
[a]scension blog

11th August 2020
2020-08-11 MarsDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Inner will, motivation:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces

Just a little reminder, humans, that your body came from and returns to Gaia's body. Your embodiment is a mere blink in Gaia's lifetime. To claim ownership of even a piece of this planet is to commit slavery upon the soul Gaia, who gifts us temporary refuge upon her. If you're not in a human body subject to karma, you have no right or authority on this planet. Even being embodied and liable for a human body, gives you rights only over that body and its reach.

Ahhh... but we are multidimensional beings, and as a spirit/soul of higher realms have rights, duties, and obligations, ( sovereignty, dharma, karma), in addition to any temporary involvement we may have embodied here in the lower realms of linear time.

Any agenda one might have, which involves anyone else, as recipient of any effect from us, other than unconditional love, or which intends their change, is an intrusion upon their free-will creation of their own reality.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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