
[a]scension blog

Entries from July 2020.

2nd July 2020
2020-07-02 JupiterDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Consciousness Expansion:
	Sudden change, transformation,
	initiation,    rebirth,
	the consequences of time

As we approach the Full Moon, recent observations have clearly indicated that many humans are being triggered by astrological influences to sit in the anger mode of the 5 stages of grief, before they finally accept truth and begin to live it... so beware to be extra forgiving and loving during these times...

Faery blessings -- celeste

3rd July 2020
2020-07-03 VenusDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant

Conscious Relationships:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces

The influence i choose to make upon all, is quite simply unconditional love, forgiveness, and unity.

Faery blessings -- celeste

4th July 2020
2020-07-04 SaturnDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
07-04 	U.S. In-Corpse-Orated Independence Day Fraud:
	( most "U. S. Citizens" still choose daily to be
	under the Queen of England, under the Pope,
	as In-Corpse-Orated Legal Chattel Property PERSONS
	of limited liability and NO Rights, enemy combatant,
	enemy of the state, ward of the state,
	to which they are bound
	"as the dead",
	by "signing" on the {dotted,microprint} line
	in "cursive", cursing their own souls to be
	imprisoned in their slave-to-Satan bodies,
	by participating in the 80,000,000 Statutes
	governing Uniform Commercial Code International Commerce,
	which is their default jurisdiction without otherwise
	notifying "The World" that they choose NOT
	to remain in Mammon bearing the Marks of The Beast 
	which are every one of their un-{revoked,terminated} "signatures" )
07-04	18:44 HST	Full Moon 13 Capricorn 38
07-04	18:44 HST	Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Faery blessings -- celeste

5th July 2020
[kauai GMO toxicity]
2020-07-05 SunDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Higher-Self Essence:
	Change brought about by shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality

For those of us who remember the Exon Valdez oil tanker spilling 30,000,000 gallons of crude oil into the Prince William Sound of Alaska, and how extremely damaging to all life that was, let it be known that our modern society based upon the Petro$, and all the internal combustion engines running on oil and its' distillates, spill the equivalent 30,000,000 gallons of oil into the global environment weekly.
While we're whistle-blowing here... it is not well revealed by the main stream media that not all "oil-spills" are actually oil spills...
The great U.S. / Mexican Gulf "oil-spill" was a cover story over special-ops black-ops whereby the military-industrial-complex was at war with the black goo, which was, by the way, perfectly "outed" by Holly-Wood's Fox Mulder of the X-Files Movie.
It is time to demand the secret black-budget classified military, aero-space, etc. technologies for free energy be released from non-disclosure... provided that those free energy devices are of the 1st class:

  1. st class: draw energy from zero-point, feeding Gaia's aura.
  2. nd class: draw energy from Gaia's aura, making Gaia sick.

Meanwhile, it is imperative we malama (care for) our reefs.

Faery blessings -- celeste

8th July 2020
2020-07-08 MercuryDay's numerology:
	19 Sun 
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Mage
Rational Mind:
	Energy, liberation, frankness, joy, convalescence

Clarity about one's own truth is imperative in the planetary "planetary live exercise wargame" being orchestrated by "The Beast" Artificial Intelligence.
Casualties in this war between Atlantean Technology versus Lemurian Spirituality, (as with each of our previous passes through this time-loop), are the rights and freedoms of what once was a divine race of [mankind], brought low by the "fallen 'creators'" creating "fallen 'creations'", which are "of the dead", i.e. lack the true spark-of-life from the great creatrix, i.e. Soulless Humans / Organic Portals.
The outcome shall either be that:

How much evidence must you deny about the truly foundational nature of evil built-into each and every liability-circumventing .COM?:

 [Corpse-O-Rats Spying on People]

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th July 2020
2020-07-12 SunDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Higher-Self Essence:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces

Jul 12 	Mercury stations Direct at 11 degrees Gemini

"Great minds discuss ideas,
mediocre minds discuss events,
and simple minds discuss people."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

Faery blessings -- celeste

13th July 2020
2020-07-13 MoonDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
[slavery pyramid]

Faery blessings -- celeste

14th July 2020
2020-07-14 MarsDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Inner will, motivation:
	Change brought about by shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality

Not only is the movie purely an illusion, so is the theatre, and the popcorn.

Faery blessings -- celeste

15th July 2020
2020-07-15 MercuryDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Rational Mind:
	Hope, faith, trust, spiritual insight

If any of you are fans of "Security Now", starring Steve Gibson, you may also be aware that his weekly show is normally hosted by Leo LaPort(ly :-)... and such has been all well and good for years... however... in recent times, Leo was for a while replaced by a Jesuit. The timing of this correlated well with the end of the development phase leading to the public release of Steve's SQRL to replace usernames and passwords.
Do you get the implications i'm hinting at?
Is the code open-source and has it been vetted?
(reviewed by independent computer programmers)?


Dr. Bill Deagle at the Granada Forum 2006 is a serious red-pill revelation showing that major portions of COVID-19 were in place in 2006 - this has been a long PLANdemic.
At 2:20:00+ into that video we are not only warned about Sul{f,ph}uryl Fluoride as toxic to one's pineal gland, (and therefore to one's spirituality + [a]scension), but by 2:22:00 Deagle addresses the sacred geometry of hyperdimensionality of spirit.
at 2:58:00 we focus upon the beings who co-create the energy grid which creates and sustains our world to exist, which is primarily generated by the Whales who are the modern embodiments of The Ancient Builder Race, whose old technology is now being mined under the ice of the antarctic continent, one of the Atleantian manifestations.
at 3:05:45 - 3:06:30 we face the facts of the Jesuits keeping in their Vatican Coven 96 percent of the world's knowledge, while the sheeple are only allowed access to the remaining 4 percent, most of which contains at least partial if not full inversion of truth. We also learn that Nikola Tesla's father had access to the hidden Vatican library, and learned the sacred geometry and sacred mathematics upon which Nikola based his technologies.

Faery blessings -- celeste

16th July 2020
2020-07-16 JupiterDay's numerology:
	18 Moon 
	 9 Hanged Man
Consciousness Expansion:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups and downs,
	illusions, deceptions

Nassim Haramein-the Structure of the Vacuum + Crop Circles + Ancient Civilizations-part 4 of 6 when watched carefully with discernment gives us the secret of the sacred geometry of zeropoint.

Dr. Dan Erickson of Accelerated Urgent Care versus the Covid19 FRAUD.

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th July 2020
2020-07-18 SaturnDay's numerology:
	20 Aeon
	 2 High Priestess
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Realization,
	end of the past and beginning of the future
> From "Robert Bradstreet"  Fri Jul 17 23:54:31 2020
> Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 09:54:26 +0000
> From: "Robert Bradstreet" 
> Subject: Useful Health Information in Uncertain Times

To All,

Perhaps you have noticed a bit of controversy and differing opinions on the best way to treat and survive this infection. It is such a worldwide economic issue that we can expect more controversy to come.

Here's a report from a Texas doctor who is treating patients with 100% success. This interview sidesteps the political stuff and just presents this one doctor's routine. Many of us are very impressed.

Watch the video, but also download the paper he has written. The paper is medicates, a bit more readable than some, but if you or a loved one is at risk or in fear, take this paper and share it with your doctors and explain that you want them to get this going for you, or that patient.

Pages 6-9 get into what he uses and why. The inhaler needs a doctor's RX but other aspects do not.

If you like it please share it with whoever matters to you.


Dr. Bartlett (from Texas) states that places like Taiwan (24 million people but only 7 deaths to date),

Japan (121 million people but less than 1,000 have died to date), Singapore (only 12 people have died to date), can't practice social distancing and aren't wearing masks but they are following the protocols that he is also having rapid success with and it's only $200 (if the person has no insurance)-- not $3,000 like the Big Pharma option.

He also said that a vaccine won't be successful with Covid-19 and why (he also mentions the terrible results from polio vaccines that have killed thousands and paralyzed tens of thousands).

He states that there is a simple solution to Covid-19 and there is nothing to fear about it.

Dr. Bartlett has published a paper on this, along with

an article related to this video.

Details about the treatment can be found in Dr. Bartlett's letter to (Texas) Senator Hall.

This is indeed a purely medical paradigm... and there are alternative approaches... i.e. to not take the Medical Industry "response" to the fundamental issue this doctor has correctly identified, which is that the human body is in a state of inflammation, the primary cause of which is overall toxicity, the primary causes of which are dysfunctional diet, and environmental toxicity.
The "tests" are fraudulent, to the extent of a nearly 100 percent false positives.

Today i was referred to KauaiForward.COM, as if it is a good thing.
It's terms and conditions of use include this:
"County of Kauai reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your access to the Web Site and the related services or any portion thereof at any time, without notice. [GENERAL] To the maximum extent permitted by law, this agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington, U.S.A. and you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in San Mateo County, California, U.S.A. in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the County of Kauai Web Site."

Wow... really? They're going to try to operate on the statutes and codes of a foreign State (Washington), enforced via the judicial venue of another foreign State (California)? That guarantees that any resultant lawsuits shall be entangled in a morass of cases just dealing with split jurisdiction, and thus require an infinity of lawyer's fees ultimately resolving nothing...
Kaua'i does not at all move forward by denial of self responsibility, at any level, and that's what this is all about...
Neither any of us as individuals, nor any of us a a group, nor any corpse-oration operating in limited liability, NOTHING can move forward until there is absolutely FULL KARMIC ACCOUNTABILITY. That shall never come from ANY Corpse-Oration in Commerce, and that is why Kaua'i is NOT moving forward, because 99.99% of Kaua'ians are in commerce, alias MAMMON, bearing the Marks of the Beast, under the 80,000,000 statutes of the Uniform Commercial Code.

Faery blessings -- celeste

19th July 2020
2020-07-19 SunDay's numerology:
	21 Universe
	 3 Empress
Higher-Self Essence: Synthesis,
	crystalization, unity success

This video is The Final Word on COVID-19.


Faery blessings -- celeste

20th July 2020
2020-07-20 MoonDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Sudden change,
	initiation, rebirth,
	the consequences of time
Jul 20 	6:03 AM HST Moonrise
Jul 20 	7:33 AM HST New Moon
Jul 20 	7:52 PM HST Moonset

While today began a new reality cycle, and indeed we felt a shift of energy, we still remain surrounded by many, who hold tightly to old energies, old paradigms, and old dysfunctions.

We have observed over the more than 3 decades of professional practice in the role of clairvoyant psychic healer, that most humans spend their entire lives playing out patterns programmed into them during their first 1.5 years of life, by their caretakers, usually parents. They will hold tightly to these programs usually right up to the point of death, and even then may resist changing.

The only known cure for these deep dysfunctions is directed inner work to unveil their subconscious, and even once that may be healed, there remains the inner work to unveil their superconscious, otherwise known as soul / spirit / higher-self.

Sadly, most are unwilling to face themselves in the mirror, as they are resistant to the cognitive and emotional dissonance of facing the conflict between their actual essence versus their dysfunctional programming, adopted to minimize friction versus the dysfunctions of those they depended upon to survive.

This is now playing out globally under the fraud of the Covert-19 Artificial Intelligence directed war games of the Archons and Organic Portals / Soulless Humans versus Sovereign living enSouled Beings.

Faery blessings -- celeste

21st July 2020
2020-07-21 MarsDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Inner will, motivation:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces
Jul 21 	7:05 AM HST Moonrise
Jul 21 	8:42 PM HST Moonset

Pig-Headed Scientists
(Pig-headed \Pig"-head`ed\, a. Having a head like a pig; hence, figuratively: stupidly obstinate; perverse; stubborn. --B. Jonson. -- [gcide] [1913 Webster]: {Pig"-head`ed*ness}, n.)
attempting to build quantum computers have long been frustrated by the way that quantum entangled systems suffer from "interference" from their surroundings.
[ No! it is you Atlantean Priests of the death culture of technocracy, who are interfering with the quantum reality of life!
That natural quantum entanglement of all life = spirit/soul.
Stop trying to dominate Mother Nature and force your will over life, for your will is purely of the dead! Your technology is killing life! your will is toxic to life. Cease and desist! ]
But now the Oxford-led team report online in "Science" on April 23 that they have found a way to harness this sensitivity to create a system that responds to extremely weak magnetic fields -- technology with potential applications in areas such as geological surveying [, mind control, warfare, and other death culture purposes].


[ The technology already exists, has for millions of years. It's called life, i.e. spirit ensouled in DNA based biology. It is far superior technology, and the only problem is that you are ignoring your living technology because you are dwelling in your left-brained yang ego mind of linear time logical dead lack-of-consciousness, rather than meditating and developing your yin, intuitive, life enhancing soul, but most likely that's because you are organic_portals. ]
"We are looking to turn experimental quantum systems into real world technology that people can use," said Professor Jonathan Jones of Oxford University's Department of Physics, an author of the paper. "The next step is to investigate how a quantum sensor based on this work might be combined with existing sensors based on magnetic resonance."
[ As an embodyment of the Prime Creatrix, i, celeste, a lord of karma, hereby issue this notice to all Ea-Rth-ly practitioners of the anti-life Satanic Religion "Science" who are interfering with scension of ensouled life on planet Gaia, and elsewhere in our Solar System:
Turn to the Light of Life, or
Leave the Galaxy, or
Be Utterly Destroyed!

For the good of all, with the least harm to the fewest, So Mote it Be, and So It Is! ]


Jul 21 8:42 PM HST Moonset
2020-07-22 06:40:10+00:00
was the time i chose to do quantum healing on

Faery blessings -- celeste

22nd July 2020
[No Religious Evil]
2020-07-22 MercuryDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Rational Mind:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
Jul 22 	08:08 HST Moonrise
Jul 22 	21:28 HST Moonset

There is nought but the now.
In the now there is only consciousness.
In consciousness there is only love = light = truth.
"Live" is expression of loving consciousness flowing in the now.
"Evil" is "live" reversed, backwards = death.
Life is plagued by Evil only within duality.
Duality is a level of unconsciousness...
typically a condition of ego-consciousness...
buying into the lie of separateness...
which only manifests in lower realms of dimension/density
via the adoption of a beLIEf in separation...
i.e. identification with the separate physical body in duality.
Re-ligion (again bound) is the adoption by the mind of a lie.
The lies are provided by "dogma"...
identification with mental concepts detached from soul/spirit.
To end living the great lie, one must identify with the divine.

Faery blessings -- celeste

23rd July 2020
2020-07-23 JupiterDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Consciousness Expansion:
	Change brought about by shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality
Jul 23 	09:11 AM HST Moonrise
Jul 23 	10:11 PM HST Moonset

If 5G were to be fully deployed, occupying multiple frequency bands, the higher ones are extremely toxic to all life:

[millimeter_radio_waves.57] [millimeter_radio_waves.58] [millimeter_radio_waves.59] [millimeter_radio_waves.60]

Faery blessings -- celeste

24th July 2020
2020-07-24 VenusDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Conscious Relationships:
Hope, faith, trust, spiritual insight
Jul 24 	10:12	    HST	Moonrise
Jul 24	16:00-22:51 HST Crescent Moon

Well, it was fun dancing at the masked ball with the dead, to see if any would give up Mammon, but as "Jesus" said:
"let the dead tend the dead".

Faery blessings -- celeste

25th July 2020
[2016-02-28 Devic_Queendom.067]
2020-07-25 SaturnDay's numerology:
	18 Moon
	 9 Hanged Man
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups + downs,
	illusions + deceptions
Jul 25 	11:12 HST Moonrise
Jul 25 	23:31 HST Moonset

On this Day Out of Time We gift a karmic healing so that all who are willing to live for the good of all, harm none, may claim that path.

Faery blessings -- celeste

26th July 2020
2020-07-26 SunDay's numerology:
	19 Sun
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	1  Mage
Higher-Self Essence: Energy,
	liberation,  frankness,
	joy,     convalescence
Jul 26 	12:13 HST Moonrise
Jul 27 	00:11 HST Moonset

We continue to not "buy-into" any negative "reality" within duality, e.g. tropical storms resulting in destruction, for which we envision, yes indeed, rain and wind for cleansing, but without destructive consequences on our Garden isle.

Faery blessings -- celeste

27th July 2020
2020-07-27 MoonDay's numerology:
	20 Aeon
	 2 High Priestess
Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Realization,
	end of the past and beginning of the future
Jul 27 	00:11 HST Moonset
Jul 27 	13:13 HST Moonrise

Quantum loop: US unveils blueprint for "virtually unhackable" internet. The agency is working with universities and industry researchers on the engineering for the initiative with the aim of creating a prototype within a decade.
Wow, that was so full of media doublespeak,
i can only call it double plus ungood.
Meanwhile, our crystalfaeries quantum reality satellites remain in orbit with instantaneous "spooky action at a distance" quantum communion between each and every satellite, whereby uplink and downlink between surface and satellite takes longer than the satellite to satellite quantum communion. Silly olde radio waves... Wired-Fidelity, hah!

Quantum loop: July 24, 2020
US unveils blueprint for 'virtually unhackable' internet.

Officials say quantum technology could become the basis for a more secure internet architecture.

US officials and scientists have begun laying the groundwork for a more secure "virtually unhackable" internet based on quantum computing technology.

At a presentation Thursday, Department of Energy (DOE) officials issued a report that lays out a blueprint strategy for the development of a national quantum internet, using laws of quantum mechanics to transmit information more securely than on existing networks.

The agency is working with universities and industry researchers on the engineering for the initiative with the aim of creating a prototype within a decade.

In February, scientists from DOE's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago created a 52-mile (83-kilometer) "quantum loop" in the Chicago suburbs, establishing one of the longest land-based quantum networks in the nation.

The aim is to create a parallel, more secure network based on quantum "entanglement," or the transmission of sub-atomic particles.

"One of the hallmarks of quantum transmissions is that they are exceedingly difficult to eavesdrop on as information passes between locations," according to the Energy Department statement.

"Scientists plan to use that trait to make virtually unhackable networks."

The department said early adopters could include the banking and health services sectors, adding that there would be applications for national security and aircraft communications.

"Eventually, the use of quantum networking technology in mobile phones could have broad impacts on the lives of individuals around the world," the statement added.

The agency's 17 national laboratories will serve as the backbone of the coming quantum internet, which has initial government funding.

"The foundation of quantum networks rests on our ability to precisely synthesize and manipulate matter at the atomic scale, including the control of single photons," said David Awschalom, a professor at the University of Chicago and senior scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

Explore further: New quantum loop provides testbed for quantum communication technology

All of this is unnecessary.
Quantum reality = spirituality = soul + intuition = it's right there already, if you'd only bother to meditate, to turn on your yin energies, to balance...

Faery blessings -- celeste

29th July 2020
2020-07-29 MercuryDay's numerology:
	22/0 Fool
	 4 Emperor
Rational Mind:
	Mother's Milk = Spiritual Nourishment
Jul 29 	01:39 HST	Moonset
Jul 29 	15:16 HST	Moonrise

30th July 2020
2020-07-30 JupiterDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Consciousness Expansion:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces
Jul 30 	02:28 HST Moonset
Jul 30 	16:18 HST Moonrise

Faery blessings -- celeste

31st July 2020
2020-07-31 VenusDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Conscious Relationships:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
Jul 31 	03:21 HST Moonset
Jul 31 	17:17 HST Moonrise
Jul 31 	SysAdmin Day
Jul 31 	SysAdmin Day

Behind the Scenes of the PlanDemic from an Expert who Worked Under Fauci seems to keep disappearing from the websites serving Satan.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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