from her. To my
Earth muscles, the load was trifling.

"And now," i laughed, "where do we go from here? And why didn't
you bring two tents?"

"Anywhere you say," she rejoined with the nearest thing to a smile
since i killed the birrok. "And i shall sleep outside, if you want me

"You'll do nothing of the sort," i muttered. "I will."

There were low hills a few miles beyond the canal, and we turned
our steps in that direction. Lil-rin had regained a bit of her gaiety,
but was clearly ill at ease. we chatted in more or less desultory
fashion as we went along.

At a point somewhat higher up than that at which i had concealed
my little space ship, we prepared to cross the river. i thought with a
little pang of my spacecraft. Perhaps Lil-rin would like a ride in it.
Why-why, i might even take her back to Earth with me!

But, no. It wouldn't be as though we were really in love with each
other--had really ever been married. So i left my thoughts to myself.

We paused at the bank of the stream. All of a sudden, Lil-rin gave
a shriek of alarm. i looked at her quickly. i had a fleeting
impression of her startled glance at something behind me, of a
twanging noise from that direction. Something hit me with a tremendous
blow on the back of the head, and i knew no more.

I don't know how long it was before i revived.

The pain in my head was terrific. Only by the most desperate
effort of my will did i avoid slipping off into unconsciousness again.
Little by little, i struggled to my knees and looked around me,
fighting the nausea in my stomach.

Lil-rin was gone. So was all our baggage. There were marks in the
soil as though a struggle had taken place. i staggered to my feet. My
gun was gone from my thigh holster. But i still had the little
automatic inside my shirt.

It was not hard to tell what had taken place. An abduction! i had
been shot down from behind. Lil-rin had struggled, but had been
overcome and carried away. So hasty had been her kidnappers that they
had not searched me thoroughly, which was certainly a break from my

It stood to reason, of course, that Lil-rin's abductors had not
been members of her own clan. Who, then, were they? Members of a
similar clan of nomads? Or men of another race, from north of the

Well, what to do? After a little of my strength came back, i got
into action. My space ship was under the water where i had left it.
But the marauders apparently had found it, for one of the hatches--and
not that of the airlock--had been opened. The sphere was filled with
water. It would have to be dragged ashore and rolled over to be

For a moment, i hesitated whether to return to the encampment and
arouse the Ta n'Ur or not. But it would mean further loss of precious

So i didn't give that angle a second thought. And a moment later,
my helplessness gave way to sudden excitement. For my desperately
seeking eyes had caught marks on the bank of the stream--boat marks, as
though a water craft of some sort had been run up there. It was easy
to see that the stream did not flow much farther in that direction.
The presence of those boat marks indicated flight in the opposite
direction! Away i went upstream along the canal-valley in prodigious
leaps of fifteen feet and more.

On Mars, Captain Hanley's weight would be one-third of normal. But
the difference in gravity would not affect his muscular strength.
Hence, on Mars he would be three times as strong as on Earth.

I was confident that my superiority over the Martians in speed, in
strength, and in the weapon i still cuddled beneath my arm would
enable me to overcome great odds. Time was the important element right

At length, i came to the gap in the great quartz barrier, where at
some far-distant age in the past the meteor, which had plowed this
canal-scar in the face of the planet had cut through. As yet, i had
caught no glimpse of a water craft.

A faint hail reached me from the glittering rocks above, and a
figure stood forth, arm upraised.

I recognized him as one of the Ta n'Ur. i was up in the face of
the jagged cliff and at his side in a few moments. It was a young man
named Uldor, on guard duty at the Gap.

A "wheel-boat," he told me, had gone downstream and returned. But
he had seen no one in it except four Northerners, with a crew of
dulyals at the wheels.

"Still," he added, "the forward deck was covered. Many people
might have lain bound and gagged beneath that cover.

"It's not part of the Ta n'Ur's duty," he went on, "to interfere
with the Northerners themselves in their very rare passages back and
forth through the Gap. Our obligation under our treaty with them is
simply to prevent migrations of the wild dulyals."

As i dropped back to the canal gap and leaped away toward the
North, i saw Uldor racing madly back toward the encampment to pass on
my alarm.

North of the barrier the character of the country changed
somewhat. It was wild, but the vegetation was more prolific, and there
were evidences here and there of ancient irrigation ditches laid out
in regular rows. The canal itself was a shallow valley gouged across
the face of a level plain. In its center the stream had cut a deeper
and less regular course.

Several miles north of the barrier i came upon the first evidence
of habitation. It was a small structure, but built of that same
iridescent material of which the fortress occupied by the Ta n'Ur had
been constructed. And like that mysterious edifice, it was a monolith,
very old and worn.

I redoubled my efforts and was passing the spot in mid-leap when a
figure rose suddenly to contest my way.

It was my first glimpse of a Northerner. In the split second that
elapsed before i hit him, my eye photographically registered a figure
in flexible armor of yellow, overlapping metal plates. There was a
conical helmet that guarded the nose, ears, and neck as well as the
head. Curved plates fitted over the shoulders; armpieces cleverly
overlapped at the elbows. Completing the outfit were a skirt or kilt
on which more overlapping plates were fastened, and what might be
described as metal boots, hinged at the ankles. The fellow, in a panic
of frantic haste, was trying to bring one of those long bolt-throwing
tubes up at me.

Evidently, my great leaps and speed completely upset his judgment
of distance. My heavily shod foot came down on the tube, and we went
crashing to the ground with a great clangor of metal.

I was on my feet in an instant, but the Martian did not rise.
There was a grotesque twist to his head. He had fallen, clumsily, and
his neck was broken.

His armor, i thought, might be useful to me as a disguise, and for
an instant i considered appropriating it. But on second thought, I
decided not to do so. It would be too awkward.

I turned away and was about to leap on up the canal-valley, which
was becoming wider now, when i started back in surprise and alarm.
Directly in my path was a mounted Martian. But it was the character of
his steed that startled me.

It was not a horse at all, but the only thing i could call it in
any tongue of Earth would be a "dog." It was as large as a small horse
and distinctly canine in appearance and in the intelligence of its
eyes, as it stood there, softly poised, watching me as intently, as
was its rider. The Martian was clad entirely in soft yellow leather,
richly embroidered with sparkling beads. But his garb was not like
that of the Ta n'Ur. Instead of a loose sleeveless shirt, he wore a
sort of collarless fitted jacket with long sleeves and a sash of
scarlet leather. In place of the kilts, he wore tight-fitting leggings
which covered his limbs entirely.

He sat well forward on the back of his strange mount, with his
toes hooked into peculiar stirrups just back of and under the animal's
forelegs. The saddle was, in reality, a combination saddle and collar
with a metal handle on the top of the latter part. There was no
bridle. The rider evidently guided his mount by voiced commands, or
possibly by pressure on the collar handle, though i judged the handle
more to aid him in keeping his seat.

Chapter 6 Intrigues of Gakko

For a moment we confronted each other, and in that brief spell I
was conscious of a liking for the handsome young face before me. In it
was nothing of fear, though this Martian knight had no weapon that I
could see. But, he sat watching me with a shrewd and alert interest.

Then he raised his arms and held them wide, palms forward, in the
Martian gesture of friendship. i glanced, uneasily, at the body of the
dead guard. He noted it, too.

"It is nothing," he said. "An accident. i saw it all. The fellow
exceeded his duty in trying to stop you without first challenging."

He paused a moment. "You are the 'mysterious guest' of the Ta n'Ur
that Mornya was telling me about. i have never seen hair as dark as
yours. What are you doing here?"

"Are you Mornya's friend?" i asked softly, my hand slipping inside
my shirt until it closed over the butt of the little automatic. I
thought his eyes narrowed a bit at that. But he showed no alarm.

"I am Mornya's friend," he declared flatly. "It was i who
negotiated the treaty for the Ta n'Ur for the Council of Alarin, the
Greater Lords of the Polar Cities."

I was quite sure then that this lad had had no part in the
abduction of Lil-rin, and determined to take a chance on him. After
all, i would need help of some sort in rescuing the girl. So i told
him how i had been struck down, and of the "wheel-boat," as Uldor
called it. His astonishment and indignation were obviously genuine.

"And just what were you about to do when we met?" he asked, giving
me a curious look.

"Follow that wheel-boat and rescue Lil-rin."

He shook his head slowly in negative judgment. "You would not have
had a chance," he said. "In the first place, you could not have
overtaken it. i saw the speed at which you were leaping. i also saw
the boat. In the second place, either Gakko, Alar of Ga-kalu, or one
of his Epsin-Lesser Lords was in charge of it. Then there were the
dulyals at the wheels. They can fight, you know; and when handled by
clever commanders, they are terrible adversaries.

"Oh i know of the bolt-thrower inside your garment, which your
hand now rests on. i heard of that also from the Ta n'Ur. But there
were fifty dulyals in that boat, and i don't think you have that many
bolts in your weapon."

Discouragement must have shown in my face, for he laughed.

"But it's not so hopeless as all that. A plan is taking shape in
my mind. Gakko is no friend of mine, nor of Layani, the Alar-Lur,
Supreme Lord of the Cities. This abduction is surely Gakko's work. It
is rumored that he has stolen girls from the Southern clans before,
that he has several of them among his wives."

He smiled reassuringly. "Come with me. we must talk this over. We
have, i think, a great opportunity to outwit Gakko."

"But what of Lil-rin in the meantime?" i objected.

"She will be all right. Gakko would not dare harm her until he had
her safe within his power at home, in Gakalu. Besides, he must hasten
to attend a council of the Alarin to be held on the Island in two

I consented. There didn't seem to be much else for me to do. The
young Martian, who informed me his name was Banur, and that he was one
of the Lesser Lords of Borlan, the land adjacent to Gakalu on the
Polar Sea, made me mount his dog-steed behind him. At his command the
animal set off, leaping and scurrying up one of the ancient irrigation
ditches away from the canal-valley.

Across a cultivated plain we scurried, between fields of melon-like
plants, toward a range of low, verdure-clad hills. It took some
skill to cling to the great dog's back, but so fast did he run that it
was a matter of minutes only before we had plunged into the vegetation
on the slope of the hills. The animal was now scrambling upward to
where, in a clearing, stood one of those great iridescent monolithic
fortresses such as that occupied by the Ta n'Ur.

In through a triangular gate we flashed, and as the great dog came
to a slithering stop, uttering a thunderous bark, a number of dulyals
ran forward to take charge of him. It was the first chance i had had
of seeing these near-human apes who served the Northerners as slaves.

Very manlike they were in build and carriage, and covered from
head to foot with yellow fur. But their eyes, so it seemed to me, did
not shine with even as great intelligence as those of the dog-steed.

I mentioned this to Banur.

"They are not as intelligent," he replied. "But they are more
dependable, when through several generations of captivity they have
been trained to their tasks. But they have their limitations. These
fellows, for instance, are of use only in the steed kennels. Those
over there have been trained to till the fields. They are good for
nothing else.

"These," pointing to several who were patrolling the walls, armed
with spears "are good soldiers, although quite incapable of acting on
their own initiative. They can comprehend only a single military
command at a time."

"I see very few humans," i remarked.

"No," he replied. "There are only a handful here, a few Ildin--that
is to say, Freemen--and a dozen or so slaves. You see, this is
merely an agricultural outpost. But its supervision comprises part of
my duties, and i have to make periodic visits here."

Banur insisted that i change from my Earth clothes and put on a
Martian suit, which he found for me among his stores. After that we
tarried at the post only long enough for refreshments. While we drank
"lilquok," that invigorating beverage the Martians make from one of
their varieties of giant melons, Banur explained to me something of
the law which held together the Northern Cities.

Seven lands bordered on the Polar Sea, ruled by seven Alarin. One
of these, Layani, Alar of Hok-lan, was by election Alar-Lur, or
Supreme Lord of the Council of Alarin.

Theoretically the Alarin were as subject to the law as the Epsin,
or Lesser Lords, and the Ildin, or Freemen. But as a matter of fact,
they enjoyed absolute power; for accusations could be brought against
a Martian of the Polar Cities only by one of equal or superior rank.

There were few of the Alarin who would not welcome the retirement
of Gakko from among them, but none who would risk the precipitation of
a general war. Gakalu, the land ruled over by Gakko, was one of the
richest and most powerful of the confederation, with strong natural
barriers, a larger population of Ildin and slaves than any other land,
and by far the greatest force of fighting-trained dulyals.

Likewise, no other Alar was anxious to give Gakko any cause for
offense that could be avoided.

"But," Banur suggested thoughtfully, "I think that the man with a
just complaint against this tyrant, and the courage to slay or strip
him of his power, would not be regarded as an enemy. Not, at least, by
the Alar-Lur, the Supreme Lord, who fears Gakko's growing influence.
Nor the rulers of Borlan, Tuskidon and Ilmo.

"The Alarin of Trilu and Yonodlu, the lands beyond Gakko's on the
other side of the Sea, are definitely his supporters. But i do not
know that even they would necessarily feel injured by his elimination.

"Certainly it would be their best policy to cultivate the favor of
the other Alarin, in the event that Gakko were deposed or slain."

Politics, it would seem, is the same on any planet with an
intelligent population. It is not beyond the bounds of reason to
suppose that the present crisis now facing Earth may not at some time
have been duplicated in a remote planet.

Banur paused uncomfortably. "Now ... er ... i don't know whether
you would resent being made use of in this way. You see, i am being
perfectly frank with you. But you appear to be determined to fight
Gakko single-handed anyhow, and--"

"Well, i thought it might not be displeasing to you to know that
you can count on a certain amount of secret help since your decision
has already been made. Of course, if you fall into Gakko's hands you
must realize that no Alar could go very far in giving you protection.
The whole situation is rather delicate. I'm sure you can understand
our position," he added hastily.

I grew thoughtful at this. i did not like the idea of plunging
into the midst of the political turmoil in a world with which i was
virtually unfamiliar, of being made a cat's paw by certain of its
rulers. i had not leaped all this distance from the encampment of the
Ta n'Ur to become an assassin of Martian kings. i merely wanted to
rescue Lil-rin and punish the villains who had abducted her.

"Of course, you are under no obligation to accept any aid at all,"
Banur put in shrewdly. "My only thought was that you want to rescue
the girl and--"

"I'll do it!" i said, jumping to my feet.

"Good!" echoed Banur exuberantly. "Come."

Chapter 7 i Trail Gakko's Villains

A few moments later found me galloping with Banur at the head of a
band of mounted dulyals, Banur had supplied me with a great, powerful
brute of a dog to ride. The beast looked understandingly at both of us
when Banur turned him over to me. Wagging his immense tail, he
accepted _me_ from that moment as his master.

Both the dulyals and the dogs on which they were mounted accorded
_me_ the same understanding, at a word from Banur. The young Martian
then drilled me in the words and methods of command necessary for
their control.

The most remarkable affection existed between the dulyals and
their mounts. There seemed to be a perfect understanding of commands
and coordination of action. The dogs were more intelligent than the
great dulyal apes, but of course lacked much of their physical
prowess. Both, Banur explained, were terrible in battle, although
quite docile to the commands of their master, whoever was the leader
selected by the Northerners for a particular task.

To me, it was also comforting to learn that the dulyals were
trained to the use of the spear and a short, broad-bladed sword almost
like a cleaver, and that they carried these weapons with them.

"We're taking an overland short-cut toward a little seaport at the
boundary of Borlan and Gakalu," Banur said. "It is there, undoubtedly,
that Gakko has taken Lil-rin. For once out on the Sea, she will be in
Gakalun waters, and he will have a run down the coast of only some
seven hundred miles to Gakko's own city."

"Will we catch them there, do you think?"

"Not _we_," he said frankly. "Possibly _you_. But if you can't
overtake them before they reach their own territory, i should advise
you not to try it, but to journey on leisurely along the coast of the
Polar Sea until you arrive at the city of Gakalu.

"Establish yourself there as--let me see, now ... as the son of a
rich merchant of Ilmo, for that is the land farthest away from Gakalu
across the Pole, and you would be less likely to meet Ilmonions in

For the rest of our journey, as our great dogs tore along with us
at amazing speed and the cavalcade of dulyals raced after us, Banur
supplied me with much information as to the customs of the Martians.

At length he motioned me to give the order to halt for the dulyals
and dogs now looked to me only as their master, as Banur himself had
previously commanded them. He pointed toward a silvery sheen on the
horizon beyond a growth of short ferns.

"It is the sea," he said. "Your way lies straight ahead. You will
see the village after a little bit. Luck be with you, and may you
return safe from this daring adventure, for there are many things I
would like to discuss with you. Things which i feel i cannot talk over
with you at this time. Besides, there has been so much information to
give you."

"On what points are you curious?" i asked, having a pretty good
idea of what was on his mind from the surreptitious glances he had
been casting my way.

"Well, for one thing, your coloring is like that of no man i have
ever seen," he stammered, and his face grew red. "Indeed, throughout
all history, even back through the legendary period of the great Rain
of Fire, there is no mention of men with brown hair and deep blue
eyes. You appeared suddenly--from nowhere it seemed--among the Ta
n'Ur. At least, so Mornya told me.

"Among the Southern Clans, it is considered bad manners to pry
into the affairs of strangers and guests." He smiled deprecatingly.
"You see, our own customs are somewhat different."

"Does history or legend shed any light on the lands below the
equatorial desert?" i asked him.

"None," he admitted. "It is a great subject for speculation among
the wise men as to what may be on the Southern half of the globe. We
know, of course, that we do live on a globe and not, as it might seem,
on a great, flat circular world. But somehow i do not believe you
crossed that desert. Neither do the Ta n'Ur."

I laughed. "What _do_ you think, then?" i asked.

"My thought is so wild that i hesitate to take it seriously." He
was looking at me keenly. "Have you ever watched the skies at night,
and gazed on the Green Planet?"

By Green Planet, Banur meant of course Earth, for that is how
Earth would look to the Martians.

"Often," i had to admit. "I've often seen it from a distance."
Well, considering the many space voyages I'd made, that was true

"Have you ever wondered whether it was a habitable world?"

"No, i never had to wonder about it."

The look of disappointment on his face was eloquent. He had been
shrewd, but he had been frank, too. i could but reply in kind.

After a pause i added: "I _know_ that it is."

"What?" Banur shouted. "Then you really--"

"Yes. That is where i came from. Earth, we call it."

Banur acted like one suddenly bereft of his senses. He shouted and
laughed, waving his arms madly. Then as quickly he turned and was
gone, his great dog racing and bounding across the plain away from me,
back in the direction from which we had come.

Amazed and puzzled, i could only gaze helplessly after him. And by
the time i thought of calling out to him, he was beyond hearing.

Then came the thought of little Lil-rin. Well, that was my job,
wasn't it? So, with considerable misgivings, i turned toward the
distant Polar Sea. i shouted "Hep!" and pointed forward. In an
instant, followed by the dulyals and the dogs, i was bounding along,
frequently grabbing at the saddle-handle to steady myself, and
muttering the while a silent prayer that at least i had had experience
riding horses.

To my earthly eyes the village was indeed strange. i was
astonished to find that most of the "buildings" were underground. In
this they were quite unlike the only other Martian structures i had
seen the ancient, iridescent monoliths.

The modern Martians, as i was to learn, dug their cities and
villages deep underground, with thick-walled superstructures. Soil and
rock were mixed with a red cement, made into large slabs or bricks.
The superstructures were little more than entrances and anterooms to
the quarters beneath.

Remembering what Banur had told me that the "gasto," or inn, would
be located on the outskirts of the village...
	 [ some text is missing here ]
...I held up my hand. The great
dogs behind me slithered to a sudden stop, as did my mount.

I looked around for a shaft of stone or cement bearing a picture
or a carving of a dog's head. A metal rod projected from a hole in the
ground beside it. This i lifted and let drop again. Somewhere down in
the ground there was the sound of a gong, and the metal door in the
wall before me was opened.

Chapter 8 i Rescue Lil-rin

There, standing before me, stretching his arms wide and bowing
with some difficulty, the first fat man i had seen on Mars.

On the far side of the building i found were cage-like structures
for the dogs and the dulyals. After ordering my animals to remain in
them until i called, i followed the innkeeper back around the building
to the metal door.

From here, a circular ramp led down to the lower levels. i stopped
at the first level to pay my board and lodging with the heavy little
red beads (rubies, i think they were) that the Martians use for money,
since gold is far too plentiful.

I drew a puzzled glance from mine Martian host when i laughed
because the little cage at which i paid was so much like a cashiers
corner in innumerable little restaurants on a planet millions of miles

My room proved to be on the third level down.

I was shown from my room to the "moccor," which i suppose would be
translated in English variously as "lobby," "barroom" or "restaurant."
It was on the first level below ground. Here, gathered about the great
solid, carved blocks of quartz that served as tables were seated
some score or more of Martians, all of the Ildin class, or Freemen.
This, i gathered from the green sashes they wore like my own with
which Banur had outfitted me.

In a far corner of the room was a little party of four, obviously
strangers to the village, for like myself they seemed to be interested
in their surroundings. They surveyed their neighbors with some
curiosity. Two of them were Epsin-Lesser Lords. They wore the red sash
distinctive of their class. The other pair were Ildin.

A couple of slaves, obviously members of the party and not inn
attendants, garbed in the black that denoted their position in life,
hovered in the background with big bowls and jugs.

There was a vacant table near the group, and i moved toward them,
as unconcernedly as i could. They seemed to take no notice of me.

Almost immediately the name "Gakko," although uttered in a hushed
tone, caught my ear. i strained to hear more, but without much success
for awhile, for one of the inn's servants was placing my food before

Later i heard the city of Gakalu mentioned a few times, and there
was something said about the seaworthiness of a certain wheel-boat,
and the necessity of guarding someone well under pain of Gakko's
violent displeasure.

I had no doubt it was Lil-rin to whom they referred, and that this
was the party i was after. Certainly there was something furtive about
their manner, something sly that argued there was no good in the
business that had brought them here.

I felt for the little automatic under my shirt, and casually
unfastened the garment a bit at the neck that i might reach it
quickly. None of those in the room had taken particular notice of me
as yet, and i was thankful for the rather dull light thrown by the
crystal bowls placed in recesses along the walls, in which wicks

I was thankful, too, for the Martian custom that did not require
men to uncover indoors, although women were supposed to--a curious
reversal of the practice on Earth.

I was trying to decide upon my next step when fate took the

There was a sudden commotion near a triangular door that gave
access to one of the lower level ramps. A slender girl in the black
garb of a slave dodged frantically among the tables toward the group I
was watching. Her progress was marked by growls and resentful glances.

One or two Ildin half rose in their places, then sank back again
quickly enough when they saw the red sashes of the Epsin, who had
risen in some alarm as the slave girl fought her way toward them.

But, once she had made her breathless report, the four men,
followed by the girl and the two slaves, dashed for the ramp.

In the excitement, i followed.

A turn in the ramp muffled the commotion behind us, and i heard
the patter of the conspirators' running feet as they circled downward.
I leaped after them, closing the gap quickly, and stopped barely in
time to avoid turning another corner and crashing full into them. They
paused at the fourth level down and threw aside the leather curtain
that concealed a triangular door. With a rush they were through.

In addition to the two Epsin, there were four or five Ildin in the
room, and several slaves of both sexes. They had spread out and were
cautiously closing in on a far corner of the room where a slim girlish
figure, almost denuded of clothing and bleeding from an ugly gash on
the arm, stood at bay.

In one hand she had a spring-gun, with which she kept threatening
her enemies, as one or another of them took a chance and tried to
advance a step. In her other hand she held my large automatic.

Here then was Lil-rin of the Ta n'Ur, the golden-haired, blue-eyed
Amazon of the Southern clan whom i had sworn to rescue. Lil-rin,
gloriously waging the battle of her life against a band of Martian
vultures, who leered evilly at her gleaming body, yet respected the
deadliness of her weapons. Lil-rin--my wife! Her clear sweet voice
rang out now with scorn as she taunted and defied them. And they
howled back like a pack of wolves.

"Stop this folly! Throw down that weapon!" roared one of the
Epsin, who seemed to be the leader, as he pushed his way forward to
face the girl.

"Be careful, Uallo," cautioned the other noble at his elbow. "She
means it. She'll do what she says. i know these clansmen of the South.
And the Ta n'Ur are the most desperate warriors of them all." The
other hesitated. "But this is ridiculous. She is only a girl, and--"

"The daughter of their leader, their Myar-Lur," interpolated the
cautious one. "It is best to take matters slowly."

It was the psychological moment. i acted.

Stepping inside the door, i raised my little automatic and fired a
shot into the ceiling. The reverberation in that heavily walled room
was terrific. It seemed to stun the Martians. Demoralization was in
their faces as they swung about and saw me there like a statue, my gun
half raised and a tiny wisp of smoke curling up from it. They shrank
from me.

"Come, Lil-rin," i said. "We must get out of here. You go first
and clear the way. Use my gun if you have to, but i think there are
none above who have an interest in stopping us. I'll hold this scum

Lil-rin looked at me like one who sees a happy vision and doubts
its reality. i never saw her look more beautiful than at that moment,
disheveled as she was and bleeding from the rather ugly gash in her
arm. But there was no indecision in the girl.

With her little shoulders thrown back, her chin high and an
expression of regal contempt for Uallo and all his followers, she
stepped briskly to my side. For just an instant she paused and looked
at me, an inscrutable something in her clear blue eyes. Then, she
slipped through the curtained door and was gone.

Her disappearance seemed to break the spell.

"Stop them! At any cost!" Uallo roared, and threw himself
recklessly at me.

Instinctively the rest leaped with him. Three or four times my
automatic roared; four of the enemy pitched headlong. But the distance
between us had not been great, and even those who had stopped my
bullets plunged into me as i went under from the combined rush,
pulling the leather curtain on top of me as i fell outward through the

As fast as i could press the muzzle of my gun against a new mark I
pulled the trigger, but my head was entangled in the curtain and so
many Martians had fallen on top of me that i could not at once wriggle

It was then that i heard the heavier roar of Lil-rin's gun. Five
times, at evenly spaced intervals, she fired, evidently aiming with
calm deliberation. Then all was quiet, save for the groans of the
Martians around me and the curtain was lifted from my head. I
struggled to my feet, to meet Lil-rin's anxious and inquiring gaze.

"Are you hurt, Danan-lih?" she exclaimed. "I was afraid they had
gotten you. Now what shall we do?"

In a few breathless sentences i explained to her how Banur had
helped me, told her of my dulya cavalcade as we raced up the ramp. We
found the moccor, the inn's public room, deserted. Nor did anyone
appear to halt us before i blew a shrill call on the whistle Banur had
given me. The great dogs and the yellow apes came racing to us around
the corner of the building.

I made two of the dulyals ride double, and Lil-rin leaped on the
back of the spare dog after i had bound her injured arm with a strip
torn from her garment. And then we were racing away from the village,
through the yellow-green ferns and back across the plain toward
Bartur's post.

Chapter 9 i Become a Legend

"You've canceled the debt of life forfeiture, Lil-rin," i said to

She gave an odd, quick look and laughed. "No, that didn't count. I
told you, the slave is obligated to protect the master in battle. And
besides, that is the second time you have saved my life. I'm doubly
forfeited now, Danan-lih, whether you like it or not."

"I don't--I mean, i do like it--that is--what i mean--I'm not
accustomed to enslaving girls," i stammered. "Besides--"

Lil-rin sighed. "Then you must be awfully good at things you
really are accustomed to," she said, and looked abruptly away over the
yellow-green prairie as our strange cavalcade thudded madly on.

For an instant my heart pounded. Did she mean ... But, no, that
couldn't be. Certainly Lil-rin did not want to be a slave. She,
daughter of the chieftain of a warrior clan. Slave! Why, the girl was
technically and officially my wife!

There was no pursuit. Lil-rin and i between us had accounted for
nearly all of Uallo's party. It was my impression that none had
escaped, except perhaps a couple of the slaves.

Presently the girl's eyes caught my own. "Before three suns have
passed, the Ta n'Ur and our allies among the clans will be in arms
against some or all of the Polar Cities," she said simply.

Then, suddenly, Lil-rin was all emotion, "Well, let it be!" she
cried fiercely, clenching her little fists. "It had to come! The
legend must be fulfilled!"

"Legend? What legend do you mean, Lil-rin?"

But that was all that she would say...

In due course we neared the agricultural post from which Banur and
I had set forth such a short time before. Not twelve hours had

Captain Hanley's watch was of great convenience. He had found that
the Martian day was almost the same as that on Earth.

As we drew nearer an Ildin, or Freeman, rode forth on a dog to
meet us. But he paused suddenly some two or three hundred yards away,
gazed intently at us, then turned and raced madly for the post, waving
his arms and shouting something. But he was too far ahead of us for me
to hear what it was.

I thought no further about the Ildin. But when we arrived, i was
amazed to see no less than a hundred and fifty spearmen, in full
armor, drawn up in military formation. And at their head, in golden
armor, a vermilion cloak over one shoulder, stood Banur of the Gap. In
the rear stood rank after rank of dulyals, minus armor, but armed with
those terrible, short, broad-bladed swords. i halted in surprise.

As if he had been waiting for this signal, Banur tossed his spear
into the air.

"Hail to the Hero of the Legend!" he shouted. "To the Alar of the
Green Star!"

In amazement i turned to Lil-rin, and to my still greater
astonishment found her not surprised at all.

"I knew it," she was saying softly. "From the beginning i feared
it!" And there was something of both tragedy and pride in the
tear-dimmed eyes she turned to mine.

"You heard him say it," she continued. "The Legend of the Green
Star! And you, Danan-lih, are the Hero of the Legend. And the Legend
shall be fulfilled!"

And then this little golden Amazon with the green-blue eyes did
the last thing i had ever expected to see her do. She fainted and
tumbled headlong from her saddle.

In an instant i had leaped from my own mount and picked her up in
tender arms. Poor kid! She must have gone through a lot while in the
hands of Uallo and his villains.

Banur, too, came running to us and offered to carry her into the
little fortress.

But Lil-rin on Earth would have weighed no more than a hundred and
fifteen or twenty pounds. To my sturdier Earth muscles, she seemed no
more than thirty-five or forty pounds. i lifted her like a child and
carried her into the building.

Chapter 10 Danan of the Atl Antin

That night, while the bright little moons of Mars sped swiftly
across the starry sky and Lil-rin slept, Banur told me of the Legend
of the Green Star.

"It is a strange mixture," he said, "of historic fantasy and more
definite tradition. It has a great hold on the popular imagination,
not only among us of the Polar Cities, but among the people of the
Southern clans as well.

It is said that once, untold ages ago (Banur went on), no men
lived in this world of Mars, which was inhabited by great beasts and
by the progenitors of the dulyals, who were supposed to have stooped a
bit as they walked, and to have had tails by which they could hang
from trees. A quaint idea, that. To think of an animal using its tail
in that fashion!

But there was another world, where the vegetation was of a much
darker green, and where there were great seas and oceans, yet too much
land for this world was larger. And, another quaint conceit, there
were men of many different colors living on this world: black men,
brown men, red men, white men with yellow hair, and white men with
black hair.

And among all these different kinds of men there was one race
superior to the rest, for they were far advanced in intelligence, in
the arts and sciences, and were able to make war with lightning and

Indeed, they had machines which would run themselves and
accomplish in trifling time the work of many salves laboring over a
long period. And over these men--the men with yellow hair and green-blue
eyes--there ruled a chief whose name was Danan, Alar of the
Antin, or Island Men, as these yellow-haired ones were known.

For although their land was large, it was surrounded entirely by
an ocean, and thus separated from all other lands.

Now it happened in the course of time (Banur continued) that from
out of the void of space, there came rushing a little world or planet
that had nothing to do with the sun. Danan's wise men, after making
many careful observations and calculations, told him that this planet
seemed certain to hit the Green World on which they all lived.

That, in particular, this little planet would probably strike the
Atl or island, on which they had their dwelling places. Danan's wise
men even went so far as to say that the roving planet would most
certainly destroy the Atl, probably the whole world, so that all men
would be killed.

It was then that Danan put other wise men to work, constructing a
great ship which would fly through the void of space, just as many of
the ships of the Atl Antinat that time were able to do. Together with
many thousands of his people, Danan set forth, fleeing through space
from the doomed world in the hope of finding another which would be

In time they are supposed to have landed here on Mars, and after
centuries of struggle, to have slain all the great beasts and
domesticated the dulyals.

But in the meantime, through the great lenses which they used to
magnify sight, they saw the little world hit the big one from which
they had fled and then bounce off again, taking with it much of the
material of the big world. This became a moon, only much farther away
than our two moons, and much larger.

But only portions of the big world appeared to have been
destroyed. It seemed to the wise men who watched the collision, that
the big world had not been hit where they thought it would be, but on
the other side.

Now (said Banur) there had been many more thousands of the Atl
Antin who had refused to risk the voyage away from the Green World
with Danan, their Alar. Danan wondered if these people might not have
escaped annihilation, after all. So he had his great space-traveling
ship repaired, and left on a visit back to the Green World, promising
to return to his people here.

That, according to the legend, was the last ever seen of the Alar,

But belief or fancy, or whatever you choose to call it, has
persisted through the thousands of years since then that one day, in
fulfillment of his promise, Danan would return.

Great interest, too, has centered around the romantic side of the
legend, of which there are many versions of widely variant nature. The
oldest and simplest form of the legend has it that Danan had no wives,
and that when his people were reluctant to let him venture the journey
back to the Green Star, he left behind him the girl of noble blood who
was betrothed to him, and whom he loved dearly, as a pledge of his
return." (Banur concluded.)

To say that i listened to all this in astonishment would be
putting it mildly. Banur's description of the catastrophe to the
"Green World," his reference to the "Atl Antin" left me gasping. Do we
not have our own legends of the lost land of Atlantis, which was
supposed to have existed somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean?

Do not other legends maintain that it is from the immensity of the
Pacific that the material forming the moon was thrown off? And have
not many scientists in recent years receded further and further from
the position that the history of man is as simple as that of an
evolutionary rise from animalism and savagery?

Have these learned men not inclined more favorably to the theory
that innumerable prehistoric civilizations, of which no traces are
left, may have preceded our own?

"And now," Banur said solemnly, "we come to the final links in the
chain of events. Your name is Dan Hanley--he pronounced it
"Danan-lih"--while the hero of the Legend is Danan, Lil-rin is of the Ta n'Ur
daughter of the clan's chieftain. It is one of the cherished legends
of the Ta n'Ur that their entire clan is of prehistoric kingly blood,
and you have joined her in marriage."

Heavens above, was i doomed by fate, to live my life as a legend
old beyond time itself?

"I will confess," Banur admitted, "that when Gakko's villains
abducted Lil-rin, the Legend seen to be shattered. For the Alar Danan
could not be conceived of as allowing another to take from him his
mate. But the promptness and daring of your rescue only adds color to
the story."

"It was nothing," i protested quickly. "I had superior weapons--"
"Of lightning and thunder," Banur murmured.

Me, Daniel J. Hanley, a legend!

"My strength is naturally greater, since gravity is denser on
Earth than here on Mars," i almost shouted.

"As befits the Hero of the Legend," he insisted calmly.

"And besides, Lil-rin fought as well as i did, and actually saved
me when i went down under the rush of Uallo and his followers--"

"Which is only to be expected in a warrior princess of the Ta
n'Ur-and the espoused of Danan," Banur concluded triumphantly.

It was useless to argue with him, so i took another angle.

"Well, Banur," i said rising, "it is certainly an astounding
coincidence. But, to get down to cases. My next step must be to get
Lil-rin back to her own people."

"No," Banur told me, also rising and bowing low with arms wide, in
the Martian gesture of respect for superiors.

"The Ta n'Ur," he announced, "will be here by morning, fully
equipped for a long campaign as the bodyguard of Danan-lih and Lil-rin
the Alar-Lur and Alara-Lur of Mars."

"Wha--what are you talking about?" i gasped. "Have you gone

"If i have, Danan-lih, so has my lord Almun, Alar of Borlan, who
has learned of you and your fulfillment of the Legend. He personally
instructed me to lay his tribute at your feet and to inform you of the
irrevocable decision of all the Alarin, except Gakko and possibly his
two satellites, in naming you Alar-Lur, Supreme Lord of the Council.
Layani, the present Alar-Lur, is retiring, to continue only as Alar of

"But ... but ... if i protested--" suddenly drained of further
strength and expostulation.

"They would not dare do otherwise, in view of the popular devotion
to the legend. Besides, the situation is the most opportune that has
ever arisen to deal with Gakko. For Gakko, with the support of Mui and
Donar, Alarin of Trilu and Yonodlu, has determined to stop at nothing
to make himself the Supreme Lord.

"The army of Borlan already is on the march to the Gakalun border.
The forces of Hoklan follow. Around the other shore of the Polar Sea,
eastern, the Tuski-donin will threaten Yonodlu and Trilu, endeavoring
to hold them neutral, but attacking if they are unsuccessful.

"Alar Udaro and his Ilmonin will take to the sea, skirt both sides
of the Polar Ice Cap, and attack the Gakalun coast, centering their
operations on the city of Gakalu. And you, Danan-lih, will be our

Chapter 11 In the Desert

The morning brought news by dog-post. There had been desperate
fighting at all the passes in the mountains dividing Gakalu and
Borlan, but neither side had gained advantage. The Ilmonin had set
forth in their fleet.

Layani, ex-Alar-Lur, with his Hoklanin shock troops, was one-third
of the way across Borland in his march to reinforce the Borlanin in
the mountains. Before night he would arrive with his bodyguard to make
personal obeisance to me and Lil-rin.

And the Ta n'Ur had arrived. They greeted us with a great shout
and much tossing of spears as Lil-rin and i stepped forth, clad from
head to foot in the blue of royalty. Every young man and woman of the
clan was there, fully armed, to the number of nearly a thousand.

Lil-rin, taking direct command, spent the day explaining and
demonstrating to me their battle tactics, mounted and unmounted.
Before Layani and his Hoklanin arrived, i had a pretty good idea of
what the Ta n'Ur could do and how to handle them.

In the late afternoon Layani and his troops arrived. i should have
known better, i suppose, after all Banur had told me about the use of
dulyals in warfare. But it was a shock to me to find that only the
skeleton organization of Layani's force was human.

The men were known as "rintarin," and acted as leaders of dulyal
squads of five. The squad normally took the formation of three
abreast, two ranks deep and in the "rintar's" position was in the
middle of the rear rank. Thus, as he went into battle, he was
perfectly shielded by his five dulyals, and devoted himself almost
entirely to directing their actions.

The rintarin were heavily armored, but the dulyals wore nothing
but the belts and shoulder straps that held their gear and weapons.
All were mounted on dog-steeds of enormous size, of a breed somewhat
different from the animals i had seen so far. They were like giant

Layani came to where Lil-rin and i stood and laid his sword at our
feet. For a moment he remained bending over it, arms stretched wide
and palms down. Then he picked up his weapon and, straightening up,
appeared to forget that there was supposed to be any difference in
rank between us. Not, of course, that i minded. In fact, i should have
been very much annoyed if his attitude had been servile, i never could
stand "yes-men."

"Yes-men" remain the curse of modern military machines. There
seems to be considerable doubt as to whether army general staffs,
under the domination of dictatorial political leaders, will produce
that initiative required in successful strategy against the enemy. The
Martians, apparently, though well-disciplined, were democratically
organized. Hence they would fight with their hearts as well as their

For some time, Layani discussed with us the problems of the coming
campaign. Lil-rin, i noticed, could barely restrain evidences of scorn
for Layani's forces. "Do the Ta n'Ur never use these great apes for
fighting?" i asked her.

She tilted her little nose up a bit and sniffed. "May the day
never come when they do! When People of Ancient Royalty can no longer
do their own fighting, it will be best for them to die."

Not only that, but Lil-rin announced her intention of personally
leading the clan.

"Is that fitting?" i protested, afraid for her. "How can you be
Alara-Lur and at the same time perform the duties of a member of your
own bodyguard?"

She laughed softly. "Alara-Lur or not, i am first of all slave-mate
of the Alar-Lur. Besides--"

"Nonsense!" i protested. "Then I'll be co-leader of our bodyguard
with you, or your second in command." And at that we both laughed.

But Lil-rin didn't like the idea of dulyal warfare any more than I

From all we could learn, there would be approximately the same
number on either side. Any way we looked at it, it seemed certain as
though we were in for a long-drawn-out deadlock. And this would never

"It comes to this, Lil-rin," i said. "Get Gakko and we end the
war, avert the necessity of butchering thousands of these poor
animals, and save at least many hundreds of human lives."

She nodded slowly. "Yes, but how?"

"Your people are a desert clan," i pointed out. "Why could we not
lead them westward, around in a great circle below the line of
habitation, until we are directly south of Gakalu, then strike
straight north in a piercing raid, take Gakalu and capture Gakko

"He might not be in Gakalu," Lil-rin objected.

I disagreed. "I think he will. The Borlanin and the Hoklanin won't
get far in their attacks through the mountain gaps. Gakko's real
danger will lie in the attack of the fleet from Ilmo, which will be
centered on Gakalu. He will be there to direct the defense of his city
from the attack by sea. He won't suspect a raid directly from the

Lil-rin's little face was grave. "I believe you are right," she
said. "And below the gap, quite a distance out in the desert beyond
the spot where we found each other, the Ta n'Ur have a big dog farm.

"For several years, in secret, we have been breeding a race of
desert dogs. They are lithe, speedy animals, requiring little water,
and capable of withstanding the heat and dust. With them i believe we
could reach Gakalu almost as quickly as the fleet will."

"Then let's do it," i decided, and my blood began to run faster
with the knowledge of impending battle.

We took only Banur into our confidence. we left it up to him to
spread some story that we had gone into seclusion to await the outcome
of the war. Quietly, we slipped away with five hundred picked
clansmen. It took us a full day to reach the breeding grounds.

The dogs were indeed marvelous specimens. Like all other of the
Martian breed, they were as large as horses; But in build they
reminded me much of greyhounds, only they were much sturdier.

Morning saw us on our way, the clansmen scorning the weight of
armor, but all carrying several spring-guns in addition to spears and

I had given Lil-rin my smaller automatic, and all the ammunition I
had left for it. She had discarded the more cumbersome clothing of the
north and all marks of her new rank, to appear in the light garb she
wore when i first saw her. i too adopted the dress of the Ta n'Ur,
with no distinguishing mark of rank.

It was near noon of the second day when we approached a ridge that
looked like the rim of a great circle, toward which the dusty floor of
the desert swept up gradually. we halted and looked down.

The ridge curved away from us to the north and south until it was
lost on the horizon. Ahead of us was a gigantic depression, the other
side of which was barely visible on the western horizon. It was an
immense crater, at least four miles deep, i judged, the ground sloping
down sharply from our feet at an angle of forty-five degrees or more.

We dismounted to gaze upon a sight which, despite its drab
monotony and the ugly shade of the dust, had by its very size the
element of grandeur.

There was a small piece of quartz near my foot. i picked it up and
threw it far out. It flashed in the sun as it fell, disappeared
completely in a little fountain of dust when it hit. And a moment
later the whole side of the crater between that spot and where we
stood seemed to be in motion.

"Back! Back!" Lil-rin cried, and blew a shrill blast on her

We threw ourselves, men and dogs together, backward just in time
to escape slipping over the edge and down into that vast cavity, from
which great clouds of impalpable dust were now billowing up like
vaporized blood.

"It's my fault," said Lil-rin. "I should have remembered that it
was there."

"And my bad mistake in throwing the stone," i admitted. "I seem to
have started a landslide that has spread for miles."

Chapter 12 Attacked!

At any rate, it was clear that we could not cross the divide. We
had to go around. And the question arose as to whether we should risk
going farther out into the desert, or cut around it on the north.

We decided ultimately on the latter course. So, keeping well away
from the edge, we circled northward. we had traveled some miles
further on when we ran into one of those rarest of phenomena on Mars--a
breeze. A wind of this nature always presages a hurricane; and in the
desert section, the most terrible of dust storms.

We noticed it first when the great red, billowing cloud on our
left, over the crater, began to drift across our path.

Quickly we dismounted and formed a number of circles, the great
dogs crouching and whimpering in deep growls while their riders
wrapped their charges' heads in cloths, and then attended to
themselves. we barely had time ourselves to huddle thus and protect
our own heads when the dust swept down on us.

Day became night. The howling wind tore at our garments, and our
skin blistered under the oceans of dust and sand that were hurled over
us. To take one's head out of the cloth meant almost instant

Then my heart stood still. For some reason, the cloak that should
have been at Lil-rin's saddle was missing. She had just wrapped her
dog's head in one that a clansman tossed to her, and thought of
herself only when the first blast of stinging dust swept by. Half
blinded and in a sudden panic of fear, she began to run, crying out

A single leap took me to her side, although the shrieking wind
nearly tore my own cloak from my grasp. i drew her down beside me,
under its shelter, and put a protecting arm around her trembling form.
She nestled close, still quivering. And i thrilled to my feet, her arm
encircling me.

I don't know how long that storm lasted, but it must have been a
matter of hours. When at last it was over and we had struggled to our
feet, casting aside the dust-laden cloak, Lil-rin did not release my
hand at once. And then, suddenly conscious of this, she gently pulled
her hand away and blushed.

All around us now the clansmen were emerging. Mound after mound of
red dust heaved upward. Dogs and men rose to their feet once more, and
there billowed up more clouds of red dust as they shook and brushed
themselves off.

We resumed our way. Through the rest of the day and the following
night we raced on, the dogs settling down tirelessly to that long,
easy, loping pace that ate up the distance so rapidly. Dawn found us
with our water almost exhausted, rounding the southernmost end of a
great range of mountains.

At this point the range emerged into a line of low, rolling hills,
and beyond these hills we came upon another stretch of red dust.
Downward toward a band of vegetation it sloped, through the center of
which trickled a tiny stream.

Here we rested to refill our waterskins and refresh ourselves,
after having first thrown forward a number of scouts. For we were now
in enemy territory and might at any moment contact a Gakalun patrol.
We were most anxious to avoid discovery, or at least to annihilate any
force we might meet so that word of our raid might not be carried in
advance of our arrival at Gakalu.

The canal-valley, however, ran at about right angles to our route
to Gakalu, and soon we were again racing on over arid land, which
little by little revealed sparse and then more prolific vegetation as
we advanced toward the fertile zone.

But early in the afternoon we halted in the protection afforded by
a little depression between two hills, where a fairly thick growth of
the yellow-green trees with their strange, pale branches gave
additional safety.

"From here on, Danan-lih, we should travel only at top speed, but
only by night," Lil-rin said. "If there are any Gakalun patrols in the
neighborhood, they will be only perfunctory in their scouting. It is
hard to keep the dulyals at work in the dark, and there is little
chance that we would encounter them after nightfall.

"By day we will keep under cover, rest, and maintain a strict
watch, that no messenger from the regions through which we have passed
shall get through to spread the alarm."

The plan seemed most sensible and i gave it my hearty approval.
But Lil-rin and i had no opportunity to further develop the
understanding that was growing between us. we were weary almost to
exhaustion. At least all the Martians were, too. So i took command of
the first watch.

It was just as well that i did so, for so weary were the sentries
that only by making my rounds constantly was i able to keep them

I was making my way cautiously toward one of our advanced posts,
located in a clump of trees whose club-like branches were weirdly
outlined against one of the moons, when i thought i heard a sound from
somewhere beyond.

Sound travels somewhat differently on Mars than on Earth, probably
because of some quality of the atmosphere. Moreover, there is no
crackling of twigs such as in an Earth woodland. The branches of
Martian trees, when they die, become very dry and powdery.
Consequently, difference in atmosphere and trees considered, when
twigs are crunched underfoot, the resulting sound is very strange,
almost indefinable to an Earth-trained ear.

My first instinct was one of suspicion. Yet i was not sure.
Nevertheless i hastened forward, walking as lightly as i could.

Then i saw them, a group of struggling figures in silhouette,
visible at a spot where there was a little opening among the trees,
outlined by the gleam of moonlight. Our sentry was in their midst,
fighting desperately and, true to the traditions of the Ta n'Ur,
silently as well. So occupied was he in avoiding the vicious rushes of
the foemen who circled about him, that apparently he forgot to shout
the alarm.

Suddenly they all closed in on him at once. It was too late now to
use the automatic held ready in my hand. So i gave a great shout of
warning and leaped for the struggling mass, under which our man had
now gone down beneath a heap of sprawling figures.

There was a sudden sharp command from one of the raiders, who
stood a bit aside; a rintar, i judged, by the outlines of his armor.
The rest scrambled to their feet and began to run. i took them at
first for dulyals, but as they scurried out into the moonlight beyond
the copse, i caught the gleam of white skins.

The rintar, still half obscured in the shadows of the trees,
turned to meet me. i heard the clang of a spring-gun, and a bolt
whistled past my ear. Then i fired.

By the stabbing flame of my gun, i saw the look of amazement and
terror on the fellow's face; for his armor, which would stop a bolt
from any but the heaviest of the Martian spring-guns, offered little
resistance to my steel-jacketed bullet. He went down with a resounding
crash of shattered metal.

As our sentry staggered dazedly to his feet, i called out to him
to guard the rintar. With mighty leaps then i flashed on out into the
moonlight after the fleeing ghostly figures.

I did not fire again, for i was rapidly overtaking them, and my
ammunition was precious. As they glanced in terror over their
shoulders and saw the great leaps with which i was overtaking them, a
mad panic seized them and they scattered pell-mell, running

Several of them i overtook and struck down. Naked men they were,
save for short kilts and sword belts, but they were so terrified by
what must have appeared to them as a supernatural pursuer, that none
made more than a clumsy defense.

As they were fleeing in all directions, and since the ground on
several sides offered promise of protection, i had no other recourse
than to use my automatic, after my command to halt and my promise of
their lives were disregarded. So, one by one, i had to shoot them

Chapter 13 The Tables Are Turned

By this time, of course, our entire camp was aroused, and the Ta
n'Ur, spring-guns and swords ready, came dashing up, Lil-rin in the
lead. She was breathing hard, one little hand at her swelling breast
as though to quell the beating of her heart as she stood before me.

"Oh, i didn't know--I--I couldn't think--I was so afraid that
something had happened to you!"

"It was nothing to worry about, Little One," i said gently.
"Except that a party of Gakalunin, in command of a rintar--whom you'll
find over there with a bullet in him--surprised our sentry."

The girl's eyes widened. Disdainfully she touched one of the
corpses with a cautious toe.

"Are you sure you got them all, Danan-lih? Because if you didn't,
the warning may precede us to Gakalu."

I had had no time to count the fellows. "I don't know," I
admitted. "I think i got them all, but I'm not sure. i only know that
I plugged every one in sight."

Lil-rin was thoughtful for a moment. "The best thing for us to do
is to dash on ahead at full speed. If any of those Gakalunin did
escape, we ought to overtake them. we should be starting now, anyhow."

So we leaped for our saddles, and in a matter of moments were
again galloping over the countryside in the weird Martian moonlight.
But gallop as we might, we overtook no one.

As we raced on a thought struck me. "Lil-rin!" i called to her.
"We should be able to trail the fugitives, if there were any, by the
dogs. Let's give them the scent!"

She gave me a puzzled look. "Scent? Why, what do you mean, Danan-lih?"

"Let them smell something belonging to the enemy, and then trail
them by the scent," i explained.

"What an odd thought!" Lil-rin exclaimed. "Can dogs on Earth do
that? i never heard of a dog being able to smell."

So, the dogs of Mars differed from those of Earth in more than
size! And my bright suggestion was something of a dud.

We had now reached very flat country in the region of fertile,
cultivated plains, and the problem of concealment during the following
day was a big one. If we were successful, one more dash through the
night would bring us to Gakalu in the bleak silence just before dawn.

At this hour dulyals would be torpid with sleep, and we could
count on meeting little opposition except from their masters. A
headlong attack, pushed home silently at that hour, as the Ta n'Ur
knew well how to do it, would probably put Gakko safely in our hands.

But the risk was great, particularly in the matter of concealment
for the day. Finally, just before the eastern sky began to lighten,
our scouts found an irrigation ditch, an artificial branch of a canal,
along both sides of which melon patches stretched for miles.

The ditch was of no great depth, and it was filled with water. At
this point then we decided to conceal ourselves. Fortunately, the
banks of the ditch were sloping. So men and dogs lay down quietly,
their heads pillowed on the shallow banks. If now and then a Ta n'Ur
head might be seen from a distance, it would be of about the same size
as a melon, and probably would attract no attention.

Lil-rin and i worked our way upstream about a quarter of a mile,
to a spot where the ditch made an angled turn, raising our heads
cautiously from time to time to gaze across the level ground. Two or
three times we saw dulyals laboring in the distance under the lash of
an overseer, but there was no sign that our presence in the district
was suspected.

Closer we approached to the turn. Again we raised our heads
cautiously, Lil-rin covering hers with her cloak, that her golden hair
might not catch the glint of the sun. Yet, all seemed peaceful. No
living creature was in sight, save in the distance. So we went on.

We had not gone twenty feet further before we were trapped. Here,
on both sides of the ditch, the melon vines were unusually thick. And
from them suddenly there sprang some dozen dulyals, launching
themselves at us low and hard, smothering us under the water before we
had even a chance to reach for our guns.

Coughing and spluttering we were dragged along rapidly, animal
hands choking back our attempted outcries, while ropes of twisted
vines bound our arms to our sides. Further struggle on our part at
this time was useless.

Upstream a few hundred feet a Martian in the armor of a rintar
crawled from the vines beside the ditch and whistled to the dulyals.
They brought us to the spot where he waited, and then with a sudden
rush swept us off our feet and dragged us up the bank.

At the same instant a number of large dogs bounded up from where
they had been crouching low, and in a trice we were each tied to a dog
saddle. The rintar and his dulyals leaped on the backs of the other
animals. In a twinkling we were being raced across the plain.

I let out a lusty shout, for no dulyal paws were gagging me now,
and twisted my head in the direction of the camp. But our capture had
not yet been noticed. And my shout evidently did not carry that far;
or so i thought.

As a matter of fact, the Ta n'Ur had seen our capture, had even
heard my shout, but by this time they had also observed another thing
that had escaped Lil-rin and myself.

The fields on either side of the ditch, but at some distance back,
were thick with dulyals, some fifteen hundred or two thousand of them,
whereas the Ta n'Ur numbered only some hundred odd.

Uldor, who had assumed command at once, saw that to go forward
meant certain destruction without any hope of rescuing us. Without the
encumbrance of false pride, he withdrew the clansmen swiftly and
silently downstream, until they were far enough out of the trap to
mount their dogs and race back southward in a well-simulated panic and
at a pace which out-distanced pursuit.

But Lil-rin and i knew nothing of this at the time.

In no time at all we reached a road, the first i had seen on Mars,
which ran beside another artificial irrigation ditch. River, perhaps
would be a better word, for it was fully half a mile wide and, I
gathered, quite deep.

At intervals of two or three miles were spaced little villages,
similar to the one in which i had rescued Lil-rin from Gakko's
followers. Villages or rather, groups of entrances to underground
dwellings. And little gatherings of slaves and Ildin stood aside to
watch us race past, eyeing with casual curiosity the slim figure of
the golden-haired girl and the sturdy build of the man with strangely
dark hair.

At length we came to a bridge, or more properly a causeway, for it
was really more in the nature of a dam with many sluice-gates than a

Here we were met by a detachment of fifteen Ildin in command of an
Eps, a Lesser Lord. And when Lil-rin saw them her face fell.

"For," she whispered to me, "they are in the uniforms of Gakko's
bodyguards. Galdro would dignify no prisoners except those he thought
of the utmost importance by an escort of this sort.

"While we were in the hands of a mere rintar and his dulyals, it
looked as though our capture had been an accident. But now i am afraid
Gakko knew of our coming all along. Someone ... someone has betrayed
us, Danan-lih!"

Chapter 14 we Reach Gakalu

We were allowed no time to rest. Our arms were freed; but then we
were tied to the saddles of fresh dogs. Away we went, at breakneck
speed, over the causeway and up the road toward the sea.

The Ildin who raced at our sides kept strict military order and
maintained a wary watch. But at length the Eps, a handsome though
evil-faced young fellow, drew up beside us and ordered the others to

He glanced at me with arrogant curiosity and then at Lil-rin,
whose scanty desert garb concealed but little of her youthful curves.
The expression in his eyes was not good to see.

"And so," he drawled at length, "Danan-lih, the 'God' from the
Green Star, comes to Gakalu! Is your name really Danan-lih?"

"It is Dan Hanley," i replied.

He scowled. "It sounds much the same. And did you really come from
the Green Star?"

"What do you think?" i snapped. And at this he laughed mockingly.

"It is a good story, anyhow," he said, "and one that the people
love to swallow. With what, pray, did you darken your hair?"

"That is its natural color," Lil-rin cut in.

The Eps turned to gaze appraisingly at her again with that
expression that made my blood boil.

"Do that again," i gritted, "and I'll find the strength to break
these bonds and tear you apart!"

He glanced at me in pretended surprise, as though he did not
understand, but underneath was that air of arrogant mockery.

"I'll make a bargain with you, Danan-lih," he said after a bit.
"Gakko knows of your coming, but not of the girl's. These men are
mine. Their loyalty to me is above even their loyalty to Gakko. Turn
the girl over to me, and say nothing to Gakko about her.

"After i have delivered you at the Council Hall and am no longer
technically responsible for you, i will contrive your escape. For
Gakko surely intends to have your life," he added smugly to give
weight to his evil argument.

The Lesser Lord's eagerness to double-cross Gakko, his commander-in-chief,
is not to be wondered at. Throughout history, tyrants like Gakko,
who depend on unscrupulous underlings to maintain their power
have been stabbed in the back when they least expected. Indeed, from
this history-proven fact may come the original thought behind the
saying that "They who live by the sword, shall die by the sword."

I saw Lil-rin stiffen in her saddle and turn scarlet. The Eps,
misinterpreting my own silence, went on in the conceit that his
proposal would be received as reasonable.

"The girl appeals to my fancy. To have a warrior lass of the Ta
n'Ur among my wives would be most interesting and undoubtedly

He never finished that sentence. Although my legs were tied under
the dog saddle, my arms were free. At that moment his mount brought
him within reach.

I swayed toward the Lesser Lord and grasped his collar with one
hand. With a wrench, i jerked him clear of his mount and planted a
crashing blow in his face with my other fist.

"Now, Lil-rin, _now_!" i yelled. "Make a break for it, straight

But the attempt was useless. The dogs on which we were mounted
would not obey us, and in a moment we were borne helplessly to the
ground by the avalanche of Ildin who leaped at us from behind.

When the pile was unscrambled i still held onto the Eps, choking
and gasping from the twisting of his collar. i managed to drive my
fist once more into his face before his minions pried me loose and my
dog scrambled to his feet.

The Lesser Lord stood there spluttering and cursing, wiping the
blood from his face. After a flood of invectives, he thrust his
battered features forward into mine, for his men were holding me so
that i could hardly move.

His voice rasped with bitter malevolence. "Were it not for Gakko,
I would--and by the seven Alarin, i believe i will in spite of him!
When he does see you, i can tell him you were hurt in resisting

"And," i interrupted him sharply, "I shall tell Gakko of your
treason to him! Perhaps Gakko knows enough of your reputation even now
to credit the infamous proposal you just made."

He grew suddenly pale, in strange contrast to the blood on his
face. His manner changed just as abruptly.

"Enough!" he said. "It was my mistake. i did not understand your,
ah, viewpoint, or i should not have asked you to do anything, er,
dishonorable in your own eyes. But i will offer you another bargain."

Ah, so i had won the upper hand, prisoner and all!

"Say nothing of this to Gakko, and i will agree that you and the
girl shall have every possible courtesy and comfort as long as you are
in my hands. Is it agreed?" he demanded anxiously.

"Agreed," i said; and at this, the fear went out of his eyes,
though there was much of worry left in his expression. Enough worry, I
thought, to make him keep his promise. Or was it?

Through all this the Ildin had sat with wooden faces, though once
or twice i caught the suspicion of a fleeting smile here and there
among them. The Eps' followers may have been loyal, but evidently they
were not personally displeased at his discomfiture. Lil-rin too was
smiling a bit, but pretending she had noticed nothing.

So we went on, by easier stages now. Nor were our legs bound so
tightly, and frequently the Eps had water offered to us and several
times food. Once we stopped for a rest, which was most welcome. But I
knew that every time my back was to him, the Lesser Lord's eyes were
boring into me with baffled hatred.

Finally we reached our destination. Gakalu looked more like a
great park or flower garden than the teeming city it was. For miles in
every direction the gardens lay, diamond-patterned, between diagonal
rows of streets paved in dull red, but with scarcely a building above
ground. That is, if the little ornate structures constituting the
entrances to the underground city were excepted.

Just below ground another system of streets was laid out in
squares, at an angle of forty-five degrees to the paths above. The
main arteries of this underground system emerged at strategic traffic
points beyond the city. The ground level, in other words, was in
reality the "roof" of the city.

The gardens, each surrounded by a low wall made from fragments of
the iridescent stone, were places of recreation, rest and amusement.
Here an open air cafe, with tables of intricate golden metal or carved
stone, where refreshments were being served among gorgeous varicolored
blooms; there, a recreation center, with crowds watching some game or

Gakko's palace, castle, or Council Hall, whatever one chose to
call it, for it served all three purposes was an edifice of such
transcendent beauty as i had never seen before. In general lines it
resembled somewhat the modified pyramidal motif that became so general
on Earth in the second quarter of the Twentieth Century.

The structure stood at the very edge of the Polar Sea. In fact,
abortive little waves of that windless expanse of water lapped and
broke against one face of it, and reached halfway down the two sides.

As we approached down one of the diagonal streets, my heart leaped
with satisfaction. There before us lay anchored the Ilmon fleet, our
allies, about two hundred yards offshore: great raft-like,
flat-bottomed craft on which huge spring-guns were mounted. Every few
moments one of these would hurl a half ton of rock at the castle which
would shatter quite futilely against the iridescent monolith, leaving
its surface, as far as i could see, unmarred.

I cursed silently under my breath. It was quite obvious that the
Ilmon attack was nothing but a gesture. Gakko had more "men" than the
Ilmon could possibly crowd on their ships. Besides, the ruler of
Gakalu had the advantage of mobility.

No matter what spot the Ilmon fleet might select for a landing,
the defenders could concentrate a superior force there before the
maneuver could be made effective. So Lil-rin and i had no hope of
rescue from the ships.

Chapter 15 Condemned by Gakko

Immediately on our arrival, we were hustled through the triangular
gate in the base of the castle, on into a tunnel of the same shape,
the walls coming together at an angle above to form the room.

The passage inclined upward, curving about until it emerged
between bastioned walls of the castle proper on top of the base. Our
party was halted here by a shrill order from the commander of a unit
of several sturdy young Amazons of Gakko's personal guard.

With some little military ceremony, and a malevolent glance at me,
the Eps handed us over to the girl guard, and with his followers
turned back down the ramp.

We were immediately seized and shackled. Noting the fetters that
were in readiness, Lil-rin threw me a meaning glance. i knew what she
meant. This was but another evidence that our arrival was expected.

The girl in command surveyed us with interest, but gave me most of
her attention. Evidently with my greater height and more muscular
build than the average Martian, i was more of a novelty even than a
girl warrior of the Ta n'Ur.

These young Amazons were clad in armor, and little else. Each wore
upper and forearm guards on the right arm with a large round shield
protecting the left. A curiously fashioned corselet or shot cuirass,
held up by broad straps, protected the shoulders. Underneath was a
broad girdle of heavy leather and metal plates, from which hung thigh
guards and a kind of _braconniere,_ a kilt of chain mail.

Shin guards and sandals completed the equipment, except for the
short, curved, heavy-bladed swords they carried.

"Come!" commanded their leader shortly. She led the way briskly
through a smaller triangular gate into the castle, and there was much
resonant clashing of metal in the guard's armor as we followed.

Lil-rin spoke in low tones to the girl who marched beside her.

"'I didn't know there were any girl warriors in the Northern
Cities. i thought that only we of the Ta n'Ur, and the other clans of
the desert ring--"

"We are the War Wives of Gakko," the girl explained shortly.

"How many wives has he?" i broke in.

The women, God bless 'em! Ask them for a little confidential
information and they'll spill the beans every time.

"Thirty-one," she replied, her whole manner becoming more

"That is, thirty-one War-Wives. The rest don't matter. They are
merely slaves, playthings. we rank as Epsin and have all the
privileges of men."

Then, after a pause, "Most of us War-Wives are from the clans
south of Gakalu, on the other side of the desert ring from the Ta
n'Ur. Gakko will probably make you one of us."

Lil-rin bent her head quickly to mine, "He will not!" she
whispered tensely.

"You're telling me!" i whispered back reassuringly.

"Are you really Danan-lih?" the girl on the other side of us now
asked me.

"I am Dan Hanley," i replied. "Sorry to have to meet you under
such, er, disadvantageous circumstances." When i want to turn on the
charm, it really gushes.

Warrior or no warrior, the girl was pleased. "Yes, that is what
they call you Danan-lih. And there are lots, too, who believe in you,
and think Gakko should not oppose your becoming Alar-Lur."

And she gave me a look that meant plenty!

Further conversation, however, was interrupted by a curt command
from the leader as we approached a grille. Through this we could
glimpse a great hall decorated with luxurious and colorful hangings,
magnificent carvings and statuary, and a riot of immense, brilliant
Martian flowers.

There came to us the murmur of many voices, with the occasional
shouts of men and the shrieks of women drunk with lilquok.

We were motioned to stay where we were. The girl in command
approached a section of the grille and pressed on it with her hand. A
cleverly concealed little triangular gate opened. She went in, leaving
it ajar.

Through this opening we caught a better view of the great tables,
of the men and women lounging or sprawling about on the benches and
couches. The girl beside me sniffed contemptuously.

"It's like this every day, since Gakko first hinted at his plan to
be Alar-Lur," she said. Lil-rin looked at her sharply and then nudged
me. i managed to get in a knowing wink in reply.

In a moment the leader of our captors returned, followed by an
impressive figure of a man. The girl leader of the guard waved her
hand toward us imperiously.

"Here they are, Gakko. They were just brought in."

Gakko, though neither as tall nor as heavy as i, was nonetheless a
commanding individual among Martians. He was possessed of somewhat
more than their normal height and breadth of shoulder. i judged him to
be a man of about forty.

His face, though showing the signs of his dissipated, licentious
life, nevertheless indicated both intellect and strength of will. He
folded his arms casually and surveyed us with a kind of detached

"So this," he mused, "is the famous Danan-lih, who threatens the
peace and security of a whole world because of a silly ancient

I started to make a reply, but the girl leader shrieked a sudden
command to "be silent in the presence of the Alar" and struck me
sharply on the mouth. So i had to keep silent, especially since Gakko,
for all his assumed carelessness of manner, took care to keep several
of the girls between himself and us. But for an instant i was on the
point of whipping out my concealed automatic and ending the matter
then and there.

Gakko continued to gaze cynically at me as his glance swept me
insolently from head to foot. For an instant a gleam lightened the
lazy arrogance of his eyes. Presently he permitted himself to
pronounce upon my fate.

"The man is to be placed in a cell, just as he is, with food to
eat and water to drink. But give him no other clothing, and do not let
him bathe."

Suddenly conscious of my somewhat tattered garb, with the desert's
red grime still upon me, i glanced down, puzzled as to the meaning of
this strange order. For the life of me i couldn't tell what he was
driving at.

Then for the first time Gakko turned and gazed directly at

"Ah!" he exclaimed, an expression of evil anticipation breaking
over his face. "Another recruit, eh, girls?"

He laughed carelessly at the unfriendly glances the jealous young
War-Wives threw at Lil-rin.

"Let her have every comfort," Gakko commanded. "And bring her to
me in the morning at the Council in bridal garb, for i shall wed her
and then ... but, we shall see about that later. And, oh yes, bring
the man to me at the same time."

And turning casually, he sauntered back through the grille, which
closed with a little click behind him.

There was an agony of pleading in Lil-rin's eyes as she turned to
me. The young warrior girls seemed puzzled and uncertain. They glanced
at Lil-rin uneasily. Clearly they saw in her a rival for Gakko's
favors, and probably a successful one at that. They were at once
jealous and fearful of her possible future position.

As the girl guards marched us along another corridor, Lil-rin
spoke in low tones to the leader. The girl shook her head in emphatic
refusal at first; but Lil-rin pleaded, and at last the leader
relented. The party halted. Half of the girls dropped back a little
distance at their leader's command and the rest went on a few paces,
leaving Lil-rin and me alone together.

Lil-rin stood very close to me. "I asked her for just a moment, to
say farewell. This is the end, Danan-lih. Do you realize it?"

There were tears in the green-blue eyes that looked up at me so
forlornly from a white, drawn little face.

Paralyzed by a sudden rush of feeling, i stood motionless, half
dazed, in the first true realization of my very real love for this

Chapter 16 The Crash of Doom

Lil-rin must have misunderstood my silence, for she dropped her
gaze and went on in a pathetically breathless way.

"Oh, i understand, Danan-lih, that i have been just an accident to
you. That it was just the fulfillment of the ancient legend. But that
isn't what i wanted to say, Danan-lih!

"I mean, Gakko has condemned you to death, or he will in the
morning. And i, who am your lawful bride, even if only in name, must
die, too, if you do. But before i wed a Northern beast like Gakko,
here, Danan-lih, take this gun! They'd only take it away from me
anyhow when they dress me in the bridal garments. Please--" So,
carefully, i transferred the automatic to my own person. Lil-rin could
say no more at the moment, for by then i had folded her in my arms,
clasping her supple young form close to mine in the glorious
realization, at last, of what she meant to me.

"I love you, Lil-rin, i love you!" i whispered fiercely.

She relaxed against me like one exhausted, and the tears were now
streaming from beneath her lowered lids.

"Now i shall die happy," she murmured. "Now i shall have no

"We're not going to die, now!" i replied. i glanced at the warrior
girls standing attentively along the corridor. They were regarding us
with unconcealed curiosity, but seemed in no hurry to end our rather
desperate communion.

"Tell me quickly, dear," i whispered. "How many of Gakko's people
do you think believe in the Legend?"

"Oh, perhaps the great majority," she said, without any great
interest in the subject, but with a wondrous look in her eyes as she
gazed up from where her head nestled against my shoulder.

"Then my plan may work! For i believe i know now why Gakko gave
_me_ that strange order that i was to be brought before him in Council
tomorrow just as i am now, dirty and disheveled."

Quickly i outlined the plan for her. As i talked the glow of hope
and exuberance came back again into her eyes.

"Good!" Lil-rin exclaimed when i had finished. "And even if it
does not work, my Danan-lih, we shall meet death side-by-side,
fighting to the last!"

She drew herself up proudly and motioned to the leader of the girl

"We are ready," she said.

So, with many curious glances and whispered comments, for
obviously the girl guards were puzzled by the sudden change in our
bearing, perhaps even awed a bit at the jubilant manner in which i was
going forth to meet a certain death, they conducted us to the next
turn in the corridor. Here, after a hasty embrace, Lil-rin and i were

They took me to a cell in the tower, about halfway up, from which
I had a good view of the westward side of the city and the shore.
After bringing me food and a little water, they left me to my
meditations and plans for the morrow.

First, i carefully inspected the two automatics, as soon as i was
sure i was not under observation. i spent some time in practicing,
until i could draw those guns from their concealed holsters with my
old-time skill.

Then, detail by detail, endeavoring to prepare for every possible
contingency, i went over my plans again and again, until last I
dropped off to sleep.

In the morning, four of the warrior girls came to conduct me to
the Council Hall. They led me to a grilled door; and while i awaited
the signal that would bring me before Gakko, i had plenty of time to
study the great room and the throng within it.

Gakko was giving the crowd a harangue that would have been a
credit to an Earthly politician. A master of dramatic art, he was
cleverly painting a picture of himself as the popular leader, while
holding his cohorts in suspense as to some great revelation he was
about to make. He contrived to put across the impression that this
matter would be one of great amusement to them, as well as to himself.

"And now," he shouted, "behold the fair barbarian of the desert
allies, Ur Lil-rin of the Ta n'Ur. Is she fair enough, i ask you, to
be the bride of-an Alar-Lur?" And he put into this last phrase a
subtle suggestion.

My heart pounded as i saw Lil-rin step forth with stately grace.
Two of Gakko's warrior girls, weapons drawn, were at her side, and two
more behind. Gakko, with dramatic dignity, stepped back a pace as with
a sweeping gesture he centered the attention of the throng upon her.

There was a sibilant intake of breath all through the hall as Lil-rin
stepped forward; a murmur of surprise, and then a roar of
approval. Her costume was so gorgeous, i could not have blamed the
War-Wives for any pangs of jealousy.

Unnoticed for the moment by the crowd, Gakko glanced at the door.

Hastily my guards swung it open. Before i had time to guess their
purpose, they seized me roughly. Pulling and jerking me this way and
that, they hustled me out on the platform in such a way as to make it
appear that i was cravenly resisting, and had to be dragged along.

From my appearance in such grimy and tattered garments, and from
the manner in which the warrior girls were roughing me i must truly
have presented a ridiculous contrast to Lil-rin.

A roar of laughter echoed through the great hall.

Now Gakko was shouting. "Can this be the great Danan-lih of the
Legend, the Hero of the Green Star--the Alar-Lur of Mars?"

"No! No!" roared the crowd between gusts of laughter.

"I leave the decision to you, my people!" Gakko shouted, holding
up his hand for silence. "Shall this fair barbarian be the bride of
Gakko-Alar-Lur or of this false hero of the Legend who now cringes at
my feet?"

Gakko pointed dramatically at the spot where he expected me to be.
For with this last speech of his as their cue, the girls who were
guarding me began again to jerk me this way and that. i sensed their
purpose was to trip and hurl me headlong to the floor before him.

Well, i would have to disappoint them. In fact, what with my Earth
strength and all, that was precisely what i did. To their utter
astonishment, it was the four of them, and not i, who went sprawling
when they attempted to hurl me at Gakko's feet.

In a single bound i covered the space that separated me from
Gakko. When i felt the floor under my feet again i lashed out with all
the momentum of my leap and every ounce of strength in my body. There
was a sharp _crack!_ as my fist landed on Gakko's jaw.

The blow literally lifted him from his feet and hurled him
headlong from the platform and down the steps, where he lay an inert
and lifeless mass among his own lesser lords.

For a moment, breathless silence pervaded the hall. Not a Martian
moved. Slowly, ominously, i stepped forward to the edge of the
platform facing Gakko's minions, a gun in each hand.

Chapter 17 Alar-Lur of Mars

Proudly, calmly, as though on parade, Lil-rin stepped to my side
and stood quietly alert.

A murmur arose in the back of the hall. There was the clang of a
spring-gun and the thud of its bolt somewhere behind me. But i had
caught a glimpse of the gun, and i fired.

The roar of the automatic stunned the Martians, and there was
silence again as the faint fumes of gunpowder floated hazily about me.
Then the rintar in the back of the hall who had my bullet in his arm
began to shriek. And pandemonium broke loose.

The Ildin-Gakko's Freemen were milling about and struggling among
themselves. Half of them were panic-stricken, fighting to get out of
the room. The others fought because they were attacked, or because of
they knew not what.

It was in the pit of the Epsin, just beneath our feet, that our
danger lay, and in the warrior girls who had been guarding Lil-rin and
me. i was conscious that several of the latter were now circling in
behind us on the platform.

Diversion came just in time to save me the necessity of turning to
face the Warrior-Wives. Several of the Epsin made a rush at us up the
steps. Raising both guns, i hurled fire and lead at them. One after
another they threw up their arms and tumbled backward or plunged
sprawling on their faces.

Behind me i heard the warrior girls squealing in fright and
scrambling down the steps.

"Thunder! Lightning!" one of them screamed. "It is Danan-lih, in
truth, according to the Legend!"

I glowered at the crowd. Wherever my glance fell, men shrank back,
fear and wonder upon their faces.

I stepped forward a pace then and held up my hand for silence. The
turmoil hushed. i pointed to where the lifeless form of Gakko lay
grotesquely sprawled.

"There lies Gakko," i said. Then, tapping my chest, "Here stands
Danan-lih of the Thunder and Lightning! Danan-lih of the Great
Strength Danan-lih of the Green Star! Are ye Gakko's men or Danan-lih's
men, or is there perhaps among ye, one who cares to contest the
claim of Danan-lih as Alar-Lur?"

I do not know how the thing would have come out in the end. i was
in reality preparing to make a dash for safety with Lil-rin, in case
my bluff did not work.

But at this moment i heard the soft swish of many feet, marching
in unhurried military precision, coming through the grilled doors
behind us.

"The Ta n'Ur!" Lil-rin whispered jubilantly, but without turning
her head. "They have gained entrance to the castle somehow. Uldor did

I don't know how long we stood there, not daring to show our own
happy surprise, and not wanting to destroy the dramatic picture by
abandoning our pose. But, at last, we knew that the clansmen had all
filed on to the platform to stand behind us in formidable array.

Then, furtively at first, and finally with a mad rush, the Epsin
and Ildin clogged the exits, until at last Lil-rin, i and the Ta n'Ur
were left alone in the hall.

Lil-rin threw herself into my arms, and so ecstatic was our
embrace that Uldor barked a sharp command to the clansmen to about-face,
that we, or they, might not be embarrassed. It must have been
the latter, because Lilrin and i did not even know they were there for
a long time...

"It was a simple enough matter," Uldor explained later, when we
questioned him as to how the Ta n'Ur had gained the castle. "When we
found you had been captured, we knew a trap had been set. So we
pretended to abandon you and flee."

"We sped back to the border of the desert, and our dogs were so
fast we knew no pursuit could have kept up with us. So, instead of
returning toward Borlan, we cut deeper into the desert below Gakalu.

"Then, following the Great Gakalun Canal, we dashed straight
north, and flashed through the city itself to the very walls of the
castle before any opposition developed.

"There was commotion inside. The walls were unguarded. we scaled
them by shooting a line over a parapet with a spring-gun, and then
hauling up a stouter rope. we heard the roar of Danan-lih's guns. The
few Gakalunin we met were fleeing in terror. we ran through the
corridors toward the sound of the guns. The rest you know."

At this juncture, a slave entered and bowed low.

"Master," he said "there is a great crowd shouting acclaim to
Danan-lih and Ur Lil-rin. They have sent emissaries to beg that you
will appear before them."

Lil-rin looked at me shrewdly. "You can't show yourself this time
in these tatters, Danan-lih," she protested, "or they'll expect you to
look that way always. Whatever shall we do?"

"There's undoubtedly a store of clothing here somewhere," I
suggested, "but it might take us hours to find."

Then i got an inspiration. "Hey, wait a moment! I've got myself a
swell idea. Danan-lih first appeared on this planet among the Ta n'Ur.
Right? His bride is a Myara of the Ta n'Ur. It is fitting that the
garb of the Ta n'Ur shall be the official dress at the court of the
new Alar-Lur-and the Alara-Lur-of Mars!"

It was nothing but a flash thought, suggesting itself to me as a
quick solution of a bothersome problem. But Lil-rin gave me a startled
look, as did Uldor.

"The Ta n'Ur--Descendants of Kings," she murmured in a tone of awe.
"And so, my Danan-lih, you have fulfilled yet another prophecy. _For
their garb shall be the garb of Kings.'_ It is a phrase in the Ancient
Tradition, over the interpretation of which our wise men have puzzled
for many generations. But come! we have no time to waste! Quick,
Uldor, give us clothing!"

And so a few moments later, garbed exactly alike in the simple
costume of the clansmen, Lil-rin and i stepped forth from the great
triangular gate in the base of the castle, to be greeted by a mighty
roar of acclaim from the united populace of Gakalu and the men of the
Ilmon fleet, which now was tied up at the quay.

"Hail to Danan-lih and Lil-rin, Alar-Lur and Alara-Lur of the
Northern Cities!" roared the crowd. "Alar and Alara of Gakalu! Myar-Lur
and Myra-Lur of the Ta n'Ur!"

And then, in front of them all, Lil-rin kissed me.

So, much as i would like to return to my native planet, i feel
that my duty lies here. No Martian, i am sure, could lead anything but
a miserable existence on Earth, where gravity is so much greater, and
Lil-rin says she wouldn't let me go without her.

Besides, she points out shrewdly, the tradition says nothing at
all about the "Second Danan" flying off in the void of space on a
foolish trip to the Green Star, and besides the people wouldn't stand
for it.

As for that Martian who had betrayed Lil-rin and me to the
overlord of Gakalu-well, one must realize that spies are ever to be
found when conditions of war obtain. Perhaps, on the other hand, it
had been a clansman of the Ta n'Ur, jealous of my position and
determined to bring me down, by means fair or foul, from a pedestal
not of my own making. But whoever that informer may be, i shall seek
him out.

Some day, i hope during my lifetime, someone will rediscover the
secrets that died with old Doctor Bran-disch, who built the first
successful space ship and then promptly went insane when i flashed off
to Mars in it.

Some day i shall find time to study the mechanism of that ship and
transmit the specifications to Earth by radio, so that, perhaps, a
delegation from "the old home planet" may visit us here and see what
Lil-rin and i have accomplished as the rulers of half a world.

I wish i knew what the other half, below the great equatorial
desert, is like. In fact, if i can ever convince Lil-rin that i am not
secretly planning a return to Earth (for, being a woman, she doesn't
like the way the first Danan skipped out and left his bride,) I'm
going to have the water pumped out of the old space ship and
whisk across the desert in it to have a look at that other hemisphere.


1st August 1971
 [White Fairy]

We re-wrote "The Princess Code" in purely positive affirmations:

A Princess...
*has dignity [].
*aims for perfection in every step.
* [expresses] etiquette and prodigal generosity.
*always looks beautiful, even when she is asleep.
*reflects her inner beauty in her aesthetic choices.
*respects her environment and nurtures the beauty of nature.
*should be given fresh flowers everyday, even if she has to give them to herself.
*has the right to spend her funds on beautiful things [] because beauty in itself is priceless.
*grows in recognition and stature in proportion to how much she treats others as royalty.
*most treasures her precious jewel of [beleif], which [] shows her the beauty in every soul she meets.
*is [always ready] to give a kind word or smile where it is needed, greeting everyone with a welcoming smile, melting the hearts of friends [].
*inspires others to follow their [...] dreams through following her heart, expressing herself freely and treasuring every moment, and believing in her dreams [].

There is also a negative Princess Code to be avoided.

Faery blessings -- celeste

1st August 1971

The Big Fraud in Very Simple Terms
By Anna Von Reitz 2019-10-04

There are still a lot of people "not getting it".

So, I am going to use a very simple example that most people are familiar with. Please bear in mind, that this is just one example and the same basic principles apply in many other situations.

You are a young man with a growing family. You have been living in an apartment. You have a good steady job and so does your wife. You decide to "apply for a home loan" -- right? Typical story.

You assume, naturally, that when you go to the bank, they are going to loan you money to buy a home, just as banks and credit unions used to do it prior to 1934.

But in 1934, something changed and nobody told you.

Since 1934, instead of loaning you money to buy a home which you then have to pay back, something entirely different has been going on.

Since 1934, the banks have had no money to lend. They can only lend credit.

So what happens?

Instead of loaning you money, they developed a system to loan you your own credit.

They are soliciting for you to loan them your home as an asset that they can borrow against and use as collateral.

Thanks to the "Federal Reserve" scheme, the banks can loan 7 to 10 times more credit than your home is worth on the current market.

So say that your home is worth $200,000. They create $1.4 to 2 million in credit based on your asset.

What is supposed to happen is that you are supposed to receive your home free and clear, plus monthly payments made to an escrow account as your reward for loaning them your asset.

That's right. They are supposed to be paying you, not you paying them.

All those "mortgage payments" is what the bank owes you, not what you owe them.

And this is the way it was supposed to be, since 1934.

But, by not telling you this, and letting us all continue to assume a "normal course of business", the banks saw an opportunity to defraud the innocent, so they did.

They pretended that you were all Municipal CITIZENS of the United States -- and that allowed them to charge you for a mortgage under false pretenses. The mortgage was actually war reparations owed by the Municipal United States Government and their STATE OF STATE franchises ever since the Civil War.

So the rats rooked you into paying the debts of the foreign subcontractors running the Municipal United States Government and they took a security interest in your home on top of everything else.

That's how you wound up paying for someone else's debts, including the interest, without any "equitable exchange" or other consideration. You were presumed to be a corporate "franchise" of the Municipal Government -- like a Dairy Queen franchise, and treated as such.

[Civilian Private Property]

Of course, some people did know what was going on here and some people did object to it. New banking rules were adopted to protect the Private Property that was being leveraged in this system -- the so-called Regulation Z, which is an international banking and securities regulation that was adopted (under force) by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and which resulted in the Consumer Protection Acts including the Truth in Lending Act.

Private Property is supposed to be protected by attaching "Z tags" to it. The clueless bill collectors and revenue agents patrolling our streets are supposed to recognize the tags if they recognize nothing else, and are supposed to be told to leave cars, homes, land, etc., displaying the proper "Z tags" alone.

In this country, because we have two foreign subcontractors at odds with each other, we need two kinds of "Z tags" to accomplish this same function.

We need a white "Z" with a black background to waive off Municipal bill collectors, and a black "Z" with a white background to waive off Territorial bill collectors.

The idea was that it was outrageous enough that they were using your assets to profit themselves and forcing you to pay the Municipal Government's debts under False Pretenses -- without also endangering your actual property and making it subject to seizure for failure to pay THEIR debts.

Like all the other remedy that was supposed to be yours, none of this was ever explained. To this day, the bill collectors and revenue agents remain largely ignorant about what a "Z" tag means. In some states like Alaska, highway patrolmen know enough to leave cars carrying a "Z" tag alone.

The banks got so brazen that they even neglected to pay the Federal Gift and Estate Taxes they owed on all the escrow money they collected from you to pay off the Municipal Government's debts. Like all the "Federal Income Tax" you have been forced to pay, but never actually owed, these monthly mortgage payments were all considered to be "voluntary" and to be "gifts" so they are all supposed to be processed as Gift and Estate Taxes.

Beginning in the 1960's, the banks just accidentally on purpose ceased forming actual REMIC pools, bypassed all that paperwork, and didn't pay the Federal Taxes on our monthly "gifts". No doubt this was a quid pro quo with the Municipal Government -- a sort of unstated fee reversal, where the bank didn't pay the tax or create the REMICs, because they were doing the service of collecting the war reparations payments for the government and kicking back to the government.

Anyway, to make a long story short -- you aren't a Federal Territorial U.S. Citizen and you aren't a Municipal "citizen of the United States" dba CITIZEN, either. You've just been a victim in a cross-fire of greedy corporate crime syndicates operating on our shores.

You never owed a mortgage. You were owed your home free and clear, plus the credit payment representing the principal of the "loan", plus monthly escrow payments back from the bank as your reward for loaning them your assets and credit.

The Municipal United States Government was the Party that owed money for war reparations, but you were conveniently "mistaken" for a Municipal Franchisee, and charged war reparations as a mortgage -- a mortgage that the Municipal Government and its STATE OF STATE franchises owed.

All the money that the banks were supposed to pay you as your profit for loaning them your credit, and letting them hold your asset -- your home -- in trust, was instead "interpreted" as a voluntary gift and obligation of yours, being donated every month to pay back the war reparations owed by the foreign United States Municipal Government.

The banks got out of paying you the principal and the monthly payments you were owed. The Municipal Government got you to "donate" all that you thought you were paying on a home loan toward paying off their war reparations debts and whatever else they wanted to tack on.

The banks sat in the middle with nothing at risk and bilked everyone silly.

And to top it off, they never explained Regulation Z to you, so the one remedy that remained, the thing that was supposed to be a Fail Safe to protect your Private Property from being stolen under False Pretenses, was never actually made available to you, either.

Start plastering "Z" signs, white on black and black on white on your homes and automobiles, and everything else you don't want stolen. Start explaining the situation to your family and friends. Pigeon-hole the ignorant corporate "Sheriffs" and "Judges" and "Court Clerks" and Highway Patrolmen. Give them a copy of this article so they all get a nose-full and can't wishy-washy around and pretend that you ever knowingly, willingly agreed to any of this Bushwah.

Probably a billion Americans have been abused in this way by the banks and the Municipal United States Government acting in collusion.

And now it needs to stop. The banks need to start paying back all that they actually owe us, and the Municipal Government needs to be drawn up by the proverbial short hairs.

Most of the members of the "US" Congress are just irresponsible glad-handing fools who have mortgages on their own homes and are just as clueless as everyone else, but there are others who have grotesquely profited themselves working this hidden system to their benefit and everyone else's harm.

So, first order of business -- convert all that illegal debt the American People have been carrying into lawful credit.

Kick rump and clean house on the banks and DC.

As I have always said, this is not about politics. It doesn't have a thing to do with Democrat or Republican. There are rats on both sides of the aisle.

No, my dears, this isn't about politics, not about rich or poor, not about black or white. All have been made to suffer.

This is about crime. Pure old garden variety bunko and institutionalized constructive fraud carried out against an entire population of innocent people who are in fact owed "good faith service".

This is about Breach of Trust by the banks and the governmental services corporations, and their Agency subcontractors, the Queen, and the Pope, the members of Congress, the members of the "US" Supreme Court, and others.

Did you know that the standard Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae loan applications create a trust? Did you know that you as the "Donor/Borrower" purportedly create that trust and give your home away to the bank, to "dispose" of as they see fit? Did you realize that you need to extinguish that trust or your home stays in that bank trust even after you pay off the phony mortgage?

Come on, everyone. Time to wake up and smell the manure pile.

1st August 1971

Public Parks

... and those are the "rights" of your average "dead person", who actually has NO rights whatsoever...
much less messing with a sovereign.

Faery blessings -- celeste

1st August 1971

Since the completion of my apprenticeship in November of 1991, when i transitioned from 6 years of part-time, to full-time ministry as a clairvoyant psychic reader, healer, and teacher, such roles were priority and had been definitional for me.
Along my journey of self-discovery, i reached a point of consciousness regarding reality creation that i quantum leaped from perceiving myself to operate as a catalyst of change for others, (who were in need of my services to facilitate them), to instead live the precept that i am to operate as a magical (co-)creator of miraculous realities within a pre-existing ascended and perfected Gaia, in which everyone is already healthy and functional.
Because what we intend is creational of the reality in which we live, i redefined myself to release my primary roles in life, releasing my previously held purposes, those of being needed by others to become whole, healthy, functional, and happy, to instead be purposeless, sharing a reality of spontaneous joyful creativity of play.
This resulted in my addressing the chelas in my ongoing weekly clairvoyance classes, informing them that i was stepping down from the role of being their teacher, and instead would simply be one of the participants sitting in a circle of equals, in which we all learn from each other and our sharing of our experiences and perceptions.
Part of the motivation for this choice was to push them out of their comfort zone of defining themselves as seekers and students who depended upon the leadership of "a teacher", to quantum leap into a higher level of self-responsibility and internal authority.

1st August 1971

If any of you caught the early new millenium TeleVision special: "The Secret KGB UFO files", there was a point in an interview of a Russian who had been working with a team who had been working to reverse engineer a downed / captured IAC (Identified Alien Craft), where he indicated, quoting as best as I remember:
"Our physicists have been unable to understand the physics of the alien technology, because all of our technology is based upon quantum physics, while the ET technology is all based upon parallel realities."

All our quantum physics is limited both in understanding and exploration, by being confined to one consenus reality, the physical, but then that is the major downfall of modern western "scientific" investigation... the underlying belief that there is a single objective reality, that it is physical, and that it can be measured in a laboratory with physical instruments. This [is was] why we [have had] [no] proof of paranormal phenomena, or anything which deals with alternate or subjective reality. While I was raised and trained in this western scienterrific non-mystique, I had to let it go to open up to psychic phenomena and perception. I no longer believe there is an "objective reality". Einsteinian relativity would lead us to the same conclusion.

Despite western science's search for the one ultimate objective physical-laboratory-proovable reality, none such exists.

Could it be that 'relativism' is real? that there is no single objective reality?

Prove that any 'objective reality' is not truly subjective. This cannot be done without an exhaustive list of all possible subjective realities, observations you and I have made, and therefore it is impossible for even two of us to share an objective reality, much less share one with 8 Billion humans.

I think that this is a clue for our future direction of investigation. We need to investigate higher harmonics (higher dimensionality), and we need to investigate other phases, (parallel realities), of each harmonic range. Such is the realm of MetaPhysics. So far, the only available "laboratory" for performing such scientific investigation of the metaphysical, is within our own heads, and is commonly known as crown chakra and ajna chakra, corresponding to the Pituitary and Pineal glands. This is the primary reason for the endless debates between skeptics and adepts... there is no physical proof available to the skeptics, who as long as they disbelieve, will not open up their own psychic awareness to allow themselves to see what others see who have let go of the need for external authoritarian "proof", and are willing to just see what they see.

Each of us exists in interrelated parallel realities, each having many time-lines based on alternate choices. These are all part of an overall "universe" or reality. We have free-will choice which time-line to take, but there is some level of fatedness to each time-line. Judicious time-line hopping gives more freedom.

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