
[a]scension blog

25th May 2015

We the crystal faeries continue our play with the energetics of the planetary energy grid, now greatly facilitated by tomril's incarnate presence on the Kilauea ley line, and with our ascension portal network and the entities utilising our portals to access their ascended templates. I, tomril, have been observing much greater peace and harmony now that my manifest worldly alignments reflect my ascended authentic essence, through my harmony in the Kilauea ley line.

Continuing with Mercury Rx review and release, brings awareness of what is no longer "real", that which was of the old time-line, and with what it has been replaced by the new time-line, the qualities of our new parallel-reality. The largest shift is from the yang process of doing ascension, to the yin state of being ascended. My days now are certainly busy with doing, but they are clearly the expression of the flowing self of the moment living a reality, rather than the old pattern of doing to accomplish a change of realities. The present being and doing are all within the appropriate consciousness and reality. This feels solid, as in "being anchored in" transcendent reality. The strongest and deepest and most persistent awareness is that of appropriateness, and in that, great peace and harmony. There is no longer a sense of any need to change anything externally, though the manifest continues to change as it tracks internal energetic quantum leaps.
Yet there remains clear preference, passion, and motivation to express more fully my girly faeness :-)
There is blessedly much greater and easier flow of inspiration to express musically via my flute, a clear sign of divine alignment. Having received initiations from the Hathors that my flute toning shall provide "sound healing", or more accurately sound activations of ascension codes for those for whom i minister.

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