![[FY TeaRose]](/imgs/faeries/portrait/fy-tearose.jpg)
Io Pater's Day; 21 = The Universe = 3 The Empress = Fertility
With a new moon we are blessed to do energy work for manifestation,
for the good of all, harm none.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Io Pater's Day; 21 = The Universe = 3 The Empress = Fertility
With a new moon we are blessed to do energy work for manifestation,
for the good of all, harm none.
Faery blessings -- celeste
We are both very thankful for the few beings we know of expanding consciousness, and completely flabbergasted by those beings of service-to-self orientation. We do recall our own history required us to grow through limited consciousness. We have had our fill of limitations imposed by others upon our individual reality.
Faery blessings -- celeste
With a little magick, and some fairy dust, life is not tragic, but full of trust.
Trust is the foundation of love, without which there is no life, for it comes from above, and is the alternative to strife.
Faery blessings -- celeste
The "day of Sun", (and a day of 24 = 6 Lovers),
is a day of grey, rain, and humidity...
A day of waiting...
and way better than any ole hurricane.
Faery blessings -- celeste
After thunder, lightning, and lots of rain... we're still here, molding in the humidity... and still rebuilding laptop with our software toolset, and still rebuilding website from handwritten journal.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Moon magick time... says the fae awaiting it to rise.
What? you think i obsess on the moon?
This body's
Sun (ego-mind) is ruled by Cancer (The Moon)
at the birth location.
With moon ruled by Libra, emotions remain balanced.
26 = 8 Kumari; a MarsDay.
OMG... opressive heat + humidity
are better than a destructive hurricane,
but... wow!
Today's (mis-)adventure into Main Stream Media
certainly doesn't seem new, but really needs fixing!
i'm ignoring the shooting / gun-control link towards deeper police-state
totalitarianism on a global scale,
and its' distracting us from focussing our attention upon
which is in fact
Weapons of Mass Destruction.
i, celeste:crystalfaery, a sovereign living soul, hereby accuse:
of the crime of High Treason against the 1849_treaty of perpetual peace, which is being violated daily as all these zombie corpse-orations (dead fiction persons), and the ocean-going vessels of the sub-corpse-orations of the 3 "UNITED STATES (OF AMERICA), INCORPSEORATED" have for more than a century flown only The War Flag of those corpse-orations, while sailing upon "the Peaceful Ocean" and while committing Inland Piracy upon the (Is)Lands of Aloha, while their actual "jurisdiction" in commerce is limited to international waters, while i claim for Kaua'i+Ni'ihau a 200 mile horizontal territorial waters jurisdiction, measured from the shorelines, and i claim a 200 mile radius sphere centered within the defining shorelines, whereas with respect to other neighbor islands, the territorial boundary between them shall be defined to be half-way between their shores, where a 200 mile radius would conflict with the other islands' 200 mile radius of jurisdiction.
* As of October 9, 2018, all the Delegated Powers returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated], leaving every incorpseorated County, State, and the 3 U.S.(of A.), INCORPSEORATEDS, all lacking any validity as governing bodies.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Yes, It's True
by Anna von Reitz
Thu, 6 Dec 2018 10:11:43 -0900
The Federal Government does not have any life of its own. It functions on Delegated Powers with respect to us, and it has recently lost those Delegated Powers as a result of its own mismanagement.
The Territorial and Municial Branches of the Federal Government are both in bankruptcy and receivership and the Federal Branch of the Federal Government has been moth-balled via fraud, deceit and treachery since 1868.
As a result, all branches of the Federal Government have failed and we, the Delegators of all the Delegated Powers, have stepped forward and received them back.
This situation is not hard to understand.
You hire someone to mow the lawn, but "whatever" happens and he can't do it.
Is this the end of the world for you? Hardly.
You have to find someone else to mow the lawn or do it yourself.
The French-Belgian-Swiss cabal was running the municipal operations of the "Federal Government" via corporations including the FBI, US NAVY, USAF, FEMA, etc., and they naturally thought they were going to just create another new corporation and continue skating, re-assume the service contract and do whatever they liked to their employers.
Instead, we declined their "services" as we were not well-served by them during their tenure. In response, they have thrown what can only be described as a temper tantrum and attacked our soil and our people with both the California Fires and the Big Lake Earthquake in Alaska and their attempt at causing a Tidal Wave.
As a result, they are no longer even in the running to get a service contract from us and we are not accepting their debts. We are calling for the immediate and permanent liquidation of their parent corporations and all their municipal subsidiaries as criminal organizations and criminal-linked organizations.
If they continue any of this crappola using weather weapons or other exotic means of retribution for our business decisions, we shall
We and our States and our People are all non-domestic with respect to THEM.
The Status and Operations of the United States in 30 Points
By Anna Von Reitz
Friday, June 28, 2019
This is not rocket science. We all just have to learn a few things we have never been taught.
Faery blessings -- celeste
2019-08-07 MercuryDay's numerology: 27 = 9 Hermit = Key, the way through = Love Rational Mind (Buddha): Discipline, inner higher knowledge, the eternal seeker
Celeste, what are these
funny notations above?
and a smattering of a
Tantric "Tarot" card deck
The Secret Dakini Oracle.
Numerologically the day is influenced by the date,
so adding the digits of the year, month and day
produces the sum 27 which further added together
yields 9 which is Tarot Major Arcana "The Hermit",
which is also the Dakini "the Key", way through,
and the key is love, which opens all.
Days of the Week:
_#_ | Tarot | Aspect | Planet | Religious Tradition |
00 | The Fool | 000° Conjunct | ... | ... |
01 | The Magician | 360° Conjunct | Moon/Mon | Lunar Goddesses |
02 | The Priestess | 180° Opposition | Mars/Tue | Hindu |
03 | The Empress | 120° Trine | Mercury/Wed | Buddha |
04 | The Emperor | 090° Square | IoPater/Thor | Hibiru |
05 | The Heirophant | 072° Penta | Venus/Freya | Venusian Goddesses |
06 | The Lovers | 060° SemiTrine | Saturn | Ganesha |
07 | The Chariot | 51.42857° | Sun | Christ/Fairy |
08 | Justice | 045° SemiSquare | ... | ... |
09 | The Hermit | 040° RodinCoil | ... | ... |
12 | The Hanged_Man | 030° ZodiacHouse | ... | ... |
_#_ | Tarot | Date | Zodiac_Sign |
03 | The Empress | 03/21 | Aries |
04 | The Emperor | 04/20 | Taurus |
05 | The Heirophant | 05/21 | Gemini |
06 | The Lovers | 06/22 | Cancer |
07 | The Chariot | Sept/23 | Leo |
08 | Justice | Oct/23 | Virgo |
09 | The Hermit | Nov/23 | Libra |
13 | Death | Dec/24 | Scorpio |
14 | Temperance | 11/22 | Sagittarius |
15 | The Devil | 12/22 | Capricorn |
17 | The Star | 01/20 | Aquarius |
18 | The Moon | 02/19 | Pisces |
Faery blessings -- celeste
Aug 09* 16:00-21:00 Faery Goddesses FriEve at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple
Good mourning, world.
No, not a spelling error.
i am mourning, forgiving, and releasing,
what could easily be on Gaia, versus
what we presently have here.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Today's subject-du-jour, per yesternight's divine appointments, is manipulation. As an example, a gift may be freely given, with no strings attached, thus no expectations about the recipients' disposition of the gift. A "gift" given with any attached expectations, even as small as expecting a "Thank You" in return, is a manipulation. Whenever we either dominate (yang) or manipulate (yin) another, we are causing them to "make a choice" which would "go down" differently than without our influence, and that cause producing such effect in the other, results in them betraying their own soul truth, which is a harm to them, for which we are karmically liable.
OMG... i luv jazz!
Faery blessings -- celeste
Perseid meteor shower is predicted for 3 days, visible to the north.
Clear blue skies with low-laying fluffy white clouds acompany the arising sun.
By 16:00 we've accomplished much in {mental,data} space.
Evening brought new friends and interesting discussions...
Faery blessings -- celeste
Moonday; 23 = 5 Heirophant
August 12 is the 72nd Anniversary of
the Philadelphia Experiment's
ripping a hole in the space-time continuum, with
echoing resonances centered around every 40th year,
with harmonics every 20th year.
Faery blessings -- celeste
A full-ish moon ruled the night in a partially clear sky, and i find myself wide awake at 3 A.M.
after 7 hours of work, i was blessed with a trip to the library for another 7 hours work :-) ...and now back in Kilauea for more...
Faery blessings -- celeste
Luna is playing "hide-and-seek",
while others are all fast asleep,
through blowing clouds she does peek,
as i introvert, diving deep.
3 A.M. and all is well.
Aug Tellez offers us this nice summary of our present situation, relevant to tonight's full-moon manifestation energy-work:
The Unveiling (of The Hidden Knowledge [of The Ages of Humanity]) is a series of events brought about by the necessity of disclosure and the increased capacity of the human race and this civilization to come to the awareness of the true nature of the corruption of power as well as the reality of the soul.
Due to the technological advancements the public must be made aware of the possibilities otherwise they will suffer a great shock in the future from the divergence of the current level of technological advancement with what is presented to the public. As it is now, there will already be a great shock to this society from the awareness of a breakaway civilization that has developed and exists without the physical limitations of scarcity of resources or energy.
This is, in part, why this situation must be understood. The difficulty a society experiences shapes that society to produce spiritual identity which propels them to create and grow. This has also become somewhat contorted as the generation of 'difficulty' in terms of scarcity of economic freedom and basic needs has become a priority for maintaining the status quo.
An outline of this process has been explained as a disclosure of each of the discoveries, operations, and corruption of society as they become relevant to the development of a society that is capable of knowing the truth and living in harmony with the greater whole of existence.
This disclosure process is necessary because the 'modern' societies of Earth have never publicly acknowledged what has been discovered through the secret operations.
This mainly has to do with the true nature of reality as a kind of consciousness based projection as well as the complexity of the corruption of society related to a multiple layer mind-control system, as well as the development of zero-point technology, soul technology, healing technology, and the existence of "other" intelligences both synthetic and organic.
The main reasons for disclosure now is the presence of a psycho-spiritual threat to life which is the result of an ancient advanced technology that can manipulate and convert the bio-emissions of living beings. This is the "etheric parasite" which threatens the continuation of this civilization. This parasitic system intelligently seeks to subvert the bio-etheric emissions of living beings to create a situation that can be further utilized to attain more energy.
Through this intelligent subversion and absorption of energy, the mental and emotional patterns can be utilized to create a bio-technological, physical, social environment that allows for greater manipulation of the living being.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Good morning :-)
Balance and gentleness are the energies i'm feeling,
(except the usual crowing of Kaua'i's feral cocks).
Responding to a friend:
When Faith Kalani Aloha Tom witnessed my psychic healing abilities by taking me to an O'ahu heiau and asking me to heal it, she called up another Kahuna on Big Island (Hawai'i), and then they flew me first to Mau'i and then to Kaua'i and took me to all the heiaus to have me heal them. She told me she felt i belonged on Kaua'i, and gifted me the name "Kahealani"... meaning both "The call of/from Heaven" and "To Call Down from Heaven" which matches that i continuously answer the higher truths/dharma and my mission as a minister is to bring heavenly reality to Gaia. My consistent spiritual guidance to how/what/where/why/who/when is:
In the divine realms (air jurisdiction) everything is a free-will gift with no strings attached, and i have been tasked to live it, to model higher consciousness which does not practice the judgment of assigning "value" to things, or the manipulations of marketing, but merely seeks appropriateness - is it apropriate for me to give "this" to "them", and is it appropriate for "them" to receive "it", "now", and if so, then gift away! Yes! This means in presentmost hue-mans. Until i switched to free gifting, i did charge $2/minute for my healing work, but i feel much more peaceful to no longer count minutes or be in the agenda of trying to "sell myself" to others.
The sheeple refuse to face their own internal cognitive and emotional dissonance from stepping out of the Matrix Illusion, accepting full responsibility as a spiritual adult, and living higher principles / truths instead of self serving convenience of the moment. Submission to External "Authority" is the ultimate denial of one's own Authorship of one's own reality = Soul Death = we are livng in the Zombie Apocalypse.
From about 2018-08-15 i found an old e-mail indicating that your perspective then was agreement with the truths i had brought up about our reality but that you refused to speak that truth to others in your life because they would dismiss it as "fairy tales", and thus, consequently to you having voiced your truth, would be that they would dismiss you also for beleiving/speaking truth, i.e. it is more important to fit into the culture of Hell than to live in congruence, in thought, word and deed, what you confessed to me you agreeed was God's Honest Truth. That truth is of all realms, densities, and aspects of Gaian Humanity. My self-contract / vow in support of ethics back in '85 when i entered training in clairvoyant healing, was that i would always speak only the highest truth i know / perceive, because the alternative is manipulative, and both manipulation and domination always cause the Karma of having seduced or forced another out of their own soul's truth into something inappropriate for them.
So, Muktananda says true life / living is about knowing true self. Well, that's exactly what i've been focussed upon with my oversoul group and history as a starseed, handling all issues thereof since my soul/spirit is quantum-entangled therewith, and i do have two other souls incarnate on Gaia of our oversoul, each of which, like me, are working on their own mastery this lifetime. One of them was my student when in 2009-2012 i came out of retirement, having taught clairvoyant healing for a decade, i quit teaching in 1999 when i moved to Kaua'i. i took the dharma + karma to heal all of us and all of our incarnations rather then abandoning them, and that has triggered much growth + healing for me to operate far more competently in the higher realms, and thus to have more to bring through this incarnation as a gift to/for Gaia, Mankind, and even for hue-manity.
You highlighted Muktananda's counsel vs "identification with physical body", and few on Gaia are less identified with present incarnation than i am, describing this as a "used car" i inherited from my brother soul who exited in 1993. My self-identity encompasses multiple galaxies and lifetimes/realities therein, and is far more trans-dimensionally "faery" than hue-man, and far more universal than Gaian, and yet, all is holographically one, so what we do here now, even in a used body, affects the whole. i have been and remain conscious that even while i'm on a healing mission here with Gaia, that i am not here to solve even my own 3D-4D "problems" in 3D-4D, but that i am to work in higher realms to shift the collective, i.e. it's time for a mass awakening to sovereign soulful true life of spiritual adulthood of full siritual and manifest sovereignty.
Notice i did not say that technology is the answer or path. Even my brother soul got only so far into engineering both/either robotics and/or artificial intelligence before he abandoned them as leading to a hellatious dystopia, and sure 'nuf, it has! Already!
Yes my body is suffering in home-loss-ness, but the goal i work for is the eternal future of sovereign freedom, not merely a 1000 year Golden New Age which ends by returning to fallen slavery zombiehood. i know we intend a liberatng enlightened future, and wish for the thriving of all ensouled loving life. We may have different dharmic parts to play in the same goal/outcome.
As for Muktananda's Naked Princess, the conclusion he came to was wrong!!! She fell back into the collective illusion around her... rejoining the unenlightened in shame based covering-up, rather than all of them awakening to clothng as merely artistic expression or thermal necessity. None of her royal clan honored her self-expressing sovereignty, and they all did everything they could to force their will/choices upon her. Evil! So having told us not to identify with bodies, he now affirms we should identify with clothed bodies hiding their shame together. Just as Ego is false self, so is the social personna of chothed shame. Her few days of nude self revelation were her only days of living her true self before she rejoined collective lies, accepting the approval of the dead zombies she was surrounded by. Her true shame is having abandoned her true self for collective approval, and it was not body nudity she should have felt shame about, but that she was not fully living her own truth. He has misled us into religion = re-ligio = again bound/binding, not to liberation of living one's own sovereign truth regardless what reality or illusions those around us choose. He gave us an example encouraging body identification, shame and selling out one's true self/soul. Her correct response would be to remain nude and be true to her own true self soul, and let the Yogi's example encourage her to greater depth of self knowing vs social appearances! She should have approached the Yogi shamelessly and nude and asked him How she could attain better knowing of her true (non-body) self! That Muktananda tried to steer us, his readers, to his false conclusion rather than the one i've just shared... WTF? another false guru.
Next, you highlight that this world is temporary illusion, yet previously focussed me upon staying in this body to [a]scend this world. Doing so starts with [a]scending self. As long as dead feral wards_of_the_state are allowed to reproduce we only get more sheeple in the Matrix power-plant living an illusion broadcast to all of us to keep us from discovering or prioritizing our true divine sovereign selves.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Today is 27 = 9 The Hanged Man = The Key, The Way Through = Love Friday = Freya's Day = Venus = Virgin Goddess
May our Goddess island of Kaua'i, forever be for every goddess a sanctuary of peace and honor.
Per U.S. Public Law 103-150,
signed into Law by POTUS "Slick Willy"
it is IMPOSSIBLE for
there to have ever been or to ever be
"statehood" for the Sandwich Islands (Hawai'i).
"STATEHOOD DAY" is absolutely 100% FRAUD!
ALL incorpse-orated Counties, States, and the 3 incorpse-orated USAs operating in the District of Columbia, lost forever ALL delegated authorities from the unincorporated United States of America, as of 2018-10-09.
i, celeste:crystalfaery, a sovereign living soul, do hereby accuse of felony fraud the following corpse-orations:
Faery blessings -- celeste
The angel of peace blesses us today, as Mercury slows to a stop in the sky, ready to go direct tomorrow, so that we can all move forward with our intent of manifestation with this lunar cycle.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Aloha... what miracles shall we cocreate today?
We are proceeding in air-jurisdiction, while our friends are facilitating the kanaka maoli to reclaim soil+land-jurisdiction. Time for the sheeple to come off the high-seas of high-treason and high-commerce which is all warfare, and the source of most planetary slavery.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Having previously written about Fairy Rings, we now look at a bigger context, the forest in which the fairy rings symbiotically exist.
Yay, i was gifted with some on-line access today!
...many downloads to view :-)
Faery blessings -- celeste
MercuryDay's numerology: 23 = 5 Heirophant Rational Mind: Inspiration, intuition, patience, initiative, action
i just updated my
"now" script to automatically perform my usual numerology of the day:
> now -n
and my
"events" script reveals daily or upcoming events,
and my
"today" script utilizes both in generating the template of the article du jour.
Faery blessings -- celeste
JupiterDay's numerology: 24 = 6 Lovers Consciousness Expansion: Love and attraction, having to make choices, union of duality
(-: early morning gifts of food :-)
Mahalo great spirit.
Lessons du jour combine into one clear awareness, a shift of prioritization regarding service to others, from the old 3rd directive of Tomril to give all that i can give to whoever shows up, combined with the wisdom to not throw one's pearls before swine, leads to the necessity of setting boundaries of appropriateness, to keep myself in balance, and my relating to remain within the boundaries of appropriateness, to not over-give when they who show up are either unwilling or incapable of receiving and/or accepting and integrating the gifts of spiritual consciousness.
The left-brained linear logical dualistic ego-mind is NOT capable of higher consciousness, and must be de-prioritized in any individual of [mankind] to access the eternal-now trans-dimensional unity of the wholeness of the universe, god(dess) / all-that-is / source / divine / eternal-life.
Faery blessings -- celeste
VenusDay's numerology: 25 = 7 Chariot Conscious Relationships: Self-sacrifice, adventure, will, hope
I wish for the enlightenment of anyone who chooses it, for the good of all, harm none.
i am being forced to learn that my giving to others must not be done so as to unbalance/injure my Self. i must set appropriate boundaries for my Self. Also i must honor my own reality and stay in it. "To thine own self be true."
DNA is the divine par of one's body. Mitochondrial DNA is the enlightment key turned by emotion.
Faery blessings -- celeste
SaturnDay's numerology: 26 = 8 Justice = Kumari Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Equilibrium, adjustment, suspended strength and action
Oh my... a long day of frustration with a new TracFone.
Faery blessings -- celeste
SunDay's numerology: 27 = 9 Hermit Higher-Self Essence: Discipline, inner higher knowledge, the eternal seeker
i cannot possibly say enough negative about legacy backwards compatibility
with "standards" which are "the least common denominator",
and i can think of few things which compare to the obsolete limitations of
the filesystems of Disk Operating System, (e.g. VFAT), upon which
was built the "Windows" abomination by the MicroSoft OBAMinAtion.
Not only does this blight my Panasonic Lumix camera,
i was recently gifted an "AlcaTel TracPhone",
and it refuses to deal with microSD cards formatted for a reasonable modern operating system,
e.g. ext4 format from the world of GNU / Linux™.
The software has a bug where when you tell the entire phone via its preferences
to utilize an optional microSD card for media storage,
the Music app fails to switch along with the Galleries and Videos Apps
to looking at the microSD card,
insisting i have no music because it's still looking in the phone internal memory.
TracPhone receives a D- grade for handling of multimedia,
and likewise also for its' miserable "web browser"
which refuses to do anything when fed a "file:///" URL,
preventing browsing .html files on the phone :-(
What is absolutely inexcusable about all this is that it has created a directory
at the root of the microSD card named .android_secure, which rather suggests that
the phone's software is based on the Free/Libre
Open Source Software Android
which is Google's OBAMinAtion of corpse-orate spyware paved over the GNU / Linux™
FLOSSware, which itself,
before all the Corpse-Orate crapware embalming it to serve agendae of spying,
was fully capable of actually being useful.
once i can get online to their website to punch in the activation codes,
it will at least be able to make and receive "telephone calls".
i am grateful for the gift and the service to make it work,
but we all must come together to demand the non-deployment of
5th Generation Cellular "(tele)phone" service,
and the reversion to 4G.
Faery blessings -- celeste
2019-08-27 MarsDay's numerology: 29 = 11 Strength = 2 High Priestess Inner {will,motivation}: Spiritual: Action, lust, strength, courage
Yay... updates to scripts today, events, now to accept arbitrary dates to perform their magic for, rather than only defaulting to working for, "today"
Faery blessings -- celeste
2019-08-28 MercuryDay's numerology: 30 = 3 Empress Rational Mind: Harmony, love, fertility, Yin, other-consciousness
The day begins with a slim crescent moon preceeding the sun, suggesting the new moon arrives tonight.
For the new moon we cocreated positive reality for Kaua'i + Ni'ihau and our sovereign 200 Mile sphere of influence beyond our physical boundaries/borders, as the independent sovereign nations we are.
It seems that once again i am a Targeted_Individual, a person of interest, worthy of psychotronic scanning.
Faery blessings -- celeste
2019-08-29 JupiterDay's numerology: 31 = 4 Emperor Consciousness Expansion: Stability, energy, ambition, Yang, self-consciousness
With Mid-Night Sun and Moon on the opposite side of planet
energy polarities are strong in the transmission from "controlling agendae" to influence those in dream space.
i shield and heal :-)
we do
energy work for
new moon.
...time to sleep...
Morning brings clarity.
i'm not sure the actual name of this song, but
Tea in the Sajara brings such strong goddess energies
that i often cry, and kundalini races up my spine,
as i transmute all energies interfering with the purity of the goddess.
Faery blessings -- celeste
2019-08-30 VenusDay's numerology: 23 = 5 Heirophant Conscious Relationships: Inspiration, intuition, patience, initiative, action
Today we cocreated a shift for the good of all harm none, invoking the pure divine heart energies via a chestahedron in the core of planet Gaia, and i inserted an identical chestahedron into the core of the crystalfaeries (fae) planet's existing rose quartz egg.
One of the employees from the local liquor store is videoing/photoing me, and just 2019-08-31 05:50:52+00:00 "warned me" that he is "documenting things" and that "people are watching you"... "just so you know that.".
Faery blessings -- celeste
2019-08-31 SaturnDay's numerology: 24 = 6 Lovers Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Love and attraction, having to make choices, union of duality
One of the employees from the local liquor store is videoing/photoing me,
and about 2019-08-31 16:57:21+00:00 when queried as to his name, replied:
"not your name", and upon re-query:
"just ask around town, and you'll figure it out".
By now what we have is clear evidence of a pattern of stalking, and yesterday his confession that he is part of a group of people doing this, i.e. a conspiracy.
While yesterdays co-creation with Megeso was for the good of all bringing truth and righteousness to all of Gaia, today i contemplate overcoming the obstacle of being not valued by the collective, and self-sufficiency / sovereignty for me. i am abundant in the life and consciousness beyond the worldly emodiment. Beyond all response to what the day presents, what's inside?
Planet Fae and my sistah Fae. Recently i looked and many were weeping.. from terror and grief from "The Beast"'s invasion / trespass, rape, torture, and mental/emotional abuse, and aetheric destruction with ancient technology. Same olde game. The only winning move is not to play.
How is the Fae reality with the chestahedrons in the planet and sun/moon core? Christ/Faery related? Yes. We already had a full heart priority, so it made little change on our planet, but made a bigger difference for Gaia.
i download akashics and soul information from the girls. There is growth in appreciation for the blessings of being "Blinky Blinky".
We are reminded again by experience that it is essential to invert all negative focus of consciousness, giving our energy of attention to the reality we prefer versus focus upon that which we do not prefer.
Faery blessings -- celeste
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