Today begins with lessons of
Loving others implies
allowing them to create any reality they choose.
One of their choices
we must honor is whether or not they are willing to receive from us,
that which we offer as a "gift" or "healing",
i.e. do they choose
to receive catalyzation by us in a
parallel-reality leap or a
time-line hop.
Our only responsibility to them, is to
ethically honor their choice,
we never have responsibility for them,
(except the mother for her infant),
or for the reality they create,
(or how they may choose
to regress after receiving our gift).
What we do have responsiblity for is our own selves, and
the reality we create with our attention and intention.
i had the opportunity to re-activate their
family portal.
... and the next lesson arrived with another call for my ministry, with a clear intention to receive assistance in a shift of energetic reality in the "unseen realms" to match their intent and sense of changing realities between the previous and present "month". This time the openness was matched by the entire family, (at least at the higher self level), so that i was allowed to deliver to them a family portal of ascension activation.
These family portals of ascension activation received an update on the 15th.