14:00 i "chanced" upon a copy of the book
"Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan
and using synchronistic resonance flippped it open precisely at
Chapter 13: Healing:
Female Healer asked me, "Do you understand how long forever is?"
"Yes.", i said. "I understand."
"Are you certain?"
"Yes, i understand.", i repeated.
"Then we can tell you something else.
All [mankind] are spirits only visiting this world.
All spirits are forever beings.
All encounters with other people are experiences,
and all experiences are forever connections.
Real People close the circle of each experience.
We do not leave ends frayed as Mutants do.
If you walk away with bad feelings in your heart for another person
and that circle is not closed,
it will be repeated later in your life.
You will not suffer once but over and over until you learn.
It is good to observe, to learn,
and become wiser from what has happened.
It is good to give thanks, as you say,
to bless it, and walk away in peace."
They believe how you feel emotionally about things
is what really registers.
It is recorded in every cell of the body,
in the core of your personality,
in your mind,
and in your eternal self.
It is the feeling you experience when you openly and lovingly give
that either does or does not register.
You leave this plane of existence with a scorecard,
so to speak,
that registers moment by moment
how you mastered emotion.
It is the invisible nonphysical feelings
filling the eternal part of us
that make the difference between
the good and the lesser.
Action is only the channel whereby the feeling,
the intent, is allowed to be expressed and experienced.
Dreamtime: [...]
It is consciousness that has formed reality.
The third part of dreamtime is now.
The dreaming is still going on;
consciousness is still creating our world.
That is one reason they
don't believe ownership of land
was ever intended.
Land belongs to all things.
Agreements and sharing are the real [mankind] way.
Possession is the extreme of excluding others for self-indulgence.
i continued to "skip" through the book with divine guidance,
until finally closing it i simply sat sobbing
as tears flowed down my cheeks,
as i came to the realization brought by messages from my
Tomril that, similarly,
i was completing my own initiations into my next reality
a whole new quantum level of calling as
high-priestess of crystal faeries.
19:00 Local Time in each Time Zone
Women's Day!
Circle the women and celebrate sisterhood!
Faery blessings --