
[a]scension blog

21st December 2014

We share a simple message for the new moon solstice. These linear time gateways or milestones are of significance to operations within duality. It is not our kuleana / dharma / mission / purpose to address the reality of those who have chosen to remain in this frequency domain. We suggest instead for individuals seeking or living already in transcendent consciousness to go deep within their DNA memory to access the pre-fall knowing of the original life templates in which there was freedom and accountability. These are equally accessible from the akashics records library for those who are able to raise their frequency to access the library. For those who can sustain 4D consciousness at least during meditation, access through one of our 8D-4D Angelic crystal faeries Ascension Portals, (such as the one we maintain for all of Kaua'i Sovereign Space), provides access to the necessary akashics information to activate your DNA Codons for ascension, and clear access to your own higher self which can provide your individual pre-fall templates. Raising your frequency and aligning with your ascended higher self is the best thing to do for your highest possible outcome as soon as possible, independent of where you are on Gaia energy grid, or where the planets and stars are in the sky, or what time the clock claims "is real".

With all of that as a background and preparation, we suggest it may be "interesting" in awakening to, and claiming, your multidimensional expression, to begin slipping your body's time-lock associated with your original anchoring into your body. As you master this, you liberate yourself from the perpetual rollercoaster ride of going round and round the astrological prison, and can master each and every, and all aspects of self, rather than being limited to your "astrological natal pattern", and its derivative "human-design pattern". This is the gateway to time-travelling, not only your consciousness, but also your body.

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