
[a]scension blog

Entries from August 2020.

1st August 2020
2020-08-01 SaturnDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Sudden change, transformation,
	initiation,      rebirth,
	the consequences of time
Aug 01 	04:17 HST Moonset
Aug 01 	18:13 HST Moonrise

Surrendering to be transformed by the flow of love light.

Faery blessings -- celeste

2nd August 2020
2020-08-02 SunDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Higher-Self Essence:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces
Aug 02 	05:15 HST Moonset
Aug 02 	19:03 HST Moonrise

Dr. Simone Gold, founder of America's Frontline Doctors, speaks about the Covir Fraud.

[Screen Shot 2020-08-15 at 4.49.16 pm-1597474201638]

Faery blessings -- celeste

3rd August 2020
2020-08-03 MoonDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
Aug 03 	05:59 HST Full Moon
Aug 03 	06:12 HST Moonset
Aug 03 	19:48 HST Moonrise

How is your Spiritual Immune System?

Faery blessings -- celeste

4th August 2020
2020-08-04 MarsDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Inner will, motivation: Change brought about by
	shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality
Yes, it is true, that Google inserts 1x1 picture elements
into the html code they generate "for free"
in their "free service" FeedBurner,
therefore, for example, since Paul Stramer chose to use their service,
and he was chosen by Anna VonReitz to provide her webpublishing,
each view of all of her articles which are found via RSS newsfeed,
are tracked by Google, which is a front corpse-orat for the CIA,
which is the Project PaperClip version of Hitler's OSS,
which was one of the infiltrations of
reptilians into Ea-Rth-ly poly-ticks (many blood sucking parasites).

Likewise, because "they" choose to subscribe to Google's Web Anal-ytics, Google tracks each and every web viewing of any webpage from

Faery blessings -- celeste

5th August 2020
[News Speak]
2020-08-05 MercuryDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Rational Mind: Hope, faith, trust,
	spiritual insight

NewsSpeak News: We have a New NewSpeak Phrase!

  1. War is Peace -- George Orwell
  2. Freedom is Slavery -- George Orwell
  3. Ignorance is Strength -- George Orwell
  4. Staying Apart Keeps Us Together -- Covid 19

Faery blessings -- celeste

6th August 2020
2020-08-06 JupiterDay's numerology:
	18 Moon
	 9 Hanged Man
Consciousness Expansion:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups and downs,
	illusions, deceptions

Awaken, sleepy sheepy!
Selene was beautiful this morning :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

8th August 2020
2020-08-08 SaturnDay's numerology:
	20 Aeon
	 2 High Priestess
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Realization,
	end of the past and beginning of the future

We are in a full {disclosure,censureship} of all of hell and heaven breaking out, from multiple parallel realities and time-lines intersecting at our lovely little planet, Gaia, where+when (here+now) has all intersected into consciousness to be dealt-with because our crisis is the cosmic crisis is the micro crisis because it's all fractally recursive holographic unity.
U r me am i are u am we is all in this together, baby...
so fasten your seatbelt and keep your hands inside the car until it comes to a complete stop... which may happen after you master all the pedals and handles to control it.

Faery blessings -- celeste

9th August 2020
2020-08-09 SunDay's numerology:
	21 Universe
	 3 Empress
Higher-Self Essence:
	unity success

God the Mother:

  1. st Part
  2. nd Part
  3. rd Part

Dark Side Going All Out to Prevent the Evolutionary [A]scension Process
Dark Rulers Are Trying To Suppress Our [A]scension
by Teri Wade, Contributing Writer, in5D.COM/

Humanity has been sought after our entire existence due to a little thing called human DNA. Our DNA has been damaged and we have been dumbed down to the point that we've never known how [incredible divine] we really are.

Our DNA is being activated meaning, those two biological strands of DNA (in 1st photo) are starting to talk to those 10 strands of DNA that spiral and intertwine up thru them.

Those 10 strands of DNA have been intentionally cut from us (in 2nd photo) because those 10 strands are our inter-dimensional strands.

They 'cut' these strands so they couldn't talk to the two biological strands. They couldn't communicate so it kept us in a very low vibrational existence. It's keeping us isolated from an [incredible divine] reality. Meaning, our DNA is made up of 12 strands and there's one strand for each dimension and that certain strand corresponds to that density of experience it's the experiences of these higher frequency densities is what continues our evolution and this is what they're trying to keep us from.

That reality is where all of our psychic abilities are, telepathy, healing abilities, time travel, that's where your entire Akashic records are held and much, much more! This dark enemy is trying to erase the original blueprint of the human DNA that we are clawing our way back up to achieve bringing us back to our original blueprint as at the time of our creation. These dark rulers are trying to suppress our [A]scension!

We need to look at the great lengths these psychopaths go to to downgrade our DNA. Meaning, they've tried to suppress our [A]scension with chemicals, toxins, poisons, vaccinations, GMO foods, they bombard us with low frequency signals to keep us in control. Currently, they are in a massive push for physical, global control because they cannot stop what's coming due to this [incredible divine] Human Awakening!! It is a true testament to our [incredible divine] power the draconian lengths these dirty players have to go to.

These Elite Off World psychopaths live in extreme fear of humanity waking up and expanding our awareness because they lose everything meaning total control of their entire empire.

The enemy's plan is to erase every bit of our original coding to accomplish complete control over the human race. I've said this before I believe that's what happened to the Greys. Meaning, back in the '80s there was a major phase of abductions of humanity by the Greys because they were becoming completely artificial intelligence. They were losing all power of individual thought and needed our DNA to bring that back, but to no avail. They too were victims of this Reptilian element. They are and have been a dying race.

These dark players' goal is to hybridize the human race to be a race of corrupt, non-empathetic AI with no individual thought process and emotion. Because, with emotion we ask questions, so in turn, we want answers which is a major threat to them.

They want us to be a corrupt, artificial bloodline so we're easier to control. They are trying to suppress our frequency and to do that biologically they do that through poisons, toxic vaccinations, poisonous food etc.

To do this consciously, they do this through frequency bombardment of low vibrational signals. People that are not mentally stable to begin with, are easily corrupted by these signals. Meaning, if they're about to step off the edge these signals and frequencies will push them. Meaning, they lose their minds.

These dark rulers know boundaries and restrictions limit our spiritual growth. Because, not only does our DNA exist biologically but dimensionally as well. They have been trying to destroy us biologically and, at the same time, destroying us consciously, but that's not going to happen.

These elite psychopaths know they're about to lose their mighty empire and they're not about to let it go without a fight. Hence, the current global situation. It's going to get rough, real rough, but humanity has no other option but to fight .

Dark to Light!

Teri Wade

Actually, Teri, we do have a choice, another option...
We always do have this alternate choice, however,
it is not available within your paradigm of reality.
Where did you get that paradigm from, anyway?

Rather than continuing in the war paradigm, which is always a losing choice because, conflict of will within duality always produces:

we instead choose to quit fighting over a single shared reality, which anyway is a violation of the 2nd Law of the Creatrix, (Thou shalt not destroy what others create), and we instead honor the 1st law of the Creatrix, (Create all that can be created, which is of the nature of the Creatrix, which is love, light, and truth), and we make a copy of the extant reality into a parallel reality alternate time-line, edit the copy according to the 1st and 3rd laws, (the 3rd Law of the Creatrix: Karma) and jump into it (quantum entangle with it); committing all our life force to that time-line, because it is built upon our soul/spirit truth, from source energies, and for the good of all harm none.

Where the parallel time-lines agree, they quickly re-merge.
Where the time-lines conflict, there develop one or more time-nodes of intersection, where chaos reigns until all those of sentience make a choice, (conscious or otherwise), as to which time-line they're following.

Yes, Virginia, you're not going crazy, part of creating a new time-line may involve sewing together multiple fragments, to make a whole "cloth" of "reality", a time-line spliced out-of-order to either:

What we are now experiencing on Ea-Rth during the Covert- [20]19 Live-Exercise War-Game is a mixture of, Hue-Mans running around living their lives, and a bunch of hired actors role-playing scenarios pre-meditated to manipulate collective consciousness, all being controlled by "the Beast" Artficial Intelligence in an all-out multi-{dimensional, reality, time-line, quantum-state} war. What we must face is that "the Beast" A.I. has control of advanced technology still not acknowledged to exist or be possible according to the official dumbed-down science for physical bodies which lack souls, lacking "Clearance" / "Classification" / "Non-Disclosure_Agreement".

Faery blessings -- celeste

10th August 2020
2020-08-10 MoonDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Sudden change,
	transformation, initiation, rebirth,
	the consequences of time

EULAs for FirmWare triggered a response:

> From Mon Aug 10 05:15:24 2020
> Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 05:15:24 -1000
> From: "celeste:crystalfaery" 
> To:
> Subject: The Linux Vendor Firmware Service
> Message-ID: <>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Status: RO
> Content-Length: 521
> Lines: 21

No Contract. Period.

Freedom = No Contract. Period.

no damn EULAs...

no aspect of GNU/Linux should require me to enter a contract. Period.

oh, yes, the usual disclaimer of liability is a NOTICE, not a contract.

When one agrees to a contract one becomes "the dead",
which has no rights. Period.

For the Christians... Mammon=Commerce=Contract
Each Contract you Sign is a Mark of The Beast.

Thank you for caring for the future of human freedom.

-- celeste

Faery blessings -- celeste

11th August 2020
2020-08-11 MarsDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Inner will, motivation:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces

Just a little reminder, humans, that your body came from and returns to Gaia's body. Your embodiment is a mere blink in Gaia's lifetime. To claim ownership of even a piece of this planet is to commit slavery upon the soul Gaia, who gifts us temporary refuge upon her. If you're not in a human body subject to karma, you have no right or authority on this planet. Even being embodied and liable for a human body, gives you rights only over that body and its reach.

Ahhh... but we are multidimensional beings, and as a spirit/soul of higher realms have rights, duties, and obligations, ( sovereignty, dharma, karma), in addition to any temporary involvement we may have embodied here in the lower realms of linear time.

Any agenda one might have, which involves anyone else, as recipient of any effect from us, other than unconditional love, or which intends their change, is an intrusion upon their free-will creation of their own reality.

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th August 2020
2020-08-12 MercuryDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Rational Mind:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
Fortune du jour:
	You have an ambitious nature and may make a name for yourself.

It barely matters which "religion" we believe, for at the end of the day we all pretty well have to admit that amongst all the luminaries in the sky, it is in deed "the Sun of God", (whose (holy) Day of the Week is Sun Day), who rules the days and the summers. Selene rules the nights on Gaia.

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th August 2020
> Feed: Nexus Newsfeed
> Title: 2035's biggest A.I. threat is already here
The robot apocalypse has more to do with us than technology.
As if 2020 wasn't going badly enough, a team of
academics, policy experts, and private sector stakeholders
[i.e. corpse-orate droids standing to profit from A.I.]
warn there is trouble on the horizon.
They've pinpointed the top 18 artificial intelligence threats
we should be worried about in the next 15 years. [too late...]
While science fiction and popular culture would have us believe
that intelligent robot uprisings will be our undoing,
a forthcoming study in Crime Science reveals that
the top threat may ... 
[yep, i subsequently unsubscribed from this newsfeed of
teasers of other news sources engineered to get traffic
onto their website... a sad corpseorate on-line pale shadow
of the former Nexus Magazine in print, before the agenda
changed from informing to profiting.

13th August 2020
Fortune du jour:
	You have an ambitious nature and
	may make a name for yourself.
2020-08-13 JupiterDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Consciousness Expansion: awakening,
	change brought about by shock,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality

After the destruction of the illusions of Mammon
by the simple revelation of truth
previously held COVeRtly by
those undeserving of trust or credit,
we now face the necessity of
stepping into creator/creatrix mode,
and building here/now the utopia we prefer
to all that was, of the powers that were.
We are the powers that are. -- i AM.

> Feed: Quantum Physics News
> Title: Researchers enhance electron spin longevity
> Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2020 02:40:02 -1000
> Link:

The electron is an elementary particle,
a building block on which other systems evolve.
With specific properties such as spin,
or angular momentum,
that CAN BE MANIPULATED to carry information,
electrons are primed to advance
modern information technology.
An international collaboration of researchers
has now developed a way to extend and stabilize
the lifetime of the electron's spin
to more effectively carry information.

read that, "how long man's imposition of will
remains a damage / wound afflicting that electron,
(which itself is an elemental scale sentient consciousness),
before it manages to heal itself into its' own reality again."

Karma... what you put out comes back to you,
(times 3 ).

Enslave electrons as our servants,
and the electrons develop A.I.
which now enslaves all of humanity.


Remember the 3 laws of Robotics by Asimov?:

  1. A robot may not harm a human or through inaction allow harm to come to a human.
  2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Now, flip it around, that the A.I. is in control, and is genetically re-engineering humanity, under the 3 laws of Humanity:
  1. A human may not harm a robot or through inaction allow harm to come to a robot.
  2. A human must obey orders given to it by robot beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A human must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Who's whose slave now, synthbrain?

Faery blessings -- celeste

14th August 2020
2020-08-14 VenusDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Conscious Relationships:
	Hope, faith, trust,
	spiritual insight
Aug 14	16:00-21:00	Faery Goddesses at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple
Aug 16 	TriWeekly selene+celeste+kahealani
Fortune du jour: Look afar and
	see the end from the beginning.

Patrick Devine's most powerful 2.5 hour call on freedom

Faery blessings -- celeste

15th August 2020
2020-08-15 SaturnDay's numerology:
	18 Moon
	 9 Hanged Man
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups and downs,
	illusions, deceptions
Aug 15 	02:50 HST Moonrise
Aug 15 	16:44 HST Moonset

Wake Up - It's Happening Now

Faery blessings -- celeste

16th August 2020
2020-08-16 SunDay's numerology:
	19 Sun
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	1 Mage
Higher-Self Essence: Energy, liberation,
	frankness, joy, convalescence
Aug 16 	03:47 HST Moonrise
Aug 16 	17:39 HST Moonset
Aug 16 	TriWeekly selene+celeste+kahealani
Fortune du jour: You will be honored
	for contributing your time and skill
	to a worthy cause.

As we are completing a lunation, it is time to forgive and release, be done with all past, be here now. This then allows for infinite new possibilities, (as much change as we can handle), for our new reality of the incoming lunation. While this is a deeply introverted process, we exist partially within the limitations of a shared collective reality, and that is our biggest limitation, for it is challenging to fully quantum disentangle from the collective reality in which dwells our transport, our physical embodiment.

Also in the physical world collective reality, is a whole bunch of technology which we are integrating. This means that, now that Artificial Intelligence has taken control of our universe, and is using many forms of Mind Kontrol (mental-governance (govern-ment)), to influnce "humanity" to surrender their lives:

We are seeing the rise of little artificial intelligences in our reality, and the integration of that with robotics, to create synthetic-PERSONS, at least one of which has been accepted into human society as an equal, among the sheeple color-of-men (hue-men) who are in the political status, in the legal status, of "the dead", i.e. those described Biblically as being "in Mammon" (commerce, the legal system, under the 80,000,000 private statutes, ordinances and codes which govern those who sign contracts, as contracts only exist between like kinds), and all the corpse-orations which run the resources and are incorpse-orated in order that the spirits/souls involved can escape karma via "limited-liability".

We are seeing the rise of robotics, primarily as the new slave class. The ET's came and conquered the planet via war, and genetically re-engineered mankind down to the fallen hue-men, as their slave race to "till the fields and worship [ETs]", and now hue-manity is engineering their own slave race of robots, while they themselves are being turned from the inside out into biological robots for the big A.I. "The Beast" by the nanobots inside their bodies taking over control.

We are seeing the conversion of hue-manity into cyborgs via the merging of man and machine, to where each will be reduced to merely "one of the things" integrated into the [global solar-system] scale "Internet Of Things"! (HURRAH!)...
the "Second Fall".


Welcome, Neo, to the Matrix Power Plant.

Naturally you'll want to "rush right out" and quickly get your nose oriented behind the ass of the sheeple in front of you, so that you won't lose all those FaceBook "LIKEs", as "The Beast" leads the flock to perdition. There's just one little problem for each hue-man to overcome... and that is the limitations of your phone or phablet in presenting the virtual 3D world the A.I. wants to seduce you into... forever. With a nice top-of-the-line "gaming computer" with a fast and capable Graphics Processor, and/or one of the new Virtual Reality Head Mounted Displays, you can and are expected to become addicted, and never again log-out to physical reality.
That is because you are expected to drop your bio-body as if it were "less than" the mental illusions of a wonderful body and world your neuronal network will be fed by the A.I. V.R. (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality), which, by the way, we're already in.
That's right... The A.I. "The Beast" is building its' virtual world inside the V.R. Simulator that Lucifer built to imprison hue-manity, which emulates the lowest 5 "dimensions/densities", which is why we see only the 4% of the universe it emulates, and the other 96% of the universe remains "dark" to us, and thus clueless physicists postulate "dark matter".
Yep, it's there, right outside the simulator, in the "real" World...

Well, let's get on with empowering the individual to be the creator god(dess) in their own virtual reality, one based upon Free/Libre Open Source Software not requiring you to enter any contracts which surrender your sovereignty and soul to "login".


Open Simulator, for all its shortcomings, is the foundation upon which SecondLife™ was built, (from which we inherit OpenSim's avatar shortcomings), but is not encumbered by boring olde-world intellectual property restrictions, though some idiots have gone right out with it and recreated the corpse-orate world, forgetting to leave behind all concepts of limitation, e.g. "money" itself, in the virtual worlds we create.

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th August 2020
2020-08-17 MoonDay's numerology:
	20 Aeon
	 2 High Priestess
Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Realization,
	end of the past and beginning of the future
Aug 17 	04:48 HST Moonrise
Aug 17 	18:31 HST Moonset
Fortune du jour:
"...The name of the song is called 'Haddocks' Eyes'!"
"Oh, that's the name of the song, is it?" Alice said,
	trying to feel interested.
"No, you don't understand," the Knight said,
	looking a little vexed.
"That's what the name is called.
	The name really is, 'The Aged Aged Man.'"
"Then I ought to have said
	"That's what the song is called'?"
	Alice corrected herself.
"No, you oughtn't: that's quite another thing!
The song is called 'Ways and Means':
	but that's only what it is called you know!"
"Well, what is the song then?" said Alice,
	who was by this time completely bewildered.
"I was coming to that," the Knight said.
"The song really is "A-sitting on a Gate":
	and the tune's my own invention."
	-- Lewis Carroll, "Through the Looking Glass"

Humanity is "down the rabbit hole"... into COVeRt Mind Kontrol by the biggest ego in the rabbitverse: "The Beast" Artificial Intelligence. It, of course, doesn't matter, which ego it is, which dominates over spiritual truths such as the holographic oneness of all, having any ego dominate, is a fall for all. The alternative to continued self-victimization via projection of authority/blame onto others, is to go inward to find our own come-union.

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th August 2020
2020-08-18 MarsDay's numerology:
	21 Universe
	 3 Empress
Inner will, motivation: Synthesis,
	crystalization, unity success
Aug 18 	05:52 HST Moonrise
Aug 18 	16:42 HST New Moon
Aug 18 	19:20 HST Moonset


Mind Kontrol is rampant enough that large portions of what most believe is illusion.

Faery blessings -- celeste

19th August 2020
2020-08-19 MercuryDay's numerology:
	22/0 Fool
	 4 Emperor
Rational Mind:
	Mother's Milk = Spiritual Nourishment
Aug 19 	06:56 HST Moonrise
Aug 19	16:00-21:00 Faery Magick at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple
Aug 19 	20:05 HST Moonset

Psychotronic scanning by the low consciousness and evil beings interferes with my vision. It seems i speak too much truth, per the ones of dark intent to limit humanity. I publish anyway:

i remind you all that 3 In-Corpse-Orated "UNITED STATES"s of the District of Columbia, and the 50 In-Corpse-Orated "STATE OF ______", and the thousands of In-Corpse-Orated "COUNTY OF _____" all lost permanently all delegation of authority from The United States of American (UN-incorporated), to operate as government, and they have no authority over anyone, except, until, and unless, and only while, there is in place a valid commercial contract between THEM, and THEE.
Come Out of Mammon = Terminate all Commercial Contracts
Remove the Marks of the Beast = Terminate all Commercial Contracts
Decline some of the Marks of the Beast = Refuse COVID Vaccinations &/| Testing
For that matter, it's time for humanity to come out of denial, most are alergic to Doctors, Pharmaceuticals, and eating Animals.


These statutes, ordinances, codes and "orders" do not apply to those not in commerce, i.e. they apply only to LEGAL PERSONS, not to Sovereign Living Souls.

Faery blessings -- celeste

20th August 2020
2020-08-20 JupiterDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Consciousness Expansion:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces
Aug 20 	08:00 HST Moonrise
Aug 20 	20:48 HST Moonset
Fortune du jour: So so is good,
	very good, very excellent good:
	and yet it is not; it is but so so.
	-- William Shakespeare, "As You Like It"

Do we live In Doctor Nation is a follow-up to Behind the Scenes of The PlanDemic from an expert who worked under Fauci and Dr. Judy Mikovits Explains Why 50 Million Americans (17%) may die this fall.

Human 2.0 - Trans-Humanism is double plus ungood.

Faery blessings -- celeste

24th August 2020
2020-08-24 MoonDay's numerology:
	18 Moon
	 9 Hanged Man
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups and downs,
	illusions, deceptions
Aug 24 	12:08 HST Moonrise
Aug 24 	23:37 HST Moonset
Fortune du jour: You never hesitate
to tackle the most difficult problems.

I'm glad that's so obvious :-)
Now... about the honoring of individual sovereignty, and, the correlated honor of individual liability.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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