
[a]scension blog

22nd August 2015

Yay! Another day begins with facilitating a dear soul to reconnect with her embodiment and her higher self, in ascended consciousness. Some of the brightest lights have been attacked, knocked down, into disconnection and hopelessness. Particularly susceptible are those of us who are being too responsible for others, often easily triggered by too much sensitivity and compassion for the suffering of others. It can easily feel hopeless to save all of [mankind]. But then, each [mankind] has to save their own self. Even the game of lightworker versus "stuff" is of duality, and it is now time to lift our heads up to ascended consciousness, and live in Gaia. Again, the how of this quantum-jump of reality which i was able to facilitate for this being, was the deliverance of an individual 8D Angelic crystal faeries Ascension Portal, making a clean connection, connecting their 8D ascended higher self energy template pattern into the embodied aetheric, mental, astral, and physical bodies all the way down through 4D. It is so much more fun, so much more powerful, to let the resultant infusion of ones perfect energy patterns trigger alignment of all the lower bodies, in a shift of time-lines to a parallel-reality, than to "heal" each and every niggly little detail of what was inappropriate. What i find key in being able to deliver such quantum leaps to others, is their willingness to let go of all of their old reality, all of the dualities of 4D- reality, to transcend into 5D+ as their new reality. So, most of the actual "work" is this preparation, guiding the forgiveness and release of each and every polarity within duality, for any holding on to polarity blocks the transcension to non-duality.

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