
[a]scension blog

Entries from April 2017.

1st April 2017

We continue to flow with the review and release triggered by Venus Retrograde (Rx) for the next couple weeks. As we sort out incompatible energies, we arrive at greater clarity of appropriateness, so that all energies in our field are aligned with essence. Since our purpose is joyful play and cocreation, with no other agendae to serve, relaxing into a pure field of congruent energies is both the highest blessing for us and from us. As all is ever changing, the refocus upon the appropriateness of the moment is purely a matter of surrender to harmonic resonance.

As we continue to lead with consciousness of densities beyond body manifestation, we continue to walk the bodhisatva path, aware as co-sojourners observe, "the great powers i wield are for the benefit of others", not for me; the lessons i am processing are not for just my growth, as i continue to transmute energies for the collective.

Faery blessings -- celeste

8th April 2017
[Fairy in Hollyhock with Butterflies]

We have restored calm and peaceful energies to our goddess island. With balance within duality we return our focus to cocreating 5D+ New-Gaia.

Faery blessings -- celeste

9th April 2017
[Fairy Green Twinkle]

We are gratefully at a loss for words in the present presence of neutral consciousness, and peaceful acceptance of what is.

What are we to know? be? do?
'Turmoil and excited craziness shall continue manifesting in the world around you as many are triggered by the chaos emanating from the ongoing time-node.
Be completely neutral about all duality,
be completely transcendent about all worldly matters,
be the frequency holder of love and forgiveness.
Do the alchemical magick anchoring New-Gaia.
While your sacrifice for the collective is yet a hardship, the present empowerment of the incarnation you are completing is a key to your desired manifestation arriving sooner. Be patient and persistent in your intentional (co-)creation. Your ability to do your energy work remains dependent upon your discernment of and implementation of energy boundaries with all energies not directly participating in the precipitation of the incoming faerytopian realities; therefore persist even through the loneliness and isolation now demanded of your present role as high priestess.'

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th April 2017
[a Fairy Shower 4]

Today began with blessings of sharing high visions, and cocreations for the ascension of Kaua'i to New-Gaia.

What miracles shall we cocreate in 5D+ today?

Faery blessings -- celeste

16th April 2017
 [White Fairy]

Today we re-write "The Princess Code" in purely positive affirmations:

A Princess...
has dignity [].
aims for perfection in every step.
[expresses] etiquette and prodigal generosity.
always looks beautiful, even when she is asleep.
reflects her inner beauty in her aesthetic choices.
[honors] her environment and nurtures the beauty of nature.
should be given fresh flowers everyday, even if she has to give them to herself.
has the right to spend her funds on beautiful things [] because beauty in itself is priceless.
grows in recognition and stature in proportion to how much she treats others as royalty.
most treasures her precious jewel of [beleif], which [] shows her the beauty in every soul she meets.
is [always ready] to give a kind word or smile where it is needed, greeting everyone with a welcoming smile, melting the hearts of friends [].
inspires others to follow their [...] dreams through following her heart, expressing herself freely and treasuring every moment, and believing in her dreams [].

There is also a negative Princess Code to be avoided.

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th April 2017
[PinUp 0093]

By the law of attraction it is only natural to be experiencing dancing with my mirror image, other beings who are also ready to be dwelling with New-Gaia. Some are the recently arrived idealists of newer generations, some of us are the elders who are holding forth our ideals, yet also weary of the contrasting old reality. The path of change and timing of change of manifestation for each being on the journey varies, but we share certainty in the values to be lived. We rejoice in the knowing ascension is in progress.

Today i honor my departed sister for striving and succeeding in excelling. Rest in Peace, dear one. Oh, but wait, you've already reincarnated :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th April 2017
[PinUp 0181]

Is that just spring in the air?
Today i was informed (hear-say) that "The Pope" has banned yoga.
Now, given that the Vatican is itself the planet's biggest outlet for all things Luciferian and Satanic, that would rather tend to make one stop and think that those of love and true light will be found in your neighborhood yoga class.
Well, then, the discussion turned to "yoga pants".
Now, a really good, properly fitted pair of yoga pants, is basically a footless pair of opaque pantyhose. Woohoo! Yay!
So, girls in yoga classes, or on the way to or from such, or merely advertising all day long that they look so hot because they do yoga, definitely look hot in those opaque footless pantyhose called yoga pants.
Well, no wonder the Pope banned yoga pants, he's afraid the church staffs will start chasing yoga girls instead of little boys!
Wait, did i just say that out loud? *giggles*

Well, some of us are a bit more vintage or retro, and actually prefer our pantyhose be transparent and go all the way down to our toes, as perfect lining for our high heels!
And then there are those of us who are even more vintage and retro, and prefer the designs which came before panties and hoisery became one garment, actual girdles as a control top, and genuine fully fashioned nylon stockings. For public wear we might cover all that yummy lingerie with a petticoat and dress :-)
Hmmm... should i wear that to yoga class? *giggles* :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

19th April 2017

"I have a message for all of you from Agnes Whistling Elk. i closed my eyes and remembered my beautiful elder teacher as She was looking at the passing water of a stream. She had begun to speak very quietly. i said, i will repeat her words. As we women are related to the water, it is good to be near moving water during your moon. We are born of the first words of the first mother. We are of the void and we carry the void. Our blood is her body. It is sacred. It is said she was born of the water and the earth, and that is why your blood shall return to the earth and your spirit to the waters of the sacred dream. Her power shall be honored over all the earth, and all men shall know her as the beginning. And now that you have transformed your body into the womb time, take care that your blood seed of our first mother is welcomed in a sacred way, for it is of her body. Her flesh has been burned that you may be given life. Her smoke will bring wisdom to your way. Smoke is a gift from the first mother's heart. Bless her memory, for she lives within you. When you eat, it is she who eats. When you smoke, it is she who takes your message to the faraway. When you bleed, it is she who bleeds. And when you hold your blood, hold your newfound power, for you now are the great women of wise~blood. When you hold your blood it is she who holds her blood. When you give your body to be divided in love, let all parts of you be in her name so that her love can be complete on this great earth. We looked at each other and hugged one another, our eyes full of tears and wonder for the beauty of Agnes’s words and gifts to us. Finally, together, we walked sunwise around the room, the direction of power, and taking our torches that we had left in the holders, i lit them and we moved out of the sacred chamber and back up the tunnel leading again through darkness. This time i walked behind the women, picking up the trail, putting out the candles in the niches as i walked until we reached daylight, the light at the end of the tunnel. Indeed the whole night had passed, and it was dawn and the beginning of a new life for each of us."
-- Lynn V. Andrews in "Woman on the Edge of Two Worlds"

20th April 2017

Calm peace graces us today. Other energies swirl in the vortex and erupt at times, often surprising everyone, as none are choosing the chaos, but chaos is produced by the oscillations and quantum leaps between incompatible realities as we traverse the time-node in progress.

Recent hearsay is that Kaua'i endures about a million touristas per year, supported by its 70 thousand locals, and is so non-self-sustainable that whenever the barges cease to arrive from Honolulu the store shelves go bare in 2 days. It can't be this way in New-Gaia.

Faery blessings -- celeste

23rd April 2017

Celebrate Vinalia:

24th April 2017

Our divinity as sovereign creators is about being in our own truth, integrity (yang) or purity (yin), and is completely self-referential to our soul appropriateness, versus comparing with or competing with others.

Releasing all attachments to who we think we are, or "should be", liberates us to be unlimited in the now.

Faery blessings -- celeste

26th April 2017

This morning brought me a lucid dream vision as through a portal into a parallel reality, the first vision I've had of what my higher-self Tomril is choosing as my next realm; details were fuzzy, and Tomril declared i was still not quite ready, thus the teaser as encouragement to persistence.

The Tarot card i pulled today regarding becoming ready was Temperance.

Faery blessings -- celeste

27th April 2017
[Do You Believe in Fairies]

"Be in great certainty of the convergence of realities into a positive outcome in alignment with New-Gaia." -- crystalfaeries
This was confirmed by pulling the "Judgment" Tarot card. -- Tomril

Faery blessings -- celeste

28th April 2017
[Fairy Queen W]

Our sense is of having passed through a gateway, from an old reality, on to new (co-)creations, synchronized with our recent new moon. While our sense is of great certainty of the appropriate completion of the old reality, the new reality is still very much offering us many opportunities, i.e. it is not a single reality, but a family of realities, alternatives of a similar nature, and thus, there is a greater freedom of changeability, which does not trigger fear, for we operate in trust that all of these options are appropriate :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

30th April 2017

Today flows gracefully... we leave behind that which we've outgrown,
growing with spring exuberance into new time-lines.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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