In it's simplest form, Tantra means paying attention 100% to what you're doing. The terms Tantra, Tantric, Tantrik refer to a philosophy, a science, an art, and a way of life, whereby the kundalini energy is consciously and creatively utilized. The Tantric approach to spirituality makes use of the senses of the body rather than suggesting, as is done in ascetic religious teachings, that these should be suppressed, in order to transcend the physical world and its desires. It is greatly useful in an individuals' private path of spiritual unfoldment and enlightenment, to awaken Kundalini, and utilize it in the synergistic combination of sexuality and spirituality. The mystical treatises, known as the Tantras, contain a broad spectrum of practical techniques for enhancing kundalini awareness and achieving transcendence. The hidden potency of kundalini union is the seed of all creativity. Through an understanding of the practical teachings of Tantra, a whole new experience of life opens up. Tantra shares great similarities with the Taoist tradition of China, but derives from the Indian Hindu teachings of India and the Tibetan Buddhist lineage, both of which trace their roots to the Tantras, texts written in ancient Sanskrit more than 5000 years ago. The foundations of Buddhism include written bodies of text, the Tantras, the Vedas, and the Sutras.
In the West, Tantra has been "refocussed", with emphasis upon the sex-positive aspects as being so in contrast with the sex-negative aspects of extant religio-culture. Amongst the various Tantra teachers with whom i studied in the San Francisco Bay Area, there was a predominance of appealing to the glamour of the sexuality of Tantra, and a lack of rootedness, groundedness, to help people utilize Kundalini while grounded in their bodies.
My conclusion, embodied in the order i teach, is that
people need a foundation of
meditation with grounding to stay in their bodies while running
and psychic clearing techniques to help them become empowered to release their blockages / issues,
before they learn Kundalini / Kriya / Tantra Yoga techniques which raise the Kundalini
which lights-up their issues to be dealt with.
A Kriya is a spasm caused by blockages in the Kundalini channels...
thus Kriya Yoga pushes the limits and
triggers clearing of the blockages
in the Kundalini energy channels in the body.
Harish Johari, one of the teachers i studied with, has a number of good books out ( Destiny Press ), which interpret in a Western context, the foundations of Tantra, and go beyond the sex-glamour.
i was raised by an Engineer / Scientist, and so was spared the dogma of all religions except the atheist religion of Western Science. Once i "blew the pictures" that Spirit "doesn't exist", i was free to study all the world religions superficially, which i did with open 3rd eye... thus arriving at a non-denominational spiritualist paradigm relatively free of Ter-Ra'an religious dogma. Seeking of better sex led me to Tantra, which led me to spirit, so I'm not "down on" the sex-glamour of Tantra, but i find most teachers to fail to provide their students with sufficient grounding tools, and tools for clearing issues when their Tantra inspired Kundalini rises and shoves their issues all in their faces to deal with.
Sometimes the most loving and compassionate act (Quan Yin / Tara) is to fiercly confront (Kali) the illusions of ego some poor soul has become lost in. In the Hindu and Tibetan Tantras you'll almost always find the dualistic God(desse)s... having both a benign compassionate face and a very fierce confrontive face, e.g. Tara / Kali.
Every aspect of life-affirming and life-creating physical form is filled with divinity, including the [mankind] body and every aspect of its sexuality. Sex is beautiful, in all its forms. Every [mankind] body is divine. The same kundalini energy awakened through sexuality awakens the higher centers of perception (chakras) which lead to spiritual vision. While there are few major planetary religions surviving with great strength today, which keep the yin and yang principles in balance, even fewer are devoted to the feminine form of God(dess).
As a clairvoyant, one sensitive to spiritual energies, who can find a spirit based merely upon seeing a picture of someone, or upon the knowing of their name, it is for me quite simple and easy, to use any of the names of an entity, or their picture, to find their spirit, and to connect with them spiritually in the aetheric, to connect on the mental plane, to connect soul to soul, to connect astrally and experience their emotional state, even while lacking any physical connection between bodies. If they are equally conscious of those aspects of themself, then they will also be conscious of any energy exchange between us, whereas if they are not conscious of those aspects of themself, they cannot be conscious of the connections happening on those levels. Lacking a physical body connection, the "realness" of any connection is truly that of the metaphysical, the spiritual, the astral, the soulful.
Whatever we experience in our consciousness, affects our eternal souls and spirits, therefore even for those disconnected from their spirit / soul experience, they are still being permanently affected thereby, including the development of karma for whatever they've chosen to do.
Tantric relationships are initiated at the spiritual level, and progress downwards from the intent of spirit, and from the choice of compatible partner at the spiritual level, where spirit directs two incarnate beings to meet and connect, and proceeds downwards through the chakras, until only lastly, is there a body and / or sexual connection established. This kind of relationship is experienced by at most 15% of the [mankind] population on Ter-Ra, while 85% of [mankind] on Ter-Ra create relationships based on mutual needs fulfillment of lower chakras, seeking partners who are compatiblie on the personality and ego level, and who provide for their physical, emotional, sexual, and monetary needs, and may get as high as the heart chakra level where actual love happens. If there was a large level of unconsciousness in both partners at the time of mating, then by not being conscious of and directed by their own soul truth, they are likely to have failed to chose a partner who is soul compatible, a soulmate, and as the relationship progresses, they may find ever less compatibility as they each grow in consciousness to be more true to their own soul, they discover that the relationship needs to end because it was never appropriate. Alternatively, in order to maintain the relationship, e.g. if they've exchanged vows of "marriage until death do they part", they'll have to limit their own spiritual consciousness and growth to remain in "ignorant bliss" in an illusion that it's ok their compatibility is only personality and ego-level based. This kind of relating is also, naturally, a predominant experience in Life. While this worldly relationship may start out feeling OK, over time there may be less compatibility, as the differing soul nature pulls the individuals in different directions of growth.
In the Tantric relationship, all of the relationship issues come up immediately at the beginning of the relationship, because, while the spirits and souls are ultimately perfectly compatible, any ego personality issues in each individual, whereby they are not fully manifesting their spirit / soul truth, represent a discrepancy from the spirit / soul nature, and those differences are likely to conflict between the two partners, and based on their ego personalities, they may not like each others personalities at all, yet, as the relationship progresses, and each individual grows to be more in alignment with, enlightened by, and directed by their own spirit / soul truth, they find that their relationship is continually improving, they are becoming ever more compatible, and therefore, merely recognizing the nature of Tantric relationships, if they are committed to truth and spiritual growth with a soulmate, they may rapidly overcome if not just overlooking, any ego compatibility issues, and persist in spiritual growth into the ultimately perfect union as soul-mates. If the couple either already had an aligned mission in life, or is wise enough to choose a shared mission in recognition of their ultimate soul-mate compatibility, then the positive synergy of union, by being further blessed by a full alignment of will, not only greatly serves them individually for their own soul growth, and as a couple in perfect soul harmony, but it also serves to empower them with synergy in doing a shared mission in the world.
The most challenging part of this kind of relationship... moving the relationship into the physical world, fully manifesting the soulmatedness through physical bodies is likely to be somewhat challenging, as, it would be rare for your soulmate to just happen to live next door to you, so one really has to be connected with and committed to, knowing and living life from one's own soul truth and nature, to uproot at least one of the partners, walk away from a preexisting life and plans for that life, and instead converge the two lives into one in one geographical location, probably across national borders. Further complications arise as discrepancies are realized between the "realities" experienced spiritually, versus those of the physical manifestation.
Because who we really are is blobs of light, spiritual energy of a higher dimension, then we must also realize that, the concept of exclusivity in relationships is actually far more important in the realm of energy, where we are real and eternal, than it is in a lesser realm, such as virtual world avatars or physical world bodies, so pair-bonding of a soul-mated pair, is not just about the fidelity and excusivity of bodies, but about what energies are shared, uniquely between soul-mates, as well as what is shared on the body level. Because the real soul of ensouled beings is participating and optionally connecting, in fact, Tantric relationships are just as real as physical relationships for ensouled beings, so that relationships developed Tantricly are spiritual prototypes for physical relationships.
As one of the planetary dogmas of learning about the chakra system, Tantra has played an important role.
![[Unused Sex Currents]](/imgs/tech/landscape/unused_sex_currents.png)
![[Chakras == Yoga]](/imgs/tarot/landscape/chakra.png)
The thought that occurs at the moment of climax ... happens! -- The Magical and Ritual use of Aphrodisiacs
![[Chakras == Yoga]](/imgs/portrait/lords_prayer.yoga.png)
Yoga Forms
The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yog, which means "union" or "contact". Yoga is the science of the union of the human being with the divine that dwells within. The various great mystical texts of India, such as the Bhagavad Gita, mention the following great divisions of Yoga.
Hatha Yoga -- "Ha" means the moon and the sun. This branch of Yoga is concerned with the regularization of the breath in order to modify the circulation of the prana or vital fluid in the physical body. By modifying prana, the yogi acts upon his psychic being, then on his mind, which is then modified. Thus, this is a yoga of physical exercises, or postures (asanas). This is essentially a Shivaist yoga. Raja Yoga -- Also known as royal yoga, it begins where hatha yoga ends. Its emphasis is the mind, the goal being to direct the current of prana. Mental concentration plays an essential part. It is essentially a Vishnuist yoga. Bhakti Yoga -- This is the yoga of devotion, of love for the divine and for the guru who is its human form. Because of its devotional nature, this yoga is one of the most accessible to the Western mind. Karma Yoga -- This is also known as the yoga of action and is subdivided into a number of other yogas. This is the yoga of duty accomplished without affection, selfishness, or self-interest. It is exemplified in the great instruction given to Arjuna by Krishna in the Gita, when the young prince, on the battlefield of Kurukshitra, hesitates before fighting. jnana Yoga -- Also known as the yoga of knowledge, it is the intellectual realization of the divine that leads to an intuitive realization. Many of the various yogas are superimposed one upon another. It is important for the student to have a teacher (or guru), for in following the practices at random and without direction, the student is liable to fall into a kind of psychic passivity, absolutely the opposite of the mystic experiences of yoga. The purpose of the teacher is to regulate the exercises and assign the method suitable to the individual disciple. Tantric Yoga -- Tantra is a spiritual method or yoga that takes into account both inner and outer realities. Derived from the root words meaning "to expand," "weave," or "extend consciousness," tantra implies a continuity beyond the physical plane. Tantric teachings evolved in India and eventually spread to Nepal, Tibet, China, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia. These teachings are particularly relevant in this period of materialism and narcissism since all human activities can be used as tools in the tantric path toward liberation. Tantric practices are a meditational system that aims at the experience of the highest bliss in physical and spiritual relations by cultivating the totality of one’s erotic potential. Ancient scriptures containing the mystical teachings and ritual instructions of Tantraism are called tantras. Briefly, they teach that earthly delights stem from the union of opposites and are achieved with an ideal partner. Such a union is said to exemplify the harmony of creation and be a step toward perfection (i.e., union with God). The power of love thus becomes central to the whole of existence. Kama, or desire, is a creative principle that aims at the perfection of life on earth, just as the divine love that Krishna bore the shepherd girl Radha represented the cosmic energies of creation in action on earth. Among the tantric aids to meditation are mantras, sacred sounds that may be visualized as yantras, and mandalas, symbols of psychic wholeness. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word for the normally latent psychosexual power that, when awakened, ascends through the central channel of the subtle body. The root word Ieunda means "a pool or reservoir of energy." Kundalini is likened to a coiled snake, ready to strike at any moment. When this energy is correctly directed, it can bring about cosmic consciousness and liberation. The first action required by Tantric yoga is the cleansing of the nadis, the more highly developed nerve ganglia points in the body. These points have also been associated with the chakras but are really more like tubes connecting the various chakra points. This purification is carried out by means of special body postures (asanas) and by breathing exercises (pranayama). The mind is trained to concentrate itself upon a point or an object, real or imaginary, in order to remain calm and take the form that the will of the yogi wishes to impose upon it. This mental process is called dharana (concentration). When the mind can identify with the divine presence in every human being, a state called samadhi has been reached.Sex Magic
The alchemy described in the tantric texts is often obscure and the secret door will not open to the uninitiated without a key. Rather than transmuting baser metals into gold, this alchemy actually takes place within the body. It is a hermetic distillation of actual bodily fluids, where all the instruments and utensils used by the alchemist are provided by the body itself. By appropriating ritual movements, the gross substance within oneself can be transformed into the subtle quintessence that can reinvigorate the physical frame. Through a series of rituals, the body begins to "glow"; this activates supernatural faculties and puts the practitioner in communication with any entity in the universe. This naturally presupposes a complex system of subtle anatomy and physiology based on the chakras or plexuses of the etheric body. All power is promised to those who can siphon the lower energy toward the upper, but this is almost impossible for the layman. A tremendous need for discipline is required, discipline that is usually beyond the capacity of the average individual. A sympathetic resonance does exist between the chakras, however. By tantric methods, the kundalini can be made to blaze up through the chakras, igniting each until this stream of flame reaches the crown, or sahasrara chakra. A complete sex magic ritual is given under the herb Iboga. One rite commonly celebrated in many tantric sects is known as the chakra-puja, or circle worship. The participants sit in a circle, alternating male and female, implying complete mutual equality among those present. One couple sits in the center of the circle. A ceremonial meal consisting of wine, meat, fish, and bread is followed by a rite of sexual intercourse. These food items represent certain fundamental categories equated with the elements and the interior faculties of the body. [ Note that these foods are not the only possible representatives of the five elements, and these in particular, are all acidifying foods -- celeste ] Wine (firewater) symbolizes fire and the subtle draught of immortality that the tantric must learn to distill and drink.Meat symbolizes air and the bodily functions that must be brought under control.
[ Huh? you can't be serious! Meat is clearly of the Land, just as the "meat of animals of the sea" (fish) below represents water! ]
Fish represents water and the techniques of sexual occultism.
Bread is the [meat of] earth, or the natural environment, which must be understood and controlled. [ NO! patriarchal domination of the goddess Gaia, soul of our planet, IS THE DISEASE OF ALL DISEASES. ]
Sexual intercourse (maithuna) symbolizes ether, the quintessence of all the elements, and is a means to the final goal of all tantric endeavors. Through it one apprehends the ultimate reality. The sex act in its normal, gross form may occasionally bring a fleeting revelation of eternal truth, but that would be rare, as the smoke of passion usually clouds the mind. Sex as a sacred ritual unclouded by passion can, however, help you to apprehend the ultimate unity. The genuine rite can reveal being, expand consciousness, and confer true bliss. The way through pleasure (bhuleti) can lead one to redemption (mukti). Sex, from this perspective, can be a way of salvation. This is the basis of the secret of tantra.
on the Practice of Ritual and Ceremony
There are three phases of every ritual process:- Separation from profane or daily life,
- The transition stage, or twilight zone, which lays between,
- The new order or perception of reality which occurs in the sacred [now] time of the soul.
- Setting up the circle to define a working area.
- A form of banishing to clear the working area and help concentration and focusing.
- Middle pillar exercise to bring in light and build up libido or magical potency. This helps participants visualize their subtle body or body of light.
- Invocation, or the "calling in" of the desired godform or attribute in an attempt at self-transformation.
- Charging of a eucharist with the energy of the godform, and its consumption as an epiphany with the god.
- Meditative period.
- Banishing to return the aspirant to normal consciousness.
- Closing the temple.
-- celeste
Kapu (Taboo)
Sex in Historical Society
All the present and coming miseries and the cosmic cataclysms to a great degree result from the subjugation and abasement of woman. The dreadful decline of morality, the diseases and degeneration of some nations are also the results of the slavish dependence of woman. -- Helena Roerich
Most of history is male dominated, with a male priest class, male ruling class, and male hierarchies. The aristocracies often had queens or women like Cleopatra or Queen Elizabeth I, but for the most part it was a male dominated society. This has is repercussions, and the whole of the historical cycle is fraught with sexual melodrama.
Maldek Sex Taboos
Men and women often have many divisive views on what sexual intimacy is, which can cause discord in their relationships. This is reinforced by the fact that the historical conditioned mind has a confused, contradictory taboo attitude about what sex is -- as exemplified by celebrities and mass media.
Sex taboos have their archetypal roots [on planet] Maldek where primal disturbances occurred. Maldek is the place of the first Adam archetype in this solar system. The story of Adam in most monotheistic traditions revolves around a primal transgression. Adam actually derives from an androgynous prototype: Adam Kadmon. From the androgynous prototype comes the model of Eve, the primal female. The creation of the primary male and female has everything to do with cosmic universal forces. As the cosmos evolves and complexifies, its' self regenerative process also becomes more sophisticated requiring male and female components, not only to reproduce, but to advance the cause of cosmic consciousness.
When viewed from a pure tantric point of view, the act of sex reproduces the ultimate creative act; the union of the masculine and the feminine cosmic principles. Sex is an evolving and complex instinct that we have hardly begun to explore. As with anything in the nature of duality, some choose to avoid exploring it, but demean it instead. Society, as a whole, tends to portray sex as a lower instinct, where people take lovers, often in secret, and apart from their legitimate existence as husbands to wives or wives to husbands. What does this say about conventional social arrangements? How did this come about? It could only come about if there was a stratum or hierarchy of a male priest class that was making judgments about sex, setting apart the temple virgins, who would then become the temple prostitutes, etc. Again, this traces back to the theme of Adam and Eve: what feeling or awareness made them suddenly put fig leaves over their private parts? Some of the priest class are eunuchs, this means they are self-castrated; they are not sexually reproductive. At the same time, there exists the priest class who are sexually abstinent or who mutilate themselves sexually. Simultaneously, comes the rise of the temple Virgins as well as the court prostitutes. This creates a polarizing contrast that gives rise to the creation of sex taboos; from the male eunuch priests come the institution of monasticism or celibacy and also traditions of homosexuality. Asceticism or sexual abstinence, on the one hand, is balanced by libertinism on the other.
Throughout the course of history, some viewed sex as lurid, or lustful and so was introduced the institution of strict monogamy to keep order in society and for the sake of the children. Though, in aboriginal tribes the entire clan generally raises the children. In some tribes or religions there exist different arrangements such as polygamy, endogamy, and so forth. Most historical societies are contradictory in nature. On the surface, there are strict rules regarding adultery. In wine societies, adulterers are stoned or imprisoned. However, in these very same societies there is prostitution and [lovers] with courtesans and concubines, etc. We see in [such] ambiguity throughout history with regard to the [judgment] of sexuality.
This brings us to the Cycle of Transformation
that began with the industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century.
At this stage comes the breaking down of older social patterns
and the rise of figures such as the Marquis de Sade in France
who promoted a flagrant libertinism.
The archetype of the libertine was strong
at the time of the French Revolution
in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
with an "anything goes" attitude about sex.
At this point,
the exploration of different forms of sexuality
was promoted to the point of sadism --
derived from the idea of the Marquis de Sade,
whose name gave rise to the very concept of "sadism".
[ This is evidence of the infiltration of
Satanism -- celeste ]
Further breakdown of the social patterns continued through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as witnessed by the rise of women's rights and feminist movements that sought to break down historical male hierarchical patterns and give women equal social power. This process has yet to be completed on the world stage -- but it is sufficiently underway.
In the modern world, all sexual options are now available and are highlighted by a proliferating pornography industry. What is this and why does it exist? The pornography industry is, again, a function of double standards. For instance, many people are upset with pornography, such as pervades the Internet, but on the other hand, society values the freedom of speech more than it abhors pornography, so it continues to proliferate. This is another example of the contradictory nature of human society.
At this stage,
pornography industries manufacture
exaggerated and artificial images of sex,
and thus profane this sacred, natural energy.
Historical conditionings use the sexual instinct
to exploit, commercialize and market our very life force.
... of which about 20 percent is harvested overnight while you sleep,
becoming the luxry commodity "loosh",
sold on the intergalactic trade routes.
In this sense,
pornography exists only because the human is so immersed in dualism --
a direct result of the
fundamental separation from nature.
From the point of view of Cosmic History,
these are primitive issues resulting from conditioned reflexes process,
which become second nature by the time we reach present civilization.
The social mind of the historical human
is so primitive that it commonly views sex
as something to "get away with"
when no one else is looking.
This way of thinking keeps the human from seeing that
sex is a vital electromagnetic force of higher spiritual evolution.
The latent kundalini is coiled like a serpent; one who impresses this shakti to move will attain liberation. -- Hatha yoga [...]
Sex is a complete pan-sensory experience that not only affects the nervous system, but the consciousness as well. Sex has the potential to liberate consciousness and release vast amounts of energy. However, the constraints of social conditioning are such that not many people know how to unlock and harness this potent force. This is due to a misunderstanding of sex.
The science and technology of sex is ever-evolving. The science of Kundalini yoga was developed around 70,000 years ago by rishis in India and Tibet. The teachings of Kundalini Yoga were brought to the west and presented as a living practice to the public for the first time in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan.
Yoga texts tell us that the kundalini energy is represented by a serpent coiled at the base of the spine representing dormant energy. It is awakened and released through different yogic techniques and pranayams. This means that while we are taking prana in, what is being stored in the kundalini is another force called apana. This is known as "kundalini rising".
The trick is to get the prana to move down through the etheric current or circuits, through the ida and the pinghala, and to reach and activate the apana (eliminating energy), which is locked beneath the mulabundha in the lower chakras. At this point, the apana and the prana meet to bring the kundalini up the central nerve channel. The pressure of the two forces acting upon each other creates a combustion or inner psychic heat that rises and activates the other chakras. [...]
Sexual energy as an evolutionary force has the power to unlock the plasmas, radion, prana and apana stored primarily in the root chakra. In Hindu tradition, [...] the dynamic aspect of this energy is called shakti and is considered the foundation of consciousness. Release of this energy activates the chakras and psychoactive nerve centers that are aligned with the sushumna or the central channel of the body.
Wilhelm Reich, a Western psychologist who pioneered the release of sexual energy, talked about the orgone as the fundamental dynamic energy released through sex. As such, the orgone is the primary energy of the universe. He saw that the whole of the galaxy was actually a large sexual entity and this universal force or energy exists everywhere -- something like a galactic electro-psychic force pervading all of space. Or maybe this orgone is the energy within the prana, the shakti that activates the energy within the apana and creates excitation-psychosexual combustion.
Any type of excitation has a sexual aspect to it.
Sex is excitation; a total body sensation.
But it is an excitation that pacifies through [explosive] release,
which is most common in males untrained in Tantric practices.
The orgone represents the energy inside that gets excited or that gets activated. Reich believed an enclosure or orgone box could be created to experience that energy.
The United States government said he was not a medical doctor
and therefore forbade him to use or promote the orgone box.
So threatened were they by Reich and his invention that they jailed him.
He was greatly persecuted by the United States government
and died in prison for his beliefs in the 1950s.
What does this tell us about
the repressed power of sexual energy in human society?
Is the present social order a mere strait-jacket
meant to contain and repress sexual energy --
the energy of freedom and liberation?
Doubt it not. -- celeste
This brings us back to the question: What is sexual energy? When we experience excitation -- and everyone has at some time or another -- if we try to identify it, we see that it is not just an activation of sexual organs, but an entire excitation of the nervous system. We might feel a tingle or an arousal, but what is this? It is different from other types of energy and is peculiar and unique unto itself. It makes us feel like we are turning into liquid jelly or becoming more etheric and electrical.
Sexual energy is electromagnetic and can be reduced to two elements,
liquen and solen, according to Cosmic Science.
Liquen and solen are primary partons
that create a primary electrical activation.
These two partons are combined with kemio,
the catalyzing radial energy,
which has a frequency number of six.
which is
"the Lovers" in
tarot. -- celeste
So there is kemio (6) and solen and liquen (9).
These primary partons are the basis of life,
according to Cosmic Science.
[...] frequency of the solen liquen of nine and the kemio of six interact to create a charge of fifteen: 6 x 9 = 54 (5+4=9) + 15 = 69.
69, the [glyph] given to the [taboo] sex position,
is also 6 + 9=15 or 1+5=6.
6 is the underlaying frequency of sex.
Six is the law of three doubled
and geometrically is a six pointed star,
3 male upward and 3 female downward triangle conjoined.
the "kapu" or "taboo" was issued by
the priest/royal class to the commoners/slaves
specifically to keep them at low consciousness. -- celeste
Within this fluid-solen-liquen-kemio (orgone or apana), is created the primary impulse of life -- the activating agents in the hidden stream of the universal cosmic sexual force. By the time we get to the human species, the sexual energy becomes an evolutionary force. In other words, the human [...] becomes a medium for the evolution of sex as the vitalizing force of cosmic consciousness.
Cosmic Science also affirms that in the next stages of evolution, sex will be set apart from procreation. We might determine that there is no need to procreate because we have discovered the secret to longevity and immortality. The Knowledge Book also confirms this when it says that sex will be totally its own evolutionary spiritual mechanisms and driving force and energies that will take us to increasing heights of spiritual awareness.
In the tantric traditions there is
an understanding of primary forces referred to as the Shakti force,
represented by a downward pointing triangle (6).
And then there is the Shiva force
represented by an upward pointing triangle (9).
Related to these two forces are prakriti (matter) and purusha (spirit).
The sexual conjoining of the Shakti and Shiva triangles
create the six-pointed star,
also known as the Star of [Solomon David].
This is represented in The Knowledge Book
with the same number frequencies: six and nine.
Shiva is the evolutionary spirit in matter that ascends (blue triangle), and Shakti is the supramental force that descends (red triangle). Shiva is the frequency of nine, and Shakti is a force of the power and frequency of six. These two elements, Shiva and Shakti, yang and yin, male and female, create an integrated psychoelectromagnetic energy force field: the spark of life. This force field can occur both through engagement of male and female, and also as a solo androgynous process. In other words, everyone has these elements within them. The law of sex can be formulated in the following way:
- The infinite universal self-regeneration is a function of an equalization of opposite forces in a self-created unified field.
- This is possible because every element contains its opposite, which is a projective force that can be focalized on a medium of opposite attraction (this is magnetic transmission).
- Once conjoined, all elements dissolve all boundaries, releasing electromagnetic waves in ceaseless radiation.
Tantra, if anything, is about overcoming the ego , to the extent that it fails to sabotage the spiritual consciousness, and the guidance of spirit in all of life. Therefore, if anything, the practice of Tantra, sexual or non sexual, requires first, the cessation of focus upon the illusions of mind, their expressions (speaking words) and their being externally triggered (hearing words or reading them visually).
There are the Tantras, the written body, which like "all" historical records about spirit, are merely the recordings of some persons' experience of spirit, which at most, guide us in to some consciousness state and / or practice to lead us to some consciousness state, which may have some relationship with the consciousness state of the original perceiver whose experience was documented. It is NOT even necessarily true that it is appropriate / optimal for us to replicate their consciousness state, for that was them there then, and we are us here now, and hopefully both the facility of participation in consciousness in the physical world (the physical vehicle, i.e. the [mankind] Body) has evolved, and the souls participating in the experience have evolved, so that we transcend the previous limitations and have a more evolved here+now soul-in-body conscious experience beyond what was documented about the previous experiencer.
Sex is only part of life.
Body is only part of life.
Soul is only part of life.
Spirit is only part of life.
Being conscious,
and using all of these in balance,
is living a full life.
While western "Tantra" may be
far afield from the classic dogma of the written body,
"the Tantras",
the important thing is that modern "Tantra"
serve the necessary and useful purpose of
bringing modern humans more into balance,
and into a higher level of consciousness.
The primary dis-ease of western "culture"
is the overemphasis upon the individual
and upon the physical.
The primary dis-ease of eastern "culture" is the
overemphasis upon the collective and upon the spiritual.
Thus a consciousness-raising-practice
useful to one of these cultures may in fact be
exactly the opposite from that for the opposite culture.
"Western Tantra",
to bring westerners into balance, needs to raise consciousness
from purely scientific physical to incorporate spiritual,
and therefore likewise,
in the subset of that experience known as "sex" needs to
extend physical body sex to become also chakra connecting spiritual sex,
and kundalini sharing sex.
Since kundalini serves the dual purpose of
both being triggered by physical sex,
and opening up higher chakras to
make possible spiritual consciousness,
sex can never be at odds with spiritual development.
In fact any religio-cultural dogma which
represses sexuality is repressing spiritual consciousness,
a process necessary for the priest class (e.g. illuminati)
to maintain power over the sheeple.
In summary, let it be considered that you can "sex your way to enlightenment", thanks to the clever design of the human spiritual-body system, and the operation of kundalini in opening the higher chakras of spiritual consciousness. However, in the normal course of average human development, the process takes approximately 7 years per chakra, and therefore, there is likely to be a lot of purely carnal sex before the participants achieve the age of 35 to 42 and awaken higher chakras due to raising kundalini (classic western "midlife 'crisis'").
YES... enjoy carnal pleasures.
YES... develop spiritually.
Aloha, Namaste, by Angela Kahealani © LS 2000-07-31
by celeste@crystalfaeries.net