
[a]scension blog

24th March 2020

Astrology & the Tarot

satellites: yes - i have taken down evil satelites and replaced them with my own crystalfaeries designs, which utilize quantum entanglement between the copies i have placed around each planet in our solar system, thereby providing instantaneous interplanetary communications, replacing mere lightspeed electromagnetic radio links, consolidating multiple disparate satellite systems with our rose quartz egg quantum reality system (yet to be fully revealed).

a few days ago the most recent time they did an active psychotronic scan of me. i telepathically ordered them to cease & decist. they did not, thefore i again disabled the channels in my satellites which carried their classifed traffic.

i have a very fragile peace treaty in place protecting planets Fae (crystalfaeries) & Gaia (humanity).

i cannot reveal more of my work yet.

also, my peace treaty w/ the orion princess, neice of lucifer/satan, who has been the annunaki queen of earth, through her link w/ queen nin, is influencing orion / aryan / annunaki to cease imprisoning & enslaving humanity, & more importantly, to cease blocking human terran scension.

aloha; celeste

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