2020-09-01 MarsDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja 5 Heirophant Inner will, motivation: Self-control, reconciliation, combination of opposed forces Sep 01 05:55 HST Moonset Sep 01 19:05 HST Moonrise at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple Sep 01 19:23 HST Moonfull at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple Sep 02 06:48 HST Moonset
As of COVeRt-19, whereupon the truth is,
the disease going around is actually "5G",
radiationdangers.com was made to vanish, however, we have archives:
Their last blog posting before disappearing was posted 2020-01-31, titled:
"Is The 'Coronavirus' Actually Radiation Sickness?"
FEMALES TAKE NOTE: the single most important choice you will ever make, in your entire life, is whether or not to carry your cellphone on your body or in something you wear over your clothes (a purse?). Unlike men who make zillions of sperm per day, you made all your eggs before you were even born. If you create damage to the DNA in your eggs with any toxin, be it physical, emotional, mental, or energetic (e.g. microwaves (e.g. cellphones)) that is FOR LIFE. You will NEVER be able to create a healthy child.
As a psychic, i've had a number of unpleasant experiences where
i had to very carefully determine if i should share my knowing
spontaneously, (i.e. without an initiating invitation). Case in
point was a woman at the local playground with several children,
the most recent (youngest) of which was mentally misfunctional,
the result of "autistic" and "ADHD" factors
created by a combination of Cell Phone Radiation and Vaccination.
She wound up screaming at him that he had "ruined my life"
because of the inordinate amount of time and energy of hers consumed,
with few positive results and a lot of trauma and dysfunction.
Finally i chose to not say a word to her, because
she was too locked into "the blame game" and
unwilling to take self responsibility as a contributing factor.
My summary is this: "If there is any chance that you will ever get pregnant before you die, then do NOT carry your cellphone on your body, nor allow vaccinations of your child, which means you'll have to forego the hospital and birth at home, preferably with a wise midwife, or, best of all... birth in the shallow waters of an oceanic beach, especially with dolphins swimming around the birth, i.e. a sacred birth rather than a corpseorate technoBERTHing.