
[a]scension blog

21st September 2019

A court may not allow into evidence anything which is beyond the jurisdiction of that court or it becomes "stare decisis" and is fraud... especially any evidence which proves the court lacks jurisdiction it "wants to have" but does not. Court bad.

Only undisputed fact or truth is admissable. Serve a notice as Affidavit signed by Notary... truth only... 28US9746(1) under the laws of "USA"? else default to jurisdicton of "US". May be supported by unsworn, if executed without US, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the USA.

Notice of Deault + Assent 28 USC 1746(1) after they fail to rebut.

Record in the county, or any county in the State, and get certified copy. Attach to

Notice to Include and Augment the Record with all the evidence of Affidavit.

If judge doesn't allow evidence... appeal.

Court File via clerk, Court Record via Court Transcript. Have someone else bring to clerk re: case.

On and For the Record, i am the secured party creditor.

Listen to Barton Buhtz on Higher Ground 05-18.18-0

Faery blessings -- celeste

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