
[a]scension blog

3rd March 2016

Today we honor and appreciate the faeries of the ocean, our mer-friends, who caretake the waters of life. We may comprehend that water itself is a crystaline structure, therefore one of the most abundant and important manifestations of crystal faeries energetics is our mer-realm, where we collaborate and cocreate with our cetacean and dolphin friends, whom we remind you are fully individuated ensouled beings of consciousness level similar to ensouled [mankind], and not to be confused with the group-soul animal-level consciousness of half of [mankind] and most animal species.

As we are completing a lunation cycle, we check that we have fully forgiven and released old energies, time-lines and parallel-realities.
We are revisiting this from 2016-03-06.
Synchronystically, i am revisiting a higher density island just off the coast of northern Kaua'i, seen from Anini beach several moons ago...
We experience a very deep serenity and love dwelling in the waters surrounding our precious goddess island.

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