2020-03-01 SunDay's numerology: 8 Justice = Kumari Higher-Self Essence: Equilibrium, adjustment, suspended strength and action
Another chilly morning... and
another cool and breezy day....
perfect for introversion :-)
Anna VonReitz.
2020-03-01 SunDay's numerology: 8 Justice = Kumari Higher-Self Essence: Equilibrium, adjustment, suspended strength and action
Another chilly morning... and
another cool and breezy day....
perfect for introversion :-)
Anna VonReitz.
2020-03-02 MoonDay's numerology: 9 Hermit Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Discipline, inner higher knowledge, the eternal seeker
2020-03-03 MarsDay's numerology: 10 Wheel of Fortune 1 Magician Inner will, motivation: Change, karma, destiny, luck
Today's elements well support forgiveness and release, as we review under the guidance of Mercury Retrograde.
2020-03-05 JupiterDay's numerology: 12 Hanged Man = Ego Death 3 Empress Consciousness Expansion: Reversal, sacrifice, surrender to higher forces Mar 05 Mother-in-Law Day, USA
Oh, how inconvenient... really?
psychotronic scans again :-(
2020-03-06 VenusDay's numerology: 13 Death 4 Emperor Conscious Relationships: Sudden change, transformation, initiation, rebirth, the consequences of time
Yes, it all just continues to feel different... for the better for all, harm none.
2020-03-07 SaturnDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces
2020-03-08 SunDay's numerology: 15 Devil 6 Lovers Higher-Self Essence: Endurance, materialism, secret plans, restrictions in one's possibilities Mar 08 Sun conjunct Neptune, the Big Dream day of the year. Venus in Taurus conjunct Uranus today as well. Manifestations of the Dream will be evident. Ask a flower. Mar 08 Daylight Savings Time begins in USA; clocks move forward (2nd Sunday of March)
2020-03-09 MoonDay's numerology: 16 Tower 7 Chariot Unconscious fear, hope, desires: awakening, change brought about by shock, liberation from an imprisoning reality Mar 09 07:48 HST Full Moon
2020-03-10 MarsDay's numerology: 8 Justice = Kumari Inner will, motivation: Equilibrium, adjustment, suspended strength and action Mar 10 Mercury Direct
2020-03-11 MercuryDay's numerology: 9 Hermit = Shelter@Home Rational Mind: Discipline, inner higher knowledge, the eternal seeker Welcome to the Live War-Games driven by "The Beast" Artificial Intelligence
2020-03-13 VenusDay's numerology: 11 Strength 2 High Priestess Conscious Relationships: Spiritual Action, lust, strength, courage
As we continue purging the dark from our realms the divine plan of the light more fully manifests.
2020-03-14 SaturnDay's numerology: 12 Hanged Man = Ego Death 3 Empress Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Reversal, sacrifice, surrender to higher forces
2020-03-15 SunDay's numerology: 13 Death 4 Emperor Higher-Self Essence: Sudden change, transformation, initiation, rebirth, the consequences of time Mar 16 Mercury is orbing back into Pisces, easing communications of emotions.
It is in Ho'o'pono'pono that we are required to complete with the past physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, in order to arrive in present time neutral precept, in order to forgive all which is not here now, as merely the illusions of our dreaming.
2020-03-16 MoonDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant. Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces. Mar 16 Mercury back in Pisces makes communicating feelings easier.
As the collective comes more into alignment with truth, "truth" itself becomes more "real", as our own "human" time-lines become more aligned with the divine plan.
2020-03-17 MarsDay's numerology: 15 Devil 6 Lovers Inner will, motivation: Endurance, materialism, secret plans, restrictions in one's possibilities Mar 17 St. Patrick's Day (Ireland's Green Party)
...may yer glass ne'er be empty...
2020-03-19 JupiterDay's numerology: 17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem 8 Kumari/Justice Consciousness Expansion: Hope, faith, trust, spiritual insight
2020-03-20 VenusDay's numerology: 9 Hermit Conscious Relationships: Discipline, inner higher knowledge, the eternal seeker Mar 20 Vernal Equinox
Equinox Emergence New Moon
by Kelley Hunter of Depth Astrology
posted 2020-03-23 15:02
New Moon @ 4 Aries 12 @ 2020 March 24 09:28 UTC
Dive into your increasing depth Where life calmly gives out its own secret. - Rilke
Equinox Emergence, simple collage for this New Moon that calls forth energies from the primal matrix. Subtle like Black Moon Lilith, we see the Sri Yantra, the Divine Feminine coming forth from the universal sea. Quaoar, the Great Spirit of the Tongva people of the Los Angeles basin area, sings and dances all forms of life into being. All emerges from the center point. If there is no center, no original source, there is no natural harmony. Manifestation is dis-ordered, dis-harmonious, dis-aster (against the stars). Do you hear the call from your center point, connected to every other center point?
This Equinox New Moon is an obvious, and rather sharp, turning point that changes the rules of the current game, shifting into a quantum gear with all its potentials and space-time alterations. Extraordinary dynamics began on the March 19-20 Equinox, the beginning of the astrological year as the Sun enters Aries. This is one of two annual pauses, moments of equilibrium, this one tipping into a new round of the Zodiac, as fresh and clean as we can make it. Let's take a deep breath, pause and exhale. This is the Pause.
Arising of the Divine Feminine
This New Moon brings us into a richer vein of this arising, which many of us feel.
The first degree of the Zodiac with the Sabian Symbol for 1 Aries announces this clearly:
Woman Arises From the Sea, Embraced by a Seal. Chiron conjunct Black Moon Lilith suggests immediacy of the Divine Feminine and her healing power, especially in the midst of such an unprecedented situation of a global virus spread, in part, by fear.
Aries rules the brain. This collective crisis has scrambled our brains in a way that stymies old ways of thinking -- because they no longer match the emerging reality. This special opportunity can forge new neural pathways that take us beyond subconscious reactivity.
The challenge is to wake up from belief systems that undermine the initiatives presented as we step onto a new path in our lives, individual and collective. Be alert to the moment, an opening that invites us to question our basic interpretations of reality. Belief systems, largely built from our life experience and cultural milieu, are most often assumptions about reality; yet direct how we approach life.
Essentially this Equinox New Moon is an intersection between realities. Chiron reveals what needs to be healed as we seek to align spirit/mind/body. Black Moon alerts us, by whatever means at hand, to come back to our Soul-Self. Black Moon is often experienced in a negative way, no doubt about that. Perhaps she is an ego-buster that seeks to free us from our limited being, so that we center more consciously in our true Essence, our particular Soul path that shines a light into the world.
This New Moon is remarkable for many reasons. Here is a brief "Cliff's Notes" summary. Just skip the astrology if it is too much, and read the amplifications. So much for one newsletter!
The New Moon in Aries, 2020 extends Equinox gateway, major turning point of the year, sustaining the moment of Balance and Pause.
*New Moon conjunct Chiron, Black Moon Lilith and Salacia, a critical moment of healing as we come into fresh alignment beyond judgment, allowing the vibrancy of life to radiate through us. The ongoing sweep of plasma light waves into our solar system and the unusual preponderance of planets in Earth signs indicate an alteration in our psychosomatic experience. Earth's heartbeat and Schumann frequency have been spiking.
Visionary Patricia Cota-Robles gives an interesting perspective when she writes that we are experiencing "a very cellular based Transfiguration that is now occurring within the Core of Purity in every Electron of our Earthly Bodies."
How does this strike you -- too "new age"? a little "out there"? highly idealistic? an intriguing way to look a life and energy? It appeals to me as a reminder of the inherent electromagnetic dimension of our experience, a growing awareness among healers as new modalities arise.
She continues, "The Coronavirus is being used to get Humanity's attention, to force us to stop doing what we are doing, and to make us change the focus of our attention from the same old self-absorbed way of doing things to a new and hopefully Heart-based ways of doing things that will take everyone on Earth into consideration."
Black Moon conveys objective Truth, from that "Core of Purity". Being present in the moment with Buddha spacious mind transforms judgment into sword-of-Truth discernment, as embedded belief systems may be challenged in a shocking way. Black Moon Lilith is an ego buster, with a blow-your-mind way of storming through.
Kuiper Belt planetoid Salacia, Queen of the Sea, is another face of the Divine Feminine. She sends shimmering waves to the shores of our consciousness, a path of sunlight across the seas to guide our path. You can hear her playful mermaid water song in Ravel's piano piece, "Jeux d'eau" played by Martha Argerich. Watch the way the hands and fingers of the pianist move across the keys, to imagine how Salacia creates the shimmery sparkles on the sea with such artistry.
With this rare triple conjunction -- almost anything can happen! This New Moon in early Aries is accompanied by a rare, pure flash of light from the triple dynamic of shamanic Chiron, Black Moon Lilith and Sea Queen Salacia in fiery Aries. No fooling around here; rather a call to vigilance, a high alert to be in the moment.
Yes, see how fresh and open you can meet each moment. Aries starts from the center point, the I AM integrity of the Self. This is a prime moment for centering, Self-experience and holding firm to our spiritual anchors, letting the light of the Great Spirit shine through. This is the soul-challenge of this New Moon. As we each center more deeply and necessarily into ourselves (for those who can stand to do so), we open to new dimensions of experience. As we stand straight and tall, in the fearless stance of the spiritual warrior, we each radiate healing vibrancy as long as we don't fall into fear and anxiety.
* The New Moon tightly squares the Nodes of the Moon indicating a moment of collective destiny. We circle the wagons, come home to ourselves for self-care, as called for by the North Node in Cancer. Self-isolation is a key aspect of what we are all called into lately, an exercise that can be a coming back to ourselves and to what is most essential in our lives. This can include family, self-care, eating well, neighborly networking, inner core work and soul connection. One of my readers shared this (thank you, Halla):
"There is a sense of homecoming, and choosing. It is a moment of choice, which path do we choose? I feel the call to slow down is now global, all are equal in this experience and each has to choose."
I also want to share this piece sent to me, a poem called People Staying Home by Kathleen O'Meara, an Irish-French Catholic writer from the late 1800s.
The South Node in Capricorn is conjunct Quaoar [kwah wahr], another Kuiper Belt planetoid. The Kuiper Belt includes Pluto and beyond, opening another level of cosmic consciousness and transformational dynamics that we can now engage. The Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), mostly named for indigenous creator god/dessess from around the globe, awaken (or reawaken) archetypal energies. Several of these KBO planetoids are active in the planetary patterns of this year. This is a good time to get to know a few, like Chariklo, Salacia and Quaoar. They are coming alive to support us.
From the creation story of the Tongva people of the Los Angeles area (USA), Quaoar is the original, primordial creative power that expresses itself through all life. Now in Capricorn, especially now while conjunct the South Node of our collective past, Quaoar brings forth and sings forth deep wisdom from Earth's core, responding to the collective need of the moment. It's worth tapping into this amazing energy that sings and dances creation into being. We are all dancing with and being danced by an awesome surge of energy that is emerging to light up our lives. Uranus in Taurus is aligning with the Nodes in a supportive geometry. Earth energy is vibrant and grounding. Appreciate the luxurious beauty of Nature wherever you are.
[Special note: Multiple quintiles (planets 72-degrees apart), known as "genius apects", are activated between the two very rare teams of planets in Aries and Capricorn. These signs inherently challenge each other. The challenge is sparking immensely creative, highly intelligence, higher mind responses moment by moment, very Quaoar-like.]
In relation to this powerful energy coming through, a particular orchid flower essence called to me, along with several essential oils that light up cells and uplift the spirit:
Seeds from Time "Amongst other aspects this essence can bring flashes of intuitive knowledge. Provides an opportunity to access information and energies which have been buried for a long time, to bring it into this lifetime. The flowers look like small orange seeds and are presented on a multiplicity of floral spikes. Helps us in re-discovering the "seeds" which are the origins of everything, which have been waiting to germinate further, providing us with a deeper understanding of the Universe. This essence is one of the gatekeepers of the other realms." (see more here)
* Pluto is tightly sandwiched between Mars and Jupiter, activating major transformational dynamics. A most powerful time, with much going on behind the scenes and for inner processing, extends from Equinox, March 19-20 to April 10 (key dates being 3/22 and 4/4). False and limiting beliefs are on the chopping block, reforming our view of life based on what we are experiencing and the way the new reality unfolds. Remember to engage Black Moon's spaciousness. Chiron's helpmate, Chariklo, participates in this close dance, gently guiding the pace and offering caring ways of being, of moving and changing from the inside out.
Looking forward to these unusual and rather inscrutable combinations, last time I wrote: We are reminded in so many ways that each moment is brand new and unprecedented in our experience. We need to take our know-how and apply it in new, inventive and embodied ways to deepen our immediate joy of living on this extraordinary planet Earth.
Well, in the blink of an eye, our lives have been turned topsy-turvy in the danger field of a global virus. These times are mind-bending, shocking, life-changing in an immediate and drastic way. Daily routines have ground to a halt, as so many are sequestered from normal contact. When we surface, the terrain will look quite different.
Social Distancing with Saturn Saturn just crossed from Capricorn into Aquarius! The new phrase, "social distancing", epitomizes the March 21 sign change of Saturn into Aquarius. Aquarius likes being surrounded by breathing space; Saturn requires it. It also requires stepping back to see the larger picture, from a broader objective perspective. That seems to be in short supply lately. Saturn is sharing a virtual or aetheric namaste with Black Moon Lilith.
Saturn enters this social air sign for the first time since early 1994 (those born then are having their first Saturn return).We begin to see a noticeable shift, as a new agenda is suggested, not yet ready for fulfillment, but giving us a heads-up. Saturn fully enters Aquarius (with Jupiter!) as this year comes to a close, inaugurating a new, and very hopeful, 20-year cycle.
Let's keep our eyes on that goal, with a hopeful and positive vision that opens our eyes and hearts to creative windows and emerging potentials. We are in an amazing zone of opportunity, moving into a new level of experience. We crossed the line into this zone in January. Some will take this opportunity to leave the planet; others retool and stay to usher in and embody new dimensions of being on Earth. This is Life.
2020-03-22 SunDay's numerology: 11 Strength 2 High Priestess Higher-Self Essence: Spiritual Action, lust, Strength, courage Mar 23 23:29 HST New Moon
2020-03-23 MoonDay's numerology: 12 Hanged Man = Ego Death 3 Empress Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Reversal, sacrifice, surrender to higher forces Mar 23 23:29 HST New Moon
satellites: yes - i have taken down evil satelites and replaced them with my own crystalfaeries designs, which utilize quantum entanglement between the copies i have placed around each planet in our solar system, thereby providing instantaneous interplanetary communications, replacing mere lightspeed electromagnetic radio links, consolidating multiple disparate satellite systems with our rose quartz egg quantum reality system (yet to be fully revealed).
a few days ago the most recent time they did an active psychotronic scan of me. i telepathically ordered them to cease & decist. they did not, thefore i again disabled the channels in my satellites which carried their classifed traffic.
i have a very fragile peace treaty in place protecting planets Fae (crystalfaeries) & Gaia (humanity).
i cannot reveal more of my work yet.
also, my peace treaty w/ the orion princess, neice of lucifer/satan, who has been the annunaki queen of earth, through her link w/ queen nin, is influencing orion / aryan / annunaki to cease imprisoning & enslaving humanity, & more importantly, to cease blocking human terran scension.
aloha; celeste
2020-03-25 MercuryDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Rational Mind: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces Mar 25 19:15 Hawaii National; Tracy Stafford; 605-313-4469 PIN: 791611# https://join.freeconferencecall.com/hawaiinational
Oh my! The new improved reality is feeling stable... which is not the same as whether people are stable about the [a]scension.
Public Notice to Steven T. Mnuchin and The Joint Chiefs, 1, 2, 3
By Anna Von Reitz
2020-03-25 10:45
The Devil "mirrors" everything, so that the world of illusion can be easily mistaken for the actual world. No wonder, then, that his children, the Central Bankers, do the same thing. It's like bees building a hive for them. They create "mirrors" the same way they create idols, with much the same effect -- to fool and confuse other people, while protecting and enriching themselves. It is simple enough to see if you are looking.
Back in 1937, the Pope's Municipal Government agreed with the Queen's Territorial (Commonwealth) Government [ -- which is also ultimately owned by the Pope, because the Queen acts as his Overseer of the Commonwealth -- ] to construct such a "mirrored" government structure in America.
They provided for it with a written agreement called "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States".
This document unwittingly admits that these are foreign governments in "The United States" -- and then goes on to describe their "continuity of Government" scheme, in which they divvy up the payola. You may have heard those words in recent newscasts -- "continuity of government" coming out of Washington, DC. I have.
Both foreign governmental services corporations (US, INC. and USA, Inc.) agreed to set up parallel (that is, mirror image) governmental structures and departments -- and of course, both agreed to charge the American States and People for this "service".
That is, they agreed to Double Dip for their mutual benefit. And why not? They both ultimately belong to the Pope anyway. They might as well collaborate, right?
So, that is how we come to have: The U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR and the United States Department of Labor.... The IRS and the Internal Revenue Service.... The DOD and the Department of Defense....
See the Schtick in action?
We have (and have paid for) at least two of everything. In some cases, like "the" and "The" and "THE" US TREASURY, U.S. TREASURY, Department of the Treasury, Department of The United States Treasury, Department of the United States Treasury, Department of the U.S. Treasury, Dept. of the U.S. Treasury..... well, you see my point.....we have paid for many more than two of everything.
Their excuse for this is to "provide continuity of government", but it is actually necessary only when one or the other goes bankrupt for the purpose of escaping their own debt and shifting the burden of their debt to their "presumed sureties" -- their hapless, erstwhile, "apparently" unrepresented absentee Employers, the American States and People.
While the cats have been away, the mice have indeed played.
But now, we're back, and having found ourselves so far disrespected and dis-served by our purported Trustees and our Public Employees, we have lifted our hands and declared and corrected our actual political status records and have assembled our States of the Union and staffed our unincorporated Federation of States, and we have taken the field and said -- Whoa!
Not only that, we have observed that: (1) we have never been informed of all these provisions being taken "for" us by our employees; (2) we have an explicit contract and stipulations in place, the respective Constitutions, which they have no right or reason to change or abrogate; (3) any pretense that our government has ever ceased to function simply because the Confederation ceased to function is obvious bunk; (4) we do not stand as sureties for the debts of our employees apart from the services approved by the Constitutions; (5) we have not mortgaged our land or soil in their favor; (6) they have no authority to take any mortgage or hypothecate any debt against our property interests; (7) the rules, regulations, codes, and statutes of legislation apply to government workers, and not to us; (8) the only law pertaining to our relationship with any Federal Employee, whether a direct employee of one of the Municipal or Territorial Corporations, or an employee of one of their franchises operating as a "State of State" -- is the appropriate Constitution, as that Constitution existed in 1860. There has been no consensual agreement otherwise.
They have used and abused our credit apart from our consent, and for purposes never intended, which renders their actions and claims that we are standing as sureties for them and their debts invalid. These are Odious Debts, Mr. Mnuchin, and are Odious Debts on the face of them.
We don't even have a contract with any incorporated entities "doing business as" the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, the United States, Inc. or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, etc.
Our contracts are with the actual Principals -- the Holy See, Westminster, and the British Monarch. These Principals are 100% responsible for the actions, debts, and failure of these chartered entities to perform according to their contracts and obligations and all the harm -- physical, fiscal, and economic -- inflicted upon our persons and property by these foreign incorporated "service" organizations operating on our shores.
So now they are scurrying around making preparations for one of the "sets" of departments and agencies to disappear under a cloud of bankruptcy protection that should never be allowed. The Municipal set of Bad Actors is being liquidated, because, of the two, it is closest to home (the Pope) and clearly was never allowed by the constitutional agreements.
The Territorial Government has at least some claim to have been granted a "custodial" role with respect to some of our property, and was granted some ability to establish federal arsenals and similar military-related facilities on our land and soil. It is also charged with providing us with physical protection under "mutual defense" agreements. So now, the Territorial Government comes forward to receive the debts of the Municipal Government as credit owed to the actual American States and People.
A shell game within a shell game, unless the assets are actually returned to the American States and People.
What you are seeing is a flip-flop, to different faces of the same Papal coin.
This version is run by the Queen as the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth, and is not an expression of the American Government at all, though it is under contract to serve us in "good faith". Thus, you will no longer see references to "the" President of "the" United States but you will see references to "the" President of "the" United States of America.
The actual and factual government of this country, vested in the people, "woke up" in 1998 and has pursued correction and recoupment ever since; a plot by our employees to mis-characterize American babies as United States Citizens (Territorials) and as "citizens of the United States" (Municipals) both, was discovered.
It follows the Anti-Reformation Playbook published by King James 1, entitled "The Bounty Book". This blackguard operation was implemented via the use of False Registrations and semantic deceit, resulting in the issuance of "Birth Certificates" and the human trafficking of millions of American Babies' identities into foreign jurisdictions, and their subjugation under foreign law, as if they had been conscripted into the French Foreign Legion.
This is crime against humanity and is forbidden as a capital crime by both the Hague Conventions and the Geneva Conventions, as well as standing against the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in violation of all three Federal Constitutions, Article IV, which requires our Trustees and Employees to protect our Persons and also forbids Bills of Attainder.
Millions of Americans have been arrested and jailed under conditions imposed by this constructive fraud and false impersonation, unjustifiably taxed and harassed under the same False Presumption of foreign citizenship obligations, their property has been confiscated without compensation, False Titles have been introduced and imposed upon their land and soil assets, and then used to enforce mortgages the American States and People never owed, and property and income tax taxation schemes that they likewise never owed, plus "Credit Card" and "Loan" schemes that "loaned" them their own credit, based on their own assets.
The Principal Trustees, the Pope and the Queen, stand in Gross Breach of Trust, held responsible for the actions of the incorporated privateers that they have unleashed and allowed to act as Predators upon us, in violation of our Treaties, in violation of their respective Constitutional agreements with us, and also in violation of the resulting Commercial Services Contracts.
They are presently engaged in what they euphemistically call a "re-venue", in which the above-described flip-flop of Servicers results in the debts owed by the bankrupt Municipal United States Government becoming credits purportedly owed to the Territorial Government -- but in fact, all credit and all underlying assets belong to the American States and People, and any "re-venue" to the Territorial Government (International Sea Jurisdiction) must immediately pass through to their Federation of States, The United States of America (International Land Jurisdiction) and thence back home to the States and People where it belongs, together with all right, title and interest in their soil and land and all other physical assets, their homes, businesses, roads, factories, and natural resources, all lawful corporations chartered under their auspices, all patents, copyrights, trademarks, legal titles, stocks, bonds, certificates, pension funds and other intellectual property naturally belonging to them, all script issued on their credit, all gold, silver, and precious metals they are owed, all DNA collected from them, all identifications issued to them, and all other aspects of private and public property ownership that are rightfully theirs.
All Federal Employees and Subcontractors of any ilk whatsoever, including Interpol Officers, like Mr. Steven T. Mnuchin and Mr. Michael Pompeo, must come to heel and regurgitate the assets they have held onto "for" us all these years -- or be proven nothing but international criminals and pirates engaged in piracy and other acts of non-consensual fraud and theft upon our shores.
Mr. Steven T. Mnuchin, as a Public Fiduciary and as a Private Fiduciary, has been and is hereby instructed to remove all Municipal deposits being held or received to a pass through account, The United States of America 1789, and from there to collect deposits owed to The united States of America 1787, including the State Trusts styled as "Ohio State", "Wisconsin State" and so on, and to remove all those accounts -- the Municipal deposits, the Territorial deposits, the Federal State deposits, including the Federal State Trusts, and all franchise deposits thereof, to another pass through account, The United States of America 1776, organized with one main international mercantile account, and fifty (50) State sub-accounts, one each for each of the States of the Union.
Mr. Steven T. Mnuchin is hereby and in public instructed to faithfully and fully re-venue all accounts and all property on deposit and all assets and paper representations of assets, including all American-based birth and baptismal certificates, gold, silver, and other assets of Americans on deposit with any and all branches of the "United States Treasury" however styled or described, the DTCC, Federal Reserve, the IMF, World Bank, IBRD, BIS, or any other bank anywhere worldwide, to the ownership and control of the American Depositors, their States, and their Federation of States: The United States of America [Unincorporated].
We rely upon Mr. Mnuchin as referenced above and upon Mr. Donald J. Trump, acting in their offices as the Comptrollers of the Exchange Stabilization Fund to accomplish and encourage the appropriate actions needed to repatriate American assets to America and to revenue those assets completely, all the way back to the American States and People that the assets and credit actually belong to.
We likewise request and require the Joint Chiefs and their Bankers to close all commercial banks within their system and to reopen them as mercantile banks under new management no later than June 17, 2020, and to do this as quietly and with as little disruption as possible.
The Re-Venue must be complete or its not a Re-Venue. Likewise, the Jubilee must be delivered to those it applies to, or its not a Jubilee.
You have our permission to arrest and confine all members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families pending disposition of their cases. Encourage them to cooperate, and if they refuse, try them for their crimes against humanity before a military tribunal -- and hang them.
It's down to them or you.
2020-03-26 JupiterDay's numerology: 15 Devil 6 Lovers Consciousness Expansion: Endurance, materialism, secret plans, restrictions in one's possibilities
The coconut wireless informs us that as of today, "we" have begun at least "14 days of lockdown@home".
If you intend to accept any money, any checks, any
"benefit" at all from the Federal Government,
use a restricted signature:
To safely endorse the back of a check and denominate the funds in
"lawful money"
Use your private copyright notice -
the small [lower case] copyright "c" in a circle,
and either the words,
"without prejudice or settlement"
"accepted as a gift"
above your signature:
By:__Jane Doe__ (c)
All rights reserved.
Redeemed in lawful money.
12 USC 411. [ This is suggested by
Anna Von Reitz, however, i, celeste:crystalfaery
suggest NOT doing this, if the USC is copyrighted! ]
This sounds like a crazy prophecy, and it is hard for us to grasp such woo woo, but actually, it is a statement from the Bank of AmericaMerrillLynch, who recently released a report frothing at the mouth about the 5G world to come and how many trillions of dollars will soon be made by speeding up our 3 and 4G internet connections by as much as 100 times, as 5G promises. As we hit the 5G gas we won't know ourselves in five years, say the experts.
That extra G is really big because it will put the G in the Global Brain,
a rapidly-becoming-self-aware-non-human-AI-entity
we used to call the Internet that will
5G will also enable the Skingularity, the blurring of the lines between our bodies and this alien intelligence in which our biological bodies will be enmeshed or tethered, Matrix-style, and transformed into transhumans.
The developers of this technology are comparing what is to come to an alien invasion and make eye-popping statements about the extraterrestrial origins of the technology that is transforming our world.
[ This is Double Plus UnGood. ]
2020-03-27 VenusDay's numerology: 16 Tower 7 Chariot Conscious Relationships: Awakening, Change brought about by shock, liberation from an imprisoning reality
Yay... the ascension proceeds !-)
2020-03-31 MarsDay's numerology: 11 Strength 2 High Priestess Inner will, motivation: Spiritual Action, lust, strength, courage
An interesting day of spiritual discussion and introspection, very disassociated from the ongoing play of the matrix illusion around us, as red-pill consciousness leaves us transcendent in self-responsible sovereignty. Meanwhile, we giggle as those of blue-pill mind-control dance to illusions.
Created by Chronicle v4.6