
[a]scension blog

3rd May 2020
2020-05-03 SunDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Higher-Self Essence: Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces
May 03 	TriWeekly selene+celeste+kahealani

Welcome_To_Big_Market_Valerian_and_the_City_of_a_Thousand_Planets_2017_English is the dystopian future most of humanity will arrive in by staying-home rather than having the balls to stand up free from:

By the time of the 90 days of vacancy of office of all the "governments" now being liquidated in bankruptcy expires, you'd better not continue giving them authority over your life.

From a friend in CALIFORNIA:

> Food is going to be scarce, so would you have a place to grow food?

There is either an absolute treasonous fiction fraud such as
"the State" or "the County", or a corpse-orate zombie "citizen"
fraudulently claiming, from the lawful position of no rights whatsoever,
to "own" or "control" every square inch of 'aina of Kaua'i. Even the
wilderness of the cliffs side of the island is periodically (even before
COVID), overrun with fraudulent park rangers destroying crops and camps.

> I can send seeds ; I have carrots and Swiss chard. If you can clear a spot
> in the forest to plant them, there is still time for them to grow before
> the heat. Will the pigs eat them? Is that feasible?

Seeds are most welcome!

> So far the farmers markets are full of food,
> but we do not know how long this will go on.

all our farmers markets were shut down, because all the farmers are
in corpse-orate status having to have a "license" from "the County"
to participate in the corpse-orate "markets".

> Newsom is dragging it out, of course.

i care not which treasnous lying fraudulent government "agent" is 
pretending authority when ALL of the 50 Corpse-Orate E-"states" and
the thousands of incorpse-orated counties throughout ALL of "the US"
ALL lost ALL delegation of authority 2018-10-09. Period.

They are shut down for 90 days, and required to vacate all offices,
as part of the liquidation in bankruptcy of ALL 3 of the Federal
Wash, D.C., all 50 of the eStates, and all of the thousands of counties.

The huge psy-op of COVIR-19 is the cover story for their vacancy of
offices, and if you in-corpse-orated idiots don't stand up against them,
and stop giving away your divine power of free-will
self-karmic-responsibility to direct your own lives,
keep projecting blame and authority and responsibility upon these
evil soulless bastards, you'll all die on your way to hell, or...
take the solution they're offering... the singularity... upload your
consciousness into the cloud and merge with the computers in a mental
fantasy of "life", by which you'll lose your body as well as your soul.

> I hear that Maui has drones checking on beach goers!
> But I think herbs are the best help to keep energy...
> mint, parsley, basil, oregano etc.
> No doubt you have access to fruit off trees like mangoes or papaya.
> Even a little goes a long way.
> Perhaps you can contact a farmer to let you work for some fresh veggies.

There are subsistence level wage-slave camps on zoned agricultural land in
Moloa'a which for many years have been worked by people living in tents.

> I know a lady with a huge pig on Kauai and a few horses. She is related
> to my son in law and we all visited her in 2009.  I can find out if she
> needs help as she was elderly then. It was about 3 miles from where you
> were living then on the same road.

i am a minister, healer, and can do,
as brother David did, computer work.

> Here is a helpful site for edible wild food in Hawaii:

thank you for all your caring and lovingly intended inspiration.

> I hope you are taking care of yourself.

to "take care" = "charity" = renunciation of sovereignty.
i "give gifts" of love, and receive gifts with no strings attached.

> The finale is here... we have to put up with more shit
> from this old dying system, but arrests have been happening,
> and many nefarious beings have "disappeared" from the scene.
> Many thousands of children have been rescued... pedos in jail...
> this virus was their last gasp....  Blessings Anonymous

From a friend on HAWAII:
> Thank You Dearest For Seeing Me, [...]

To whatever extent any of us succeed at seeing ourselves,
we become capable of seeing the same levels within others,
and still... seeing others is not always the same as finding
that we are on compatible journeys being ourselves in the world.

May more mothers find ways to not only sacred birthing, but also
sacred pregnancy and sacred conception. It is the sacredness of
human life which is being lost by Terran Humanity... very sad :-(

These are very intense times on the planet,
when perhaps many of us cannot afford to waste our microseconds,
and still accomplish what we came to be and do... thus we may
find limited ability to commune with non-mission energies.

Sometimes god(dess) sends you an angel to assist you...
Sometimes god(dess) sends you as angel to assist another.

aloha, celeste

> :-)  Who is kryon ?

Kryon, of magnetic service,
is a non-incarnate entity,
channelled by Lee Carroll.

He has spoken in channellings of our physics needing to learn,
as other star races know and utilize in their space/time-craft
the 6, not 4 forces, and is one of those supporting for humanity
[a]scension to a better life beyond 3D:

Faery blessings -- celeste

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