13th September 2015
Welcome to the void...
Whereas i never use cards in
reading others,
i play with
the Secret Dakini Oracle Deck to get
a "snapshot" of my energies,
and I've always had a contract with them that they show me the naked truth, unconditionlly.
Using the standard Dakini layout, plus an additional 11th card for the crown chakra,
we have a card per chakra plus 4 influences upon the heart chakra.
There is no surprise that yet another rebirth is indicated :-)
- 7: {A,Tran}scendant Self
37: Fire of Sacrifice bears the number 37, signifying the occult path of commitment. According to the classification by Elements this is a Fire card, normally related to the suit of Wands in the Minor Arcana of the traditional Tarot.
Recognize the ability of the Self to let go of all habits and habit-forming thoughts. Replace these with conscious rituals of meditation. A deliberate act of self-sacrifice may be necssary to the questioner who draws this card. If this is consciously practiced a great advantage is to be gained. Let go of all worldly attachments (possessiveness) in favor of the inner fire of faith, keeping this constant in the illusory field of existence.
An act of selfless sacrifice leading to the transformation of a situation.
- 6: Final Outcome / the Answer
12: Slay the Ego bears the number 12, signifying fruition, the blending of complementaries as a complete expression devoid of all ego. It relates to the Hanged Man of the traditional Tarot, though this aspect here depicted is less to do with the world and more concerned with the psyche and its place in the cosmos.
Forsake the particularization of Self for participation in the universal dance of life. Dissolve the veil which separates the Self from the one Divine Unity. With courage and insight cut through the bondage of the ego. Renounce all that impedes progress, break with habits and habit-forming thoughts. Self-surrender, leading to personality transformation.
Meditate on Dark Kali as both destroyer and regenerator, cutting awy all that needs to be shed.
- 5: the Environment
58: Chameleon bears the number 58, signifying the Path of adaptability. According to the classification by Elements this is a Gaia card, normally related to the suit of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana of the traditional Tarot.
This card tells of a person who is able to see all around a situation but is unwilling to take a risk. The position of adaptability changing always to suit the environment. it suggests that the questioner can be easily influenced and yet this is a protection from the pressures of the world.
In the Throat region this card indicates a natural ability for fantasy.
- 4: Arriving influences
55: Totally Bananas bears the number 55, signifying the Path of psychic release. According to the classification by Elements this is a Gaia card, normally related to the suit of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana of the traditional Tarot.
The release of latent energies, but without the conscious knowledge of how to direct them. Turning the world of appearances on its head. An unconscious fantasy, the joke of existence in the realization of the ridiculous in all things.
In the Heart it represents confusion of emotion and the desire to be separated from conventional attitudes to Love.
- Hopes and Expectations
29: Self Preservation bears the number 29, signifying initiation into the timeless Wisdom-aspect of exalted feminity. According to the classification by Elements this is an Air card, normally related to the suit of Swords in the minor Arcana of the traditional Tarot.
A wish to maintain self-integrity through all types of changing phenomena. If the questioner of the oracle finds that her position in the world or with regard to a personal relationship is being threatened, then the drawing of this card indicates the need to withdraw into oneself the Life-force (the Prana-vayu) in order to maintain equilibrium. Recognize the need for self-preservation in the areas which this cards falls within.
At the Heart center the emotional attitude is indicated.
Meditate on the ego-less self, maintaining the inner flame or truth, beyond all dualities.
- the Self
59: Pearls Before Swine bears the number 59, signifying the Path of discrimination through self-awareness. According to the classification by Elements this is a Gaia card, normally related to the suit of pentales in the Minor Arcana of the traditional Tarot.
Use discrimination and do not let the sense of selfhood become inflated. Guard against disillusionment, particularly with regard to all worldly matters. Keep company with those who bring out the best rather than the worst aspects of personality.
When located at the Heart the card tells of emotional problems, difficulties in [mankind] relationships, which can be overcome if Discriminating Wisdom is brought within.
- Unconscious Thoughts
24: Solar Return bears the number 24, signifying the cycles of time resolved and returned to a cosmic point of reference, the integration of opposites in balance, the number of stability in the microcosmic-macrocosmic relationship. According to the classification by Elements this is an Air card, normally related to the suit of Swords in the Minor Arcana of the traditional Tarot.
Return to the roots of the personality. Consider the astrological influences at birth, in order to find the path of least resistance in the present situation. Try to decipher the Past in order to predict the Future. Bring the Future into the Present. This card relates to the Darkening of the Light hexagram of the I-Ching, but presents a time when one may be forced to confront the inner structure of the psyche. The relationship of the individual to the collective unconscious is to be considered. The overcoming of obstacles through recognition of Self-nature; the calculation of exterior influences to compute one's evolutionary direction. Cultivate the faculty of being aware of auspicious signs such as dreams or omens. A positive card, very much the path of the warrior, a chance to make gains by confrontation, the burning of karma, a return to the source. A way through to Eternity.
- Conscious Thoughts
22: Mother's Milk bears the number 22, signifying the combined essential Mother-principles of attachment and nourishment. According to the classification by Elements this is an Air card, normally related to the suit of Swords in the tradiitional Tarot Minor Arcana.
Spiritual homesickness, the desire to get back to the Primal Source, just as a baby longs to suckle the breast of the mother. It represents the aspiration for non-duality and can indicate tha the questioner should recognize the need for nourishment.
At the Heart center it is concerned with emotion such as with regard to a lover (or child).
Honoring the female principle of fecundity and generation, meditate on the bounteous nature of the Infinite. Remember that each one of us has been nourished by Great Nature.
- Hopes and Expectations
- 3: the Situation Surrounding
64: the Last Laugh / the Future bears the number 64, signifying the exalted Cycle of Transformation of the psyche, the number of the Secret Dakinis. According to the cycle of activity of the Secret Dakini Oracle, this card indicates the potent power of the Future.
Take a position of ascendency in the present situation and all obstacles will be overcome. See the humor in all situations, rather than taking life too seriously. Even morbidity is only a state of mind. Learn to laugh at yourself and at the situations you find youself in and in doing so, cut through all limitations normally attributed to karma. Free yourself from attachments.
At the Navel the card tells of ruthless self-work, but with humor so bringing about a psychological breakthrough.
- 2: Opposing forces
20: Transformation bears the number 20, signifying duality united and integrated as a position of Tantric potency. This card relates to the Judgment of the Tarot.
A highly auspicious card, indicating a fine level of self-development achieved. It suggests spiritual awakening, renewal, ecstasy achieved through balanced union, fulfillment.
The supremacy of the higher over the lower, spirit over matter.
- 1: Passing Influences
8: Living Goddess bears the number 8, signifying perfect balance through positive channeling of power, culminating in spiritual evolution. It is the number of the planet Saturn, who in occult traditions is the power-principle upholding the equilibrium of Creation. This card relates to Justice of the Tarot
The Gaian manifestation of spiritual qualities, the concept of being chosen, and a sense of duty toward higher ideals. An evolved self-development to meet a position which one has been put in, (either) in the world (or out of it). Indicates the potency of the miraculous, and an evolved aesthetical position of reference. This card is particularly positive in the spiritual sense, suggesting compassion and resignation.
It is a guardian card, related to the astrological signs Libra and Aquarius, indicating equilibrium and balance of an occult nature.