Today brought queries regarding ORMES / ORMUS, which we have written about:
ORMUS Gold is the Mana which was kept inside the ARK of the covenant.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Wesak tonight (in honour of the Buddha, who is universally [really? universally?] acclaimed as one of the greatest benefactors of [mankind]).
Faery blessings -- celeste
What is the purpose of life?
What is the purpose of my life?
Someone this morning asked what they could do for me,
receiving no task to perform,
suggested i contact them when i could provide
some purpose for them to be incarnate,
whereupon i suggested we find our own purpose of life. Once
my lifetime mission was completed,
tomril has declared purpose to be "play",
yet due to usefulness to the ascension of others
keeps me in this obsolete time line...
facilitating the collective consciousness shift,
be being a frequency holder in a reality completely unsuitable to me,
and even more so, to any of my intended play.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Perhaps there is only a fine line between fear and caution, perhaps wisdom suggests "sitting with" energies a while before committing to a course of action, especially one involving "law" and/or "money", especially in the extant world where all that exist in those realms, created by humans, is fraudulent.
Faery blessings -- celeste
What shall i Know? Be? Do?
Know: Grace sustains you.
Be: High Vibrations.
Do: Service in the flow.
Faery blessings -- celeste
Beginning the day with the Tarot card "the Hanged Man" suggested discernment of appropriateness, sacrifice of inappropriateness, assessment of what is & what could be. With that preface, we then experienced awareness in discussion of the victimhood game as mutually exclusive with ascended new-Gaia, which some of us are busy intending. The creatrix role is both intense as we focus attention, and requires patience and persistence of vision to keep imagining the intended reality.
To the extent we are a member of one or more collective realities, our rate of change may be limited by the others in our reality. To the extent our present reality is already outside the collective, and the new intended reality even further into divine sovereignty, the set of entities able to cocreate with us is limited, thus we often work alone for the greatest positive synergy.
Perhaps often challenging is flushing out of one's reality those whose self-chosen limitations sabotage one's intended reality. Failure to reduce the collective down to only those members who truly choose and beleive-in and prefer the target reality prevents fulfillment of everyone, whereas splitting the collective into two or more may end the conflict of will and allow fulfillment. Those who invalidate our dreams are, ultimately, toxic to us. Perhaps most challenging is intending a quantum leap which challenges the alleged "immutability" of reality itself, e.g. when one intends to violate the (arbitrary) "laws" of physics, especially intending a reality free of most of the physical limitations imposed by the previous "fall" we are now undoing as "ascension".
Further discussions brought-in the relationships known as "twin-flame" and "soul-mate" and could have also addressed "marriage", and how ascension affects these relationships, or how these relationships affect ascension. Add in "family", and we have some of the most entangled collective realities of our lives to contend with, and therefore a necessity of knowing one's priorities. Taken to the extreme, accomplishing one's top priority may (at least temporarily) require sacrificing all other goals. Discerning mutual-exclusivity between goals or realities is essential.
While it may be obvious to this fae girl, and we imagine others can always make alternative choices, it seems obvious to prioritize one's eternal spirit, and its' multiple souls, and their path of expansion, over matters in the temporary temporal realm we are only visiting. Perhaps these matters are at the root of: "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."
Interacting with all this positive focus may be some avoidance of negative feelings, motivation arising from seeking to end suffering, which we comprehend to be mostly a choice of attitude, classically optimist or pessimist. We tend to think of spirits as optimistic, while ego-personalities are the ones:
Faery blessings -- celeste
The initiating energies du jour are those suggesting prioritization of the focus of consciousness upon our transcendent already-ascended perfect higher-self as "real", over any attachment to the transient illusory embodied worldly games of experiential triggering of awareness.
We view in the light of our new lunar cycle the effects positively spreading as our Ascension Portal now brings in clearly the energies of 8D Galactic pulses transmuting through our (Ra) solar (stellar) density transformer.
Faery blessings -- celeste
We are enjoying the clarity of energies we have for now stabilized in our Kaua'i ascension portal.
Either we've crossed through the time-node we were in prior to new moon, or we've so anchored into this new time-line that the chaos radiating from the time-node is now relatively an insignifigant influence.
Faery blessings -- celeste
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