![[Owed to the Honey Bees]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4CT3OmbmohY/maxresdefault.jpg)
2019-08-31 SaturnDay's numerology: 24 = 6 Lovers Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Love and attraction, having to make choices, union of duality
One of the employees from the local liquor store is videoing/photoing me,
and about 2019-08-31 16:57:21+00:00 when queried as to his name, replied:
"not your name", and upon re-query:
"just ask around town, and you'll figure it out".
By now what we have is clear evidence of a pattern of stalking, and yesterday his confession that he is part of a group of people doing this, i.e. a conspiracy.
While yesterdays co-creation with Megeso was for the good of all bringing truth and righteousness to all of Gaia, today i contemplate overcoming the obstacle of being not valued by the collective, and self-sufficiency / sovereignty for me. i am abundant in the life and consciousness beyond the worldly emodiment. Beyond all response to what the day presents, what's inside?
Planet Fae and my sistah Fae. Recently i looked and many were weeping.. from terror and grief from "The Beast"'s invasion / trespass, rape, torture, and mental/emotional abuse, and aetheric destruction with ancient technology. Same olde game. The only winning move is not to play.
How is the Fae reality with the chestahedrons in the planet and sun/moon core? Christ/Faery related? Yes. We already had a full heart priority, so it made little change on our planet, but made a bigger difference for Gaia.
i download akashics and soul information from the girls. There is growth in appreciation for the blessings of being "Blinky Blinky".
We are reminded again by experience that it is essential to invert all negative focus of consciousness, giving our energy of attention to the reality we prefer versus focus upon that which we do not prefer.
Faery blessings -- celeste