![[Rose Cross]](/imgs/portrait/rosae_crucis.jpg)
My most effective training was derived from the tradition of the
e.g. the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), or
e.g. the Brotherhood of the Rosae Crucis,
(the symbol of which is "the rosey cross").
There are RC mystical schools in operation,
notably in northern California is the AMORC in San Jose,
whose Egyptian Museum I visited, and i was aware that
they operated a school there, but they were noted for
teaching their students very slowly.
One of the masters from the RosaeCrucian tradition
was the Very Right Reverend
Lewis S. Bostwick,
who was very clairvoyant.
After many years with the RCs,
he branched off to form his own school,
Berkeley Psychic Institute,
which I visited for a couple student readings. At
Laurie Ann Schryver
taught the "Psychic Nutrition Reading Program",
a specialty of the category of "Medical Intuitive",
focussing upon reading the physical body's operations.
She found a conflict of ethics with BPI where she taught.
When people at BPI refused to clean-up their ethics,
she left and started her own school,
teaching as they had done,
a year-and-a-half long clairvoyance training program.
I attended her 3rd and 4th programs,
and then many of her advanced programs beyond that,
and became her substitute teacher,
while she was travelling to other cities to teach.
The training program required one to choose to focus upon
either training as a "clairvoyant" reading with the
"3rd eye",
or as a "clairsentient" reading with the crown chakra.
i, as usual,
being unwilling to accept "exclusive or",
insisted upon "inclusive or",
and took the training first (her 3rd session) to train clairvoyance,
and then second (4th session) to train clairsentience.
My clairaudience developed during both.
Then I trained in her psychic nutrition reading program
and then her ongoing advanced classes.
She was raised by a clairvoyant mother
and was thus blessed by a mindset throughout her entire life
which validated and encouraged her abilities,
rather than being impeded by 3D-only parents.
Lewis S. Bostwick was friends with L. Ron Hubbard,
founder of "Scientology"
(which was one reality during his leadership,
and warped in a different direction once he died).
L.Ron was friends with Jack Parsons,
founder of the Jack Parsons Laboratory
of the California Institute of Technology (CalTech).
Jack was very into magick / psychic stuff,
and, well, bluntly,
was more interested in the dark side of it.
Therefore, he was drawn to Aleister Crowley,
who named himself "the Beast".
Crowley was very willing to contract with
the dark side influences of the non-physical realm,
and due to a large ego-personality was very effectively used by them to
invoke and create very dark things into the world,
including into
There was a very dark working of magick
by the combination of Jack Parsons
in company with some of these guys,
which was successful and invoked into the world some of the negative things
which are so signifigant in their blighting of the [mankind] world,
that they were described in the Bible.
In fact their dark working together was specifically intended
to manifest "The Whore of Babylon" as described in the Bible.
So, the origins of "JPL" are very dark.
Brilliant magicians and engineers and scientists
pursuing both physical and spiritual technologies
with not purely positive goals or methodologies.
i was raised in the reality of NASA / JPL,
(which was what?
Operation Paperclip's transplantation of brilliant NAZI
German scientists to Amerika at the end of WWII).
So, while the official coverstory is that the
National Aeronautics and Space Agency-Jet Propulsion Laboratory
was the center of unmanned space exploration, it always had a dual nature,
being both the white budget noble pursuit of scienterrific truth
to be revealed to the public (the sheeple that
USA, INC. was busy fleecing),
and a black-budget covert military side which was in fact
more properly acronymed as
"Nazi Aeronautics and Space Agenda-Jack Parsons Laboratory".
Dad was involved with RAdio Direction And Ranging in the Philadelphia Experiment which involved Albert Einstein, and Nikola Tesla who designed the warp field generators, and when it was discovered that many of the seamen exposed to the warp-field were going insane and losing their anchoring in the 3D physical reality, it was realized there were losing their time-locks, and therefore it was determined it was necessary to generate also a time-reference-field for the [mankind] exposed to the warpfield. For this was invoked John Von Neuman who designed the computers to manage the time reference field. Those going crazy were the low consciousness men, whereas the more spiritual ones were able to have their own reference due to their greater connection with their own higher-self / spirit / soul.
Part of my spiritual mission incarnating into this mess was to help in
cleaning up the mess made by the Philadelphia Experiment,
which ripped a hole in the time-space continuum,
which is the portal through which
"the Greys" (popular name)
or "the Whites" (official name: EBE
(Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities))
used to enter our time-space continuum (now ripped),
and they were not supposed to be in our reality.
In fact, the Japanese were added to
the ET mix of Ea-Rth specifically to keep out the Greys.
The other mess created was the time-loop,
which served the agenda of
Lucifer / En.Ki
to keep all the souls entrapped on his
slave planet.
As [mankind] have bio-rhythms,
mama Gaia has her own bio-rythms,
and it was one of those to which
the USS Eldridge synchronized,
creating a time-loop between 1943 and 1983.
The sub and super harmonics of the 40 year time-loop are
10, 20, 80, and 160 years long, and thus we observe
periodic ripples in time causing chaos at the
time-nodes of intersecting interference.
Other time factors are beamed to Ea-Rth through the relay station built into the moon, but sourced from Saturn, which itself is the time generator for the whole solar system.
So, I am much focussed upon " [a]scension" of consciousness beyond the 3D "world" to arrive in the higher realms, which is an option now offered to all of [mankind]. It is often a challenge to be still dragging around through space-time a physical body, while my consciousness is in the higher realms.
I also received Medicine Buddha initiation from Tai Situ Rinpoche, attended lectures by the Dalai Llama, and many other teachers such as the group entity Lazaris channelled by Jach Purcel, learned shamanic soul retrieval from native american shamans, Dance of the Deer with Brant Secunda of the Houichals, studied Hindu Tantra via Jwala, and other teachers, studied texts of Tibetan Buddhism, read the Bible, Meditated, Ran my Energy, and blew-up lots of Roses.
As one of my students observed:
"You never give-up until you succeed, do you!"
I giggled... yes, very true. Practice makes perfect.
The only way to guarantee failure is to give-up.
![[kahealani Bracelette]](/imgs/celeste/landscape/kahealani_bracelette.p1010224.jpg)
My left arm wears my Rose flower pattern bracelette,
(my primary training was based in
RosiCrucian tradition),
inscribed with my Hawaiian name "Kahealani",
gifted to me by the O'ahu Kahuna Faith Kalani Aloha Tom,
bloodline descendant of the family of kahunas who
served the family of King Kamehameha the 1st,
in honor of my healing work which she described:
"You make this look like a Sunday walk in the Park!",
as she and another kahuna from Big Island flew me first to Maui,
and then to Kaua'i, to heal all the heiaus (sacred temple sites).
Kahea means "to call" or "calling" or "the calling of".
Lani means
heaven or sky.
To "call heaven down" is to
Likewise, "the call of heaven" is
to surrender to divine will.
"I'm in the world but not of the world."
Faery blessings -- celeste
The Pillar and the Post Revisited
Anna von Reitz [excerpted by celeste]
Fri, 28 Sep 2018 12:42:08 -0800
There are two principal groups that are promoting agendas that would be disastrous for our country, both very well-funded and also -- foreign: British Territorial Templars vs. French Templars. They are both Templar groups, all worship Satan, all are steeped in gross deceit. [...]
This goes back thousands of years and was enshrined in Solomon's Temple. Solomon was a Ba-El worshiper, too. He worshiped an entire Pantheon of Demons, including Ba-al, the Chief Demon.
And what did his Temple famously display? The two pillars -- Joachim and Boaz, which symbolize the modus operandi of Satan and Satanism: False Choices.
You can eat of the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life....
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)
[Answer: Both, thank you!
These prohibitions were to keep the sheeple ignorant and enslaved.
These have long been taught to the priest class, initiates, etc.
The Tree of Knowledge is
the opening of the chakras to awaken
the light body and access who we actually are as spirits+souls.
The Tree of Life is the
-- celeste]
But you have to recognize the Bad Choices and the Satanic Either/Or False Choice Set Up or you will be confused and not know who or what to believe and be wandering around like sheep "from pillar to post". Literally.
Whenever you see anything about "Kim" or "Reno" or "North Carolina" you know that it is the French Templars. Whenever you see anything about Canada or China, etc., you know it is the British Templars.
You must learn to know your true Enemies -- [...] You must recognize their organizations -- the Bar Associations and "Secret Fraternities" established all over the world.
![[6 Pointed Star]](/imgs/portrait/merkabaflowerchakras.jpg)
You must also realize that the Talmud is not born of the Torah nor does it come to us from Judah, just like the Six Pointed "Star of David" has nothing to do with Judah or Judaism, either.
This is the sign and emblem of two members of the Ancient Caste of Merchants having sex, each represented by an Equilateral Triangle.
The remnant of the Ancient Caste of Merchants is who runs Israel and also who set up the Holocaust.
They are Aryans (from the star system of Orion)
not native to the Earth at all.
And they marry each other in a vain effort
to preserve their alien gene pool,
not because of any religion.
Our "Great Work" Versus THEIR "Great Work"
By Anna Von Reitz
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
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![[Order of the Rose Cross]](/imgs/portrait/screenshot_20180705_131605.png)
Today, of all days, the Fourth of July, [2018] this blockbuster radio broadcast from the late (and truly great) William Cooper surfaced again; after many years. I listened to it again and recalled a time in my life when I was deeply immersed in the study of witchcraft and "spiritual philosophy" -- not to practice it, but to know it.
I suggest that everyone take the time to listen to it carefully
and match it up with the present negotiations
to join Mexico to the United States.
Mexico is the "missing capstone" of the pyramid
which appears on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States.
Practitioners of this ancient religion believe that
if and when Mexico is joined to the United States,
it will [issue usher] in
a new Golden Age and the rebirth of the civilization of Atlantis.
A first principle of action in all things is to clearly define the problem(s) you are facing, and the second principle is to know your enemy.
Understanding this, it should be no surprise that I have driven very deeply into the darkness to define and perfect my own light.
The first thing you must understand is that the words "The Holy Bible" translate as "The Sun Book".
The second thing to know is that
the Bible is a
grimoire --
a book of
magic spells and incantations,
as well as a scripture.
It just depends upon how you read it and what you read it for.
It represents the scripture of Ancient Egypt, Judaism, and Christianity and can be cherished by literate pagans for reasons that would shock and amaze most Jews and most Christians.
As William Cooper noted in the referenced radio broadcast,
the popular and beautiful song, "The Rose",
has a double meaning, one that is obvious and one that is not,
except to the initiated.
It is the same way with The Holy Bible.
The third thing to know is that long, long before Jesus, Mary, and Joseph -- at least 24 centuries before -- there was another Holy Family: Horus, Isis [AKA: Ashtoreth, Cybel, Astarte, Semiramis, Columbia] and Osiris, respectively. Wikipedia summarizes their story thus:
"The Osiris myth is the most elaborate and influential story in ancient Egyptian mythology. It concerns the murder of the god Osiris, a primeval king of Egypt, and its consequences. Osiris's murderer, his brother Set, usurps his throne. Meanwhile, Osiris's wife Isis restores her husband's body, allowing him to posthumously conceive their son, Horus. The remainder of the story focuses on Horus, the product of the union of Isis and Osiris, who is at first a vulnerable child protected by his mother and then becomes Set's rival for the throne. Their often violent conflict ends with Horus's triumph, which restores order to Egypt after Set's unrighteous reign and completes the process of Osiris's resurrection. The myth, with its complex symbolism, is integral to the Egyptian conceptions of kingship and succession, conflict between order and disorder, and especially death and the afterlife. It also expresses the essential character of each of the four deities at its center, and many elements of their worship in ancient Egyptian religion were derived from the myth."
So... in Egypt, long before, we have a murdered god -- Osiris. (Or was it Jesus?) His body is recovered and anointed and brought back to life by his wife, Isis. (Or was it Mary Magdalene?) Together they conceive a son even after Osiris's death: Horus. (Or was it the Risen Christ?)
The links and the interplay go far, far beyond this skeletal comparison.
Notice that while he was in Egypt, according to the Old Testament, Joseph married the daughter of the Egyptian High Priest, so that his sons Ephraim and Manasseh, were half-Egyptian.
Notice that if you count carefully, there are Thirteen Tribes descended from Jacob, not twelve.
Notice that when David stole Bathsheba, she was a Hittite, so that their surviving son, Solomon, was half-Hittite, too.
Now, notice that Solomon's Temple had a design with an Outer, Middle, and Inner Court. The Outer Court is where the common people came to worship. The Middle Court was where the Magistrates -- the Judges -- held court -- literally -- to settle disputes and to purify themselves. The Inner Court was occupied by the High Priest and his entourage only.
So where are all the Bar Association Members in America "lodged"? The Middle Inns of Court in Westminster, part of the Crown Temple complex.
These people are pagans and practitioners of witchcraft -- literally -- and for thousands of years it has been this way.
In the center of Solomon's Temple is Solomon's Seal. It is a great circular raised foundation that any witchcraft practitioner from Boston to New Delhi will recognize as a "Magic Circle" -- "the place that is not a place, in a time that is not a time" -- a symbolic representation of the "Eternal Moment" known as "Now".
Many of the ideas and beliefs these people have are not that strange or evil at all, but some of their teachings border on the criminally insane, and it is the pernicious evil of these relatively few beliefs and practices that set us eternally at odds.
Though much more aware of ancient history and mythology than average Christians are, the followers of the so-called "Egyptian Mysteries" are deceived and their religion has long been polluted by Babylonian idolatry (money worship) and child sacrifice (necessary because they use sex as a sacrament and that led to vast overpopulation problems), pedophilia, temple prostitution, burnt offerings, summoning of the dead and demons, and the promotion of elitism and Nazi-like social regimentation.
It is this Babylonian pollution of the original Egyptian religion that Jesus, a Nazorean Hebrew living in Samaritan Galilee -- referred to as "The Great Abomination". If the pagans among us would correct their offending practices, then we might all live in peace.
Until and unless they do, we are faced with the necessity of defending ourselves and our children from the whackjob elements of their religion and their "laws" -- and the practical consequences of those few but deadly errors.
As you listen to the radio segment you will put two and two together as never before. You will see how what I have just told you about their religious practices lead naturally to child abuse and sexual blackmail, and why the oppression that follows from the practical idolatry of using money to "symbolize value" is presided over by Seven Grumpy Old Men -- the Seven High Priests of the Temple of Ba-El.
You will also understand why, in the queer diabolical duality of their thinking, "National Security" has been used to promote National Destruction, instead -- not only in America, but throughout the world.
They have tried by various means to succeed in capturing Mexico and adding it to the hegemony of the Territorial United States. They've tried to use the "United Nations" as a vehicle to establish their control over the entire world. They've tried various treaties to establish "Regional Government" that would join both Canada and Mexico to the United States. And even as we speak, there is talk of invading Mexico -- for no clear or sane reason.
Mexico is the Crown Jewel of the madmen trying to impose a return to the Antediluvian World of the Atlanteans, and the rigid, eugenically engineered caste system that made it all work.
In that caste system, black and other colored people were slaves generally treated little better and often worse than animals -- forever. They were to be used for labor, without consideration, without dignity.
The members of the Merchant Caste were unbelievably dishonest and devious, so devious that in order to deal with them at all, the Ancient Parthians developed and used a mathematically-interfaced language to form contracts that couldn't be argued over. Notice the revival of that ancient language and concept in the modern world by David-Wynn:Miller and Russell-J:Gould: Parse.
The members of the Military Caste were genetically modified to be Super Soldiers. Those that we now identify and call "Reptilians" are the distant progeny of the original Dracos. They were bred to only be able to think in terms of "Either-Or" which makes them great soldiers and horrible rulers.
The members of the true ruling class were the Priests, known as the "All Seeing" because of their ability to walk the time grid and travel to different dimensions and communicate not only with the dead, but with beings in the far future. In this way, they were able bring back advanced technologies, research actual history, and hopefully -- safeguard the progress and promote the well-being of everyone concerned.
The progeny of all these original castes -- all the products of genetic engineering and eugenics programs carried out in the Sirius B and Orion star systems millions of years ago -- are still present on the Earth today. Many of them don't know who or what they are, or why they are different from other people.
The resurgence of the ancient "Mystery" religion is no mystery at all. It has been sheltering behind the facade provided by the Roman Catholic Church in the Office of the Pontificate all along.
And it is now being forced out into the open. People are being forced to recognize the paganism and history that was hidden in plain view for many, many generations.
The "Statue of Liberty" is exposed as a giant idol honoring Ashtoreth, the creator of the Great Abomination, standing where -- in truth, she ought not to be standing. And as Jesus said, it is "as it was in the days of Noah".
The Order of the Rose Cross is revealed as the Mother of all the other Secret Societies with which it remains allied: all the Freemasons, all the Lodges, all the "perverse" religious Orders, like the Dominicans who are responsible for running the Inquisition, all the polluted Orders of Knighthood, including the Knights of Malta, (Greek and Minoan Temple Soldiers), and Knights Templar, (originally from the Levant, North Africa -- Carthage, and Rome Temple Soldiers), all the various and colorful and more or less aligned "spiritual science" cults that suddenly appeared in the nineteenth century.
Like everything else,
there are good and bad elements to
this entire spectrum of religious practice and belief.
There are "White Witches"
and "Green Witches"
who bring great healing and wisdom and peace to the world,
just as there are "Black Witches"
and demon worshipers who seek to steal and ruin and destroy.
Often, these factions among the Mystery Schools are locked in mortal combat,
and that is exactly the situation today.
The Forces of Evil must be countered by the Forces of Good. The sheep must be protected by The Shepherds from the attacks of The Wolves.
But it also time for the "sheep" to wake up and be sheep no longer. It is, in fact, time to -- in the popular lingo -- [a]scend to a higher level of awareness and self-governance and self-knowledge, to face the world as it is, not as we want it to be, and at the same time -- to see what it could be, and to fearlessly accept our responsibility for it all.
In a nutshell --
what the
White Witches strive for is to
nurture and
set Mankind free,
what the Black Witches strive for is to enslave and destroy Mankind.
Two paths are set before us --
one that is narrow and difficult and blocked with many stones and obstacles,
one that is wide and well-traveled and easy and pleasant to walk.
Which one will you choose?
What will you do,
given this information
on this auspicious Fourth of July?