
[a]scension blog

30th August 2019
[Fairy Forest Bullet1]
2019-08-30 VenusDay's numerology: 23 = 5 Heirophant
Conscious Relationships: Inspiration, intuition,
	patience, initiative, action

Today we cocreated a shift for the good of all harm none, invoking the pure divine heart energies via a chestahedron in the core of planet Gaia, and i inserted an identical chestahedron into the core of the crystalfaeries (fae) planet's existing rose quartz egg.

One of the employees from the local liquor store is videoing/photoing me, and just 2019-08-31 05:50:52+00:00 "warned me" that he is "documenting things" and that "people are watching you"... "just so you know that.".

Faery blessings -- celeste

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