
[a]scension blog

Entries from March 2017.

1st March 2017
[White Tara]

White Tara is often referred to as the Mother of all the Buddhas. She represents the motherly aspect of compassion. Her white colour indicates purity, but also indicates that she is Truth, complete and undifferentiated. Such is our choice of contemplation today.
With *giggles* we noted a local white Tara goddess showed up and sat next to we this morning, and blessedly shared her consciousness with us :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

2nd March 2017
[Pink Roses]

Today's theme is "self affinity pink", the color of one's own soul energies, the rose as the symbol of the heart, and honoring your own soul essence truth as one's highest priority commitment.

Faery blessings -- celeste

4th March 2017

What has already been said about "free-will choice"?:

  • Ahimsa (Harmlessness)
  • Many of our 'choices' were not really of free will
  • I had blogged on a previous day the noticing of less free will choice process in living
  • Faery blessings -- celeste

    5th March 2017
    [FP Magic Forest]

    Today has been a very fun high-energy day from early on.
    As Megeso and i have shared, we are aware that our "powers" are for the benefit of others, not for ourselves, and therefore, we have done our best to intend cocreation of our shared vision of a center of enlightenment gifted to the world freely, and therefore expect support from the divine.

    Faery blessings -- celeste

    8th March 2017

    14:00 i "chanced" upon a copy of the book "Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan and using synchronistic resonance flippped it open precisely at Chapter 13: Healing:
    Female Healer asked me, "Do you understand how long forever is?"
    "Yes.", i said. "I understand."
    "Are you certain?"
    "Yes, i understand.", i repeated.
    "Then we can tell you something else. All [mankind] are spirits only visiting this world. All spirits are forever beings. All encounters with other people are experiences, and all experiences are forever connections. Real People close the circle of each experience. We do not leave ends frayed as Mutants do. If you walk away with bad feelings in your heart for another person and that circle is not closed, it will be repeated later in your life. You will not suffer once but over and over until you learn. It is good to observe, to learn, and become wiser from what has happened. It is good to give thanks, as you say, to bless it, and walk away in peace."

    They believe how you feel emotionally about things is what really registers. It is recorded in every cell of the body, in the core of your personality, in your mind, and in your eternal self. [...] It is the feeling you experience when you openly and lovingly give that either does or does not register. [...] You leave this plane of existence with a scorecard, so to speak, that registers moment by moment how you mastered emotion. It is the invisible nonphysical feelings filling the eternal part of us that make the difference between the good and the lesser. Action is only the channel whereby the feeling, the intent, is allowed to be expressed and experienced.

    Dreamtime: [...] It is consciousness that has formed reality. The third part of dreamtime is now. The dreaming is still going on; consciousness is still creating our world.

    That is one reason they don't believe ownership of land was ever intended. Land belongs to all things. Agreements and sharing are the real [mankind] way. Possession is the extreme of excluding others for self-indulgence.

    i continued to "skip" through the book with divine guidance, until finally closing it i simply sat sobbing as tears flowed down my cheeks, as i came to the realization brought by messages from my higher-self Tomril that, similarly, i was completing my own initiations into my next reality time-line, a whole new quantum level of calling as high-priestess of crystal faeries.

    19:00 Local Time in each Time Zone Women's Day!
    Circle the women and celebrate sisterhood!

    Faery blessings -- celeste

    13th March 2017


    Faery blessings -- celeste

    16th March 2017
    [kryon-quantum healing]

    We would like to address a particular aspect of "creating your own reality". Everything is frequency. Source radiates all frequencies. All frequencies are available from the akashic records. Manifestations, such as items manifested physically in the physical world, are more or less frozen clumps of frequencies. Cymatics is the study of how sound frequencies can trap light frequencies into physical manifestation. A given being in a given embodiment may, or not, be fully aligned in manifestation, with its core essence frequencies, perhaps carrying frequencies incompatible with its essence, or, lacking certain frequencies appropriate to its essence manifesting.

    Playing with physical crystals in the physical world is one method of accessing certain frequencies, and thereby bringing those frequencies into one's energy field may trigger consciousness to be aware that certain incompatible frequencies may be released, or that those frequencies carried by such crystals may become embodied.

    In recent times there is a notable collection of frequencies appearing in crystaline form, receiving attention of [mankind], that being "andara crystals". Nothing outside one's own essence is to be "worshipped", yet, some folks are becoming worshipful and dependent upon such external holders of frequencies, to the extent they may become seen as a panacea or saviour to some situations. This popularity has resulted in the marketing of fakes, and the illusions of andara crystals as being necessary to some goals.

    Both beleif and belief create reality, so the placebo phenomena may become activated for individuals. Years ago i was exposed to some authentic andara crystals, recorded the frequencies in my own akashics, and can activate such as is appropriate. Recent exposure to slag-glass manufactured into fake "andara crystals" has brought awareness to awaken others to such illusions being perpetrated.

    It would be good to re-member that crystals are living beings, and deserve honor as such, and, abuse of them is karmic.

    Faery blessings -- celeste

    17th March 2017

    This morning brought a most wonderful beautiful book from "THE HOUSE OF ELWAND", "Fairie-ality", a picture book of couture and accessories, which delights my soul and reawakens my hopes for a style of life presently sacrificed...
    In one of the book's prefaces we see:

    "Spring... the word itself sounds zesty. Like something exciting's going to happen. It's my favorite time of year and I'll tell you why -- it's The Season. Even before last frost invitations fly in from everywhere for cotillions and concerts, picnics and parades. Midnight games and twilight gambols. Evening flights and daylight rambles. It begins when the bluebells bloom, and by the end, when sun spills into midsummer, the fields are loaded with daisies and roses. The middle is filled with parties and play.
    You'll see... "

    Faery blessings -- celeste

    21st March 2017
    [crystal faeries]

    This morning we were gifted with some very heart-felt giggles when an acquaintance observed: "You really are a crystal faery!"
    Yes, it's true :-)

    Faery blessings -- celeste

    22nd March 2017

    It's Water Day! Celebrate the emotional elemental! In Hawaiian, the word for abundance is "waiwai", the repeat of the word for fresh water "wai".

    Faery blessings -- celeste

    27th March 2017

    As we approach a new lunation it is time to complete the past one, finally arriving at forgiveness and neutrality, that we may start afresh with the first Lunation of spring.

    16:57 HST New Moon (Moon conjunct Sun)

    What miracles shall we cocreate in 5D+ today?

    Faery blessings -- celeste

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