Isis according to Gaia as channelled by Leeda "StarBird" Safa
GAIA: There is much you do not retain in your current state of conscious awareness, however this will change in time as the flow of this information comes into your awareness and reactivates these dormant codes. Isis, my dear child, was at one time the female representation of prime creator and during her time upon the planet those who feared the divine feminine power tried their best to suppress this flow of energy as it was understood that if the flow of feminine energy was blocked then they could in essence capture this energy for themselves and use it to grow their own power, that which is one rooted in darkness and one rooted in power control and dominion.
The essence of the female energy upon this planet is the one and only form of energy that has the ability to transmute and / or override the current state of affairs upon the planet. The manipulation and hijacking of this planet and those upon her has lead to a vast operation underway whereby those you would term archons or those who are in essence the masters or controllers of the archonic network are fast at work trying in every way that they can to suppress, block and retract for their own use this power of the divine feminine.
This topic runs deep with many millions of years of history and many levels and layers as to how and why and where this all happens, but at the core of this matter is the fact that the overall complete liberation of this planet and those upon it can not and will not occur unless this archonic technology has been dismantled or cleared from this reality.
There are those in the know who understand what is happening and they are hard at work trying to figure out ways by which teams of lightworkers on and off planet can join forces to help in the dismantling of this technology... however it is a daunting task and one that is quite misunderstood by the majority of those you term lightworkers or starseeds or the like.
It is this technology and the vast network of beings who serve to protect it and support it that has held this universe in a state of hostage. We can not allow for this planet to ascend with the presence of this technology as this technology can and does pose a universal threat if left undealt with.
There are those by which we would term the "resistance movement" who exist within and upon your planet and this task force so to speak has been assigned the duty of dismantling this technology.
There is much intel within these groups and the information is quite sensitive therefore we wish only to mention that they exist and are working tirelessly on this assignment as it is well understood within these groups the degree by which this topic is of key importance in the grand picture and the overall liberation and ascension of this planet.
"Isis continues to live on the surface of the Earth
( [occulted] away from her suppressors),
while her cousin, Ereškigal,'s daughter, and now his wife,
takes on her [historical] characteristics [fraudulently assumes her overt identity],
but continues to live in the Underworld!" -- Wes Penre
And who is being "demonized" by the
Luciferian / Satanic armies [of]
of today in the global warfare they wage to mind-control [mankind]?... "Isis".
This is yet another Black Magic Mind Control
Be thou very careful to do excessive research
separating lies from deeper lies in all that passes as "reality"
in "the World" which is under the dominion of the great deceiver!
There are times i need to remind myself that when "nought but one in a million
perceive truth", that the population of the Hawaiian isles is about 1.5 million,
and that of my little island of
Kaua'i is but 70,000.
And when we compare the book of life's 144,000 to the 7Billion bodies on the planet,
that is but 1 in 48,611 and therefore i should not be shocked that i have not
found here on Kaua'i more than one other being who is doing their best to live without
any of the Marks of the Beast.
So, to summarize, most "Magic" is tainted by Lucifer the deceiver,
who is served by The Beast, who has an army of minions,
the great masses surrounding us all, and yet...
there remains a true divine magic, embodied by
the high priestesses of spiritual fire, who
have been embodied in the genetics of a few on
planet Gaia,
and rarer still are those who, despite any beginning handicaps
have diligently pursued awakening and ethics
to the point of activating both their light-body and their
DNA to the level of adeptness, to invoke
miracles in compliance with
ahimsa via
resonance-magick based in
honoring of differences, and
From the Fellowship of Isis:
"ISIS, She also made known the methods of curing disease by medicine and magic."
Cloak of the Illuminati
by William Henry
From pages 164-168 of Cloak of the Illuminati by William Henry:
"In order to fully appreciate the story of Nimrod
(and his successor Nebuchadnezzar)
and his donning of the skin of the Mighty Man,
which undoubtedly was engineered by E.A.,
let us briefly explore the story of E.A.,
its provider.
E.A. is the great Anunnaki scientist
featured in the Sumerian epic poems and romanticized in the [fictional -- celeste] works of Sitchin,
who maintains E.A. genetically modified the [mankind] race as a slave race to mine gold.
[ Sitchin had his own agenda and story to tell,
in support of which he "bent" the language. -- celeste ]
He was opposed in this endeavor by his half-brother, Enlil,
who responded to E.A.'s later transmutation of
a select few of the [mankind] element into a god-like being by sending the Flood,
wiping (most all of) them off the face of the EA-Rth.
E.A. and Enlil had been bitter rivals since before coming to Earth.
[mankind] became their new swords.
E.A. and his priests, seek to uplift [mankind] to the level of the gods
through global education and revelation of all sacred secrets.
Enlil's priests seek to keep [mankind] at the level of slaves and sex objects,
the property of a police state cryptocracy.
Enlil, called the "prince of Ea-Rth" whose command made the heavens tremble,
is militaristic, managerial, hands on, and totally opposite of [prince] E.A., the dreamer.
He too bestowed a suit of the Mighty Man.
He was furious at E.A. for creating this "slave race"
[which contained the genetic ability to "become as the gods" -- celeste]
(which he later turned into sex objects).
He was threatened by the appearance of the super [mankind].
There is the interesting statement in
the Popol Vuh,
which reflects Enlil's thoughts on the matter of
"his" slaves who became perfect:
'It is not well that our creatures should know all.
Must they perchance be the equals of ourselves, their makers,
who can see far, who know all and see all? ...
Must they also be gods?'
One ancient name for these beings is the Irish
sidhe (pronounced "she") people
[ the fairies -- celeste ]
They are considered to be direct descendents or reincarnations of the Illuminati.
They are also considered by some to be the previous version of Illuminati. -- celeste
Evans Wentz notes that these sidhe people are described as
a race of majestic appearance and marvelous beauty,
in form [mankind],
yet in nature divine.
They are divided into two classes:
those which are shining,
and those which are opalescent and seem lit up by a light within themselves.
The word sidh informs us of the nature of the forbidden teachings that E.A. desired to teach. Sidh appears to be related to the Latin sedes and the Sanskrit siddha, both words meaning power [s].
The Sanskrit term siddhi carries the meanings 'attainment,' 'accomplishment,' or 'perfection.' In the Hindu literature, this term is used to denote the abilities which self-realized or spiritually perfected individuals possess and use unselfishly. Scholars who have followed the 'missing years' of Jeshua have shown that he received training in India from Hindu and Buddhist masters. They taught him yogic abilities called the ashta-siddhi. These eight powers are:
- Animan: the ability to make oneself infinitely small in an instant;
- Mahiman: the power to grow infinitely large at will;
- Laghiman: (levitation): levitation;
- Prapti: the power to touch any object at any distance, such as scooping up a handful of dust on Mars;
- Prakamya: the ability to dive into the solid ground and move about as if it were air or water;
- Vashitva: total control over the elements;
- Ishitritva: the ability to create or destroy matter;
- Kamavasayitva: instant materialization of wishes
["blinky blinky" powers of crystalfaeries].
The Illuminati can achieve these powers by utilizing Buddha's noble eight-fold path.
- Right view
- Right resolve
- Right speech
- Right conduct
- Right livelihood
- Right effort [action]
- Right awareness
- Right meditation
In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talked about the benefits of living in the divine light. These benefits, or blessings, also eight in number, are known as the beatitudes, from the Latin word beatus or 'blessed'. The blessed, we have noted, have 'beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the skirt of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness.' They are called Skill(y) or Tula, both words mean 'blessed'.
In the gospels of Matthew and Luke, where the Sermon on the Mount is reported, the Greek word MAKARIOS is used. This, obviously, is MAKARA. Appropriately, this term previously had been used to specifically denote the happiness of the gods. Those who follow in the footsteps of Jesus and put on the Cloak of the Illuminati, known as practicing the imitatio Christi, will have a foretaste of the heavenly bliss to come.
According to Matthew's version, the eight beatitudes are:
- Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. - Blessed are they that mourn:
for they shall be comforted. - Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the EA-Rth. - Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled. - Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God. - Blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called the children of God. - Blessed are the merciful:
for they shall obtain mercy. - Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake:
for theirs' is the kingdom of heaven.
Because of E.A.'s genetic tinkering and his 'gift' of the Cloak of the Illuminati, EA-Rth [mankind] could be raised to the level of intellectual development of the 'gods', and transformed into Illuminati. The possibility that his creation could have even exceeded his other terrestrial overseers is evidenced by the statement of Jesus, '...he who believes in me will also do the works that i do; and greater works than these will he do, because i go to the Father.'
This knowledge, and the abilities it represents, is the true reason Enlil, who became Yahweh in the Hebrew tradition, was so enraged and threatened.
By this interpretation, E.A. was creating or activating a super race, remembered by the Essenes as 'Kanobi', and by other traditions in similar terms. They were the Mighty Men. The magic wand-like elegance of this hypothesis has been used to explain the lack of skeletal evidence between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens, a creature that in the twinkling of an eye, or the wave of a wand, developed a huge brain and vastly improved faculties. It also explains the legends of the lost super race. Sumerian lore makes it clear that E.A. put knowledge in [mankind] blood that transformed one into an El, Il or Illuminati. It is claimed that remnants of the purer pre-Flood race(s) created by E.A. exist in secret refuges, called the Mount of Salvation in the Grail romances, around the world. The vineyards of the Languedoc, including hyper-mysterious Rennes-le-Chateau are considered one of these locations. i have traced the secrets of E.A. there. According to Catharic belief, one object of Earth life was to make over the [mankind] body as a worthy vehicle for the light of the Holy Spirit (love). The point was to know the Grail not as a cup but as a process. Jesus was its modeler.
Insight into this teaching radiates from the name of the Cathar's home, the Languedoc. Named after the pre-Flood language system the Cathar priests claimed Jesus preached in -- the Language of Oc (possibly short for occamy, a corruption of alchemy) -- this place name is Cathar Jesus code. Webster's says ‘Oc' is the root of octo, 8, and ocular, the eye. A related Egyptian word, Ak, means ‘light', and aker means ‘light being'.
Ak-hu is the archetypal Cosmic Man of Light, or ideal archetype of [mankind] found in a host of Hermetic and Gnostic teachings, whether Egyptian, Jewish, Christian or Islamic. As Mircea Eliade notes in Shamanism, among the Iglulik Eskimos, who were driven out of some unknown homeland, a sequence of initiations concludes with the ang-ak-oq, (virtually the same word as Languedoc or L'ang-ak-oq), meaning 'lightening' or 'illumination'.
This angakoq, writes Eliade, consists of 'a mysterious light which the shaman suddenly feels in his body, inside his head, within his brain, an inexplicable searchlight, a luminous fire which enables him to see with both eyes, both literally and metaphorically speaking, for he can now, even with closed eyes, see through darkness and perceive things and coming events which are hidden from others.' The emphasis here is on eyes and light."
[ NOTE: that "EA-Rth" from the Sumerian means the Kingdom (Rth) of E.A.
It is high time to claim this planet as our own,
and reject naming it after him.
Thus, naming the planet for the spirit / soul who has embodied in it,
this is properly the planet
nor is the dirt to be named "earth",
it is "soil",
and high time we maintained our top-soils' rich biome of micro-organisms,
rather than killing them with petrochemicals.
Gaia is a living sentient being,
it is nothing less than an attempt to commit her into involuntary servitude
for any " [mankind]" to claim they own even the smallest piece of her body.
All claims of title to "land" are null and void,
and be glad they are, for if they are not,
the immediate consequence of a "valid claim"
is instant criminal conviction for enforcing slavery!
Cease and desist claiming to own land.
At best you may volunteer to be a caretaker of a portion of Gaia's body,
but if thou be negligent therein,
(as was ancient Hawaiian tradition),
another caretaker may take-over caretaking it.
We are not owners, but caretakers -- celeste]:
From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:
n 1: a custodian who is hired to take care of something
(property or a person)
[In this case the planet is the property (body) of the "person" Gaia -- celeste]
2: an official who performs the duties of an office temporarily;
"he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected"
From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thesaurus]:
23 Moby Thesaurus words for "caretaker":
air warden, attendant, castellan, conservator, curator, custodian,
forest ranger, game warden, gamekeeper, governor, guardian,
guardian angel, janitor, keeper, lifeguard, lifesaver, next friend,
prochein ami, ranger, shepherd, steward, warden, warder
Continuing on with pages 181-182 of Cloak of the Illuminati by William Henry:
"Daniel and the Illuminati
In 576 BC the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar looted and leveled the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem
and carried off into exile thousands of its leading citizens along with the treasure of the Temple.
From Judah's royal and noble families a handful of
youths without blemish, handsome and skillful in all wisdom (Dan.1:4)
were selected to serve in Nebuchadnezzar's royal palace at Babylon.
Among them were the prophet Daniel and three companions,
Hananiah, Misahel, and Azariah,
who were given new Babylonian names:
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
The king soon found that these four were
ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his kingdom
This is no small feat considering no less a personage than Pythagoras (I am the serpent)
had been initiated into the mystery schools of Babylon by Chaldean priests
just a few years before in 600 BC.
Pythagoras was the first to call himself a philosopher,
a man who sought the secrets of becoming a god-man.
Daniel (God is my judge) was not a personal name. It was a group of people, and probably included his three wise companions. Consulting mythologist Barbara G. Walker, we learn that was a title used to distinguish a person of the Goddess Dana or Diana, the Queen of Heaven. Diana is the light of Ana, meaning heaven. Irish legend makes her the mother of the Celtic Tuatha De Danann (pronounced thoo-AH-huh duh-DAH-nun), the fair folk -- the Sidhe people -- who brought the Stone of Destiny with them. In Irish history, the mystical Tuatha De Danann, are described as heaven-sent gods, and not-gods (philosophers). They are compared with the Sanskrit deva (shining one, god) and adeva (Devil), which became daeva (devil) in Persian. The Old English divell (devil) can be traced to the Roman derivative divus, divi: gods. This magical race, ageless and beautiful, remains to this day in the fairy hills of Ireland."