2015-09-18.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:06 -1000


It's funny observing patterns as various people call for help... lately lots of things are "up" with "pets"... a reminder that animals are in the ascension process also... and as their consciousness awakens, they also are at times finding it appropriate to end or change old relationships, or to begin new relationships or ways of relating. One of the relationships we have is between spirit and body, and some of us people, faeries, cats, or [mankind], may "ascend" via a reincarnation cycle.

[ Update 2015-09-21 20:10:30+00:00 ]: One of my friends' cats has ascended by leaving his body, and in her synchronistic grieving his leaving, yet knowing it to be perfect, she has found comfort in this poem

Some who are attached to expectations may enter a state of worry about unwanted potential future, but worry is expected future anger that the unwanted shall manifest, and by focussing upon anything we empower it to manifest, therefore, as with fear, these energies are anti-productive of positive outcome. Traditionally the positive focus is love and intent of healing, wheras i am now finding far more miraculous changes to come from time-line hopping, and with continued practice, am having easier success facilitating others to time-line jump into their ascended reality with the assistance of our 8D angelic crystal faeries ascension portals. Therefore i am finding that family portals work even between animals and [mankind] :-)

While the sense of belonging to a pack may bind canines and [mankind], [mankind] need to release the illusion that they can "own" another sentient being, though they may volunteer to caretake some animals, (especially necessary now that [mankind] have despoiled the entire planet), felines are quite independent. A neighbor is busy worrying about a "run away" cat he refers to as "my", while i clearly saw psychicly that said feline "went on walkabout" and adopted a new home of greater appropriateness.

The evening brought blessings of meeting new locals and cocreative sharing which flowed gracefully.


My radiation detector continues to chirp at least once a minute a level of 0.1RAD, at least throughout most of the daytime hours. It finally fell silent overnight.