
[a]scension blog

2nd December 2013

Today i was (re-)introduced to (the latest version of) the One Peoples Public Trust, by a messenger of good heart. Any of us may with loving intent, be deceived, or innocent, or ignorant, and thereby both take a path into deception, and with loving intent guide others into the same deception. It has been my conclusion that for myself it is best to be engaged in as few contracts as possible. It has been my conclusion that for all of us, it is essential to fully comprehend a contract, before you understand that contract (stand under its power) by undersigning (bonding yourself to) that contract. Perhaps Matthew 18:18 is worthy of consideration even if the remainder of the book be rejected: 'Verily i say to you, Whatever ye shall bind on Gaia, shall be bound in heaven: and whatever ye shall loose on Gaia, shall be loosed in heaven.', because we are multidimensional entities.

Both in my initial exposure to it at its origins, and in the current exposure, i find incongruencies which trigger my suspicion, which trigger my questioning and vigilant discernment. Fools rush in where celeste insists upon comprehension, particularly when the temptation is not only the liberation from the global slavery system, but also when the bait is easy material wealth. It is fairly well known that the money slavery system is peculiar to Gaia, and that money is fairly well a foreign concept in the celestial or extraterrestrial realities. i have been very careful to seek only liberation from government, not material abundance, and yet the local corruption has resulted in less freedom in practice.

My actions with the crystal faeries to bring all of Kaua'i to unlimited liability, is in some ways mirrored in the expression of OPPT's successor as it now stands, thus i find some alignment with it, and perhaps a way to overcome the extant corruption. My old way would be to actually read all the documents, in that very perverted and twisted language known as "legalese", before even considering participating in this 'offering'. i have just recently received warning that 'I am being set-up', which has made me hyper vigilant for deception and misdirection. While our crystal faeries focus is transcendent reality, this OPPT is claiming its 'power' from that realm, and therefore perhaps it is not inconsistent to query my family about it all. That this should arrive right upon the new moon cycle is clearly either solid support for my new time-line reality, or a final exam test of the purity of my motivation and perception. Thus i now request of my crystal faeries family, their 'take' on OPPT, and / or about any appropriateness for me to become involved with it, and / or is this relevant to my pending 'move' in the physical realm?

"You are to investigate their procedure, and walk very gently. You are well aware of the disruption this is causing, and are simply to remain focussed upon your pre-existing goals. More than the disruption in 'how the world works', and in the dichotomous split generated by the bifurcation of reality, of those who are of New-Gaia versus remaining in dualistic limitations, there will be great disruption inside those who embrace OPPT, but were not already of transcendent reality, as they attempt to use their material 'wealth' as a substitute for doing inner spiritual growth. We can expect many to destroy themselves with their greed fulfilled. You will continue on your path rather than taking (potential) material wealth as a sign to aggrandize your goals." -- crystalfaeries

Yes, i certainly grok this wisdom.
What of the warning about 'being set up'?

"This is what you cleared overnight in the astral realms preparatory to today." -- crystalfaeries

i do not per se agree with all of this presentation, however, it is fairly effective at presenting the negativity of volunteering to become a 'bondservant': OPPT & Slavery Through Intellectual Conscription By Deceit - Love For Life - Arthur Cristian

  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2

In summary, this is just another case of an apparent defector from THE BEAST, offering an alternative form of THE BEAST, to the gullible or the greedy. Stop and ask yourself if U.S.$10,000,000,000 to play with in one lifetime, is truly a fair exchange for eternal bondage of your soul as a 'bondservant'? Having debunked this, what alternative do i offer?
The divine is already within each and every one of us.
That is all you need, to be either free or abundant.
Operate in unlimited liability, and love.

A Sad Day for OPPT
Anna von Reitz

Mon, 23 Jul 2018 12:37:38 -0800

Heather Ann Tucci-Jareff has been sentenced to 57 months in a Federal Prison. Almost five years of her life is being stolen from her and her family and for what? Attempting to do to the banks what the banks have done to all of us.

What she is really being sentenced for is insubordination. As a Bar Attorney, also known as a Shipping Clerk in the British Merchant Marine Service, she has no right to sue those chartering her "vessel for hire".

She assumed that she had standing to sue, but she didn't argue it. She didn't fall back on the actual Dual Citizenship that applies to her, and she didn't make preparation to defend her claim on that basis. She never took my advice.

Like most Bar Attorneys (except Bill and Hillary Clinton) she no doubt thought that she, a registered JD, knew more about the law and about jurisdiction than I did. It never occurred to her that the registration of her "vessel" as a JD had an undisclosed downside. It never crossed her mind that she could be in a compromised position and be unable to defend or prosecute a public venue case in her own behalf, and that in fact, so long as she subscribes herself as a Bar Attorney, she has no standing to do any such thing.

I could weep. There are so many good people out there, on both sides of this fence, who are being railroaded and arrested and harassed and harmed for no good reason, while the real criminals sit fat and happy in Washington, DC, in Paris, in Brussels, in Rome, in Berlin, in Saipan, in Manila, in Tokyo and Beijing.

They hired and pay the Bar Association to protect them and collect their debts. They are in charge of the biggest con game and racketeering scheme under color of law in the history of the planet, and they have gotten away with it for so long, that they imagine that nobody will ever figure it out and come after them.

They laugh at people like Heather, because they know that her JD knowledge has been hand-crafted to be missing certain key facts and information, to be focused almost entirely on procedure and Territorial Case Law. They took over the American Law Schools over a century ago and jettisoned the "rest of the story" so we really do have the blind leading the blind.

Most lawyers are innocent as children in their belief that they know the truth and they know how things work and they are right and blessed and lords of the universe --- until they wind up busted for doing the right thing, and are left with the ultimate cognitive dissonance staring them in the face.

I hope by some miracle of fate that Heather made enough of the right arguments to somehow mount a successful appeal. I hope that she is listening now, and that the rest of the members of the Paradigm Project are listening, too. Take this to heart:

Your only safety lies in knowing who and what you are and which side of the fence you are standing on---and being able to prove it.

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