1st August 1971
![[pH b3]](/imgs/tech/landscape/phb3.jpg)
Potential Hydrogen (pH) is a measure of the dichotomy Acidity - Alkalinity.
External skin likes to be slightly Acidic (low pH).
When it comes to diet, our health is improved by Alakalinity (high pH).
In choosing foods, it is not so much, what is the pH of the food itself,
but what is the overall effect upon us systemically, as a consequence of
actually digesting the food. For good health, it is recommended to eat
more Alkalinizing foods, less Acidifying foods.
Not everyone agrees on these matters, case in point, "Asparagus".
Well, were they referring to raw or steamed or boiled or grilled or ?
Faery blessings -- celeste
Alcohol Amphetamines Asparagus Barley Beans-Dried Beechnuts Beef Bread Buckwheat Butter Cashew Nuts Cereals Cheese Chestnuts Chicken Chocolate Cider Vinegar Clams Cocaine Cod Liver Oil Coffee Cornmeal Cottage Cheese Cottonseed Meal Cow Peas Crab Cream Eggs Farina Fish Flour Frog Legs Halibut Ham Hazelnuts Hickory Nuts Hominy Honey Horseradish Jello Kohlrabi Lamb Lentils Lobster Macaroni Mackerel Maple Syrup Margarine Meats Mushrooms Mussels Nicotine Oats Pasta Peanuts Peas Pecans Pistachios Pomegranate Pork Prunes Quinces Rice Rutabagas Rye Salmon Sauerkraut Scallops Smelt Smoked Herring Sole Spaghetti Sugar Syrups Tapioca Turkey Walnuts Wheat Wheat Germ Wine
Agar Alfalfa Sprouts Almonds Apple Cider Apples Apricots Artichokes Bananas Beet Tops Beets Blackberries Blueberries Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Burdock Cabbage Cantaloupe Carob Carrots Cauliflower Celeriac Celery Chard Cherries Chives Coconut Cranberries Cucumbers Currants Dandelion Greens Dates Dill Dock Endive Figs-Dried Flaxseed Grapefruit Grapes Greenbeans Guava Huckleberries Irish Moss Kelp Kohlrabi Leeks Lemons Lettuce Lima Beans Limes Loganberries Loquats Mango Melons Millet Mint Molasses Mulberries Muskmelons Mustard Greens Nectarines Okra Olive Oil Olives Oranges Papaya Parsley Parsnips Passion Fruit Peaches Pears Persimmons Pineapple Plums Pumpkin Radishes Raisins Raspberries Rhubarb Romaine Lettuce Rutabagas Sea Grass Sorrel Spinach Squash Strawberries Swiss Chard Tangerine Turnips Vegetable Oils Water Chestnuts Watercress Watermelon