As we ascend into higher-self consciousness, we are integrating not just the present embodyment, but also multiple other incarnations, which some call "past"-lives, so the issues, beliefs, and miasmas thereof, are also surfacing to be integrated.
The question arose: "Do you 'do' 'past'-life regressions for others?"
No, i make no attempt to have someone re-experience any of their "past"-lives.
The main reason for this is it can be very entertaining,
much like watching movies, but ultimately a waste of time,
unless something particularly relevant
is brought forward into present time conscious knowing
and is applicable to living in this incarnation...
otherwise it easily devolves into an ego fulfillment wish game...
"Ooooh, tell me i was somebody important / valuable".
It is much more productive to have their higher-self choose
a set of information extracted from other incarnations,
(yours or someone elses),
relevant to your purpose or mission in this incarnation,
and download it into one's crown chakra
for integration into the incarnation.
Soon one simply has better "knowing" which feels authentic,
for the vibration is in harmony with ones own spirit,
but without all the gory or glorious drama of the "past"-lives.
Oh, yes, i did ask at one point:
"Who in the Bible was I?"
The answer (via another psychic) was:
a name meaning
...meanwhile, i have a life to live on
Kaua'i... and that is now being
from the ever-expanding
multi-dimensional consciousness of
my oversoul group as i continue to integrate the knowing of all of our lives.
Through it all i keep coming back to:
"Love is the answer."
"Was there a question?"
and that
percept yields as consequence:
Ahimsa means accepting others without trying to change them,
which brings me full circle to the beginning of today's posting,
dealing with those whose first choice is to
seek help to change everyone around them,
so that they won't have to change anything inside themself.
Dishonoring the essence of others,
and / or one's contracts with others,
is the essential opposite of ahimsa.