![[alice with the door mouse]](/imgs/portrait/alice+door_mouse.jpg)
That my life and reality changed to such a completely different quantum level that i felt it necessary to mark that change with a change of lawful name, was specifically intended to notify others things are not the same with me. Old customers have slowly fallen away, as i no longer cheerfully provide the limited readings and healings they are open to, but instead offer much larger quantum leaps. They are resistant to embracing and living that same shift of consciousness, but it is very important to begin to comprehend the definitional shift of paradigms i made, and why i cannot go on being for anyone, the psychic healer, because the entire paradigm of psychic healing is way too limited, compared to the initiations I've received to work at a higher level, focusing upon aspects of the paradigm shift, of ascension. Notice that i have recently declared that I'm done blogging about ascension, and have renamed the subtitle of my blog to also reflect that change.
It's not impossible for me to give the same old style healings, it's that it's not ethical to do so, given a higher level of consciousness. That people are not ready to receive at the higher level i must work at, and keep defaulting back to seeking limited "healings", is their right of free will choice, but more and more, is simply going to result in my having to state: "It's not that you can't handle the truth, it's that you won't handle the truth, therefore, i can't help you! (...for I can never touch anyone's free will choice) This is in no way meant to disparage them. We all have to walk our own path in our own time.
It was my spiritual mission to be on the leading edge of Ascension guidance, and it has not been an easy path, but i must keep on, for there are many entities depending upon me, and most of them do not even have bodies at this time.
Faery blessings --