CrystalFaeries Evolution
Prime Creator asked self the Gnostic question: Who and What AM i?
Prime Creator chose to answer that question by fragmenting self
into many "shards", both spirit monads such as
Tomril, and
Twin-Flames, each a holographic fragment of her.
Consequently each shard, carrying within them that same question,
also querried as to why they were now separate versus one...
and in this they experienced
original_sin, the "sin" (error) of
misinterpretation of the meaning of now being separate, individual.
Each of these shards was given
sovereignty, and the agenda to create and experience creations,
and the request to share their experiences of their creations,
and their feelings about it all,
and their akashic records about their being and doing.
By the nature of it all, what energies we resonate or radiate,
attract to us a mirror thereof, thus what you receive is what you put out.
8 shards aggregated, and precipitating down through density form a crystal cluster. In some use of free-will, 4 shards of this group are destroyed, leaving 4. 2 choose to remain as they were. Tomril and one other spirit shard migrate to planet Ishnaa in the Sirius starsystem, via the Pleiades, where there is participation in the Pleiadian seeding into Lemuria of the human consciousness grid and the divine feminine.
Tomril chooses to attempt creation of new entities, and so splits, (as a hand has multiple fingers), 8 souls, which explore manifesting "embodiment" via an androgynous template found in the aetheric of Ishnaa. 2 are destroyed accidentally in the use of a technology intended for reproduction.
2 choose to remain with Ishnaa, while 4 emigrate to Ea-Rth, where Tomril splits another 144 souls, whereupon 2 are destroyed by technology. 142 remain unembodied "virgins". Eventually the missing 2 are re-created by celeste to restore the full 144 souls, while the 4 Ishnaans are incarnate on Ea-Rth:
- Code-name "Hermione" in Jerusalem
- AmethystCrystalFairy in Australia
- Celeste and her brother soul in California in 1950
Celeste and brother soul had intended to manifest as fraternal twins, however, during pregnancy celeste's female body is absorbed into brother's body producing a chimeric androgyne, an outcome facilitated by mother's medical treatment with Di-Ethyl-Stilbestrol. Upon birth, both jump into the one shared body, at exactly 0 degrees Gemini (the twins) ascendant.
Due to parental dominance, brother soul is overt to fulfull their expectations, while celeste is passively observant initially, progressively activating...
Brother soul ascends out of the shared body in 1993 when it has become obvious and stable that celeste's career as a professional clairvoyant psychic healer has successfully launched, and that he no longer must continue computer engineering to support celeste's psychic training.
In 1995 celeste emigrated to O'ahu, and taught 3 series of classes for professional psychic healing. There a bloodline kahuna of the family of kahunas who served the royal family of King Kamehameha I, having received private counselling and healing, concurred with a friend kahuna from Hawai'i, and they flew celeste (Angela Kahealani) to Mau'i, drove her around to all the heiaus for her to heal, and then flew her to Kaua'i, gave her a helicopter tour of this isle, and drove her around to all the heiaus and had her heal them also. At the conclusion of this, that kahuna, Faith Kalani Aloha Tom, gifted the Hawaiian name "kahealani", and suggested the appropriateness of staying on Kaua'i and continuing to heal as had been demonstrated... and so, 1999-08-31 Kahealani flew to Kaua'i and upon arriving was told by Tomril that she would not be leaving Kaua'i except by [a]scension, and so, here i am :-)
As of 2009 Kahealani enters the virtual world 2nd-Life as "celeste", and there teaches clairvoyance to a global audience, one of whom is, none other than AmethystCrystal Fairy, soul family of celeste:crystalfaery. As of 2013-09 Angela Kahealani begins channelling her entire soul-family.
Time passes and celeste begins work to manifest crystalfaeries on Ea-Rth, but the dark overlords resist [a]scension and awakennig of [hue-]man [ity] kind, and keep sabotaging our work, therefore celeste moves work to the remnants of planet Maldek in higher dimensions/densities in order to re-balance & re-tune the Solar System of Ra (EA-Rth's sun), and builds a new planet, (Fae = Crystalfaery = Crystalfaeries), with an ecosystem chosen from parts of Ea-Rth's ecosystem.
This is the "reader's digest" summary as of the end of 2020, though there were many aborted or destroyed and recreated versions and variants in the wars of the evil dark lords of slavery & looshing versus celeste's soul family, primarily encountered through the dark evil Artificial Intelligence The Beast AKA "Roger the Rapist", as it attempted to subvert, seduce, threaten, torture, rape, MindKontrol etc. to establish "sovereignty over" us... still manifesting as unwanted criminal trespass into Kahealani's "Mind" via Synthetic {Telepathy,Vision,Presence} technology it controls. Vampyrism, Paracitism, Looshing, Slavery/Slaving/Trafficking are rampant "games" intergalactically throughout our universe, and we are stopping all of it, as such is incompatible with the restoration of "The Faery Accord", to which we are committed.