![[flutist silhouette at ocean]](/imgs/music/landscape/flutist_silhouette_at_ocean.png)
- Kalihiwai Beach 2014-07-25
- Kalihiwai point calls me... 2017-01-09... to come "dome".
- We continue to visualize a beautiful egg-shaped crystal dome on Kalihiwai point as our domicil.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Faery blessings -- celeste
Karma is simply a word describing "cause and effect".
This is always operating.
Every choice we make (cause) creates or destroys or changes energy patterns,
resulting in an effect.
Each action,
emotion, each
radiates from us a frequency or vibration which will either
harmonize with or conflict with other frequencies we or others generate.
We automatically attract to ourselves the frequencies we vibrate / radiate.
We automatically attract to ourselves what we either pull to us or push away from us.
The only thing real about the virtual reality we call the physical world, is the impact we have upon each other, and that impact is either hurtful or loving. Giving love creates a karma of love, that love will be attracted to you. Giving hurt creates a karma of hurt, that hurt will be attracted to you. Unless we are completely neutral, we create karma... cause and effect. Karma is always being created unless we walk the planet in neutrality in the eternal now moment. The next level is unconditional love.
Hurt is always created by ourselves for ourselves when we are or do inappropriately for ourselves. When we don't know, we may ignorantly create hurt. This may be accompanied by pain and / or suffering.
Whenever we cause hurt in another by leading them astray from their appropriateness, we hurt them. It is in that case our own choice which is the cause of the karma, the effect of which is that they got hurt. Our karma is to be fully conscious of our causes and effects and to neutralize them in order to set our future free of the karma of our past.
We have absolute sovereignty... free will dominion... freedom to use our choice to create anything we choose, but / and doing so in a way which impacts upon others, will produce a karma, a linkage, a quantum entanglement, a connection between us. If that impact / effect is hurtful, then the environment in which we live will be damaged... we will be living with hurt, damaged, wounded, unhappy, miserble, suffering people, and we will likely not enjoy their company. With billions of us on this planet, we could run from our karma a whole lifetime... hurt one person and move onto the next. But the impact of that hurt will remain, and ultimately affect us.
True freedom combined with true power is what we seek. It exists and is available to us as individuals, not dependent upon any other. We may translate that as "the scalar vector field" of the "aether".
The definition of harm is that another's sovereignty was violated... that they experienced an affect chosen by another, which was inappropriate for them. Appropriateness is known in the heart chakra (thymus gland for physicists). Thus when we cause another to not follow their "heart's guidance", we harm them, create karmic bonds with them, create karma to heal, a lesson to learn, and are more deeply caught in this dimension.
An aspect of freedom is being able to leave this school, and that requires nuetrality and a completion of all karma. Since Ea-Rth has passed a fork in the road, and since all [mankind] on Gaia are passing the same fork in the road, we may wish to complete all our karma before the closure of the window of opportunity for [a]scension.
Beleif creates reality, so if we beleive something strongly enough, we may manifest our own little bubble of reality wherein we may harm others without consequences, but it takes a lot of energy to maintain that, contrary to the collective beliefs.
As we learn to operate in higher realms, we may obtain access to the causal plane, where we may in consciousness view and alter causal links, thus exacerbating or healing karma.
While it may be most obvious that
KRYST consciousness transcends judgment,
and therefore is
perhaps less obvious is that
beleifs themselves can be released also,
so that both
precepts and
percepts are released,
leaving pure conscious awareness.
"Christ Consciousness" is accessed via the opened
3rd Eye.
"The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single,
thy whole body shall be full of light." -- Matthew 6:22
The characteristics of
Christ consciousness:
Purity \Pu"ri*ty\, n. [OE. purete, purte, OF. purt ['e], F. puret ['e], from L. puritas, fr. purus pure. See {Pure}.] The condition of being pure. Specifically: (a) freedom from foreign admixture or deleterious matter; as, the purity of water, of wine, of drugs, of metals. (b) Cleanness; freedom from foulness or dirt. "The purity of a linen vesture." --Holyday. (c) Freedom from guilt or the defilement of sin; innocence; chastity; as, purity of heart or of life. (d) Freedom from any sinister or improper motives or views. (e) Freedom from foreign idioms, or from barbarous or improper words or phrases; as, purity of style. [1913 Webster]
purity n 1: being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material [syn: {purity}, {pureness}] [ant: {impureness}, {impurity}] 2: the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil [syn: {purity}, {pureness}, {sinlessness}, {innocence}, {whiteness}] 3: a woman's virtue or chastity [syn: {honor}, {honour}, {purity}, {pureness}]
purity n 1: the Feminine counterpart to the Masculine quality of Integrity
Generosity \Gen`er*os"i*ty\, n. [L. generositas: cf. F. g ['e]n ['e]rosit ['e].] 1. Noble birth. [Obs.] --Harris (Voyages). [1913 Webster] 2. The quality of being noble; noble-mindedness. [1913 Webster] Generosity is in nothing more seen than in a candid estimation of other men's virtues and good qualities. --Barrow. [1913 Webster] 3. Liberality in giving; munificence. Syn: Magnanimity; liberality. [1913 Webster]
generosity n 1: the trait of being willing to give your money or time [syn: {generosity}, {generousness}] [ant: {stinginess}] 2: acting generously [syn: {generosity}, {unselfishness}]
Patience \Pa"tience\ (p [=a]"shens), n. [F. patience, fr. L. patientia. See {Patient}.] 1. The state or quality of being patient; the power of suffering with fortitude; uncomplaining endurance of evils or wrongs, as toil, pain, poverty, insult, oppression, calamity, etc. [1913 Webster] Strengthened with all might, . . . unto all patience and long-suffering. --Col. i. 11. [1913 Webster] i must have patience to endure the load. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Who hath learned lowliness From his Lord's cradle, patience from his cross. --Keble. [1913 Webster] 2. The act or power of calmly or contentedly waiting for something due or hoped for; forbearance. [1913 Webster] Have patience with me, and i will pay thee all. --Matt. xviii. 29. [1913 Webster] 3. Constancy in labor or application; perseverance. [1913 Webster] He learned with patience, and with meekness taught. --Harte. [1913 Webster] 4. Sufferance; permission. [Obs.] --Hooker. [1913 Webster] They stay upon your patience. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 5. (Bot.) A kind of dock ({Rumex Patientia}), less common in America than in Europe; monk's rhubarb. [1913 Webster] 6. (Card Playing) Solitaire. [1913 Webster] Syn: {Patience}, {Resignation}. Usage: Patience implies the quietness or self-possession of one's own spirit under sufferings, provocations, etc.; resignation implies submission to the will of another. The Stoic may have patience; the Christian should have both patience and resignation. [1913 Webster]
patience n 1: good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence [syn: {patience}, {forbearance}, {longanimity}] [ant: {impatience}] 2: a card game played by one person [syn: {solitaire}, {patience}]
Kindness \Kind"ness\, n. [From {Kind}. a.] 1. The state or quality of being kind, in any of its various senses; manifestation of kind feeling or disposition beneficence. [1913 Webster] i do fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of [mankind] kindness To catch the nearest way. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Unremembered acts Of kindness and of love. --Wordsworth. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind act; an act of good will; as, to do a great kindness. Syn: Good will; benignity; grace; tenderness; compassion; [mankind]; clemency; mildness; gentleness; goodness; generosity; beneficence; favor. [1913 Webster]
kindness n 1: the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic [ant: {unkindness}] 2: tendency to be kind and forgiving [syn: {forgivingness}, {kindness}] 3: a kind act [syn: {kindness}, {benignity}]
Discipline \Dis`ci*pline\, n. [F. discipline, L. disciplina, from discipulus. See {Disciple}.] 1. The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; education; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training, whether physical, mental, or moral. [1913 Webster] 6. The subject matter of instruction; a branch of knowledge. --Bp. Wilkins. [1913 Webster] 9. (Eccl.) A system of essential rules and duties; as, the Romish or Anglican discipline. Syn: Education; instruction; training; culture; correction; chastisement; punishment. [1913 Webster]
Discipline \Dis"ci*pline\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disciplined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disciplining}.] [Cf. LL. disciplinarian to flog, fr. L. disciplina discipline, and F. discipliner to discipline.] 1. To educate; to develop by instruction and exercise; to train. [1913 Webster] Syn: To train; form; teach; instruct; bring up; regulate; correct; chasten; chastise; punish. [1913 Webster]
discipline n 1: a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of [mankind] beings" [syn: {discipline}, {subject}, {subject area}, {subject field}, {field}, {field of study}, {study}, {bailiwick}] 4: training to improve strength or self-control
Conservation \Con`ser*va"tion\, n. [L. conservatio: cf. F. conservation.] The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; preservation. [1913 Webster] A step necessary for the conservation of Protestantism. --Hallam. [1913 Webster] A state without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation. --Burke. [1913 Webster] {Conservation of areas} (Astron.), the principle that the radius vector drawn from a planet to the sun sweeps over equal areas in equal times. {Conservation of energy}, or {Conservation of force} (Mech.), the principle that the total energy of any material system is a quantity which can neither be increased nor diminished by any action between the parts of the system, though it may be transformed into any of the forms of which energy is susceptible. --Clerk Maxwell. [1913 Webster]
conservation n 1: an occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change [syn: {conservation}, {preservation}] 2: the preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources 3: (physics) the maintenance of a certain quantities unchanged during chemical reactions or physical transformations
Diligence \Dil"i*gence\, n. [F. diligence, L. diligentia.] 1. The quality of being diligent; carefulness; careful attention; -- the opposite of negligence. [1913 Webster] 2. Interested and persevering application; devoted and painstaking effort to accomplish what is undertaken; assiduity in service. [1913 Webster] That which ordinary men are fit for, i am qualified in; and the best of me is diligence. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. (Scots Law) Process by which persons, lands, or effects are seized for debt; process for enforcing the attendance of witnesses or the production of writings. [1913 Webster] {To do one's diligence}, {give diligence}, {use diligence}, to exert one's self; to make interested and earnest endeavor. [1913 Webster] And each of them doth all his diligence To do unto the fest ['e] reverence. --Chaucer. Syn: Attention; industry; assiduity; sedulousness; earnestness; constancy; heed; heedfulness; care; caution. -- {Diligence}, {Industry}. Industry has the wider sense of the two, implying an habitual devotion to labor for some valuable end, as knowledge, property, etc. Diligence denotes earnest application to some specific object or pursuit, which more or less directly has a strong hold on one's interests or feelings. A man may be diligent for a time, or in seeking some favorite end, without meriting the title of industrious. Such was the case with Fox, while Burke was eminent not only for diligence, but industry; he was always at work, and always looking out for some new field of mental effort. [1913 Webster] The sweat of industry would dry and die, But for the end it works to. --Shak. [1913 Webster] Diligence and accuracy are the only merits which an historical writer ascribe to himself. --Gibbon. [1913 Webster]
diligence n 1: conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task; giving the degree of care required in a given situation 2: persevering determination to perform a task; "his diligence won him quick promotions"; "frugality and industry are still regarded as virtues" [syn: {diligence}, {industriousness}, {industry}] 3: a diligent effort; "it is a job requiring serious application" [syn: {application}, {diligence}]
DILIGENCE. In Scotland, there are certain forms of law, whereby a creditor endeavors to make good his payment, either by affecting the person of his debtor, or by securing the subjects belonging to him from alienation, or by carrying the property of these subjects to himself. They are either real or personal. 2. Real diligence is that which is proper to heritable or real rights,. and of this kind there are two sorts: 1. Inhibitions. 2. Adjudication, which the law has substituted in the place of apprising. 3. Personal diligence is that by which the person of the debtor may be secured, or his personal estate affected. Ersk. Pr. L. Scotl. B. 2, t. 11, s. 1.
DILIGENCE, contracts. The doing things in proper time. 2. It may be divided into three degrees, namely: ordinary diligence, extraordinary diligence, and slight diligence. It is the reverse of negligence. (q.v.) Under that article is shown what degree of negligence, or want of diligence, will make a party to a contract responsible to the other. Vide Story, Bailm. Index h.t.; Ayl. Pand. 113 1 Miles, Rep. 40.
Humility \Hu*mil"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Humilities}. [OE. humilite, OF. humilit ['e], humelit ['e], F. humilit ['e], fr. L. humiliatis. See {Humble}.] 1. The state or quality of being humble; freedom from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind; a modest estimate of one's own worth; a sense of one's own unworthiness through imperfection and sinfulness; self-abasement; humbleness. [1913 Webster] Serving the Lord with all humility of mind. --Acts xx. 19. [1913 Webster] 2. An act of submission or courtesy. [1913 Webster] With these humilities they satisfied the young king. --Sir J. Davies. Syn: Lowliness; humbleness; meekness; modesty; diffidence. Usage: {Humility}, {Modesty}, {Diffidence}. Diffidence is a distrust of our powers, combined with a fear lest our failure should be censured, since a dread of failure unconnected with a dread of censure is not usually called diffidence. It may be carried too far, and is not always, like modesty and humility, a virtue. Modesty, without supposing self-distrust, implies an unwillingness to put ourselves forward, and an absence of all over-confidence in our own powers. Humility consists in rating our claims low, in being willing to waive our rights, and take a lower place than might be our due. It does not require of us to underrate ourselves. [1913 Webster]
humility n 1: a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride; "not everyone regards humility as a virtue" [syn: {humility}, {humbleness}] [ant: {conceit}, {conceitedness}, {vanity}] 2: a humble feeling; "he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope" [syn: {humility}, {humbleness}] [ant: {pride}, {pridefulness}]
humility n 1: being willing to see others as new in each moment (rather than continuing to relate with them as who you previously knew them to previously be)
Satanic stronghold in the Vatican
aggressively targeted and killed the original Christ Templars
in an attempt to extinguish all records of the Essenes,
Law of One,
the Christos-Sophia,
the Mother Arc as the Holy Spirit,
the female principle's equal role to access Christos consciousness,
as the true wisdom and spiritual knowledge of our Universe.
Also, this was intended to hide that
Christ was actually both a male and female being,
was embodied through a group consciousness,
was married and had children,
was not of immaculate conception,
as well as hide the fact that
the Christ was of extradimensional or "otherworldly" origins.
Lisa Renee
The Caduceus represents the channels of Kundalini energy in the [mankind] body.
An anonymous individual wrote:
"Hello, Saw your posting in [alt.yoga]. After 5 years of meditation and use of Reiki and Bach remedies i developed a kundalini type reaction, constant energy heat and pain up spine, confusion, anxiety, and so on. The energy gradually worked it's way up spine, than down the face, and now it seems to pulse up the spine, and than down the front to the stomach. Some of the more modern books on kundalni have said that when it goes down the front it is nearing completion. Does that make sense?..."
Makes sense. Different traditions teach different paths or channels of kundi (kundalini). The main path is straight up the center of the spine in the cerebro-spinal fluid. The yin and yang paths around the spine must become balanced before the kundalini will switch from them into the central channel. The yin and yang paths go up around the spine inside the skull and loop down to the nostrils. Usually we run kundi up the center path and out the top of the head, loop it back down to the feet, up the legs, up along the side channels just inside the sides of the torso, out the hands, and then loop back to the bottom of the spine for the next iteration. Thus part of this double circuit is in a way "down the front" of the aura, though it may also be run down the front of the physical body.
The problems you're experiencing come from blockages in the channels themselves. When your channels are clear, you should be able to run intense kundalini and barely feel it, but a much lesser flow can cause big problems when it hits a blockage and jumps out of the normal channels. Thus we discover the "traumatic" aspect of kundalini awakening... it "lights-up" all your "pictures-of-reality" i.e. beliefs, traumas, pain, etc. To proceed on the path of enlightenment requires dealing with all the conflicts between how you believe it is, how you want it to be, and how it really is. This healing process can be done slowly a bit at a time or more nearly traumatically in huge hunks of clearing. One approach is to crank up the kundalini to not only "light-up" your pictures, but to blow-them-out also... the path of most intensely traumatic kundalini awakening. Many people just "get sick", run a fever (kundalini), and clear themselves unconsciously. The alternative is to learn some psychic healing/clearing techniques and learn the lessons of each "picture" one by one so you don't repeat any lessons. This makes the process more gentle, gradual, and "safer". Some of the beliefs (which look like pictures when read clairvoyantly) will be based in this lifetime, and others will have been brought with you from "past" lives. Other more complicated blockages are pain, and programming by others.
In my tradition we call "growth periods" the cycle of:
The "Seals" are also known as "Chakras" in the Sanskrit language. The Seven Seals are the seven major in-body aetheric (spiritual) energy centers in the [mankind] body. These are arranged up and down the length of the spine. In our psychological development as [mankind] beings (within one lifetime), most [mankind] generally progress one chakra every 7 years:
The chakras correspond to primary endocrine glands, combined with collocated nerve plexi. The root chakra is the bottom of the spine. The second chakra may relate to gonads as well as spleen, sexuality and reproduction. The solar plexus deals with a group of endocrine glands governed by the adrenals. The "heart" chakra is actually the thymus gland located just on top of the heart organ, but more centered. The throat chakra is the thyroid gland. The 6th and 7th chakras in the head are the pineal and pituitary glands. The crown chakra is at the top of the skull and actually protrudes partially above the skull, not being fully "in body".
If you study the Kaballah* you will discover that the paths between the sephiroth are mapped via the Tarot. If you study acupuncture or anything else which brings you to the Chinese meridian system, you will see a map of the major aetheric energy pathways in the body, the minor chakras, and the 7 major chakras (seals).
One of the reasons the chakras are referred to as "seals" is that in the young individual, they are all closed, sealed. The process of enlightenment, awakening, spiritual growth is to open those chakras working from the base of the spine upward. As the seals are opened, the corresponding increase in levels and dimensions of awareness unfold. This corresponds also with the raising of the Kundalini energy up the spine.
As we move from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius (out of the Kali Yuga through the Diamond Yuga into new-Gaia) it becomes easier for each and every [mankind] to be spiritually awake, rather than only the priests and monks and initiates of the variety of spiritual traditions. Once you are reborn spiritually awake seeing spirit directly, you will have no use for outside authority, for the authority of spirit will be consciously dwelling within (omniscience).
Notice that in biblical times that the actual physical life span of most [mankind] didn't get much over 30 years of age, therefore few had the opportunity to become enlightened. Most could only get up to opening the heart chakra (4th seal) before dying.
While there are many books which teach the chakra system, i have found none which did a better job of linking the aetheric chakra system with the endocrine system with the emotional states of [mankind]. This author is virtually villified by some people for a variety of reasons, so recommending a specific aspect of this specific book should not be construed as a recommendation of anything else about him... use your own discernment: "The Opening of The Way - A Practical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of Ancient Egypt", by Isha Schwaller de Lubicz, ISBN 0-89281-015-7, Inner Traditions, 1 Park St., Rochester, Vermont 05767
Even the Biblical "whereever two or more are gathered in my name, there shall i also be" hints at the concept of spiritual synergy... that the sum of the parts is less than the synergy created by sharing spiritual energy, whether that be simple spiritual energy, or kundalini, or both. Therefore in Tantric / Magickal sexuality, where the partners (or onanistic individual) are conscious enough to direct the energy flow, it can be used to energize or to create. If it is released out of the field of those so involved, then it creates a free-floating (if truly released) thought / energy form which can affect others, from which we derive awareness of the concept of incubus / succubus, entities who feed thereupon. Therefore it is important to be conscious of what thought forms and emotions we hold at the time of raising kundalini (whether it is raised through sex or simply through meditation), since that energy will empower those to manifest, whether they are directed to one's own life, (or with a partner, spiritual marriage) and therefore within the realm of ethics, or whether they are released willy-nilly into the environment to affect others randomly, (for which there may be consequences), or even directed at / to others who are not even involved in the raising of energy, (in which case karmic consequences are almost certain).
The Kaballah, the Tree of Life, the Chakra system,
as we have been knowing them, witnessing them,
living with them, are of the
fallen, distorted, intentionally crippled pattern,
which the slaves of
were genetically and spiritually engineered to exist in...
being just conscious and capable enough to serve well as productive slaves,
but not quite functional enough to rise up and fully claim
our divine right as angelic [mankind].
There are alternate models of what ascended healthy energy bodies "should" be:
Ruth Angela's wonderful book The Guru's Gift - A Kundalini Awakening is indeed an excellent exposition of so many aspects of the process of awakening via Kundalini. It may be easiest to track it down via ISBN 978-0-9846604-1-4
For further information see Ruth Angela's website: http://lotus-blessings.com
Land and Soil --
The First Union --
Part One
By Anna von Reitz
Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:09 PM
The Colonies declare their independence via Unanimous Declaration of Independence and publish the same July 4, 1776.
The Colonies then embark on individual Statehood Declarations creating the Republican States: delaware, maine, new hampshire, etc., to occupy the soil jurisdiction of each former colony. Prior to 1851, this is how the sovereign states were "styled" -- all small letters. The soil jurisdiction is defined as covering the first six inches of dirt and representing the "national jurisdiction" of each country on Earth.
At the same time, the Republic States are created. They are: Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, et alia. These States occupy the international land jurisdiction owed to each state. The land jurisdiction includes all the earth deeper than six inches down.
Thus, it is necessary to claim both "the land and the soil" of a country to exercise dominion over both national (soil) and international (land) jurisdictions associated with it. This is why we are careful to return our "Persons" -- our Trade Names like John Michael Doe -- to "the land and soil of Georgia" for example.
Our ancestors claimed the entirety of the soil and land jurisdictions without exception. Having established a national soil jurisdiction gives rise to the accompanying land jurisdiction. So each state is a sovereign nation in possession of its own soil jurisdiction and each State holds the international land jurisdiction of each sovereign nation for purposes of international trade.
International Trade is business conducted by private individuals and corporate (but not incorporated) businesses. We all have Trade Names in the form "John Michael Doe" and "Georgia" or "New Hampshire" which are supposed to enable us to conduct business in the realm of International Trade. We may also create unincorporated businesses such as "Grayson and Sons Garage" -- this is a "corporate" entity in that it is a name representing a family business and not an individual, but it is not "incorporated" by any other company or State.
Georgia does not owe its existence to The State of Georgia (National), State of Georgia (Territorial) or STATE OF STATE (Municipal) -- they owe their existence to Georgia.
The Unincorporated States -- Maine, Georgia, New Hampshire -- formed the First Union of States known as The United States of America (Unincorporated) on September 9, 1776. This is the Union of Sovereign (Means Unincorporated) States. These States taken together hold all international jurisdiction on the land and sea.
Much later, in 1787, they delegated some of their powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea to the British-backed Territorial United States of America under constitutional contract, but they also retained all the non-delegated "powers" (Amendment X).
The United States of America (Unincorporated) delegated the "delegated powers" in the first place, and in the event that the Territorial United States is unable or unwilling to abide by its constitutional obligations owing to its USA bankruptcy, all those "delegated powers" instantly return whence they came, back to the States and the People represented by The United States of America.
Insomuch as we never granted any power to the Territorial United States to control our actual International Trade functions nor to dispose of our land assets or make false claims in commerce against us and our interests or to in anywise act in Breach of Trust and commercial contract, we have made an exceptional and Special Limited Appearance here and elsewhere to correct the public records and to enforce international treaties and international commercial law.
All assets of the States of States however styled -- either as Nation-level States of States doing business as The State of Georgia, The State of Maine, et alia, the Territorial-level States of States doing business as the State of Georgia, State of Maine, et alia, Municipal-level States of States doing business as the STATE OF GEORGIA, STATE OF MAINE, et alia, or Regional-level STATES such as MAINE, GEORGIA, et alia -- and all State land trusts doing business as the Texas State, Maine State, et alia -- all belong to the States and People represented by The United States of America (Unincorporated).
And we are still here, still in operation, and still making claim upon the property owed to our member States after 242 years. Despite self-interested falsification of the public records, we have corrected them and "come home" to the land and soil of our nativity and reclaimed our Good Names and ESTATES owed to us free and clear of any subordinate claim (Article IV of the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666).
Not only are we individually indemnified, but all of our States and any Territorial State trusts held in the names of our member States are indemnified as sovereign state property and as the historical record shows, we and our member States (Florida, Ohio, Texas, Maine, et alia) are the lawful Holders in Due Course and Entitlement Holders and Priority Creditors of all the State of State organizations however styled.
Secretary Mnuchin has been notified and our Private Registered Indemnity Bond has been issued against the assets of the bankrupt Territorial and MUNICIPAL states-of-states and the would-be Regional UN STATES in favor of the American States and People.
All of our Commercial Claims and Treaty Claims have been published worldwide, all the UCC-1 Notices, non-UCC Liens, and Agricultural Liens seizing upon the property owed to the States and People of this country have been published in the public records, adjudicated by the land jurisdiction courts, and presented to the Principals and the Principles responsible for this deplorable mis- administration of our Good Names, our ESTATES and our assets.
A vast felonious fraud scheme has been practiced upon the American States and People by politicians in the thrall of international banks and clueless public employees at all levels, but the fraud has been discovered and fully described and there is nothing now lacking except the full understanding and compliance of our employees to clean up this mess.
Part 2: Maritime and Admiralty -- The Second Union
Whereas most Americans are told --without basis -- that The Articles of Confederation adopted by the States on March 1, 1781 -- were somehow nullified by the adoption of constitutional agreements years later, the fact of the matter is that there were and are two (2) Unions of the States -- one on the land and one on the sea.
We have already covered the First Union of the States, a Federation of States, formed in 1776 doing business as The United States of America (Unincorporated). Now we turn to the Second Union formed in 1781 doing business as the States of America (Unincorporated) as a Confederation of States. The Confederate States of America were named that because they broke away from the States of America union, which was a Confederation. Both Unions, the Federation and the Confederation, were formed by the same States -- Florida, Maine, et alia -- operating in different jurisdictions.
On the land the States operate under the own names -- Maine, Georgia, Virginia, et alia.
On the sea they operate as "States of States" -- The State of Maine, The State of Georgia, The State of Virginia, and so on. These are National-level States of States. Notice the definite article "The" is part of the name and is capitalized.
After the so-called American Civil War which was never declared and which was never ended by a Peace Treaty the National-level States of States were unlawfully converted and rolled over into State land trusts doing business as the Maine State, Massachusetts State, Wisconsin State, et alia, pending their "reconstruction". 150 years later the treasonous Reconstruction Acts remain on the books.
The entity responsible for these unlawful conversions was the British-backed Territorial United States Government, which replaced our National-level States of States with Territorial-level States of States operated under deceptively similar names: The [National] State of Wisconsin was secretively replaced by the [Territorial] State of Wisconsin and nobody was the wiser, except the perpetrators responsible.
The fundamental difference is that the National States of States are owned by the States and administered for their benefit. The Territorial States of States are owned by the British Government, administered by the British Crown, for their benefit.
So they have been leaching off of us under conditions of criminal fraud, deceit, and non-disclosure for 150 years, abusing our delegated authorities, commandeering our manpower and natural resources, and racking up unconscionable, odious debts against us and our assets via a secretive process of hypothecation for going on six (6) generations.
They have now entered bankruptcy both at the Territorial and Municipal levels -- with our National States of States still moth-balled and our assets held "in trust" -- seemingly as chattel property available for their own Secondary Creditors to claim, except for the fact that The United States of America (Unincorporated) woke up and acted in behalf of the member States to post Priority Creditor claims.
As the lawful and only remaining international-level Government representing the nation-states of this country, we have re-populated every state and every State and are working hard toward restoring the National-level States of States.
We are now in the process of finishing the "reconstruction" and are assembling the land jurisdiction counties and forming up the land jurisdiction States to deal with this crisis.
We, The United States of America (Unincorporated), have already done everything necessary to establish claims in behalf of our member States to receive back all assets held in the State Trusts dba Georgia State, Michigan State, etc. and to lay claim to all Territorial and MUNICIPAL assets.
It is important for everyone to understand that just as our National-level States of States have been unlawfully converted and "held in trust" our individual Trade Names have been unlawfully converted and dragged into foreign international jurisdictions and similarly "held in trust".
Like any common credit card snatcher might do, via issuance of false copyrights, false patents, and false claims against our intellectual property as well as false claims applied to our material assets. This was done by commercial corporations operating under color of law under deliberately deceptive names -- for example:
The United States of America (Incorporated) bankrupted 1907 -- direct infringement of our copyright and breach of trust designed to promote confusion of our assets with their assets.
the United States of America (Incorporated) bankrupted 1933 -- direct infringement of our copyright and breach of trust designed to promote confusion of our assets with their assets.
the Federal Reserve System (Incorporated) bankrupted 2009 -- deliberate deception to present of pretense of government affiliation by another private corporation to avoid payment of debt owed to the American States and People.
the UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED) bankrupted 2015 -- direct infringement of our copyright, designed to promote confusion of our assets with their assets.
the USA, Incorporated, bankrupted 2017 -- a direct infringement on our name and copyright so as to deliberately confuse and defraud people into thinking this was our government or some part of our government.
E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA bankrupted 2011-- another infringement upon our copyrights, patents, and seals so as to defraud and give the false impression of being our lawful government.
The list goes on...
Just as the National-level State of Georgia was unlawfully converted into the Georgia State (land trust), our innocent land jurisdiction Trade Names -- names of the form: John Michael Doe -- were unlawfully converted and deliberately misidentified as the names of Territorial Foreign Situs Trusts operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
Our land jurisdiction Trade Names were then falsely reported "missing" and the public records concerning us were also falsified, allowing the perpetrators to claim that we were Territorial United States "Citizens" and "voluntary" British subjects, though in fact none of the victims of this fraud were ever told a word about what amounts to a genocide of Americans on paper. It has taken a great deal of research and effort and expense to correct these deliberately constructed, self-interested, and fraudulent claims, and it is now taking even more effort to rebuff additional false claims that our assets are "abandoned" and available for Secondary Creditors of the British Territorial and Municipal Governments to claim.
Neither our states on the soil nor our States on the land -- nor we ourselves -- are "missing" nor is one cubic centimeter of our land or soil or anything else rightfully belonging to us, including our Names, our NAMES, our ESTATES, our patents, our copyrights, or anything else -- up for grabs. Millions of Americans are correcting their falsified political status records and "coming home" to the land and soil of their nativity -- and they are seizing upon the ESTATES (JOHN MARK DOE) and Public Transmitting Utilities (JOHN M.DOE) and Public Trusts (JOHN DOE) owed to them -- free and clear without debt or encumbrance.
The Counties we are owed are repopulated by Jural Assemblies and one by one the National-level States of States are being "reconstructed" and operated under their original constitutions. The United States of America -- the actual, factual, unincorporated version -- is demanding that the Great Fraud be recognized for what it is, and that all the property assets of the States and People in all jurisdictions be held harmless and returned to them. All the odious debt amassed by these fraud artists must either be written off or re-addressed to them with our compliments.
A Word About Tribes and Nations
We defeated the British during the Norman Conquest and they are vanquished still; we, the family of William the Conqueror, remain rightful heirs and sovereigns in our own right in England, each one equal to the Queen. She can like it or she can lump it. Following the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War, William Belcher extended the same sovereignty to every Continental Soldier regardless of rank, and to every Mother's son and daughter born on the land ever afterward.
This is a mandate of sovereignty without regard to age, sex, ethnicity, race, religion or creed -- and absent any other qualification except that you defend America in her hour of need. James Clinton Belcher has discharged his duty as Hereditary Head of State for The United States of America (non-delegated powers) and The United States (delegated powers) and has come to the defense of the States and the People. We ask all of you to do the same and in the same spirit of true service.
By international law, a "tribe" is a "subordinate or dependent nation" -- it occupies a definitive place in the scheme of things, and as you can all observe, many nations can peacefully co-exist in the same space. We have members of the Winnebago Ho-Chunka Nation who are also proud to be Wisconsinites and Lakota Sioux who also readily identify themselves as South Dakotans. That is all as it should be, and the only change we have made is to welcome our Native brethren back on shore, so that the words of the song -- "this land is my land, this land is your land... " again ring true.
This is an individual and sacred right of all free men, to stand on the land and soil of their country, but it is not an open door to new international challenges to our lawful authority nor an invitation to re-fight the Indian Wars. The past is past. Turtle Island still exists, but it's a different map. We have issued a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty that recognizes the right of tribal members who have been defrauded like everyone else for six generations, to reclaim their political status along with the rest of us -- a political status as Americans and as Tribal Members. This is inclusive, not exclusive. It respects the property rights and identities and free will of all people. Our solution is designed so that you can live as both a South Dakotan and a Lakota and enjoy it all.
That said, people who think that they are going to exercise the tribal rights of 12% of the population against the national rights of 88% of the population need to think again.
We all literally come from the land. Every atom and cell is put together from the land where we are born. We all return to our native land or some other plot of Earth, when we die. We all own it during our lifetimes and owe a responsibility to future generations as caretakers. That is what is written in the Book of Genesis and on the Great Hoop of the Great Spirit, too.
This truth doesn't support the creation of some new World Trust owned and operated by "indigenous" people. We are all indigenous to the land where we are conceived, born, and raised. 100%. Arguing about whose ancestor came here first is just another version of the discredited "Doctrine of Discovery" and it is especially cloying, given the fact that we all arise from the same clay.
This whole business of talking about "indigenous" and "non-indigenous" is just another excuse trying to justify putting one group above another, creating another false division among men who are intrinsically equal, and giving people something more to fight about.
Instead, we look to the sacredness and the uniqueness of each man and each woman, and respect them all and guarantee all their rights and prerogatives. That is what "joint sovereignty" means. There should never have been "different kinds" of citizenship -- no first class, second class, third class -- that is all foreign British aristocracy crappola. America is supposed to be about people enjoying and sharing their own heritage with others -- like a giant picnic where we all bring our favorite foods to share.
The land and soil is our Mother, our heirloom, our heritage and it belongs to all of us. Anyone thinking that it belongs to him or her by some "right" and not to others born of the same soil, is not thinking logically or rightly. Their claims, however impassioned, should be regarded as similar to those of a two year-old grabbing Mom's finger and screaming, "Mine, mine, mine!"
"Yes, of course, she is yours... but she is also mine." -- is the only correct and honest answer. Any solution other than sharing a joint sovereignty will bring nothing but more fighting and lies.
[ As for the fraudulent 50th state of the U.S., and the issues of land+soil law jurisdiction of the Hawaiian Kingdom, (or the Kingdom of Kaua'i versus the Kingdom of Hawai'i), i sincerely beleive that the sovereignty issued to my spirit by the great creatrix herself, God(dess), overrides any attempt by any other spirit, embodied or not, and regardless the body type or source, to define me as a (non-)member of any group or detract from my absolute sovereignty in any manner. -- celeste ]
Jus descendit et non terra. A right descends, not the land. Co. Litt. 345.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Pre-1965 U.S. 0.900 fine silver coins were used as money until the mid-1960s, when "the U.S." diverged from lawful mandate and began counterfieting coins from base metals. U.S. dimes, quarters, half-dollars and dollars dated prior to 1965 were minted of 90% silver + 10% copper. Large quantities in circulated condition are readily available. Common-date uncirculated coins are available but carry premiums over circulated coins. Numismatists (coin collectors) sometimes call circulated coins "junk coins" because they have no collector value. Although, in emergency, one could sell or trade one's silver coins at face value, (and in fact they lawfully define the value of a "U.S. Dollar"), the market now dominated and denominated in extremely devalued (inflated) Federal Reserve Notes is so diluted that it takes anywhere from 15 to 60 Federal Reserve Notes to purchase an ounce of silver (Ag), e.g. a lawful pre-1965 U.S. 0.900 fine Silver Dollar, even in well-circulated condition.
The following common circulating denominations contained silver up
through 1964.
All were struck in an alloy of 90% silver and 10% copper,
so multiply the weights by 0.90 to get the content of pure silver.
Because U.S. Mints originally shipped 90% coins in $1,000 face value bags, today "a bag" refers to $1,000 in face value. A bag of dimes contains 10,000 coins; a bag of quarters 4,000 coins;and a bag of half-dollars 2,000 coins. However, pre-1965 U.S. coins are often sold in quantities smaller than $1,000 face value, e.g. they may be sold by weight, as e.g. a 1 Troy Pound bag of mixed coins, as is illustrated by the image to the right on this webpage.
When calculating the floor price, (e.g. measured in FRNs), of "bulk silver", the coins are treated as raw metal, and valued only for the silver in them, ignoring any base metals the silver is mixed with, or which the silver clads. The value of lawfully minted coins is always higher than the bulk silver price for the reason that they are in convenient sizes for use in barter, (versus the 100 Oz. or 1000 Oz. Silver Bullion Bars which themselves carry a premium over the bulk silver rate), and are globally the most widely recognized form of silver which can be authenticated upon sight. This is true of even the most worn circulated coins, as long as the date can still be read. If they are either lightly circulated or uncirculated, they will have correspondingly higher numismatic values.
When minted, a $1,000 face value bag contained 723.4 Troy ounces of silver. Due to wear, however, a bag of circulated coins yields approximately 715 Troy ounces Ag. when refined; therefore, to calculate an accurate bulk silver "price" per Troy ounce, divide the cost by 715. A $1,000 face value bag weighs a little under 55 Avoirdupois pounds (of 16 Avoirdupois Oz.) on an English/American bathroom scale. Note that a Troy pound is 12 Troy ounces. Note that "Bulk Silver" is a 1000 Ounce Ingot, and is far "cheaper" than 1000 * 1 Ounce Silver Coins.
[ NOTE: a DOLLAR is described in the 1792 US Coinage Acts as 371.25 grains of fine silver, or the equivalent of Gold. ]
Typically, a bag of 90% silver dimes consists mostly of Roosevelt dimes, with Mercury dimes making up the rest. Invariably, Mercury dimes (sometimes called Winged Head) show more wear than Roosevelt dimes due to the longer time they functioned as money. A bag of all Mercury dimes sells at a premium over a bag of circulated dimes.
Occasionally, a bag of dimes yields a few Barber coins. Rarely do the older Draped Bust (1796-1807), Capped Bust (1809-1837), or Seated Liberty (1837-1891) designs appear in circulated bags.
Bags of quarters contain mostly Washington type coins with a few Standing Liberty types and still fewer Barber types. Invariably, Standing Liberty and Barber coins will be quite worn, but sometimes a bag will contain a few of these older coins with readable dates. Rarely will a bag yield any Seated Liberty coins (1838-1891).
A bag of pre-1965 half-dollars normally contains equal amounts of Kennedy and Franklin types, with a smattering of Walking Liberty coins, and maybe a few Barber halves. Promotions, however, can cause one coin to rise in price relative to the other types. As with dimes and quarters, occasionally a Barber-designed half dollar will show up in a bag. Rarely will a bag contain the older Seated Liberty types (1839-1891).
Typically, half-dollars sell at higher prices than dimes and quarters. Orders for bags of all one type will boost the price still higher. Half-dollars carry a premium over dimes and quarters because fewer were minted and they are popular promotional pieces. Except for the Walking Liberty coins, half-dollars show less wear than do dimes and quarters.
Although a $1,000 face bag is a standard unit for circulated coins, smaller quantities, such as half bags ($500 face value), quarter bags ($250 face), and 1/10th bags ($100 face), are commonly sold.
Because of their small sizes, circulated 90% coins offer convenience in selling; they can be liquidated as full bags, as fractional bags, or a few coins at a time. Additionally, pre-1965 coins were minted to serve as a circulating medium, a job they did very well until the 1960s. For those investors who fear the dangers of our present fiat paper money, pre-1965 coins make an appropriate investment for these coins could again function as money.
U.S. silver dollars are the most widely collected coins in the world. Additionally, thousands of people who do not consider themselves coin collectors have invested in bags of silver dollars, and countless millions more have small quantities of silver dollars stuck away in drawers and Mason jars.
Nicknamed cartwheels, silver dollars carry two designs. The ones minted 1878-1904 and in 1921 are called Morgans, after George T. Morgan who designed them. Peace dollars, struck 1921-1935, were so named to commemorate the end of World War I.
Silver dollars fall into three groups:
Like dimes, quarters, and half-dollars, silver dollars were minted of an alloy of 90% silver and 10% copper with each coin containing a net silver content of .77344 ounce; therefore, 1,000 coins contained 773.44 ounces of silver when minted. By contrast, $1,000 face value of pre-1965 U.S. silver dimes, quarters, or half-dollars contained 723.4 ounces of silver, a difference of fifty ounces.
Because of their rarity, pre-21 Morgans command higher prices than either the '21 Morgans or the Peace coins. Although quantities of both '21 Morgans and Peace dollars are readily available, the '21 Morgans sell at slightly higher prices than Peace Dollars of comparable grades. The premium '21 Morgans carries over Peace dollars will probably increase further due to the popularity of the Morgan design.
Silver dollars carry big premiums over the value of their silver content. The pre-'21 Morgans carry larger premiums than the '21 Morgans and the Peace dollars. Obviously, better grade coins have the biggest premiums.
One-ounce Silver Eagles were introduced in 1986. They are minted of .999 fine silver and carry a symbolic $1 face value, "officially" making them "Silver Dollars". However, in the precious metals industry, the term "Silver Dollar" denotes either the Morgan silver dollar or the Peace type silver dollar. Silver Eagles are dated and come in tubes of twenty coins, twenty-five tubes to a box. Backdated Silver Eagles (earlier year coins) usually sell at lower premiums than current year Silver Eagles.
American States and Nations (Trading) Bank -- Part One
by Anna von Reitz
Posted: 2016-11-02 19:56:46 UTC
The question has come at me from multiple sides for many weeks now -
sometimes softly, and sometimes loudly, but the same question voiced in
many different ways and even languages: "Our world is in trouble,
because of crooks
infesting and controlling the monetary system -
what do we do about it?"
Before i can deliver my answer, i have to cover some basics.
First - Money versus Legal Tender
The world has used many forms of money,
but central to the definition of "money", it has to have
actual value as well as any symbolic value we attach to it.
For example, the United States Silver Dollar
(that is, our "United States", not
THEIR look-alike sound-alike version) is defined as a weight of
fine silver.
That is the actual "value" of it -
the weight and the purity of silver.
In addition, because people around the world trust Americans (not citizens of the United States) to deliver the actual weight of silver in the specified purity, the United States Silver Dollar has also acquired a certain amount of "non-tangible value".
Given a choice between our United States Silver Dollars and coin from other places, many people would still rather choose our coinage because it is known to be a quality product. That is what lawful money is - an actual specifically defined unitary measure of an asset (an ounce of fine silver for example) with a brand name (United States Silver Dollar, for example).
Money is a commodity like any other.
Our actual money, our real coinage, has to be issued by our land jurisdiction government because it is an actual asset, as opposed to being a legal fiction asset.
Lawful money is always a land asset and can only be issued by an actual land jurisdiction government - not a corpse-oration. That is, the body having authority to issue our actual money is the Continental Congress which is an unincorporated body politic composed of sworn Fiduciary Deputies from every state participating.
The United States Congress represents our states in some strictly delegated arenas of international jurisdiction - and it only controls "commerce" - not "trade".
Commerce is business conducted between incorporated entities - think GM, the Public Broadcasting System, and SEARS.
Trade is conducted between living people and unincorporated businesses - think me and you and the Mom and Pop Grocery Store and Brady and Sons, Lumber Company. The United States Congress as it is presently composed can only issue legal tender, that is, "commercial instruments" - such as bonds and letters of credit, as a result of its failure to operate with full commercial liability and its members' failure to act as sworn Fiduciary Deputies of their states.
From the beginning the members of Congress were enabled to operate in two roles - on the land as Fiduciary Deputies of their home states, and on the sea as Representatives of their home states overseeing the functions in international jurisdiction delegated to the federal government.
Over time they ceased to operate as Fiduciary Deputies (See the 19th Amendment to their "Constitution of the United States of America") and ever since have vacated the land jurisdiction side of their office, which is the Public Office. That inability or unwillingness on the part of the United States Congress to operate in Public Office explains why all the "quarters" and other coins have been altered and "redesigned" and had base metals added to them to make them separate and different from our actual money.
Even the coins have been adulterated and falsified and made to look like, but not actually be, our money. This is why no actual United States Silver Dollars have been issued since the 1920's and the reason that the rats had to contract to use legal tender "as" money. Their further agreement with the Federal Reserve Banks to rent the Fed's private bank script at interest was just more pure gross corruption, greed, and disregard for their duty to the American states and people - a simple siphon or "conduit exchange" used to double dip and unlawfully transfer our assets into their coffers, with the Federal Reserve Banks getting a nice cut of the proceeds. As landlords and sovereign entities and Protected Persons, we can fill our vacated Fiduciary Deputy offices and send our State Fiduciary Deputy Delegations to a Continental Congress in Philadelphia and they can lawfully issue United States Silver Dollars and take care of a great deal of the other long-overdue laundry list of work-to-be-done.
We simply need to get busy, organize, and do it. So yes, we already have lawful, asset-backed money and have always had lawful, asset-backed money in circulation and we still do have sufficient quantities of it in circulation worldwide.
We can trade on the new Chinese IEX system tomorrow.
In the meantime and in the same vein, we are enabled to operate under Article X of the actual Constitution and issue, for example, "American States Silver Dollars" using new designs for the mint imprints.
That is, even though all "United States Silver Dollars" are ours, there is nothing stopping us from issuing other forms of asset-backed coinage and currency so long as we are willing to operate under full commercial liability for the quality of our product.
"Full commercial liability" in this case means that when we promise that each coin is a specified amount and quality of metal, it has to meet that standard and be that product, or we are liable to pay the difference and whatever damages result.
If your intent is to deal honestly with other people, there is no reason to fear full commercial liability. So let's get back to the actual, factual United States and recognize these foreign corporate interlopers for what they are, before the entire world.
We are not responsible for what these British Subjects have done in Breach of Trust and commercial contract, nor are we responsible for what they have failed to do without our knowledge and consent.
The United States Congress now seated in Washington, DC is functioning in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea as an incorporated commercial entity composed of elected representatives - proxies, in other words; Not Fiduciary Deputies; Not able to issue lawful money.
Let me say it in another way, to make sure everyone understands it - actual lawful money, for example, our United States Silver Dollars, are issued by the land jurisdiction government, our Continental Congress, acting in international jurisdiction under Article X - the reserved powers of the "states and people" in that jurisdiction.
The United States Congress operating as a foreign corpse-oration can only issue legal tender - bonds, stocks, letters of credit, etc. That's why they have issued all this fiat money and contracted to use private bank scripts instead of lawful money. The Founders left them no other choice.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
here:www.annavonreitz.com [1]
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
[1] http://www.annavonreitz.com/
[A] http://annavonreitz.com/anna145.jpg
American States and Nations (Trading) Bank --- Part Two
By Anna Von Reitz
In Part One we discussed the difference between actual money, which must have actual value as a commodity in-and-of-itself and "legal tender"---- stocks, bonds, letters of credit, insurance indemnity receipts, etc.
We also discussed the fact that while the original members of Congress were enabled to act as either Fiduciary Deputies and convene a Continental Congress representing the land jurisdiction government under Article X (a public office), or, act as Representatives and convene a United States Congress to oversee the nineteen operations delegated to the federal government in international jurisdiction (a private corporate office), they in Breach of Trust ceased to operate the land jurisdiction office with the passage of the 19th Amendment to their corporate constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America". Ever since then they have been obliged to operate on legal (fiction) tender and to issue look-alike but significantly altered coinage, because only lawful land jurisdiction governments can issue actual money. We also discussed the difference between "commerce" and "trade"---- commerce is business between incorporated entities, trade is business between unincorporated entities including actual people and unincorporated businesses -- and also unincorporated states operating as unincorporated body politics.
The American States and Nations (Trading) Bank is an unincorporated public bank operated for the benefit of actual people and unincorporated businesses and states. Just as all the banks you are familiar with "presume" that you are operating as a franchise of the federal corpse-oration and doing business as JOHN MAYNARD DOE, our American States and Nations Bank presumes that you are operating as an unincorporated free man or unincorporated business. Just as all the banks you are familiar with presume that you are depositing and transferring and holding private bank script called "Federal Reserve Notes" into and out of your accounts, American States and Nations Bank presumes that you are depositing, transferring, and holding lawful asset-backed money. After all, digits can represent anything and often do. Do the digits in your checking account stand for Federal Reserve Notes or United States Silver Dollars or United States Notes? Nobody really knows or is held accountable for what those digits represent until you "denominate" them.
You have a choice to act as a "United States Citizen" or a "citizen of the United States" or an American State National.
You can use legal tender or you can use lawful money. Since 1933 the banks have been assuming that everything coming into every account is Federal Reserve Notes.
They presume this because that is advantageous to them both in terms of controlling the accounts and in siphoning value out of them---- but you can choose to denominate funds however you choose.
This is the back side of the "dollar for dollar" exchange rate established by Congress in 1933. You can write a letter to the CEO of your bank and inform him/her that all funds being deposited, transferred within, or transferred out of your accounts is to be "denominated as lawful money"--- and in an atmosphere of bail-ins and seizures and bank closures, i highly recommend that you do so and send your letter via Registered Mail with a Return Receipt Requested so that you have proof that you have fully informed the bank. This keeps the rats from seizing your assets under the false presumption that your assets are actually their assets---- their private script.
It also keeps them from seizing your accounts or executing liens against them under the false presumption that the accounts belong to a public franchise corpse-oration.
Or you can choose to do your business with a Trade Bank. A Trade Bank instead presumes that all accounts are deposits of lawful money, so you don't have to clarify your intent or denominate the nature of the contents of your accounts.
They also presume that all accounts are private accounts held by living people or unincorporated businesses. A commercial bank exists to serve entities involved in commerce --- transactions between incorporated entities, like General Foods buying a fleet of vehicles from Ford Motor Company. Such banks are all private corporate banks being used by the public. A Trade Bank exists to serve the needs of living people and small unincorporated businesses and associations. Such banks are public banks devoted to private use, but they are often described as a "Private Bank" because that's who uses them---- private people, private businesses, private institutions.
Please note that this can be confusing. People assume that the big privately owned commercial banks are public institutions, because they are regulated---- or supposed to be, by Congress and "State" governments.
In fact, because all these banks are corpse-orations operating as franchises of one or another federal corpse-orations, such as say, the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, the only regulation they are under is the fox guarding the hen house kind. They are all heavily insured and none of them operate under full commercial liability for anything they do. Trade banks like American States and Nations Bank operate under full commercial liability.
They aren't eligible to be insured by FDIC because they are not franchises of the federal corpse-oration or any federated "State of State" organization. Whatever insurance they provide depositors is based first and foremost on their obligation to operate under full commercial liability.
They can't steal, give away, seize, confiscate, or otherwise mess with your assets on deposit because your assets are known to be private property, not the property of public franchises.
If they do, they and their owners and managers are all subject to criminal prosecution under Common Law and can lose every penny they have in addition to serving lengthy prison sentences.
This is radically different than the prospects for the corporate bank executives who can get away with murder--- financial murder, paper murder--- and skate away with all their own assets untouched. When you stop and think about it you will realize that they only reason to insure your deposits is that they can be lost, stolen, confiscated, or seized upon by the private incorporated banks and their own creditors----and they are not liable for this, because they aren't operating under full commercial liability.
They can plead bankruptcy and all sorts of other excuses and get away with it.
The only institution insuring your deposits is in fact another corpse-oration spawned by the same parent corpse-oration that operates all these banks as franchises in the first place.
So what do you have in actuality? When the parent company folds it takes down all its franchises with it, including the franchises supposedly insuring your deposits -- so you get cleaned out, insured or not.
It's just another scam to make you think that these banks are safe when in fact they are not dealing honestly or responsibly in the first place and are not accepting even the burden of the Prudent Man Standard, which requires the operators of a Trade Bank to demonstrate that they have acted as a prudent man would act in the discharge of their duty as your fiduciaries.
Although they pretend otherwise, all these incorporated banks are in fact "at your own risk service providers" that are providing banking services as franchises of the governmental services corpse-orations. The unincorporated Trade Banks are the only true public banks in the nation and they operate under Article X as lawful rather than legal institutions.
When you elect to live as an American State National you will need and want to use lawful money.
You will want the services of a Trade Bank---- but you will also have to identify your political status explicitly and you will also have to accept the realities of life and banking.
Yes, a tornado can tear a bank apart. Thieves can break in and steal.
A hacker can break in, too, and steal important transaction and ownership records.
Many, many things can happen and as a depositor with a Trade Bank you have to accept the fact that the men and women holding your private property in safekeeping are not God.
They can't guarantee against such eventualities.
All they can guarantee is their own good faith performance and due diligence as faithful fiduciaries. You also have to accept the fact that there is no insurance better than that--- at least not in this world.
The FDIC can't insure your deposits against itself.
As a final reality, you also have to accept that Trade Banks by their honest nature, have to be paid for providing honest services.
The big incorporated banks provide "free checking" and other services for free because they are making out like bandits using and abusing your "public assets".
They are being paid royally, via undisclosed predation. Trade banks do not engage in such practices, so must charge fees for their operating expenses, employee salaries, and overhead.
Trade banks are not in the business to make money and are organized as private international service organizations instead.
In an international setting, American Trade Banks operated under Article X are already enabled to participate in the new Chinese IEX systems, because they are already dealing with precious metals-backed currency and deposits of lawful asset-backed money.
All they need is help connecting to the new trading platforms physically and in terms of training personnel, etc., and their depositors will provide all the capitalization necessary. All those who have been worried about the lack of "United States" participation in these new BRICs Trading Platforms need only consider what the word "trade" implies, and the fact that the Federal Reserve Banks don't operate in trade, they operate in commerce.
American States and Nations Bank has been organized under Sovereign Letters Patent as an unincorporated International Organization --- a Trade Bank operated under Article X to serve as a "central bank" for the American States and Nations on the land jurisdiction of the United States, using lawful money, serving living people and unincorporated businesses and associations, including Jural Assemblies, the fifty unincorporated land jurisdiction states, and churches which have chosen to dissolve corporate affiliations.
Everyone needs to step back and look hard at the jurisdictional issues involved and ask—which "United States" are you talking about? The land jurisdiction government of the people, by the people, and for the people operated by American State Nationals? Well, then, that version of "United States" has always operated honestly and in good faith and uses very well-known international lawful money known as the United States Silver Dollar.
We may well get our Yankee Doodle up and issue either more United States Silver Dollars or issue American States Silver Dollars to avoid any further confusion of us and our lawful money with the British Subjects operating the United States of America, Inc., who have promulgated all this fraud and misrepresented their "Federal Reserve Notes" and other forms of legal tender such as "United States Notes" as "United States Dollars".
Please note that that is "United States Dollars" as opposed to "United States Silver Dollars". Take a look at all the new money products they are offering, especially the so-called Rainbow Notes which have been issued in the same exact colors as the fake money in a Monopoly Board Game set.
It appears that their arrogance, and in the end, their stupidity, knows no bounds. Such money is not money, because it has no intrinsic value in-and-of-itself.
It is at most "legal tender"---- [3]I.O.Us known as bonds, stock certificates, letters of credit, etc. that is being foisted off instead of money and hypothecated without consensually granted authority against the labor and other private and public assets of the American people.
The United States Congress as opposed to the United States in Congress Assembled has no ability to issue actual money and there is no hope to be had in wishing or expecting them or their central bank operated by the Federal Reserve to come forward and participate in new asset-backed monetary system.
They can't do it, for reasons explained in American States and Nations (Trade) Bank, Part I.
The American States and Nations
Bank is a properly organized and ordained
central trade bank,
and with a little help,
it can do all the things that
the Federal Reserve cannot.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
here: [4]www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
[5] [IMG]
Until the New Bank Comes
Anna Von Reitz
What can you do to help get through the transition safely and not have everything at risk in corporate banks?
1. There are IRA/401K options that allow you to buy gold and keep it at home or wherever else you like in your own keeping. Consider transferring your IRA/401K into physical gold and simply keeping it in a home safe.
2. Remember -- always -- that Postal Money Orders are backed by gold and are easily exchanged for any form of currency on the planet. A Postal Money Order is like the "cash of all cashes".
Unlike physical gold, a PMO is as easy to transport as any paper currency. And although it is totally fungible like a currency, you can -- if you wish -- restrict who can use it similar to a check, simply by filling out the information sections or not.
i have always liked Postal Money Orders and often use them for my own savings, even though there is a nominal fee to convert FRNs to PMOs. The gold-backing, the freedom from confiscation, the ease of transport and storage, and the universal ability to convert into local currency is well worth it.
But, but, but, BUT...... I hear some of you saying-- what about the interest i can accrue on my savings account in a commercial bank?
Considering that none of your PERSONAL accounts actually belong to you and that they are subject to confiscation by the bank at any time for any reason i would think that the danger posed to your savings as a whole would mitigate against leaving it for the taking in spite of the petty annual percentage of interest gained.
There is also this to be said-- the value of your savings kept as digits in a savings account is constantly being pilfered and eroded by inflation. Inflation is an unseen tax. At the same time as the value of your savings account in terms of buying power is being eroded, the value of asset-backed currency and gold and silver is increasing.
So if your savings is in a bank you are continuing to lose to inflation everything and more than what you gain as interest, plus the risk of being confiscated.
Whereas, if you go with a gold IRA/401K you don't gain interest in the conventional sense, but the value of the actual asset increases by whatever the rate of inflation is, plus whatever the gold market will bear.
And if you pay the fee to translate your paper "legal tender" into Postal Money Orders, the same is true. Instead of losing value to inflation, you gain value.
In both cases, your money is no longer in the clutches of a bank and made subject to confiscation as an account belonging to a US GOVERNMENT franchise PERSON.
Until ASAN banks are up and running in your state, using gold IRA/401Ks is admittedly not as convenient and you can't draw conventional credit from the asset.
Similarly, Postal Money Orders don't translate into debit or credit card accounts.
Convenience is lost.
Safety is gained.
Interest is lost.
Inflation is stopped and recouped.
The choices are there and they are up to you.
If you want the advantages of gold and the convenience of a credit card, there are options available in the world. I have recommended Karatbars for this purpose and anyone interested can investigate for themselves on the web. The conversion is steep, but if you want the advantages of gold and the convenience of fiat-- it may well be worth it to you.
i maintain my own savings apart from any banks (no, i don't keep it under my mattress) and keep only a running account for checking and credit card purposes in my private small business account.
Every year i send the bank CEO a little reminder letter that my private business account is exempt for tax purposes and that all funds deposited and transferred must be denominated as lawful money.
The banks are required to denominate your money as lawful money if you request that and doing so then forces them to recognize your account as a private account, creating an obligation on their part to set it aside from any confiscation of "public" accounts and-- whatever form of lawful money is deemed to be in your account-- they can no longer presume that you are voluntarily using the government's private FRN script and that that is what is represented by the digits in your accounts.
So i take that precaution, too, and recommend it to all of you who have small unincorporated businesses. It is to the bank's advantage to presume that you are operating as a PERSON and that your account is a PERSONAL account and not a private one-- left to their own, they will always make this presumption. It is up to you to rebut it and give them other directions.
Still, if the government sends jackboots to the bank and orders the confiscation of all accounts and safety deposit boxes-- and we now know that the government is run by thugs and operated by gangs of foreign commercial mercenaries kept in check by nothing more or less than public knowledge and opinion-- what's a local bank president supposed to do? Hire his own private army?
To understand what American States and Nations Bank is, you have to understand the difference between commerce and trade. Trade is business between unincorporated businesses and people. Commerce is business between incorporated businesses.
Of course, unincorporated businesses can do business with incorporated businesses in the realm of international trade. American state nationals naturally function on the land jurisdiction and participate in trade. They and their Mom and Pop businesses and even their larger more substantial private businesses all participate in trade. When they step across the state (national) border they engage in international trade. Strange to tell, when someone from Georgia sells a car to someone in Florida, they are engaged in international trade. This is because each state is a nation. When Porcupine and Sons, a local unincorporated family-owned sawmill in Three Pines, Georgia, sells a shipment of flat-sawn pine flooring to MacKenzie Restoration Design, Inc. located in Princeton, New Jersey, they are engaged in international trade. Me selling ten raspberry bushes to my next door neighbor? That is intra-state trade. Me selling the same ten raspberry bushes to someone in Oregon? That is international trade. (Why? Because each state is a nation.) My small unincorporated family business, Gallery of the Lakes, sells a painting to an incorporated business in Idaho? (International trade again -- Unincorporated + Incorporated = international trade.) But, the moment that both parties incorporate their business, it becomes what? International commerce. And what does the “United States Congress” have control of? Ah! — interstate commerce, which because all states are nations, means what? International commerce. So how does the "federal government" get its nose into absolutely every little petty trade and sale and transaction and demand a pound of flesh out of it?
Almost at the moment you were born, they swooped in and forced your Mother (without anything like full-disclosure)-- to accept a "PERSON" for you, a federal corpse-oration franchise named after you: JOHN MARK DOE or ELISE ANN KRAUTMEYER or YOUR NAME. And from that moment on, you were "presumed" to be operating in "interstate (international) commerce" and held subject to the federal corpse-orations and federated states issuing that PERSON.
All this to give you an update on The American States and Nations Bank-- and all of it necessary for you to understand what The Bank is. It is an unincorporated private Trade Bank engaged in intra-state and international trade transactions.
Every one who has an account with ASAN has to be functioning as an unincorporated living man or woman or unincorporated business-- not as a "PERSON". That's what makes it private and ensures that we are always operating in Trade, not Commerce.
Because unincorporated men and women own themselves and unincorporated businesses owe no obligation to any government for granting them a franchise, our accounts are private, too. What they call "personal accounts" at Wells Fargo? Remember that in Federalese the word "person" means "corpse-oration". Every penny you donate-- literally donate-- to the account of YOUR NAME ceases to be yours. It actually belongs to the federal corpse-oration that issued your PERSON way back when. That's why FDIC insures "YOUR" deposits. And that is why the IMF which bought all the PERSONS issued prior to 1980 can talk about seizing all the 401K and other savings accounts of these PERSONS.
All the accounts in all the so-called "commercial banks" belong to PERSONS and those PERSONS belong to government services corpse-orations as franchises. When the parent corpse-oration goes bankrupt-- guess what? All the PERSONS are sent into Chapter 11 or Chapter 7, too. Naturally, the bankruptcy trustees come in and seize control of all the PERSONAL assets in those savings accounts and safety deposit boxes, and the banks (that are actually behind all this crappola) stand there innocent as the flowers in May and say, "There's nothing we can do about it. It’s a government mandate." They will wait until they can close their doors and wipe out the checking "demand accounts" too. Let me repeat why. PERSONAL accounts don't belong to you. They belong to a franchise corpse-oration named after you. In fact, the commercial banks are in deep collusion with the same foreign governmental services corpse-orations that foisted their PERSONS off onto you. They set up this whole system with malice-aforethought to get their hands in your pockets, enforce taxes on you, and lay false claims of collateral obligation against your private assets. They call this "hypothecation" of debt.
The IMF has been slavering after the retirement accounts of American pensioners for months, and has only been stopped because they are now identified as part of the problem and will be targeted if they attempt any such seizures of "PERSONAL" accounts. Enough about the problem. Now the update on the solution.
The solution is to return to honest banking. i know. Sounds like an oxymoron to me, too, but it can be done. The American States and Nations Bank is NOT a commercial bank. It doesn't serve PERSONS. It serves people. It functions in trade, not [in] commerce. It is a sovereign state bank, not a "state of state" bank. It makes no claim of owning your accounts or what is deposited in those accounts. It doesn't loan your money out to anyone. Anything you deposit with American States and Nations Bank remains yours. Period. Nobody has any ability to waltz in and levy your accounts or steal your savings absent actual armed robbery. Likewise, we don't deal in commercial paper.
We will be able to exchange different currencies for you like any bank, but we won't be carrying any "Notes" as digits on our books. We deal in assets and asset-backed currencies: actual, lawful money.
Those of you who saw the Harry Potter movies will remember when Harry went to Gringot’s Bank to get some money out of the cache his parents left him. He had to pass muster under the stern and beady gaze of a small goblin perched high behind an old-fashioned bookkeeping desk like Bob Cratchett, and Harry had to produce all the right information to access his vault. Even though ASAN will have state of the art abilities, it will be an old-fashioned, simple, safe, repository bank. It will use carriage accounting, charge flat fees for services, and will keep all your private information private. If you get a loan, it will be an actual loan. All the rules of the bank will be fully disclosed to all depositors and they won't fill ten volumes of microprint. Those Americans in each state who want the services of such a bank will be able to organize an ASAN bank. These banks will all be national banks because each state is a nation and each will be totally under local control, however, by choosing our template and joining our banking association and committing to our service and transparency and organizational guidelines all the member banks will be similar in the ways that count.
International Trade Bank? What?
By Anna Von Reitz
Posted: 01 Jul 2017 08:28 AM PDT
i think there has been a misunderstanding-- internationally-- about the United States of America vs. United States, and that confusion has led to a vast confusion about banking here, too. Please let me take a few minutes to go over the situation as it stands.
The international jurisdiction naturally belonging to the now-fifty sovereign organic states of the Union is split between two entities, the United States of America and the United States.
The United States is a corpse-oration that has nineteen delegated and enumerated powers that it exercises in behalf of the unincorporated United States of America.
All the remaining non-delegated powers in international jurisdiction, including the powers of private and unincorporated international trade, are retained by the states and the people and are exercised by the unincorporated United States of America.
The confusion that currently abounds arises because: (1) both the United States and the United States of America are often just referred to as the "United States" as if they were one in the same when they are not, and (2) this confusion has become even more pronounced because of the advent of a federal corpse-oration calling itself the United States of America, Inc.
Now you have the unincorporated United States of America, which is the doing business name of the organic states and people of this country, and at the same time, you have the United States, Inc. doing business in behalf of the unincorporated United States of America, and then, the United States, Inc. has its own franchise doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated.
Visualize it like this:
United States of America > United States, Inc. > United States of
America, Inc.
This is understandably very confusing, but as you can see, the unincorporated United States of America owns the United States, Inc. which in turn owns the United States of America, Inc.
With this as a background then, the unincorporated United States of America has recently established an equally unincorporated International Trade Bank called The American States and Nations Bank (ASAN). This is the bank that the American states and people will use to trade with other nations that wish to trade in currencies backed by precious metals, and the currency we will use will be the old familiar American Silver Dollar.
The American States and Nations Bank (ASAN) will naturally want to belong to the BRICS banking group and have access to the Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payments System (CIPS). The American States and Nations Bank (ASAN) is chartered directly by the unincorporated United States of America, and is the private International Trade Bank equivalent of the commercial central banks.
Please note that because unincorporated businesses are legal fictions in the same way that corpse-orations are legal fictions, these entities can trade with each other.
Put another way, commercial banks can only engage in business transactions between corpse-orations, but unincorporated International Trade Banks can conduct business transactions between people, between unincorporated businesses, and between unincorporated businesses and corpse-orations. It's the link that has been missing in the world financial markets.
The fundamental difference between commercial banks and international trade banks is a matter of insurance and user groups. International Trade Banks have to be privately indemnified and function under complete commercial liability, while commercial banks enjoy limited liability in exchange for subjecting themselves to taxes, public reporting requirements, and statutory regulations.
International Trade Banks are the old-fashioned banks your grandparents knew. When you deposit money in an account with them, it is a completely private matter. No government can bail itself in or out using your deposits absent your consent. Levies on private bank accounts are unknown. A loan is a loan of actual substance, not digits written in a ledger.
As you can see, there are fundamental advantages to doing business with an International Trade Bank and if you are an honest man or small business concerned about the safety of your deposits and the honesty of your bankers, it makes perfect sense to do your business through International Trade Banks instead of commercial banks that aren't-- strictly speaking-- supposed to be providing direct consumer services to anyone who isn't knowingly and willingly functioning as a corpse-oration or officer of a corpse-oration.
International Trade Banks provide lawful private banking services that are truly private and secure, and which are privately insured, to people and unincorporated businesses. They provide the "communication channel" between unincorporated businesses and commercial corpse-orations. They receive and deposit lawful money-- that is, money that has intrinsic value, such as American Silver Dollars, and can also trade in actual money-backed certificates, such as the old Silver Certificates our grandparents used and Safe-Keeping Receipts (SKR's) that are used to trade and establish credit based on actual asset holdings.
We look forward to speaking with the BRICS alliance and to working with each one of the fifty States to open up state-level International Trade Banks. We know that the American people and small businesses are eager to have honest secure local banks available. Americans want access to the many advantages, services and business opportunities that are unique to International Trade Banks-- and with the advent of The American States and Nations Bank (ASAN) the real America will be open for business with the rest of the world.
So that is what The American States and Nations Bank (ASAN) is and where it fits in the grand scheme of things. It is a uniquely American bank and in the months to come we will be working in tandem with the Bank of Dene, the sovereign indigenous bank of the Athabascan people, as our federal interface. In this way the actual Constitution and the Law of the Land is preserved for new generations to come, undergirded with lawful money and honest banking.
The Meeting of the Grand Poobahs
By Anna Von Reitz
Posted: 09 Jul 2017 05:36 PM PDT
Immediately after the Revolutionary War each one of the new nation states began issuing money. Those that issued coinage of gold and silver fared all right, but struggled with supply. Those that issued paper "script" were almost immediately beset with counterfeiting problems.
It turns out that the British government (yes, this is after the end of the Revolutionary War) deliberately flooded the market with counterfeit script to "confound" the newly formed states' economies.
People started saying that things "weren't worth a Continental! (dollar)" as a result.
It was substantially because of this British counterfeiting fiasco, that the states delegated their right to issue money to a national authority-- their own land jurisdiction Congress.
After the so-called Civil War the British-based interlopers craftily substituted their own private corporate "Congress" and proceeded to substitute and counterfeit our currency for profit.
Lincoln issued "Green backs" instead of silver dollars, floated on the value of our labor (our backs) and 1040 Bonds-- so called because you could choose to redeem them after ten or forty years-- which were used to extract the value of our labor and put it in European pockets.
This same scheme morphed into the "1040 Form" which was enforced by the foreign, private Internal Revenue Service as a tax-- used to back U.S. Treasury Bonds, and later, IMF Bonds.
The ultimate counterfeit job was pulled off by the "Federal Reserve System" substituting their paper promises known as "Federal Reserve Notes" for our American Silver Dollars. The scam was so successful that even people in America called these pieces of paper "dollars".
There were numerous ways used to embezzle value from us.
First, the "Federal Reserve" paid only a few pennies to print the "Federal Reserve Notes", and received back the whole face value of the note, plus interest, for their trouble.
Hello? Read that part over again as many times as necessary until you truly understand it.
Second, via the Emergency Banking Act and other patently bogus legislation, the fake corporate "Congress" established in 1868, granted itself the right to "exchange" their Federal Reserve Notes for our actual American Silver Dollars on a "dollar for dollar" basis.
Hmmm..... since when does a "promise to pay" create an equitable exchange for actual silver? Especially when such an exchange is enforced on people without their consent by private, mostly foreign-owned corporations masquerading as their lawful government?
Using this patently bogus "legislation" as their excuse, the vermin emptied out Fort Knox right under the watchful eyes of the U.S. Army. Bill Clinton transported the last of it during his administration.
Third, the asset backing the "Federal Reserve Notes" was gradually, steadily downgraded-- first, FDR removed the gold backing, then Nixon removed the silver backing, then we bobbled along with the "Petrodollar" with oil backing the Federal Reserve Notes, until finally, in 2009, the "Federal Reserve System" was declared bankrupt.
The British and French controlled "U.S.
Government" went right on printing "Federal Reserve
Notes" backed by nothing at
In fact,
they stepped up production and printed as many of these "Federal
Reserve Notes"
as they [humanly mechanically],
possibly could.
And they continued to encourage and promote the confusion between their
I.O.U.s and our actual American Silver Dollars.
During the Obummer Administration actual "federal" printing presses and mint plates were exported out of this country to Thailand, France, and the Philippines, and over a trillion fake $100 bills were printed. Thankfully, not all of them got distributed, but many did-- truckloads and railroad cars full of them.
There were other problems showing up, too.
The British Finance Ministry finally jerked awake and made the public observance that something was wrong with the figures of total tonnage of world gold supplies. They had been informed that only 1500 tons of gold had ever been mined in the history of the world, and that's the basis they were using to peg gold values-- but that is obviously a gross underestimate even a grade school child would eventually detect, and finally the House of Lords did, too.
Oh, my. And then, all these "gold bonds" started showing up, trillions and trillions of dollars worth of old bonds, some of them actual, some of them counterfeits. Boxes and boxes of promises-to-pay made by various governments at various times to pay in gold, to pay in silver, to pay, pay, pay-- but of course, they never did. The various parties were overturned by war, or new administrations or new governmental services corporations took over and the bonds were never paid.
About the time that the Federal Reserve System was bankrupted, the Chinese jerked awake and got concerned about actual deposits of gold that the Nationalist Chinese government made to the New York Federal Reserve Bank in 1928.
The gold had been sitting there "on deposit" since 1928, and the Bilkers had never even paid the interest due on it.
The New York Fed refused to pay.
So through the good offices of Neil Keenan, the Chinese government brought suit in the U.S. District Court of New York and sued to have their deposit, or at least the interest due on their deposit, returned. That was 2011.
It is now six years later.
The fraud and the counterfeiting is finally at an end, but with
the effect that virtually all the world's currencies have been compromised
and the lack of accurate records about precious metals supplies
and other vital data has led to a situation in which
"nobody knows the value of anything".
i heard that and i started laughing. It was a very strange sound under the circumstance. Everyone else present looked more somber than a gravestone in the pouring rain.
All i could think was-- "Isn't THAT the truth? People have never known the value of anything. How else could they value little pieces of metal above honor or love? Cherish pieces of paper above children or clean water or peace? LOL!"
The speaker might have added that the task of determining who owns what anymore is also largely beyond repair. The bankers and the Spooks and politicians got a little greedy on the side and sold gold and silver that didn't belong to them, and issued bonds against gold and silver that didn't belong to them, and traded gold and silver that didn't belong to them, so that the real ownership and interest in the vastly greater-than-ever-recorded stockpiles of gold and silver is largely unknown, too, and difficult to determine.
There are ten would-be owners for every coin and most of them have at least some credible evidence that can't be discounted without careful and honest investigation.
It turns out that beginning in the 1920's and especially after the Second World War, vast amounts of gold and silver and precious stones and art and everything else simply disappeared and got deposited in empty bunkers and bank vaults all over the world, creating a largely artificial scarcity of coinage and available money throughout the world. This underground stockpile of what stands for wealth in this world was kept on a so-called "off ledger" accounting system.
Just as the government had "budgeted" and "non-budgeted" income streams, the banks had "on ledger" and "off ledger" accounts. With the same results. Embezzlement. Fraud. Graft.
Back to the meeting of Grand Poobahs:
While everyone else sat there in a swelter of impending doom, i felt suddenly free and joyous, like a kid again. It felt like the aftermath of when my house burned down and all i had left was a rusty ax head.
"So," i recapped, "nobody can place an accurate value on anything, and the actual ownership of most of the world's wealth is in serious doubt. Am i getting this straight?"
Nods all around the table, averted eyes, even a few blushes. If you ever saw people who were "shame-faced" this was it.
"And yet," i continued, "everyone knows that all the peoples of the world and all the governments have assets and aren't really broke......"
It was a real Come to Jesus moment. Imagine waking up one morning and being told that you have a 150 years of dishonest bookkeeping to deal with?
And then being told that although you have almost unimaginable stockpiles of wealth, you can't spend any of it, because the ownership of everything is clouded.
Oh, and by the way, the entire world thinks that your government is responsible for the criminally insane corporations that have done all this. They think that "Federal Reserve Notes" are dollars. They are blaming you for this.
Yeah, right.
Okay, let's get this straight.
The unincorporated United States of America-- the actual American states and people-- have been the first and chief victims of these shysters. They did it to us, the same time they did it to everyone else.
Also for the record, our "dollar" is defined as fine silver and always has been and still is.
And now that you finally know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth-- we are indeed at a turning point of our planetary history. Why? Because in order to keep everyone on Earth afloat and fed and living, we have to give each other credit.
We have to admit that everyone, every single one of us, has value. We have skills. We have labor. We have natural resources. We have land. We have copyrights and patents. Each one of us and the whole Earth that we are heir to, is supremely valuable and in the end, these things are the only things of value that men trade, aside from our love and our respect.
So let's give each other that -- both love and respect, and then, let's give each other all the credit needed to flourish and thrive.
Now that i am a great-grandmother myself i look back on my own Grandma with new insight and understanding. i remember her looking at an immense pile of cow manure and shaking her head and saying, "It takes a lot of cow manure to grow a rose bush."
Yes, it does. It surely does.
This whole situation is a giant pile of manure caused by a large number of international criminals, but we can do with it what we will, limited only by our vision of a better world and our willingness to-- literally-- give each other credit, as individuals and as nations.
Stay calm, everybody. Stay focused on what is actually valuable-- your lives, your family, your homes, your food, your water, your work, your passions, your health, the people you love-- and take all the "symbols of value" with a grain of salt.
We've been trained to value the image instead of the fact, like dogs trained to salivate when they see a picture of dog food. This was done to defraud us of our time and our energy and our material wealth and to keep us on a hamster wheel.
This is the moment in time when you are truly free to consider what matters-- what is truly valuable-- and to act accordingly.
New Assignment For the GCR Committee
By Anna Von Reitz
Posted: 05 Sep 2017 06:30 AM PDT
Having reviewed the many known evils of basing our currency systems on the value of any standard commodity, we, the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of every Municipal and Territorial Corporation and franchise on this planet, including the UN Corporation, request that the GCR Committee come up with a Starting Total Trade Value for all known traded commodities and all labor assets as of September 1, 2017. The purpose of this calculation is to provide a basis for issuance of a new global currency denominated as a tiny fraction of the Total Trade Value. This new currency based on our collective commodity and labor assets is being issued into a competitive free market and not intended to displace any viable national currency, but merely to offer an asset-based alternative to conventional asset-based currencies which in our opinion are too subject to manipulation, scarcity, inelasticity, exclusivity, and other ills.
Let us simply address the background for this request for the benefit of those uneducated in the subject.
Commodity markets (and commodity-based currencies) are subject to supply and demand, futures selling and trading, seasonal variations, hoarding, market speculation and manipulation, and insider trading. Money is itself a commodity, which competes in the global marketplace, and rises or falls dependent upon ephemeral factors such as "perceived value" and "public opinion" and attacks by counterfeiters.
Always, producers of a commodity enjoy very decided advantages over investors in commodities, as producers have a direct ability to influence supply, demand, price, and even future price offerings-- factors that consumers and non-producer investors cannot influence or profit from. This at the very least creates a severely tilted playing field.
Also, we note that whoever has the most of "the" standard commodity in an asset-based currency system enjoys an unparalleled advantage over all others doing business within that system. It doesn't matter if we are talking about Arabian oil or Chinese gold or American silver-- whoever owns the most of that particular commodity backing a particular currency has a decided and unfair and unassailable advantage in the marketplace.
We, Americans, (as opposed to United States Citizens with whom we are constantly confused) have always used silver as our preferred commodity to back our asset-based currency known as the United States Silver Dollar and we hereby announce our intention to continue to issue and use our traditional national silver-backed currency, however, we tire of the spectacle of what are essentially rigged storefronts and rigged markets that are designed to exclude people throughout the rest of the world who don't have gold or silver or oil in abundance from an equal participation in both trade and commerce.
Like all non-producing investors in specific commodities markets-- peas, soybeans, cotton, or whatever-- these people and their countries are crippled and dependent upon whatever winds of fortune blow upon commodities they don't possess-- gold, silver, platinum, oil, etc., and can't influence and which leave no options that include them as producers. That is, the absence of a world currency that takes into account all commodities and all labor resources means that producers of all other commodities aren't able to fully or safely participate in the world's currency markets, which then also cripples their participation in the global economy as a whole.
Our initiative is designed to provide everyone on Earth a safe haven and means of investment in a currency based on assets they and their country produce. The issuance of this new universal currency, called the True Value Dollar, TVM or TRU (trademarked by the unincorporated United States of America) marks the beginning of an open world economy and world market, one in which actual value is traded for actual value, and in which everyone is a producer unimpeded by any natural lack of any specific standard commodity such as oil, gold, silver, etc.
The True Value Dollar will be issued through licensed, regulated, and bonded cryptocurrency providers, as well as being made available through our international trade and commercial banks. We await the GCR Committee's findings and request that they carefully consider our position and our objections to returning to the same kind of corrupt 19th century commodity-backed currency system as our great-grandfathers left behind. We object to any such unmoderated system of single asset-backed currencies, not for any lack of silver or fear for our long-established currency, but because we already know the evils and limitations of such currency markets and have no need to learn the same lessons all over again.
These single asset-backed currencies and the markets dependent on them are patently unfair to over five billion people, and a full 1.2 billion of the world's poorest people are unable to thrive, compete, come to market, access banking services and have currency options that respect and reflect their status as producers.
Successive installments of the saga:
The National Credit
by Anna Von Reitz
Thu, 11 Oct 2018 13:06:21 -0800
There are milestones in every life. For me, a woman plagued by shyness, a big one came yesterday. I made my first YouTube video. You can imagine the stress that put me under. It is under five minutes long.
My dog could pant and roll over and be more entertaining, but... the information is crucial. Go to YouTube and look up "The National Credit". That's right -- The National Credit, not the National Debt.
I am not confused, but everyone else sure seems to be.
A Federal Reserve Note is a Promissory Note -- an I.O.U.
When you accept an I.O.U. as "payment" for actual goods and services, a debt is created and assessed against the party offering the I.O.U.
So that is the source of the "National Debt" that has accrued to the Territorial and Municipal United States and the Federal Reserve since 1913.
They have been getting something -- actual goods and services -- for nothing but paper and hot air.
So, yes, their "National Debt" is actual, factual debt and that debt accrues interest, etc., like any other debt. And most of that debt is owed to us, the American States and People of this country. We are by far their Priority Creditors.
On our side of the ledger -- the side of the living people and the actual States -- the credit owed to us for our goods and services continues to be owed and collects interest.
So we get richer and they get poorer with every transaction that occurs.
However, we have been "blocked" from having access to our wealth and instead, our purported "Trustees" have been using our accumulated wealth as a gigantic investment fund. They have used it to secure majority ownership interest in all the Fortune 500 Companies and to rig commodity markets including currency markets from here to Bangkok and we've never seen a dime.
Instead, all we hear is the Territorial and Municipal United States officials poor mouthing about their "National Debt" and more than a few of us assume that the "U.S. National Debt" is something we owe -- when in fact, it is mostly owed to us.
And here we are, rich beyond Midas on paper and in terms of actual assets, working like dumb animals in a treadmill, and our purported Trustees (the Popes and British Monarchs and the members of "the" United States Congress) and their bankers are sitting like cats in cream enjoying our money and exercising our power "for" us, bilking us, reducing us to poverty, and ignoring the National Debt of our subcontractors.
But we have news for them and good news for Mr. Trump.
At least nine-tenths of his "National Debt" is owed to us.
We are his Priority Creditors.
And we have enough money and credit on the books to:
And then, maybe, with a renewed sense of duty and understanding of how this country is supposed to work, we can combine forces to put the rest of the screws where they need to go.
That is the import and meaning of my first YouTube video addressed to President Donald J. Trump and the American People.
Basically -- let's stop being stupid. Reconcile the accounts and go after the crooks. Make America great again. Make the whole world great again.
The "Historic" Trusts
by Anna von Reitz
Fri, 12 Oct 2018 22:24:13 -0800
The banks did something deplorable, criminal, inexcusable.
It wasn't the first time.
They pretended that actual assets left "on Special Deposit" in their banks were "abandoned" simply because nobody had used or inquired about the assets in a long time.
Of course, there was no contractual obligation on the part of the Depositors to meet any schedule of contact with the bank, but the banks acted upon the theory that if Depositors didn't walk through the doors as often as they or someone in the Legislature thought they should -- well, of course, those assets had to be "abandoned", "lost", "unclaimed".
It's basically the same schtick they have applied to all the "missing" American babies who were born on our shores and who magically "disappeared" (on paper) and whose good names and estates were then labelled "Disregarded entities" for the purposes of fraud, racketeering, and theft.
After cobbling up this after-the fact requirement, which was never disclosed to the Depositors, the banks then seized those private account assets for the bank's use, and the bank gambled with those assets and made use of these private deposits to underwrite lending, which the bank multiplied according to the rules of "fractional reserve" banking -- thus benefiting itself many times over with no risk or expense for itself and no consideration for the actual owners of the assets.
All of this took place with no notice given to the actual owners.
And as the banks had unlawfully and without authorization made use of these private assets for investment purposes, and those investments were often time-dependent and had to be left in various funds for various lengths of time, the discovery of their malfeasance was a constant worry.
So they came up with a new label, "Historic Trusts" or "Legacy Trusts" and they cut a deal with the "governmental services corporations" officially allowing them to steal the trust assets and block the actual owners from accessing the assets.
If you care to look, you will see that many "State of State" organizations did the same thing with your Birth Certificates, labeling them "Legacy Certificates" or "Legacy Trusts".
And just like all of us waking up and saying -- "WT -- do you think you are doing?" The actual owners, trustees, and beneficiaries of all these so-called "Historic Trusts" have rumbled awake.
The owners of the defrauded trusts are more then willing to pay handsomely for the return of their assets -- more than the banks would ever share. So this is another avenue of help for Mr. Trump.
I have an "Historic Trust Association" of asset holders who have been robbed by the banks. Just one account in one of these trusts is enough to fund recoupment of all of them, and access to enough money to run our entire government including the military for two hundred years.
And it is all good, clean money with known provenance. The Trustees are ready to make a deal.
Again, I say, let's stop being stupid.
We have the records, we have the provenance, we have the proof. When people see that we mean business and that their deposits are going to be protected in America, they will bring their money here, just as they have been bringing it to Iceland.
Between what we can do for you in terms of crediting and/or forgiving the U.S. Debt, Mr. Trump, and what we can do for you in terms of delivering hard assets, its pretty apparent that we "Tin Hats" hold the cards that you need and have done our homework for many years.
If you are serious about making American Great Again and are open to doing it without World War III, you need to find a conference table with two seats.
Lazy Fairy Math for Barter or Trade: ------------------------------------ Legal Tender versus Lawful Money: _________________________________ $FRN $Ag (last time celeste bought silver coins) 50 1 Oz. = 1 Silver Dollar (it IS the definition!) 25 1/2 Silver Dollar 12.50 $0.25 Silver (a quarter dollar = 1/4 Oz. Ag) 05 $0.10 Silver (a silver dime) ------------------------------------ Herdshare: Jar of Butter: _______________________________ Butter $FRN $Silver 1 Jar 15FRN 3 Dimes 3 Jars 45FRN 9 Dimes or $1 Dollar Ag. ------------------------------------
More Practical Help for State Nationals -- Banking
By Anna Von Reitz 2019-12-21 19:17
In order to get by and thrive in life, you have to have a reasonable concern for "the other fellow" --- your family, your workmates, and yes, public employees, shopkeepers, veterinarians.... the list goes on. You also have to deal with bankers. Most of the problems people are having with banks --- at least those that come over my desk --- are self-created and can be fixed just as quickly as they start. Let's review some basics. You are allowed by law to transact your business as you wish. You can, by law, use Federal Reserve Notes or United States Notes, either one. So, why not choose to use the lawful currency, United States Notes? This helps pay down the so-called "National Debt" and helps everyone in this country, including you. The use of United States Notes presents a paper problem for the bank, because at any given time, most banks don't stock a lot of United States Notes, and they are worried that you are going to walk up to their cashier and want to cash out your account in United States Notes. If they ask, assure them that that is not your intention. Not having enough United States Notes on hand could be a cause of embarrassment for the banks, or worse, cause people to think the bank is insolvent, etc., and cause a "bank run". In reality, that is an extremely unlikely scenario, and denominating the funds in your accounts as United States Notes isn't actually the worry of the individual banks, because the government backs those denominated funds internationally as SDRs. So, no actual worries for the banks, and you are, meanwhile, paying down the National Debt and making sure that your funds won't be subject to any bail-outs or bail-ins or other shenanigans. If you bank is edgy about your decision to denominate the funds in your accounts as United States Notes, just sit them down and explain what I just explained to you. Many small town bankers are not all that familiar with the currency laws and the use of United States Notes. Set them at ease. It's your decision. Next point..... There is no reason to be scared of using a Social Security Account Number when setting up a bank account. The banks use this information to insure against losses, but if they get caught doing anything inappropriate with your Social Security Account, they get fried and served for lunch. Social Security Numbers function as both CUSIPS and AUTOTRIS account numbers. The familiar version with dashes is the CUSIP account set aside for making charges. The much-less familiar AUTOTRIS version without dashes is the credit side of things. This is a direct demand account that FDR established "for" you without your knowledge or consent and dubbed a "special trust account" --- that you haven't known about or had access to. How convenient. This "special trust account" was created by Executive Order 2039 and technically applied only to Municipal Employees....but via non-disclosure and fraud, the perpetrators entrapped almost everyone and then used it as the excuse to steal your name, your assets, your rights, and in many instances, even your lives. That "trust account" is yours and it's time that you had the benefit of it. So understand and make sure the bank understands that when they ask for your Social Security Number that they are asking for access to your trust account and to your Signature for their use as a rubber stamp---let them know that you are aware of what they are doing and that you will hold them individually 100% commercially liable if they do anything at all inappropriate with this information. To clip their wings be sure to use a "byline" and "without prejudice" and a small copyright notice (a small "c" surrounded by a circle) when you sign the Signature Card. That identifies that particular signature as your own unique creation and places it under your private copyright. That means that not only will they be fried and served for dinner if they mess with your account, they will be deep-fat fried. With that caveat, go forth and conquer. The exact verbiage to safely endorse the back of a check and denominate the funds in "lawful money" --- is: By:_________________________ (c) All rights reserved.
Redeemed in lawful money.
12 USC 411. Please note that I don't have a copyright symbol in this program so the (c) above should actually be a small "c" that is completely encircled. Use your Upper and Lower Case Signature to sign checks, like you were taught in school, and don't use any exotic punctuation or odd or inappropriate abbreviations like "ar" or "LS". After all --- "ar" might mean "all rejected" or anything else at all, and "LS" --- "Living Soul" certainly doesn't belong on a check. Also consider that if you were a bank and someone was placing a restriction on their signature using unknown abbreviations, you would have cause to be alarmed, too. Just think about what you are doing and in which arena you are operating and play it straight. Most banks are aware of their fiscal responsibility to their customers and are only asking that you be reasonable and explicit --that is, honest, about what you are doing and what you expect of them in return. So spell it out. Say, "All rights reserved." or "Without prejudice". That's perfectly okay for you to say or do and nobody should have any concern about that --- but "ar" or "wp" won't do. Admittedly, if you get numerous checks you could get writer's cramp doing endorsements, so get a self-inking rubber stamp at a copy shop, and all you have to do is add your signature. Finally, you should be aware that there advantages to running your affairs as a small independent business which are "corporate" but not "incorporated". This places your business squarely in the realm of international trade, which offers you protections when conducting business with commercial (incorporated) corporations and makes it clear that you are not subject to commercial presumptions. Ah, so. When a commercial corporation tries to attack you or seize your bank account they find it to be a much more difficult proposition. Most of them, including the IRS and other privateers prefer to go after lower hanging fruit. If you are dealing with a commercial bank (most are) they will want you to have a business license when setting up an account, which is to protect them, not you. But having met that hurdle for a time, and presuming that you are conducting your business exclusively with lawful money, you can let the license lapse and operate as a truly private business, even though you are using the services of a commercial bank. The commercial corporations can mess with their own script and control their own affairs and employees within reasonable limits. The transition from a licensed small business with limited commercial obligations to a private business functioning entirely in the realm of international trade should be viewed as similar to the transition when you move from one state or country to another. Most banks are dependent on small businesses which by far employ the greatest number of people in any given community and which generate the lion's share of GDP. The last thing they want to do is drive your business away. That said, the banks need to get their act together, too, and show you the care and respect that you deserve. If they treat you well and keep your accounts secure, they've done their job. If not, the pendulum swings and other alternatives must and will be sought. I have a very handy reference on my desk that shows how to convert a "Federal" Credit Union into a State Credit Union --- and I am not talking about a "State of State" Credit Union, I am talking about an actual State Credit Union. Credit Unions naturally belong in the realm of international trade and are perfect for the needs of average people and small businesses. Most of us would be well-served and well-advised to do most, if not all, of our business with credit unions as a result. We simply do not need the array of services and regulations associated with big commercial banks. So just sit down for a few minutes out of your life and think seriously about what is best for you and for your country. How do you want to conduct business? What services do you need? How are you going to sign your checks? Which currency will you use? What impact does that decision have on your funds and accounts--- and on your country? Although money and often, lack of it, consumes an inordinate amount of effort and concern in our lives, we are taught almost nothing about it in school ---- for the simple reason that what you don't know benefits crooks and leaves you more vulnerable to pirates. When you think about the efforts that you make to earn money, doesn't it make sense that you should think about what money is? What credit is? What securities are? How banks work? How important is your signature? How can it be abused? There are many questions that most Americans never ask and we really should --- for our own sake and the sake of our country, too. Most people choose a bank at random. They go to that bank because their parents went to that bank, or because some high-flyer friend uses it, or because its on the way home. That's not the way to choose a bank. Banks are run by people and you want a bank that shares your values and which offers the services you need. For most of us, that means we want a bank that is operating under a State Charter and which has been in business for a long time serving people just like us. Let's face it, most of us have no reason or need or ability to be transferring millions of dollars around the globe, so why would we take our business to one of the huge, glitzy commercial banks? No. Most of us need a Mom and Pop bank or credit union, one that is locally chartered and controlled by actual people that we either know, or can get to know. Most of the bankers I have met in my lifetime are extremely lonely people. Most of them really do care about their communities and their employees and the services they provide. Within the weird world of a credit-debt currency system and double accrual accounting, they are doing the best they can. And they love it when they get an "Attaboy!" or "Attagirl!" So instead of treating your bank like a convenient public toilet, stop a moment and think about your bank. What do you really know about it? It's history? Who runs it? The laws and regulations that impact it? If you have questions or concerns --- ask, discuss, learn. Most bankers are happy to share their expertise and will give good advice if they are asked. As with any other human endeavor, you have Good Guys and Bad Guys. So take the time to actually think about your bank and your banking needs and do some research and soul-searching. It's your money and your credit----and your life. How do you want to conduct your business to best benefit yourself, your community, and your country as a whole?
The Abuse of Money
By Anna Von Reitz
2020-07-13 15:21:00+00:00
Lawful money just means it is backed by some actual asset or commodity. That asset or commodity can be almost anything -- but something like gold or silver or oil. Tricky Dick's Petrodollar wasn't a bad option. "Fiat money" isn't backed by anything but "good faith" -- and is credit created out of thin air and not pre-paid as our American credit is.
You are already familiar with this idea. You can have a credit card that promises to pay in the future (fiat money), you can have a pre-paid credit card, or you can have a debit card that tallies directly against an actual pre-existing account balance. These are all different forms of credit transactions. When we exercise our credit as Americans, it is already pre-paid like a pre-paid credit card, so we are not asking anyone to give us credit now that we can repay in the future, we are using credit that we have already earned.
U.S. Citizens and Municipal "citizens of the United States" don't have pre-paid credit.
The privilege (not right) to create future debt repayment arrangements requires a Guarantor -- someone has to say, well, if he dies or loses his job, I'll pick up his tab. This is what the US Congress has been doing with us -- using us as the Guarantors for the future repayment of their debts, even though they are operating in Breach of Trust by claiming that we are all some form of "US Citizen" or "citizens of the United States".
The military script issued by the Federal Reserve, for example, uses labor as its backing. Labor is an asset. All Military Personnel are in a condition of Indentured Servitude. They agree for a period of years (their Tour of Duty) to act in this capacity and knowingly or unknowingly pledge a large portion of the value of their labor to back the Promissory Notes issued by the Federal Reserve. This is so profitable that over time the Perpetrators of this system have found ways to extend these presumptions even after the actual Tour of Duty ends -- so long as the man or woman does not issue a Severance Letter declaring their return to their birthright political status and jurisdiction, the military just assumes that you have chosen to remain in their foreign Territorial Jurisdiction and granted them the right to continue to tax you and your labor as an Indentured Servant -- "for the Greater Good" of course. This is the basis and excuse behind the attacks of the Internal Revenue Service on civilians.
A similar but even worse situation applies to members of the Federal Civil Service, who are "citizens of the United States" Municipal Government, who are considered to be slaves and Municipal PERSONS -- corpse-orats of various kinds known as "Special Purpose Vehicles" or SPVs. This is another flight of fraudulent fancy and outrageous imposition upon us resulting in impersonating us as US (Municipal) Corporations. The "citizens of the United States" have labor assets, too, but unlike their more fortunate brothers in the military, the presumption against the value of their labor assets is permanent until they are emancipated by escaping to Territorial jurisdiction (just like the slaves in the Civil War escaping to Union Territory) where they are considered to be Dependents of the Military of the Territorial Government (see above) and go from slave to indentured servant.
So, you are either attacked by the Municipal IRS or attacked by the Territorial Internal Revenue Service, and your Employees have you mis-identified and trapped as the Punching Boy in the Middle, no matter what you do or which way you turn until.... you wake up and say, WTH???
I'm not in the Military. I'm not a military dependent. I am not a US CORPORATION, either.
As you can see, both these foreign systems propose to use your labor assets to fund their promissory notes, and results in de facto slavery of Federal employees and US CORPORATIONS. They just expanded the meaning of "US CORPORATIONS" to include foreign corpse-orat franchises conveniently named after you -- without your knowing permission.
This is, in the end, all about money that uses labor as the asset backing it and paying for services. This is the means that your employees concocted to access your credit and labor assets in your purported "absence" from our shores. But now you are home again, and all your debts are pre-paid.
As the Assemblies grow and a more general understanding of this situation grows, anger will be a natural reaction. Six generations of Americans have been enslaved by their own employees. Millions upon millions of lives have been truncated and ruined.
What should have happened at the end of the Civil War was that our military should have informed us and assisted us in holding new elections and in educating the public about the situation. That would have resulted in the completion of the Reconstruction and American control of American assets.
Instead, traitors in the British-influenced military supported the creation of the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated" and this whole crazy foreign "boom and bust" and tail wagging the dog political system took root.
We are now slicing through these False Legal Presumptions regarding our identities and our political status and our employees are mostly so dumbed-down that they don't even recognize what is happening, but they will.
So -- I hope that helps explains basic "lawful money" and different forms of credit, and why "legal tender" -- credit instruments presented by our employees based on the value of their labor is a problem for all concerned, because the system has been abused for profit and without full disclosure to the participants, and has also been misapplied to our unwitting civilian population, too.
You are helping to correct this situation for yourselves and for your employees by what you are doing now -- declaring your proper political status and engaging in self-governance through your lawful Assemblies. The Reconstruction left hanging since the Civil War is on the horizon. The actual Federal Republic can be restored and all these things that have been done "in our names" can be settled at last.
You can also help by "redeeming" all checks as "lawful money" -- not legal tender based on labor. This is done via proper endorsement of your checks and proper structuring of your business affairs. Use your endorsement to direct the application of lawful money. Sign them --
By: Your Name, All rights reserved. Redeemed in lawful money: 12 USC 411. -- Followed by the account number.
This is your right and responsibility as an American. It's part of self-governance to direct your financial and business affairs. If you are a Lawful Person, you are owed and should be using Lawful Money. You do this by "denominating" the funds in your accounts as lawful money, even if actual lawful money -- coin and commodity based certificates -- are not widely available at this time.
> Title: The Voice of the Silent - the Juilliard Case and More > Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 04:08:00 -1000 > By Anna Von Reitz [image 2] [2]
Yesterday we led off with a discussion of Juilliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421
pendant, 1884.
This long-buried Territorial U.S. Supreme Court case returned a finding that
if you don't specifically limit your endorsement of checks and
demand that they be redeemed as "lawful money", you will be presumed to be
voluntarily using Federal Reserve Notes instead.
And if you are using Federal
Reserve Notes, it is also presumed that you are pledging your allegiance to the
Federal Reserve System, together with your body and mind and soul and land and
soil and everything else you could ever own in support of that system, in the
case of a national debt collapse.
Who knew? Nobody but those Federal Employees
who were in on the scam from the beginning, the politicians and bankers running
the kickbacks-for-cronies part of the operation, the judges and lawyers running
the collections end of it via quasi-military courts imposing the foreign King's
Equity Law on Americans by a process of False Registration and assumpsit, and
the corrupt military officers at the top of the whole Pentagon Pile imposing all
this rot.
If this were fair, honest, or even sane--- every school child in
America would be taught about the Federal Reserve System and the meaning of
promissory notes and the importance of limiting one's signature, and the result
of failing to do so.
The Juilliard Case and the circumstance giving rise to it
would be common knowledge and people would conduct their affairs accordingly.
Instead, we hear not a word about any of these topics, except a brush over of
the Reconstruction Era ---- and even that is presented as if it were all over
and done.
Hush, hush... little darlings. Just like FDR's First Inaugural Address
where he pledged all the Municipal slaves as collateral for an unstated "holy
cause", the people of this country were never given any disclosure about any of
This general non-disclosure renders the system, the remedy, and the Legal
Presumptions moot.
None of the complex webs our federal employees have woven
around us can stand the strain of examination in broad daylight---- and when we
do look at these things, they are ridiculous.
How does one contract with babies
in their cradles? When did anyone become responsible for signing their checks
according to their employees' druthers? By what rationale do people receiving
their paychecks from our pockets claim that we are their dependents? Visitors to
this country often comment on the fact that "nobody" votes in our elections.
full two-thirds of us stay at home and watch reruns of I Love Lucy.
I patiently
explain that we are not part of the political system, that all that
frou-frou-rah is "of, for, and by our foreign employees".
How, then, our
visitors wonder, do the employees ever claim a majority vote in their democracy?
Surely, even taken together, and with all possible legitimate dependents, the
employees do not count for more than 25% of the population? Well, it depends on
how you define the voter pool, doesn't it? If it's only the Registered Voters,
you get one result.
If it is all District Employees and Dependents, you get
another result.
And if you really pay attention, you realize that it's all a
crock, because the American populace, that mammoth two-thirds of the Silent
Majority, hasn't been heard from in 150 years and hasn't ever been told what's
going on.
Until now.
If you've felt that your vote never counted, if you've
stared at the list of candidates and wondered ---- why bother? --- if you've
felt strangely disoriented and alienated and confused for decades, if you've
wondered how a "voluntary" tax could be enforced with such brutality, if you've
smelled something rotten and not been able to put your finger on it, search no
We know the rest of the story.
Your actual government, the one that speaks for the Silent Majority,
is now in Session and back on track and hurtling along like a freight train.
You have a voice, but it's not coming from Washington, DC
--- and it has nothing to do with any politicians.
Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net
> Title: Blood Money 1 - 3 > Date: From Thu, 08 Apr 2021 11:49:00 -1000 Through Fri, 09 Apr 2021 12:25:00 -1000 > By: Anna Von Reitz First, let's review what actual money is. Actual money has value in its own right ---- meaning intrinsic value. Gold has value based on what it is, so does silver. Coinage made of these metals has intrinsic value as a result, and that value can be determined and unitized based on how much of the metal is used to make the coin, the purity of the metal, and so on. This is called the bullion value. There is also the face value, which is stamped on the coinage. The two things, bullion value and face value, may or may not be closely associated depending on market fluctuations, inflation, reputation of the issuing authority, and other less tangible factors. A coin may also have numismatic value, which is its value as a collector's item. These three values taken together establish the Market Value of a coin. Any of the other things that we use "as" money, including paper notes and credit cards and bitcoin-type digital currencies, are not money. They are certificates representing actual gold or silver assets held in a repository, or they are notes amounting to "promises to pay" or other forms of Commercial Script. Paper has no significant intrinsic value, so must be "accepted" as having whatever face value is printed on it. The act of accepting it gives it value. Understandably, people resist accepting "paper for gold" ---or oil, or silver, or any other actual commodity, and must usually be imposed upon by Legal Tender Laws before they will do so. The classic example we have just used to describe actual money must be amended somewhat due to the advent of other asset-backed currencies, such as the "Petrodollar". The value of such currencies is also "pegged" and related to a unitized value of a specific commodity, such as one gallon of grade A crude oil. There is no theoretical end to the variety of such asset-backed currencies. We could trade, to a limited extent, in Strawberry Dollars. In addition to all these commodity-based currencies, there's "blood money". Most Americans recognize this term as being related to bounty-hunting, where a reward is posted for the apprehension of an outlaw. The reward in this instance is called "blood money" as it involves exchanging money for a living (or sometimes dead) body. Judas's thirty pieces of silver represent blood money -- a reward paid for the "service" of betraying Jesus to the authorities of the day. These examples, however, may give you the wrong idea that blood money is restricted to these sorts of sordid and specific kinds of performance rewards. In fact, blood money is far more common in other contexts and represents the value of human life energy --- that is, the value of your labor, your thoughts, your patents, copyrights, and trademarks, all those "intellectual properties" that are yours by nature --- make up another whole trading sector and form of money. This is because we not only trade money for goods, we trade money for services. We unitize the value of services much as we unitize the value of gold. We establish hourly wages and minimum wage standards, which then peg in a very general sense, the value of labor being traded for money. A skilled laborer simply commands more of the "units" per hour. Herr Hitler demonstrated how simple and arbitrary this is, when he famously defined the new post-World War I Deutsche Mark as being equal to either one hour of labor or one loaf of bread. This established the exchange rate of the DM in one stroke, for both commodity purposes (bread) and labor purposes (basic hourly wage). To the amazement and chagrin of all the money snobs paying attention, it worked like a charm. German productivity soared and the DM, set free of all the contrived manipulation of the European monetary regulators, soared also. If nothing else, this foray into simplified monetary policy proved that the value of a currency increases to a natural settling point and stabilizes by itself once it is properly defined. People can have faith in it, because they know, for sure, the value of a Dollar --- or a Deutsch Mark, both in terms of trading commodities and trading labor. Beginning in the 19th century we began bumping into the ceiling of currency values on a worldwide basis. There simply wasn't enough gold or silver in this world to backstop the burgeoning demand for currency needed to build industry and fuel the demand for infrastructure and government services. Even when they added the value of the blood money --- the labor commodities --- into the equations, there still wasn't enough "basis" to issue enough currency. This demand for money as a commodity coupled with the physical limits of both the trading value of commodities and labor (the "believability" factor) led to the demand for both: (1) extreme exercise of all assets to provide basis for currencies, and (2)... credit. Lots of it. Credit, unlike any form of money --- either commodity-based or labor-based blood money --- does not exist in the actual world. It has no basis but faith in a future ability to pay, and as we all know, the future does not exist in the present---sic., "good faith and credit". This all results in a situation in which we have borrowed the assets of a projected future, including future labor assets, to pay for otherwise insupportable economic expansion today. This, combined with the money commodity rigging scheme known as the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) has allowed us to proceed without currency wars that would otherwise naturally erupt as each country battled to preserve its own living standards and more efficiently and completely sell-out future generations in exchange for more comforts and bigger welfare payments today. It seemed innocent enough at the time. After all, it's all "in the future" and the future isn't actual. It's theoretical. And once we begin dealing in such theory, we have left Earth behind and entered the Never-Never Land, where both Peter Pan and the Land of Oz exist. This fundamental unreality and the "theoretical" consequence is what drives the increasing disconnection between fact and fiction. In the construct concocted by Bretton Woods and more recently by the World Economic Forum, average people counted as "citizenry" of each country are born as the carriers of a completely insurmountable debt and exist only as debt slaves. This, while these same people are in fact the owners and possessors of everything of actual value on this planet, including the value of their labor. The world of monetary theory and future indebtedness in the form of credit has created a head-on collision between fact and fiction, and everywhere you turn, you hear the whispered and horrified refrain, "Somebody's got to pay for this!" Let's begin with the fact that you can't in-debt something that doesn't exist, but you can honor credit that is pre-paid. Think of it this way --- you go to work and exchange your labor (energy and skills) for $2000. You take the $2000 symbolizing the value of the work you contributed to the electric company and deposit this in your account, after having already paid your bill for the month. This creates what? A pre-paid $2000 credit on the account, paid in blood money --- your energy, your skills, your time on Earth. Pre-paid credit can be a very tempting thing for bankers. On one hand, it's pre-paid. It's standing there on the books as a credit. It has some of the same liability characteristics of any other kind of deposit for a banker, but because its credit the whole picture gets a little stranger and fuzzier. Why? Think of it this way --- if someone deposits ten one-ounce gold Canadian Maple Leaf coins in a bank box in your bank, you are responsible for returning those same coins, unharmed, on demand. While in your "custody", those coins are a liability for you. You have to keep them safe, provide a vault, a security system, etc., so, how are you to pay for this service? It used to be that depositors simply agreed to pay a deposit fee --- a service fee for the service of safe-keeping someone else's gold, until the rats, acting under the demand for new sources of money and credit described in the first Blood Money article, began the practice of "fractional reserve banking". Under that system, the bank became the title owner of the assets deposited with the bank, and used those assets as the basis of investment capital. Your twenty silver dollars allowed the bank to loan out between 140 and 200 "silver dollars-worth" of credit. When you add in the interest fees (usury) on the loan of this much credit issued in excess of the asset base, the bank is enabled to generate a very, very handsome profit for the bank on the basis of someone else's assets ---all without any actual risk of bank assets, and without cutting the actual owner of the silver dollars in on the deal. Heck, that bumpkin, the original depositor, is on vacation in the Poconos and what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right? ----or so thinks Mr. Banker. And only one element is needed to make this set up "legal"---- insurance. So, the bank needs to insure the original depositor against loss of those silver dollars, and Mr. Banker hires and pays a willing insurance company to do that part of it, out of the profits he is raking in. He also starts insuring his loans for a small fee, to cover those loans that don't "produce" the anticipated profit. Okay, this is how all this corruption got started -- bankers chiseling to use other people's assets for their benefit, and "scraping the margins" in collusion with willing insurance brokerages. And then, unavoidably, the bank regulatory "agencies" and politicians figured out what was going on, but instead of stopping it or regulating it or forcing any full disclosure, they shrugged and said, "Hey, what's the harm? Dumb Bunny is insured. Where's our share of the pot?" The only difference between small banks and big banks in this system is the size of the insurance companies backing this con game --- and the source of the money they use to back it. Private insurers have to come up with their own capital to gamble when they back small local banks, but when it comes to Big Business, private insurers can't hack it, so Uncle Sam, in the form of the Territorial U.S. Congress comes to the rescue and says, "We'll guarantee the bank's deposits using Public Money!" And where does that "public money" come from? Why, lo and behold, it comes from ole Dumb Bunny in the Poconos, who is the source of the asset backing all this loan activity in the first place, and now also paying to insure the banks from any losses resulting from their loan activities, too. It's all win-win-win for the bankers and still, ole Dumb Bunny is smiling and trusting and taking it in the shorts, content that at least the assets he has on deposit are safe, and he's getting a whole 2.3% interest on it. The bankers are now in the Ultimate Sweet Spot, with the insurance companies and politicians all lined up behind them, milking Dumb Bunny both fore and aft, coming and going, day and night. They are not only pulling off all this totally outrageous loan activity and the usury profit from it---- at no expense or risk to themselves---- but they are getting the depositors, whose assets they are leveraging to do all this in the first place, to pay for their insurance costs! The bankers and their insurers are totally insulated from any kind of loss and just sitting in the middle of the web like spiders, raking in the profits from their insured ponzi loan scheme. And where are the politicians we hired to protect ole Dumb Bunny, Joe Public, from this kind of exploitation? Where are all the "Regulatory Agencies" we hired --the SEC, the FBI, the Treasury Agents (Secret Service) and the State Banking Commissions? All out enjoying a champagne brunch together, slapping each other on the backs, snorting cocaine, thinking that they are sooooo smart and everyone else is sooooo stupid and talking about the gigantic bonuses they will be paid this year for their performance in behalf of their shareholders. Now, with this firmly in view, go back to our original situation, where you have "overpaid" your account at the electric company, creating a $2000 credit..... being a Dumb Bunny and having done something so novel as to try to protect yourself from future billings, that credit becomes a "deposit" on the books of the electric company. And the same thing happens all over again, with this important difference. A credit is immaterial. There is no specific non-fungible deposit liability, just a pre-paid credit to be accounted for on a different ledger--- the electric company's ledger. This makes the Big Bank Rip Off even easier. The electric company banks your credit with their bank, their bank benefits from the fractional reserve system leverage just the same, but this time there is nothing specific to be returned or insured. For the bank, there is more pure profit to be realized from a pre-paid credit deposit than any other kind of deposit, and balancing the books with pre-paid credit becomes ultimately attractive. So, how to up the number of people clueless and responsible enough to issue pre-paid credits? Millions upon millions of Americans provide pre-paid credits to the IRS and Internal Revenue Service every year, as well as voluntarily donating a large percentage of their private earnings as a gift. It's clear that most of them have no income from federal sources, and therefore owe no federal income taxes. There's no Public Law requiring them to pay. What else could it be, but a gift? And that is in fact how the IRS/Internal Revenue Service both account for all your non-resident alien contributions----- as gift and estate taxes. Many insurance and utility and rental property management organizations do the same thing when they "pre-bill" for a month before providing the service, or insisting that you post a hefty down payment or service deposit --- see? They even call it a "deposit" as in "bank deposit" -- you simply aren't thinking of it in those terms. These practices post a constant pre-paid credit on your account, which rolls over month to month to month, generating all sorts of yummy investment capital without any need to insure it for your protection. And the worst that can happen to the banks, the utility corporations, and property management service companies gouging you? They have to honor your pre-paid credit and cancel out all or part of current billings, or do what the US, INC. recently did --- declare bankruptcy and throw your pre-payment into the pot along with their other liabilities for discharge. It's a good thing your Grandma was looking out for you, but now you have to start looking and thinking for yourselves. None of this is rocket science, but it does demand your attention and action going forward. Paying for things you don't owe, like paying for goods and services you haven't received yet, creates massive uninsured pre-paid credit on your accounts. Counting future liabilities like pensions that won't pay out for fifty years as current liabilities and deducting them "as if" they were current costs, creates more pre-paid credit. Paying escrows you don't owe on house mortgages and property taxes you don't owe, either, generates absolutely massive amounts of pre-paid credit that is all actually owed to you, but which is instead being used by the banks as their investment capital. All you get is a snide wink and once in a while, someone will say, "Good ole Dumb Bunny... we wouldn't have all this without him." Obviously, the politicians you hired have failed you, the regulatory agencies you pay for are a joke, the banks owe you a heap of money and pre-paid credit, too---and the insurance companies and securities brokerages that went along with and insured all of this graft deserve a legendary arse whupping. They aren't going to discipline themselves, so, who is going to do it for them? Now, look at who is coming down the road? Hopping and snorting like a whirling dervish crossed with a fire engine? It's ole Dumb Bunny, back from his vacation at last! Hello, Philadelphia! Good-bye, Poconos! The last couple of days we've been going over the different kinds of money and things that substitute for money; these include two forms of asset-backed money---
We learned that in addition to the traditional commodity-backed money, like gold and silver coins, there is labor-backed money, also known as "blood money", because it is assigned value based on the value of labor, energy, skills, and intellectual property belonging to living people. Federal Reserve Notes are Blood Money. Millions of Americans misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens have been bonded as indentured servants owned and operated by the British Crown. As part of their servitude, their labor assets and intellectual assets are "bonded". This basically means that bonds, known as Birth Certificate Bonds, are issued against the estimated value of their lifetime labor and intellectual property; and, in "equitable exchange", Federal Reserve Notes equal to the value of these individual bonds are issued and the Serial Numbers on these Federal Reserve Notes are assigned under the name of the victim. Of course, ole Dumb Bunny is never told a word about this. Although this is lined out under Public Law 10: Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112 formerly HJR 192 of June 5, 1933 of 31 U.S.C. 5118(d)(2), the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933, and Public Law 73-1, 48 Stat.1., telling us that all forms of currency are an individual's credit per Public Policy, PL 73-10, it isn't actually told to you in words that average people could understand. It means that you own the currencies, lock, stock, and barrel, and it also means that all the corporations are in your debt. So your labor and your intellectual assets, your Good Name, your copyrights, your patents, your trademarks, etc., have all been seized upon by the Brits, and sold into indentured servitude to back the Federal Reserve Notes and all other forms of currency-- including coupons, stamps, tariffs, taxes, promissory notes, money orders, wire transfers, USD, FRN's, traffic citations, court cases, digital currencies --- you name it, and you are on the hook for it. It's your Blood Money that they are using to run their currency system and pay their payrolls, while they have conveniently cashiered away your gold and silver resources for "safe-keeping" in the Philippines and Indonesia and other Ports of Call and blocked your access to this alternative form of commodity-backed money. They've forced you to slave away and bear the entire brunt of supporting their labor-backed currency issues, while blocking your access to your own gold and silver resources. Those resources could have been used to issue a commodity-backed currency, instead, as President Kennedy directed---but they killed him and pushed their filthy "petrodollar" instead. And jacked your energy costs skyhigh as your reward. A singular labor-backed currency system lets the rats freely manipulate the value of commodities --- everything from the value of gold and silver to sow bellies can be "fixed", and as long as there is no parity or fixed standard for commodity values, it's perfectly legal to engage in commodity price fixing, because, well, there is no way to determine a price for commodities. (Cough, cough, cough....) Remember what the Queen's Uncle Adolph did in Germany with the Deutsche Mark? He set up the "commodity standard" and the "labor standard" in one simple stroke --- establishing an exchange rate of 1 DM per loaf of good bread or, alternatively, 1 DM per hour of labor. Both. At once. What these Vermin have done, is to arbitrarily define and use only a labor standard, so they could put the entire burden of supporting the currency on you, while they artificially rigged the price of commodities --- everything from shoes to Bob Dole's pineapple --- which, of course, has been used to gouge you at the gas station, the grocery store, the post office, and everywhere else. There was really no need to use Blood Money to front the currencies. There was, instead, a desire to subject you to foreign law, undermine your actual currency----the United States Silver Dollar, and pull another fraud scheme involving pre-planned bankruptcy of their Municipal Corporations, claims of abandonment against your actual government, and destructive inflation of fiat currencies attributed to you without your knowledge or consent, to reduce you, good ole Dumb Bunny, to homelessness, poverty and economic collapse. Meanwhile, they intended to take their "winnings" and repeat this same process in China, using our purloined wealth to buy their way into Beijing, convince the CCP to sell them the Chinese People for the same purposes, and.... The image of Jealousy in Ezekial 14 comes to mind. It's like having a leech attached to your back. You can't see it, but it is sucking you dry nonetheless. And that is what your purported Trustees in international jurisdiction have been doing to you for the past 100 years. Having been "discovered" and having the DTCC and within DTCC, Cede and Company, identified as the Issuer and Holder, respectively, of the Birth Certificate Bonds that have been used to obtain the Blood Money to do all this -- the Holy See has been left holding the bag, and has recently offered to return all the Birth Certificate Bonds that are supporting all the various kinds of currency. Isn't that just ducky, Dumb Bunny? We get the paper that enslaves us returned--- the instrumentality of the crime against each and every one of us, comes home to the actual American Government, and we, the Victims, are left to sort it out and deal with the situation. It's like being given a Pawn Shop Ticket to retrieve our own stolen goods. And when we walk through the door to claim our stuff, there's an even odds chance that the police will be there (and still contriving to mistake us for someone else) to claim that we are, somehow, the ones responsible for the Mess and all the abuse that we have suffered and even the theft of our own labor assets. Color me cynical. Say that I've been to too many rodeos. Played too many card games with the Father of All Lies. Over the years I've had many people miss the point in what I am telling them. It somehow sails right over their heads like a helium balloon. They hear about these bonds and how these bonds have so much value and they immediately think that this is a good thing, and boy, howdy! We are rich! Rich beyond our wildest dreams! Lalalalalah---- but that's not what a "bond" is and that's not what a bond on your labor implies. A bond is debt. If it's a labor bond, you have to work until you pay the debt off. All that "money"? That's debt money. If you are holding a bond against your own labor worth $400 million, guess what? On top of that, millions of Americans have been misidentified as British Territorial Citizens and bonded when they were innocent Third Parties ---not even "eligible" to be bonded in the first place. So all that bonded debt has to be offset and what happens when you do that? Without the bonds backing the currency the currency loses value like a house on fire, the economies collapse, people starve, wars commence, and so on. So here we are, victims of a crime, being given the knife that stabbed us. Like Atlas we have the choice of carrying the burden someone else created and laid on us, or, we can use it as a bowling ball, destroy everything, and give the enemies of Mankind what they want anyway. One apparent step forward is to lean hard enough on the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster to secure access to our purloined gold and silver assets and to re-issue a commodity-backed money standard and currency to go with it. That takes pressure off the labor-backed currency and acts like a steam release valve on a pressure cooker. Careful management of the bonds in a similar gradual release of indebtedness and Debt Relief owed, especially to Americans who never should have been roped into this scheme in the first place, is a second apparent step. Another sore point and issue with the Queen's Government and Westminster is the replacement of SERCO as both Paymaster of our Armed Forces and manager of our Patent Office. The US Patent Office has been criminally mismanaged for years, resulting in such travesties as granting Bill Gates a patent on living people used as wi-fi devices. We suggest that Bill Gates, if he is still alive, be turned into an antenna at the earliest possible opportunity, and that he and the officials at SERCO who approved any such patent "in our names" all be bundled off to a nice padded cell. Although these and other similar issues may not at first glance appear to address the issue of Blood Money and the ticking currency time bomb, a more careful consideration will prove that they well and truly do contribute to the miasma of enslavement, genocide, pollution, and all the other ills of the modern world. Key to any permanent solution of the problem is the application of pre-paid credit to gradually discharge debt and to mitigate the harm done to living people and small businesses, the development of new currencies to convert debt-based currencies to credit-based currencies, to consolidate asset-backed monetary standards, to end the exploitive abuse of commodity controls for political purposes and unjust enrichment, and most of all, to finally teach the people of the world what money is, and is not.
> Title: Remember the Jester's Defense? > Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2021 23:38:00 -1000 > By: Anna Von Reitz In medieval times, the Court Jester was largely held harmless --- unless the King himself took umbrage. In the British Territorial Court System, the same still applies today. If they are addressing your Upper and Lower Case Name, you can shrug and look helpless and say, "I'm an idiot, Sir." And unless Queen Elizabeth II wants you beheaded, they are obliged to let you go, whatever your sins may be. The same defense often works in Municipal COURTS, too, if the infraction is subject to human error--- and what isn't? Just throw up your hands, mia culpa, I'm an idiot. You can't hold idiots responsible for much of anything and it's hopeless to blame them, so it throws a stick into the wheels of the court system. The only downside is that once you have admitted to being an idiot on the court record, you are subject to being "administered" as a ward of the state and little can be done to reinstate your natural status --- short of claiming a miraculous cure. In extremis, it may be your only way out. And now, add another somewhat similar defense to your collection: inability to pay. "My Honor, it's true that I owe Joe Blow's Fly Trapping Mortgage Company fifty thousand dollars, but I am unable to pay. I didn't waive my constitutional obligation to pay in gold or silver, and I find that I am totally out of pocket."
[ We are only obligated to live by any "constitution" if we voluntarily contract to live by such, i.e. by declaring ourselves to be under a corpse-oration, i.e. by joining a group of people who create such a corpse-oration, e.g. if one has chosen to be in the status of "State National" -- celeste]
The Judge will grant a default judgement against you, but that is worth the paper it is written on and is intrinsically unenforceable via any execution order he can write, because you are obligated to pay in gold or silver, and the Territorial Government has cashiered your gold and silver-- making it impossible for you to actually pay any debt at all. End of problem --- for now. When and if the Territorial Government up-ends and returns your gold and silver, you will have to pay the debt, assuming that the other side raises their hand and presents the default judgment. But how likely and able is the Territorial Government to do that? And if it did, it would also have to return your specific account, plus interest, which means that you would consider the $50,000.00 a mere flyspeck amount of money, and pay it without complaint. No harm to you, either way. Now, I don't suggest that anyone uses this defense ignorantly or for fun; you really do need to be impoverished enough to make the claim of inability to pay on the FRN side of things before you put the screws to the gubmint corporation and blame them for the situation. That is, a guy with several million FRN's denominated as lawful money sitting in the bank probably should not consider telling the judge about his inability to pay---err, well--- "exchange" the debt; that would not be honorable or fair. And we all know how honorable and fair these courts are, so we would not want to offend anyone's delicate sensibilities.... Between being an idiot or being unable to pay, darn near any average "person" can get out of almost anything, if one is sufficiently desperate to employ these means. The Territorial Government as the Equitable Title Holder [Court Clerk] will have to dig into your estate account and pony up the credit to pay off Joe Blow's Fly Trapping Mortgage Company for you. They won't like it, but they will do it. The prosecuting attorney will especially not like it, since he makes his money off betting against you and his performance bond will take a hit. Oh, well. If it is the difference between closing your business and keeping it open, or keeping your house or losing it, "inability to pay" --in some sense, is more or less a given anyway, and losing points off your credit score is a moot issue. Both of these defenses are very simple and they work. Remembering them can help you or someone you love if and when push comes to shove.
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice - 10 April 2021 -- Blood Money 4 > Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2021 11:22:00 -1000 > By: Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] What happens when indentured servitude is not enough to pay the bills of the British Empire? The answer to that question came in 1933: slavery. This was announced by FDR in his First Inaugural Address--- but again, in such veiled terms of art that the General Populace would never recognize his use of the word "consecration" in its religious context, nor his invocation of a "holy cause" either. What he was telling us, was that the Brits were selling the Municipal citizens of the United States back to the Pope --- a message that went over the heads of the audience then, and still does today. Among those Municipal citizens of the United States were all the United States Corporations that had been formed from 1870 to 1930, a "translation" which was arranged by another bit of legalese known as "the diversity of citizenship clause", which redefined and expanded the meaning of "US citizen" to include corporations. This, too, is more international fraud, because the 1870 Corporations Act was fraudulent on the face of it. All corporations formed in this country ever since have been formed in our names, but without the authority to exercise our sovereign right to charter corporations. Thus, all the corporations and corporate "citizens", too, revert to our ownership, and once again, the Brits and Papists were busy buying, selling, and trading upon assets that never belonged to them, and exercising authorities never assigned to them. Via the 1933 "New Deal" between our two foreign federal subcontractors, the Pope, acting in his secular guise as Pontiff, acquired Legal Title to all the US Corporations as well as the living, breathing Municipal citizenry --- the former plantation slaves, their progeny, the Federal Civil Servants, their dependents, and also any political asylum or welfare seekers. Legal Title to people? That sounds like slavery, doesn't it? And so it is. One of the gobsmackers well-hidden from rank and file Americans is that the Municipal Government never abolished slavery, and the Territorial Government enshrined slavery as a permanent part of its corporate "constitution" via the Bill of Attainder which they published as the Fourteenth Amendment. In the years leading up to this, the excuse for it was that it was just a cozy little deal between the British King and the Pope designed to collect war reparations; after the 1930-33 round of bankruptcies, a new era of "glorious collusion" opened up, in which the Municipal (Papist) and Territorial (British) Subcontractors agreed among themselves to join forces under The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States. The Municipal citizens of the United States had always been considered assets of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) ---property and chattel thereof. And this was allowed because the Municipal Government acting as the independent, international city-state of Washington, DC, allowed slavery. After 1920, the Brits got in on the act, doing the same basic thing by redefining their own indentured servants, the British U.S. Citizens, as Dual Citizens of the Municipal Government. The game was on. They simply entrapped all the unwary Americans, redefined everyone as a Dual Federal Citizen, and split the take. The British courts prosecute the victims as Municipal citizens, and the Municipal COURTS prosecute them as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. This Double-Ended Impersonation scheme is a crime of fraud and personation being employed on an unimaginable scale. The Municipal Government got the Equitable Title to the new slaves, and the British Government got the Legal Title, which they handed over to Westminster for administration. The Americans who were never told a word about any of this, sailed on unaware of all the flagrant lies being told about them and about their purportedly "absent" government. Via this constructive fraud and political identity theft scheme, the Proper Names of millions of Americans were latched upon under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, and copyrighted by the British Crown Corporation. One of the principal parts of the scheme was to back the currency system using the labor and intellectual property of the Americans, including the fiat Federal Reserve Notes. The removal of the silver and gold standards then allowed a free hand for commodity rigging --- including the ability to rig the money commodities themselves. As noted yesterday, you can't commit a crime of commodity rigging, if the values of all commodities are unknown for lack of a standard. Another principal part of this fraud was to seize upon the private property and assets of the Americans under the pretense that they were Municipal citizens of the United States --- criminals and "prizes" subject to the Fourteenth Amendment. Without our government acting to record the political status of our people, the Brits were free to "presume" what they liked --- and so they did --- liberally presuming that every American they saw was a Municipal citizen of the United States and subjecting them to the foreign law of their King's Equity, meaning that everything belongs to the King and the privateers he employs as Hired Jurists are entitled to a cut of the profits. In truth and in fact this is a gross Breach of Trust, International Treaty, and commercial contract, a contract from which the British Principals have continued to benefit themselves and claim authority from --- the actual Territorial Constitution: The Constitution of the United States of America. This famous agreement is the Supreme Law of the Land, which all British "sailors" --including those who wear wigs -- are obligated to honor, yet they have been in violation of Article VI, Article IV, and Amendment XI with regard to their treatment of Americans for decades, and they have evaded their obligations by deliberate falsification of records, forced enrollments, unconscionable contracts, and other illegal activities on our shores. Here's an example of the viewpoint and assumptions of the British BAR Privateers forwarded to me this morning from a BAR Attorney in Tennessee: "You may try to void all debts but I have the pirate booty, and that is in estate furtura en absentia abstracto and therefore is outside the realm of reason. All currency is gold and no fiat money accepted as it is worthless and should be forwarded with haste to avoid the intemperate stain of the U.S. illegal tender. Your offer is now half revoked and half revived with the revived portion transferred to the real person in being, Bill Lee, and not the false de jure person Governor Bill Lee. This is done with all appurtenances and hereditaments there and two belonging or in any way pertaining into the said trustee, it's successors or assignees and fee simple forever." So let's examine this piece of self-interested doggerel offered by an actual Privateer engaged in his "trade" on our soil in contravention of Treaty, Constitution, and Commercial Contract. Who is he privateering for? For the Governor of Tennessee ----but, in his private capacity. The Privateer has no respect for the Office, that is, the Person, of "Governor Bill Lee" but instead insists that the interest in the estate that he has latched onto vests in Bill Lee in his private capacity as a "real" (that is, "royal") "person-in-being" --- in other words, as a Subject of the Queen. So, ultimately, he's a British Privateer working for the Queen, and funneling the Queen's share of the illegal takings through Bill Lee, a British Subject, who just happens to occupy the Governor's Office in Tennessee. If pushed, Mr. Bill will explain that he's, well, the Territorial Governor and that the Territorial Government is "standing in" for us while we, Americans, are supposedly Missing in Action, Absent, in Interregnum..... until now, when you can clearly see that we are wide awake and very much present and accounted for. This whole scenario painted by the Privateer makes no sense at all, until you remember that the Territorial U.S. Congress acting on February 2, 1871, Third Session, Chapters 62, 63, 64, 65--- claimed to be the "successor" of all "United States corporations" and the property of all said corporations. And then combine that with the information provided above, concerning the inclusion of corporations as citizenry of the United States under the so-called Diversity Clause. Here is what happens in actual life --- the British Territorial thugs operating under color of law, grab a clueless American off the street, press-gang him on paper, remove him to international jurisdiction, impersonate him as a corporation, and define that corporation as a Municipal citizen of the United States so that they can claim to own "him" as property---- a slave. They made so much money doing this that in 1921, they institutionalized it, so that they started stealing our identities while we are still babies in our cribs and applying the same roster of criminal acts to us-- kidnapping, press-ganging, impersonation, unlawful conversion, and enslavement. Governor Bill is a Brit Subject occupying an American "de jure" office, just like a cuckoo bird occupying a nest that doesn't belong to him. Put simply, he's the Bag Man for the Queen and has no right or reason to be occupying an American Public Office. He's impersonating an American Governor, and that is a crime under our Public Law. And the same pattern repeats in all the other States. The Privateer member of the British Bar is feeding Bill Lee the loot (minus a hefty reward commission for himself, of course) obtained from prosecuting the innocent American Populace under these absurd and vicious constructive fraud schemes and calling his Boss, Bill Lee, the trustee. Trustee of what? He's the trustee of the British Territorial Foreign Situs Trust that they created in the name of "John Allen Parker" --- an American baby, in order to impersonate that American baby, and subject him under British law in contravention of The Constitution of the United States of America. They've been busily kidnapping, press-ganging, and removing American babies from their native land and soil, with nobody being the wiser. The fraud, identity theft, and impersonation is all accomplished on paper without the victim's knowledge, participation or knowing consent. The same little Gravy Train is happening in all the other States and has been since 1868. These men and women are all engaged in criminal acts in contravention of our Public Law and International Law, too. Next, let's look at the Latin phrases and claims that the Privateer makes about the "pirate booty". The Latin quoted by the Privateer is from a commentary by Thomas Aquinas on Galatians 3:13, which is in turn describing how Christ set us free from the curse of the Law by becoming accursed himself. It's a backhanded apology for acting as the devil's henchman and dealing in lies---- and accusing the American victim of being a pirate (Municipal citizen of the United States) while engaging in piracy himself. More generally, he, the British Bar Attorney, operating as a Privateer under Color of Law on our shores is referring to "Durante Absentia" ---- a Latin phrase meaning "during absence" and refers to the administration of an estate in the absence of an executor. And this is connected to the purported absence of our government, which has been here, defrauded and misinformed by our employees, the entire time. All Americans and their estates are naturally outside the jurisdiction of the British courts, so they drag the impersonated American estate into their jurisdiction by the illegal and unlawful means described above. They then appoint one of their own court officers as an administrator durante absentia..... and pillage the foreign estate in the absence of the actual, lawful executor. This is the land-version of salvage at sea, which is why he refers to the "pirate booty". The Privateer has been appointed to act as administrator durante absentia, by a state-of-state "court" and based on this authority assumed under color of law, he pretends to have the power of life and death over his American slave and ownership of all the American assets --- and he does this in front of a living man who is actually his Employer, a man who is owed his good faith and service, and this is done, moreover, while standing on the land and soil of this country, in violation of our Constitutions, and while pretending that our government is "absent". Finally, note that the Privateer is attempting to solicit a bribe purportedly payable to Bill Lee via a CashAp transaction, and advocating this, even though it's "worthless" and not "currency" to avoid the "taint" of U.S. dollars. This is especially offensive and ironic, not only because of the bribery, but because the British Territorial Government is responsible for purloining the gold and silver belonging to Americans and moving it all offshore to locations in the Philippines, Indonesia, and elsewhere for "safekeeping" --- and also responsible, therefore, for denying Americans access to their own precious metals and preventing the issuance of both a commodity-backed monetary standard and a precious metals backed currency. This is being reported to The International Court of Justice for prosecution of the rogue governments promoting this Great Fraud, the corporations implementing it, and for the specific investigation of William Byron Lee, also known as Bill Lee of Franklin, Tennessee, and as Governor Bill Lee, and the Madison County Court in Tennessee which is, self-evidently, engaged in human trafficking, personage, barratry, and other crimes including usurpation against the lawful government of Tennessee and The Tennessee Assembly which is now in Session. Also for prosecution of the Administrators Durante Absentia appointed by the Madison County Court --- all of whom are acting as Executors de Son Tort, all of whom are acting as unlicensed privateers and undeclared Foreign Agents on our shores. This is only one particularly galling example of human trafficking, personage crimes and barratry, improper probate administration, probate fraud, pillaging, inland piracy, conspiracy against the constitutions of this country, evasion of contractual obligations, bad faith, fraud, racketeering under color of law, illegal mercenary activities on our soil, impersonation of American Public Officials, usurpation, unlawful conversion, violation of The Constitution of the United States of America, Article VI, IV, and Amendment XI, trespass upon our land and soil, armed robbery under color of law, impersonation of lawful court officials, and violation of both the Geneva and Hague Conventions. The filthy mis-administration of these courts by the British Crown and by the Municipal United States must be brought to an end, together with the False Legal Presumptions promoted by these secondary subcontractors. The Principals must be held to account and our assets must be returned to our own control without further misunderstanding or excuse. We rely upon the goodwill of the court and the international community to prevail upon the rogue interests responsible. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- 11 April 2021 -- Blood Money 5 > Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 21:40:00 -1000 > By: Anna Von Reitz Yesterday we described the particulars of the fraud and Breach of Trust that has been committed against every American by their own employees--- a fraud and Breach of Trust that ultimately results in Americans being mischaracterized as things and treated as slaves by people who are literally taking their paychecks out of our pockets. We are not alone. Many other countries are faced with the same dilemma. The servants have styled themselves the masters and used the instruments of government and the privileges of government to enrich and empower themselves, at the expense of those they are hired to protect. They even entertain the fantasy that their resources are not confined to the present generation, and that they have the power to indebt their employer's children far into the future. This fraud and Breach of Trust has been created and implemented by the Government of Westminster and the Inns of Court organizations located in the Inner City of London and the members of the Temple Bar. Our American tradition is to tolerate religions and to offer religious freedom to all. We do not believe in governmental interference in religious matters, but when an occult religion causes its members to snatch children for use as sacrifices and harvests their blood to create addictive drugs, a line must be drawn and action taken. When they use sophistry to create an entire culture built on lies, and try to enforce their fantasy on others, it is time to act. It is perhaps strange to think that such an ancient and profane religion has gained ground in the halls of academia, in the world governments, and in the professions, but this religion pretends to offer what many people in these occupations want -- enlightenment, wealth, and political power. [i.e. ego's antidote to the emotion of fear -- celeste] So they are drawn in, like moths to flame---- and nowhere is this more apparent than in the legal profession and the Inner City of London, which has served not only as the center of the worldwide money cult, but also the last official bastion of the Temple of Baphomet. When evaluating the current circumstance we must observe that there is a long association of the legal profession with this religion going back to ancient times. The Galli were priests of this religion who came to Rome via Turkey in the Second Century B.C.E. and promptly became tax collectors for Rome. They were distinguished by their hooded black robes and by bleaching their hair white, a tradition carried on by British Barristers who wear black robes and white wigs to this day. The black robes were also adopted by the Inquisition. As recently as last century, apprentice attorneys in Scotland were called "devils" and received professional-level instruction on how to lie. This religion also has a long association with sailors and the sea, and it was always popular among pirates. Its' practice by sailors and pirates led to it being dispersed worldwide, and it has continued to have a following in the ranks of the world's Naval Forces to this hour. Adherents of this cult have greatly influenced the Law of Admiralty --- "for behold, Satan is cast down into the sea" --- and British Maritime Law, too. Given this history it is easier to see why the first social and cultural institutions to be undermined and misdirected by the followers of this cult are the courts, the banks, and the Navy. The same thing happened in Babylon, Greece, Persia, Carthage, Rome, Phoenicia, Spain, and now England and throughout the English-speaking world. In every case, the same plot-line is followed and the attack comes from the same sources --- the lawyers, bankers, and naval officers, who are supposed to be serving the nations they are in fact plundering. When they have pushed things too far and the backlash is coming, they move on like parasites to the next host nation --- in this case, to China. It's time to haul this darkness out into the light --- the actual light -- and deal with it in the open, once and for all, so that all the people of the world can finally recognize what The Problem is, and deal with it. We believe that once this is done, the Bogey Man will be revealed as nothing more than a coordinated effort by criminals to gain wealth and power, not much more sophisticated than any other garden variety fraud scheme, simply carried out on a vast scale and owed an equally vast international response. We have already explained how the Federal Reserve Note was created as a "blood money" currency based on the labor and intellectual property rights of living people, and we have touched upon part of the reason why the mostly British Masterminds in charge of the Great Fraud both removed our American gold and silver from our shores and deliberately undermined the commodity-based monetary standards so as to expedite risk-free commodity rigging opportunities for the governments, agencies, and financial institutions involved. Now that you can see how the "land of the free" was converted into the "land of the slaves" by guile and Breach of Trust by the Government of Westminster and its minions, the many members of the "legal societies" and Hired Jurists employed by the British Monarch, all acting under the influence of the old Babylonian money cult --- you can also see the pattern of abuse and motives giving rise to the tragedy unfolding on our Southern Border. This crisis should be of eminent concern to the court and to the people of the world, if only because it so tragically demonstrates the end result of commercial self-interest co-mingling with governmental policies, and all resulting in death, chaos, and destruction for innocent living people. The Municipal Corporation implementing the policies of the Municipal Government of the United States is designed to create overwhelming and "eternal" debt on purpose. It creates this debt by never actually paying its bills, and instead advancing itself through the abuse of credit and issuance of currency based on the credit of others. To keep this scam running requires that they either constantly increase the number of new "citizens" they can latch onto as property, or constantly decrease the number of their current priority creditors--- those same citizens acting in their private capacity as mechanics, farmers, school teachers, and so on. You will remember that in the example given yesterday, one of the actual Privateers responsible for implementing this system, admitted that the "Person" of Governor Bill Lee was despised as a debtor and non-entity, but the royal Subject, Bill Lee, was the creditor -- that is, the Queen was the creditor in his mind. However, the Queen ---in this country--- is a service provider and trustee, not the sovereign in whom all rights, titles, and interests are vested. That role belongs to the American States and People, who have been deliberately defrauded and impersonated in gross Breach of Trust and violation of Commercial Contract, by the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster working hand-in-hand, with support and collusion since 1937 by the Vatican City State and Municipal United States Government. Cast your eyes now to the Southern Border of The United States --- not "the" United States, which has no border. More than a million people in Central and South America are on the move, and most of them think that they are coming to America, the land of freedom and milk and honey, where there is food for everyone and everyone has their own house and a car..... but when they get here, they are greeted instead by "the US" ---- a filthy, misdirected, corrupt, profit-driven "governmental services provider" intent on capturing their living flesh and registering them and their assets as property belonging to The Company. That's why Joe Biden has an "Open Doors Policy". It has nothing to do with offering these people an opportunity for a better life and it certainly has nothing to do with freedom. It has to do with the per capita "value gain" of rebranding a Honduran as a citizen of the United States. Our cows are prime property and get top dollar in the marketplace--- Honduran cows not so much, but rebrand them and pass them off as American cows, and they are suddenly worth hundreds of times more than they were on the other side of the border. Simple economics, but false advertising, and all as illegal, immoral, and unlawful as any level of Hell. We call upon The International Court of Justice and all the other assembled nations of the world to look ---- really look ---- at what is going on here. A self-interested European commercial corporation pretending to be our government is "opening up" our Southern Border --- to expedite the human trafficking and enslavement of potentially millions of people. That is what is actually going on here, and it is all being done under conditions of non-disclosure and fraud. If those people from Mexico and Central America had any idea that they were being solicited to act as debt slaves, would they come here and send thousands of their innocent children through the noxious polluted waters of the Rio Grande, thinking that they are sending them to a better life? While purportedly standing tall for "human rights" the lesser courts of Europe acting as non-judicial tribunals, have all gone along with plans to forcibly vaccinate the entire population of European countries--- an action which will in a few short years lead to the deaths of millions of Europeans who have the right to expect good faith service from their Hired Jurists, but those same Jurists are being misdirected by the scum in Westminster and Rome and Vatican City, Bern and Monaco and "DC" ----who are trying to juggle the books once again. Remember, to keep their Uber Ponzi Scheme going, they have to constantly recruit new "citizens", seize the assets of these innocent people, "securitize" these assets, and use these assets as collateral backing their own credit. The process is no different than the identity theft and unjust enrichment practiced by a credit card hacker. And if they can't lie, cheat, steal, defraud, impersonate, and traffic enough people into their scheme, it all falls apart. Then they are obliged to fall back to Plan B, and start another World War and kill off millions of their creditors, which Joe Biden and his Media Conspirators are pumping up in the background, too. It's not enough to maim and poison and sterilize people via nanotech, they are trying to prepare the American Public for war against China, war against Iraq, war against Ukraine. And for what? Bad ideas come home to roost? It is past time for all of this to stop and for the Perpetrators to be brought to justice. The actual Government of the American States and People is alive and well despite the self-interested lies of our federal subcontractors and their instrumentalities which are being run as commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services. All corporations formed in this country since 1870 have been improperly formed and as they have been formed in our names and via the unauthorized exercise of our sovereign ability to charter such organizations, their correction and administration and ownership does ultimately fall to us and we are willing to make the necessary corrections---- but we are at a loss to deal with the colluding corporations that have been formed outside of this country and those which exist as trans-national corporations, which are operating within our borders as criminal enterprises. We rely upon the High Courts to recognize the clear and present danger that these criminal activities and the organizations supporting them cause, and we have accordingly addressed The International Court of Justice, the Vatican Chancery Court, and the Court of the Lord High Steward to investigate, prosecute, and correct those corporations operating in international and global venues, that have engaged in the unlawful securitization of living flesh, in human trafficking and unlawful conversion of assets, impersonation and barratry, and all the other evils that accompany the Double-Ended Impersonation Scheme which has been employed to create the worldwide appearance of insurmountable debt --- which is owed, largely but not entirely, to the American People in the form of pre-paid credit. We call upon the other nations that stand in need of debt amnesty and forgiveness to lift their heads and rally and realize that we only contribute to this criminality by allowing ourselves to be manipulated into wars that profit the same Vermin responsible for this. This is not about politics, religion or race; it is strictly and explicitly about organized crime and criminal activities taking place in international jurisdiction---- crimes and activities that require international action to stop and to address.
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 6 --The Military Quandary > Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2021 11:24:00 -1000 > By Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] The military is having trouble discerning who they actually work for --- the Pope, the Queen, the Lord Mayor, or us? The answer is surprisingly complex, but it all boils down to: they ultimately work for us. The Queen and Lord Mayor have inserted themselves in the middle and taken control by acting as their Paymaster in our purported "absence", which is why SERCO, Inc., a British Corporation associated with MI6 and the "Senior Executive Service" --- SES, has been cutting their checks. Please note that the U.S. Territorial Government was never granted any authority to do this, and it has been done under pretext of "emergency powers" that don't exist. Please also notice that with our appearance and coming into Session, there is no excuse for continued Territorial over-reach and assumption of control of any function not specifically delegated to them under their constitutional agreement. We have objected to the Queen and Lord Mayor exercising control over our military payroll and have also objected to them assuming free access to our credit for purposes never agreed to, while failing to honor their contractual obligations in other regards --- such as securing our Southern Border, which clearly is their responsibility. Of course, there is the issue that without fulfilling their obligations, they are not only in Breach of Trust, but in Breach of Commercial Service Contract, which places the default and the cost of all this firmly on them, and which also means that they have to meet the military payroll out of their own funds and show themselves as the brutes and bullies behind "American" aggression and the "US" military the whole time. Essentially, they have been using our troops and sailors as mercenaries, using our natural resources and land assets to fund their war-mongering for profit, and using a "presumed" custodial interest in our assets to do it. Now we are back and our actual American Government is in Session, and all of this so-called "mischief" has been unearthed and documented, much to our displeasure. We doubt very much that the rest of the world will be happy with the prospect of them continuing this same game via the misuse and abuse of the Chinese people as cheap mercenaries. The discovery of their mis-administration and criminal activities in this country and "on behalf" of this country --- purportedly---- makes their overtures to China to become the world's new policemen for them and their corporations a more apparent clear and present danger to all concerned. We are all faced with the prospect of the military here being out of a job, our country being betrayed in front of the rest of the world (including our Allies in Russia) and everyone being bullied and beat up by Chinese instead of "American" troops---- all at the behest of the British Crown Corp, the UN Corp, and the Queen. So, if the military, both the old DOD and the Territorial contingent, wish to have jobs and purposes in the future, they need to realize who they work for: the American States and People. And they need to come home and talk to their actual employers. And the Queen and the Lord Mayor need to have some of their more nefarious profit-making and coercion mechanisms examined by the rest of the world, just as the other nations examined their perfidy in India and forced them to make correction and function within the Public Law and the International Law which allows the existence and functioning of their corporations. It's more than past time for the Pope, who in the end, is responsible for this entire boondoggle, to examine the treaties allowing the Inner City of London to exist and also the incorporation franchise that allows the British Crown Corp and the UN Corp (founded by Vichy French war criminals) to exist. And as for the Pope and both the administration of the Municipal Government and the former Commonwealth Government being administered as a "temporary" Territorial Government here, in Australia, in Britain, in Ireland, in Scotland, in Wales, in Canada, in New Zealand, and elsewhere.... please note the following laws pertaining to the parish law, which is synonymous with the district law of the District of Columbia, and the institution of their "District Assemblies" which are being improperly substituted for our State Assemblies, and usurping upon our authority and function. Godwin v. Lunon, 1771 Va. LEXIS 1: "Act of Assembly 1748, copied from Act of 1705 -- Jurisdiction of the General Court -- Ecclesiastical visitation and deprivation are no parts of the "office" of an ecclesiastical judge...." Bear in mind that "districts" equal "parishes" and that Municipal Magistrates, that is, ecclesiastical judges operating in Municipal Districts have been used to seize upon and confiscate the assets of their American Employers, at the same time as former-Commonwealth but now Territorial District Judges have done the same thing in "United States" District Courts. The Pope and the Queen/Lord Mayor have been abusing the Ecclesiastical Courts to commit inland piracy against their clueless American Employers and right under the noses of our military the entire time that this has been going on. 3 Burn's Ecclesiastical Law, 58.Penalties of a premunire --- forfeiture of properly -- for outlawry resulting in perpetual imprisonment of the "person" which results in a Bill of Attainder --- like the so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" which is outlawed with respect to all Americans in this country by Title IV of both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America ---- have been liberally applied to Americans in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract by these same "district" courts and their officers. See Outlawry for Felony -- 1 US 86 (1784) 16 R.S. 2 --- Temporal cognisance/temporal law. Act of Assembly 1661 - Act of 1696 The parishioners are indeed the "Persons" ordered to furnish the money-- that is, the Municipal citizens of the United States and US CORPORATIONS denoted as "citizens" under the diversity of citizenship clause --- but the erection of the parishes, that is, districts, and the gift of a salary or stipend, or in other words, the foundation and endowment of "the church", is the Act of the Legislature ---- meaning the foreign state-of-state legislature in this case. They direct an "officer" --- in this case, a Hired Jurist or Agent, as in IRS Agent, operating under color of law -- to levy sixteen thousand pounds of tobacco (in this Act) on the titheable --- that is, taxable --- "Persons" of the parish/district. As soon as this money is converted and in hand, it become the money of the public. See Act of 1711, c. 2, (1829 edition). Camp v. Lockwood, 1 US 393, Pennsylvania, 1788 --- Restitution of Estates and properties already confiscated as a result of The War of Independence: As to the Restitution of Estates already confiscated, it is not required by treaty of peace between the United States -- that is the Company --- and Great Britain to be done, even as to real British Subjects. (HN3) A Treaty is just as much a law of the Land as an Act of Congress. So, property confiscated prior to 1783 does not need to be returned to the prior owners, even if those owners were British Subjects, because the Treaty of Paris concluded in 1783 between the Municipal "United States" and the British King did not include any such provision as part of the settlement. Crane v Reeder, 25 Michigan 303 (1872) under Jay's Treaty of 1794: a Delinquent subject is an attainted traitor, referring back to the obligation of the British Subjects and Municipal subjects to pay war reparations. 332 Michigan 237 --- a bill of attainder is a legislative, also known as a police act--- which comes under the authority of Article 1 Courts which inflict punishment without judicial trial. As you can see by reading the so-called Fourteenth Amendment to the "constitution" published by the Scottish commercial corporation usurping upon our Good Name and Identity in 1868 and operating as The United States of America, Incorporated, the Municipal citizenry of the United States were subjected to exactly such a foreign Bill of Attainder. The problem is that the Pope's two incorporated instrumentalities have colluded together to deliberately misidentify Americans as Municipal citizens, and have knowingly prosecuted them as such under False Legal Presumptions in his own parish/district courts, despite the fact that Article IV of both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America explicitly forbids this activity on our soil. As more confirmation of this, you will note the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure published by these courts stipulate an "an appearance of justice" -- not actual justice, so that this becomes an admission that these courts have knowingly been operating under color of law on our soil, in violation of our treaties and our Public Law and our Constitutions allowing these purveyors of "essential government services" on our soil. Jackson v Sands, 2 Johns.Cas. 267 (1801) (HN6) regarding Immediate (meaning Instant Action) attainders by legislative acts. See also, Jackson v Vatlin, 2 Johns. 248 (1807) and Act of Attainder October 22, 1779 and Act of May 22, 1722 Subsection 8, 1 Dall.185 ---- establishing Commissioners of Forfeitures. Ware v Hylton, 3 US 199, (1796) (HN5) Confiscation Laws of 1777 -- Two citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia (Wards of the Commonwealth being administered by the British Crown Government) were not indebted to a Subject of Great Britain where the eminent domain of Virginia was confined to "internal affairs" --- and the property of the debt was not within the limits of its territory. Territory refers to the Territorial Government domain. (HN7) Justice is the right to reimburse the expense of an unjust war. See also Settlement at the Appomattox Courthouse in 1886. The various rules that allow Bills of Attainder to be issued by foreign governments against their own foreign citizenry living in this country or against the citizenry of other foreign service providers living in this country based on treaties, don't apply to Americans. In fact, Americans are specifically exempt and excluded from and protected from such Bills of Attainder by Article IV of both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America ---- and nonetheless, the two instrumentalities of the Pope and the Queen/Lord Mayor, have knowingly colluded against their employers in Gross Breach of Trust, Treaty, and Service Contract to "latch" onto millions of Americans and purposefully mischaracterized them to be subject to such Bills of Attainder and subject to two kinds of Ecclesiastical parish/district courts for the purpose of defrauding them, confiscating their property assets under False Legal Presumptions, human trafficking them into foreign jurisdictions and allowing foreign courts to mis-address them to expedite these known international crimes of personage, barratry, inland piracy, press-ganging, conspiracy to evade their constitutional obligations, and unlawful conversion of assets. All the above definitions and case citations are important, as well as the two "federal" Constitutions cited, to form a correct picture of the circumstance that the criminals used to take advantage of their Employers under color of law and in violation of both the Hague and Geneva Conventions. Simply by establishing unconscionable "birth registrations" and registrations of other private property while acting under color of law, the criminals responsible could unjustly enrich themselves in the same way that any identify thief does ---in this case, by impersonating their victims as foreign citizenry subject to Bills of Attainder, pretending a subject matter jurisdiction based on this fraud in the victim's assets, then using the purloined assets as collateral for issuance of credit, running up debts in the names of the victims, and then using coercive force to collect the phony debt from the victims in their foreign parish/district courts. While these courts and foreign governments have always had the right to establish Bills of Attainder on their own citizenry and the citizenry of foreign governments under treaties, they are specifically and explicitly forbidden to apply any such legislative measures to Americans. Rather than abide by this simple constitutional mandate, they have deliberately entrapped their employers in adhesion contracts of various kinds while acting under color of law "as" the government acting under delegated power, and have thus presumed upon their American employers and misaddressed them, shanghaied them into foreign jurisdictions, and subjected them to foreign courts when no such action was ever necessary and cannot be justified. The Perpetrators of this vicious scheme will argue that they were faced with an "emergency" and had to claim and exercise "emergency powers" because the American State-of-State organizations and the Federal Republic were both inoperable after the Civil War, but the actual States of the Union and their unincorporated Federation of States were not involved in the Civil War and were perfectly intact in 1865. The Public here was simply never informed by traitors occupying seats in the Territorial U.S. Congress, and the then-State Assemblies were deliberately misinformed and coerced to create new State-of-State Constitutions that allowed British Territorial business organizations to slide like cuckoo-birds into a nest that never belonged to them, and to assume service contracts and positions of control that were never knowingly and with full disclosure granted to them by the American States and People. They only succeeded in this subterfuge against their employers via the use of constructive fraud, semantic deceits based on similar names, and mis-applying their delegated powers of government under color of law. No "emergency" ever existed in fact, as the Federation of States is the Delegator of all the powers delegated under all Federal Constitutions, and those powers that were left hanging by the collapse of the Confederation providing oversight to the American Federal Republic reverted to the Federation by Operation of Law. All that needed to happen in 1865 is for the Employers, the American States and People, to be fully informed by their Employees. We could have all been spared the Spanish American War, the First World War, the Second World War, and innumerable war-for-profit conflicts including Korea and Vietnam, Iraq I and II, and so much more pillaging, grief, and suffering, if our Employees had simply done their duty by us and the Principals responsible for the misdirection of those Employees had honorably discharged their treaty and contractual obligations to us. So now we come before the nations of the world and the people of the world and the High Courts established to deal with such matters, and we ask for the unified and universal action required to restrain rogue corporations and Principals operating crime syndicates in our midst. We sue for the peaceable return of all our purloined assets, including the Labor Bonds that were used to falsely indebt our people and which establish both the US Debt and, on the flip side, the American National Credit. We sue for the peaceable return and release of all foreign titles taken to our land and our land assets by the Queen and the British Crown. We sue for the return of our purloined state offices from the United Nations Organization, noting that Jimmy Carter could not give them what was never his to give. We sue for the return of our Title IV Flag entrusted to the British Territorial United States. We sue for the return of control and non-custodial ownership of our gold and silver which was removed "offshore" for safekeeping beginning in the 1870's. We sue for the instant and immediate cessation of all commercial warfare on our shores being promulgated by any corporation chartered by any nation at all, including those chartered "for" us in abuse of our sovereign powers. We sue for the international recognition which is ours by Nature, and for the peaceful resolution of these issues. The International Court of Justice, the Vatican Chancery Court, and the Court of the Lord High Steward are all invoked. If we, the defenders and keepers of all actual law, and the people of the nations of the world, stand together for justice and for peace, there is no office accorded to Man or Human which can prevail against the will of the living. Let us all choose to act in the only moment that does exist, that moment called "now"-- and let us act in our common defense against charlatans, liars, con men, bullies, and other species of banal criminals who seek to attain by guile what they cannot wrest by force of arms or moral persuasion. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 7 > Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2021 11:31:00 -1000 > By: Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] People often assume that the "fiat" currencies are worthless and not backed by actual assets, but they are. These currencies are backed by the value of labor, services, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property. We call them "blood money" because they derive their value from the attributes of living people, from our energy, our skills, our labor, our inventions, our performances, our talents, etc.So, everyone needs to stop this idea that the fiat currencies are worthless. The truth is that they are of great value. The further truth is that they were constructed via the use of deceit and fraud to capture their value. People did not knowingly and willingly line up and agree to donate these assets of theirs for the benefit of any corporation in the business of providing them with governmental services, and therefore did not enter into a "private tax agreement" with the Holy See or the Vatican or any other entity including the REPUBLIC OF ITALY. That is the rub. At this point, the Perpetrators of this scheme to "latch onto" the value of our intellectual and energetic property assets have racked up a huge deficit, as they took advantage of the credit they established for themselves based on our intellectual and energetic property assets, and never paid anything back. The way that a Debt/Credit Monetary System is supposed to work is as a Zero Sum System. When you exchange a debt in the form of a promissory note (fiat money) for actual goods or services, you immediately establish an answering credit in the same amount. Think about what happens when you give your friend, Alphonse, a promise to pay for a plate of food. He receives your promise to pay, and you receive the food. It's a "zero sum" transaction, as both elements, the promise and the food, are assumed to be of equal value or you wouldn't make the trade. Of course, in real life, this "voluntary" trade of goods and services for paper promises to pay in the future is often coerced via the use of Legal Tender Laws, which were imposed throughout most of the world in the 1930's. We forget that the USA, Inc., was not the only major "national corporation" to go bankrupt at the same time. The G5 were all in the same boat and went bankrupt by treaty which was arranged at the Geneva Conventions of 1930 and signed off on in May of that year. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the American Delegate who signed off on behalf of the USA, Inc. Legal Tender Laws abuse the powers of government to force people to accept debt notes in lieu of any actual payment for their goods and services. Legal Tender Laws are fundamentally coercive and illegal, which is why those same governments all had to provide remedy for those of us who would not voluntarily accept this unequal exchange. In America, we have to "denominate" our financial transactions to be done in "lawful money" or we are presumed to agree with the Federal Reserve plan and to "pledge" ourselves and our assets in its support. None of this was ever explained to anyone. No explicit instructions about how this is supposed to work or what you need to do to escape these evils is ever given. Through induced ignorance, millions of people are thus defrauded for the benefit of who? The bankers, the attorneys who set up this system, and most of all, the Robber Barons and corporations including the governmental services corporations, that hatched this scheme. In such a system, the energy and power of the entire country is funneled to benefit the corporations by giving them tax breaks and transferring their debts onto the backs of the common people. The banks, meanwhile, are allowed to continue to operate, as is the REPUBLIC OF ITALY ---- as noted ---- as bankrupt entities, so that they have no risk or accountability for their part in this criminal madness. Their debts and liability, too, are simply passed off and on to the same "voluntary" taxpayers. At the point that the taxpayers get seriously annoyed and revolt, there is a problem, but if it's just a few people they may be jailed under the false presumption that they pledged themselves and their assets in support of the fiat currency and are contractually obligated to pay--- or, if they are well-enough connected, they may simply be shown the remedy provided to excuse this practice in the first place, patted on the head, and sent home. Essentially, they buy off the rich and famous by providing remedy under "Non-Disclosure Agreements" and keep the sheeple enslaved as "voluntary taxpayers". In this way, the rich naturally get richer, and the poor get poorer, simply because the rich and knowledgeable don't pay taxes and don't keep fiat money in their accounts even though they appear to do so. Only the bank knows which clients denominate their transactions in lawful money and which ones don't. Now that you know the short history of this travesty, which has been implemented worldwide, you are prepared for the rest of the story. This "system" and I use that word in the slang meaning of "criminal racket" --- has been running more or less smoothly for almost a hundred years. Generations of trusting, innocent people in countries worldwide, have been targeted as the marks and presumed to be volunteer taxpayers, because after all, though they may have grumbled and questioned things, they didn't avail themselves of the remedy and denominate their banking transactions as "lawful money". To a judge in one of the Ecclesiastical Courts they've foisted off on us, this appears to be a moral fault. You pledged your assets to this system and agreed to pay by acquiescence and failure to properly denominate your bank transactions as lawful money and now you are complaining and refusing to pay? Of course, you are guilty in their view, and you are equally clueless. You have no idea that any of this crap is going on and no way to rebut it, either. The Pope volunteered all the Municipal citizenry of this country as debt slaves, parishioners obligated to pay war reparations owed to the British King after the American Civil War. Then, in the 1930's. the British King's Subjects in this country were similarly obligated to act as indentured "bonded" servants for the same purposes--- and to pay war reparations resulting from the First World War. And both the Pope and the King conveniently "conferred" their foreign citizenship obligations on the clueless Americans, who were left in the dark and targeted as the scapegoats of the war-mongers. There is, after all, no way of knowing or telling a person's political affiliations simply by looking at them. An American looks like a Municipal citizen of the United States or a British Territorial U.S. Citizen as much as he looks like an American. So, our Papist and British Territorial employees set up registration mills on our shores, and falsely registered us all first as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and second as Municipal CITIZENS --- that is, as US CORPORATIONS included as Municipal citizenry under the infamous "diversity of citizenship" clause. Presto, change-o! Millions of Americans ( and Italians, Germans, Canadians, Irish, Japanese.....) were unlawfully converted into foreign Persons/PERSONS under color of law. These are gross commercial crimes and crimes of mercenary "war" being committed on our shores (and throughout the world) in contravention of both the Geneva and Hague Conventions, but if nobody complains....well, who's the wiser? Those who implemented this system aren't going to tell anyone what they did, are they? Those who have otherwise benefited from it and who stand under non-disclosure agreements, can't tell..... so it is only those who are alert enough to read the tea leaves who are left to raise the alarm. The alarm has been raised. Now the rest of the story.....this system has been operating for almost 100 years. An absolutely massive debt has been built up by "the" US INC. and "the" USA, Inc. and all the other corporations that have benefited from this system. That debt is owed to the American People and all the other people worldwide, who have been coerced and defrauded and treated "as" Municipal and Territorial citizens under False Legal Presumptions in the form of pre-paid credit. In this country, the US Debt is the American National Credit. Who is going to pay it? It's already pre-paid, by us, by our parents, by our grandparents, by our great-grandparents. At this point, the payback is just a change in accounting. The debtors have to be recognized as the creditors. And new currency has to be issued. Instead of trading debt, you trade in credit that has already been pre-paid, just like a pre-paid credit card. And as that credit was accrued via the payment of actual goods and services, nobody can complain and say that it isn't "asset backed". Think of it this way --- they attempted to indebt generations of people who don't even exist yet, and to lay the debts of the present on our future progeny ---- while forgetting about what they owe to the past generations. We, standing in the present, are able to put a stop to the self-interested madness and call the cards. We have done so. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice - Blood Money 8 - Man or Thing? > By: Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] > Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2021 12:30:00 -1000 We wanted to begin this discussion with the reasons why it is always wrong for a man to be equated with a thing, even a thing as familiar and accepted as a name. Man stands above all things on Earth, and if we are to believe ancient scripture, our purpose here is to be caretakers of each other and of the planet. It's a pretty simple custodial job with lots of perks, but we still manage to bung it up. After stumbling around for a long time and not reaching any good conclusions about our own behavior, we were given ten simple laws to obey, and couldn't manage that much. Then, in an effort to reset things, we were given a hands-on example of what we could and should be ---- and the standard of law was further simplified to only two basic things: love your Creator and love each other, and we are good to go. Now, these are simple concepts any baby can understand, but such is the perversity of our species that ego enters in, we start thinking about me, me, me, and before we know it, chaos erupts, and we are left with a situation like the one presented today. Men have schemed to reduce other men to the level of inanimate things and sought to redefine living flesh as corporations, which could then be bought, sold, traded and manipulated at will. This was done in a two-step process which reduced living people ---Americans and Englishmen and many others around the world---- and redefined them first as "persons", and then, secondly, self-gratuitously redefined "persons" to mean "corporations". In this way and with deliberate animosity, living people were unlawfully and immorally converted, and their names were used to represent "persons" -- both foreign Indentured Servants subject to bondage, and Municipal corporations of various sorts. These changes in the definition attached to common words, and especially to Proper Names, have served the cause of evil and fraud throughout the world and resulted in the abuse of literally billions of living men and women over the course of the past century and a half. The Perpetrators of this scheme are perennially found to be spouting words such as, "It's for the Greater Good." and "Sacrifices must be made for the Greater Good."--- while hypocritically lining their own pockets. Make no mistake, the practices of "securitization" and "monetization" that are currently run rife in the world are all illegal, and are the result of legalizing gambling --- specifically, allowing private insurance to exist. The current scam got its start with the Dutch East India Company in the very early 1700's ---and what is known as The Bottomry Bonds Scandal. The Company insured non-existent ships and cargo, collected the money when these were "lost at sea", and promptly disappeared over the horizon, never to be seen again. Today, we see a reprise of this same scheme, in which non-existent Special Purpose Vehicles and Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Public Utilities and other "derivatives" have been named after living people. These things have been bonded, insured, assigned values, and used as collateral for loans to governmental services corporations operating "as" governments, without really being governments. In our case, for example, our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, was initially misrepresented as The United States of America, Incorporated --- a Scottish commercial corporation chartered in 1868. Later, we suffered misrepresentation by the US, INC, U.S. CORP, USA, INC, USA, Inc., and so on. The same thing has occurred throughout the world. And the end result is the proliferation of things purportedly "standing for" living men and women, without their knowledge or consent, and all supposedly having value and being "insured" as having value. Just like The Bottomry Bonds Scandal, these "ships" do not exist and the insurance policies are vacated as a result. Once again, The Company proposes to defraud everyone concerned and disappear over the horizon, seeking refuge in China. We say that it is more than past time for this criminality to stop. Men are not things. If the insurance industry cannot be better managed and regulated than this, it needs to be outlawed again. The insurance pay off, in "Life Force Value Annuities" in the amount of $950 Trillion Dollars, was delivered to Prince Philip by the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA in April of 2017, three days before the Prince stepped down from his public duties and entered private life again. This money was purportedly supposed to pay off the bonds enslaving the people of the British Isles and former Commonwealth Nations--- including all the improper bonds established on Americans who are not and never were wards of the British King despite rumors and assumptions about our "missing" government. Instead, The Company has reinvested vast amounts of money in China and rat-holed the rest, leaving the victims of this impersonation scheme --- the living people having the same or similar names --- to pick up the tab. We are now in physical possession of the labor bonds used to perpetuate this madness. These bonds represent an estimated one pentillion dollars worth of debt owed by the non-existent corporations, and which is, on the flip-side, also representative of one pentillion dollars worth of credit owed to the victims of this scheme. As you can see, the $950 Trillion insurance, even if it were properly applied to service the debt, does not begin to cover it --- with the result that all the corporations on Earth, including the bogus ones named after us--- are insolvent. Now, either the truth is that we are each, individually, and collectively, of unimaginable value ---and are owed all the pre-paid credit we need to live and thrive and survive and fulfill our destiny as caretakers of each other and of the planet, or, this is just another huge criminal boondoggle brought to us by the leadership of The Company--- which needs to be recognized as a pirate operation--- and shut down whether its in China or The United States or Bern, Switzerland. Looking at the pretty pieces of paper used to promote all this, all neatly alphabetized, all representing such unimaginable debt on one side of the ledger and such unimaginable wealth on the other side of the same ledger, gives rise to philosophical rumination about The Truth. Who among us, when faced with the death of a loved one, or even the death of a beloved pet, hasn't known The Truth? Life is the greatest gift and greatest value there is. And man is the measure of all value on Earth. Without man, there is no market for commodities to buy and sell. Without man, there is no need for highways, feedlots, hospitals or drugstore chains. In fact, without man, there is no value --in a market sense-- to anything on Earth. So what is the standard of value, if not mankind itself? Who gives "value" to everything else? As we face this great crisis, and everyone ducks and runs, and tries to hide from this denouement, chiseling and fighting and betting on this commodity or that, imagining destruction ---- we have a better solution. To begin with, all the bankrupt corporations must undergo examination, to determine if they are engaged in money laundering or other criminal activity, including holding criminal patents or withholding patents which are designed to prevent the development of new or competing technologies. All the commercial corporations must either be liquidated or obliged to adopt lawful purposes language and conversion to B Corporation status. No corporations that exist merely to make profit for shareholders can be allowed to continue. That is not a socially profitable goal in and of itself and does not deserve the benefits of incorporation. As a condition of accepting their debts and ending their insolvency, the corporations agree universally to willingly and without rancor pay their debts to individual people, as stipulated in the settlement of the 1933-34 bankruptcy enactments in The United States, which exempt people from corporate taxes and bills associated with corporate public services and fees, including mortgages which will be paid monthly using pre-paid credit on account and gradually phased out altogether in this country, utility bills, property taxes, income taxes imposed on non-federal, non-dependent people, college loans, needful commercial loans and other billings addressed to Municipal PERSONS. The corporations will be repaid for their compliance with tax credits. Our present program, Sign-In America, will be expanded and networked to provide relief to all those who qualify as either birthright or legally naturalized Americans, and similar programs will be made available worldwide to repatriate pre-paid credit in a practical and non-destructive way. As for England, the Queen of Great Britain, Her Royal Majesty (on the Seven Seas), and Etc., etc., etc.---- and the British Crown Corporation: we are holding the bonds for over 1.2 billion British indentured bondservants, most of whom are not British and not bondservants. We assume that the Life Force Value Annuities received by Prince Philip were set up to provide for the sunsetting of these accounts and the release of the bonds affecting these individuals. And that is what it needs to be applied to, not more adventurism in China. We suggest that Her Majesty's Government consider the many benefits there are to simply being honest and doing one's part in the world. It's bad enough that we've all had to go through the past without dragging the past squabbles into the future. To the Governments of Great Britain and Westminster, we say --- lay down your arms, and don't presume that your sins must be atoned for with blood. Stop being afraid and trying to promote the idea that gold is the only standard of value. In this discussion we have demonstrated that mankind is the only standard of value, as living men and women give value to all things. That includes the men and women of the British Isles, whose wit and sagacity and cultural accomplishments can overcome the difficulties of these present times. With the banks made whole again, there is no reason that the actual depositors cannot be honored, and no reason that currencies based on commodities cannot be re-established, and that a world currency based on our pre-paid credit cannot be established, too. In such a world, all things have value, but mankind most of all, must reign supreme over all the things of this world and be most valuable---indeed, beyond price. In such a world as we hope to establish with the approval of all concerned, the only way for a national currency to gain value will be by reinvesting in the people and the natural resources of that nation, and the only way for the world pre-paid currency to gain value will be by the collective efforts of many nations to improve the lives and skills of their people, the health of the natural world they are heir to, and the sea that lovingly surrounds them. So we say to the court of nations and specifically to the Queen and the Lord Mayor --- lay down your arms. Cease and desist from these delusions of necessity and be at peace. There is no war in America. There is only a misdirected set of commercial corporations operating on two sets of mutually exclusive False Presumptions, battling with each other and causing harm to their employers for no sane reason. There is no schism between labor and gold as standards of value. Both labor and gold and every other commodity belong to one master, and that master is not Baphomet. We, the living people of the world, are the masters of all labor and give value to all commodities, so there is no sense in arguing and fighting over payments in gold versus payments in labor --- nor is there any reason to resist giving credit where it is so undeniably due. We ask in the presence of the High Courts that the Government of Westminster cease and desist and be restrained from its commercial war on our shores, and that it be required to redirect its operations in America to fulfill its peacetime duties under our peacetime flag, and that it agrees to honor its obligations to the United States defined as The United States in business, to maintain "perpetual amity" and friendship. Peace among all these commercial factions is long overdue and as the Priority Creditors we demand their instant settlement and return to their peacetime occupations as a condition of their release from debt. This peace declaration condition requiring the Principals to be at peace also applies equally to the banks and public service organizations that are employed as instrumentalities of the Principals. If they wish to be forgiven their debts, they must agree to similarly forgive others and be at peace. The Life Force Value Annuities, referring to the $950 trillion dollars collected by Prince Philip, must be employed to set off the debts accrued against the so-called corporate indenture accounts and used to set free the Americans and other people of the former Commonwealth, who in fact are not dependents of the Queen and not obligated to bond themselves in her service. We ask that the corporations of the world be served Notice of Insolvency and that these conditions and instructions be fully discussed and amiably agreed to, and that all nations recognize that the American Peacetime Flag is being flown by the actual government of this country. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 9 -- 800 Years of This > Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 10:07:00 -1000 > By: Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] Strangely, it's likely that nobody reading this has ever been paid for their work, unless perhaps, they bartered their labor for a meal or a car or some other material good. Or they may have lived in Wyoming, where they still used American Silver Dollars to buy groceries as recently as the 1980's, and may still do in some small towns. All that most people have ever received for their goods and their services is an I.O.U. from the corporations responsible for this circumstance: Federal Reserve Notes. Euros. Or some other form of Blood Money. We were prepared to look at this situation going all the way back to the 1860's and the so-called American Civil War, but imagine our shock when we took possession of the Bearer Bonds that were used to generate and issue the Labor Contracts (Miller Act in The United States, similar legislation elsewhere) ---and bearing in mind that we haven't "accepted" anything yet and won't without conditions----we realized that the debt has been running in the background like a computer virus, for over 800 years. There hasn't been a Jubilee in over 800 years. There has been, instead, a stubborn and ultimately self-defeating refusal on the part of Monarchs and business operations chartered by the various sovereign Principals to actually pay their workers for their labor ---and an endless reiteration of one side of the economic equation refusing to pay their debts to the other. Thus far, two World Wars and innumerable lesser conflicts have resulted in many of the victims of this gross injustice --- the actual Priority Creditors --- being murdered by the millions, and the guilty corporations responsible for this profiting themselves in multiple ways from the loss of all these lives. Let us examine the ways in which these corporations profit themselves from the murder of their creditors who are often also their employers: (1) Most obviously, they don't have to pay back debts owed to dead men, and given the way they have set things up in generation-skipping trusts, they don't have to pay the victim's children, either. Since the dead are dead and the living skipped over, the grandchildren are left clueless that any inheritance exists, and the corporate predators simply claim the victim's estate and all the earnings from it as abandoned property. (2) The corporations come in and claim all the abandoned homes and land left over from their wars and benefit themselves by using the receipts as collateral for loans; (3) They use the loans to clean up the mess that they've created, then charge the victim's children and grandchildren for the cost of the loans and their own "services" for cleaning up the mess; (4) They insure the victims and collect the life insurance, or, as it is, "the life force value annuities" that they have raised off the dead; (5) They take the profit they made from murdering their creditors and select a new place on the globe where they can do the same thing, over and over and over.This has been going on in an institutionalized way since the English Civil War, and in a less organized way, it has been promoted under the Commonwealth System, all the way back to King John. And here we are, calling an end to it. The key to ending this abusive corruption and this cycle of perpetual war is to deprive the corporations of their profit motives. There is no sense in people fighting each other. Instead of killing each other and enriching these corporations, it's time that we, the living, made the corporations feel the ax at their roots, instead. The following patents are mostly US-held property interests that serve criminal purposes with respect to our civilian population, and which do not have significantly beneficial applications to justify their existence; we are therefore, outlawing these patents and similar patents, and seizing them in our charter interest. These offending patents are aimed at controlling specific people and by extension, human populations, via various control signals and hypnosis and other "mind control" behavior modification routines. These patents aim at violating the Universal Law of Free Will and are the first of many to be expunged which permit corporations to profit from criminal activities and protect those activities without regard for the Public Good. US20050079474A1 US20070052536A1 US2070084473A1 US20100021874A1 US3014477A US3060795A US3278676A US3393279A US3563246A US3629521A US3712292A US3884218A US3951134A US4124943A US4315502A US4395600A US4699153A US4717343A US4777529A US4834701A US4858612A US4877027A US5134484A US5134484A US5151080A US5159703A US5170381A US5221962A US5224864A US5245666A US5270800A US5319735A US5330414A US5356368A US5392788A US5507291A US5774088A Similar patents related to the present virus boondoggle will also be expunged as analysis of Patent Office records continues. It has come to our attention that the perpetrators of this purposefully engineered virus "emergency" hope to benefit themselves by claiming the estates of the victims, including the physical bodies of the victims, by establishing cellular-level patent claims resulting from the injection of engineered mRNA and mRNA and DNA complexes. These claims have already been outlawed in this country, but an even more dire process is engaged. At least some of the perpetrators of the current vaccination promotion have aimed at sterilizing large numbers of people and yes, murdering large numbers of people, by injuring and sidelining their natural generalized immune system antibodies--- and leaving the victims open to runaway infection by any passing pathogen or even a coronavirus variant non-specific to the protein code targeted by the misnamed and misrepresented "vaccines". This criminal scheme appears not only to serve the aforementioned purposes of killing large numbers of creditors of these corporations and reducing the population --- a goal of the Nazi Eugenics movement since the 1920's --- but also to expedite the claim process against the personal estates of the victims by making them sign a financial statement prior to receiving the "vaccine". Let us demonstrate for the courts how this works. Joseph Allen Clark, a man in his fifties, who is unaware of his actual estate holdings, is asked to complete a financial statement. He looks around at his possessions in the terms that he is familiar with, and concludes that his net worth is $528,000.00. Having made this--- as it turns out, false determination, and having signed it, this is taken as evidence. He receives the injection and a few months later dies of opportunistic bacterial pneumonia which kills him because his natural generalized immune system response has been suppressed by the "vaccine" injected into his system with malice aforethought. His actual net worth is $42,004,560,087.09. The Perpetrators of this nightmare come in, present his signed financial statement, the court pays off the $528,000.00 he "claimed" --- and awards the remainder to the criminal corporations that have engineered this entire circumstance as abandoned estate assets. And what other choice do the courts have? The High Courts of the World are called upon to honor and enforce our Liquidation Order seizing the assets and contracts of these criminal governmental services corporations and all those corporations which are in any way associated with this criminality, including the World Health Organization, Inc., the CDC, Inc., the NIH, Inc., the Pirbright Institute, Inc., the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., and others to be named, which have demonstrably participated in this shameful betrayal and murder accompli of innocent people for purposes of fraud, unjust enrichment, and avoidance of their own debts and material obligations. Although much of the patent mischief has occurred in our global Municipal Jurisdiction, as a result of misadministration by SERCO, Inc., a British enterprise conglomerate which has also wrongly been allowed to serve as Paymaster of our Armed Forces, we find that the focus of the virus plan and undeclared biological warfare ultimately attached to it, is from Europe, not the US, and not America. The bulk of the harm being done is centered in the European Union countries, including Great Britain as such, as this plan took shape long before any move to BREXIT--- where the pharmaceutical companies have shared the recipe for their vaccine among numerous nations and not required any patent registration or serial number for the end product at all. This leads not only to chaos and lack of product control, but also to a complete breakdown of accountability for the results. The millions of Europeans who can expect to die from a multitude of conditions resulting from the violent suppression of their natural immune system will have nobody to blame and no recourse to claim compensation, thanks to trusting what they have, in good faith, thought was their government--- but which was in fact nothing but a grossly self-interested and criminally mismanaged interlocking trust directorate operating commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services. And all of this insanity is attached to what? The "national debts" that these same corporations recklessly ran up as charges against their clueless employers. They've finally run out of head room. The numbers have become so astronomical compared to the actual "book" assets of the entire planet that nobody in their right mind can comprehend the incipient damage that these monsters have done, or the long term consequences absent another miracle of forgiveness. Left to their own devices, all they could come up with was an evil and almost childish media-driven fraud scheme, to do what they have always done ---- kill their creditors and claim their creditor's assets as abandoned property, and pay themselves for this so-called service. Again. The whole virus, vaccination, immuno-suppression scheme is only a little more sophisticated plot, all designed to play to the same ends. If left to run its course, it will play out over the same number of years as a traditional war, and yield the same results --- without, however, invoking the dangers of a nuclear or scalar holocaust for the planet as a whole. We propose to intervene, to not let this artificial plague develop, and to hold the corporations that have done this responsible. Take their profit motives from them. Punish their Officers and Board Members. Put the boot where the boot belongs. We call upon the High Courts of the World to put an end to this 800-year rampage of criminal malfeasance, misrepresentation, and mis-administration, and to also to organize and begin an appropriate and necessary and long overdue re-education of Jurists worldwide. Things could not have gone this far astray and become as alienated from actual life as they have, without the willing participation of the denizens of the Inner City of London, the Temple Bar, and the Inns of Court in these crimes and usurpations against the living people. Although this is a private international matter, we wish to be assured and to have reasonable proof that the Hired Jurists and the legal profession as a whole, have been brought back into line and made aware of their actual jurisdictional limitations and their obligations to the living people of the world. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
> Title: Additional Issues for the International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 10 -- Commodity Rigging > By Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] > Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 12:53:00 -1000 It will come as a shock to many, but everything traded in this world is based on commodities. Labor is a commodity. Currencies are commodities. And despite a great deal of false advertising, all currencies including the Federal Reserve Notes, are asset-backed. It will also come as a shock that we have been using "digital accounts" since the 1930's --- and all "money of account" has been created by the account holders themselves in a closed system of domestic legal tender. Whatever the currencies have been and however they have been traded as cash commodities, so far as the banks are concerned, these external "tokens" are converted into digital currency tokens and entered as digits (therefore, "digital") on ledgers. Once entered on a bank ledger, these "representations" become both a liability for the bank and an endlessly fungible and malleable source of new currency credits. That is to say, that a "digit" on a bank ledger can mean almost anything. And can be credited as almost anything, too. A digit can be a ruble. It can be a yen. It can represent labor or gold or oil or steers in a feedlot. It's all the same to the digits. This is where the power of denomination comes in. The people who are the source of all these digits have the power to define the digits for the bank via their endorsement, but they seldom do. And the bank doesn't ask, because the bank would rather have the latitude to define the digits however they see fit. Thus, in America, the remedy to the debt-slavery system that gives rise to the labor-backed Federal Reserve Notes, is to properly "denominate" the digits going into and coming out of your accounts as "lawful money". This then allows people to escape the debt-slavery model and forces the banks --- at least on paper -- to actually discharge the debt represented by the Federal Reserve (Promissory) Notes. That is, instead of allowing the debt to endlessly expand, the banks are required to "redefine" the digits and decrease the "national debt" by the redeemed amount, when you denominate your deposits as lawful money. Unfortunately, almost no one existing outside the Beltway of Washington, DC, was ever told a word about this cozy contrivance, and as a result people did not know how to access the remedy and didn't know how to endorse their checks or how to denominate funds so as to reduce the so-called National Debt ---- a sin by omission and act of self-interested non-disclosure on the part of those offering the remedy ---- that eventually and arbitrarily allowed the US National Debt to balloon to over $25 trillion dollars. Although it may not immediately jump off the page, this is the largest commodity rigging scheme in history, and the commodity being rigged on a stupendously large scale, is labor. It was at this point that we raised our hands and said, "But what about the equal National Credit?" In a Debt/Credit monetary system all transactions are in fact zero-sum. The creation of a debt also creates an equal and answering credit. So, no "National Debt" is possible, unless the answering "National Credit" is not being applied. This is as true in America as it is in Greece or Cambodia. The digits accounting for the National Debt were being religiously accounted for; we even had a large neon-style ticker tape counter in Times Square, showing the second-by-second growth of the National Debt. Not a whisper about the National Credit. What happened to all those answering digits? They were being sequestered, siphoned off, and pooled in gigantic investment slush funds, used to buy majority interests in the Fortune 500 companies in America and eventually to dominate the stock markets worldwide, and also to buy large, large quantities of foreign currency. And all of this served to rig-- first the labor market -- and through this initial fraud, the rigging of all other commodities, including international currencies. The so-called "Economic Stabilization Fund" acquired enough of nearly every National Currency to control it. Once that was accomplished, any National Currency could be destroyed at will, either by hyperinflation or deflation, simply by dumping large amounts of that currency into the market (inflation) or deliberately taking it out of circulation (deflation). How, the court may ask, is this possible? Commodity rigging is illegal. So it is, except that once you remove both the gold and the silver standard, there is no recognized "standard commodity" and it becomes impossible to establish the value of any other commodity. If there is no known recognizable standard for commodity value, it's impossible to say that the commodity prices are rigged. Thus, commodity rigging becomes "legal". We now observe the actual reason that the gold standard had to go, and the criminal motivation behind that removal. The ability to rig all commodity markets and all commodity prices and to artificially restrict access to commodities, including those needed to sustain life --- water and food and shelter -- has been the Unholy Grail of Merchants since time began, and in this century, in this country, it was finally achieved, except that none of it actually belongs to the Perpetrators of this scheme. They have bought, sold, and traded upon the assets of others, using the pretext that they "represent" us, when in fact they don't represent us and have no granted authority to do any of these things in our names.One of the princes in Europe gave the Rothschilds assets on loan with a contract for a specific rate of return and date of repayment. They seized upon his assets, invested them, and paid him his expected return -- keeping the rest of the profit for themselves. And that is all it took to spawn the history of banking as we have known it. The bankers and other corporate beneficiaries of all these schemes have assiduously seized upon assets belonging to the living people, have bought, sold, and traded these assets "for" us, and manipulated the outcomes to benefit themselves at our expense. Now the day of reckoning arrives and we find a quintillion dollars-worth of unpaid labor bonds, our gold and silver purloined and stored "offshore" for "safekeeping", controlling interests in virtually all productive capacity in every economic sector being held "in our names", and unimaginably large Slush Funds, most of them being managed as combined pension fund associations which are organized, apparently, to ensure liquidity of these funds 350 years into the future, while quibbling and denying a comfortable retirement to retirees who are alive right now. It is this underlying worldwide commodity rigging scheme that is the Sacred Cash Cow around which all the wagons are circled--- and while it is comforting to know that our public employees will be able to count on their pensions centuries from now, we do not consider that a reasonable definition of "the Public Good" here and now. And while this same commodity rigging scheme may warm the cockles of the hearts of those who have engineered it, a future determined by a meritocracy of crooks who have undermined and evaded the plainly stated Public Law in order to acquire all this wealth, is something that the rest of us object to. No matter how brilliant or motivated they may be, a crook is still a crook, and unjust enrichment is still as unjust. Our laws against commodity rigging, including currency commodity rigging, exist for a reason. This country is not, as some would claim, a nation of brigands. We have suffered as a result of these out-of-control corporations along with the rest of the world, and so we invite the High Courts to support us in the exercise of our sovereign imperative to declare the peace, end enslavement, balance the books, restore a lawful monetary system, return pre-paid credit owed to the people of the world, reform the corporations, dismantle the illegal commodity rigging scheme that has served to artificially impose the Doctrine of Scarcity, and educate everyone concerning the responsibilities that go with the freedoms that all men and women are heir to. We do not object at all to free discussion and future planning initiatives. We earnestly hope that the truly meritorious thinkers and inventors among us can be promoted and will be, without political prejudice. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 11 -- Counterfeiting > By Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] > Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 06:47:00 -1000 One way to look at the current situation is that we have taken possession of the Labor Bonds issued "in our names" by the DTC, which represented "the US Debt", and which on the flip side, from our perspective, establishes the American Credit. Those of who have been following the logic already know that it is impossible for such a debt to exist without the equal generation of credit. Each existing Federal Reserve Note of any denomination has a Serial Number and that Serial Number is attached specifically to the life estate of an American. The Labor Bonds were the basis of the issuance of that currency as a debt owed by the Municipal United States -- and that debt continues until it is offset. The only way to offset it, is for it to be "redeemed". Someone has to walk into a bank and exchange it for our new currency, which will be based on spending down the pre-paid credit. That is, the new currency will be a credit certificate, not a debt note. As the new bills go into circulation, the debt is naturally "retired" and the old Federal Reserve Notes are destroyed. We plan on doing something very simple --- leaving the President's faces on the bills so that people are not too startled by the change, and replacing the reverse side image of the currency with our American Bison symbol. The exchange rate will be one for one, so that nobody feels cheated. As this currency is backed with pre-paid credit there is no longer any implication of debt incurred by the user, and as it is being issued by the actual government and not a consortium of private banks, it will be a fully secured public script. The effect of the offset on the world economy and the average American family, both, will be swift and positive, but also gradual enough to avert chaos. There will be no need to worry about rushing to exchange Federal Reserve Notes for American Certificates. There remain numerous concerns, and among them, one of the chief concerns is counterfeiting and failure to dispose of redeemed Federal Reserve Notes. Mr. Obama set up a worldwide counterfeiting operation based in China, Thailand, and various other foreign countries, and actually sent our printing presses, specialty papers and inks, and engraving plates to these countries so that they could print their own supplies of "Federal Reserve Notes" at will. Of course, the Serial Numbers are faked and/or duplicated, but otherwise these bills look absolutely authentic. This presents the specter of having an endless supply of "new" debt notes that these foreign enterprises can present for exchange against our Credit Certificates and significantly increases the cost of detection and disposal. We propose that those responsible for this situation, the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster, be held accountable--- and that we should be reimbursed for these counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes along with the cost of detecting and disposing of them. This particular problem, like so much else, would not exist except for their choices and actions. Furthermore, the disposal of redeemed Federal Reserve Notes cannot be entrusted to the usual parties -- the Secret Service Treasury Agents and Federal Reserve Banks, since the temptation would be to recirculate the bills instead of destroying them. We should be reimbursed for the entire cost of setting up our own double-or triple-walled disposal system. Federal Reserve Notes have been used as the domestic currency of this country as part of the administration of the monetary system by the U.S. Military since 1913. As the Territorial Congress is not authorized to issue money and is obliged to function on credit only, a debt-credit system had to be adopted with the Municipal United States and its citizenry held to be the Debtors and the Americans targeted as the Creditors, with the Territorial U.S. Citizens left cozily in the middle as the ultimate Arbiters.Of course, nobody told us, the Americans, about any of this. The various purported changes in our political status created by unconscionable contracts and registration processes foisted off on us as babies were undisclosed and used to redefine Americans as Federal Dual Citizens --- deemed to be obligated both as Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States --- in other words, our erstwhile foreign employees redefined us as anything and everything but what we actually are: the "long lost" Americans.And now, like the American Bison and the American Chestnut Tree, we are back home. Approximately half of our purloined estate has been returned to us by the Pope; this is not exactly a favor, as the relief of the American Credit being applied also means the offset of the Municipal Debt -- and while that releases Americans from bondage, there remains the issue that most of us were not actually Municipal citizenry to begin with and never were. We didn't owe any "war reparations" and were stuck for it anyway.The ownership of the Municipal Corporations and the Territorial State of State Corporations that have been chartered "in our names" must also be settled. As this was all predicated on a Cestui Que Vie basis following the Second World War, we propose that all those corporations be returned to American control and re-chartered under our Public Law, without any debt or encumbrance attached. We are being approached on all sides by conventional commercial bankers hungry for corporate Medium Term Notes, thinking that our Labor Bonds are bonds that they can re-issue as monetized securities. They still aren't wrapping their heads around the concept that these bonds have already been issued and are matured and will be gradually cashed out. Think of Savings Bonds. They are issued, they are kept for a specific period of time, they mature at a final value, they are cashed out. The Labor Bonds are similar. They are issued, they mature, they are cashed out as Bearer Bonds. So there is no further securitization or monetization involved. None would be possible anyway, as our Public Law forbids the securitization of living flesh---- a fact that will shortly be brought home for those who have "presumed" to trade upon our land assets as if they belonged to a foreign nation. The Double-Ended Impersonation Scheme that has kept Americans enslaved to foreign governments since the end of the so-called Civil War, is at an end. The international banking community will have to readjust its thinking, its practices, and its assumptions of debt to fit the facts. And so will the courts. The pertinent Maxim of Law impacting both the Roman Civil Law and the Law of Admiralty is: "Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritatis." -- Fiction yields to truth; where truth is, fiction of law does not exist. Between them, the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster owe us, the Americans, the return of all the land titles they "presumed" to exist on the basis of their unconscionable registration processes, and their "assumptions" about our individual political statuses ----and also the return of all our purloined and removed gold and silver assets, which the U.S. Navy began to transport offshore in the 1880's for "safekeeping" in the Philippines, Indonesia, and other Ports of Call. This offshoring and cashiering of our gold and silver reserves has prevented the re-establishment of sane commodity value standards throughout the world and has expedited the lawless and unaccountable commodity rigging, including the manipulation of international currency commodities, that we have already discussed. It is apparent to any thinking man that this entire criminal boondoggle which has occurred in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract, is more than sufficient cause for the High Courts in International and Global Jurisdiction to take action in our favor and to require the return of all our purloined assets, including our Title IV Flag, which was loaned to our Treaty Partners for their use in the discharge of their Delegated Powers---- that is, Duties, for which they have been well-compensated --- and which was "lost" to pirates during the year 2000 vacating of the United States Municipal Capitol. If we loan our lawn mower to our employee so that he can mow our lawn, and a robber takes it, it is still our lawn mower. The pertinent Maxim of Law is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." In the same way, our Title IV Flag has been seized upon by pirates and is subject to recapture under both Law Merchant and Admiralty Law. We understand that the pirate in question, a Mr. Russell Gould, went to the Vatican and "cut a deal" claiming that he was the rightful owner of our Title IV Flag. We strenuously object to these agreements made in our presumed absence and dispense with them as the actual owners of the flag in question. We consider this another form of counterfeiting and attempted identity theft, which must be universally opposed. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
> Title: Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 12 -- Pride of Place > By: Anna Von Reitz [image 2][2] > Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2021 06:33:00 -1000 Yesterday, 22nd of April 2021, the House of the U.S. Congress - the British-affiliated Territorial Congress, passed House Resolution 51, entitled: "To provide for the admission of the State of Washington, D.C., into the Union." The Resolution was presented as a Bill and it was voted upon as an enactment of Law applicable to the Territorial Government and its citizenry, not as an amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America. This is important because such an action would require a constitutional amendment and it would need to be approved by the actual State Governments now assembled and in Session. Neither did this Resolution receive the two-thirds (2/3rds) of the Votes cast as mandated by Article V of the Federal Constitutions. This is important for obvious reasons. The District of Columbia is a creation of the original Federal Constitution passed in 1787, which also provided that the Federal Congress should provide for its governance and act as a plenary oligarchy with respect to its administration: "To exercise exclusive jurisdiction in all cases whatsoever, over such district .... as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of government of the United States ...." Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.The Members of the Congress have no ability to alter or amend this provision of the original Constitution with an enactment of private Laws; and also, the actual American Government now in Session has absolutely no obligation to enroll or accept the District of Columbia as a State. This is important because while the Congress rules as a plenary oligarchy over the District of Columbia, their authority is strictly limited. They can dictate what the District of Columbia desires--for example, to become a State of the Union, but they cannot mandate the acceptance of their dictates by the actual States of the Union. The District of Columbia was created by land cession granted by the States of Maryland and Virginia in the year of 1790. The purpose of this land cession---a special purpose land grant-- was defined within the Residence Act of 1790, 1 Stat. 130 described as: "An Act for establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States." Apart from this use, there is no grant of land provided for nor any reason for the District of Columbia to exist. By Operation of Law, if it does not serve this defined purpose, the land reverts to the actual owners, Maryland and Virginia, and once again, becomes part of those States. As the Congress of 1790 defined the purpose of this cession of lands as being for the establishment of the Seat of Government of the United States, no future governments have the authority to change the terms of the land use, nor any authority to take possession of that land for the purpose of establishing any additional States of the Union. The most that the members of the Territorial Congress could do upon the dissolution of their international independent city state -- would be to honorably retrocession the land back to Maryland and Virginia, provided that the actual States accepted the land back. This provision is important, because land that is subject to retrocession may be polluted or otherwise damaged, and the States have the right to inspect the premises and decide the terms upon which they may accept it back. As the District of Columbia was, moreover, created by the combining of lands from two distinct States of the Union, the action proposed --- to arbitrarily take lands belonging to these States and combining these lands without the express consent of the Legislatures of these States --- their State Assemblies --- is beyond the powers of any U.S. Congress. Maryland and Virginia gave cession of the land underlying the District of Columba for a specific purpose; these States of the Union never severed their jurisdiction over those lands. They merely gave up their authority to legislate over cases arising within the boundaries of the District of Columbia. This is important as it concludes that the independence of the District of Columbia is as an inchoate state, not an actual State. Please also observe that the grant of what amounts to a perpetual land use permit by the States of Maryland and Virginia does not provide for any other use of that land --- such as the actions taken to create an independent international city-state known as the Municipality of Washington, DC. Such a use of the land as the headquarters of an independent international city-state was never allowed by nor contemplated by Maryland or Virginia when making the cession, and the development of the Washington, DC, Municipal city-state must be viewed as an unconstitutional and non-contractual usurpation against the actual expressed intent of the land cession provided by our States. Please also note that the District of Columbia is not a possession of land by the United States, but is a grant of land use by the States of Maryland and Virginia, and as such, is neither a territory nor other property that may be disposed of by the Territorial Congress under the authority of Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2. The creation of States is not an action congruent with the disposal of lands. In this as in so many other actions undertaken by our erstwhile Territorial Employees, they arrogantly over-reach the limits of any natural or granted authority and attempt to dictate the prerogatives owed to others. While we most earnestly desire the understanding and support of the other nations of the world and are united in our desire to see a peaceful transition of power and asset control back to the actual American Government, this present action by the Territorial Congress is emblematic of the ignorant, reckless, and misguided misadministration this country has suffered at the hands of our paid employees. They appear not to understand the basics of law and history, nor the limits of their delegated "powers". They and the Principals using them as an instrumentality are constantly trespassing upon us in violation of our treaties and commercial service contracts, promoting criminal impersonation schemes, "voting" themselves raises and emoluments out of the Public Purse, and committing crimes of various and sundry natures on our shores without any provocation by their loyal and long-suffering Employers. To say that their behavior has been wrong-headed and misdirected in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract is mild; in the course of conducting their mercenary war against each other, they have played both ends against the middle--their actual Employers. Despite having been given explicit and repeated Due Process informing them of their dereliction of duty and also the criminal aspects of their misadministration, they have continued to presume upon us and to promote self-interested conflict on our shores. They have continued to evidence a deplorable lack of respect for the Public Law, and International Law, too. It is apparent that both of these organizations and their attendant Municipal Corporations are ultimately owned and operated by the Holy See, which through the organs of the British Crown Corporation on one hand, and the Vatican City Government on the other, has unjustly enriched itself and the colluding British Government as well as the American-born Bad Actors who have usurped upon their Employers in Breach of Trust. We have, for example, been able to track the receipts from the so-called Birth Certificate Bonds --- actually Clearinghouse Certificates --- from the Bank of New York Mellon to the Vatican Bank to the Bank of Canada and the rest going to the Federal Reserve Banks involved in this criminal fiasco predicated on the Roman Civil Law and the continued practice, under that law, of both peonage and enslavement. That this scheme and others like it, including their present pretension of "power" to declare the District of Columbia a State of the Union, have been allowed to flourish under the storefronts provided by such institutions as the Roman Catholic Church and the United Nations organization, is a testament to the enduring and arbitrarily coercive power of money and the temptations of falsehood. We have in recent days demonstrated that all the various courts in this country, except for our own, have been operated as identifiable commercial enterprises secretively engaged in privateering and the collection of war reparations from people who have been at peace since 1814. We have also demonstrated that all the various "District Courts" operating in this country are in fact Parish Courts operating secretively under ecclesiastical law, popularly known as "The Spanish Law of the Inquisition", that has nothing whatsoever to do with our General Public. We have ourselves had to repeatedly and in Public rebuff the incorporated Roman Catholic Church to inform the respective Archbishops that we are not members of any incorporated church and we have also had to serve similar Notice of Non-Membership and Non- Participation on the various political parties - Republican, Democratic, Independent, and so on ---that presume that we are members of their organizations and that we are voluntarily participating in their devious substitution of private corporate "elections" for actual Public Elections. For those of us in a position to appreciate the irony, this is precisely what started the first American Revolution: Americans being forced to pay for the British expenses of fighting The Seven Years War which ran from 1756 to 1763, and which is deceptively called The French and Indian War in this country. That, and our resistance to the King's Equity Law, a venal admixture of British Common Law and Admiralty Law serving as a sugar-coating for legalized banditry by the British Royals. Imagine our dismay and disgust to return to our shores, having never knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily vacated them ---to discover that our States have been mothballed as State Trusts operated "for" us by foreign Employees, and our People have been press-ganged in diverse World Wars and Mercenary Conflicts, and our babies have been misidentified as British Territorial Persons and trafficked offshore, where their "infant decedent estates" have been created and administered under The Spanish Law of the Inquisition.What possible insanity is this, and what excuse may the other Principals guilty of defrauding our country offer? When did the Americans fail to support the Pope in any humanitarian effort? Did we not offer the Roman Catholic Church a safe refuge of religious freedom on our shores? When did we tax the Church on its extensive holdings? At what point and upon what cause did our actual Government ever deserve such disservice at the hands of the Roman Catholic Clergy? As for the Governments of the Queen and Westminster, where would they be without the Americans saving their bacon in two World Wars and endless other Mercenary Conflict squabbles that the British Crown Corporation and its affiliates like BlackRock, Inc., and yes, the UN CORP, too, have engaged in for profit? Our honorable soldiery has been misled and our Armed Forces have been misused as cheap mercenaries, a fate that is now being brokered and transferred to the Chinese military. Our international land jurisdiction as well as our jurisdiction within the international jurisdiction of the sea and in global commerce, has been trespassed upon and commandeered by our own Employees under the direction of the Queen, the Government of Westminster, and ultimately, the Holy See. This has been done in violation of both the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Conventions. And now they propose to clothe themselves with the protections of an American State of the Union, without our permission? As neither a Territory nor a Possession of the United States, the respective corporations, their Officers, and the citizenry of the District of Columbia are homeless, stateless, and purposeless unless they immediately yield to the Public Law of this country and our long-published Law of the Land. A nation-wide educational effort is being made at this time to fully disclose the various political statuses available to Americans and the responsibilities of each kind of citizenry, so that people may freely and with conscious will choose and exercise their political status options. We express our undying thanks to our Senior American Researchers, who wish to remain unknown, but who have contributed so long and faithfully to this effort. Anna Maria Riezinger, FiduciaryThe United States of America ---------------------------- See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com[3] To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.[4] [image 6][6] [image 7] Links:
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...and, oh, incidentally,
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[ the Hindu "God"
Siva is one of the many names of
Lucifer. -- celeste ]
We are focussing here upon the physical health habits practiced at the monastery, specifically, diet, (and would like to include details of herbs used, if the book had provided such), and sound. -- celeste
Foods in general: Seeds - grind + consume Milk (- vegetable) 1/3 to 2/3 Fruit Nut + Seeds Milk 1 hour + supports physical body + frees attachments Butter (& cheese) supports intellectual / nervous Take dairy alone or with fruits Vegetables which grow above ground Herbs grow in a separate garden Honey When wind blows from: N more milk S more fruit E more honey W more seeds+nuts When weather is cool milk, seeds+nuts dominate so add honey to balance hot fruit, honey, little seeds, milk + nuts less add H2O + Spices for late day consumption
> Feed: New Dawn: The World's Most Unusual Magazine > Title: Life, Death & Gnosis: The Gnostics on the Afterlife > Author: Richard Smoley > Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2021 23:25:48 -1000 > Link: https://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/life-death-gnosis-the-gnostics-on-the-afterlife [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [image 8] [8] From New Dawn 109 (Jul-Aug 2008) [9] The possibilities for life after death come down to a mere three:
If we're going to talk about this subject at all, we can rule out the first option categorically, especially since practically every culture and religion teaches that there is some form of life after death. There are many discussions of the evidence for the afterlife, and while this is a fascinating subject, it's out of the scope of this article.
Which, then, of the two remaining options is most likely? Usually these are simplistically conceived. You reincarnate: depending on your karma, you come back down to earth to live again as a sage or a stockbroker. Or you are judged before the heavenly throne and are sent up to heaven or down to hell once and for all.
The Gnostics, the mysterious esoteric teachers of the early centuries of the Common Era, had their own perspective on the afterlife. Although their teachings have been all but lost, enough material remains so that we can reconstruct them. If we do, we will reach some valuable insights not only about some elements of the later Western occult traditions but about the project of spiritual liberation.
The Gnostic texts speak very little about reincarnation. We do, however, find some references to this concept in the Corpus Hermeticum ("Hermetic body" of writings). Probably written in the first to third centuries CE, they largely consist of dialogues between a divine figure named Hermes Trismegistus and his son Tat (or Thoth, the Egyptian god that most resembled the Greek Hermes). Their origin is suggested by the title of the leading treatise: Poimandres (from which I'll quote below). This is a Grecization of p-eime-n-re, "illumined mind" in Egyptian. The Hermetic texts were descriptions of ancient Egyptian esoteric knowledge recast in the language and thought of the Greeks, who were culturally dominant in the Mediterranean world of that time. The Hermetic texts aren't usually considered to be Gnostic per se, although their ideas were extremely similar to those of the Gnostics and can be taken as part of the same milieu.1
The Hermetic texts speak of reincarnation, but not in the sense familiar from New Age versions of the doctrine. The Hermetic writings generally portray reincarnation as a punishment. One treatise tells us that a person who dies childless "is sentenced to a body that has neither a man's nature nor a woman's - a thing accursed under the sun." And a text known as the Asclepius says that "those who live faithfully under god" will ascend to become divine beings, but "for the unfaithful it goes differently: return to heaven is denied them, and a vile migration unworthy of a holy soul puts them in other bodies."2
Both the Hermeticists and the Gnostics were much more interested in the spirit's ascent after death. In order to understand their views, we have to set aside one background assumption that we may have received from conventional Christianity: that heaven is all good, that, as it were, all the evil is down below. As a matter of fact, the Gnostics say little about hell as such. To them the dangers encountered by the spirit after death took a very different form.
Meet the Archons
If you read even a small amount about Gnosticism, you will come across references to the archons, whose name comes from a Greek word meaning "rulers." Malign spiritual powers, they stand in the celestial realms interposed between us and the true, good God far above. Who are these archons?
Although it's sometimes forgotten, the Gnostics took much of their inspiration from the apostle Paul. One key verse appears in Ephesians (an epistle that, most scholars today agree, was not actually written by Paul, although it was attributed to him): "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Eph. 6:12).3 Although the verse does not use the word archons (in the Greek New Testament, this word usually refers to human rulers; cf. Luke 12:58, John 3:1), the word translated as "principalities" is arkhas, which comes from the same root. The writer of Ephesians is saying that these "rulers of the darkness of this world" are in the celestial spheres that are interposed between the earth and the realms of the true heaven far above. For the Gnostics, this meant that there are two heavens: one a sinister, intermediary realm of the archons, the other the realm of the true, good God above. To reach the true heaven (sometimes called the Pleroma or "fullness") after death, the spirit has to pass through the spheres of the archons.
There were many Gnostic systems, and their critics sometimes complained that they changed their teachings every day. But in essence both Gnosticism and Hermeticism envisaged the journey of the spirit in the afterlife as an ascent through the realms of the concentric spheres surrounding the earth. Often these were associated with the seven planets as understood by the ancients: the moon, Mercury, Venus, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (in that order), each of which had its own ruler or archon. The clearest and most concise description of this process appears in the Poimandres, which describes the bad qualities the spirit must shed after death in each planetary zone:
Thence the human being rushes up through the cosmic framework, at the first zone [the moon] surrendering the energy of increase and decrease; at the second [Mercury] evil machination, a device now inactive; at the third [Venus] the illusion of longing, now inactive; at the fourth [the sun] the ruler's arrogance, now freed from excess; at the fifth [Mars] unholy presumption and daring recklessness; at the sixth [Jupiter] the evil impulses that come from wealth, now inactive; and at the seventh zone [Saturn] the deceit that lies in ambush. And then, stripped of the effects of the cosmic framework, the human enters the region of the ogdoad [the spiritual realm]; he has his own proper power, and along with the blessed he hymns the father.4
Another portrait of the soul's ascent appears in Contra Celsum ("Against Celsus"), a polemical work written by the Church Father Origen (c.185-c.254 CE). Origen at one point describes the teachings of a Gnostic sect called the Ophites. Not much is known about them, but they were so called from the Greek word ophis ("serpent"). Unlike orthodox Christianity, they regarded the serpent of Genesis as a positive figure, bringing Adam and Eve gnosis or knowledge. [image 10] [10]Ophite Gnostic cosmology symbolising the structure of Reality. The world serpent Leviathan encircles the planetary realm, with Saturn on the boundary. After death the soul/spirit attempts to ascend through the spheres of the archons that are identified with the planets.
The Ophites, Origen tells us, believe that after death the soul has to pass through a "barrier of evil." Then it has to confront a series of archons, who are associated with the planets. In ascending order from the earth, they are:
* 1. Moon: Horaeus * 2. Mercury: Ailoaeus or Eloaeus * 3. Venus: Astaipheus * 4. Sun: Adonai * 5. Mars: Sabaoth * 6. Jupiter: Iao * 7. Saturn: Ialdabaoth
(Note that the order is the same as in the Poimandres.) In order to pass through these spheres, the Gnostic initiate was taught what to say to the archons and which symbol to present to them as a kind of passkey. To Ialdabaoth, for example, one is supposed to say:
And thou, Ialdabaoth, first and seventh, born to have power with boldness, being ruling Word of a pure mind, a perfect work for Son and Father, I bear a symbol marked with a picture of life, and having opened to the world the gate which thou didst close for thine eternity, I pass by thy power free again. May grace be with me, father, let it be with me.5
Irenaeus of Lyons, the second-century Church Father whose work Against the Heresies is one of our chief primary sources about Gnosticism, describes another view of this process. Speaking of one school of Gnostics, he writes:
These hold that the knowledge of the unspeakable Greatness is itself perfect redemption. For since both defect and passion flowed from ignorance, the whole substance of what was thus formed is destroyed by knowledge; and therefore knowledge is the redemption of the inner man. This, however, is not of a corporeal nature, for the body is corruptible; nor is it animal, since the animal soul is the fruit of a defect, and is, as it were, the abode of the spirit. The redemption must therefore be of a spiritual nature; for they affirm that the inner and spiritual man is redeemed by means of knowledge, and that they, having acquired the knowledge of all things, stand thenceforth in need of nothing else. This, then, is the true redemption.6
Soul, Spirit & the Afterlife
Irenaeus indicates that the Gnostics believed in a tripartite division of the human entity: the physical body, the soul (what Irenaeus calls the "animal soul"), and the spirit. Orthodox Christianity originally had the same teaching, although it would be lost over the centuries. Today you will have great difficulty finding a churchman of any denomination who can explain to you the difference between the soul and the spirit.7 But the Gnostics thought these two things were very different indeed, and this fact provides the key to their views of the afterlife.
When you read a standard version of the New Testament and come across the word "soul," it is almost always translating the Greek word psyche. That's what "soul" originally meant. It is the psyche - the constellation of thoughts and feelings, conscious and unconscious, that constitute your inner life. It also includes the vital principle, or life force (the "animal soul"). As the passage from Irenaeus suggests, the Gnostics knew that this soul was not immortal and was not meant to be. [image 11] [11]'The Ascent into the Empyrean or Highest Heaven' by Hieronymus Bosch
The spirit is another matter. It is that in you which, at the deepest level, says "I." It is the principle of pure consciousness that looks out of your body and psyche as through a telescope. There are many names for it: Atman, the Self, the kingdom of heaven, ruach in Hebrew and pneuma in Greek. This principle is immortal and indestructible; it will remain long after both body and soul have disintegrated.
In fact the soul is supposed to disintegrate. It is made up of planetary influences (hence it is sometimes given the name "astral body"), which are as temporary and transitory as the combinations of molecules that make up the physical body. The Gnostics conceived of incarnation as a descent from the supernal realms through the spheres of the seven planets down to earth. As the spirit made its way through these spheres, it takes on the colouration of each of these planets. Conversely, at the time of death, the spirit ascends and (at least ideally) shakes off the influence of each planet in turn, since these influences are the shackles that bind the soul to materiality. That's why the Hermetic text quoted above tells us that "the human being rushes up through the cosmic framework, at the first zone [the moon] surrendering the energy of increase and decrease" and so on. Some of the Gnostics, such as the Ophites, thought it was necessary to know the occult names of each of the archons guarding these tiers as a way of getting through (in ancient magic, to know the name of something is to have power over it). Others, like the ones described by Irenaeus, apparently believed that the mere knowledge of the situation was enough for liberation.
For individuals who do not have access to this salvific knowledge in one form or another, "it goes differently," as we read in the Hermetic text quoted above: "return to heaven is denied them, and a vile migration unworthy of a holy soul puts them in other bodies." [image 12] [12]Get the issue this article appears in [9]
Reincarnation Undesirable
Reincarnation today is an increasingly popular belief. Surveys show that about 20-25% of the population of the Western countries (and as many as a third of the people in Russia) believe in it. It has the advantage of being more reassuring than the conventional Christian view that you could fry in hell for an infinite amount of time as punishment for sins committed for an extremely finite amount of time on earth. And there is a considerable body of work attesting to past-life memories (Ian Stevenson is a pioneer in this field), so that reincarnation is far better-validated than scientistic materialism would have us believe.
Nonetheless, practically all the traditions that teach reincarnation view it as undesirable. We can come back, but if we do, it is the result of a problem or a mistake on our part. The ideal fate for an individual in Hinduism is moksha or liberation from the chain of incarnation; nirvana has the same position in Buddhism. The celebrated Tibetan Book of the Dead consists of step-by-step instructions for the newly deceased in how to avoid reincarnating. The Gnostics and Hermeticists portrayed this liberation as the ascent of the spirit through the realm of the hostile archons into the Pleroma.
Even the position of reincarnation in conventional Christianity is not quite what you might expect. Astonishingly, the doctrine of reincarnation has never been explicitly repudiated by the Catholic Church, even though most of its theologians have dismissed or derided it. Today some people claim that the doctrine was rejected either by the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE or by the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, but as a matter of fact neither of these dealt with the topic; instead they were concerned with the nature of Christ. One source of this misconception is Shirley MacLaine, the actress and New Age author, who introduced these ideas in her highly popular books, adding further to the confusion by mixing up the two councils.8
At any rate, reincarnation sits ambiguously on the edge of the Christian tradition. Valentin Tomberg (1900-73), a Baltic German convert to Roman Catholicism whose Meditations on the Tarot, published anonymously, remains one of the great modern classics of esoteric Christianity, observes:
The Church was hostile to the doctrine of reincarnation, although the fact of repeated incarnations was known - and could not remain unknown - to a large number of people faithful to the Church with authentic spiritual experience. The deeper reason is the danger of reincarnation by way of the ghost, where one avoids the path of purification (in purgatory), illumination and celestial union. For humanity could succumb to the temptation of preparing for a future terrestrial life, instead of preparing for purgatory and heaven, in earthly life.9
If you set aside the Catholic term of "purgatory" in this passage, you end up with a view very much like that of the Gnostics. The spirit is purified and illumined in its ascent, and eventually enters the realm of the Father. The "ghost" of which Tomberg speaks is a soul - that is, an astral body - that has not properly disintegrated. It either lurks around the earth, causing ghostly phenomena, or becomes entrapped in yet another physical body.
Curiously, the Gnostic teachings also survived in Eastern Orthodoxy, which owes more to Gnosticism than it cares to admit. Orthodox Christianity uses the quaint but vivid metaphor of "aerial tollhouses" to speak of the spirit's perilous ascent after death. The number of these tollhouses is usually said to be twenty. Here is one account, attributed to Taxiotes, a soldier in antiquity who had a near-death experience:
When I was dying, I saw Ethiopians who appeared before me. Their appearance was very frightful; my soul beholding them was disturbed. Then I saw two splendid youths, and my soul leaped out into their arms. We began slowly to ascend in the air to the heights, as if flying, and we reached the toll-houses that guard the ascent and detain the soul of each man. Each toll-house tested a special form of sin: one lying, another envy, another pride; each sin has its own testers in the air. And I saw that the angels held all my good deeds in a little chest; taking them out, they would compare them with my evil deeds. Thus we passed by all the toll-houses. And when, reaching the gates of the heavens, we came to the toll-house of fornication, those who guard the way there detained me and presented to me all my fleshly deeds of fornication, committed from my childhood up to now. The angels who were leading said to me, "All the bodily sins which you committed in the city, God has forgiven, because you repented of them." To this my adversaries said to me, "But when you left the city, in the village you committed adultery with a farmer's wife." The angels, hearing this and finding no good deed which could be measured out for my sin, left me and went away. Then the evil spirits seized me, and overwhelming me with blows, led me down to earth. The earth opened, and I was let down by narrow and foul-smelling descents into the underground prison of hell.10
It's easy to find resemblances in this passage to the Gnostic and Hermetic texts we've already examined. The basic process is the same: the soul ascends through the aerial region toward heaven but encounters sentinels that bar its way. The Gnostic texts saw the way through in esoteric terms: it was necessary to know the name of the archon guarding each one and to know how to address him, or at any rate to understand the truth of the situation. Here, in an Orthodox Christian context, it is a matter of purity from sin. (As a matter of fact, the seven planets are associated with the seven deadly sins: the moon, with envy; Mercury, with sloth; Venus, lust; the sun, pride; Mars; anger; Jupiter, gluttony. The seventh, covetousness, is associated with the earth, but as we can see from the Poimandres, the seventh is sometimes taken to be deceit, and is associated with Saturn.) Like the Gnostics, the Orthodox regard these aerial tollkeepers as evil spirits. Their leader is the Devil, "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" (Eph. 2:2).
Echoes of Gnostic ideas resonate in other forms of esotericism. Here is one passage from the Zohar, the central text of the Kabbalah, the mystical tradition of Judaism. A rabbi tells of his encounter with some "children of the East" and their books of sacred wisdom, which, he says, resemble the teachings of the Jewish Torah. These books from the East said that:
It is by his acts, by his words, and by his fervency and devotion that [the worshipper] can draw to himself that spirit from on high. They further said that if a man follows a certain direction in this world, he will be led further in the same direction when he departs this world; as that to which he attaches himself in this world, so is that to which he will find himself attached in the other world; if holy, holy, and if defiled, defiled. If he cleaves to holiness he will on high be drawn to that side and be made a servant to minister before the Holy One among the angels. Similarly if he clings here to uncleanness, he will be drawn there towards that side and be made one of the unclean company and be attached to them. These are called "pests of mankind," and when a man leaves this world they take him up and cast him down into Gehinnom [i.e., hell].11
The rabbi also says that these books also have "rites and ceremonies pertaining to the worship of the stars, with the requisite formulas and the directions for concentrating the thoughts upon them, so as to draw them near the worshipper." These would seem to resemble the Gnostic formulas and directions for encountering and passing through the gates of the archons, who are associated with the planets. But the rabbi discourages this kind of practice, saying that Jews are to worship the Holy One alone.
It would be possible to trace the threads of these Gnostic ideas in many more directions, certainly in the Kabbalah. Gershom Scholem, the greatest twentieth-century scholar of the Kabbalah, emphasised that "it was Gnosticism, one of the last great manifestations of mythology in religious thought which lent figures of speech to the Jewish mystic."12
Such is the view of the scholar. He sees affinities and resemblances between texts and traditions, and naturally assumes that the earlier ones must have influenced the later ones. But someone who wants to transcend the limits of mere academic scholarship has to ask another question: are these similarities the result of influence in a conventional sense, or is it rather that these mystics and illuminates of different traditions saw the same reality and tried to express it in terms of their own language and thought? I myself suspect that both of these things are true.
What, then, is the mystical reality to which all these teachings point? I would suggest that it is something like this: The psyche, the soul, is made up not only of planetary influences (which is why the natal horoscope is believed to give the key to your character) but of the concepts and conditioning that were attached to it over the course of an incarnation. The Tibetan Book of the Dead, which describes this process in Tibetan Buddhist terms, calls this complex "the thought-body of propensities."13 The ascent through the realms of the archons or the aerial tollhouses represent the stripping away of these influences, including concepts and conditioning of a religious nature. If the break is more or less complete, the unconditioned spirit can make its way to the "true heaven" - that is, other realms of existence where it will continue to be perfected. If not, it is thrown back down to earth (or perhaps to still darker realms) for another round. The Tibetan Book of the Dead says that the way to penetrate through the bardos (the Tibetan equivalent of the tollhouses) is to "know these apparitions to be thine own thought-forms."14
What practical conclusions can we draw from all this? Personally I would point back to the passage from the Zohar quoted just above: "If a man follows a certain direction in this world, he will be led further in the same direction when he departs this world." The future of the divine monad, the spark of pure consciousness that lies at the centre of our being like a jewel in a lotus and whose refinement and perfection is perhaps the sole purpose of human existence, will be determined by how we cultivate it in this life. For all of the archons and celestial tollkeepers that may appear to face us after death, the responsibility for our evolution - or, if you like, salvation - continues to rest with ourselves. This article was published in New Dawn 109 [9]. If you appreciate this article, please consider a contribution [13] to help maintain this website.
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> Feed: 5. Fifth Level of Learning - The Wes Penre Papers > Title: Fifth Level of Learning, Paper 13: Death and Afterlife in Hindu Religion and Egyptian Mythology > Author: Wes Penre Publications > Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 08:13:31 -1000 > > by Wes Penre, Written on Thursday, November 27, 2014 > Posted on Thursday, February 19, 2015 > Edited by Professor Bob Stannard
I. Transmigration of Souls in the Vedic Texts
I don't want to make this paper too long and complex because as soon as the Wes Penre Papers are all published, I will start writing a book on the subject of life and death and everything in between, but I still want to bring up these same concepts here for the Vedas and Egyptian mythology because they correlate quite interestingly. [image 1]Fig. 1. Yama's Court and Hell
In the Vedic texts, we have learned that Yama and his consort, Yami, are the King and Queen of the Underworld and thereby also over life and death. These two deities, who correspond with En.ki and Ere?kigal, are ultimately in charge of recycling souls. Yama is also corresponding to Marduk because En.ki gave the Kingdom of the Underworld over to his son when he got "erectile problems," thanks to his brother, Prince Ninurta. Yama's Greek counterpart is Hades and the Egyptian counterpart is Osiris.^ [1] [2] Thus, because Osiris' consort was Isis, Yami, therefore, should correspond to Isis as well, but as the reader may remember, Isis equates to Inanna, who visited the Underworld to meet with her "twin sister," Ere?kigal, who was the darker side of Inanna. Ere?kigal eventually took over Isis' role as a breeder for the human race when Isis escaped from her Underworld imprisonment (I later showed evidence that Ere?kigal is not Isis' twin sister, but in fact En.ki's daughter as well as his former lover).
In the Vedas, it says that Yama "supervises" the process of transmigration of souls, which can be interpreted as there are others who are involved in the actual process of the Afterlife as well, while Yama's and his consort's task is as Watchersof the process (this is not the same as the Watcher that the Bible is talking about, however).
Albeit Yama is one of the most powerful controllers in the Puranas, they say that he is still subordinate to Shiva and Vishnu because they are different aspects to the overruling Brahman.^ [2] [3] What this means, on one level, is that Yama is not a spirit of his own, but an Avatar (soul fragment) of Vishnu, foremost, but later also of Marduk. Hence, we have the explanation for how Yama can be subordinate to Vishnu and Shiva when Yama is supposedly one and the same as both of these Devas. We sometimes see in the Vedas how Vishnu, for example, is fighting one of his own Avatars when that Avatar is doing something Vishnu does not agree with. Thereby, the "greater soul;" in this case Vishnu; can be here on Earth at the same time as his Avatar (or Avatars). To us humans, these are very strange phenomena, but to the gods it's quite natural--the Avatars have their own minds and personalities to a certain degree, although they are sent out on missions to accomplish certain tasks, such as Krishna and Rama did--both being Lord Vishnu's Avatars. Things like these, we humans were once able to accomplish and will be able to accomplish again in the future, but then we have to play our cards just right. As long as we follow the AIF's directions, it will never happen--we will continue being 3-D slaves.
I also want to add that there is a major difference between a Deva's Avatar and a human soul fragment. As the reader knows, a human spirit has her fire split into multiple smaller soul fragments that are spread out over the 3-D Earth timeline. Thus, time is simultaneous, and those soul fragments affect each other over the lines of time. They all have different personalities, although they were of the same personality to begin with. However--because we humans have amnesia, each soul fragment has her own experiences and thus creates her own personality over time. She lives, dies, and reincarnates again, just as each of that human spirit's soul fragment does. The more lifetimes a soul fragment lives, the more different she becomes from the original soul she was fragmented from because of her unique experiences. This is why one soul fragment who lives in the 1800s, for example, may be a very compassionate being, while another soul fragment from the same original soul, living in the 1400s, for example, could be a murderer--it all depends on the experiences throughout the lines of time and how the unique soul fragment responds to her environment and her personal development in her own unique incarnations. Each soul fragment is usually unaware of all the other soul fragments from her own spirit, but they still affect each other because they were all "One" to begin with. Hence, if one soul fragment evolves quickly (as you all did who read this paper), she affects other soul fragments from her own spirit positively, and other soul fragments may take new, more positive turns in their development.
With the Devas (and all interdimensional and multidimensional beings), it's different. They are usually totally aware of their different soul fragments--they don't have amnesia as we do. Hence, when En.ki/Vishnu, for example, sends out an Avatar (soul fragment), he is always aware of where this soul fragment is and what it is doing. However, a unique soul fragment has her own experiences as does the human soul fragment and responds uniquely to what is happening in her life. Thus, Vishnu, as the "Greater Soul," can then incarnate, but he usually visualizes himself in a so-called "shapeshifting" and "fights" his own Avatar. He may choose to do so "just for the show" or because the Avatar really went way-out-of-line and had to be stopped. Physical death, which then will be the outcome in such a battle, means nothing to the gods, who know that they are multidimensional. After the Avatar's death, Vishnu/En.ki can withdraw the soul fragment (a piece of fire) and merge it with his greater self. Although this may seem complicated, it's still a very simplified process for how this works.
Three hymns in the Rig Veda (10, 14, and 35 of the 10^th book) are addressed to Lord Yama. He has a dog with four eyes and wide nostrils guarding the road to his abode^ [3] [4] (cf. hellhounds, which we talked about in Level IV). In art, Yama is depicted with blue skin and red clothes, often riding a water buffalo.^ [4] [5] The blue skin is typical for the Vedic gods, and Marciniak's Pleiadians claim to have blue skin as well, when in interdimensional, "physical" form. When they first appeared to Marciniak, they showed up as blue-skinned giants^ [5] [6] (shapeshifting). This is contrary to Lord En.ki and Prince En.lil, who both are black-skinned (I want to emphasize that skin color is irrelevant in the scheme of things, and it's unfortunate that I even have to write an additional side note such as this one because racism is so common here on Earth. Therefore, I want to emphasize that the only reason I am mentioning skin color at all in these papers is for educational purpose and has nothing to do with the worthiness or the intelligence of races with certain skin colors. To make a statement that it would matter is not only childish but a sign of great ignorance and a being who is very poorly evolved.) [image 7]Fig. 2. One of Yama's Hellhounds. (This is a common misinterpretation. People think that the Hellhounds have two or three heads each--thus "dog of two heads"--but they only have one head with four eyes. I haven't found a picture of a real Hellhound, so I decided to show this stereotype instead.)
There are many parallels between the Vedic scriptures and today's New Age channeling messages when it comes to death and Afterlife. We have thousands of witnesses from people who have died for a few minutes, have come back to life on the operating table, then have been able to speak about their experiences while they were "dead." These witnesses can often even tell what happened in the operating room during the time when they were supposed to be clinically dead.
These people say that they can see they own body while floating around on the ceiling or elsewhere in the room, now understanding that their consciousness is separate from their body. Most soul fragments then return to their body because the medical staff manages to revive it, but some go deeper into the Afterlife, passing through the tunnel and going toward the light, until a "voice" tells them that it's not their turn yet, and they need to return to their earthly existence for yet some time--their mission is not completed. In other words, it seems as if these souls had become victims to circumstances that were not planned, causing them to die. This sudden death was apparently not accepted by someone "on the other side," and the souls were shot back into the body. I want the reader to think about this for a moment. Who is really setting the goals for our lifetimes? Is it us or some other force who is in charge of us and what we're supposed to be doing here on Earth? This question needs to be asked because apparently someone else is deciding when it's time for us to die or not.
In New Age, we learn that when our soul separates herself from the body after body death, there is often one of more spirit guides who will come and meet and greet us, welcoming us to the "new" etheric existence. They may be in a shape and form we don't recognize, but they may also be our apparent relatives and friends, who have either passed away before us or for some mystical reason are there on the other side to meet us, albeit they were still alive and well a few minutes ago, when we died! This is another paradox that researchers are struggling with. I believe I have the answer to how this can be, but for once, I'm going to be mean and not tell the reader what I am going to reveal in the e-book that will follow the Wes Penre Papers. This e-book has the working title, Beyond the Death Portal. However, many channeled messages are telling us that there is some kind of guide, or guides, who will meet us after we've died, and lead us further through the tunnel and toward the Light. Depending on the deceased person's belief system, the guide will tell the deceased that more people he or she loved while alive are waiting in the Light, and they want to reunite with the dead person. Similar events have happened to dying people, regardless whether they were New Agers or not.
Consequently, what do the Vedas say about this?
Whitley Strieber, who has been abducted by the Grays a many times since the 1980s, has started to ponder the similarities between UFO abductions and Out Of Body Experiences (OBEs) in general. He is asking himself, "Could it be that some UFO entities are involved with the transmigration of the soul?"^ [6] [8] As I told the reader elsewhere in my papers, these Gray abductors told Strieber that they recycle souls! Don't things become clearer and clearer and more and more obvious? Is there any doubt whatsoever, with all the evidence at hand, that the AIF are controlling the Afterlife and the recycling process? With all the information and evidence at hand, I would say with certainty that the answer is no. Strieber continues his thought process: "Could it be that the soul is not only real, but the flux of souls between life and death is a process directed by consciousness and supported by artistry and technology?"^ [7] [9] He further asks, "Who is watching us?"^ [8] [10]
Richard L. Thompson tells us that "this idea is completely Vedic, and so is the corollary that our actions are watched and appraised by beings who control our destination after death.^ [9] [11] In the Vedas, there are beings called the Yamad?tas or Yamad?ts, who are messengers of death and agents of Yamaraja (or Yama Raja--other terms for Yama). Yamad?tas tell people that they are dead and help transport them to the Afterlife.^ [10] [12] Spirit guides, as depicted in New Age literature, and as described by witnesses, seldom emit negative energies or look scary to the deceased, however, while the Yamad?tas do have a negative energy field, look strange and frightening, and they can, just as the UFO abductors do, travel through walls and other obstacles.^ [11] [13] In ancient Egypt, Anubis was the one who guided the dead down to the Underworld,^ [12] [14] and in Greek mythology we have Charon.^ [13] [15] Each mythology around the world has its own Yamad?tas or spirit guides who trick the newly deceased to go into the Light or down to the Underworld--it is basically just different ways of telling the same story.
II. The Pitrloka planet, Heaven, and the 28 Hells of the Vedas
In the Vedas, there is a planet directly connected with the Afterlife, and this planet is called Pitrloka in Sanskrit. This planet is described in the ancient texts as a very beautiful place where the Pit?s, our forefathers, dwell. The Gandharvas, of whom we've talked in a previous paper, are depicted as very beautiful beings, falling into the category of the Upedevas. The planetary rulers are prominent leaders of the Devas.^ [14] [16] In line with what we have discussed in previous levels of learning regarding the Afterlife, my research basically agrees with the ancient Hindu texts. The phrase, "mystic spirit," for example, refers to the Bh?tas--ghostly beings with quite a negative, alienated mentality.^ [15] [17] They are what I previously referred to as the "unquiet dead," and are thereby souls who for one reason or another can't move on to the Afterlife regions. Instead, they hover around in the Earth planes, sometimes causing what we call poltergeist (other more or less "invisible" phenomena can happen as well). At times, they also blend with our Third Dimension, and we may see them in their avatar form.
Lord Yama is also said to be the lokapala ("Guardian of the Directions") of the south,^ [16] [18] which means the south of the Universe (and beneath the Earth as well).^ [17] [19] The "south of the Universe" is regarded as the Naraka, which is the Hindu equivalent to Hell.^ [18] [20] The Naraka, according to the Hindu texts, is the abode of Lord Yama,^ [19] [21] and consequently, for Queen Yami, too. Many scriptures describe 28 different hells, and each soul that the Guardian and his cohorts think belongs there is appropriately directed to the correct Hell. However, this is not done in an instant--the soul will first stand before a court (see fig. 1), where Yama weighs the virtues and the vices of the deceased. Then he passes a judgment, sending the virtuous to Svarga, or Swarga (Heaven) and the sinners to one of the 28 hells. On the other hand, the Svarga and Naraka are said to be only temporary abodes for the soul, and eventually, the soul is recycled--either as a lower or a higher being, depending on its merits.^ [20] [22] However, there are a few texts that state that souls are trapped in a Hell for eternity, deprived of rebirth (I guess the word "deprived" fits here, as being recycled seems like the better alternative--everything is indeed relative).
The Bh?gavata Pur?na described the location of Naraka and Pitrloka as follows:
Quote #1: The Bhagavata Purana describes Naraka as beneath the earth: between the seven realms of the underworld (Patala) and the Garbhodaka Ocean, which is the bottom of the universe. It is located in the South of the universe. Pitrloka, where the dead ancestors (Pitrs) headed by Agni?v?tt? reside, is also located in this region. Yama, the Lord of Naraka, resides in this realm with his assistants. The Devi Bhagavata Purana mentions that Naraka is the southern part of universe, below the earth but above Patala. The Vishnu Purana mentions that it is located below the cosmic waters at the bottom of the universe. The Hindu epics too agree that Naraka is located in the South, the direction which is governed by Yama and is often associated with Death. Pitrloka is considered as the capital of Yama, from where Yama delivers his justice.^ [21] [23]
As the reader probably may have noticed, locations in the Vedic texts are often described as being twofold--the same place exists somewhere beneath the surface of the Earth but also as a location in the "outside" universe--you can reach them either way. Pitrloka is one such example--it is in the above quote said to be located beneath the Earth, while other texts say it's a planet. A play with words, which sometimes can be quite telling, could translate Pitr in Pitrloka to Peter, which could furthermore be interpreted as St. Peter, who is holding the keys to the Gates of Heaven. Thus, Pitrloka would translate as the Place of St. Peter.
There could be some merit to this wordplay because Pitrloka is indeed a heavenly planet in the Pur?nas. This is from Srimad Bhagavatam:
Quote #2: The inhabitants of Pit?loka are generally men of the karma-k????ya, or fruitive activities category, who have been transferred there because of their pious activities. They can stay there as long as their descendants offer them vi??u-pras?da. Everyone in heavenly planets such as Pit?loka, however, must return to earth after exhausting the effects of his pious acts. As confirmed in Bhagavad-g?t? (9.21), k???e pu?ye martya-loka? vi?anti: persons who perform pious acts are transferred to higher planets, but when the effects of their pious acts are over, they are again transferred to earth.^ [22] [24]
Pitrloka, in other words, are for the pious ones who follow Lord Vishnu's rules and wishes more or less to the letter by their own choice. It's a reward, just like the Biblical Heaven. Of course, it's just a tease, because, ultimately, you need to return to Earth anyway, being recycled as all the rest of the human soul fragments.
I have tried to find out which star system Pitrloka belongs to, or which star it may be, but the closest I've come to an answer is that it's located south of our own solar system, i.e. in the Southern Hemisphere.^ [23] [25] This is not particularly helpful, but on the other hand it is just a curiosity --it really is of no real importance.
However, there are references to Svarga (Heaven) and the Underworld (Netherworld) properly described by Richard L. Thompson, as usual, and I'd like to share what he has to say,
Quote #3: The "nether world" is not exactly the region beneath the surface of the earth. According to the Vedic literature, there are three regions known as Svarga, or heaven. These are delineated in relation to the ecliptic, or the orbital path of the sun against the background of fixed stars. There is Divya-svarga (divine heaven), the region of the heavens to the north of the ecliptic; Bhauma-svarga (earthly heaven), in roughly the plane of the ecliptic; and Bila-svarga (subterranean heaven), to the south of the ecliptic. The Bhauma-svarga is sometimes referred to as Bh?-ma??ala, and it is the "flat earth" mentioned previously...
The "nether-world" is Bila-svarga. It is "out there" in the heavens, but at the same time it can be reached through mystical travel by entering into the earth.^ [24] [26] The nether regions can also be entered by taking the pit?-y?na path, which is said in the Vi??u Pur??a to begin near the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius and extend to the south in the direction of the star Agastya, or Canopus...^ [25] [27] ^ [26] [28]
The Vedas describe what happens in the Afterlife, and as the reader can see, it corresponds with my own research. Yama (En.ki) is in charge of Heaven and Hell when it comes to the Afterlife, and the Yamad?tas are his "Helpers", or cohorts, sometimes referred to as the Grays, although most of the Grays who are working with En.ki are just AIF soldiers in "space suits." They are artificial bodies created by technology, so that they can function interdimensionally anddimensionally (in 3-D), in which soul fragments of AIF soldiers are inserted (or inserting themselves) as if they are their real bodies. The "Gray body type" is perfect for withstanding radiation. This is why you can see the Grays go through walls. This third dimension is just a hologram, so it's certainly not a big deal to be able to go through 3-D obstacles. We have been manipulated to believe that it's not possible, and it's so imprinted in our mass consciousness that it needs a lot of training, will power, intention, and certainty, for us to be able to do it.
According to the Pur?nas, all humans go through Yama's abode after death. However, it's not only humans who go there, but animals do, too. There they are judged, and as described above, a soul is not freed from samsara (the cycle of birth-death-rebirth) just because they have been to Svarga (Heaven) and Naraka (Hell) and served their time there. Each soul must sooner or later return to Earth.^ [27] [29] Yama is assisted by his minister, who is mentioned by name--Chitragupta^ [28] [30]--and he maintains the records of all good and evil actions of every living being!^ [29] [31] This is, of course, the Vedic texts mentioning the Akashic Records--Chitragupta works as the librarian. Yamad?tas are also assigned to punish sinners in the different kinds of hells.^ [30] [32]
III. Description of the Vedic Hells
Early texts don't mention the different hells in any detail, except that they are dark places of evil and a dark, bottomless pit. The Atharvaveda talks about a realm of darkness, where murderers are confined after they've died. Other epics also describe Hell in general as a dense jungle without any shade and with no water to drink and no place to rest. Yama personally instructs the Yamad?tas how to punish certain souls.^ [31] [33]
Wikipedia has an excellent list of the 28 hells and what each one of these hells contain in the form of punishment and environment. I was reluctant to list them here, but then I decided that it is quite interesting, and I want the reader to be able to read them without having to go to Wikipedia, so here they are:
Tamisra (darkness): It is intended for a person who grabs anothers wealth, wife or children. In this dark realm, he is bound with ropes and starved without food or water. He is beaten and reproached by Yamadutas till he faints. [2] [3]
Andhatamisra (blind-darkness): Here, a man - who deceives another man and enjoys his wife or children - is tormented to the extent he loses his consciousness and sight. The torture is described as cutting the tree at its roots. [2] [3]
Raurava (fearful or hell of rurus): As per the Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana, it is assigned for a person who cares about his own and his familys good, but harms other living beings and is always envious of others. The living beings hurt by such a man take the form of savage serpent-like beasts called rurus and torture this person. [2] [3] The Vishnu Purana deems this hell fit for a false witness or one who lies. [4]
Maharaurava (great-fearful): A person who indulges at the expense of other beings is afflicted with pain by fierce rurus called kravyadas, who eat his flesh. [2] [3]
Kumbhipaka (cooked in a pot): A person who cooks animals and birds is cooked alive in boiling oil by Yamadutas here, for as many years as there were hairs on the bodies of their animal victims. [2] [3]
Kalasutra (thread of Time/Death): The Bhagavata Purana assigns this hell to a murderer of a brahmin (the Hindu priestly caste), [2] while the Devi Bhagavata Purana allocates it for a person who disrespects his parents, elders, ancestors or brahmins. [3] This realm is made entirely of copper and extremely hot, heated by fire from below and the red hot sun from above. Here, the sinner burns from within by hunger and thirst and the smouldering heat outside, whether he sleeps, sits, stands or runs. [2] [3]
Asipatravana/Asipatrakanana (forest of sword leaves): The Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana reserve this hell for a person who digresses from the religious teachings of the Vedas and indulges in heresy. [2] [3] The Vishnu Purana states that wanton tree-felling leads to this hell. [4] Yamadutas beat them with whips as they try to run away in the forest where palm trees have swords as leaves. Afflicted with injury of whips and swords, they faint and cry out for help in vain. [2] [3]
Shukaramukha (hogs mouth): It houses kings or government officials who punish the innocent or grant corporal punishment to a Brahmin. Yamadutas crush him as sugar cane is crushed to extract juice. He will yell and scream in agony, just as the guiltless suffered. [2] [3]
Andhakupa (well with its mouth hidden): It is the hell where a person who harms others with the intention of malice and harms insects is confined. He is attacked by birds, animals, reptiles, mosquitoes, lice, worms, flies and others, who deprive him of rest and compel him to run hither and thither. [2] [3]
Krimibhojana/Krimibhaksha (worm-food): As per the Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana, it is where a person who does not share his food with guests, elders, children or the gods, and selfishly eats it alone, and he who eats without performing the five yajnas (panchayajna) is chastised. [2] [3] The Vishnu Purana states that one who loathes his father, Brahmins or the gods and who destroys jewels is punished here. [4] This hell is a 100,000 yojana lake filled with worms. The sinful person is reduced to a worm, who feeds on other worms, who in turn devour his body for 100,000 years. [2] [3]
Sandansa/Sandamsa (hell of pincers): The Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana state that a person who robs a Brahmin or steals jewels or gold from someone, when not in dire need, is confined to this hell. [2] [3] However, the Vishnu Purana tells the violators of vows or rules endure pain here. [4] His body is torn by red-hot iron balls and tongs. [2] [3]
Taptasurmi/Taptamurti (red-hot iron statue): A man or woman who indulges in illicit sexual relations with a woman or man is beaten by whips and forced to embrace red-hot iron figurines of the opposite sex. [2] [3]
Vajrakantaka-salmali (the silk-cotton tree with thorns like thunderbolts/vajras): A person who has sexual intercourse with animals or who has excessive coitus is tied to the Vajrakantaka-salmali tree and pulled by Yamadutas so that the thorns tear his body. [2] [3]
Vaitarni/Vaitarna (to be crossed): It is a river that is believed to lie between Naraka and the earth. This river, which forms the boundary of Naraka, is filled with excreta, urine, pus, blood, hair, nails, bones, marrow, flesh and fat, where fierce aquatic beings eat the persons flesh. As per the Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana, a person born in a respectable family - kshatriya (warrior-caste), royal family or government official - who neglects his duty is thrown into this river of hell. [2] [3] The Vishnu Purana assigns it to the destroyer of a bee-hive or a town.
Puyoda (water of pus): Shudras (workmen-caste) and husbands or sexual partners of lowly women and prostitutes - who live like animals devoid of cleanliness and good behaviour - fall in Puyoda, the ocean of pus, excreta, urine, mucus, saliva and other repugnant things. Here, they are forced to eat these disgusting things. [2] [3]
Pranarodha (obstruction to life): Some Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas (merchant caste) indulge in the sport of hunting with their dogs and donkeys in the forest, resulting in wanton killing of animals. Yamadutas play archery sport with them as the targets in this hell. [2] [3]
Visashana (murderous): The Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana mention that Yamadutas whip a person, who has pride of his rank and wealth and sacrifices animals as a status symbol, and finally kill him. [2] [3] The Vishnu Purana associates it with the maker of spears, swords, and other weapons. [4]
Lalabhaksa (saliva as food): As per the Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana, a Brahmin, a Ksahtriya or a Vaishya husband, who forces his wife to drink his semen out of lust and to enforce his control, is thrown in a river of semen, which he is forced to drink. [2] [3] The Vishnu Purana disagrees stating that one who eats before offering food to the gods, the ancestors or guests is brought to this hell. [4]
Sarameyadana (hell of the sons of Sarama): Plunderers who burn houses and poison people for wealth, and kings and other government officials who grab money of merchants, mass murder or ruin the nation, are cast into this hell. Seven hundred and twenty ferocious dogs, the sons of Sarama, with razor-sharp teeth, prey on them at the behest of Yamadutas. [2] [3]
Avici/Avicimat (waterless/waveless): A person, who lies on oath or in business, is repeatedly thrown head-first from a 100 yojana high mountain whose sides are stone waves, but without water. His body is continuously broken, but it is made sure that he does not die. [2] [3]
Ayahpana (iron-drink): Anybody else under oath or a Brahmin who drinks alcohol is punished here. Yamadutas stand on their chests and force them to drink molten-iron. [2] [3]
Ksarakardama (acidic/saline mud/filth): One who in false pride, does not honour a person higher than him by birth, austerity, knowledge, behaviour, caste or spiritual order, is tortured in this hell. Yamadutas throw him head-first and torment him. [2] [3]
Raksogana-bhojana (food of Rakshasas): Those who practise human-sacrifice and cannibalism are condemned to this hell. Their victims, in the form of Rakshasas, cut them with sharp knives and swords. The Rakshasas feast on their blood and sing and dance in joy, just as the sinners slaughtered their victims. [2] [3]
Shulaprota (pierced by sharp pointed spear/dart): Some people give shelter to birds or animals pretending to be their saviours, but then harass them poking with threads, needles or using them like lifeless toys. Also, some people behave the same way to humans, winning their confidence and then killing them with sharp tridents or lances. The bodies of such sinners, fatigued with hunger and thirst, are pierced with sharp, needle-like spears. Ferocious carnivorous birds like vultures and herons tear and gorge their flesh. [2] [3]
Dandasuka (snakes): Filled with envy and fury, some people harm others like snakes. These are destined to be devoured by five or seven hooded serpents in this hell. [2] [3]
Avata-nirodhana (confined in a hole): People who imprison others in dark wells, crannies or mountain caves are pushed into this hell, a dark well engulfed with poisonous fumes and smoke that suffocates them. [2] [3]
Paryavartana (returning): A householder who welcomes guests with cruel glances and abuses them is restrained in this hell. Hard-eyed vultures, herons, crows and similar birds gaze on them and suddenly fly and pluck his eyes. [2] [3]
Sucimukha (needle-face): An ever-suspicious man is always wary of people trying to grab his wealth. Proud of his money, he sins to gain and to retain it. Yamadutas stitch thread through his whole body in this hell. [2] [3]
Though the Vishnu Purana mentions 28 hells, it gives information only about sinners condemned in 21 hells and does not give details about the punishments. The hells described in the Vishnu Purana, but not in the Bhagavata Purana and the Devi Bhagavata Purana are as follows: [4]
Rodha (obstruction): A causer of abortion, a murderer of a cow, a plunderer or one who strangles a man is cast here.
Sukara (hog): A murderer of a Brahmin, a stealer of gold or an alcoholic and those all associated with them fall into this hell.
Tala (padlock): Murder of a Kshatriya or a Vaishya and adultery with wife of a religious leader leads here.
Taptakumbha (hot pots): Incest with sister and murderer of an ambassador results in torment in this hell.
Taptaloha (hot iron): A wife-seller, a jailer and one who abandons his followers is tortured here.
Mahajwala (great-fire): Incest with daughter or daughter-in-law brings one here.
Lavana (salt): One who vilifies his guru, people superior to them or the Vedas go to this hell.
Vimohana (the place of bewildering): A thief or those who despise prescribed observances are tormented here.
Krimisha (hell of insects): One who uses magic to harm others is condemned here.
Vedhaka (piercing): The maker of arrows is damned to this hell.
Adhomukha (head-inverted): He who takes bribes, an astrologer and he who worships improper objects is cast here.
P?yav?ha (where matter falls): A Brahmin who sells lac, meat, alcohol, salt; he who commits violence and he who eats sweets without sharing falls in this hell.
Rudhir?ndha (wells of blood): Wrestlers or boxers who commit violence for entertainment, fishermen, followers of bastards, arsonists, poisoners, informants, fortune-tellers, traitors, those who have coitus on sacred taboo days and those who live off their wives prostitution are cast here.
Krishna (dark/black): A fraudster, a trespasser and one who causes impotence is cast into this hell.
Vahnijwala (fiery flame): Potters, hunters and shepherds are punished here.
Shwabhojana (food of dogs): A religious student who sleeps in the day and one who does not have spiritual knowledge and learns it from children are damned here.^ [32] [34]
Some of these condemnations are ludicrous--take the last one, Shwabhojana as a single example. It doesn't make any logical sense. In the other cases--I am, of course, against any kind of evil that a person puts upon another, but it really makes you wonder who is the most evil--the perpetrator who died, or the Master (Yama) who is supposed to judge them. It just tells us more about the so-called Devas, and whom we really have to deal with. Even though the above damnations should not necessarily be taken literally (albeit the concept of them may have some truth to it), having someone such as Yama being the judge of Heaven and Hell is quite insane. In addition--the AIF uses humans to fight their wars, but also to accomplish certain tasks here on Earth that are highly unethical and often pure evil. Then, when these human souls, who ran the errands for their AIF masters, die from this Earth plane, they get severely punished in the next world. How insane is that whole set-up? It's evil enough to put this in cuneiforms and other written texts and thereby scare the hell out of humans.
The view on the punishment in Hell by some Hindus is that it's just a temporary abode for the criminal soul, and once the crimes have been compensated for, the soul can return to Earth in a new body. Looking at this viewpoint as something "natural" is, of course, impossible if you view the Hindu religion from the outside looking in. There is no way whatsoever that a soul can be healed from criminal behavior by being tortured in the Afterlife. On the contrary--beware of a souls coming back from Hell because they are more dangerous than ever before. Furthermore, we learn that by having the usual karma applied to the criminal soul, her crimes will be nullified after a visit to Hell. The way it works, according to the Hindu scriptures, is that a criminal who commits a certain type of crime will in the next lifetime be on the other end of the rope, and thereby be the victim of those same crimes he or she committed in the previous life.^ [33] [35] That would make a clean slate, and the soul can start all over with more ethical lives in the future. Pure logic tells us that this is equally impossible and grossly simplifies the matter.
IV. Which Soul Goes Where After Death?
A subject that is often quite loaded, regardless of which religion we choose, is that of suicide. In some cultures, it is (or was) appropriate to commit suicide under certain circumstances. This was, for example, the case amongst the Samurais in old Japan if they failed to follow the code for being a Samurai--you were either executed, or you had the choice to commit suicide by throwing yourself on your sword or by sticking it into your stomach or your heart in order to keep your honor and to earn a better place in the Afterlife. Another form of suicide that was highly supported, and in some cases a requirement, was to die in battle. The Vikings were amongst those who went to battle in order to die so that they could go to Valhalla and share tables with the gods, and drink mead, get drunk, and play around with beautiful women. Vikings were therefore not afraid to die. Sometimes their wives committed ritual suicide as well when they heard that their husband had died in battle in some foreign country.^ [34] [36] Warriors in ancient India had a similar policy, where the males went to war, unafraid to die, and instead earn a place in the upper echelons of the Vedic Heavens.^ [35] [37]
Other than that, suicide was, and is, not looked upon lightly in the Hindu religion. It produces bad karma. Such souls fall into the lower regions of the Afterlife, called Punnama, where they have to stay for a very long time before they can move on and be recycled again.
Besides suicide, the places where people go after death in the Hindu religion depends on a number of different factors, such as,
1. Previous deeds. If people have committed many bad acts in their lives, they go to the lower worlds, or lokas, where they suffer the consequences of these deeds. On the contrary, if they have lived a life where they have been good to others and themselves, they go to the other "higher sun-filled worlds" to enjoy life there.
2. State of mind at the time of their death--i.e. what kind of thoughts and desires are predominant in their consciousness just before they die? For example, if they think about what is best for their family, they will go to where their ancestors dwell and will be reborn into that bloodline. If they think about money, they will go to Vishnu and be reborn as a merchant or a trader next time. If they are thinking evil thoughts, they will go to the lower lokas and either repent after some time there or sink even deeper. If they are thinking about God most of the time, they will likely go to the highest world.
3. The time of death. If they die on the battlefield, for example, they will most likely attain the heaven of the warriors. If they die while performing some pious ritual to praise God, they will go to the highest loka.
4. The activities of the children. Will the children follow the tradition of the deceased when it comes to the burial? If not, it is likely that it will delay the journey of the deceased in their afterlife.
5. The grace of God. God in the form of a personal deity will often interfere with the destiny of the deceased and change the course of their afterlife. There is said to be instances when God has rescued his devotees from the hands of the messengers of death and placed them in the highest heaven in recognition of their meritorious deeds.^ [36] [38]
There is, as we can see, certain similarities to New Age beliefs and those taught by channeled messengers, such as the Pleiadians, when they say that your beliefs often determine where you go after you die. If you are a devoted Christian, you may be met by someone who appears as Jesus who will take you to something that looks like the kind of Heaven you have imagined while being alive. There may be angels playing harps for you all day long, and other angels are singing from the sky above, using wings to fly. If a person believes he or she is very bad and evil and that Hell is his or her only option, there is a chance that this person may go to a place that corresponds with that belief. However, it's all an illusion, and when the person realizes this, the illusion dissolves, and he or she will get a new insight, and thereby go somewhere else, which better corresponds to this new insight. Thoughts are powerful! Whatever the case, the end result is for the person to eventually and inevitably be recycled.
I have previously written about discarnate souls that are causing more or less problems in the world of the living. The major categories of these kind of discarnate souls, I mentioned, are in the following categories:
The Unquiet Dead. These are souls that died suddenly--perhaps on the battlefield or in an accident. Some of them who in life never even considered the fact that they would live on after death may not even know that they are dead. Others are afraid of what happened to them and may attach to either someone in the environment whom they know or even some stranger who happens to stand nearby, if that person's chakra is wide open and weak. The Unquiet Dead are often harmless in the sense that they don't want to cause any evil, but they are still a burden for those who get possessed by them. The person who gets possessed by such a soul may start acting as a "split personality."
The Mischief Makers. These are souls who never made it to the tunnel and the light but got stuck in the ether in the nearby vicinity to Earth. They go under the category we call "evil spirits," and they will definitely change the personality in the person they decide to possess, and often they entice that person to make unethical decisions that he or she wouldn't make otherwise--such as looking at porn online, being unfaithful, and sometimes even stealing things.
Demons. These are of course the worst, and they are pretty much what people think about demonsin general--they make the possessed person dedicate himself or herself to very dark activities.
The Hindus believe in "ghosts" as well, and they knew about these kinds of possessions already in ancient times. The ancient texts, such as the Upanishads,^ [37] [39] knew about spirits, ghosts, and celestial beings, who are possessing human beings and speaking through them. Just as described in the three categories above, the Hindus believed that some of the possessing spirits are good in nature, while others were there to commit evil.^ [38] [40] This is interesting because this is knowledge we, in general, don't have today. If the medical profession--the psychiatric and psychological professions in particular--had this knowledge, they could actually start being able to treat their patients.
The burial rite in the Hindu religion is looked upon as the last sacrifice. Here they are looking at body and soul separate, and they should be treated separately. The five elements need to be properly returned to where they belong. Hence, it is important that the body of a Hindu is returned to this physical world and is therefore always cremated. The soul, on the other hand, they believed belongs to the subtle body and comes from the Higher Worlds. Thus, they have a comprehension of avatar and soul, which makes sense, as they have actually been aware of nano-travel for millennia, although they didn't call it that.
The Hindus are limited by their religion, but if they weren't, they would have wonderful tools with which they could heal sick people because they understand quite well the difference between body and soul and the soul's connection with the subtle body. In the western world, where we are not limited by the eastern philosophies as religion, we could do wonders if the medical field wanted to embrace some of the Vedic knowledge. Instead, we are going to see more and more mysterious illnesses develop for which it's hard to find a cure. These are the illnesses of our times, instigated by electronics and cell towers to mention two. Sitting too much in front of a computer or having a cell phone in your pocket, whether it's on or off, will eventually develop strange neurological diseases that the medical profession doesn't know what to do with because they don't know the cause of the illness. People will be even more drugged down with medicine that will not help their illnesses, and patients will lose faith in the medical profession. If we here in the Western World only had some of the wisdom of the Eastern philosophies and were able to look at it without religious dogma, we could go to the bottom of many diseases and cure them instead of drugging the patients down.
VI. The Akashic Records and the Vedas
There are indications that the Akashic Records are of Vedic origins. I believe that these records can have come into being in one of three ways, 1) The Original Planners (Queen Nin and Her son, Prince Ninurta set them up, and the AIF took over the control of the Akashic Records after their invasion, or 2) The Akashic Records were created by the AIF to better keep track of each individual and individuals' every thought and decision from the first incarnation up to today's date in order to have total control over all of us. This way, the AIF would not only know exactly who each of us is but also everything about our personalities across the lines of time. We live all lives simultaneously, and each soul fragment has its own personality, as we just discussed, or 3) The Akashic Records is a myth and doesn't exist.
I believe we can throw out option number 3 right away--there is enough evidence that they actually do exist in one form or another. I also think we can throw out option number 1--the Original Planners had no use for Akashic Records, and they were not about the control of souls. That would have gone against the very purpose of the creation of Earth and the Living Library. They may have wanted some kind of registration of all the different species here in 3-D, but I don't think it would have gone further than that. What then remains is option number 2, which I believe makes the most sense. The AIF are the ones who really need something like an Akashic Record. Hence, I agree with Jeffrey A. Marks, who wrote the series of books in two volumes, The Afterlife Interviews Volume 1 and Volume 2. Mr. Marks is a psychic, and just as Dr. Michael Newton, he interviewed a number of people and got connected to these peoples' inner memories about the Afterlife and all their experiences in those realms. It's an interesting read and coincides in many ways with Dr. Newton's regression therapy sessions. The following passage is from Mark's book series, Vol. 1.
Quote #4: The more revealed [by the souls in the interviews] about the simultaneous personalities and connections to them, the more they explained about the need for the Akashic Record. The Akashic Record is the name given to the compendium of cosmic knowledge encoded in the non-physical plane of existence containing all the history and recorded thoughts of humanity--like a library in the "Mind of God." One could also think of it as a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. The concept goes back to Vedic times (and the name derives from the Sanskrit for "sky," "space," or "ether") but was popularized by the Theosophists in the nineteenth century. As it turns out, the existence of this "library" is validated by the spirits, and they tell how it is quite necessary when it comes to dealing with simultaneous/reincarnational personalities. As described by the spirits, the Akashic Records allows for a small degree of separation when looking at the interconnected soul or a past or future life...^ [39] [41]
If what Marks found out in his interviews about the Akashic Records is correct, it strengthens my point. These spirits (or soul fragments, rather) suggest that these records are necessary when dealing with humanity and their "simultaneous/reincarnational personalities." In other dimensions, this may not be necessary. Because we humans have amnesia and live in a "boxed-in" reality, it seems that the Akashic Record for each individual is an intermediary between the soul fragments here on Earth and the Oversoul, who is learning from the lessons the fragments have, and which via the Oversoul are "reported" to the Highest Spirit (the Divine Feminine). Also (again, if Marks is correct), the mentioning of "reincarnational personalities" has everything to do with the AIF--previous humans on Earth did not reincarnate.
VII. Karma, and how we are Affected by a "Shadow Planet"
In the Vedas, Graha is a "cosmic influencer" on the living beings living on Mother Gaia (Earth). In Hindu astrology, the Navagraha represents nine stars, which are some of these major influencers.^ [40] [42]In Hinduism, the term "star" is often equivalent to planet, so in this case, the Navagraha is simply the term for the nine planets in our solar system. According to some sources, the Grahas are the markers of influence pointing out the karmic influence on the behavior of living beings, who live in this particular sphere of influence.
To make it easier to comprehend, it can be compared to modern day traffic signs. The traffic signals that change between red and green control the flow of energy in regards to traffic in order to prevent a collision of energies. The same principle can be said to be used in regards to Grahas, as we soon will see.
Most Grahas are malevolent in their behavior, albeit a few of them are considered being good. There is a book called The Puranic Encyclopedia,^ [41] [43] which has a list of different Grahas (spirits or spiritual entities), and how they influence us in our daily lives. [image 44] [image 45]Fig. 3a (upper row) and Fig. 3b (lower row). Navagraha, British Museum; originally from Konark, Orissa
Rahu (fig. 3b, third from the left) is a severed head of an Asura. He is one of the Navagrahas (nine planets) in Vedic astrology, and he is paired up with Ketu (fig. 3b, fourth from the left). Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu denote the point of intersection of the path of the Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. Hence, Rahu and Ketu, respectively, are called the north and the south Lunar Nodes.
In Vedic astrology, Rahu Dasha is a time period that lasts for 18 years, and it's good and bad depending on the position of the planets.^ [42] [46] For example, which planet is controlling him or her? Rahu Dasha is favorable when it comes to worshipping a god or a goddess, as well. Rahu is especially pleased when someone is worshipping the Goddess Durga. Durga is another name for Mother Goddess, but we also know that when the AIF is referring to the Goddess, they have their own deity who has hijacked the name or the term. As we will see later, Rahu is another name for Marduk, so the Goddess he is so pleased to have people worshipping is no other than Ere?kigal. Moreover, the real Goddess does not want to have anything to do with worship. That, to Her, is giving away one' s power--power that is rightly designated to the person who is worshipping. [image 47]Fig. 4. Ketu (left) with his fish tail.
"Rahu is seen as an Asura or demon who does his best to plunge any area of life he controls into chaos, mystery, and cruelty. He is associated with the world of material manifestation and worldly desire, as well as random, uncontrolled growth without wisdom or understanding."^ [43] [48]
This is immediately making an association with Marduk, as these are his characteristics. However, there is more evidence that Rahu is Marduk. We shall soon get into that, and it is the reason why I bring this up--it's a very important point. We can already see how Rahu is controlling our everyday life, but there is more.
Ketu is someone we will recognize from previous papers, as he is associated with someone called the Meena Avatar, who is a "fish incarnation" of Vishnu^ [44] [49] (Oannes and Dagon come to mind). Ketu represents karma--both good and bad^ [45] [50] and is also about losing the material existence and substituting it with a spiritual existence. As we can see, this reminds us about what is happening in parts of the New Age Movement--the material world is "evil" while the spiritual world is "good;" in other words, he turns us into a more "godlike" existence, perhaps irrelevant to which god we embrace--after all, each and every god in the pantheon of Homo sapiens has at the same time been in the pantheon of the AIF, so it really doesn't matter. Gurus, in that sense, have the same function as Ascended Masters or any mediator between God and the individual. Thus, we again recognize how New Age beliefs are built upon Vedic literature and that the Vedas definitely are the forerunners to much of the spiritual movement of today--unbeknownst to many practitioners. Even if it was known, the practitioners may not find anything odd with it because they wouldn't have done the background research that I have. My own hope is not for mankind to abandon the material world and embrace the spiritual realms alone, but to see us embrace them both in a healthy symbiosis. After all, that's how we lived our lives in our previous existence--before the AIF arrived.
Here comes the particularly interesting part, however. Ketu is generally referred to as a shadow planet!^ [46] [51]It is commonly believed that Ketu, in this aspect, has a tremendous impact on human lives and on the whole creation! In some special circumstances, his impact can help somebody achieve the "zenith of fame." Ketu is often depicted with a gem or a star on his head, which symbolizes a mystery light.
The above paragraph explains a few important things. It explains that when a person reaches the zenith of stardom, it may not always be of the person's own merit--he or she may have had help from the world that we cannot see--the "shadow world." Thus, why is a world-famous movie actor or a rock musician considered a "star?" Also, why is such a person, if tremendously successful, getting a star on Hollywood Boulevard? Lord Vishnu is choosing whom he wants to reach stardom, and it's accomplished from other dimensions. Albeit I believe it's totally possible to get inspiration from the Higher Realms as an actor, composer, musician, painter, writer, or as any other creative being, there is also a "conspiracy" behind the scenes that can't be proven because it's not visible. This is why some creative persons, despite making great art, are not succeeding, while others (think Lady Gaga and those types of "artists") are making it big--they are specially chosen and selected for their roles.
Another thing that comes to mind when we look into Ketu is what the "shadow world" or "shadow planet" represents. It represents the supernatural--it represents magic, and in this case, also the karmic connection between good and evil. It represents something that is there but cannot physically be seen. We now start to see how shadow planets (the unseen) are interacting with our everyday lives via Lunar Nodes, i.e. Nakshatras (see Fifth Level of Learning, Paper #10 [52]). In other words, we begin to learn how dark matter and dark energy interplay with the everyday, physical world. They are not just different realms from each other, but they interact, and the unseen interacts much more than we have ever been aware of.
Now, who is Ketu? In ancient Tamil astrological script^ [47] [53], we get clear indications that he is an incarnation of Indra,^ [48] [54] and we know that Indra equates to Marduk. As usual, En.ki and Marduk take on the other's characteristics, at times, which makes it sometimes hard to distinguish between the two, but by doing a little research on it, one can quite clearly see how one of them takes on the role of the other. The deeper we dig, we will notice this phenomenon more and more often, as if they were one and the same but wish to give the impression that they are not. In these papers, I will not prove it one way or the other--that would be a task either for some future work or the work of someone else. Anyway, we are told that during a battle with some Asuras, Indra was defeated and took on a more passive role as Ketu. Interestingly, Marduk was in Egypt at times known as Amen, which is said to mean "hidden" or "unseen," as in Amen Ra. Indra is also, as a deity, connected with some Indo-European gods that are either connected with storm and thunder, such as Thor, Perun, and Zeus, or as gods of intoxicating drinks, such as Dionysus in Greece.
In Hindu tradition, Rahu is a severed head of an Asura that swallows the Sun, and thus creates eclipses. He is depicted in art as a serpent without a body, riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Furthermore, he is one of the Navagrahas (representing the nine planets) in Vedic astrology and is paired with Ketu. This analogy may also be looked at as symbols of the "black sun" and the "ordinary sun."
However, most importantly, Ketu and Rahu are controlling our Earthly, 3-D existence from the "shadow planet," or "shadow sun," which equates to the "black sun." Sun and planet in Vedic texts are often interchangeable. From this stems karma, which in ways we humans have a hard time grasping is originating from the KHAA, from which they manipulate our psyche to agree with the concept of good and evil. By playing off on humans' rich emotional life and well-developed emotional body, they can thus manipulate us into getting a bad conscience for things we are doing, which in turn, forces us to come back to this controlled physical reality to make up for our wrongdoings.
As the reader more and more can see, we are controlled by karma, and by making us believe that everything is karmic, the AIF has an easier time controlling even the Afterlife because we humans are to a large degree controlling it ourselves by creating a rest place in which we spend "time" pondering our previous life--deciding what we did right and what we did wrong. Our emotional body--still intact in the Afterlife--has since long been manipulated into believing that it's necessary to come back to Earth until our karmic cycle is complete (which is unlikely that it ever will be because we are creating new karmic acts as we go along with our lives). Thereby, we are trapping ourselves unnecessarily, while the AIF is more or less just sitting in the background, watching it all happen before their very eyes, patting each other's backs, bragging about how clever they are and how stupid humanity is.
VIII. Beings in Charge of our Chakras and Kundalini
Surya, who is another aspect of Lord Shiva, Indra, and Ketu, etc., is the chief solar deity in Hindu religion. The term Surya, in addition to referring to a being, is also the general reference to the Sun.^ [49] [55] Being the chief solar deity, he is thus also the chief of the Navagraha--the "Classical planets" (just as Marduk is referred to as being the main solar deity in Mesopotamia and Babylon). The Classical planets are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The Navagraha are very important ingredients in Hindu astrology.
As described in a previous section, the chariot has some importance in this tradition--Ketu is said to have been riding a chariot with eight black horses. Surya, however, does it a little differently--he is riding a chariot with seven horses, or one horse with seven heads.^ [50] [56] This represents the rainbow, but also the seven chakras!^ [51] [57]
It is an interesting but also quite disturbing discovery that the AIF, here represented by Surya, is in charge of our chakras! In the scheme of things, it certainly makes sense, but to see it in writing makes it even more real. With this in mind, let us investigate further, beginning with the Kundalini.
Quote #5: Kundalini (Sanskrit ku??alin?, ?????????, About this sound pronunciation (help?info)) stems from yogic philosophy as a form of shakti or corporeal energy. [1] Kundalini is described within Eastern religious, or spiritual tradition as an indwelling spiritual energy that can be awakened in order to purify the subtle system and ultimately to bestow the state of Yoga, or divine union upon the seeker of truth . [2] [3] The Yoga Upanishads describe Kundalini as lying coiled at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force. [1] [4] [5]
It is reported that Kundalini awakening results in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss. [6] This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reside within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. This movement of Kundalini is felt by the presence of a cool or, in the case of imbalance, a warm breeze across the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. [3] [7] [8] [9] Many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras. [6] In physical terms, one commonly reports the Kundalini experience to be a feeling of electric current running along the spine. [10] [11] [12]
Some academics have coined the term Kundalini syndrome to refer to physical or psychological problems arising from experiences traditionally associated with Kundalini awakening.^ [52] [58]
Here it says, as it does in many other references to the Kundalini, that it is wrapped around our spine, waiting to be awakened. It represents the Goddess or the sleeping serpent, depending on which philosophy we subscribe to. [image 59]Fig. 5. Kundalini Chakra Diagram.
The seven chakras are, as most of us know, connected directly to the Kundalini, and the chakras are, as we learned when we discussed Surya above, connected to the Sun because Surya is in charge of the chakras, and he is the Chief Sun Deity.
Another source goes into more details about this:
Quote #6: Surya's seven horses also represent the seven chakras in the chakras (spiritual centers in the subtle body or sukshma sharira), the blossoming of which leads to the rising of the power of Kundalini or the serpentine energy residing within us.^ [53] [60]
Thus, we see that the seven horses, or the horse with seven heads, represents a spiritual part of humanity--the seven chakras. This gives us the term "Spirit Horses" or "Horsemen." In addition, there is also an Egyptian link to this (it will be a longer quote, but it's helpful if the reader reads through it).
Quote #7: The Uraeus (/j?'ri?s/; [1] plural Uraei or Uraeuses; from the Greek o?ra?os, oura?os, on its tail; from Egyptian j?r.t (iaret), rearing cobra) is the stylized, upright form of an Egyptian cobra (asp, serpent, or snake), used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity, and divine authority in ancient Egypt.
The Uraeus is a symbol for the goddess Wadjet, who was one of the earliest Egyptian deities and who often was depicted as a cobra. The center of her cult was in Per-Wadjet, later called Buto by the Greeks. [2] She became the patroness of the Nile Delta and the protector of all of Lower Egypt. The pharaohs wore the Uraeus as a head ornament: either with the body of Wadjet atop the head, or as a crown encircling the head; this indicated Wadjets protection and reinforced the pharaohs claim over the land. In whatever manner that the Uraeus was displayed upon the pharaohs head, it was, in effect, part of the pharaohs crown. The pharaoh was recognized only by wearing the Uraeus, which conveyed legitimacy to the ruler. There is evidence for this tradition even in the Old Kingdom during the third millennium BCE. Several goddesses associated with or being considered aspects of Wadjet are depicted wearing the Uraeus also.
At the time of the unification of Egypt, the image of Nekhbet, who was represented as a white vulture and held the same position as the patron of Upper Egypt, joined the image of Wadjet on the Uraeus that would encircle the crown of the pharaohs who ruled the unified Egypt. The importance of their separate cults kept them from becoming merged as with so many Egyptian deities. Together, they were known as The Two Ladies, who became the joint protectors and patrons of the unified Egypt.
Later, the pharaohs were seen as a manifestation of the sun god Ra, and so it also was believed that the Uraeus protected them by spitting fire on their enemies from the fiery eye of the goddess. In some mythological works, the eyes of Ra are said to be uraei. Wadjets existed long before the rise of this cult when they originated as the eye of Wadjet as cobra and are the name of the symbols also called the Eye of the Moon, Eye of Hathor, the Eye of Horus, and the Eye of Ra--depending upon the dates of the references to the symbols.
As the Uraeus was seen as a royal symbol, Horus and Set were also depicted wearing the symbol on their crowns. In early mythology, Horus would have been the name given to any king as part of the many titles taken, being identified as the son of the goddess. According to the later mythology of Re, the first Uraeus was said to have been created by the goddess Isis, who formed it from the dust of the earth and the spittle of the then-current sun deity. In this version of the mythology, the Uraeus was the instrument with which Isis gained the throne of Egypt for Osiris. Isis is associated with and may be considered an aspect of Wadjet.^ [54] [61]
The Uraeus is the equivalent to the cobra (serpent) in Egypt, and it has a direct link to the Kundalini. Thus, we now understand why the Egyptian pharaohs had a headdress depicting a cobra (fig. 6). [image 62]Tutenkhamun, Valley of the Kings, Egypt
Fig. 6a. Egyptian Pharaoh headdress with the cobra coming out of his forehead. Moreover, the entire headdress denotes that of a cobra when the pharaoh is pictured facing front.
The cobra is also a symbol for one of the earliest Egyptian deities--Wadjet. The vulture, in fig. 6b depicted to the right on the forehead (seen from the Pharaoh's perspective), is the image of another goddess--Nekhbet. We also learn here that the first Uraeus may have been created by Isis, and that she is another aspect of Wadjet.
Now, let's go into what connections we have thus far, after we have learned about this Egyptian connection. Uraeus is linked to Wadjet/Isis, and further to Hathor, Horus, and Ra. This means that we have a link to Surya from being a Sun god, and via Kundalini and Spirit Horses (chakras). In Egypt we also see how these horses are controlled by Ra/Surya. Hence, the Seven Horsemen equal the seven chakras, and the eighth horse controls the other seven (the Sun god being the eighth horse). In other words, the Sun god controls the seven chakras.^ [55] [63] [image 64]Fig. 6b. Tutankhamun's headdress.
There is more we need to cover here in order for people to understand what they are talking about in regards to chakras and Kundalini. It's not that we shouldn't touch on these subjects when we evolve as a species, but there is, as always, a fine line between liberation and imprisonment. If we don't know this, how can we possibly liberate ourselves? Therefore, let's continue and reveal some additional imperative information.
This paper is mainly about death and the Afterlife, but I also want to extend it to enlightenment and control of both life and death. In the bigger scheme, it is all connected and meant to keep us in check--regardless how clever we think we are when we are trying to enlighten ourselves and reach higher states of consciousness.
In New Age, but even in many teachings in general about enlightenment, the discussion is about the "third eye" located inside our foreheads, where the pineal gland is. This is also known as the sixth chakra, and we are under the impression that we should use our third eye to perceive things that are outside our normal range of reality, i.e. the Third Dimension. However, we can also clearly see that where the third eye is located, there are cobras (snakes) and vultures (birds) coming out--as can be seen in the ancient pharaohs' headdresses. What are the snakes and the bird (tribe) associated with? En.ki and the AIF. Isn't there something odd with that picture? Well, we can say, the ancient pharaohs were certainly initiated in ancient secret societies, and they knew about the pineal gland and the third eye. It's as simple as that--nothing strange with it. OK, let's move on, and we'll see if that is correct or not.
The Nagas are known as the "Snake People," and many of them are also known to live underground in the vicinity of King Nergal and Queen Ere?kigal--they are said to be the servants to the king and the queen, as we've discussed earlier. Let's see if the Vedas have some connection to Nergal and Ere?kigal.
They do--in fact, more than one, which can be expected. We have mentioned that connection before, such as Kali being equated to Ere?kigal and Kala to Nergal. Other connections are Kadru as the Mother of the Nagas and consort to Kashyapa,^ [56] [65] who we know is an Avatar of Vishnu. Kadru would therefore easily be associated with Ere?kigal.
Who then is the King of the Nagas--the Snake People? After not too much effort, we find out that the King of the Nagas is one of the primal beings of creation (according to some), and according to Bh?gavata Pur??a, the King is the Avatar to the Supreme God, known as Narayana. Narayana is also known as Vishnu and Hari.^ [57] [66]
Ananta is the celestial snake, on which Lord Vishnu reclines.^ [58] [67] If we look up Ananta, this term means "endless," "limitless," or "eternal" and "infinite."^ [59] [68]
In other words, we find snakes and snake people being quite common concepts in the Hindu religion. Ultimately, the snake or serpent is associated with Lucifer and the Garden of Edin, of course.
We also have a Trinity in the Vedas, exactly like we do in the Christian religion and elsewhere. In Hinduism, it takes form out of the term Trimurti. The Trimurti represents the cosmic functions of "creation," "maintenance," and "destruction," and is personified by Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Maintainer, and Shiva the Destroyer or Transformer. This trinity is also called the Hindu Triad, or the Hindu Trinity--all having the same meaning of three in One. Furthermore, the Vedas tell us that "Vishnu is also venerated as Mukunda, which means God who is the giver of mukti or moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirths) to his devotees or the worthy ones who deserve salvation from the material world."^ [60] [69]
This is telling us that Lord Vishnu is the one responsible for liberating us from the material world (in this case, 3-D here on Earth--the Prison Planet)--but only for those who are his devotees or for those are worthy to deserve salvation from the material world! The rest of us are thrown to the wolves, literally and figuratively speaking, and get stuck in the recycling dramas, eons upon eons to come.
Then, if we take this a little further, we get to this:
Quote #8: In Hinduism, Bhakti (also spelled Bhakthi; Sanskrit: ?????, literally meaning portion, share, from the root bhaj- to partake in, to receive ones share [1]) refers to religious devotion of a devotee in the worship of the divine. Within monotheistic Hinduism, it is the love felt by the worshipper towards the personal God, a concept expressed in Hindu theology as I??a-devat? (also as Svayam Bhagavan in Gaudiya Vaishnavism).^ [61] [70]
Finally, let's look at Svayam Bhagavan:
Quote #9: Svayam Bhagavan (IAST svayam bhagav?n, The Lord or The Lord Himself) is a Sanskrit theological term for the concept of absolute representation of God as Bhagavan within Hinduism. He is the One eternal Supreme Being called Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Trimurti.^ [62] [71]
As we can see from the above quotes, Lord Vishnu is controlling everything--including enlightenment!
This is one reason why I have a hard time accepting the idea that we must wait before evolving to the next levels of consciousness until the rest of humanity has come to the same level. Doesn't that sound as something someone would say who embraces Vishnu's/En.ki's manipulative system? If the AIF controls enlightenment, wouldn't their greatest fear be that all of humanity--or at least the majority--would see how the trap is constructed and manage to escape or take back what is rightfully theirs? Then, as an oxymoron--wouldn't the AIF want everybody to wait for each other so that the AIF could continue controlling and defeating those who were on their way to "make it?" Of course they would! They'd rather see a few people escape occasionally, while they dedicate time to setting up the world they want the rest to live in. If we all waited for the rest to wake up, no one would escape the trap or be able to take back what is theirs. The way I see it is that those who are awake should educate as many as they can, and then move on in whatever direction they please. To tell people to wait is a concept that definitely comes from institutions, such as the NSA, and are put out on the Internet to make people feel bad about themselves and thus halting their progress. We will talk more about this at a later point within the Fifth Level of Learning.
Another thing I believe we have seen through by now is how En.ki and his son are setting up scenarios leading to traps for us to fall into. For example, we read in the Vedas how the Supreme God (Vishnu in most cases) manifests here on Earth through Avatars across various ages and time periods to save mankind from evil beings, such as the Asuras, and Avatars of Shiva's. It often looks as if Vishnu is a friend of humanity, while Shiva is not. In reality, it's just a game they play with us because we are considered too stupid to see through it. Vishnu and Shiva are never enemies, and Vishnu is not a friend of mankind--it's all mind games! John Lennon saw already in the 1970s that we are all subjected to mind games, so he wrote the song, "Mind Games," which became the title song on the album with the same name. John Lennon was taken out! [image 72]Fig. 7. John Lennon
After Lucifer's Rebellion, and just before the Galactic Wars started, we know that En.ki fled to the Pleiades--or to the Aldebaran star system in the Constellation of Taurus to be more precise. We have discussed this on a few occasions. However, Aldebaran is just one of several outposts that En.ki set up for himself, his son, and those who serve them. There is another one, which has caught my interest as well.
Quote #10: According to the extant Hindu texts and traditions, Lord Vishnu is considered to be resident in the direction of the Makara Rashi (the Shravana Nakshatra), which is about coincident with the Capricorn constellation. In some of the extant Puranas, and Vaishnava traditions, Vishnus eye is considered to be situated at the infinitely distant Southern Celestial Pole.^ [63] [73]
Before I comment, let's investigate this:
Quote #11: Despite its faintness, Capricornus has one of the oldest mythological associations, having been consistently represented as a hybrid of a goat and a fish since the Middle Bronze Age. First attested in depictions on a cylinder-seal from around the 21st century BC, [6] it was explicitly recorded in the Babylonian star catalogues as MULSU?UR.MA? The Goat-Fish before 1000 BC. The constellation was a symbol of the god Ea and in the Early Bronze Age marked the winter solstice.^ [64] [74]
[image 75]Fig. 8. The Constellation of Capricornus with Aquila to the right and Aquarius on top.
Capricorn is here presented as a solid stronghold of Vishnu's. Interestingly, Capricorn is quite close, in the near right, to Aquila--another AIF domain we've mentioned before in regards to the Bird Tribe--or the part of the Bird Tribe that rebelled and since then has worked closely with En.ki. Let's revisit Garuda, who is (if the reader remembers) one of Shiva's Avatars in the gestalt of a member of the Bird Tribe--in this case, a giant bird. However, there is more to it:
Quote #12: The Garuda (Sanskrit: ????? garu?a) is a large mythical bird, bird-like creature, or humanoid bird that appears in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology. Garuda is the mount (vahana) of the Lord Vishnu. Garuda is the Hindu name for the constellation Aquila.^ [65] [76]
Thus, Garuda is also the Hindu name for the Aquila Constellation. Next to Capricorn, also associated with Vishnu/En.ki, is the constellation of Aquarius (fig. 8). This is all just to show the reader how widespread Lucifer's Empire is, both in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. On the other hand, we need to remember that what we see, and what the AIF wants us to see, is only 4% of the Universe, and therefore it looks like his Empire is grander than it actually is. Nonetheless, the fact remains that much damage has been done in our universe and beyond by these patriarchal warrior races. Additionally, they are also taking help from the KHAA in order to keep us confused and limited.
What it seems to me, though, is that at least parts of their Empire are shaking in their foundations because they have an increasingly more difficult time keeping their own Minions in check. Over the recent past, nearly three dozens of International Bankers have committed "suicide!" As usual, they are rather "suicided," meaning that they were actually taken out by the AIF. Something such as that can be done for different reasons, such as the bankers knew too much, i.e. they started doing research and realized that they were fooled, just as everybody else was, and they wanted to go public with it. Another reason would be that these high-level bankers were made examples out of so that the rest of the Minions would keep their mouths shut. Whatever the reason is in this case, it is a sign that something is not right at the Illuminati levels.
IX. Exit Plan
Despite the many subjects covered in this paper alone, the summary of summaries would perhaps be that all humans from now on need an exit plan! This means that when the day comes when we die from this Earth the next time, we need to have a plan for where to go and what to do. I can't stress enough how important this is! If we don't bother to have one, we will once again be drawn into En.ki's Recycling Station, and with full amnesia, we will have to endure yet another lifetime trying to figure things out. Well, most probably it will not be only one lifetime but a series of them. I can imagine that those of us who have figured things out to an extent that is uncomfortable for the AIF will not get another chance the next lifetime to reconnect the dots--at least not as easily as it was in this current life. I would be very surprised if the AIF didn't make sure of that if they catch us and get us into their system again. I'm sure they would make certain that our forgetfulness mechanism will be set at full capacity. I don't think any of us would want that.
I am not mentioning this to scare anybody--it's just pure logic. Wouldn't you, if you were the AIF, make sure that the next time around any evolved soul, he or she would have a very difficult time remembering anything? Wouldn't you implant that soul fragment with false data?
Hence, I suggest that the reader already today starts thinking about an exit plan. This is important because who knows when your day will come? You may live many decades still, or you may die tomorrow--therefore, it's much better to be safe than sorry. I can guarantee you that it's not enough to "hope for the best." When you need groceries, you don't "hope" that the groceries will show up--you plan for your purchase and perhaps even make a list. The same thing applies here. The way to do it, with the knowledge you have, would be to think about exactly where you want to go and how you want to get there.
As mentioned earlier, you can think yourself to a certain place, and once you're separated from the silver-chord, which connects your astral bodies with your physical body, you can think those thoughts, put intention behind them, and you will be at your destination in a blink of an eye. What you want to do and where you want to go is your decision and your decision alone. Let no one manipulate you in the astral planes--either disregard such beings, or tell them that you appreciate their willingness to assist, but this time you want to do it differently. They won't take you if you express your free will.
Then, pass through the Grid, which you will have "above" you, and well outside of it the real Universe will open up before you. I have heard that this will be the most fantastic moment in your life as a spiritual being! You will be in the KHAA, and you will see the trap for what it is! From thereon, you are free to think your way across the Multiverse, and you are free to create whatever you wish that gives you joy. You can spend time alone, or you can spend it with other likeminded beings and create something together with them--it's up to you. You can also go to Orion, and as a human being, they will let you in, unless you are a criminal or a person who most likely will create chaos.
All you need to do to achieve this is to have a solid exit plan. You must know what you want so that you're not in doubt when the day comes for your departure. On that day, you think yourself to the space and time where you want to go, and you put a strong intention behind your thought. You will notice that you will reach your destination much easier than if you would get into your car and drive to the grocery store. The Universe is a great place for beings who have good intentions and know what they want.^ [66] [77]
The purpose for this series of papers, as with anything and everything I have been writing, is to express my own conclusions, based on the research I have done. It must in no way be considered the ultimate truth and must not be considered anybody else's truth until that person has thoroughly thought these things through and decided that he or she may agree with what I have concluded, in part or as a whole. If somebody does not agree, it must be that person's right to individual thinking.
Moreover, I do not want any religion, cult, secret society, or followers to be created out of my material. Also, I am not a guru or a leader of any kind, and I refuse to be treated or viewed as such. At the most, I am a student of the unknown and the mystics who wants to teach and share my experiences and the knowledge I think that I have gained.
Thank you!
^ [1] [78] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama#Hinduism [79]
^ [2] [80] Ibid.
^ [3] [81] Rigveda, 10.14.10-12.
^ [4] [82] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama#Hinduism [79]
^ [5] [83] Misc. Pleiadian lectures.
^ [6] [84] Whitley Strieber, 1988, p. 210.
^ [7] [85] Ibid.
^ [8] [86] Strieber, 1988, p. 214.
^ [9] [87] Thompson, 1995, p. 353.
^ [10] [88] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamaduta [89]
^ [11] [90] Thompson, p. 353.
^ [12] [91] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis [92]
^ [13] [93] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon_%28mythology%29 [94]
^ [14] [95] Thompson, 1995, p. 210.
^ [15] [96] Ibid., p. 211.
^ [16] [97] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yama#Hinduism [79]
^ [17] [98] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naraka_%28Hinduism%29 [99]
^ [18] [100] Ibid.
^ [19] [101] Ibid.
^ [20] [102] Anna L. Dallapiccola, (2002). Naraka. Dictionary of Hindu Lore and Legend. Thames & Hudson. (Subscription required.)
^ [21] [103] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naraka_%28Hinduism%29#Location [104]
^ [22] [105] Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 5, SB 5.2.2, Purport. http://prabhupadabooks.com/sb/5/2/2?d=1 [106]
^ [23] [107] Thompson, 1995, p. 264.
^ [24] [108] Thompson, 1989, pp. 47-84
^ [25] [109] Wilson, 1865, pp. 263-68.
^ [26] [110] Thompson, 1995, pp. 228-29, op. cit.
^ [27] [111] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naraka_%28Hinduism%29#Administration [112]
^ [28] [113] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitragupta [114]
^ [29] [115] Ibid.
^ [30] [116] Bhagavata Purana 5.26
^ [31] [117] Edward Hopkins (1969). Epic Mythology. Motilal Banarasidass. pp. 108-9.
^ [32] [118] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naraka_%28Hinduism%29#Description_of_hells [119]
^ [33] [120] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naraka_%28Hinduism%29#Narrative.2C_social_and_economic_functions [121]
^ [34] [122] http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/h_death.asp [123]
^ [35] [124] Ibid.
^ [36] [125] http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/h_death.asp [123]
^ [37] [126] Each of a series of Hindu sacred treatises written in Sanskrit circa 800-200 BC, expounding the Vedas in predominantly mystical and monistic terms.
^ [38] [127] http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/h_death.asp [123]
^ [39] [128] Jeffrey A. Marks, (C)2012, "The Afterlife Interviews" Part 1, pp. 119-20, op. cit.
^ [40] [129] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navagraha [130]
^ [41] [131] https://ia802606.us.archive.org/17/items/puranicencyclopa00maniuoft/puranicencyclopa00maniuoft.pdf [132]
^ [42] [133] http://www.rahu.in/mahadasha.html [134]
^ [43] [135] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahu#Astrology [136]
^ [44] [137] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketu_%28mythology%29 [138]
^ [45] [139] Ibid.
^ [46] [140] Ibid.
^ [47] [141] The Tamil script is an abugida script that is used by the Tamil people in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and elsewhere, to write the Tamil language, as well as to write the liturgical language Sanskrit, using consonants and diacritics not represented in the Tamil alphabet. Certain minority languages such as Saurashtra, Badaga, Irula, and Paniya are also written in the Tamil script (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamil_script [142]).
^ [48] [143] Ibid.
^ [49] [144] Alexandra Anna Enrica van der Geer (2008), "Animals in Stone: Indian Mammals Sculptured Through Time," pp. 236 and onward.
^ [50] [145] Eva Rudy Jansen, "The Book of Hindu Imagery: Gods, Manifestations and Their Meaning," p. 65.
^ [51] [146] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surya [147]
^ [52] [148] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundalini [149]
^ [53] [150] http://www.dollsofindia.com/library/hindu_vahanas/ [151]
^ [54] [152] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uraeus [153]
^ [55] [154] We learned in the "First Level of Learning" that there are actually twelve chakras, but that is irrelevant in this paper because if the first seven chakras, having to do with the physical body, are controlled by the Invaders, we cannot reach the remaining five anyway. At least, that must be how the AIF sees it.
^ [56] [155] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadru [156]
^ [57] [157] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narayana [158]
^ [58] [159] Ibid.
^ [59] [160] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ananta_%28infinite%29 [161]
^ [60] [162] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnu [163]
^ [61] [164] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhakti [165]
^ [62] [166] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svayam_Bhagavan [167]
^ [63] [168] David Gordon White, (2010-07-15), Sinister Yogis.
^ [64] [169] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capricornus#History_and_mythology [170]
^ [65] [171] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda [172]
^ [66] [173] For more information about the Exit Plan and the Afterlife Trap, see, https://wespenre.com/2019/02/04/fourth-level-of-learning-paper-15-the-postdiluvian-times-and-lucifer-building-his-plans/ [174]
> Feed: lpg-c > Title: The origins and possibilities of Life Physics - LPG-C > Author: benoitcarpent > Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 04:27:15 -1000 > Link: https://www.lpg-c.org/post/64387982977
Life, matter, reality as we know is not stationary nor is it solid- at all. We know this, and many of us know this simply by taking a basic science class or watching a documentary. Yet we live in a society that is so hell bent on convincing us of the materialistic "truth" to a point where we have become obsessed with our delusion of the externalization of everything, we have become obsessed with human consumption. Nothing and I mean nothing about our way of life is sophisticated save the technology and complexity of the socioeconomic and political systems in place- but even then they are utterly inefficient. Matter is composed mostly of empty space, and even the building blocks of matter themselves only give us the experience of "physicality" because of electrons repelling from one surface from another- we are quite literally made up of the "same stuff" and every single substance, in particular living systems are vibrating and oscillating matrices moving through "curved space time." Actually it is not so "curved" but I am using mainstream model for now. So now that we understand that it is common fact is there more?
Yes in comes a new and advanced physics, the physics of life......which extends far beyond the standard model and was fused together by the brilliant minds world-wide working in private sectors, aerospace concerns, military industrial complex, agency contractors, and sometimes research contracted by the highest echelons of any of the well-connected Organizations at the top of the "hierarchal" heap. LPG-C headed much research that was already known in the private domain and was the first to bring out to the public. Much of the need for this research came from humanity, especially those whose job was to protect this world coming into contact with intelligences and sciences far beyond the scope of most of our usual nine-to-five, day-to-day scope of attention. These are subjects that we have relegated to science fiction, fiction, and conspiracy theories to which they have little to no relevance to the "real McCoy." But nevertheless it is incredibly relevant, desperately so to whom we are, where we came from, where we are going and to understanding the essence of Nature and how she works.
I was told repeatedly by people throughout my life, whether they are "teachers," friends or people I met in day to day life, that I would "never know the answers." Well they were wrong, and that mentality, is exactly what makes us the apathetic human beings who are desensitized to condition of the world and the species as a whole- captivated and hypnotized by material lusts, bells and whistles. The reward and benefit to "knowing" has taken a backseat to Miley Cyrus' twerking.. I had a hunger...shall we say a thirst simply for "truth." I knew early on, that it could not be defined in a small box, and that every single element to every single study, every single religion and belief system within itself had some aspect of "truth" to it. Therefore I broadened my horizons, and every new bit of information...or truth if you will, broadened it even more. I sharpened and verified the information simply by remaining grounded, logical, and discerning but never closed to the idea simply because it made me uncomfortable- and thus I was led (like many of us are) to things that have blown my mind and continues to do so today. I knew then that learning was fractal and the "uncovering" of "truth" was a perpetual thing that by opening one Russian Doll there would be another one inside of it. I developed a type of topological thinking (see essay TOPOLOGICAL THINKING part 1 [1] and TOPOLOGICAL THINKING part 2 [2]) like our (like some of our ancestors of the stars) that allowed me to put pieces together very quickly by means of resonance and understanding that everything truly was entangled at a holographic level. But this isn't about me.
So what does this new and advanced physics lead us to understand....and where will it leads us as the cat is slowly let out of the bag (or shall we say, the cat is tired of being in the bag)? That Thought, as every esoteric discipline knows is the essence of everything, that vibration (as a sound audible or not) is the basis of all that comes into existence by a way of creating varying octaves of experiences.. "Thought" or intent moves through seven "super-domains," they are like "layers" each one transducing the thought through vibrational matrices, giving way to eventually the formation of physical objects and universes, our universe being but a tiny speck of many (this is partially some of the meaning of 7 being encoded into ancient religious texts). Well that's simple enough; many of us have known this for years, hell it has been known in some circles for centuries. In the Vedic teachings of the east it has been known, and used in meditative practices that Yantras (geometrical forms, think platonic solids) are cymatic (a projected form makes physical things take complex forms) manifestations of Mantra's (what in the west you may call simply THE WORD). It is similar as the simple Observer double slit experiment in quantum physics that tells us matter could not exist without an observer. Therefore we, as living participants of life- are absolutely necessary, if not crucial to the existence of well....existence. Okay so we know that, we got that out of the way, tell you something you don't know?
In the future, we will do through either devices, or natural methods be able to "open" our cells up to the vacuum (think the cells as engines and the vacuum as an energy source) through auto generative ways on demand. What this will do is allow us to heal, revitalize ourselves, and even diminish the aging process (see in one of the next paragraphs the Priore effect). What the "rich" do in Elysium (re-atomize their body) is actually possible. The cells, when in a relaxed state and when dropping to lower brainwave (like sleep) automatically do this in small increments, but this can also be done consciously from a person who has trained themselves to relax the mental and body tension on demand, and become aware in a broad way, of their inner and outer surroundings (meaning your body and the world around you). You will be able to see in your mind's eye what it is you "need" and see it come into. We will now and understand the power of intent, combined with sound and the power of a directed (emotionally) intent, we will be able to utilize this to do all sorts of things that not even our most advanced technologies (secret or not) could possibly do, simply with our bodies. This includes (when more than one fully integrated human being comes together with another and joins in intent) but is not limited to: changing weather, changing future outcomes, avoiding natural catastrophes, manifesting out of thin air, communicating with loved ones (deceased or alive) over long distances, retrieving information from anything organic (think of it like "downloading") , "remote viewing" (meaning able to see the hidden, the distant, the far) and this is just the tip of the iceberg. But how is this possible, am I talking about magic? How the hell is this scientifically possible?
As we are beginning to figure out, DNA is much more than just a biochemical storehouse of information or "physical" instruction set for our complex bodies. Thought creates electrical and magnetic activity, and can affect the cells. Our bodies are also not just biological they are also electrical, electromagnetic, going even into electrogravitic and "scalar" range. At about the Planck limit and beyond the Planck limit (what mainstream science thinks is the "smallest" level of energy), tiny tiny micro-wormholes (white hole/black holes) form in deeper states of body/mind (sleep, meditation) that in a pyramidal, vortex-like fashion can absorb/emit energy (or information). The vacuum is not empty, empty space is not at all empty but teeming with potential energy, "energy" comes and goes from the vacuum/zero-point/empty space to our physical reality all the time- making it seem as if tiny, tiny particles are literally spontaneously manifesting themselves out of nothing and then disappearing. In mainstream physics they try to understand this first by calling them virtual particles, and then by getting into the whole anti-matter, matter discussion- but once again I am of personal opinion this comes with our delusion and obsession with "matter" and trying to find "materialistic answers." In classical physics "consciousness" is a by-product of the physical universe, its elements and the "brain." But this new model details quite the opposite.....
The next part may seem a little technical, but read the paragraphs after so that you can see what it means (even though you probably already know, in your gut), I will laymanize it after.
In the LPGian new science, we come to grips that human beings are complex oscillating biological entities (COBE), existing as a cumulus of information not simply on the material level, but even well beyond the Planck limit and into the vacuum/zero-point field. That there does exist, in a sort of mirror-action way, an information cumulus that inhabits and permeates the biological body (what you may call a soul), creating a sonobioelectricgravitic (an energy flow that is sound, bioelectromagnetic, and gravitic all at once) in flow between the vacuum and our biological bodies (like an envelope or subquantum "engine"). This flow moves along the cellular matrix via a very complex series of interactions (ions in the interestial space of cells, electrical/chemical activity) across the connective tissues, fascia, and cytoskeletal structure in particular when there is little to no tension in the body. The "radiation" (I put radiation in quotes because I am not using it in the scientific context of the word but symbolic) of this flow is a biophotonic (photons are light particles) field that radiates out at 90 degree angles that come off the cells and extends into more than one harmonic. This field is not merely a stationary, thin, low-level field of light (photons)- it actually is a moving, compute, extend, retrieve, and quantum compute field that is non-linearly moving to and fro, around and beyond the person. The field itself can store information and since it comes off the cells/DNA (in a sense DNA is also influenced by, and composed of electromagnetic interactions) so too can the cells hold information not just on a purely, biological level (RNA/DNA) but also on an energetic and informational level (waveform).
Have you ever wondered why highly intuitive people simply "know" things about you, others, or the world around them yet didn't actually have to put much brainpower into it? That's because the information is stored in the cellular photonic emission (processed by cells and nervous system) and the person can retrieve the information through their enteric nervous system, through their subconscious so that it spontaneously appears in their conscious mind (there is a very long, complex process from how it goes to the subquantum, to quantum, to the eventual biological/neurological). To go along with this, the "processing" power of the nervous system, the cells and the photonic field combined is far, far more efficient "processor" of information than your conscious mind (and its 3 brains) could ever be (which can only pay attention to one thing at a time, internal or external). One can retrain their brain to use these natural faculties as sort of a multi-threaded, in series and parallel "processor" for information and since the body can acquire information non-linearly- this literally means that anything you could possibly want to know is capable of being retrieved. When you have this mastered, you would be able to walk into a room and your nervous system will instantly "know" your surroundings and have a semblance of understanding of the people in it. Have you seen the movie >? By retraining the way your brain takes information from this usually unconscious flow- you can basically open your innate genius and intelligence. Whoever wrote that movie had some "inside" knowledge because what he says about the way the intelligence works, and the kind of clientele (Elite/Maven clientele) that would have access to it is absolutely on point.
Information retrieval is especially true for what is in your DNA (and that of all your ancestors)...To put it briefly, your body is one amazing piece of biological technology! One, which we, as inhabitants of this body, barely even understand how to utilize its true potential. 95% of our DNA is considered by the mainstream model to be junk and even the capacity of the brain is underutilized (yet ironically enough, becomes more evenly spread out throughout the brain when you relax/meditate/sleep and synchronize your hemispheres). Your body/cells are the most advanced antennae on the planet!
Each and every cell, every organ and part of your body has a sort of "subquantum template." Think of this like a perfect "informational blueprint" of any given part of your body. Everything, inert or alive has in essence, a pristine "blue-print" "file" that exists in the subquantum. This is why if one gets good at visualizing and setting their intent/thought/emotional attitude towards getting something, it may actually end up showing up in your life (you have transduced it from its thought-form/quantum potential to the material form and "time" is the energy that "propelled" it towards to you). There is a sort of "mirror-dance" (as a friend would put it) between this template, and the electromagnetic template of the actual physical "thing." What if you could create an energetic flow, between the "pristine" template of your liver and your own actual physical liver? You could restore the quality of those cells via the Priore effect (see next paragraph).Thought is the essence of everything that already exists, has existed and will exist- so as the universe itself "vibrationally" transduced itself from thought into matter- so can you- and you do so unconsciously on a daily basis. Your body (all your cells, DNA/RNA complex) is merely the filter through which "consciousness" projects itself through and "outwards" into the seemingly solid reality around you.
Turns out space-time regimes are local.....meaning time isn't the same across the universe as it is for your cells and for example your planetary environment. Time, according to Kozyrev can be looked at as an energy....that unfolds and rolls backwards all at once (yes, there are things going back in time). The Priore effect (which is a regenerative effect on the cells) was discovered when they were able to send longitudinal magnetic waves "backwards" in time (similar to how some people think anti matter is merely matter reversed in time), and when applied to every surface of an affected cancer cell, literally "regenerated" the cancer cell to prior to being "sick." It's like taking your cells back in time, you take the "waveform" of cells and match it to a younger you and the "present" physical cells will begin to revitalize (conform themselves to the waveform of the younger you). It then makes sense why people who feel youthful and don't allow the concept of time or stress to wear them down, actually LOOK younger. The same goes for people who do Yoga and/or meditate. Time itself is not constant all over the universe! My friend likened it to being a pace keeper or symphony conductor (and that it is), that kept the orchestra all moving along at certain rhythms and frequencies. And thus, time could be perturbed simply by affecting the seemingly natural "pace" of things (could something large be perturbing us now, and is the reason we are experiencing a feeling of "Accelerated" time?)
So a planet, for example has its own natural rhythms....the Schumann resonance, the frequency of the tectonic plates, the rate of spin of the earth, the waves of the ocean (also impacted by the moons rhythms), the seasons (influenced by the tilt of earth), revolution around sun, the ionosphere, atmospheric movement, which then in turn correlate to our own rhythms. For example they correlate with our metabolic rhythms (circadian etc which also correlates with photon emission), our heart rate, our brainwaves, our cells vibrating, the electromagnetic field in the heart, in the brain, and these things also influence DNA. All these "rhythms" to our local environment, earth, inside and outside- can be likened to its own unique set of frequencies that make one big experience that we all share (bioelectronic life on earth, human animal and inert). If we went by new age terms, we would call this sort of a "dimension." All of this comes together to form what we call the pace, rhythm, and outlook of our general "reality consensus."
In the older knowledge, this would be similar to seeing the Fibonacci pattern in nature all around, as well as within our own proportions- and thus react naturally to art filled with the mathematics, numbers, sound, and geometry that nature naturally produces. Something greats like Da Vinci knew well when he melded the abstract, imaginative, creative fire with geometric and scientific knowledge to create his art masterpieces.
Life on another planet, may have a completely different set of rhythms and pace...and there may even be other "realities" right on top of us, or in the same space, reality on a different "phase" of matter (how energy comes together to make physical reality with completely different angle of electron spins etc) and thus appear "immaterial," "spiritual," or the makings of an acid trip when occasionally observed. Making these alternating "phases" seemingly different realities unto themselves. But as always is with all things in the universe- things fluctuate, in and out at all times- from one to another. Anti-matter comes into our own occasionally but disappears due to the presence of matter. There may be moments in space and time where things can "bleed" from into the other- and this may be the very reason the ancients were so obsessed with calendars, numbers, planetary bodies and what they meant to us (what today is astrology which itself is much larger cumulus of information than the "daily horoscope" websites would have us believe). What does this mean? What metaphysics and new ageism has attributed to "spiritual dimensions" is in actuality simply another kind of physicality that is highly connected to and integrated into our own by means not yet fully understood.
Everything is information, and everything is energy. Essentially information = energy. As Tesla knew, there is really no such thing as an energy source, but merely a translation or transduction from one state to another. You, as an information cumulus ("soul") transduce yourself from an abstract, subquantum "implicate order" into an ordered, materially physical "explicate order". Your body.
So basically, those who practice the old traditions had something right. You DO have a field of "energy" that permeates your body, in and around- and it CAN and DOES interact with others. What is not clearly enunciated by them is this is not simply "spiritual" or "voodoo" phenomenon; it is as physical as you and me just at a much more subtle and complex level than believed or understood by most mainstream models. To "tap" into it, requires a sort of re-training from how we are taught to use our body/brain, which is completely linear and limited. Holistic models usually also don't take into account the importance of the cells; it is important that they do though because it is each and every cell that emits this field. There is nothing "extra-sensory" about extra-sensory phenomenon because it is already NORMAL, regularly occurring, informational flow between oscillating and inert "things" in 4-spacetime. We just call it co-incidence, luck, placebo effect and even worse "psychic phenomenon" because we do not quite understand it yet. These things exist regardless of your religion, belief system, or cultural dogmas...and are independent there-of. So you don't have to be a Hindu to understand the basis of such a thing, and thus this is why this science of the future is so important- it seeks to understand the truth without the religious dogma, bias, cultural indoctrination and/or "new age" stigmata that often accompanies similar ideologies. Understanding this science would literally transform holistic "medicine" overnight, and create the necessary bridge between standard medicine (which is as of right now being held back by FDA, patenting of viruses, the multi-billion dollar "cancer industry" and those in academia who hold it back for financial purposes) and alternative medicine.
The scientist of the future will be those who understand what it means to be a "mystic scientist." If you were to tell this to your average (average not referring to the caliber of intelligence of the person but simply the mathematical average of how many have adopted similar belief systems) science nerd that enjoys to read "skeptic" magazine, they would revolt and completely disagree with my statement. Yet every great scientist (Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Maxwell, Planck, Bohm, etc) was a "mystic," even modern-day legends like Degrasse Tyson sounds like a mystic when he describes the universe. And the new and emerging model leaves us nothing but awe and beauty in our attempt to understand it. Even the mainstream and standard models (and theoretical ones too) are mind-blowing, how could we not be mystics when trying to understand what turned nothingness into something? Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton- heralded as perhaps the greatest scientist of all time meditated daily and used it as a means to perceive the laws of nature (in his minds eyes) or solve a problem? In science you call these "thought experiments." How could we not be a mystic when we can be so easily rapt in awe of the mystery and beauty of everything around us? The great thing about science being vital to the negentropic (think opposite of entropy, which means to unwind into chaos) process of blossoming and unfolding into a mature human race- is that it will be incontrovertible. We will simply "know," and this is the ability that we, at the unconscious level, that each and every one of our cells knows how to do very well- but "we" have forgotten it.
Everything is information, and everything is energy. Essentially information = energy. As Tesla knew, there is really no such thing as an energy source, but merely a translation or transduction from one state to another. You, as an information cumulus ("soul") transduce yourself from an abstract, subquantum "implicate order" into an ordered, materially physical "explicate order" : your body. Sonobioelectricgravitic (SBEG) energy is the medium.
To be continued...
Essay by Joshua Morales [3] (slightly) edited by Benoit Carpent [4] Links:
Linux(TM) Desktops have had their ups and downs,
and the [latest previous] situation
[is was] fairly well presented by Dedoimedo:
i prefer KDE to Gnome. Gnome is simpler,
and by default tends to welcome by familiarity
expatriats of winDblOwS, which is the primary audience of Dedoimedo.
KDE is much more customizable to user preference.
Notice that more recent development work is being applied to
the integration of Gnome and KDE into one.
While you can install multiple desktops on any Linux™ system,
if you wish to start with a KDE desktop on a very popular "distribution"
the Dedoimedo recommended starting place
is this.
To install it you will download an installer and burn it to either
an optical disk or a USB Flash Drive, for which purposes, a recommended tool
is this [best for WinDblOwS users].
[Well, from my (celeste) point of view, i'd suggest trying
As for which distribution i am running, that would be
DebIan. Also good is any
DebIan Pure Blend.
"KDE Connect" [is was] excellent for tethering my
"Android" "smart"-phone in {Wifi,USB}-Tethering mode,
and especially for sharing clipboard between phone and laptop.
On my present stupid FlipPhone, "TracFone" service disables this :-(
Some day i'll get what i truly prefer, a
Librem 5, which runs PureOS, a DebIan PureBlend :-)
KDE Connect on Plasma Mobile clues us as to [future 4 years ago] development.
Oh my, celeste, you really need to update this article!
Well, i know why that is...
Dedoimedo is continually jumping all over the place,
and i continue to simply run
Debian on my 2006 vintage Panasonic Toughbook CF-30.
Test 100+ Linux And Unix Operating Systems Online For Free
Faery blessings -- celeste
Tell the "Lords" of Karma That You Are Sovereign --
No Longer a Lightworker -- Part 2
Posted by Alexandra | Jun 14, 2014 | 2014, Spirituality | 0 |
Galactic Connection 2016
Thanks to Sandi for this one! -- A.M.
By Cameron Day, on November 21st, 2013
It has been a while since I published a long article, and I have been working for many hours on this follow-up to the August article, Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker. That piece generated a lot of positive responses, as well as tremendous resistance and scorn from those within the New (c)Age movement who are heavily invested in the illusions of the false light.
I know that much of what I revealed in that article was difficult to accept, but I am committed to Truth, wherever it leads.
This article is going to pick up where the last one left off, so if you haven't already read the first part, please go read that first because the terms defined in Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker will be used here without any definitions.
The "Lords" of Karma
The false-light demiurgic parasites known as the "Lords" of Karma are perhaps the worst violators of free-will that I have encountered, second only to the corrupt demiurge itself. They are the primary gatekeepers that allow or deny beings access into and out of the demiurgic system, and as such, they must be exposed.
Their perversion of the natural law of karma is so staggering in scope that I will only be able to cover a small portion of it in this article. To begin with, they are responsible for forcing beings to reincarnate over, and over, and over (and over) again, in clear violation of Universal Law.
In the "Free Universe" outside of the corrupt demiurgic enslavement system, a being is free to incarnate onto any planet that they choose.
When a being's physical life comes to an end (after hundreds, perhaps thousands of years), they return to Infinite Source for a rest, and then decide what they want to do next in order to continue to learn and grow. Nowhere in this process is a hierarchical group of controlling, manipulative beings like the "lords" of karma present.
As you can see by my use of quotes around the word "lords," I despise calling them that at all. So in my usual style, I have given these beings a new, somewhat sarcastic name: The Turds of Karma. I started calling them this after an encounter several months ago when I was removing deep layers of imposed agreements that they were trying to hold in place. At one point in the process I forcefully told them, "You are the biggest pieces of sh** that I have ever seen. I don't owe you ANYTHING. YOU owe every single being that you have manipulated a debt that you will never be able to repay!" At that point, they left very quickly.
After that, the name Turds of Karma just kind of stuck. Although it is somewhat juvenile, I think it fits, and I hope that you will think of them in this same way, so that you won't be fooled by their con-artistry now, or later when you depart from the physical realm. With that bit of renaming out of the way, let's explore some of the ways the Turds of Karma (ToK) manipulate beings.
The Light Review Scam
The primary tool that the ToK use to manipulate a being into accepting nearly endless reincarnation is the (false) "Light Review." When a person's body dies, they move out into the astral realms and begin to shed most of their previously held identity.
If this process were allowed to occur without interruption, the True Light of that being would emerge from within them and they would release layer upon layer of limiting beliefs generated in that incarnation.
However, within the realms of the demiurgic control system, what happens is that the ToK intercept that being just as their light is starting to emerge from within and surround them in a dazzling display of colorful external light. (This is why most of the people with near-death experiences report going through a tunnel of light.) The dazzling outer display distracts the being from the light emerging from within them and hypnotizes them through frequency entrainment and activation of any and all religious programming that being had been exposed to during their incarnation.
The ToK and other members of the Spiritual Liararchy such as arch(on) "angels" and "ascended masters" will often be present in the background during this process. As the individual is filled with a feeling of universal love and connectedness, they are told that this feeling is coming into them from the external "beings of light" that are surrounding them.
However, this feeling of universal oneness and love is actually emerging from INSIDE of the being, and it is being reflected back to them by the ToK and the liararchy. The individual doesn't have any time to reflect on what is happening, because they are quickly moved into the "review" phase of the process. They are shown a little movie of their life which focuses on the disappointments, unfulfilled desires, painful experiences and hurtful actions the person experienced during their life.
Through this biased and manipulated "life review," the being is made to feel bad about their life, which is exactly what the ToK want.
They tell the person that even though they failed at so many things in their life, that they will be given a chance to go back one more time and "get things right" in a new incarnation. The being is then grateful at this chance for redemption and accepts the agreements that the ToK present them with to incarnate again.
If that being was raised with a Christian type of indoctrination, they will encounter "Jesus and the angels" but be told that they are "not yet worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven."
Of course, the fear of being sent to hell is so strong in their belief system that they JUMP at the chance to reincarnate and become "worthy" to enter "God's kingdom," which is actually the demiurge's kingdom.
After agreeing to reincarnate, the being is then sent to a "heavenly realm" in the middle to upper astral realms to await reincarnation. This realm is nicely decorated with simulations of nature, lovely views and a staff of "guardian angels" who make sure those beings go back to earth when their time comes. Of course, those "guardians" are actually parasitic sheep-herders tending to their flock, and there is NO allowance for the beings held in this realm to go elsewhere.
Karmic Transference
If the content of an individual's life, unhealed wounds and unfulfilled desires isn't enough to convince them that they need to reincarnate, they are presented with an even more brazen deception. They are shown what they are told is their own past life where they committed horrible crimes, and they are told that they need to continue incarnating into adverse conditions in order to "work off" that bad karma.
In reality, the life they are shown is NOT theirs, but rather the actions of some being closely aligned with the liararchy who made pacts with them to avoid taking energetic responsibility for their actions.
Some of that criminal being's malicious energy is then projected onto the individual who is being tricked into believing that they were once that horrible criminal.
That being then takes on agreements to "discharge" the "bad karma" that they have (supposedly) earned for themselves, never realizing that it was all a lie designed to keep them subjugated and enslaved. This is done to coerce the being's agreement to reincarnate and take responsibility for crimes that they did not commit, ensuring that the person's next life is going to be filled with undue hardship.
This karmic transference also allows those dark sorcerers who have aligned with the liararchy to avoid the repercussions of their own actions. This transference is also used on a large-scale upon the populace of the planet through forms of mass mind-control and media manipulation. To properly explain that will require a separate article, but the basic mechanism for how this is done is through subconscious agreements embedded throughout the media, corporate logos (sigils), financial contracts, admiralty law and other "matrix institutions."
Coerced Demiurgic Entry Agreements
One more very important aspect of the agreements that are put upon beings by the ToK are the original "entry agreements" that the beings coming into the corrupt demiurgic realm are forced to make in order to even gain entry into this system. Many of us came here from what I call "The Free Universe" to help dismantle the demiurgic system from within, and the liararchy imposed an extensive list of coerced agreements upon these "Free Souls" in order to limit their effectiveness.
These entry agreements also contain clauses that allow for unspecified hardships to be leveled against a being during their incarnation, including but not limited to: Birth bump to bad parents, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychic attacks, etheric implantation, dream-manipulation, recruitment into the false-light's "lightworker corps," relationship issues, health problems, money problems, physical abduction and implantation, lack of self-worth and much more.
Most of the Free Universe beings coming in were pretty confident they could overcome those limitations, so they signed up.
There really was not much option, but some of us negotiated more fiercely than others and were saddled with fewer of these pernicious agreements, but no one came in "unscathed." Regardless of how many coerced entry agreements we have, it is important to remove all of these agreements in order to get clear and proceed with our chosen tasks of healing and waking up others, as well as pulling apart the demiurgic construct from the inside.
Revoking Agreements
This is the process that I use and have been sharing with others in clearing out agreements. The liararchy hides copies of these agreements in various realms, so specificity is important in this process. It is also important that you engage this process from your Sovereign Inner Self (Higher Self, Divine Inner Self, etc) and that you make this process your own. Just reading revocation statements will not get the job done. We need to be consciously engaging this process using the force of our will to effect the changes we desire.
I have found that once a person starts revoking agreements, it becomes easier over time to dig deeper to find more of them. Be aware that agreements often are splintered off into various fragments in order to make them harder to find. For example, there may be agreements to have difficult romantic relationships, difficult relationships with parents, with siblings, with friends, etc. These are all different "agreement clusters" that need to be specified and removed in separate processes.
So don't worry about getting rid of every agreement all at once. Take your time, and work through them on a daily basis as you sense them affecting you. The process outlined below is based on the Self-Clearing System Level 1 and Level 2, which form the foundation for the energy clearing work that I do.
Stand in the power of your Divine Inner Self's Sovereignty. Expand the light of your Divine Inner / Higher Self from your heart, surrounding your body in a Heart Sphere of Sovereign energy.
Connect to Earth's Core, Galactic Core, Infinite Source and the Forces of Divine Source Light.
Ask for a Galactic Vacuum to be ready to remove everything into the Galactic Core. (This is a funnel cloud of galactic core energy that vacuums up everything needing to be removed and transmuted.)
Call up all agreements related to "feeling like a victim" (or anything else) on this timeline and all other timelines in the past, present and future, and within all dimensions, densities, levels, realms and realities.
Call forth all reinstatement clauses, copies, back-ups, mirrors, counter-party copies, etc of the agreements.
State, "From the Inner Authority of my Sovereign Self, I declare ALL of these agreements null and void. I revoke ALL of these agreements as well as all counterparty copies, reinstatement clauses, duplicates, back-ups, mirrors, etc of everything previously named."
Proclaim, "I reclaim ALL of my energy that has gone into these agreements." As your energies, essences, soul fragments, etc come back to you, reintegrate them through your heart center.
Command, "I send all of these agreements and all facets previously named into the Galactic Vacuum to be transmuted in the Galactic Core."
Call forward all "counter party copies" of these agreements and send them into the galactic vacuum for transmutation. These are copies of the agreements held by parasitic beings who drain small amounts of your energy via those agreements. Some of those beings might claim to be "lords" of karma in order to exert authority over you. Don't believe any of their lies.
Tell those demiurge beings : "I am Sovereign. All of you parasitic ‘counterparty' beings are hereby notified that you are FORBIDDEN from EVER affecting my energy again. If you do attempt to violate my sovereign energy sphere, I will FORCEFULLY send you to the Galactic core to be transmuted. While transmuting will be the best thing that has ever happened to you, it's possible that you will not emerge if there is nothing left within you to salvage and transmute. You have been warned."
Next, offer those demiurgic counterparty beings an opportunity to step into the Galactic Vacuum to be taken to the Galactic core and transmuted. Some of them will take this opportunity so that they can be free from the Demiurge's control and hierarchical enslavement.
Declare, "I remove ALL imprinting, implants, overlays, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, identities, frozen emotions, etc related to these agreements." Ask your Divine Inner Self to direct a Galactic Vacuum throughout your unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and all throughout your sphere of consciousness to remove all of these components, and anything else related to these agreements.
Next, expand the light of your True Sovereign Inner Self to fill in all the areas that you have cleared. This allows the Truth of who you really are to replace the false constructs that have been removed.
Call forward and Restore the original agreement that you made with Infinite Source to incarnate into this troubled realm and to carry Source Light in your incarnation. Let the loving power contained within that original agreement dissolve any remaining constructs related to those old, artificially imposed agreements.
The most important part of all of this is your WILL to make this happen. Get a little angry if you need to, harness any righteous indignation you have and use the FORCE of your WILL.
Affirm often: "I am sovereign and no one is allowed to take my energy." "I am sovereign and no being or non-being is allowed to infringe on my sovereign space."
The Galactic Vacuum
This is a tool that I use on a daily basis in removing limiting energies, defending my Sovereign energy boundaries, as well as helping clients to do the same. Any thought-form, etheric implant or soulless being put into the vacuum is taken to the Galactic Core to be transmuted back into pure energy. Any beings with a soul sent to the Galactic Core are either transmuted, cleansed of their darkness and rehabilitated or dissolved back into basic energy (destroyed).
Either outcome is fine with me, although I am always rooting for them to emerge as healed, sane beings who can become productive members of the universe once again. Whether or not a being is healed and restored or it is destroyed is between them and Source. I do not make that decision, I am simply serving as a galactic conduit to send that being to look in the Galactic Mirror, take responsibility for its actions and hopefully heal and regain sanity.
I do warn these beings one time that they are NOT permitted to infringe on my Sovereign energy and that they need to back off or I will use defensive force in order to send them to the Galactic core. Most of them will make a show of standing down, but will try to send in an energetic probe or "feeler" later in order to continue their agenda. When I sense this, I go to the source of the incursion along with multiple Galactic vacuums and "clean house."
About half of these parasitic, demiurgic beings can be redeemed and transmuted back into sane, productive members of the free Universe. That is actually a pretty good ratio, considering how far into fear, insanity, control, enslavement, abuse, manipulation, destruction and hierarchy these beings have gone.
Universal Law & Defensive Force
In most New (c)Age doctrines, it is considered "unspiritual" or "unevolved" to even consider the use of defensive force. A good little new-ager is apparently supposed to let people and parasitic beings walk all over them, steal from them, drain their energy, manipulate / implant them, and harm them in any manner they choose. Not only that, but they should also suppress any "negative emotions" so that they will be basically "happy victims" of such abuses. This manipulative, deceptive "teaching" comes from the false-light, and nothing could be further from the real truth.
The Prime Universal Law is very simple: All beings are Sovereign and have free will to express their creative urges in any way they choose, but no being has the right to violate and harm others.
The corollary to that law is also very simple: Because all beings are Sovereign, they have the right to defend themselves from harm, using whatever level of force is necessary to stop the violation from occurring, even if it results in the destruction of the one inflicting the harm.
The enslavers and deceivers of the Spiritual Liararchy are in clear, total violation of Universal law. They avoid the Natural "Law of attraction," which reflects a being's actions back to them, by coercing and manipulating other beings into agreeing to be victimized and enslaved, as well as convincing other beings to take on responsibility for their crimes through karmic transference.
The demiurgic being's many layers of deception are predicated on the BIG LIE that we are separate from Infinite Source. The false-light beings then build upon this lie by convincing beings that Universal Law doesn't exist, that individuals have no inherent right to self-defense, that they must submit to the will of the Turds of Karma's "authority," and that people must worship the psychopathic demiurge and his "angelic" beings in order to be granted entry into "God's kingdom" one day.
The real truth is that we have NEVER been separate from Infinite Source, as that is a metaphysical impossibility. A being can choose to ignore their connection, believe it is not there, and even believe that they have severed that connection, but belief in a lie does not make it true, because Truth (capital T) is not relative.
As a metaphoric example, imagine if a group of human beings decided to sever themselves from the atmosphere by only breathing air from a SCUBA tank. Are they really separate from the atmosphere? No. They still exist within the atmosphere, even if they are breathing a seemingly separate source of air.
Nevertheless, the demiurgic beings have fully committed to their own illusion of separation from Source, and therefore must find an alternative source of energy, which they derive from humanity in the form of worship, adoration, beliefs, counterparty contracts, distorted sexuality, deception, confusion, apathy, struggle, pain, suffering, hate, death, etc. (Going on a spectrum of energetic "gourmet food" to "junk food" for the parasitic beings in that example.)
The LAST thing the liararchy wants is humanity coming to an understanding of Universal Law and how thoroughly we have been enslaved through deceit. The INSTANT we declare "I am Sovereign and NO being has ANY right to take my energy from me" the game changes radically. From that space of knowing that we are Sovereign Individuations of Source, we can exercise our Sovereign Rights, including righteous use of defensive force.
Right & Wrong
Another false-light teaching that infects the New (c)Age movement is that there is no such thing as right and wrong, that everything is just an experience that is there to teach us a lesson. While it is true that we can learn valuable lessons from adverse circumstances, this does not mean that it is necessary or desirable to be continually oppressed, manipulated, implanted, deceived, enslaved and drained of energy. Those are experiences the human race has had far too much of already.
With an understanding of Universal Law, we can observe that it is inherently wrong to harm another being who has done nothing to harm us. We can also understand that working together and cooperating with others is often the right thing to do. These simple concepts should be adhered to in order for us to free our minds from the twisted "logic" presented in New (c)Age teachings that would have us believe that the incredible amount of suffering inflicted upon humanity is entirely its own doing, as well as a wonderful learning experience, so we should not take any action to help others to alleviate their own suffering.
Were African-American slaves having wonderful learning experiences? How about the Irish and Scottish indentured servants before them? How about the medieval serfs who could be executed at the whim of the king or one of his minions? No, these people were clearly being enslaved, which is easily recognized as something that is wrong to do.
Similarly, humanity is not having a wonderful learning experience by being enslaved to the corrupt demiurge's spiritual liararchy. We are learning one thing for sure though, which is how to declare our Sovereignty and stop being slaves! Well, many of us are.
One of the major roots of these worldly and metaphysical problems is the concept of hierarchy. Everywhere we look in the world, we have (usually male-dominated) hierarchical systems of organization. Hierarchy is an insidious, disempowering system of authority, obedience and enslavement that we MUST transcend in order to begin to heal ourselves and our world.
Likewise, we must also transcend "spiritual" hierarchies that foster enslavement, subservience and blind obedience. The corrupt demiurge and its minions of archon-angels, fake ascended masters, ETs, demons, etc are the ultimate representation of degenerate hierarchy that consumes life-force and leaves only destruction in its wake.
Transcending metaphysical hierarchy is a process of self-liberation / clearing, gaining self-knowledge, gaining knowledge of Universal and Earthly Natural Law, and exercising our Sovereign Will. First, we have to KNOW through and through that we are fully connected extensions of the Divine Infinite Source of all creation. When we know that, not just think it on an intellectual level, we realize that there is NO legitimate authority outside of ourselves. There is only inner authority and self-governance, which when guided by understanding of Universal Law prohibits us from instigating actions that would harm another.
Enlightened Self-Governance and adherence to Universal Law is the foundation for a free society. Only with this foundation in place will we be able to avoid the ego trap of exerting "authority" over others to control and regulate their behaviors which do not harm anyone else.
Only through Enlightened Self-Governance will we be able to build an entirely new type of society that is self-organized to solve problems and see to the needs of the many as a genuine expression of the desire to cooperate and make a world that benefits everyone. This has to be an ever-evolving, co-creative process that we will continually discover as we engage it.
Every idea needs to be tested and applied where it is willing to be accepted in an open-source manner through voluntary participation of all individuals involved in a non-hierarchical, uni-level, self-organizing process. This requires an entirely new way of thinking, organizing and taking action, and all old models of centralized, top-down authority need to be abandoned, because as we have already seen, any attempts to impose a single "best system" onto the world will always result in oppression and will ultimately fail.
We have within us the potential to FREE every single human being from the shackles of enslaving systems of hierarchy and external authority, to work together and create solutions to provide the basic needs of food, water, power, shelter, clothing, transportation and knowledge to EVERYONE on the planet. Creating self-generating systems to support all of these needs is totally achievable, but only if we can cooperate as sovereign individuals who respect the rights and boundaries of others.
Such a shift in our world depends on all of us to know that we are Sovereign, to proclaim our Sovereignty, delete our slave-think programming, and then to work together in cooperation as Sovereign individuals with a common goal of maximal empowerment of everyone on the planet.
Proclaiming Sovereignty
The process of proclaiming Sovereignty and removing the false programming that has been embedded into our psyches from multi-dimensional levels of control takes time and consistent effort. We need to proclaim daily "I am Sovereign, I am free. Only *I* can govern me." (Or any other way you want to phrase it, since you are Sovereign after all. )
We also need to put in the self-clearing work required to revoke all agreements that we have made, either consciously or subconsciously to give our power away to external authorities, to experience unnecessary suffering or limitations, to bear "karmic" burdens that are NOT ours to bear, etc. This is not a quick process, and I am going through my own version of it on a daily basis.
The liararchy does NOT respect free will, healthy boundaries, or your right to say NO to them. They use every possible type of manipulation, coercion and naked force to get their way. That is how patriarchal hierarchical beings work. (Notice the similarities in the words hierarchy and patriarchy, and the "archon" influence.) The aggressive, domineering energy of patriarchy seeks to control every facet of every being's existence, taking and consuming everything that it possibly can.
This is represented physically (below) by corrupt hierarchical governments, secret societies and corporations exploiting people and the environment. It is represented metaphysically (above) by the corrupt demiurge and its legion of enslaved enslavers, of which the Turds of Karma are simply one division of the control grid.
This is why it is so important to remind those pesky "lords" of karma and ALL of the demiurgic parasites that you are SOVEREIGN, and be willing to utilize your Sovereign power to back up that statement. They don't speak the language of love, so that means we need to use some force in order to get our point across.
This is How I See It...
It is difficult to uncover these things, to stare the most malevolent beings in the universe in the face and tell them that I am Sovereign and I will NOT permit them to violate me. Ironically though, in some ways it is even more difficult to share these revelations publically.
So many people are completely sold on their false-light "ascended masters, ETs and angels" who tell them what to do, how to think and how to live that they attack me for bringing this revelatory information to the public eye.
To those people, I say quite simply: Believe what you want to believe, but I am going to keep working on KNOWING the TRUTH, and taking appropriate ACTION to right the wrongs that have been done to humanity by the very beings that you are giving your power away to.
I choose to stand for Truth as a Sovereign Being alongside (not beneath) the Sovereign beings of the Free Universe who take action to oppose all forms of deception, parasitism and enslavement.
I thank those of you who will stand alongside, and take action with us.
Much Love, Cameron Day
I have been "dealing-with" the Courts of the Lords of Karma for many years,
and the more i have brought suit against dark evil entities for Karmic accounting,
the more i have found unwillingness to enforce the Law of Karma, by the "Lords",
thus prooving their non-neutrality and non-accountability, and thus the necessity to
evict them from their positions / offices as either incompetent or corrupt, a process
i have done at least a half dozen times. It seems that the temptation of the profits
of looshing and traficking in humans and their parts (life-force-energy, souls, bodies),
is simply too great to have a righteous or honest court of Karma, therefore,
i ignore them and utilize the akashic records in handling karma issues.
What is most important is to evict them from any illusions of authority in our own minds.
-- celeste
Love is the only thing which is real; all else is illusion.
Only love heals.
You have the freedom and the power to choose love.
85% of relationships amongst [mankind] on Ter-Ra are based upon mutual needs fulfillment in the dualistic world. Most seek relationships based in "Romantic" Love, they seek to fall in love with each other. The "fall" is a consequence of a combination of factors, primarily desire based:
A spiritually conscious loving couple will seek that their relationship serves to help them both rise in love. This is more to the nature of true love, which seeks to enhance, support, nurture the other individual to succeed in their own choices. This is about a love which is giving. This should be a major goal for a healthy relationship.
You cannot simultaneously demand of another individual that they be honest with you and that they obey your agenda for them. If you demand to control them, you give them incentive to lie in escaping your control, and if you demand honesty, then you must be open to hear the truth without negative reactions to what you hear because they are being honestly who they are rather than who you want to control them to be.
If you do succeed in getting another individual to submit to your control you have committed soul murder, the opposite of love. Control comes in two flavors: both the overt yang form, and the covert yin form of manipulation, deceit, lies. Each are equally hurtful and destructive to love and trust and to the soul, and are both karmic. Only open honesty and acceptance of the other's right of free-will choice can be the foundation of trust and love.
All the world is illusion, the only reality being how you feel about your experience, and whether the experience you receive or cause is loving or hurtful. This means you can play any game you like as long as you play it honestly and nonhurtfully. "All the world is a stage, and all the people players" - Shakespeare. To cocreate and share lovingly merely requires finding someone who wants to play the same game you do.
If you were given absolute power over manifest reality, would you use it to have power over other people, or would you use it to empower other people? Do you seek dominance or dominion? Is it enough to have absolute control over your own body reality or do you seek to control others also, rather than allowing them the same free dominion you claim for yourself? How can you justify not giving to others what you demand from them? If you have the right to be free and not controlled by others, then so do they. Distance, separation, boundaries, privacy, are the keys to coexistence.
Healthy relationships are built on two foundations: Trust and Love.
Trust is the more fragile of the two, being easier to damage, and taking longer to heal.
Love is beyond fear & manipulation. Love is giving, responding, honoring, commitment, intimacy, caring so that someone can feel secure, pleasure, vulnerable, trust, caring & intimacy, reduced fear of loss, and rejoicing in the presence in the present, experiencing and willing freedom.
Love is completely outside the realm of cause and effect, despite all our games, manipulations and strategies to create, possess, and maintain it. It is an aspect of the Divine, something we can not control.
Many of the games people play in relationships are to avoid pain, get love, get needs met.
Possessiveness in relationships comes from insecurities. Attempting to nail-down a relationship through commitment covers fear of abandonment.
The need to be special, to be the only one your partner chooses to mate with, covers a lack of self worth.
In our childhood relationships with our parents we are made to feel special. If we attempt to enter a mating relationship without fully maturing, we will seek to have our mate make us feel special the way our parents did. If we have not matured beyond the issue of our sexual attraction to our opposite sex parent, we may choose inappropriately a mate to substitute for that parent.
If we let go of the need for specialness, both to be special to others, and that we are only willing to mate with someone special, we can have real relationships with real people. When we are self-sufficient, we can relate healthily with other healthy people.
Low Self Esteem creates insecurity, jealousy, possessiveness, the need to be special, fear of abandonment, need for a special partner, need for partner to commit to you, need for partner to commit to be with you only. The Demon of Fear can only be overcome through Self Love.
We attempt to manipulate and control others by giving to them the power over our own emotional states with the claim that they make us happy or unhappy. This is a lie and therefore hurtful to both them and yourself.
Claim your sovereignty, that you alone are the creator of your reality, your perception thereof, and your states of feeling thereabout. Give up blame and punishment of others because they are in their sovereignty rather than being for you what you want or need them to be.
We have no right to define for another what is real, valid, important, meaningful or true. The only thing which is actually real for yourself is that we exist only in this moment, and contained within this moment are all possibilities, from which we choose which to make real and manifest, no matter how much we deny that choice and power.
Many people operate with very warped definitions of love. Our first responsibility to the health of yourself and the health of our relationships with others is to be harmless (ahimsa). You cannot live in a friendly loving world if you go around hurting others. We hurt another whenever we lie to them, covertly manipulate them, or overtly control them. Honesty is the only non-hurtful policy. We must accept others exactly the way they are, without judgment, giving them the right of sovereignty over their own lives, the absolute right of free-will choice over their own lives. We must have the humility to see them as new in every moment, to be willing to relate to the new individual of that moment, rather than thinking we know them and relating to who we previously knew them to be. Then we have achieved harmlessness (ahimsa). Beyond that we may understand them through knowing them, their choices, dreams, visions, goals, will. We may love them by setting them free and encouraging and supporting them in manifesting with grace and ease and abundance that which they choose for their self, from their Self, not what we want them to choose. That they choose differently from us, or from our desires or needs, is to be expected and encouraged as their spiritual uniqueness and sovereignty... for how boring the world would be if we were all identical clones. Encourage them in manifesting their own choices, even when they choose what we do not like, for what we like is our own problem of judgment. If you love someone, set them free. Most are looking to find the perfect mate whom they will then possess... guaranteed to kill all possibility of love in the relationship between them.
Our relationships with others can only be as healthy as our relationship with our self. Until we have our own healthy self, we can not co-create or participate in a healthy relationship, whether with family, friends, or lovers. This has to be the first principle of healthy relationships, be healthy yourself. Regardless the intended or committed form of relationship, the actual relationship we will experience with anyone is automatically created from who each of us is in that moment. Selling yourself out to manipulate a specific relationship into a specific form, to maintain our attachment to getting what we want with a specific individual, is the only alternative to selling them out, by attempting to change them to be what we want them to be. Each is destructive, anti-loving to one or both people. The only healthy alternative is being true to yourself and allowing the relationship to "float", to be undefined; a very scary proposition to anyone who has not yet healed childhood wounds and found their Self.
Until Death Do Us Part?
Until Death of Past & Future Do Us Now Join.
Set your self and those you relate to, free of the past; do not pretend to know either yourself or them and then project your past perceptions of who you previously perceived you or them to be, upon who you each are now. It takes extra work to actually relate in the moment; be so willing.
Set your self and those you relate to free of the future, do not demand commitment to the future, for no matter how perfectly you choose what is appropriate from today's perspective, you demand non-growth, non-healing when you demand to control the future.
Set your self and those you relate to free of the present, of your expectations, needs, desires, commitment, and possessiveness.
Commit only that you will be true to your own heart and soul, and that you will openly and honestly communicate, reveal, expose that authentic self to others, that they may honor your truth by supporting your right to be you, and your right to make your own choices for your own life, and that you will give them what you demand from them; free dominion.
If you love someone, set them free. You will be incapable of this until you love yourself enough to set yourself free.
In following the truth of your heart and soul, you may find yourself in a deep monogamous relationship with someone who is following the truth of their heart and soul, day after day, because your union is the soul truth, not because your egoes made dysfunctional commitments to each other about monogamy, about the future. You cannot have in this moment that which you are unwilling to not have in this moment or the next.
Ultimately the only lesson is to live love.
Well, "yes", that's all well and good, we might say...
but how?
Firstly, in each moment, the priority is to release the past, through forgiveness. When we reach neutral calm about the past, we simply become bored with it, as in: "I'm not interested in either telling stories of the past, listening to stories of the past, nor recycling emotions about the past, because I've processed all those emotions, learned all the lessons of them, and i clearly cognize that life is in the now.
Secondly, in each moment, the priority is to be in faith and trust, that the future will bring only positive appropriate experience. If we are open to flow with the energies of the moment, if we are open to change to stay in that flow, if we release our need to know everything, if we release our need to control everything, then we can be in the reality our own higher-self intends for us. That also means surrendering our attachments to timing, specific outcomes, and specific paths to outcomes. Is it obvious this is the antidote to fear (about the future)?
Thirdly, and here's where we get into actually living in the now, we have a calm and mostly empty mind (left-brained ego), and a calm and peaceful heart and soul, together in complete acceptance of what is, for what is attracted to us is only our own creation, and even if it be not our preference, leaving behind unpreferred manifestation will only happen by neutral acceptance, "yawn", yeah, i know, i know, it's just a delayed reflection of the energies i previously held in my energy field. Whatever... yeah, it helped me clarify what i don't prefer, so that by inversion, i became clearer about what i do prefer... Yay!
Fourthly, we step into reality creator mode. We imagine in our right brain intuitive center, and in our 3rd eye, our preferred utopia, while in our hearts feeling the confirmation of joy, that it is in alignment with our soul, and we adopt an attitude of gratitude for it being "already done", (which it is in a parallel-reality time-line), and we know that by the law of attraction, we will attract our self into that reality by continuing to hold those frequencies, that image, that joy, that appreciation, inside our energy fields.
This, then, is how we change our own consciousness to change our own reality, the only thing we actually have power over, or the right to have power over, and the only thing even approaching "real" in our experiential life. Because "we are all one", the way we change everyone else, is by changing our self. And that is how we "fix the world".
The issue of Parental Wound is created typically by the age of 18 months, when we have our first experience of true independence from our parents. When they realize that we have achieved independence, they usually react negatively, keeping us dependent upon them. Their reaction is either one of, or both of, two kinds of repression. In one form they exert external pressure upon us to repress our independence, and in the other they convince us to exert internal pressure upon our selves to repress our independence, by convincing us that we are wrong to be independent. In this process we conclude that:
These wounds are sex and gender based, depending on both our own sex and the sex of the parent creating the wound; (for brevity we address the majority case of heterosexual orientation). In classical Psychology, these correlate with the Oedipal Complex and the Electra Complex; the desire to have the same kind of relationship with the opposite sex parent as the same sex parent has with them. Ultimately, we receive wounds from both parents, with the deeper wounds buried under the easier to deal with wound, which itself may be something we avoid dealing with for most of our lives. It is a major point of choice of partners until we are finally willing to confront the pain of these wounds, transmuting our relationship up from the level of partner choice to avoid the wound, up to a choice of partner to help us heal these wounds, someone who is also willing to confront their own wounds. Once the wounds are healed, then we may finally chose an appropriate partner for a spiritually based soulful relationship based upon cocreation and play.
One of the most important matters to address in any relationship, is the nature of expressions of love. For each individual, there are two lists:
Often, people may be doing their very best to express their love for each other, but if their natural modality of expression is not the same as the other ego's mode of expectation, then each feels that they are having to give or effort too much, and is not being rewarded by being loved in return. Communication between partners is essential.
The two biggest factors in relationship longevity are the matters of:
If one is growing way faster than the other, then incompatibility may result, or the one growing faster may sabotage their growth to keep the relationship.
If one wants to share everything and the other only wants to share a portion of their life, then there are continual conflicts over borders / boundaries between them, one always feeling engulfed by too much of the other, and the other always feeling abandoned.
All of the above listed issues are the learning process of a male and a female preparing to mate physically. This involves two primary factors:
[A]scended love of non-duality is completely different than anything we have described above. In the lower realms the first principle is separation, and thus every aspect of relating with "other" starts from disconnection, and is about making connection. In 6D+ reality we start from the knowing of oneness, thus love is a part of the shared oneness, thus it is void of subject and object, source and sink. In this realm everything is love. We all relate in that context, and yet there can be a "specialness". This is one isness of love.
To the extent we choose to depend upon the external world to mirror ourselves,
particularly with respect to having a relationship be interpreted as
mirroring our self worth or lovability,
then the presence or absence thereof,
or the quality of relating if a partner is present,
places us in a dependent state,
that of giving away all our power to another.
When it produces the sought appreciation by partner,
we may then allow ourself good feelings.
The only way off this treadmill / hampsterwheel is to internalize the game of mirroring with others,
take it to our own reflection in the glass mirror, or in the still water,
and realize that our true happiness can only come from self love,
in the here and now.
This is a necessary step in the process of ascension,
to release romantic love and any sense of need of a partner,
which is a game within duality,
so that we may [a]scend beyond the separation of duality,
and arrive in unity consciousness in the non-dual
where we are love, and in wholeness.
-- celeste
'The One that is All that Is whologram of divine essence is that which is individuated essence,
and only being disconnected from the knowing-of and being-in that,
can lead to the sense of needing other, requiring relating with other,
as the fulfillment of having the same thing which is already within the individuated self but denied.'
-- tomril
"The Authentic Self is whole and complete,
for it is not in any way separate from the 'whologram',
the hologram of the whole.
It may be called variously the 'Christ Self' or the
'Higher Self', ones' 'Spirit',
whose incarnate fusing with the embodiment
is the Soul dwelling in the Gold Room
in the center of the Heart Chakra,
(the Thymus Gland just above the blood pump).
While the individuated embodiment vehicle and its experiences
are unique and separate,
and allows for the manifestation of individuated free will choice,
the surrender of that will to serve the highest good of the whologram,
is the choice which produces the highest synchronicity and
positive synergy."
-- crystalfaeries
Faery blessings - celeste
The root chakra carries the body reality, the body agenda, which is quite simply, survival:
Hopefully it is obvious why priority #1 over #2
is as it is?
Only immortality (of bodies) could flip them.
The chakras above the root chakra are all driven by spirit, and each chakra corresponds with an endocrine gland. The endocrine glands all generate and are affected by hormones. Emotions are driven by hormones, and generate hormones. It is well known and established that the lowest chakra with an "issue" dominates the consciousness focus, and therefore we must be cognizant that ultimately our incarnate reality is dominated by bodily survival, and that ultimately comes down to reproduction, which requires both:
Lust+Fetishes may express deep-seated hungers.
Beyond survival and hungers there is
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