Yay! we have anchored into our new time-line of Kaua'i ascension.
Graceful flow of new connections bless us in our new reality.
Sometimes it is easy to see the same flora and fauna and landscape
and allow ones mind to be triggered to remember history as if real,
and in so doing one can revisit an old
time-line out of old habituation.
Perhaps the strongest habits dragging us back into old realities,
are our illusions of relationships.
Most do not stay fully present in relating with others,
but rather latch onto some aspect of energy exchange,
and begin to expect continuity of reality, and thereby,
step out of the flow of the life stream,
and into static expectations, non-real pictures of relating,
rather than staying in the relational flow of now...
i.e. we develop mental image pictures of "our relationship",
or "who they are", and in holding on to such,
completely lose both the other being and our own self.
It is even more subtle, happening also whenever we assign any "meaning"
to anything, to any experience, to another, to what another is or does.
Even more deeply we may have become attached to our illusions of our selves.
Are we merely being present in the moment and is that sufficient?
Or have we become lost in some agenda to change something or to create something?
What are the projections of judgment or value motivating those?
Can we release all of those in a "snap of the fingers"
and arrive in complete neutrality in the flow of the now,
without judgment, value, meaning, expectation, resistance, or attachment?
With but a little practice, yes we can. Welcome back to nonduality.
i recall one of those triggering questions from Gangaji:
"What if nothing needed to be changed?"
When my consciousness dwelled in 4D- duality,
there often seemed to be much in need of "change".
Somewhere on the journey into 5D+ consciousness my perspective seems to have shifted,
to the one where transcendent perspective requires changing nothing, however,
there is a flow of appropriate discernment as to what to treat as "real".
Knowing that i make real whatever i focus upon,
i have learned to have greater discernment, arriving at a clear intent,
to dwell only in positive reality (co-)creator mode, which these days i share as:
"what shall we cocreate in the now?"