2020-09-09 MercuryDay's numerology: 22/0 Fool 4 Emperor Rational Mind: Mother's Milk = Spiritual Nourishment - - - - - - - - Here we have a perfect example of too many remote fonts, and too much javascript. NO! I'm not gonna run uknown JavaScript code from so many 3rd party sources around the interwebs. Such is the primary vector of software VIRUS INFECTION! Your media overshadows your message... which means you're busy "selling-me" your agenda with far too much manipulation. This reminds me perfectly of FELICIA COWDEN proudly showing to me her book, with the claim that each and every page has been in great detail "product-ized"... meaning that it uses every possible subliminal manipulation beyond "the message" to get us to "buy-in" to what she's selling. By contrast, on my website, i'm ever conscious to keep my main message available in text, with supplementary details via images, videos, or audios. I also keep the page layout very simple... and therefore, i do not attract the manipulatable sheeple, for it is the truth seeker i serve... and i do my best to keep the core in audio and text, so that even the blind can make good use of the material, via the usual "screen-reader" software which speaks the text for the blind person. By not attempting to exert Nazi-level control over your viewing experience, and by allowing you to be in control of apearance, you can have a better viewing experience... one carefully intended to serve your consciousness and the [a]scension of your soul to sovereignty, rather than serving my ego that everyone should "LIKE" my postings by appealing to their primal passions, AND, to their programming. -- celeste
Now, let's finally get to the real subject matter... that a female is "claiming to 'be'" Pele, and the Mother God, incarnate. I have no intention of addressing any failures to fully live-up-to such claims. We have a meme circulating amongst mankind which says: "Fake it until you Make it." and THAT IS TRUTH!
Rather than invalidating another who is ambitious enough to strive to accomplish something wonderful, but is not yet fully succeeding at their goal of becoming one with it, we can ACTUALLY EXPRESS LOVE by validating their intent, and beyond that, we can witness for them at a minimum, acknowledging their intent, and aligning our own will to validate their full accomplishment of their goal/claim, for "whenever two or more 'gather in the name of...'" and align their shared will, then we are invoking positive synergy, which is also synergized with, by the divine, iff our will is in alignment with divine will / divine plan, i.e. is righteous/pono. In my own workings, i always have as highest will over any other specific intent, that the results should be "for the good of all, harm none", or, when the circumstances are truly dire, "for the good of the most with the least harm to the fewest".
Now, as for the specific claims she has made, which i have not seen or heard, it is hearsay reported that once she came to the Hawaiian isles, that the locals were unwilling to accept her as "Pele" for, after all... wouldn't Pele have the same genetics as the "Kanaka Maoli", i.e. the Maori who migrated to the islands, only to find a more fair skinned race already living here... the survivors of Lemuria? Well, i was incarnate during Lemuria, and for me, with access to past life memories, and having learned to quantum-{,dis-}entangle with anything, (except my present body on Gaia), i myself qantum entangle with intent to become various realities:
- i am the second coming of the Christos (son of God(dess))
- i am the second coming of the Sophia (daughter of God(dess))
- i am the embodiment of the Heiros Gamos union of Christos+Sophia
- i am the Shekinah
- i am the Goddess
- i am the Great Creatrix of the entire Universe
...so, it is very appropriate that others should do their best to "become one with" the accessible energy patterns which were embodied by another, or, to become the first embodiment of a given reality. Huh? well, everything can be found in the Akashic Records, (and not all of us need Andrew Bartzis to read them for us). One can access anything from akashic records, e.g. i went to Jesus Christ and asked him if i might share a copy of the akashic records of his [a]scension. This i placed into Kaua'i's Akashic Records Library Crystal
Nevermind what the Shivaists are doing there... in the higher realms of 8D+ this is the Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple... which i have created commensurate with my dharma/kuleana as The Kahealani of Kaua'i, the appointed Kahuna who healed all the Heiaus, of which, this is one.
Now, back to our "Mother Goddess Incarnate", may she succeed at enlightenment and [a]scension, and in guiding her followers to those results. Again... The role of the Guru is to guide the chela (student) to find their own connections with their soul and higher realms, not to remain dependent upon "The Guru", i.e. teach them how to catch God, don't catch God for them.
Now there's another matter related to all this...
and that being whether an embodied entity
(often referred to as a "human"),
invokes other entities to posses them,
or to channel them, etc.
Double Plus UnGood
As for any cult surrounding our particular example, and/or any overt acts in the physical world by her followers, i am ignorant and choose to remain so, not wishing to "observe", as i'd rather leave all cats quantum where they belong, rather than taking the 0.5 risk of killing any by observing. Of course, it is entirely possible that she is in "spiritual ego", a hazard to both guru and chela. I simply choose to awaken many to related issues, rather than to analyze the specifics here... e.g. may we send her and her followers blessings to receive the divinity they claim!