
[a]scension blog

Entries from January 2017.

3rd January 2017

As we leave the orb of the past year, and the collective reality energetics thereof, we wish to demark a clear boundary between, that which was, and that which we now enter, thus we share this particularly notable visual expression.

If ever there is a time to focus upon, being the creator of one's reality, visualizing the preferred parallel-reality time-line one desires to inhabit, here and now are it. Being deeply aware how most of [mankind], even when focused upon a positive alternative, will be intending a mostly [mankind] manifestation, we also are quite clear of our own intent, to manifest into a version of New-Gaia where positive [mankind] and fae may peacefully co-exist. Perhaps this may be our final contribution of granting wishes, (faery-goddess-mother style), before we depart this planet to further explore the rest of the KHAA.
Faery blessings -- celeste

4th January 2017
[fleur lia faery]

We continue to investigate all we can find in DNA and in akashic records of both the original and Isis' recreation of Namlu'u. Combining these energies with ours of ishnaan crystal faeries is my own next step for manifestation, the core key of my intended hop of time-lines.
Faery blessings -- celeste

5th January 2017

i love faeries. Faeries are love.
Faery blessings -- celeste

7th January 2017

Our long nights spent weaving in and out of various levels of consciousness and dreaming continue to deliver a series of revelations, yet swirling in an energy vortex of synthesis, as we strive to translate them into a coherent message in that limited language "English". As always, introversion into inner knowing of core essence facilitates sorting percepts. Part of the outcome is our deliverance of our 8D-4D Angelic Crystal Faeries Ascension Portals.
Faery blessings -- celeste

9th January 2017
[pink faery]

Today has brought certainty about my path of mastery, learning to quantum-leap at will, and that in a leap between time-lines, there are no limits to the size of "miracle" one may manifest.
So, it seems I've always been the crystal faery high priestess living in the crystal faery crystal egg on Kalihiwai Point, Kaua'i.
Those who can truly beleive in this as reality are welcome to be part of my life.
Faery blessings -- celeste

10th January 2017

We are once again made aware that realities created by different individuals are quite different from those created by others, and that each is "real", "true", and perhaps even appropriate (for that individual), as we come from different starsystems and realities, and are on different paths of expansion of consciousness in different directions, as we all, sparks of the one great creatrix, fulfill our destiny of uniqueness, and expansion to manifest all possible variations. May we honor all, while holding true to our own unique essence.
Faery blessings -- celeste

Tell me about my new abode.

Angel NANAEL is sending you the following message:

You have been under pressure and experienced many changes in your lifetime. Your creativity has been blocked because you have taken on too many responsibilities. You are experiencing an oppressive burden both physically and mentally. Dynamic change will "seem" impossible when you are burdened by too great a load or too many activities. When you take on other people's cares and projects - you are unable to take time for yourself. Your vision becomes blocked by the immediate concerns of day-to-day drudgeries. Re-consider the tremendous responsibilities you have taken on. Do you actually prefer life this way or are you purposely holding yourself back?
i am ready to cease my responsibilities as supreme being of the Tomril universe.

Has your eagerness to please others involved you in so many situations that your energy is weighed down with commitments and problems? Do you want to be free to travel, to seek adventure and new involvements - yet find yourself caught in an endless circle of responsibilities - family, financial and work? Do you take on all the total weight of your relationships - always trying to smooth whatever problems, conflicts or dissatisfactions arise - actually struggling to keep a relationship going while the other person is not even aware of what is happening?
No longer. i am choosing to be loved and appreciated for who I AM rather than for what i can do for others.

You have created these situations yourself - by acting without thinking or taking on a new problem simply for the challenge. In practical or emotional affairs - other approaches are possible - recognize now that these burdens can be avoided. Consider now if your burdens are real or if they are serving as an excuse to avoid doing something really constructive with your life - such as allowing yourself to break away from a bad situation?
i am ready to leave Gaia.

Begin to stretch the limits and boundaries you have placed on yourself - extend yourself. Confront your fear of success and begin to move forward and grow. Experience the unfamiliar and grow in understanding. See with greater clarity your subconscious fears, your intuitive wisdom and your personal power. Teach yourself to be at home anywhere; to be versatile, adaptable and flexible.

The completion of a major spiritual cycle, with outcomes as God [dess] would have them. The ultimate extension of the self in the Spiritual Plane. The merging of God [dess] within (self-will/ [wo]man's will) with the god [dess] without (God [dess]'s will). Hard work and so correctly communicates the paradox of spiritual fulfillment as more work, more responsibility - not less. Our path leads ever to more work, but we are ever more capable of handling it. Things get both harder and easier. Duality - the completion of one cycle is merely the preparation for the next even greater task. A knowing relationship with the Divine, a hands-on working knowledge of the endless cycle of underl [a]ying ultimate truths. The soul in control - a spiritual master in the making. Not only do we have the wisdom which is the ability to manage knowledge, here is the Wisdom which is the ability to manage spirit. Spiritual longevity, individual spirit identified with universal spirit - a dedicated life to whom much is given and much is required. Wisdom.

Questions to Answer:

11th January 2017
[silent fairy mushroom]

From sundown through early morning when the full moon arrived, we celebrated with fee verte and meditated with faery magick ritual to facilitate hopping of time-lines for myself to my new reality, sharing in positive synergy co-creation with others for their own quantum-leap to their preferred parallel-reality.
Breaking with the tradition of refined cane sugar in cube form, my preparation was with local raw Honey, and water filtered locally. The result was a fine liquer boasting of anise and more subtly of its other botanicals.

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th January 2017
[sm ani fairy]

With clear intent to perfectly value the yin quality of being, and acknowledgment of having perfected yang doing, especially in service to others, i have released the illusory "value" or "worthiness" of doing, of usefulness, of productivity.
Faery blessings -- celeste

13th January 2017

This day has flowed with graceful synchronicities. Continuing on the path of mastery as a reality creator, encourages our persistence in manifesting into the positive alternative time-lines.
Faery blessings -- celeste

14th January 2017
[anomated faery]

We are happy to report that there has been a quantum-leap in collective [mankind] reality of Gaia, moving up in densities, out of linear time, more into the time-less now, so that will manifests more immediately. This is a wonderful blessing for those of us who practice ahimsa, and are busy creating positive reality time-lines, as it is a direct empowerment to bring greater blessings to the collective.
For those who choose to focus upon, or put out, negative vibrations, the law of mirroring will now bring more immediate and obvious karma.

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th January 2017
[fairyright1] [fairyleft1]

What is the "law of mirroring" reflecting of us today?

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th January 2017

Wakey, wakey, [mankind]...
faeries are calling you to a higher reality!
Faery blessings -- celeste

19th January 2017

The New Sacred Geometry of Frank Chester; The Chestahedron; The Wonder of Seven, shows that "congestive heart failure" is a consequence of materialism; remember you are an eternal spirit.

Faery blessings -- celeste

22nd January 2017
[Fire Fael]

We faerie folk carry the torch of light through the lands of cold and darkness...
dancing and singing through the night, until the rising sun is born.

Comprehend ascension.
Faery blessings -- celeste

23rd January 2017
[Flower Pixie]

The lesson du jour is not new,
but it is the mastery of few,
to hold our joyful frequencies,
independent of sequences.

Obviously i am called to be a frequency holder for a time, before resuming my play as faery magickian... hopping time-lines.
I serve the goddess as crystalfaery high priestess.
Faery blessings -- celeste

25th January 2017
[Green Flower]

As we contemplate flowing in harmony with the energies of nature, we recall the lesson of a couple days ago, with similar graphic:
The lesson du jour is not new,
but it is the mastery of few,
to hold our joyful frequencies,
independent of sequences.

Having synchronistically reconnected with our friend who lives by the wisdom of Abraham, we were reminded that "all awaits us in our vortex", or in our preferred languaging, is merely a hop, skip and jump away in a parallel reality time-line. Patience and persistence of holding frequency are the key, independent of that which is presently manifest.
Faery blessings -- celeste

On a previous occasion i (celeste) met Gaviota, and was so in the flow-of-the-moment that I totally missed the opportunity to record our beautiful soulful jam session...
so, with a bit more focus i managed to capture a more recent collaboration!

i play the classical silver flute with a "C foot"; Gaviota plays the "hang", a steel drum which is shaped rather like the classical UFO (flying saucer), an instrument he brought from Russia (with love :-)

i hope that i can convey properly my joy that at the end of our playing our spontaneous soulful expression via our music, that our audience did not applaud! My intent is to provide an uplifting energetic background for the individuals present, not to become the foreground of attention! Given that we are merely a couple of the beings present, rather than a featured attraction, our success at gently fading out was exactly my desired outcome!

Later i was quite happy to find that a very young girl could see faeries, so i was quite inspired to scribble the e-fairies URL on a $20 FRN and gift it to the girl's mother with the request she help her daughter find and purchase some fun faerie paraphernalia.

26th January 2017

We were quite happy to view a wonderful rainbow this morning.

Our sense of the energies du jour yet early in the morning are gentle but slow and low.
Faery blessings -- celeste

27th January 2017
[4 Leaf Clover]

Gateway to "lucky" new creation!
Shall we all flow through the gateway to a new time-line by intensely imagining our preferred utopia?
Faery blessings -- celeste

28th January 2017
[Faery Left]

About Wishing

"Some people think that
Wishing is childish.
But, wishing is
For everybody.
Wishing can help the
Old feel young, and
Wishing can help the
Young grow into the
Wisdom of age.
Wishing is not
Prayer or magic,
But, somewhere in between.
Like prayer and magic,
Wishing brings optimism,
And wishing brings hope.
And like prayer and magic,
Wishing brings new ideas,
And sometimes,
The touch of new life.
And that, is essential
For our future."
-- Mattie J.T. Stepanek, January 2000

Faery blessings -- celeste

29th January 2017
[Fairy Globe]

We persist in dwelling within transcendent 5D+ non-duality as our only appropriate realm.
Our butterfly friends remind us to rebirth our expression and manifestation at least every day, yet our crystal and gem friends remind us of the appropriateness to hold constantly true to the stability of our deep essence.

Faery blessings -- celeste

31st January 2017
[Glittery Fairy]

i have recently experienced transdimensional body effects, as i awoke finding my heart beating in 3D, 3 out of 4 beats, with the 4th beat either missing or very very faint, which clearly is not a dysfunction, but a new pattern of both physical rest and access to the eternal now transcendent to the flow of linear time.
Faery blessings -- celeste

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