![[celeste_crystalfaery face]](/imgs/clipart/portrait/face.gif)
Aloha living beings operating privately in conscious community of Kaua'i.
The time has come for we angelic faeries and [mankind] to build our new reality. The appropriate energetic templates have been emplaced, now we get to play together!
As we continue to ascend, to build and dwell in new-Gaia, we are compelled to cognize in what ways we are still perceived to be in old-Gaia, and that is quickly followed by the necessity of informing old-Gaia citizens that we are not, by choice, in their reality.
![[Lemurian-Atlantian TimeLine]](/imgs/lemuria/landscape/lemurholod.png)
The history of the invocation of Faery Reality and 8D Angelic Crystal Faeries Ascension Portals on Kaua'i:
- 2011-11-11 Invocation of Faeries upon Kaua'i
- 2012_12_21 Energetic Gateway
- 2013-05-18 Faes Of Love-Testing 8D Ascension Portals in Virtual Worlds
- 2013-06-04 Invocation of 8D Angelic Crystal Faeries Ascension Portal for Kauai
- 2013_06_12 Fae
- 2013-06-23 4D Anchoring of 8D Angelic Crystal Faeries Ascension Portal on Kauai
- 2013-07-03 Kauai is Now a Sovereign Nation
- 2013_07_04_Activation_of_Kauai_Independence_Day
- 2013-07-06 New Creations
- 2013-07-27 Rebirthing
- 2013-09-14 Goddess-High Priestess
- 2013-09-17 Changes
- 2015-08-12 Time Loop
- 2015-08-15 Null between Realities
- 2015-08-21 Grace
- 2015-08-24 Peace
- 2015-08-31 New Groupings
- 2015-09-28 ahupua'a (watershed) of Kilauea
- 2015-12-31 ley-lines and the watershed of Kaua'i's sovereign bubble
- 2016-05-10 clearing negative future time-lines
- 2016-05-12 healing clearing and divine invocations at Kilauea point
- 2016-05-24 ascension portal network is in graceful order
- 2016-06-14 New-Gaia of 5D+ is without [...] problems
- 2016-06-24 International Fairy Day
- 2016-06-30 My 3 Wishes
- 2016-07-04 Kaua'i Independent Sovereignty
- 2016-07-10 liberation from statutory occupation
- 2016-07-14 now including Ni'ihau as part of Kaua'i's sovereign space
- 2016-07-18 one lunation's notice that the 2016-08-17 23:29 Full Moon is time for all corpseorations to have vacated Kaua'i
- 2016-07-19 Each group may operate as a liable company, rather than as an irresponsible-for-harm corpseoration
- 2016-08-02 living souls upon the land must reclaim [Kaua'i] from the zombies adrift on admiralty
- 2016-08-05 in New-Gaia there can be only living ensouled beings
- 2016-08-17 it is time for all corpseorations to have vacated Kaua'i, which is the planetary center of New-Gaia's abode of divine life
- 2016-08-20 no longer accomodating those who are not ready or willing to be part of ascended reality, we are done with the negative and with conflict
- 2016-08-28 cosmic laws are already in effect on Kaua'i
- 2016-09-02 Paradigm Shift
- 2016-09-03 Divine Love Consciousness
- 2016-09-25 StarSeed, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Beings, Lineage, and Light
- having become accustomed to the rural quiet of Kilauea
- 8D Galactic Pulses through our Sun
- energies stabilized in Kilauea in our Kaua'i Ascension Portal
- pre-setting Intent for our upcoming new moon creations for the next 13 moons
- We gathered at Kalihiwai Bay, to cocreate [mankind] ascension here on Kaua'i
c/o: celeste:crystalfaery
c/o: Angela Kahealani, agent
c/o: General Post Office; Keneke Street - 1
Kilauea, Kaua'i; UM [96754-9998]
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