
[a]scension blog

25th June 2020
2020-06-25 JupiterDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Consciousness Expansion:
	Hope, faith, trust, spiritual insight

from Wes Penre's 5th level:
Consider the following -- the AIF, at times, have used souls from other parts of the Galaxy (and perhaps from other galaxies as well) because they needed more slave workers. Then they forced these captured souls to incarnate on Earth in human bodies to do the dirty work for the slave masters. Won't these slaves from outside also inherit the capabilities of the human body? The answer to this question is apparently yes. Originally, there were certain souls that were designed to be here on Earth and in the primordial human bodies that already had these desired capabilities, and they were the only ones who were meant to participate in this Experiment. Now, from what it seems, there are quite a few non-human souls added to the mix. What will happen with them if humanity discovers how to use their body with full capacity? Will the bodies work the same way for them as they do for the original, human souls who got trapped here to begin with when the AIF came? The answer is quite possibly yes.
Then comes the big question: if the above is true (which it most probably is), why doesn't the AIF just take human bodies and start operating them at full capacity?
We already partly covered this question earlier, and we know that they can't do that because the genetically altered human body that we currently inhabit is not yet evolved enough, albeit it's getting there. Hence, the real question is -- can't the AIF just wait until the bodies are evolved enough and then just take them over and get the abilities as well?
Yes, they can! This is exactly part of what they are planning to do! ...

Faery blessings -- celeste

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