![[Flying Faery]](/imgs/animations/landscape/flyingfaery.gif)
Awakening lucidly from dreamstate, i am re-concluding as i have before, that i am indeed to remain fully in non-dual reality, and address all issues from the transcendent state of parallel realities or alternate time-lines, rather than addressing any dualistic issues. i also am again and again brought to the knowing that, we all belong operating in creator mode, rather than in reaction mode.
The higher consciousness and higher reality paradigm is:
"We can clear out the manifestations you have created
and we can then all hop time-lines to the
5D+ ascended
Gaia where we don't play 4D- dualistic games."
"Yes, a
Djedi's strength flows from the Force.
But beware of the dark side.
Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they.
Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight.
If once you start down the dark path,
forever will it dominate your destiny,
consume you it will,
as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice." -- Yoda
The Djedi agenda is quite simple:
"Does this action bring more
Love into the world?
If yes, continue. If not, desist."
So, continuing on with my assessment of dealing with implants... It is the precept of we, the crystal faeries, that the only viable, worthy, long-term solution, is to raise ones vibration to transcend all the duality in which this game exists.
Yet another customer find i to be with implant,
and yet again find i guidance to address the problem in general,
to find a solution for all of Kaua'i,
for all of our 8D Ascension Portal network.
It is time for a change of
I'm jumping to a time-line where
this problem does not exist,
and therefore i don't have to heal anyone of implants.
The difference from healing everyone with implants?
A lot of work and karmic blowback i can skip.
All i have to do is
play my flute to correct the distortions of the false ascension illusion.
This is Faery
Faery blessings --