
[a]scension blog

8th June 2020
[Wolf in Sheepherd's Clothing]
2020-06-08 MoonDay's numerology:
	18 Moon
	 9 Hanged Man
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups and downs,
	illusions, deceptions

This morning begins with relative exhaustion, after a night of torture in the local ballpark, as a "tweaker" (abuser of MethAmphetamine), just had to play his guitar and shout lyrics at the empty ball field, from 10PM through at least 6AM when i finally left. If he could sing on key, maintain a rhythm, play a harmonious vs discordant chord, not go spastic with the guitar aperiodically, and if all his lyrics were not affirming (therefore (re-)creating) all the ills and wrongs of his life (well, history of life), then he wouldn't have completely trashed the energy field of the entire neighborhood... as the demons who possess the tweaker prefer, trying to take-over the neighborhood.

Am i complaining or playing "victim" here?
(OMG i better not be :-)
(in any case, i cleared the energy and blessed the area).

The point is that the tweaker is an example of what many people are going through right now on Ea-Rth; fear, uncertainty, doubt, and... despite a plethora of Bible references in the lyrics, still is not "resting assured" in his faith in Jah.

Now let's imagine for a minute here, that the Tweaker comes down off the Meth, and in a different state of mind, proceeds to do some kind of ritual or meditation during which he affirms a positive reality for himself and/or us.

Will he have invested as much spiritual energy into the positive reality as he just invested all night long on all of his worst fears, uncertainty, and doubt?

It is the bulk of our energy, the average of it, as it were, that is creating our reality, moment by moment...
What we focus upon we empower (by the law of attraction, create more of it in our life).
Sure, we feel the feelings and release them (not recycle and amplify them for 10+ hours, (especially not while on a high-energy low-vibration drug)).
Then we get on with creating our preferred reality.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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