i am still releasing my habit of "truth telling" based on "reality as it is", which impedes releasing that reality, in order to execute a time-line jump to a preferred reality. Ultimately it requires redefining "what is real?" to be "that which i am intending to manifest as reality" and therefore imagining "as real", not the manifest physical world which only reflects past creations. Given that we are changing unperceivably fast, even if we are choosing some congruence of a change process, living in the now is the only thing possible to manifest a jump between parallel-realities, and is the only reality, as past and future are illusions. The paradox is the habit of perceiving "in the future it will be different, the preferred reality will have arrived", but for now "what is real is what my eyes see around me". When we can detach from that change sabotaging habit, we can begin to assert that "what is around me is neither relevant nor real", that "my preferred reality i am imagining" is the only thing real, and it's already here now in the eternal now moment. This is also requiring redefining "honesty" and "truth" from the old slave-think to the mode of reality creator. Ultimately, it is releasing all of duality as "real", and staying solidly in transcendent reality.