![[2020-04-22 YouTube Corpse-oRATs_Policy_of_Censorship]](/imgs/landscape/2020-04-22.youtube_corpse-orats_policy_of_censorship.png)
2020-05-07 JupiterDay's numerology: 16 Tower 7 Chariot Consciousness Expansion: Change brought about by shock, awakening, liberation from an imprisoning reality Wesak
We remind those of you not standing in sovereignty, that "the government" hath declared you to be an enemy of the state, and it is your choice as to whe{ther,n} you choose to declare peace, come off the high-seas of commercial warfare, and go to peace upon the soil, where you merely must be harmless to the ecosystem, (damage NOT other bodies or their property).
![[girl with leashed dog, sitting upon wooden shipping crate containing caged penguin]](/posix/doc/img/penguin_in_shipping_crate.jpg)
There is a corrolary to your choice to exit Mammon, for health depends upon congruence between our feelings, thoughts, words, and deeds, and in our energy bodies harmony between physical, emotional, mental, and soul and spirit. That corrolary suggests ceasing to {ma,pa}tronize commerce, end your addiction to corpse-orate "freebies" which are only free to the extent you do not value your eternal soul, and let the Penguin out of the box.