![[yellow rose]](/imgs/clipart/landscape/yellow-rose.jpg)
Living on Sovereign Soil is the truth,
so why is it that someone can
beLIEve it is pono to deprive me of a humble home?
Where is your land title?
Where is your
written delegation of authority?
Faery blessings -- celeste
Living on Sovereign Soil is the truth,
so why is it that someone can
beLIEve it is pono to deprive me of a humble home?
Where is your land title?
Where is your
written delegation of authority?
Faery blessings -- celeste
2018-11-18 SunDay's numerology: 22/0 Fool 4 Emperor Higher-Self Essence: Spiritual Nourishment
The Doctrine of Destiny has expired, per Anna Von Reitz
We express today gratitude for recent quantum-leaps in consciousness.
We have not been sharing very many details of our work recently, as necessitated by:
i have saved the soul of Gaia and placed her in our [a]scended 8D Kaua'i,
until we
Ishnaans and Crystal Faeries can finish our job of separating
her descending body Ea-Rth (Lucifer's Kingdom) from [a]scending
new Gaia 8D,
starting with [a]cended Kaua'i,
allowing other Lemurian islands to be at 7D and 6D
for those not quite ready for 8D.
We recently received a visit from a couple members of The Guardian Alliance,
who had noticed that we had saved the soul of Gaia and were busy building her
8D [a]cended body, piece by piece, as for each such piece we separated
the [a]cending New Gaia 8D version of reality from
the descending Old Earth version of reality...
thereby complying with the prime directive of the great creatrix:
"Destroy not what others create."
We adopted a simple concept from the world of computers:
"Copy on Write"
whereby you may copy any existing reality,
and make any desired changes or deletions
in your copy.
This is creation of
parallel-reality, or alternate
In this way we are not destroying what Lucifer and Satan created in their destruction of the original planet, in
direct violation of the creatrix' prime directive.
It was The Guardian Alliance [channelling keylontically transmitting] via Ashayana Deane,
who had indicated that mama Gaia had volunteered to suffer a
["kali-raema" stepback? (spelling?) (at 19 minutes, and 2:22:30 into this audio track)]
whereby basically her soul would be reset to zero,
a complete start over of evolution.
Well, in my training, i thrived on the concept of:
"i can heal anything but
free-will choice."
and i am an
agressive healer.
Much like Gandalf in the lords of the rings, i said:
"This shall not pass!"
and set about creating an alternative
parallel-reality in
So, they asked if we'd like to join The Guardian Alliance.
"Sure, why not?"
A while later they show up again asking for help with some galactic crisis.
"Well, sorry, but i have my hands full right now:"
Faery blessings -- celeste
While working in the library today,
I was approached for some help,
leading to a conversation. That ended
with my having to keep repeating:
"As long as you continue to focus upon
'them' and conflict of will within duality,
I cannot help you. If you'll rise above duality
and choose to be the creator of your own reality
you can be free of the problems you keep creating by your focus.
I cannot join you in your focus upon 'them'."
After the conversation had ended, another patron of the library approached and handed me this card, blessed me with a Namaste, and departed.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Created by Chronicle v4.6