
[a]scension blog

3rd January 2017

As we leave the orb of the past year, and the collective reality energetics thereof, we wish to demark a clear boundary between, that which was, and that which we now enter, thus we share this particularly notable visual expression.

If ever there is a time to focus upon, being the creator of one's reality, visualizing the preferred parallel-reality time-line one desires to inhabit, here and now are it. Being deeply aware how most of [mankind], even when focused upon a positive alternative, will be intending a mostly [mankind] manifestation, we also are quite clear of our own intent, to manifest into a version of New-Gaia where positive [mankind] and fae may peacefully co-exist. Perhaps this may be our final contribution of granting wishes, (faery-goddess-mother style), before we depart this planet to further explore the rest of the KHAA.
Faery blessings -- celeste

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