Everything which can exist already does exist, in some parallel-reality time-line. By aligning our own frequencies with those characteristic of any reality time-line we jump or hop from where we were in another vibration to the reality which is the reflection (in manifestation) of the new vibrational reality. The enlightened empowered creator god(dess) consciously chooses and intends a given reality, actively sets their vibrational field, and thereby quantum leaps into that reality (law of attraction, the illusion of "creation"). The people who are passive receivers of what is around them, or those who do not establish energetic boundaries, receive the collective reality of the entities they merge with.
In changing between time-lines, we may make a single quantum leap, directly accomplishing an "awesome miracle", or, we may choose to go on a journey, however convoluted or long we create it to be, making a lot of time-line hops, between the original and target realities. Motivations for creating a journey often include:
- I am more interested in the scenery of the journey than the destination.
- I must "overcome the enemy / obstacle" before i can receive the target reality.
- I must "attain the assistance of the saviour / ally" before i can receive the target reality.
- I wish to experience "acting as the saviour / ally" for others as we together go to the target.
- I wish to "take credit for having created" (success in the journey to) the target reality.
Most of those choices which involve relationships with either obstacles or helpers, are actually self created dramas through which the individual is working on the self chosen "issues" of deservingness, worthiness, or lovability. All of these are of duality.
Ascension is minimally classified to require disengagement with all duality, to arrive in a unity consciousness. Therefore we could say that the process of Ascension, is an exercise in the duality between duality and unity. That is a paradox. There are a number of extant "systems of belief" "out there" for us to choose from (if not being purely in creator mode of our own reality), which contain within them a duality between the old "reality" and a collective target "reality". Some of these "dualistic realities" involve the collective having to overcome a collective obstacle / enemy, or the collective "needing" the help of a collective ally / saviour. These are not truths, they are merely alternative time-line parallel-realities. Some of these are (switch on echo chamber and boost the bass...) "Galactic Scale" (...back to normal sound), and may involve various "higher dimensional" / "less dense", or angelic / demonic, or ET entities or collective groups thereof. None of us need the help of an ally to overcome an obstacle, nor does a collective reality need a collection of allies to overcome a collection of enemies, all any of us need to do is to choose to:
- Let go of the parallel-reality time-line you were harmonizing with.
- Begin to vibrate in your own energy field the preferred reality you intend to experience.
No thing and no one has more power than you do to choose your own reality, you merely need to choose to vibrate in your preferred reality, to get there. There is nothing and noone you either need to overcome or get the help of. You do, however, have the option to choose to create a journey for yourself, perhaps even one you enter without having chosen a destination reality, wherein you jump into some parallel-reality time-line involving any such group, and you can thereby align with or against a multitude of groups, thereby manifesting a duality to explore and experience, which is a learning experience involving contrast, (between what does or not vibrate in harmony with your core essence / soul / higher-self), as a vehicle of self-discovery, of "knowing thyself". Once you're clear on your perferences and have become neutral about all dualities, you can jump up to New-Gaia Unity Consciousness of Love, where we will happily welcome you with Aloha. -- tomril of the crystal faeries
OMG, i just completed a couple's reading, and then resumed my website review with this page, and the correlations are amazing. We are sorting ourselves into which wave of ascension we are ready to "surf", and this can rip-apart relationships for the few years between waves of ascension, and yet, still, on the other side of ascension, we become again compatible, but, to the extent that some realities are mutually exclusive, e.g. which wave of ascension you are choosing to "surf", the temporary mutually exclusive realities are quite a challenge.